HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-06-11, Page 6OVERWORKAND WORRY
IA Fruitful Source of Broken
Down Constitutions
IA. little worry does a great deal
of harm. Overwork turd worry gives
rise to• headaches, nervotoinese,
sleeplessness, weak bitelcs lack of
interest in year work, indigestion
a;nd eometianee a Complieta break-
down of the nervous ,systern leading
to paralysis. If these axe your
symptoms you need a, tonio. A•nd
the only way tO tone up the nerves
le through the blood. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People are a
dined sseeve tonie because they
'make new rich red blood, NI/hie/
1feeds the nerve end steengthents
!every organ in the body. Under
the tonic influence of these Pills
mervoirsness and all. the other mile
'of worry and overwork quiokly die,
appear. They restore the digestion
and enable the body to take full
advantage fxotai the food eaten.
Mrs. J. 0: Chapman, Omemee,
Ont.'says: "I became completely
sem down and my nervoue system
*tattered from overwork and
worry. 1 alwaya felt tired and ex-
hausted and slept badly at night.
X tried several medicinee but did
hot find the hoped-for relief. Then
I decided to try Dr. Williams' 'Pink
Pills. , I took them regularly for
several menthe and they restored
me to 'perfect health and I have
educe been well and strong. I can
;re -commend these, Pills. to any atf-
aided with, nervoueness or a basken
/constitution as I feel sure they will
effect a. cure." .
These VAG are sold by all medi-
cine cleselensor will be sent by mail
Fat 50 eents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 -by writing The Dr. Willies:ore'
Medicine Oo., Brockville, Ont.
New York Hospital Gives Juice of
Gterlie to Patients.
There' s a new treatment WA for
tuberculosis. Pt ie put forth by an
Irish physieien, Dr. W. C. Minchin,
of Dublin, late medical officer to the
Kelle Union Hospital, who wrote a
book about it, The treatnient is
. .
garlic juice. ,
He, however, is by no means the
only doctor who is of the impres-
sibn that he has found garlic the
beet remedy for the "great white
plague." In New Yoek, at the
Metropolitan _Hospital on Black-
well'es Island, the phyeiciane in
charge of the tuberculosis welds
have been mcperimeating with the
treatMent f§r two years. As their
experiments are still im progrees,
they are not yet prepared to pro-
nounce any definite -opinion on its
value, beyond what Dr. Marshall
W. MeDuffict .stated in an article
publiehedin the Interstate 1VIedical
Journ.al for-Marela, 1914.
"In , our treat mentatudy of this
disease during the past two yrs,"
wrote Dr. Me,Duffie, "observations
have been made with fifty-six treat-
ments. in over one thousand and
eighty-two: muses, mostly in Ward
Q of the Metropolitan Hospital, De-
partment of Public Charity, Of
these treatments but two stead out
as regards anything like opecifie ac-
tion upon the tubercle batoillus and
tubereular processes. They are
goalie froan the vegetable kingdom
and memory from the mineral.
"Garlic contains a. volatile oil
called allyl sulphide, and its medi-
cal properties depend on this oil,
strongly antiseptic, and it seems to
have remarkable power of ib.hibit-
ing the geovith of the tubercle, bacil-
lus; it us eliminated by the kings,
skin, kidneys, and liver, and
dizes into sulphurous acid M the
eystem. Applied looally, it is free-
ly absorbed by the skit and pene-
trates the deeper tissues.
!The Largest Ones Are Not „the
day in Red D,emehea 7110t yet proven
' ICure Children's Colds
success. The trouble Is that
while plenty of buaeate were On
hand the last day, the mount of
proditee offered by Minima was
• The Winnipeg Swimming Olub's
now home on the Red River is be-
ing. erected eo thet, the members
will be able to take op •'I:heir quest --
tees there in early June. It is an-
ticipated that 1914 will be a ban-
ner year foe t;he natatorial artists.
