HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-06-04, Page 6TiOW TO tun.
The ,Coinni611 Cain is Lac
Must guild- Blood
, There .is,...,qiereineAtraintirearate 'rola
b et -Veen -4W
.v94911, t1l'o.Vioixt,4palari4gipn
tionrightnerit, While ,,eVerY
digeetien, farm the time the foot
enters -the ateMaleli and is aissimi
latcd by the liloodneede plentyr o
;Pura . wiril-oxiclized blood.. Th
sintrielese glands and nervea ti
q‘omaeh work ,enly aeoording ib t,h
quality of ti&,
The most eornanon eause Of Mai
gest-ion is aa•ck of. rich, reed, blood
Not .only does impure blood we,aken
the anueele,s Of the atornach, bat i
lessens the product of the .glantls o
the iateetiabs and otomach, which
furnish the digestive fluid. Noth-
ing will More promptly cure, indi-
gestion than plenty a pure, blood.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the
safest and most certain bloods,
builder. A thoeorigh, trial of the.se
pills •gives a. hearty appetite,- per
feet dige,stion, strength said health
Here is proof of the value of ;these
Pills in caees of inidigestion. • Mrs,
Alfred Austin, Varna,- Ont., says:
'My y,stem became rundewis and
my stomach very weak.. , I had no
desire for food and what 1 didAtike
caused me great distress, a•nd did
net afford mo nourishment, and I
was gradeally growing weaker, and
could scarcely. do any work at all.
I dia.,nQb s4,ep ,:ionoily at night,
and would, wake pp not at all re-
freshed and with a feeling Of dread
Some year% previoualy Plied used
Dr. Williams,' Pink. Pine with mach
benefit, and this decided me to again
try theme My e confidence was not
misplaced, as by the time I had need
six boxes I was again feeling quke
well." .
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold
by all -medicine dealers roe will be
seat by mali at•50 cents a. box or six,
boxes for$2.50 by sencling• to The
Dr. Willi,amsMedicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont. _
Materials 'Used end How These
Articles Are Manufactured.
The essential mater•lals of ,the
regular .combanaker are horn and
hoofs, -while tortoiseshell .is
used.: Horn and hoofs can new be
00 excellenly made in Tihaitation of
tortoiseshell that the. latter agile
naturally is not in such, demand as,
it used to be.
The first atop in corabonaking is.
the cutting- ofe -the }relay material
into segments ef "a• fib' Giza. • After
:being cith in lengths a :horn
possessing.ti large diameter hasto
be divided' again -transversely. The
hods are boiled befere -cutting,
which renders them eater and
liherclIttre.casiter,to cutin two. They
are aext conVeYedto- the prassing-
•fioor, 011 -apart-men t fixed up with
furnaces. Ileadered Pliable by the
action of the. heel; they •arc, flattened
out in the hands of the workmen
and eut to shape with knives.
. After being i.ii€rtcr.1 i aterut
• blacks while stillhot they cool in
the form . of a fiat plate. Tame
plates are I) eat, •token to. the. ,eteek-
noem, whichis kepi. at a high tele-
Perature by means of stear, or hot-
air • flues, With the. objeub !of dryieg
oe hareem:1gs end here theyare
teinaned to shepe, while the portien
that is to be tootheel is out to a
straight -edge,
The teeth are out by ei tattler eaws;
moving with invon.celyable ra,pidity.
When the, teeth are tapered: to
polateeral rounded, the flare's es
smooth the wh•ele article., tr.; prevent
it ham .eatehinee in the heirs .
Ask for AD:lard's rind take no other.
fed The ,3 Ob.
liewell---When you went a thing
clone right. do, it yourself.
Powell ---I guess that's . good ad-
vice ; I never get a, fellow be lie for
me wheil he er.,dri',b Make a meet; of
. •
From Read to Fool; Itched, and
Burned, Orsflguring, Face and
Arms Worst, Cuticura Soap and
Cuticura Ointment Cured.
Legere Corner, Moncton, N. 13,-- "When
Iny baby was live months old lab had a rash
which usod. 6°,40010m/dm very much. The
rash was very bitd and /se
was covered from bead to
foot. 1 got no rest day
or Mght with hinn It
would itch and burn so
much that he used to
scratch 1.0I Ile used 'to
bring the blood and then
It would turnip a mattery
• sore which disfigured him. 1
Tito worst, was his taco Mid arnia.
'1 toed a good many different stdves and
soaps hut to no use; he got, no hotter. ,But
eftrir elven° I thought 1 vonid h.y Outicura
(kap end ointment and had only used them
two or three times wheal saw a great change.
The sores dried up and, came oft and he was
mired." (Signed) Mrs. -George Bieneh,
raay 25, 1912.
Tor piniples and blaCkheads tho folloz;ing
so. '-saraiesistewtaii,*'4*•*11•41alv%
England has several female teet-
hed" terrine. a,..• • :
eigrie.ler';'-'irivliogerviie... •
.Tlee .„JaPeriteie featortest. einpley,
5;000; trained .i.rtigeeetakitei
noW,enralled in -Hie An rl4aat Bed
ran -are •rtaitight- foci:U-6 hi 'tarns by
...Queen Elena. of Italy (maid, earn,
'ts., Week ass 'a, ehathnien
buei rand Prigs shoote.e. in vandeylile.
