HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-07-02, Page 5141 2ad 1914 Clinton News -Record Blake 4)611 0a4' .-SakeAc'on- • herived• lionie • case day lest'ineek With new automobile which comee,in real balulYstor tnip westward. • The' a:eclat:it eltowers have. done 'the been and ether crops a great antourd •good alld everything prcurnises a ,benntiftd.harveet, •' The "Yotiag people 'Set Blake have or-, , - . uganized• a basket ball teem and have, 'work outs twice a week wbieh hepS to ' -enliven our village. " On ;Tuesday evening atter , the game ;two of' the • 'young ladies.. treated the team to a Aainty'lTele • Mr; R. N. Douglap has been on the-. •:sick list 'for' a few days. His many.' driendewish for his speedy' recovery,. Mie$1111yrtle• Meyers "spent Sunda•p -under 'Ilse. parental rOoft--- Dirs-sOohn Douglae :invited, the lade, -3es' rd the meighbointodd to a quilting liee last Vridey.w-hen all. spent e very •orinjoyable and., eadustrons afternoon, , Dosdale. ,end, Mrs. Joseph Bedard of Chatham:are Visiting friends in 1hie " • • A- pretty wedding took „place in St Petee e church oil Tuesday morning .01 iaet 'Week when„ Miss Ida,, daught- , ,er of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gelinas, be- ' came the Inede at tee, JoluilVIontag- ate of. Walpole. The bride was daint- • ily gowned en et'eisiii' satin With lace *Tad pearl trimmings, She also wore -a veil and wreathe Miss Many., sis- ter or the beide; was bridesmaid and wore dbeautiful frock of brown tin The groomsman wad Mr. .ArtliIir Gel- inas .- At tho ConeluSion ;of the cere- tmonyethe bridal party ad guests .drove eo the home of the bride's par- • eats where a sumptuous. wedding 1»» - was seeved. genies, music) and -dancing was then indulged in Until it it was time for the' newly -wedded pair to take their departure. Mr. .nnd Mrs. Montague will reside at Wal- pole. They have the best wishes of sa large •eirele, ef friends for a prosper- ous happy journey through life. &midi Area Geo. Theil, who has teen very 411, le now thought to he on the, wap hp reeeverp. 'Mrs.' Wurtz of Berlin has bean in 'town visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Js S., 'Mende Mr, and Mrs. Bernhardt and Rev, -and Mrs. C. 0. J., Maass of Preston, the -letter formerly pastor here; were In town last week taking in the sup- ' ' per at the Lutheran parsonage. Mx. and Mrs. W. Drununart and Mrs, 'limiting of Berlin visited in truism last week. Misses Hama Sipple and, Mice, Zel- ler spent a few days in Berlin during the past week, Miss Erie Guenther -OrTiashwood Was the guest of Mies Elva Heycock dor a day or so recently. • Bluth Mrs. (Rev.) W. McLean and child- ren or Hanover have been the guests •ot the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Elder, for the past week, Councillor, Joseph Carter received word last week of the death of his brother, J. C. Carter of Oakland, Cal,' The late Me Carter was at •one time, a good many years ago, a resident of Myth but of late years had resided in California after :re- turning from a sojourn at the Yukon. Mrs. Walter Cuninghante passed :away at the home of her son, Mr, Walter Cuninghame of the thirteenth mon, of Hullett on -Friday -week, Miss Franklin Moore. of Toronto • visited here with her sister recently, leaving here to visit triends at Rip- ley. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mellroy returned last week from their honeymoon, trip and have beconie comtortably settled in their home on Queen street. Miss Margaret McTaggart of Exeter and Mes. Goodfellow ar Toronto vis- ited their brothers,_ Mr. E. G. and Dr. MeTaggart of town, teat week. McKillop Towship. ,‘ The Fvost on Friday night week: caused a glomn to rest on the noun- tenence of some of our bean and c orn growers. Mr. James Wall has been on a pleas- ant visit to relatives at Hensel/. The. lawn social at the home oE Mr. Dodds on Thuraday evening last was •qnite a pleasant affair, • Mr, and Mrs, Leeming have been . away visiting relatives in Mitchell and from there they too' a trip to Stratford, • Robert Munn has gone on a holiday eating to New Ontario. and his bla,ek- smith shop is closed for the present, Picnics and garden parties will be •all the go this week and .next. - Auburn The Brass Band which was organize ed here last autumn has been making :rapid progress and those who hear it are amazed end delighted with the efficiency it has attained in $o -short a time. The following, which -are genie of the engagements booked for the season, speak for the repute - .tion it has gained ; these, as will be seen, have all been or are prospec- tive lawn socials with the exception -of the Orange parade in_ Goderich o• n .July thirteenth, They have already :played at the Blyth Women's. Insti- tute, ;. the Harloek Presbyterian church senehlee liffethodist church ; •'Donny- • brook 1Wetliedi1t church; ZiOn Metho- dist church ; D'Imgannon Methodists • church. Londesbedio Methodist chuteln, ,Jun e thirtieth, Auburn. .Baptist ;church ; July first, Londesboro Pres- byterian') church ; July seventh, Aub- urn Presbyterian eintreh ; July thir- teenth, the Orange celebration, God - NEWS -RECORD NEVYS-LEADER), Segforth. Miss le M. Woods, PrieciPal oO tlie Public school at Eao Olaircs, geturned- Nhis 'week and will spend Part or the vacation at; her horne here, in breezy, balmy Bayterd and 'among friende el- Sewhere, Miss Woods likes the 'north country whene forest primeval abounds that is second best fox of course Hu- • Miss ,C4-ertrude. Dorsey- has returned from „with• her sister, at in-, • Dr., ,Ross has reeoVeral from hie recent seven) illnesseand is again; able to .attend to business. e, • bliss, .Mabel Twitchell ofeiSt. Thont- as was *the .guest lastweek ofher 'sister, Mrs, Geo. Marshall; • •'• Mae. Webb and Miss Edn'aehaveree tented:, froma visit at .Tetonte, •iItbn and -,Niagara Falls:- • e. • .-ltrine-A. • S. Ferule .. of Dunfermline, - Scotland* is. visiting: his nephew; Mr., John •Murray of town,, _Miss Pelle Watson, "nseho has been teaching at Port Arthur, is spending,: the vacation at her home in to - Me. Gordon Gauld of Toronto Uni- versity was in town last WOCIC Vis iting friends!, Mrs., D. Philp -and babe. thave re. - burned: to their home in Toronto af- ter a visit ill town .with the lad' parents; Mr. and Mrs. John Murrap, . Mrs. (Dr.) Sloan has returned 'to her home in Toronto alter. a visit with Mrs. W. D. VanEgmend. Miss 'Evelyn Scott is. visiting with hdr uncle, Mr. .John Scott ot . Mrs. Belfry of Detroit is the guest of het sis.ter, Mrs, Il S. Hays, . Mrs. R. A.; McKinnon and baba have returned to their home .in Cal- gary atter a yisit with the lady's ne- ther, Mr. Geary, who accompanied them as jar as Toronto, „ Mrs. Chas. Stewart and Miss Friel have returned- loin a visit with fri- 'endS in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Steet, Mealord, and Mrs, Geo: Steet, Saginaw', Mich, have been visiting their mother, Mrs. Steet of Egtuondville, wto ;is - still suffering front the effects of her re- cent accident. Dr. and Mrs. Elliott and little son of Rhinelander, Wis., have been the guests of Mr, and Mrs, .John Beat- tie. Mrs. AreCauig and son of Port Ar- thur left here after a visit with fri- ends to spend a nionth at their old home at Sereiber before . returning to their home, Rev, Mr. Berry' ot Meaforil was in town- tot is few days last week calling on old friends, Mr. John Govenlock of MeKillop has been very ill al; the home of his son, Mr, Will Govenlock of Egutonci- ville. Mr, Palmer Whiteley has purchased Afr. MoKay's share in the furniture business lake), carried on by MeKay and Walker and has entere.d into pos- session. Mr. W. 11. Miner, principal of the (lollegiate institute, has leased Mre. James Wehee residence Oil East God- erich street