Winnipeg waiters ere preparing ss
pelibilOn to send fp the Domindot
Government protesting against the,
Anti-Tip,ping Bill. They ,set,Y they'
cannot en their , Wages, and'
that tips are essential to their exis-
tenet° as matters stead ath present.
Government officials, and. depart-
.. .
ments are tatkeng a great interest
in the Calgary exhibition, which
will open Sane 29, and this ye,a,r'e
Mir will not onlyebe attended by
m,embere of the Cabinet, but there
will he exhibits from the Depart-
ment of Agriculture.
Brandon proposes, to give a loan
of $15,000 at 5 per mart. to ;the
Young Men's Christian Aesociation
of the city, The cleb,entures imbed
and Isold will be patyable in twenty
years from July lot. A vote on the
question is necessary and will be
taken June 6th.
A ocaumitte,e the Calgary
Board of Trade have made a. report
on monetary conditions in the
West, as follo,we "Statetnaents have
been made to prose representatives
by leading financiers recently,
elaaMing that the moneyarserkethad
a good alp* as proven by the de-
creasing rate Of intereet. However,
this hes not been productive in a
general reduetion intim rate of in-
terest on loans by beaks to their
patrons, and we believe that it is
advisable that 80111 0 action should
be taken by the l3o,ard to Bemire
from the local bankers a general
redacti.on in the rate of interest
charged for the 'purpose."
Longest Livers. "Garlic gave us our best results,
no matter what part of the bedy ts
affected, whether skin, bones,
glends, lungs, or special parts.
Dosage used internally, one
drachm of the' expressed juke oe
two, drops of the essential oil three
times a. day; externally, poultices
or crushed bulbs., one part, with
three parte of herd, or unguent=
goalie (50 par cent. juice in Vase-
line) applied daily."
Tuberculosis is uncommon in
Italy, where garlic) is used univer-
sally; the leading Italiatn physi-
cians in New York aty it 15 alarm-
ingly peevelent among the chikl,ren
of Itallitns in Amerke, 'children
who do not eet garlic, largely be -
cease their school fellows and other
associates ridicule them for smell-
ing of it,
Garlie is a pleat .of the onion
family. It is to the onion what the
tiger is to the oat, or the wolf to
the dog. Growing, it looks like a
smell onion pleat. Its bulbs, which
maty be seen dried and hanging in
festoons in most grocery stores, are
composite, that is, they are form,ecl
of many smaller bulbs or "cloves"
loosely bound together with skin.
Cooks who know their business use
it as they nee salt, almost univer-
sally, but with mat diseretion. A
great French emeuro called garlic
the "soul of cookery."
The question of which birds live
the longest has never been settled.
satisfactorily. But the raven comes
,very high in the list, et,nd is said to
,reach the grerat age of two hundred
Eagles and vultures also enjoy
long lives. Indeed, an eagle -owl is
;known -be have lived 'ninety years
•lis captivity. In this p,aaticulas
,case, the bird began to lay eggs
after fifty yearns, and during the
:last forty yeaas of its life brought
lup num,erouselittle once.
A hundred years is probably a
cons,ervativo estimate of a parrot's
age, and it is recorded that One of
these birds .elso started nesting af-
ter thirty years of captivity. With
ordinary Weis, both the erow and
the swan may reasonably expeet a
eentary of life. .'
It is net by any rn.ertne the lar-
gest birds that enjoy the longest
.lives. For instance, the sparrow
eetnetime,s celebrates his fortieth
'birthday. Other ages ieathed by
birds are: 'Hens,. 10 years; phea-
sants and pastralees, 15 years ;
larks and englittimgctles, 18 years;
Pigeelle) 20 Years; caneries 24
years; peaceeks, '30 years; and her-
ons, 60 years..
"Miss Peach is a deckled blonde,
isn't she?" remarked Ltir. Dubbe.
"Yes," remarked Mies Orabbe.
"She decided to become one about
se month ago." -----
Sounds Likely.
Teaoher—Whexe is Chilli
Bentie (venturing a guess)---I---I
• --I think it is in the Arctic eircle.
With His Whole Soul.
