The Clinton News Record, 1914-06-11, Page 8Clinton News -Record" June 1l111, I9Igi Our__Speclais for Sai rday, 'A Bargain Sale in'Graniteware Pie plates 44 41 Dish pans Preserving:kettles 11 Double rice boilers, only reg for 10 00 Saucepans 12 08 35 25 water pails -50 35 75 50 Wash basins 45 33 Pudding dishes 40 30 Dippers 40 Basting spoon, only reg, for $1 10 15 10 35 50 00 40 25 15 25 ,1S 2515 04, Electric irons $4,00 and $4,50, Vest pocket flash lights from $1,00 to x+1.50, very usefn4 $2,00 Hammocks for $1,755 2,50 r 2.25 3.00' 3.75 25 percent discount on mit glass all this month WE HAVE A BIG ASSORTMENT OF ALL 'SEASONABLE GOODS. HARLAND. BROS, STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES White. Footwear enommanio We're showing the finest variety of Good white Footweeir, that ever grac- ed a Shoe Store in Clinton 1 Oxfords, Colonials, Jumps, &c. &c, Many of our styles can not be f(srutik elsewhere. Moderate prices here, you . know ! $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, to $1.00. We hardly see how a woman will be aisle to live through! the coming sum- mer without some sort of a selection from our line of White Footwear. FRED. JACKSON Good Shoes for Everybody. White Canvas Shoes Our stock of these goods is now fairly complel e, both in wom- en's and children's lines and consist of all the new lasts in pumps, high and low, button and lace. Children's from $1,00 a pair up. Ladies' from $1.50 a pair up. Our pri er on these goods are very low and it will pay you to see what we are showing before making a purcha: e. See Our Men's and Children's Straw Hats. Dozens of styles and prices frym 10e to $2.50. See our men's special lines at $1,00 and $1.25. Women's and Children's Wash Dresses. Never bef ire have we shown such a lar ge range of wash dresses as we are this season and never were Values as good. Children's dresses 25c to $2.50, Ladies' dresses $1,00 and up. A special line of children's dresses at 40c, Plumsteei Bras. Small Profits --- More Business THERE'S. No Place Like HOCIE if is. COSY and Comfort- ably FURNISHED. Yours can be if you will take advantage of our Furniture Offerings. It's bargainsgalore we are offering just now g o, in everything in the store. If you want a Side- board, Buffet, China Closet, Table, Chairs, Springs or Mattress,, now is the time, to purch- ase. Our store is the cheapest spot in Huron County tobuy all kinds of furniture. Ball & Atkinson FURNITURE DEALERS. and UNDERTAKERS Night and Sunday Calls. - N, BALL Phone 11(, - J. A. ATKINSON, Phone 180 This Smart Raglan is only one of the splendid new styles -you can see in the Standard Fashion Sheet for April. Be sure to call for a Free copy at our Standard, - Pattern Department. W. D. FAIR CO. Often the cheapest—Always the best, es nnnnann emsnmee . .....--cm[nWllh,. Rev. H. J. Conde)]. of Bayfield was in town on Monday. Miss Mary Reid is Holidaying at her home in Stanley this week. Mrst (Rev.) J, E. Ford of Gorierfch was in town Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Paxman and Mr. and Mrs, Von RoL,: were in. Bayfield 011 Sunday. Mrs, Harry Fair of Toronto is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. H. i3ellyar. The Misses Bell of London visited their sister, Miss 13011 of the C.. 1. staff, over the week:-erel. 111'., and Mrs. Jas. Twitchell and family were in London -c/a Monday, making' the journey in their ear. Mr. D. A. Cantelon of Toronto was in town Saturday visiting his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crnteion. Mr. Clarence Copp has been holiday- ing at his home in tce,vn since the University closed tor the long vaca- tion. Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Stewart, who are. at Bayfield for e, few weeks, were i3( town Saturday calling on old Mended. Rev. arse Mrs, Treleaven of I,ucknow were the guests over the week -end of the fornricr's brother, Principal Treleaven of town. Mr. Ray Ford, son of Mr. john Ford, town, who has been located at Fort William for some time, has taken a position in London. Mrs. Rowson and Miss Edna Cooper of Wingham were the guests over the week -end trf the lattclr's moth- er; Mrs. Wm. Cooper. Messrs. R. J. Miller and Ralph Tip - lady have returned from attending Conference at Sander. They Bad both a pleasant and profitable time. Mr. and Mrs, S. A. Moffatt and. Dr, and Mrs. Lloyd Moffatt of London were the guests' on Sunday o'. Miss Mae East, having motored up in the a.m. Mr. W. R. Elliott, reeve of Stephen township, was in town on Friday last and remained (s,'cr until the next day as the guest of hie cousin, Mr. G H. David. Rev. C. L. Langford, incumbent of the. Middleton—FIolmesville—Sunr- merliil1 parish, was on Sunday at Woodstock ordained as priest, along with seven °LIiws, Mr. R. E. Manning was chosen ' b) the London Conference as one of the lay delegates to the, Dominion Con- ference tc, be bald at Ottawa, Mr. Israel Tapley is another of thci del- egates. , Miss Jess O'Neil, who werht west a few weeks ago,, has speared a s'llool at Seven Persons, Alta., about thirty miles from Medicine Mat,. where she will teach during the stirntner months Mr. Harry A. Hcssrorr who has just passed s'racessfully, his third year exam, in medicine, returned to Tor- onto Friday, having been .hopno for r week I a vee e r 'h a 3(t of the runes of o s end death of his father. Mr. and Mrs it B tames formerly of Clinton but who for some months past have been .residinyi to the; State of New Jersey, have ta'ser Vt:pi their abode for the summer and tall ab Sydney Mines; Cape Breton, Mrs, Griffin arol little Miss Jane lett Saturday otter a visit of some .weekswith the lady's aunt, Mrs R. E. Manning. They wilt visit friends at Grimsby before returning to their home 'at Denver, Col. Mrs. Veitch; wife of the neve teller in Molsons .Bapk, has arrived from, St. Thomas and they have -Lefton uP house keeping in the residence leased from Serjeant Welsh, on Rat-, tenhuaty street. Miss Veitch Ls at Present staying with thein. Mr. and: Mrs: Will Pinner, wire have been visiting at the home of the latter's parents; that of, .Mr. and Mrs, 'Cities.- Bartlill of town, and with othear friends in Ontario dur- ing the past couple of months, left Monday for their home in Vaneous- er, B.C. 'they were accompanied by Mig; Jule Bartliff, who :will spend a couple of months in the Coast Cit)),'' W. C. BROWN, Successor. DRY GOODS AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS MERCHANT TAILORS AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS. The undersigned begs to announce to the•resiclents of Clinton and the surrounding country that he will continue the business formerly carried on undEr the firm name•ot Tozer & Brown and feels warranted in solicit- ing the patronage of the citizens, and guarantees satisfaction in all purchases- made from the flim. Thanking . you all for past favors. Come and examine the magnificent stock of SILKS PLAIN FANCY Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS comprising in part Dress Goods of all the Newest Patterns and Latest Designs in WOOLLENS . COTTONS BROCADES PLAIN CREPE RATINE RIBBONS, GLOVES, CORSETS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY and TiES, as well as the staple COTTONS, MUSLINS, PRINTS, TABLE LINENS, etc., etc., usually found in a first=class establishment. W. C. Brown Solicits an inspection at tbis store. Personals. WESLEY CIIVTRCH, Mr.and Mrs. Br • i r c me arc Toronto C . 