and he and Mrs, Miller will occupy it atter the holidays. They have not yet taken up house- keeping since their marriage at feas- ter time. Arise S. McLean was in Stratford last week attending the funeral of her aunt, Mts. James ICyle, Mr, Win. Murdie has gone to Pert Arthur to spend the summer in Gov- ernment survey work. Mrs. Chas. Sochner and little son °f Hamilton have been visiting at I he lady's .parental home 'in town, that of Mr. and Mrs. john Beattie. They came ou account of the illneSS of Miss Helen Beattie, who is not i mproving as East as she appeared to be some time ago, and indeed, is considered quite ill, Mrs, (Rev.) Corbett, and little sou oAIontreal have arrived in town and intend spending the summer at the ham@ of the lady's lather, Mr. 5, Dickson, Misses nTorina Dickson and Verde Best left last week for the- west, the former to visit friends at Fort Sask- atchewan 'and the latter at Moose Jaw, Calgary and other points.' Mr. J. MeGavin of Vancouver is the guest of Mr, J, R. Govenlock. Postmaster Williams is epending a fortnight at Mount Clemens, fetich. Mrs, A. F. Char and familp haire returned from -a visit to the lady's parental home at Woodstock. Mrs, P. E. Lerinnon and son of Cal- gary are, visiting' at the limn» of Mrs. 'James Devereaux while Arr. Lem - mon is in New York on business. He will also visit his sister; before re- turning to inc home in the west. Wingham Mr. Ted Elliott of St- Malys vis- ited his home here for a few days re- •eently, • Mrs, Williams. of Termite was ill liONV11 last week visiting her son, Mr, Hemp Williams. Miss May Davidson or Wroxeter was a guest at the home of Mr., and Mrs 14. 13. Elliott tor a tow days last week, . Mass John Robison and Miss Lil- lian are spending a few • weeks in Muskoka and Midland stul" ()Tillie. Mr, B. R. Frail& of Westfield. Mass., -ha's: been visiting his uncle, Mr. 'A.. M.Frallek of town. Miss Britannia ESPie Poslilf, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Arron Poslid of ' town, was marled on Satutday week to M. Clairin Wilson of Turn - beery,' The young couple, after a short—bridal journey, have taken up •their abode tine the groom's farm in Turnberry and have the good wishes of a large circle Of friends. Beginning with' this week* the met - Chants are elpsing their placee of bus- iness on Wednesday afternoon during the months ot Jul' and AuguSt. Mr, Robb. J. Fleuty, who came home sick some weeks ago green' Ar- thur, died at the /Mine of his mother on. Friday week, • The funeral of the late, Alise Annie Burgess ot Wilsgham took place on Thinsdey last to -Brasses cemetery. ' Mr and Mrs. Geo, Smith of Dim- gannen wee the guests , ot Mr, and MrS. Robert Deyell last week„ • Godfrich.. • Mrs: ne Smith has rettehed: from 'a visit with her daughter in London and 'her eoneet Beinir,6 Creek, Mich. The Critfew bell will nob ring in Goderich in Ritmo when the band le giving an open air concert as the kiddie S dont like' being hustled off bo 'bed when there's things doing. Miss Jeat Lawson is Spending the slinuller at her home here,. Mrs. Megaw and two seres of Win- nipeg are visitMg -the lad'yis parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McLaren, Miss Ivy Elliott, who has beetstak- ing a 'course at Macdonatil s Guelph, lies returned for the' vacatioe. 'Mrs. J.,, 13', Entigh of Birth viSited her daughter, Mrs. A. Ple tBeadwie, lasteweek. and- Mrs, -J, D, MeMamins au- noeutee the engagement of the'e 'dau- ghter, IA) Jan M'olitigranery; to Rev, E. 