HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-06-04, Page 8Clinton News -Record
Ju az 4tit 1811':
We're shelving the finest variety of
(food white 1 ootweer, that ever grace.
ed a Slioe 'Store in Clinton i
Oxfords, 'Colon''als, Pumps, &:e, Sc -
Many of one styles can not be fanny
Moderate prices here) you know,l
$150, :$175 $2;00, to $4.00,•
We hardly see how a woman will be
,Mlle to live through the conning sur
miser without out some sort of a`'seleetton
from our line of white Footwear.
Good Shoes for Everybody.:
Our Seasonable Goods
Are more complete now than -ever andwe are
daily ;adding all improved and up-to-date;;
novelties ;
Lawn movees
Screen doo*'s and windows
Perfection ciir stoves
Washing machines
Step ladders
Paint brushes.
White wash brushes
Brooms and whisks
Spades and shovels -
Rakes and hoes
Poultry netting
Garden hose
Sherwin -William paints
Japalac and varnishes
Campbell's varnish stain
Climax wallpaper cleaner
Rounx EnglishlBoor wax
5 kinds metal polish
Silva, the celebrated 3t1ver polish
10 different kinds stove polish
Jellstone Muresco
0 -Cedar mops
Hempel and liqui veneer
Brass tui thein poles
June Month Specials
Hammocks, reg ;$2,00 for $L75 Electric irons. reg. $5.00 for $4,50
' 2,50 for 2.25 " 4,50 for 4.00
3.00 for 2.75
Don't miss seeing our vest pocket Nash light exhibit next Saturday ev-
ening 8.30 to 9.30. No person should be without one especially when
the lights go out.
Special Free Parcel. Post to all parties living within 20 miles of
Clinton. Our phone is No. 7,or drop a card and we will send by the
next delivery, free of charge, 11 pounds is the weight limit.
'Whito_Callvas Shoes !
Our stock of these goods is now fairly complete. both in wom-
en's and children's lines and consist,of all the new lases in pumps, high
and Iow, liutton and lace,
Children's from $1.00 a pair uu,
Ladies' from $1.50 a pair up.
Our pricer on these goods are very low aud it will pay you to
see what we are showing before making a purchahe,
. See Our Men's and Children's Straw Rats.
Dozens of styles and prices frym 10c to $2.50. See our men's
special lines at $LOO and $1.25. -
Women's and Children's Wash Dresses:
Never before have we shown such a large range of wash dresses
as we are this season and never were values as good.
Children's dresses 25e to $2 50.
Ladles'' dresses' $1,00 and up.
Aspecial line oT children's dresses at 411c.
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits
More Business
THERE S..No.Place
Like'3HOP1E if is.
COSY and Cotnfort-
I Jd I�1N t!
� a
Yours can be if you will take
advantage of our Furniture
It's bargains galore we are offering just now
in everything in the store. If you want a Side-
board, Buffet, China Closet, 'liable, Chairs,
Springs or Mattress„ now is the time to purch-
ase. Our store is the cheapest spot in Huron
County to buy all kinds of furniture.
Ball & Atkinson
Night and Sunday Calls.
N. BALL Phone 110: J, A. ATKINSON, Phone 186,
Smart Raglan
is only one of the splendid
new styles you can see in
the Standard Fashion Sheet
for April. Be sure to call for ..-
a Free copy at our Standard '
Pattern Department.
W. D. FAIR :-00.
Often the cheapest -Always the' best. -
,..Ir amnttl•pmnmmwwniuenmt,,.
5I ss Mamie Reid' visited Bruoefield
fiends on Surelay.
Mrs. Wise was the guest of her sis-
ter, Mrs. Fell of Seaforth, for a few
dews recently.
Mr. John Guest of Loudon township
has been in town this week for a
couple of days,
Misses Marion and Jean Bogie of God-
erich spent a few dotes last week
with their aunt, Mrs. H. Pennebak-
Mr. J. A. Irwin is one of the speakers
on the progranl'for Monday evening
at the London conference in session
at Sarnia.
Mr, Nixon Welsh returned to Toronto
Saturday, having come up to at-
tend the funeral of his grandmother
o1i 1%riday.
Mr. R. E, Manning is in Sarnia this
week as representative from Wesley
congregation at the London Coufer-
ence'crow in session there.