0 t n o this week. I t . Mr., J n ietkinson was in Itiecter over the week -end. Mies O'Keefe of Seaforth is the guest of AIlse Annie Bartlif. Mrs. Wm. Graham was with Bruce - field friends over the week -end. Mrs., D. M. Ross or 'Toronto is visit- ing friends in town this weeks Miss Marion Harland, is spending the week with, friends in Strafford. Mrs. Moorhouse of Brantford is the guest of Miss Potts at the rectory, Mrs. Pinning is this week visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hudson of Mi t- ebell. Misses Minnie Cooper and Mabel Cleft were in Goaerich (seer: the week- end. Mrs. J. W. Moore intends going 011 the C re)1C etnd excursion to Detroit tomorrow. Mrs. R. Marshall, Rattenbury street, entertains a number of her lady friends this evening. Bliss Myrtle Spencer of Kingston is visiting her uncle and aura', Mr. and Mrs. Roble Marshall, Rotten - bury street, whose guest she will be tor. a month or se. Air. G. D. McTaggart was to Atlanta City for a nouple• of days East week, -having accompanied his sis- 'ter, Miss Kate McTaggart, who is remaining down there for a holiday., Missr.l)ella Watt trained nurse, New York City, arrived on Monday and will spend several weeks visiting with her brother and WHO, Mr, and Mrs,. 'I'.• J. Watt of Fairview Farm, Huron Road. • Rev. J. W. Holmes 0i Saskatoon, formerly paster of Rattenburel St, Methodist church, Clinton, has been onriousty ill for several weeks. llis many friends here will be blad to lrooeny 1410 ie improving: Rev., Dr and Mos Rutledge. returned home yesterday, the former front Sarnia where 11e was' in attendance at con'erence, the latter from South. 13end, Ind., where she hasbeen spending the past few wce'es as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Shdl- Jington. Sir. and Mrs, ,Jas. Dinifoed and fam- ily have returned from Seaiorth acyl are now nicely settled in the "apart- ments abovethe store. The many friends of the family tire pleased to welcome tl&.m ba,:1 to Inc n and hop0 their stay Bete 'will boa per= nraneni 0110., Mr. I1. VV. Watts, caretaker of the G. I. and of Willis clurrch, will leave on Wednesday atternoora next., accompanied by his good wife, on a elk weeks' trip to England, their destination being Ilfracombe in Devonshire,, their native town. They will take the St. Lawrence route. The News -Record wishes the worthy couple a pleasant journey to - and fro anh Yme whilein their horucn'oe landable and' tia'sa`.e re - tura' to Clinton sr; V n, Rev. )>r, Rutledge will address the Brotherhood e ood at 10 o'clock rretSt Sun- day day morning on "Sonne Ilappeniugs of the London ('onfcecc, ci." London Road Miss Muriel ,Sparring of Cranhr'ook 18 the guest of her aunt, Mr's. Ferry Phunsteel. Mrs. Hayes has returned to her home in Detroit after a visit at the parental home, that of Mr, and Mrs. L. Wiltse. Mr. and Mrs, Wei. Pepper of Dublin visited over Sunday at the hone of the former's brother, Mr. Roger Pep- per. Mrs. Wnr, Eberhardt of Sea`orbh was a week -end visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs. Roger Pepper. Mr. 11. Wil tie of Clinton addressed - the League at the liome of Mr. A. SteplleIsorr ou Tuesday evenirr ing a most interesting talk, The residents of The, Road are talk - in; of holding their annual picnic this year, 'in union with the p001110 of Turner's, on July 3rt at the old place Peacock's e,rove. IVir, Wni. ,Stenburr, is very busy pre- paring for Ins barn raising which will take place the, end of the week. 