. England has over 22,000 barmaids
,Of whom one .lutlf are between the
ages of eighteen, .and 25.
Aec,artliing to statistics the death
roe earansa„...temales sis in eveey.
case lower then that of males.
Bootee has 's.-; woman who is pp-
eranulating a fortune frorat buaing.
and esiling antiques.- ' •
Great Britain • has ever 3,000;500.
women 1:tetweert the ages et twenty
and fifty years: who are unmarried.
In Turkey every ma,n eacept. the
Sultan be allow.ed to 'have three
wives., and th.e first wife rulee over
• In Chiba, the National Congress of
Mothera workin,g for baby -saving
and providing •sehool breakfasts for
needy Childress
Over 1,200 servanta in Fran:De have
keen awarded a medal of honor for
having hayed continuously for 00
years in ene establiehmeat.
The town a Weedeport, N.Y.,
ha,s 65 widows who own property
and are anxious 'to marry, but there
a ahoetage of bachelors in the,
Mao. /irlazguthelli ef Cormarthen,'
England, left, a bequest in her will
of $5 a. yeae with which to pay for
the cleaning of. 111)0 -marble on ker
graxe with soap and water.
As far as kaosan, Mies Ruth
Buck, Y.41.0 has just taken her place
in the elroir, of a Behiladelphia
ehareh, is the first blind eieger in
any ve,ste.d ehoir in the w.orld.
In Islam. husba.nd who desires
a divorce has only to tell his wife to
go three times., when eihe muat get
out without a. protest, but the hus-
band must give her a dowry.
Deprmaek is going to raise the age
limit -of female voters f roan. 21 to 30
years, and fo'lr those who deeire to
vote for members of the upper
house, of parliament to 35 years.
The British Royal Comanission,
appointed to investigate the condi-
tions in the eivil service, has,, w,ith
regard' to women, rejecte,c1, the, idea
of their being tembed on an equal-
ity with men.
In Poland sch,o,olairle are com-
pelled by law- to wear their hair
'away back- from their fades and tied
in -the ba,ele'arith a. -brown hair rib-
bon. They ane also forbidders to
wear jewellery ea col:sets until they
have been graduated.
a. •
Te'ething time, Issusualla a time ef
worry mothers, is usually
accompanied by nervousnese, stom-
ach trouble and, extreme fretful-
ness. The mother can avoid all
Ilia; she ean have her baby Pass
r ou gh the dangerous tee th ing
time without pain or crossness.
Baby's Own Tablets are the meth-
er's geeate,St friend at this time.
They sweeten the stomach, rtegUlate
the bowela, allay feverishness which
usually acoompanies the, ,certing of
new teeth, and in this Way . make
teething...easy, The Tablets are sold
by anedieine ,de,alers or by mail at
25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil-
liems' Medicine (lee Brockville,
Nat io n Type V a It 09 Front Bri-
1 iAt Em pi re.
The English butlea is rapidly clis-
01)13:Oaring • tO the .ohadowy peal;
Whieh is ao closely peopled with
ghosts -of Pers.enalities. The rea-
sons OE extinction are not far ,b0
seek. In foset,, they .wereoily ex-
plracel in the daily Press. last week.
People are Kali Ling their extrawa-
gatme,s ie. th.e, old way in order to
have more, for the naw. The butler
ivas 00 ordinary ,servant, did
not. work ,by himself. An autocrat
with ,a, yetinue of earvants, ter. minis-
ter' to his wents,, was a luxury,
and now, in an age when even the
.eaot.tlecorativer luxuries Imam be-
come, neces,sitie's, he is goipg. The
e,onmaxtutiv,ely cheaply paid peeler
paid is taking hiS place. •• She eon
&rile and 'sam eau vale,ta and. elle
eauires no retinue. The butler is
oing out.
All. this is a sign ef the times, end.
ike moot cisme of the times, very
The ..paersen.'s generation jrast
nciWe. the butler becature Was, a
aeat figure in she :pageant of its
,puth, and Wh renierrober the peeple
who clorrainate,c1 no in 'our childhood.
ut the generation of to -morrow
vill have greater knoadedge. Of
he .butler than of othos,e.eosna.ntic
eurtiers who rode about through
lie pages . of Fielding and • Smollett
nd Richardson, and who, a.re to -day
s dead its, deornail or :rink other
rticle, of ,thoines.aie WI -lie') rlo-
er possesed a spark- of lice. '
Food In Mexico,
Refugees in Mexico, will be reduced
y this time to subsiating on tortillas
ad frijolis, the staple food ef the
otietry. A tortilla 'is a fait cake of
• ''..7,21;1,17;7.,;;;;;:i7li-(7-iil.tea --:i7i7;'N•lil.cial; • I );t;
etra 611111)10M, on I In end of the Anger, but
do not: nub,. Wash olf the Cutletra 'Oint-
ment In five Minutes with Cat lama Soap and
hol, water and mint inue bathing terse= min-
utes. This treatment le best lin rising and
retiring. al other times use Cialeurs, Soap
freely for the toilet and bath, to assist In pre-
venting infiainnation, irritation and dog-
ging of the pores. Ontleura Soap and Oint-
ment are'sold everywhere. For alibeee Deo
sample of dee/1,10(11.32-p. book, send Post-
card to Pottier 1)rng 45r (Jhem. C:orp., 3)ept.