'If. my .hens get into year gar-
den Why don't you shoo them
do more iban shoo them outs,
ll• beet their , owner."
and Weald Mean, equally efficetoiorts,
By External Treatment
Mothers Will Find Nothing so Speedily
and Reliable as Old-tirse "Nei,
It's really a shame to upset a young
child's stomach by internal doding,
when external treatment will so
promptly break up a cold.
When your boy comes in after play
with his feet soaking wet, his throat
hoarse and sore, his little chest tight
and congested, . Just apply -Nerviline.
GiVe him a vigorous rubbing over his
throat, and put lots of bTerviline on
his,chest and rub it right in. To make
Nerviline peifetrate mere • quickly
dieser his chest and throat with a hot
flannel bandage. This treatment
WON'T fail. Your boy will be feel.
ing better in half an hour, and yeti
will have the satisfaction ot knowing
you have warded off perhaPri a cold,
or grippe, or illness that might have
laid him up. '
Nerviline is mighty good for pre-
venting colds and for breaking up a
bad one, too. For general family use
it cures all sorts of external aches
and pains—you simply ain't beat it.
Try it for earache, toothache, neural-
gia, seleAca, lame back, rheumatism,
or lumb o. - wherever there is con-
gestion, inflammation or. pain in the
joints or muscles, Nerviline will cure
mighty quick. 'The large 50c. family
size bottle is so ecoriomical, so use-
ful, it should be in every home. There
Is also a small 25e. size. Dealers any-
where sell efe_rvilinie...
§aue Han.
Tfle. man wilio.mindS his own busi-
ness -is usually the one, the other
fellOis goes to whert he !seeds .ad-
vice,e. ; •
rnee bettleship,
• 29,500 tuns 620 feet long,. carryings,
sixteen guars in tour revolving tar -
Ready -Cooked
Your Grocer.
come from the. ovens to
your table in tightly sealed
packages -- ready to eat
when opened. ---with cream,
good Milk or fruits:
Every, crisp flake 0! this
attractive, :food represents
the best part of choice
white Indian corn—
Perfectly cooked, deli--
cately flavoured and toast-
ed to an appetizing gelden
•'Post Toasties are made
for Your pleasure and liour-
Sold by n eel's
cans ditto Peat um Cerenl Co., Ltd
Windsor, Outarlfi.
I Nova Scotia Case of
Interest to All iiromen
A. Sergeant In the French FOreign
. Legion Haft His Innings.
. The pranks played by legienteries
-when seized by that peculiar hy-
Omits that theinaction ole, mono-
tonous routine beings on, range be-
tween farce and tragedy, seldom
touohing either extremity, 'bob be-
ing about midway between the, two,
says Ma. Fred,erm Malaya in his ac -
'count, of life in the Fren,oh Foreign
Legion. The author saw five years,
of .aotive service in this meek corpai
of the, French. army. •
• There was st sergeant employed as
a oleek Moths regimental office at
Sidi -bel -Abbe. One day 'the colo-
nel happened to be confined to his,
bed, and was visited in his lodgings
by his sergeant -clerk, who had
some papers for ths chief's signa-
ture. The colonel happened:to be
aeleep when the sergeant arrived,
and he was tShown into tthe dressing
room to wait for the officer to
.a.wa,ke. The eight of the coloeel's
uniform co.at gave the sergeant the
idea that it would wee, the mono-
tony if he took a stroll round. the
town in it.