'Master George falconer is able to be about aga n offer the rtathee severe aeordeet, to,his foot, received while operating a plow. Hallett Township The following is the report for S. S. No5 for May :. Sr 411—Florence Vodden, Mary Jamin or Sr 4th' -Fred McCool, Marjcf, McCcol, Florence Cartwright. Jr. 4th—Annie Way moi ith, Flossie Gibi i ngs. ,Sr. 3rd—Grace Vodden, Alice \odder, Lilian Cartwright Jr. 3rd—Pose Garbutt, Percy Gf Toings, Helmer ,Snell Arthur Wayntouth. Sr. 2nd—Wellington McCool. Jr. 2nin— ItoJalic,Crawford, Dora \Zodder's Pt. 2nd (5)—Margaret Drown, Jenny Gore butt. Pt. 2itd (hl) -Harold Sufi. .Prineer—Gcrtic; Qiteeni4, Evelyn Gib- bings, Cllarrley Brown, Charley Way- mouth; Hugh Radford Elva Smith The best spellers are 5r. 3110-F. Vedder), Sr. 4111-1e, Cartwright. Jr. 4tlt F. Girhlbiage. Sr. 3rd—G. Ved- dei,. Jr. 31d-41. Gerbati, Jr. 2nd- Crawford. I?t, 2nd J. G•.orbtitt. -B M, . Mac/twat); Teacher. Herman' 1)r. Arthur and Mrs. McAllister were the guests of the Cornier's hrothear and of other friends 'hereabouts for 0 day or SO. Mr. John Mol!'.wan has been spend- ing a few, days with Godericir friends. Mr. A, McPherson is improving nicely 'after his serious illness,. NEWS -RECORD NEWS -LEADER/. Londesboro. ries The Lon horn inch I > o ilr ) P West a Huron Women's Indtitute will n c held' m the evening of June 18t11 instead of the afternoon eo formerly an- nounced. Dr. L. S. AL Hamilton will acidreJ; the meeting;. A cordial in- vitation is extended to all women of the neighho:hood. Constance Miss Vine ('olclouth is staying with her cousin for: a time. Mrs, Chas. McGregor hat the mis- fortune last week to sprain:, Jot an'cle, News -Record Means News -Leader, Hallett Township Mrs, Fred. Gould and little Master Charlie of \Vintlsar are visiting her sister, Mrs, Will. Morrison of the (travel. Road. Mr. David Ferguson, a former, old and much esteemed „resident of this township, but now of Godericlr, town- ship, accompanied b) his daughter, Mrs. D. Churchill, visited his son, Mr. Jolty Ferguson, one day • lest week, Mr, Ferguson is keeping poor- ly his many friends. regret to hear, but all hope tor speedy and com- plete recovery. News -Record means Nettie -Leacher. Constance ,r 1I d Mrs. v' -., rl M l IC i I Ca n f Le• c n ai a buy.. spent S•pinday in ihs village astr„ streets of the lady's sister, Mrs. Me - C -u l ley, Mr. Jas,. .\(wood has raised Iii, house and intends putting a good Wei - lar underneath. 5(1'. Fred. Milson of Forget, Met , is visiting, his mother, Mrs. Millen. Mr. Alfred Cole of Algoma was a. visitor at alta home of his sister Mrs. Thos. Pollard, one day lase week, A pretty wedding took place a tire home of Mrs. Richard Anderson on Tuesday at high noon when her young'; est d idle ca', Miss Clara G., becamethe l>ridn of Mr. James Howard Snell, 'l'he ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Carswell of Winthrop and was witnessed by a number or guests. Mr. and. Mrs, Snell left the same afternoon for Swift Current. Sask., and other points in the west arid after a honeymoon trip of z, couple of months or So will take rip their residence on Haybarton Farm on the Gravel Road. Hearty con- gratulations aero extended the youcr 103(1)10, Last week it was stated that Hall & Co. had dec'd'l to close their s+or., on Wednesday? afternoons, It appeaee this was a mistake, The store vvi0' be closed at six o'clock Wedheetia) evening, but open in the ettec•riooe a` usual, .1110v011 SUMMER FOOTWEAR PUMPS and OXFORDS=c'=Ladies, you can— not afford to miss the opportunity to look at our very wide range of New and up-to-date Summer Footwear, in all leathers --patent, gun metal calf, suede -and white new buck and canvas. • MEN'S SHOES===Our new styles in men's shoes for the season mak it easy for them to gratify their individual tastes. There 1s line custom mod eling in every line and such perfection of fit and finish as well as durability that it will be a pleasure to wear them; S. CHAPMAN PHONE 7ti