'Montle° of Clieltenhain. Miss Marjorie Marrow ' of Dare/It' is ependinga two rnontlisacation at her home'in town. - • Miss Kirk, who has been engaged with 'the Hodgens' Bros,, gone - on a trip to her 'home in Scotland. ;She will return in the autumn. Capin Wm, Tretheway of Pori) Ar- Ihsur the guest for a few days' of Isis father, Capt. T. II. ' Tretheway last week svhile .on' his way from Chicago where he had been on busi- imr. John Is.. Walker of Colerado, a formeeresident of tqwn, was in God - elicit for a tew (Jaye last week: Mrs. Clemens and Mise Been) have retbrited to their home at Windsor after e visit with the Misses Henry at "Glen Cliff." ' Mrs. Cleo. Ablteson and Miss Brow - 21011 ot Toronto spent a few days ill town as the guests. of Mr. and Mrs. P, Brown. ' Miss Agnes Dunlop of Sarnia has been the guest of nrr. and Mrs. J. R. Orr of town. Hensall Mrs, eleott of Beechville has .been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Suther- land (luting tho past week. • Mrs. A. 11. King • of Toronto' has beea visitingher mother, Mrs. Nee - lends. 'Misses 'Amy and Gretta Lammic are home from Brantford for the summer vacation,. Mr. Earl Parlmer has taken a pos- ition as junior in the Royal Bank, Clinton, nirs. John Maearthur ot Loudoe is ..the •guesut or her brother, Mr, Harry Arnold. Mr, J. 'Case and family'motored up from Taronto last week and spent a few days as •the guests of Mr, W. Molt. They made the trip in a leie; urely way eajoying the scenery Els they came along. A117. Case is much unproved in lictalth. Mr. A. Fairbeirn and family . left last week for the west to resume terming on the farm they own out there, Miss Nina' Whitesides left •this week tor 'Detroit where she intends to re- side. Marriages SCTTON-MARSIIALL-At irensall, on Juno 170 by Rev. R. Hicks, Mary E. Marshall or Bayfield to Exederick Sutton of Pelee Island. ITARTT-K ELISIKAMP- At Medina, New York State, on June 25th, Ethel ;Irene, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. H. Le Baron Hartt, formerly of Clinton, to Albert Bohle Kelm- . kamp of Pittsburg, N. Y. ABBOTT -PETTY -At Hensel', June 200, Alice Lockwood Petty, to Charles, Abbott of London. AreGR MATH -ARMSTRONG -Its Ex- eter, on ,Inne 23rd, at the home ot the bride's parents, Ethel, dau- ghter of Me, aud Mrs. I, Arm- . strong, to Harry McCreath, of Lueknow, Deaths ELLYAR-At Bowmanville, on June 280, John Hellyar, aged 81 years, lather of Arr. IV, H. Hellyar oi C•linton. ARMSTRONG -At Ontario, Califor- nia, on June 24t1s, Kenneth, son of iVIr. and Arra J. S. Armstrong, and grandson of Mrs, W. Cooper, Clinton, aged 8 years. ' BTJRGESS-7•0 Winghain, on June 21st, Annie NI. Burgess, second daughter or the late Henry Burgess. FLEUTY-In. 'Wingham, on June 100 Robert John Fleuty, voungesb son of the late James Fluety. • FOR SALE. -A 3-YEAR:OLD GELD- ing„ broken in, arse two 2 -year --old fillies., --Apply to Frank Powell, Coderich townehip, Clinton P. 0. -40 FOR SALE -AT A SET OF LIGHT . double harness, _nearly new, not factoty made, at a bergain.---Bert Langford. -40 .FOR SALE. -1 HEINTZ,MAN PLAY- er piano; 1 Doherty upright, piano, nearly new ; 1 Singer sewing Dia - chine, new from -the r6-et'orY,-AP- ply to Wesley Walltet or James Dunford, ' •-• • ' -40 - . TEACHER WANTED,: -WANTED A qualified teacher ter S. S. -No. 11, • Stanley, ,duties to commence let Sept. Apply Stating experienee and salary: ',Applications received up ,to Jain T, Keys„ Sec:- Tree/outer, R. R. No. 1, Varna, FOR SALE), -,TWO DItIVING, MAR - es and huggp 15 "good repair. -Dr. J. S. Ev,ans. , -35 NEWS -RECORD NEWS -LEADER. A ".(1 ql`I ON S A L E. -THD UNDER- , signed will Offer for- sale by public anctien at his iptereises next The Newe-ReCord• office' it• 2 'o'cleck p. ine on Saturday, -July 11th, :the fol- .1esving : Large refrigerator 8 fie x 8 rt inside, -10004 'scales, tfeues pitting scale nearly .new, ' . meat blocks,' counterand- marlde slab, , 2 paper :cutters,' sausage 'Muller, 2 writing desks, meatechopper, step ladder, :3 -Meat saws-; 2 Cleavers, 2, :steele, :block brush and' scrapers'2. meat racks and hooks; :set 340 1b ; scales, tallow pte," 'grinds/if/nes 3 hog 'scrapers, 4 beef gnineralls and a number or pig gameralls, 2 ice - tongs, enoW -bate lainte rack, ' 3 light wagons suitable