Half an hoar afterwerd a ser-
geant of the legion strolliog along
the shaded Rue de !Kamera, •SaW in
the gloom the five -striped sleeve of
the colonel's eoat jast 10 fiemb of
him, aaal braced himself up to jus-
tify his reputation as on.° of the
smartest non-oommiesioned officers
of the camps. His salute did not
appear to please his cemmanding
officer this time, foe ,thet five -gal -
tamed eleeve was raised in an me
perative signal to stop, and aa an-
gry yoke ordered him to ratan to
barracks et once, and take feer
days' arrest for eleuching about the
town in a ,dirty uniform, and eelute
ing his colonel in aa unsoldierlike
The poor sergeant was struck
dumb. Ile, one of the (bodies of
the, legion and a man who prided
himself cn walking as, if he had a
rifle' barrel Inc a apine, to be ac-
etteed of "sleuthing" and wearing
a, dirty uniform 1 His chin eank,
and as he, dejeetedly moved off, un
,thu starch seemed to have been
taken out of him, and he did
The "colonel" passed on and
promenaded the ttown for an hour,
dealing out four days' arrest and
spealdng injurious words to every
noncommissioned officer he met -who
was vain of his soldierlike appear-
ance, dotnating unasked Rams and
beetowing paternal b.e,n,e,clittions 011
scallawags of legionaries, and be-
haaiag i51 5, way that horrified re-
spectable people.
Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help
to Many People.
Halifax, NS., Dee. 15. ---When inter-
viewed at her home at 794 Argyle St.,
Mrs. Haventock was quite willing to
talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case.
"I was always 'blue' and depressed,
felt weak, languid and utterly _unlit
tor any work. • My stomagh was so
disordered that I had uo appetite.
what I did eat disagreed. I suffered
greatly from dizziness and sick head-
ache and feared a nervous breakdown.
Upon my druggist's recommendation
I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
"I felt better at onee. Every clay I
improved. In six weeks I was a well
woman, cured completely after differ-
ent physicians had failed to help me.
-It is for this reason that I strongly
urge suffeeers with stomach or diges-
tive 'troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's
Dr. Hamilton's Tills strengtben the
stomach, improve digestion, strength-
en the nerves and restore debilitated
systems to health. Ily cleansing the
blood of long-standing impurities, by
bringing the system to a high point
of vigor, they effectually chase away
weariness, depression and disease.
Good for young or old, for men, for
women, for children. All dealers sell
Dr. Hamilton's Pills ot Mandrake and
Mothers, if your baby suffers
from constipation, if his little sto-
mach or bowels axe out of order,
give him Baby's Own Tablets. They
never fail to give relief, and an
occasional dose will be.nish consti-
pation and keep the stomach amd
bowels in perfect order. Concern'
ing'the teblets,, Mee, J. II, Gagnon,
St. Simon, Que., tvrite.s: "I can-
not recommend Baby's Own Tab -
Lets too highly as a cure for oonsthi-
pation, as I have found them ethe
very best medioine in the wterld
for this trouble." The tablets are
sold by medieine dealers or by mail
at 25 cents o box frort. The Dai, Wil-
liams' Mcdieine Ob., Bro,ekville
Pataearmes: Make a parting and
rub gently with Cuticura, Ointment.
Continue until whole scalp has been
gone over. The next morning sham-
poo with Cuticura Soap and hot
water. Shampoos alone may be
used as often as agreeable, but once
or twice a month is generally suffi-
cient for this special treatment.
How the lihoja Reneged to Get
Himself Recognized.
Some handede of yodels ago there
lived in Agehelin, a tittle town in
Asia Minor'an imam, or village
person, the Khoja, Nasr-ed-1)in Ef-
fendi. Concerning him Mr. 11, 0.
laficaoh tells some eto.ries in his
book, "The Fringe of the Eest."
One clay a cannel paesed along the
street in which the Rhoja lived,
and one of the Khojes's neighbors
W110 had never seen a 'camel Isefor,e
ran to ask him what this strange
be,ast might be,
"Doolt you know what that is'?"
said the Khoja, who also had never
"seen a oanael, but would not betteay
his ignorance, e "'Iliad; is ni hare a
thoueeed yea.rs old."
,A great man 05101 gave a feast,
to which, with much clondeecenelon,
he caused the Kattoa to, be bidden.
