The Clinton News Record, 1914-06-25, Page 8Clinton., News -Record :. June 2501 1914 it 1 specials for Sa1uray, and all next week;' iT WEATER 00008 1 Perfection and quick meal oil stoves. Garden hose, sprayers and nozzles. Screen doors $1,00 to $2.00: t Lawn seats $1.25. Hammocks $2;00 for $1.05 $2,50 for $2.1S $3.00 for $2.68 2 ice cream freezers, leg. $3 00 for $2 68. Electric irons reg, $5 00 for $4.43 reg. $4.50 for $3.08, 1 only lawn mower reg 5.50 for 9.95 4,00 tot 3.45 4.75 for 3,08. 0 -cedar mops $1.50. 0 -tela,' dnsters 75e. • 35 percent discount on cut glass for balance of this month; Another good supply of Bran tined hoofing and beaverboard, . . A small quantity of pure,Manilla binder twine 13 and 14e.. HARLAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES BAREFOOT SANDALS Barefoot Sandals are just the thing for the children's summer pleasure and com- fort. They delight the little folks, and save the regular shoe leather. We've a good assortment of all the best styles, in the extension sole -the foot ,protecting kind. Boys' and Gills' Sandals 75c to $1.25 If the children are going to have an out-, ing this summer be sure and not forget their sandals, it Diana of the Green Van. Buy it if yiou want to road a clean, sweet, enter- taining story, onei '' that Will hold your interest, Ws a $10,000 prize novel. Over 100,000 sold. During April the hest ' seller in •both Canada 'and. United States, Price 1.35, FRED.. JACKSON 1 Good Shoes for Everybody. white Canvas Shoos I Our stock of these goods is now fairly complete, both in wom- en's and children's lines and consist ot all the new lases in pumps, high and low, button and lace. Children's from $1.00a pair un. Ladies' from $1,50 a pair up. Our prices on these goods are'very low and it will pay you to see what we are showing before making a purchase. See Our Men's and Children's Straw hats. Dozens of styles and prices frym 1.0e to $2.50. See our men's special lines at $1.00 and $1.25. . Women's and Children's Wash Dresses. Never before have we shown such a large range of wash dresses as we are this season and 'never were values as good. Children's dresses 05e to $2 50. Ladies' dresses $1.00 and up. A special line of children's dresses at 40e, Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits' - More Business Yours can be if you will take advantage of our Furniture Offerings. It's bargains galore we are offering just now in everything; in the store. If you want a Side- board, Buffet, China Closet, Table, Chairs, Springs or Mattress„ now is the time to purch- ase. Our store is the cheapest spot in Duron County to buy all kinds of furniture. Just jfl' O•Verland;: Red, A story full of Western life, perfectly clean and at the same time full of rom- antic a(lvertures One of the best. and brightest nov- els of the year.' Trice $1.35,' W. D. FAIR CO Often the cheapest --Always, the best. I; , 11Nra�11 WM10111111' __ "IINNIn fill,. Mr. C. IIoare was a visitor to Guelph on Monday. Adjutant Bloss and wife of London assisted the local Salvationists on Sunday. ` Miss Etta Mefrien was a guest at the Mellroy-Leith wedding in }ltyth last week. Messrs. A. J. Tyndall, A. F. Quigley and David Elliott, town, visited the Model barn, Guelph, on Monday. Clerk Macpherson, who was laid up for several days with an attack of tonsilitis, has now almost recover- ed. Mr. W. S. Harland and Miss Mabel returned last week from a month s= visit with friends at Hamilton' and` Guelph Mr. and Mrs. 11. Jeffrey and Miss Norma of Seafortb spent Sunday at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Danford. Mr.and Mrs. Wm. Robb took in the excursion to Guelph this week and spent a few days with friends in. Royal City. Mrs, N. A. Phoenix of Hamilton is spending a fow weeks at her paren- tal home in town, that of \L'. and Mrs. R. J. C1u11. NIr. and. Sirs. 