for' farmers, meat box, pig rack.. to fit any, wag- on; 2 light sleighs, good wood'epolt sto've nearly new;:thouse 4 paars , olil;''svell 'brokennand not -afraid of atitoe, a"good square ...trotter, • eine • of old Sidney'sscolts.' Alse about 'hlooliSe or 'lee:and-- saw " /fest; ' dozen white Wyndotte 'hens' and' other articles., :Tertns-All shies of' 010 and under; ' Cast) ; on over. that amount 5 nionbha credit,: on approved joint notes. -S; ' G. Cas- tle, Proprietor. T. Guridtv Auc- tioneer; NOTICE.. IS ,HEREBY GIVEN TO. merchants and all others that no eredit mist he given in my , nante to .my wire, Lucinda, Lei:bele „ with- out it .writtenorder from, mie.-- Devid Leetch, baytkid, Jane 240,• • • -39-2 PUBLIC NOTICE : - DURIN.G THE months mt. July and August the stores of the 'village of .Holinesville will close at five o'clock pea. on Wednesday of each' week. ---S. W. Miller, A. 3'. Courtier), Holmesville, June 200, 1914. -39-2, FOR SALE -FROST its WOOD HAY loader with trucks. As good as new -Apply to Mrs. Annie Col- elough, Baste Line, Clinton P.O. -38 FOR SALE, -NEW TOP ffUGGY, right from the factory ; auto seat, rubber tires, auto top, arch axles ; a classy rig. Will sell for less than, factory cost if sold quick, Ai -- so a new Singer sewing machine. - Apply to J, 0. Melerath or Wesley Walker, Clinton. -38 CLOSED, -THE OFFICES OF IV. Brydone, "Taylor and C. B. Hale will close Wednesday and Saturday atternoons until the middle of Sep- tember. -38. BUTTERMILK .-ANYBODY WANT- ing fresh buttermilk can have same on Wednesday or each week at Hol- mesville butter factory by phoning 1 on 143. -34. FOR SALE -A NORSMAN REFRI- gerator just; ac good as new. Will sell reasonable. -Apply to Wesley Walker, residence nigh street. -34. HAY FOR, SALE. - I HAVE A quantity of hay -baled and 'inhaled - for sale at $13 per ton at the harn.-John. R. Holmes, Holmesville -29 FOR RENT - SIX NICE, AIRY rooms, opposite the mill ; hard and soft water, convenient arrange- ments, tor accommodation of small family. Apply to -F. W. Evans, Phone 192. -32. FARM FOR SALE. -The William Proctor Farm, Lot Number 32 and south-west part of Lot Number 33, Maitland ConceSsion, Goilerieh town- ship, 114 acres. -Apply to W. Bry- doue, Clinton. -16. FOR SALE. 'Fork Rope, Ming- Rope and Trip Rape, Forks, Pulleys, Deering Twine, Machine Oil. 'Also a few buggies and a few sets of light harness bit that 1 will sell at cost. John May, Deering Agent Silts ler Sal ALSO 12 INCH WOOD, Stapleton Saw Mill. Where the Good PHOTOS Come From. , As I have opened a- Studio at Blyth, my Studio in Othrten , will be closed every, Tuesday( 1 am esteemed to go to the countrp en my Saxon Car, and do any, work you, wish to have clone within ehort .notiee. Phone 66. Clinton , °TT° FINK Photographer. VOTERS? LrsT 1911.-MUNICIPAL- ity of the village of Bayfield in tbe • County of I-Ittron.-Notice is here- • by given that I have transmitted or deliverqd to the persons mentioned • in sections 8 and 9 or the Ontario Voters' LiOt Act, the' copies re- • quired by such motions to be tranS- mittecl or delivered of 'the list made, pursuant to the said ,Act, of all persons appearing by the last Assessinent Roll of the said Muni- , eipality to' be entitled 'to vote at elections 'of menthers of the I,egis- lative 'Assembly and at 'Municipal elections,, and that the said list was first posted np at my office hi' Bar- • field on the 1811s day of June, 1914, • and 'remains 'there tor inspeceion. ,F,leetors are called upoe to exam - Me the sale list arid if anp orals- . -,ejoes pr other errors are,. found therein to take, immediate preCeed- ings to have said entors , corrected . according to law. Dated this 18th 'day of june, 101.4.-4-1. W. ErWeiri, -Village Clerk. , , -38. e, it'ARM FOR SALE. -LOT 9, CON. 3, ' Stanley, containing 100 acres, 90 acres cleated, the balance good hard- wood besli." The farm is well fenced ancl well' • miderileained and- in a fleet -class state of cultivation. 