Aoctoodingly, on the appointed day,
the. Ehoja repaired to the great
men's heas.e and found himself in
the midst of" a ,fteslitionahle and
richly clad company, which took no
notice of the poor imam in his
threadbaee black gown. No one
greeted ham or spoke to him, and
eventually he wee shown by a ser-
vant to the lowest seat. After a
Little while the Khoj.a elipp.ed away
unobserved, teed weak, into the
where some of the mighty ones had
left their outer garments. Select-
ing a, magnificent gown richly line,d
with fer, he put it on, and r.eturned
to the room. Nobody re.cognizetd
this respl e,n cleat personage, whose
areivel excited universal attention.
The compa.ny resee to salute him,
a,n,c1 the hoot, who had previously
ignored him, approcalietcl, bowing,
and inquired after his honorable
The Ichoja strolee,c1 the sleeve of
hie beereWed -Rant-tont. 'Answer,
1'' 11
items tam Province' Where Many
Ontario Boys and Girls Are
"Malang Good."
• The ritemberehip of the Edmonton
Property OwnersAssociation has
very largely inereasted
Labor tbroubles are being experi-
enced in Echneaten. The other day.
several workers "knocked -e 1" to.
join the I.W.W. peencle.
After fightin,g fire in 'Winnipeg
bus over fatty ysaas Wililani Code,
fl5O:iFb01ih eliteS of the Fire Depart --
meet, late tendered his resignotion.
T I t ca Cadet arni-) fhb FICirdombon
this year is re:peel:eci to be the big-
gos,t in the Province, end it is an-
ticipated that 1,142 5015001 boys will
talce part.
Nixie s.a.ittle, the ,poopert.y 01
Frank E. Hatch, of Grand Point,
Man., eboutt 11 miles south. of Win-
nipeg, • were. t `r Reeled,' ' staid so far
tll.ere 5 rio• biose Of thera.
A party of geeleariebe aid tope-
grephiceleurveyears has left Ed-
monton for the north .eountry .F.or
tale pnispose., siondocting 01 geo-
grephical survey.,
Echnearten 54s o clairy •inclu.sitry
with etome 4,000 people on iitis
• Th,e amount dieltur,s.ed
an ica-01 theggroaing importance
of the businees.
A proposal for. the ase.otion of
duplex heases has beat mooted
with thE„. .objecat o1 vediteing rentS
foe the worklegmen •111!•inaltirieg,
thus making them foots $1,6 rio $25
per Month.
The, intablisliteeut of ,a, market -
Cutlatirn Soap and Ointment are sold throughout
theworid. A liberal 0000910 of each, with 32 -page
beoklet on the care and treatment of the skinand
scam. nent post-free. Address potter Dreg Ohms. '
Corp., Dept. 1 55, Boston, U. lg. A.
Transforming TiieM Into- Canadian,
• Citizens.
To the easb and north-east of Ed-
monton -Alberto., li,es the largest
Ruthenian colony In Canada,
Though rto-,clay we call them "Atte-
t,riaats' or "Gialitions," the" day ia
speedily coming whecn they and
their cle,seenclatuM will be kn,own by
no other naine than that of Cana-
dians. .
To the tee -cher who undertakes a
schooll-iri- et Ruthenian settlement a
new life opens, and tone aeot without
its .haseistlespe and lonelinte,ss. As a,
rule he ov shI haer to live alone
a little shack built in th,e school
yard, foe th,e, thatched homes, of the
Ruthenian people have nie rooms for
the accommodation of boarders!.
The home previded for the teacher
is never elabtozate. • It le usually as
one-roome.d shack, and 14 ereeted nt
a cost ,o.f from one hundred and
twenty-five to two lelladtred, dollars.
It is provided vrith ,a bed and a conk
This onamoome,d abode the teach-
er usually divides by ourtarin,s, aubo
two aperttan,ents,, a,n,d wh,en she has
detoo,rate,ct it with pietures and nick
natcke and bookamid tried, hoe haacl
at .conetruerbing some rastio farni-
titre, and has scattered about it
some manfy cushions, she has made
for herself a nest atrong withthe
home riena,s,e. The child'ren linger at
the door to gat a, peep acti its splen -
does,. and the parents who Local on
the teacher carry .away a 'vision of
home cenlfort such as has never
been. theirs before.. who team tell
What influence these littlehoanea
may hese in oorreoting the interior
of the cheerless four 'walls within
Miserable When galled', But Chem-
ed Up "When It Got Clothes.