'r, A. Mustard and children of Toronto are visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Macdonald. Airs. Bartlett and her daughter, Mrs. Havi11 of Detroit wore guests for a couple of days last week of Mr. and Mrs. T. Jackson, ,L:, Mr. Russel May of Albert college, Belleville, is spending a vacation at the parental home in town, that of Mr. and Mrs. John May. Dr, L. S, M. Hamilton of Toronto, lectures ' is givingti ' series of e Es wino Women's in- stitute connection with the \ o in Western Ontario, spent the week -end in Clinton. Dr. and Mrs'. Garrett, who have been visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Nlrs, 1I. W. (look, left Monday for a visit in Sarnia before returning to their home in Hamilton. Mr. 10. J. Howard, London, motor- cycled to town Saturday returning to the Forest. City neat day., The hitch staring always hangs out in Clinton for the genial Ed. Mr. and Mrs,. Charles llilyet, Miss Mary Reid, Mrs., ,lances Miller, Mrs. E. R. Dale and Mrs. Ralph Tip - lady were among the visitors from town to the Experimental Farnrat Guelph on Monday, Capt. MeGown has had, owing to illness, to take a month's furlough, which she is spending at her home in Toronto. Lieut. Kerr, who will be assisted by a cadet, will be in charge of the local corps during her absence. Mr. B. Sherritf, formerly of the Mol -- sons Bank staff here, was in town for a few hours last week one day being on his way to spend a vaca- tion at his home in Lueknow. He is just recovering from an attack of appendicitis, Mr, Frank O'Neil left Friday' moot- ing to return to business, at Moose Jaw, Sask., looking like a new man after a month's holiday among Clin- ton and other friends. The old -home ];own will always have a warm spot In the heart bf our former citi- zen. Mrs. A. Fisher, irbo has just returned frons, a five months' tour of Enron c, and her mother, Mrs. Grover, who has been visiting in ]Eastern Cana- da, spent the' 'leek -end as the guests o1 Mr. and Mrs 11 E. Man- ning, leaving Monday for their home in Denver, Col. Misses Olive and Edna Cooper left Tuesday for Ontario, Cal.,to visit their sister., Mrs. S. J. Armstrong. They .will probably be absent until the end of the summer. vacation. Master Kenneth; the eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Armstrong, is reported to he quite 111 with little hope of his recovery. Mr. h C. Andrews, youngest son of Magistrate and Mrs,. Andrews, who; has- been connected- with the. Elmi- ra, branch of the Royal Bank for. some time past, has .been transfer- red to the Prescott branch and spent a few • days at the parental Amite last week prior to taking up his new duties, Mr. Thos. Cameron, one ot the . old • time citizens of Bayfield, Was in towns Monday on his way home at - ter attending the COY. High Court at Quebec. Be had a • profitable time in - the. Ancient City, . heard with pleasure reports- road showing the progress of .the Canadian For- esters and on his return trap spent an enjoyable day with his • son; a member of the Public school ,teaching staff, 'Toronto, Ball 6c Atkinson � FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS Night and Sunday Calls. Phone 1.10. 3 A. ATKSON, Phone I N t e 1S0 JUST .PUT ON" SALE at a large and• varied assortment of Colors Tuscan - Grey Pink This year's goods,, manufactured expressly for this firm, from the most elegant , -stock of the latest designs and patterns, all of them Blue Imported at the Lowesi Market Prices; This fact enables me to Offer Such Inducements to Prospective Purchasers as will be found absolutely irresistible. when the superior quality of the goods' offered is considered. SHIRT WAISTS at cost and less, at a fraction of their former cost. Kindly call and inspect the above mentioned goods. We C. BROWN. FANCY 'PARASOLS About People You Know 'ISS Peggie tC \ I thb t is spending a few daps with Ilensali friends thus week, bliss A. Steeps of (1odrrich township spenb the week -end with friends in town. Miss Mildred 'l'oll of 