Messrs, It. Tiplady and 11. J: Miller
are the repro0.'ntatives from rho
Ontario street church congregation
at C'onTerence in Sarnia this week.
Mrs. •Iu nif rd Thcliocci was he
I n o f
guest of her sal, Mr, E. E. Munn!.
ford of town, for a few days, last
Mr. aud Mrs. John Stephenson and
little one of London were week -end
guests at the 1101110 of the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen-
son of town.
Mr. Norman Miller and his cousin,
Mr. Norman Patterson, of London
spent a couple of clayte at the home
of the former's parents, Mr, and
Mrs, Jas. A. Miller of the Huron
Mr. Mitchell of The News -Record left
on Saturday last for the Nofth
Country' anal i3 spending a few
clays visiting the Cobalt, Porkupine,
leble Lake and Gowganda mining dis-
tricts and aIsQ Cochrane and points
on the Transcontinental.
Mr. I -I - A. J3ession of Toronto univer-
sity, Mrs. .Jas. R. Morrison of
Langside and.Mrs. (Dr.) Canning -
hale of '.fororeo are with their
mother, Mrs; T. .1. Hessian,. having
been called horde by the illness atie
subsd.que'', death of their father. •
Dr. R A. Worthington, son of Mrs.
(Dr.) worth?n ton of sown, has
passed the Medical Counoil exam.
recently held in Edmonton and is
now licensed' to practice medicine
and surgery, and has begun practice
at .Canmore, Alta• The Dr's many
friends ,gilt he pleased to hear of
his success.
Mr. Harold Churchill, son of Rev. J.
W. Churchill, pastor of St. John's
Method:et church, ,ipeg, was
'. f those whocarried 11 se lol-
Ilt 0 t1nOS a o
Oa >1
arshge in connection wr,ld Wesley
College last week, Rev. Mr: Chur-
chill is a native of Goderich town
stele. Inc) spent all his boyhood slays
in tins neighborhood.
Rev. Dr. Stewart nut wife, of Tor-
onto, (formerly pastor of Willis
church) twee np their residence in
Bayfield this weer, where Dr. Stew-
art will supply the pulpit' of the
Presbyterian church for a few weeks.
1-115 numerous friends in -this vicin-
ity will be pleased' at the opportune
ity, of h'arhig him • again,
Mr. W. S. Lawrence, Ottawa, is in
town this week - Laura; on old
friends. ' Mr, Lawrence taught sohool
for years ori the 10t11 eel. of God-
enicli township ands had a 1a1;5e
circle of friends all through this
section. It is eleven years 'since
lie left but that he was not, for-
gotten by his olds .friends has been'
amply proven. by the,warm welcome
iiel has received en .a'1 bands„
Manor David Moore, Toronto, son of
Mrs. E, Moore, All err St.,, who has e
been long connected with the Salva
tion Army in an oltlicfal capacity;
was to have accompanied the, Tor-
onto contingent to Line land tell the
ill-fated empress of Ireland, and
lied made all arrangements to go,
but was detained at the lastmo-
MEInb. Fortunate for him, other-
wise ile might liars' sUSere.d the
sane date -as so Many °there. Major
Moore visited his mother last 'week-,
W. C. BROWN, Successor.
The undersignedbegs to announce to the residents of 'Clinton and the surrounding country, that he will
continue the business formerly carried on under the firm name of, Tozer & Brown and feels warranted in solicit-
olicit ,. ing the patronage of the citizens, and guarantees satisfaction in, all purchases made" 'from the .firm. Thanking• ;
you all for. past favors. Come and examine the''magnificent'"stock of
Staple and Fancy
comprising in part
Dress` Goods
of all the Newest Patiterns, and Latest Designs in
RIBBONS, GLOVES, CORSETS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY and TIES, - as well as- the staple-.
COTTONS, MUSLINS, PRINTS, TABLE LINENS, etc., etc., usually found in a first-class
W. G. Brown
- Solicits an inspection at this store.
Personals. Hullett Township
Miss Mary Southcombe is eeencfieg' a
few 1
days in Tomato this ween..
Mr. anal Mrs. J. D.Atkinson and Miss
Eileen wore in London and Exeter
this week,
Mrs. 1-1. Pcnnebalcer is attending the
lial>tnst Association meetingi in God-
me h .this week.