'There is a firSt-dass framie • house with furnace and hard' and soft . water in the house:. One, barn 50.41.. x 58 ft., one shed 261t x 52 ft., ; one horse stable and drive house 26 111-x '52 ft.,- all on stone founda-' tions, also tw'o good wells, ene at - house and one at 'the:barn and water' in the barn, Situated ono mile front schoel; .-24 miles from Brech- t/cid, 3-1 miles from Kippen, -mil- es` from Hensale. 9 'miles from Sea - forth or Clinton. Reason 'bor' sell- ing, wishing to retire, ---For further particulars apply on the premiees or address Robert Morrison, Brueefield P. 0. • --31-8 CREAM WANTED-IVE HAVE E- quipped an up -to -date -creamery nem and we are ready to receive cream, We solicit your patronage. We will pay you highest prices for your cream twice a month, also pay all express charges and furnish you with cans. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall and he will deliver it here. Write at once for cane aed give us a trial. -The Seatorth Creamery Co, Box 186, Seaforth. -20 130A5 FOR, SERVICE.- HAVING purchased fro.m Mr. G. Dale of Kin - bur» his spleedid Tamworth hog will lceep the same tor service on lot23, 8rd eon„ of Mullett. He is known as one of the best breeders ini the county. Terms 01 at time of service with the privilege of re- turning if necessary.. - L. Tyndall. -28. ••••••••••••••• DIE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Breakfast Foods for Hot Weather Corn-Flaket Puffed -Rice, Puff -Wheat, Sheddes Wheat, Gusto, Grape -Nuts, Triscuit, Post-Tosties, Dutch Rusk's, Force, Matto Vitae Just Received a Shipment of Flower Pots, Jardeneers, Dillrin and Toilet Sets, Call and g/st Prices, Fruits Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Pine -Ap- ples, Strawberries alid Tainatoes. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE 'AND LET LIVE GROCER. Are Yon Using Glasses. Many people are using glasses but many. more should. If they dld it would save them eye strain, causing headaches and preserve the sight longer' A. proper test by an optician will tell. Let us make the test for you? A J. GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Campaign OUR ANNUAL SUMMER CAM- , , • . PATC4N FOR NON-FERTILENEW- . _ pAID E,GGS BEG.A.N THIS WE'ETC. A. teas) suggestions hew to • geb first-blasS eigs in 113 wae..ya.ther ' • 1. Do away' with all' cok t,- • °1:e1621 athee eggd ice per d ,3. .Keep eggs in a dry . ' cool place, 4. Keep nests clean 'and a,voirl ..washing eggs. Markpt • eggs before • they am 11"im days old. . 6. Keep all extra large and small eggs loss home use. • - 7, Do•nob sell had eggs as Ibis dishonest. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. l'he Up=to-date Firm ' CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins TENT'S .for SALE Dolnot'expect to buy .114 second handtent in July, Phone:tne now forbbargains, F. J. HILL, Clinton. FOR SALE Two good Incubetors, one Chatham 240 egg and one Morgan,60 egg. White Leghorn Eggs for hatching, 01.00 setting of 15. Rock eggs $1.00 per 13. Special pen prize Barred Reeks $2 per setting. Also young racing Homer Pigeons, W. JACKSON. Poultry Plant, Clinton. For Sale in Clandeboye GOOD ‘1311I05 TIO'C'SE, 2 ACRES ORCHARD, SIIAB- 1E5, AND 15 ACRES LAND. CONVENIENT TO POST OF- FICE, SCHOOL AND CHURCH - APPLY W. A. JONES. 206 PERCY ST, OTTAWAs TO THE FARMERS • Try otos fertilizers Potash: and Acid Phosphate Nitrotie and 'soaa, for your root crop, We will mix theun for nou and j'ott will get the crop. Try our Corn Feed for cattle and hogs. Also Seed Corn and all kinds of flour alb the North End Feed Store. Come and see our agent foe the Heintzman Co. Frank W. Evans (Anton. TERMS : CASH, Phone 192 EVERYTHING IN TINNING • and sheet metal work is in Mir line. We fix the furnace in the cellar -or the skylight or the roof. Put a new ernokestack on your chimney gr a new zinc under the stove. LEADERS ARE LEADING the best of tinning work that needs looking after right now. Better have us look at them. A little of our work now may save pou a lot et trouble alter while. THOS. HAVVKINS. Phone 53. PI,ITIVIBING AND HEATING. WOOL -WANT-ED Highest Market Price Paid in Caelt for WOOL. Also on hand for sale Flour and Feed, Potatoes, Oats, Will exchange for farm pro', ducts. 