131y it was the guest of the Misses Stewart of Mary street, this week, Mrs. John Vise has been seriousiyl ill the past wa'k, but her specdyt recovery is hoped for. Mrs. 13auslough of C'entrailia is spend- ing a few days with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs, A. Hooper. Rev. J. E. Ford of Go(ierieh was in town yesterday in connection with the meeting of the Social Survey workers. Mrs. D M. Ross has returned to her home in 'Toronto after a visit of a fey weeks with friends in town and vicinity. Miss Laura Stenwart was an enter- tainer at a concert given in the Presbyterian church, l:gmondville on 'Tuesday, ' NIr. and Mrs. A. 1;:. Arlin of Toron- to are visiting at the former's parental home, that of Rev. S, J. and ND's. Allen. Mr. N N. Manning and Mitoses G1adl,'s Marion and Eleanor and sonic fri- ends motored up from London lasr; w'tobr to call on friends in town. NIt. ISdwin Brooks of Toronto, who has been spending a vacation at Iris home in Miitehclll, is with his grand- parents, .Mr: and Mrs. Wm, Canter Ion, for a few days this week. Miss Kato Scott is hone for a vaca- tion She has been visiting fri- ends in New 'Work State since her graduation from the Preshytm:;an Hospital; New York City, a few weeks ago. Mrs. V. C. French of Wetaslciwin, Al- ta who was formerly Miss Eva Cooper of town, is now salter ng from an attack of pneumonia but at last accounts' was progressing fav- orably. • Iiet sister, Mrs , T, J, 'McNeil of town, is now visiting her. OSesident'A. L, Erwin, Secretary Dc. Smith and '1'icas+arer Banker Bailey accompanied as chauffeur by "Billy" Mustard,, the .energetic sawmiller, were in towit Monday making ar- 'rangentents for a big demonstration in, Bayfield on Dominion Day. I1 is expected it' will be the hest yet held there and es people from here -and hereabouts go to Bayfield ways this will• be an additional in- dueement. Miss E. Louise, Ilolmes; of Edmonton; forinerly of Clinton, is visihtng her parents in Toronto, and wili take in the Huron Old Boys' eacutsion on" Saturday, in order to visit her oid Clinton friends. She holds the pox- ition of Secretary to the Edmon ;ot Exhibition Association, at a salary, of $1200, a year,' .brit the directors have shown their appreci- ation of her cervica; by inereashng• it to $1500 While in town Miss 'Holmes will he the guest of her aunt, Mrs, 13.: B. ,Chant, a cams I presided t e 11l d ) Inspector Field p 1 here tits week Miss Isabel Gunn has returned from a visit of :t few days hi Toronto. Miss Mabel Feuson of 'Toronto is the guest of Miss/ Jean McTaggart. Mr. James Campbell, the veteran reeve of 1'l ll ill'! t, W115 ill ('11111011 yesterday, rday. .lir. Ilaib'ison Wiltse was+ chairman of the Rowell meeting in the town hall yesterday. Mrs, Hart flicks of Gotietich town- ship is visiting her sista', Mrs. G. ' Ludlow of Proton. Mrs. P. J. Evans 01 Minnedosa, Man„ is now the guest of her sis- ter, Miss Rudd of town. • Miss johns ot Townshend street hag gone to Seaforlli on a visit to her brother, Mr, Sidney .Johns. Mrs. Sheppard and Aliss Jeanie of llartney, Ilan., are visiting Mr. and Airs. Donald Smith of town, Mrs, harry Battlill and two child- ren are spending a few w,.eks with the lady's mothet at T3russels. Mr. 1' R. Ilodgeus, Coderich, was in Clinton yesterday; coming down to the Rowell meeting. Mrs. harry Fair, who has been vis- - icing her sister, Mrs. Jiellyar in town, is this week spending a few days with Brantford friends, Mrs. Atcllard,' Smith, who has been living in Vancouver for severtal months, purposes returning to Lon- don ere long to accept a position in the Conservatory. Mrs. Anh:ew 1Veatherwax and Master Bruce of Orillia are expected today on a visit to the lady's parental home, that of Mr. and Mrs. • D. (antelou They have been visiting friends in Toronto and Tilsonburg, Miss Garrett and Miss Mothersead of Washington, 1)0.,have, .been the guests of Miss Ward this