Mrs, Somers 'arra Miss Audrey of
Seaforth spent a few days with Mrs
IL 51I11 the latter part of last week.
Miss Isabel Webster of Londesboro
an.l her niece, Miss Bereha May Web-
ster, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs.
G. 17. Saville,
Mr. and Mrs, Paxman and Mrs. W.
Russ and Miss Helen spent Monday
at Grand Bend, going down in the
former's auto.
Mrs. D. F. Macpherson of Godcrich
and her son,- Mr. Charlie Ma^pher-
son of Toronto, were in town for a
few clays this week.
Mr. and Mrs, G. R. Keys were up
froth) f,ondoe'this week, having come
to attend the funeral of the late
Mrs. John I1anua on Monday eetere
Nes. R. D. Muir of New Rochelle, N',
Ywhowas hereowing a R n theili-
o to
01 ss and death of Iter father, the
late 'Phos. J llcssion, was obliged
to leave immediately al ter the fun-
eral on Tuesday owing to the illness
31 her little daughter at hmue.
Rev. R. 13," Stevenson, who is mo'.ing
iron, Tavistock to Shel.honrnc, mo-
tored to Clinton, last week with his
family anal visittet his ulster, Mrs.
W. 5. Downs.' They left here in-
tending to call at Listowel, J weed
Clifford and larriston anet,
cnds while their goods weep getting
to thea destination.
Mr. an.l Mrs. Fred, Stephenson of
Springfield, Masse arrived S8tlu•day
on a visit to the former's parental
home. Mr. St ,h ri f again
c ,on left Aga n
on Monday for Port Arthur, where
Ile will be engaged &ming ,the sum -
enol months in Y.M.C. A. work,
while his wife, often n short stay
here will go to Parkhill to spend
some time with her people there'
The "People's Harry"'
Again the Choice.
Mr. Harty Lilber was unanimously
clean as L beret-Consevative candi-
date in South hums' at the eon .en -
tion held in llensall G11 Tuesday. In-
deed, no other name was et'en, 01181,•
Messrs. E. McDonnell and Alex. Mur-
dock vieited Mr: and Mrs: Batelle).. of,
Ridgeto10,, recently: Mr. Billings ]las
not been at all well for scene . time
but is improving. ,
Miss .Dorothy McDonnell' was in Lea-
den last week„ •
Me. Garnet Smallaconbe was gnome
from Guel h for a week -end recentl}t.
O %Veda sdav in honor
n ofthe
King's.s birthday, S.S.S.
No. 2, Mullett,
held a very successful picnic. A large
crowd gathered in the afternoon and
gaioyed themselves to the full. After
a short program given by the children
and music, furnished by Mr. van Mrs.
Bayley, the races were participated
when each child was rewarded with
candy, Then the ladies furnished a
very bountiful supper towhich every
body did justice,' The ho}rs had r,
football match which was cut short
by the rain Everybod}r was delighted
and hopes for another for next year,
The trustees and ratepayers mane r,
bee and levelled the front of the yard
and erected a new fcn:e which adds
Much to its appearance.
The following is the report of U. S.
S. No. 12, Goderieh and Mullett, for
the month a: May, males are in or-
der of merit :
Sr, 4th -Mabel Ilarvey, Jean Linl-
say• Jr. 4th -Cora Jervis, Mervyn
Farquhar. Sr. 3111 -John Townshend
Bessie Lindsay, Mary Wright. Jr,
3rd -Amy Mcl3rien, Mar}, McBrien,
Nellie (Beacom', I1flda . Forbes. Sr.
211! Jean Farquhar. Jr. 2nd -Nor
mare Wright, Eddie Johnston. lst-
W rlter Forbes, Robert Johnston,
Mabel Wright, Primer -Russe)) Jer-
vis, Ray Mason.
The best spellers i:1 the monthly
spcllirs matches are..:
Sr. 4th -Mabel Harvey: Jr. 4th
Cone Jervis, Sr. 3rd -John 'l'own-
sllenc! Jr. 3rd -Nellie Beacom., -Sr.
2nd -,Jean Farquhar, Jr. 214-.lsddile
Johnston. l.st-Robert .Johnston,
R H. Forrest, Teacher"
Re -port fMullett,
0 o u S S. No: 10
and Goderich -
-Sr4t11 Int ne Ward 80 pct ,y
Edgar Morris 73. .'Jr: duh St nln
Morris 72, Cheeter Mortis 03. S'r.