"Liars cannot be so moth more
ouen,erous in this next wa.r1c1 than
in this world," remenked Mr. Wil••
Amen Butler Yeats, the, poet, in an
address to the members of the Lon-
don Spiritualist Alliance the other
He was aeferring to the innumer-
able cases of false infoitmathion 'gi-
ven through mediums, all of which,
he amid, could not be due to lying
Mr. Yeats related an amusing
ease of an evil spirit mentioned in
"Maxwell's Phetnemenve" In the
sixties sm,all statue a the Ma-
donna in a French. stock brolcer's
house began to move froin a brecket
to a bed an,d beck. Th,en weapo,ns
moved. Ultimately, through a me, -
diem, a spirit foretold atients, which
eanae time'a,nd eventually revealed
its identity as the foundex of the
Obriatien religion.
The spirit advised the stook-
Maker p,erform acts of charity,
and advised him about al:lions
speculations on the Stock Ex-
change .always foretelling the re-
sult and the suans with acettraey.
For years the stockbroker sent
money to needy homes as directed,
tend became knows bemuse of his
beneficence. He then asked the
spirit to take ,charge of his affa,irs,
and the .spirib complied The aback-
broker became e. wealthy mato
The history of spiritism, said Mr.
Yeats, was full.of complaints from
spirits of the way which they
were troubled by the doubts. and
the unhappiness of the living. One
Counteas of Sligo diemissed her
stable boy because, seeing his late
meter the Earl walking neat the
house, he told the ghost to go away
and haunt a lighthouee. The, Coun-
tess dismis..se,d the bey for telling
the +spirit to haant such an incle-
ment spot, became ,gliost had to
go Wherever it, was told. .
An om,a
ld n in the west of Ire-
land tokl him, said Mr. Yeats, of a
ghost willed'. had informed him that
it was miserable because it Was
stark • nelce.d. The, ghotet suggested
thatb the tram should give a suit in
the epirit'e name to a beggar in
the ,streets. The m.en did so, and
when the ghost again ,a,pp,ea.reel it
was wearing the selfsame clothes.
Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis,
patent solicitors, Montreal, report;
that 13'7 Canadian patents were
issuetd for the weelc coding. May
19th, 1914, 92 of which were granted
to- Ain,eriteans, 24 to Canta,cliens, 16
to residents of foreign countries
and 6 to -residents of. G'reat, Britain
and Ool,ornies.
_5 ---
whioh R Itth'aOn ll ves
But cb is ;round the etchool-houses
that the chief interest of both the
Ruthenian people and the teachers
centres. They are frame structures,
neat, commodious'and well lighted.
There is a keen rivalry tamongs,t the
cli5erent districtsan to who shall
have the beet echeol-house, and
they axe quite generous in regard to
furnishings and equipmeut. Up to
date rn,ore than BUY- such schools
have been built in the Ruthenian
distriet. And truly this ,eatd of the
task of moulding the young Rothe -
nitres into Canadians is far from
fruitless, for the children ,show con-
siderable matitude in learning and
piok up English quiekly.
Nor does the teacher f,orget that
"nil, work and no, play makes Jack
a dull boy." Undiko the Anglo-
Saxon child, the young Ruthenian
does net seesn to take -naturally to
pls3' On .his first aarival ab school
ha holds aloof, and ga,zee in it kind
of stupid wonder at tho antice of
the, children.
The prisonee seatb discon,solate in
his, cell. Suddenly the xesteden ,ap
"We tha.ve obtained proof," 'he
eaid, "that another num cononitte,c1
the mime with Which you are obarg-
"Well, I guess thatolets inc out,"
said the prisoner."
Helpless From Rlimunallsm
Choose your variety aud
' ask your grocer for
N. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street,
J. Fruit, Stosk, Grain or Dairy Perin,
write •II. W. Dawson, Brampton, or 90
Colborne St, Toronto. .