week. They are going OVCI7 to Bayfield For the summer, • having had a cot- tage erected there. Miss Ward will probably spend some time with them before leaving for her home in Maryland. for the vacation. Miss N. • Dolcna Reeves, whose family were. residents of town a number of years ago• but who has been pract' sing her profession of nutsing in New .Yon. City, for several years, •has - been visiting old friends in' town• and in Goderieh township during the past fortnight. While in town she was the guest of • NMiss Kate Sheppard. Dr. Thompson in Saint Joseph's Hospital Dr. Thompson, who has been . suffer- ing from an attack of appendicitis, went to Londol.'this week and yes- terday morning underwent an opera- tion in ,St. Joseph's hospital. At latest reports he was doing very well and a few weeks, the whole community hopes he will be quite well again. The News From Londesboro The boys from the 61.1 a nd 7tncon. came over and p bayed a game of baseball with the village team the other evening tate result being a win for the locals in a score of 8- 10. A. return 1iatch wilt be played on Tuesday evening next. Miss M. McCool of 'Toronto is spending a mow weeks' vacation at her home here. 101i;Js M. Lyon spent Saturday and Sunday with Guelph and 13espeler friends, Mr, 'Thos. hiller returned on Sat• urdayl after spending a few day's with Toronto friends. Taylor Mrs. 1. 1. OL 1S visiting at homef c Mr. and Mrs. J. Lash= • The Methodist Stinda.y school 1n, tend having a strawberry festival ^;... the parsonage lawn on Friday mat. ing of this week when a geed p +Iw grain and all the attractions consid- ered necessary at such a gathering will be supplied, and on We.dnesda,' evening next, Dominion Day, the Snit - day school- of Knox church. will held their annual festival on the manse lawn, A good program will also. 'ine furnished on this occasion and the Cay being a- holiday 0 good atten- dance is expected. Constance • Mr. (.'has. hall of St, Thomas spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 13. flail Mrs. 5, 11 14indy and little son have returned to their home in "`or - onto alter a visit of some weeks with the lady's parents, Mr. and Nast D. Sutherland. Mrs. 4.1)1:.) Sloan. of 'Toronto is at present visiting her nephews, Messrs, Andrew and Bon Snell. air. Oliver Anderson • re,•shingled half of his barna last week, Mr, George Stephenson. has return- ed from Quebec City where he attend- ed the meeting of the High Court of the C.O.F. :is delegate from Con- stance Court. It 1105 a fine trip and al pleasant outing. Constance Wedding bells will he ringing this week to the north of us when • AL*, Gertrude Campbell will become the bride of Mr. McDonald - of Walton Though a little early we extend hear- ty congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hinchley of Sea- forth ewforth spent Sunday as the guests of - Mrs, Milson. The. Canadian Order of Foresters held their annual picnic in Mr. Tilos. Dodd,'s grove on Tuesday, Quite a number attended from hereabout*.. Dr. Macklin spoke in the afternoon. A meeting .was • held here on Friday evening in the interest of Dr. Mack- lin,'who spoke as' also did Rev. Jos. Elliott. Mr. 'rhos. McMillan spoke for. the Liberals. arm Weather FOOTWEAR LOKING SMART AND KEEPING COOL. --We can help you solve the problem of keeping your- self cool and comfortable during the warm days of the hot season -Are you ready for it ? If not we have ready for your inspection the newest in light summer shoes to suit'every need you may have, For the Street, House or Sports. WOMIEN,S WHITE PUMPS in canvas or leather Froin. $1.50 to $3.50, WOMEN'S. WHITE BUTTONED BOOTS in can- vas or leather From :1:2 00 to $1.110, MEN'S WHITE CANVAS AND LIGHT LEATH- 1111 SHOES in all styles and shapes. Broad Lasts se that your feet may rest easy on the tread of the. soles. These will; gbuivest nyon ow.the comfort you thecoulfot'tyou require ,. S..CH AP AN PHONE 70