2nd -Agnes Ward 70, Gonion Ball 67,
Mar} Mair GO Jr: 1st: •17vel}n Tunn-
ston 74, Bertha Eno 00. 1't (a) -
Edna dna'Goyim: 08. Pt. (b) -11}'l*alts
Johnston 71.
The Hest spellers fou the Month
are : .
Sr. nth -Irene Ward. Jr. 4th-Stel-
ia Marcid, Sr. 20 -Agnes Ward. Jr,
lst-Bertha Eno, •
-43. Stella Copp, Tcocher,
Messrs, W. ,0 and Tom Robertson
deft last week for .a sox wee,c5" visit
inScotland. They were acconlpalued
by Mb Scatter of Seaforth
',Me. a'o:F Mrs. Wm., Hopkins and lit-
tle daughter pf. Tavistock motored' up
to ',visit Mr, and Mrs, John ,Pfeffer re-
Mr. and Mrs. A. Asquith leave beers
visiting thein daughter, Mrs, 0. .Mc -
1 yper' of Wat.'orcl.
0: I}7 Munroe has returned of -
ter eit
f-ter,,a vied with ,her son 'FYat11c of
11!i 1(15108 •,'
Mt. W; T. Riddell has purcliased a
1 runabout and will be able .to take'
many et pleasure Taunt . during the
lone summer,,
The News From Londesboro
Mr. Janes Hill
spent a few days
in Berlin this week.
Mrs. Hill returned from Londona('-
ter spend'nee a week with her son, Ivry.
Thos. 13111.
Mr. and Mrs. J, Tamhbyn and Mr.
and Mrs. James Elsley spent Monday
of this week at the ,longe of Mr, N.
Carter of Seaforlh, - f
Rev, J. II. Osterhnut left Tuesiny
to attend. Conference at Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Patterson of Wing -
ham spent Sunihvy at the hone of Mr
M. Brown.
Mrs. J. 0. Lounsberrel and Mrs. 0.
Lyon eeent, Wednesday with Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunsdon of Sover-
eign, Seek,, are visiting the former's
parents, Mr. and Mm. W. T. Brans -
don. '
Miss L. Brigham. is having her
house painted.
The W.M.S. have charge of theraor-
ning service in the Methodist church
on Sunday next and 11Ir. Jerl':ins in
the everiny,
The ladies of the congregation ,let
at the Methodist church on `i'ltarsday
and calsolflined the walls of the base-
ment and tidied things up generally.
The apartment is much improved,
Hall's store will be closed e7ery
Wednesday eeternoon during the suni-
niier months.
Mr. and Mrs. 5, P. Kindy of Term-
, to came up last week on a visit to
the lady's parents. Mr. Kindy only
tema'ner a few daps but Mrs. hindS
and babe will snake a longer stay
with Mr. and Mrs. Sarihcrlancl,
Mrs, D. Tudor spent a k'. days
last weak dhe guest of Iver father,
Mr. W. Stanley of ITolmesvill.e.
Mr. and Mrs. C''. McGregor argil son,
Misses Margaret Love, Stella Clarke,
Mayme Hall and Bernard Hall spent
. Friday last in Bavfiebe.
11r. and Mrs. Robt. Clarke- and
Mrs, D. Tudor attended the funeral of
their cousin, Mrs. J. Hanna, who was
buried in Clinton cemetery os' Monday.
Mr. Giles Jenkins of Blyth will 'oc-
cupy the pulpit of the iilethodiet
church on Sunday afternoon next.
DC C \
I-,, ,..N'
Mrs peers of Lucknow was in the
villa o recently,
Manager Burrel of the Sterling Bae.'
was in Toronto for a lew Java hat
PUMPS and OXFORDS --=Ladies, you can-
not afford to miss the opportunity to look at our very
wide range of New and up-to-date Summer, Footwear,
in all leathers patent; gun metal calf, suede -and white
new buck and canvas.
MEN'S SHOESm==Our new styles in men's
shoes for the season make it easy for them to gratify
' their individual tastes. There is line custom mod-
eling in every line and such perfection of .fit and finish
as well as durability that it will be a pleasure to wear