0, „SMYTH. Next the hospital. Victoria _Street, we•leee's-1*-*.ee•e•leie:‘ 111. 0 ee • Does it not suggest to $1 • your mind the idea of Camping? ; $ • But ifyou would be al- • **; r ways cool, we nave r, Orangeade Lem ouade 0j Lime.juiee • ti Fresh lemons t Fresh oranges 0 • Fresh cucumbers 0 ,. Fresh Strawberries t Green beans, all for camp, $ 0 0 Special attention to camp orders, 0 I see our windbw display in seal) $ A window of camp baskets contain., A i ix?g a few suggestions of camping • • I 0 0 0 1 - W. Te. O'NEIL 0 # . f 'The Hub Grocery." i • "hrtr,r1...1,11. Anything .yuo.want done in • • g Ravetroughing Plumbing 01 Furnace .work. Call and see our Stock before placing your order. BYAM & SUITTER Samitary, Plumber* Thous TA FARM FOR SALE. -THE EXECU- tor of the Southeomee estate of- ' Mrs for sale 50 acres, being ease half of lot 28, eon. 6, Mullett. This is a first class tarns, well vatereit and improved with good buildings and orchard, also seven acres on bush land.-APply to R. J. South - writhe, Clinion P. O. -24 Stallion Routes. "GUINEA GOLD." The Doted stock horse "Guinea) Gold" will treed a limited n,umben nI mares at Ide own stable lob 4,0, West End, Tuelcersmith, G. Ile Nott, BARON WALLACE Monday -will leave his otvn stable, lot 40, West End, Tuckerstnith, go to Huron Road, then to Graham, Ircetse for noon, then to Gilbert Malts for night. Tuesday - By Holmesvilla and Maitland con, to Wm. Durst's, for noon, then by svap of the Bethel Corner ancl Benmiller • to Wilmot Haacke's, Huron (load, for night., Wednesday, -Huron Rood east to M. Flick's for boon, then by way of 9 &If eons. to James Grallea 8, for night., Thursday -To Wise's corner and Bay-. field Road to James Jackson's 21Hd of Stanley, for noon, then to his own stature for eight) where he will remain until. the following Monday rnorninga G. W. Nog, Prop,- GRANO TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM DOMINION DAY FArtus Between all stations in Canada eaet of Pout Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich, Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N.Y. ,SING.LE FARE Good going and re- turning Judy 1. FARE and ONE-THIRD Good go- ing June 30, July le 'Return limit July 2. HONIESE.EK.ER'S EXCURSION.; Round kip tickets to points in. Western Canada via Chicago, St. Paul, Duluth or Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company, on sale each Tuesday tuitil October 27th, inclusive, at very low fares. Ticketand informatMn at all Grand Trunk Ticket Offices, J. Ransford & Son, 1.TOOW11 Agents. A. 0. Pattison, Station Agent. - AY GRAND TRUNK\Ric9sTEm UPPER LAKES NA.VIGATION., Settings from Sarnia Wharf Mont clays., Wednesdays and Saturdays for Sault Ste. Mario, Pott Arthur aunt Fort Wilhelm commencing June 80., STEAMSHIP SPECIAL • Effective June 8.th, Westbound. Will leave Toronto 11.15 a.m. on saillug dates, making connection ab Sarnia Wharf for Sault Ste, Manic, Port Arthur, Fort William, Winnipeg and points in, Western Caeada. Parlor -Cafe, Parlor Cars and first- class coaches to Sarnia Wharf, A special train will run the reverse way -leaving Sarnia Wharf 7,411 aeon arriving Toronto 1.10 p.m., commene- ing Juee 9tdt, each Tuesday, Fridayl and Sunday tlibreafter. Full Patticulare anti reservations 1rp111 Grand 'Trunk Agents, or write C. E. HORNING, D.P.A,, Toronto, Ont. Ransford ,Va Son, uptown ticket ago/l/2, Phone 57, A,. 0. Pattison, stied/ion agent, phone 85a. NEWS -RECORD NEWS -LEDER.