IL W. DAWSON, Colborne at., Termite.
.t1 Our dollar book, "Destruction Em-
press of Ireland. , Best book publish- .
ed; write at onoe for Free Outfit. Beet
Terms; freight paid; credit given.
Nichols Limited, Vulalishers, Toronto. ,
IN lava moas4.0ISS
Business iTunctoWctflotin°.netIrtled triTe
$4,000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish-
ing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street,
IL/ internal e.nd external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before too late. Dr. Denman IvIedioal
Co., Limited, Collingwood, On.t,
It's an easy matter to ,acquiate
flow of language, Alonzo. A11 you
have to do its step on a tack with
your hare feet.
Ask for Minardte and take no otlier.,,
Nine -tenths of the thieg,s that
have been saiclanight as well have
been deft utsealcl for .all the .benefit
they axe litunanity.
Try Mut I no ny e !tenacity tor ned, Weak, Waters
Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. No Smarting.-
junt, Eve Comfort. Write for'nook of the Eye
by us al lirrce. Marine Eye Remedy Chs., Olt leago.
Sane musicians pet On more airs
than they can play.
reweave Liniment Immberman•s Friend
• Rea Culidi.y.
A young Married woman -went
home isa her another and tobbingly
declared she jest couldn't be happy
with her husband ,again. "1 tymacl-
n't have mindeci it so molt, ano-
ther," She .sobbed, "if ,Charlie had
4ms-welted ne back when I scolded
him, bibL-bu----but 110 clidn't,''
Her mother was duly elleo eked at
,my deer child!" She ex-
claimetc1. "He ,streek you, then 7"
"No, worse them that, [neither 1"
and the y.ouras wife sobbetcl afresh.'
"Tell me et once !" indignantly
demesacled her another,
'H e --he lest ypw Tie d '
,S,orne Men II aVO an inherent abil-
ity for mteleing mistakes.
At the 'Yarmouth Y.M.C,A. Boys'
Camp, heal at Tusket Valls In August,
beneficial for sUn burn, an immediate
relief for cone and toothache.
General secretary.
On Principle.
,Stude—Don t you ever sweep tin-
der the carpet?
• Sanitor—Yessuh' I always sweelis
everything under the carpet,
' T0015 It Iiiterally.
"Why hos your wife ,clecided to
give tip the European .brip she was
contemplating 7"
"IShe happened to heas. sr:malady
say that travel broadened one,"
ease eranetrea Linhnent in tho 1105€15.
A Woman's Way.
Batbekor caller—My deer fellow,
I thought year Wife had forgiven
you ,and iteeiniee,c1 to Loaget it?"
Hasb.an,c1—,S0 shs has, my boy.
But tshe didn't ,or °anise to • let me
forget ethe'tel forgiven me.
rectiecies ',lancet so DAVIS
ne Bt. games Bt, Erontroel
Write for Information.
Gin Pills Give Prompt Relief By
Curing the -Kidneys.
Mr. sernua Longinore, of 'Montreal,
says: "Just a word of praise tor GIN'
PILLS About fifteen months ago I
could not walk across iny room, suffer-
ing severely with Rheumatism. I took
GIN rotes atm became quite -well. Two
months ago I had Rheumatic Patna
with Neuralgia. I resorted to GIN
moos again far one week and became
quite well."
yoSuOcwr. 1.311.3oNxa,t61.1nozi 5352,.1u0g.. 8,,Sacnizepinleic•fareeic Jot
of Canada., Limited, Toronto.
The Arts Course luny
be takenbyeorrespon•
deuce, but students
• r4ri
desiring to graduate
mast attend orte
session. •
G, Y. CHOWN, Registrar, Kjngston, Ont.
"I asked her if her husband
smoked," saki the woman with an
inquiring mind. "and whet do you
think7 She said .slie didn't know I"
"I don't see. what difference it
makes to you."
"Oh, I don't Care whether he
tsmokes.1 wanted to find out if he
kisses hee 1"
• Easily Gauged.
Sothisny was sent -to the caller 'to
deem a .pitcher of Matta When he
got back ;the ,gnest eormaitende,c1 him.
'You musii have good judgment -to
have filled the vitcher iso accurately
in the 'dark without running it
'Asw, duel; ain't ihn,rd' replied
Jobtiny. "Yer eie, When the isider
got up to the &at joint of my
thumb, etopped"
. . .
ad Bic o
is the direct and inevitable rettalt of
inegtilar or constipated bowels and
Clogged -up kidneys and skin. The
undigested food and other waste:mat-
ter which is allowed to accumulate
poisons the blood ancl the whole
system. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills
act directly on the bowelo,. regulating
them—oil the kidneys, gtving them
ease and strength to properly filter the
blood—and on the skill, opening up
the pores, For pure blood and good
heeltit talce
D ro Meerses 48
Indian Root 'A
No death is more certain than the
end that, comes to every encoder (that -
ed by Putnam's Corn Extracter. OUt
comes the corn or warts, root and
branch. Insist on "Putnam's" only, Ws
the best, free from acids and painless.
Price 35c., at all dealers.
Therc 04.5 Many ro ugs. of I ail u re
in the ladder of succeas.
MinarcVs Liniment need by Fliyelcians,
Had Experience.
Briggs --Would you marry a wo-
man lawyer -Griggs—No, .81,T, Even •the ordin-
ary WornC411 cross-examine far
too well.
Easily Explained .
Newlywed (diste rhea over par-
ahasets)—You had very simpls
tactos before I married Yon.
Mra Newlywed --I had to in
those days. I never could get any
money out of father.
Toil cannot secure the
sWinging, graceful lines
so mitch sought by fash-
ionable modistes (but
so lamentably lacking in
home dressmaking/ • un-
less year dress is tailor-
ed and fitted over a
noientincally proportion-
ed Dress 501115. _
151011 art is Made by
a: trained expert from
the very best material.
Bust and skirt coVered
With fast black Jersey
Cloth, to which aravins
May be pinned. Sizes
35 to 40, bust measure,
Two styles, slender GIS
cut) or larger hip. AlsO
girls from 14, 10, 13
SO easy. Send Express
or Morify Order. A full
form Bast, Skirt anti
Stand comes vet Paicl
T .
'"he new way. •
11- nvoly`ifivnITISMOI5X,,
101 Ontario Bt., Toronto
of farmers
and horsemen
have- saved
Money by using
Kendall's Spa-
vin Cure for $pavins, Curb, Ri igbone.
Splint, Bony Growths and LailleildSS
from many ether causes. It keeps
horses working. All bottle may
save a horse for feu. (beta bottle ibe
next time von are in town. Sold by
druggists everywhere, $1. a bottle, 6
for $5, also ask for ii-eopy of our book
"ATreatise on the Horse '--orwrite to
Snosburg Pialls,Verinont 51
• COMO Again, Reggie.
Reggie --"So. by way of break-
ing the lee, I remarked that the
tvather was very cold."
Henry --"Well, and what aid elle
reply 1'
• Reggie—"She ciid: 'The Tienr..
ring phenomena of heat and cold
are so frequent and so familiar as
to be inatters too Deglirible 10 en -
5550 any interest, Mr. Breskey.' "
Too al 'find reliel n Zard-Bnk
It eases the bolting, stinging
pain, stops Needing and brings
oase. Perseverancn, With Z1.42'
Buk, mans, cure.. Why not prove
441 Dratiggabead &ems,.
nee. -
1'1 relr
To eine1 stonily* and intestinal worinn from colts, an well ,
as older IthiEels, 1105 a remedy that, will 110i. 0131.•5 t114`',1
death,"• hut tvill act, no it tonic. In thin respect 5501).i is
unequaled. gull instructione 11 booklet Nyith every bottle, All
druggists.' "'
SPORN itIEDiCAL CO., Coshsn, intl., U. 5, A.