17, Boston, 8.5,
i,ye to rat', roy the 111.77,1,-.., iirer
Itins aro Crushed into meal pn 01
one table with a eione roilillg pin
,v trance Mixed with water and bast:
I, there resells a thin flat 04,0,M -itch
ars 41103 blotting paper, and tastes
bout as pletteantly. Tbese, with the
ijolas or baked beans (either black
• while) constitute the doily food,
aile meat,. being cooked directly, it
killed, Is yery tough, and is stiother-
d grease.
!nerd's Lininient lined by Physicians.
. ' . ALVARED-0 .WA - S IISP (110'11.3 Ss : ilil - • , • • '
' ouiltt,the.-caus.,;:, - , : : , ,.. ,.:S :_L_ ,... . , .,• , .,...,' tortures Atn
, iteumattont
'Jilt Res Was Easy A-"•'' °'`I'.i.11.11,11;e1':at;;t?..11-1.41Alliilitl' .,:i..ot' 14'. . s - ' Hie 4 , : 0, , Hs . eim y
'-- ', • ' 171 II' lif• 1..'''' 4.
' Many and varied are sthe inetheilis. , , . ' -77"-•'7 ' •
women Instree worked opt -e- save A lvl r elso •Speed ,An tan aill g 'Cure ,
.sikereyseiritheigh itissonly arrithins . ' . ,' .' F°T (J'Icl"Chron'in Caeca, '
,t'lill:,,lasi0.50;Yeaksi: that'. the ItiSeidige, . -:7.-,--S".-.,e" a :' - .-:-L-r---.",• s .s.: ra':: '.' ' ' • e
llv•onlail 14.5 ilald-:l.it•ca :Oneida:1e -.the ..'41's As T...1.Als,••..is`prris,,E.. TO DAY
,Pa'SsWins'li'is,11Kcia4,/ly,e. , '.W,.itrli ,„-tritre) -,. 'itorAth- rellabib .,ola'_:14pi,,iiiti-e,.;0,,ix.,.0/iii
!;oviiihi,,,„a,..*•,6,4.,t,;';:dn:t4,40,i).,;,.004, i'ly,..:cot.,Gtle'fp:Iii. Of sheribieftenieZSelai
-0.,103.1.5 'Wiith''14,..coaiiing.tP yotrang.,',w,Os, teta;2:,'Yi.ili4lgoe ,P.r.•,'Ne.ill'algthr4sealla it
trien.' .sforkere,44nessfidlia.',...;sif,,,lfiasasies, l'al17.droq;z1..l41ikl34'.;rt.11a.t 'Y,O,r,feal , likri
' $1#4.ill've!sVi*rlAdt0"4cgirl'', 0 1•4-01,, a4t-ititit'rtll'e.;i11,O.i4liti..pl..sf.r4tii‘e:
efikais! Yni,, 'WI:ink ,'Saf3the"--41•Mils.hig''ArS1/46nsrl.fof '''..the' iittin, its",- oialicrar fang Ysoiss)Sil&se ,hviitii.'j t
June '1st ,(Special). -After- stafferingtiAan noted IteaPoteae a" ;savings s-irubbing with the king Of all Nat-
ro.h1.1/4 year,. from aaRaodiasaae, hank have eetthe to light. There is IneNnett5,v14esi'Vffstlintief;hWiyill;:scaunrceenytoreaited_
bi.onghlt on< by ' a strain, Iluds,o0 1-,,,lIpeesiatermiryilioefa!liecel,ir,crof-A"plrt.,,,rteacil,privi,- teh.c.e,.., about five times stronger than, the sr_
Marclibteek, ll,sq., ,t,he .well-knoWa"
"farmer' ,of this pl-a.c,ei ;ie." again a. iers. whoee mines' yielded eilvee-sinks
'll..refore it p:enetratee quicklarY whiteal/11'1°111a ' liolaient-
Strong, healthy man, and .arrother fast that...he could, not epetal it, la aagiay_aaa ge ts right at Ythe care
grand .cure See De,chlla Kidney Pills thoitgria 46 ..116,01,6 planes' and Bhet-, of the pain at encee-drasys out th,e.
.hae been put on resoad. In in ha lased ponies, by the carload„easid all lameness., takes away Lay.ehurtaythestlffynnesi00,s---
terview, gr. Marelika,nk says : ,. the metal earls in rthe p,ada,ce 't;,h,at eases the joints th
, reaaaaa sera years ago I hart my ateed where' bie old adobehat had In000uI1 o-omos .t;.ue pair, eveis, time you
back from lifting, and it developed once been built -was; of eilv,e_l!,•,,....ai_. 'sae at paean:ere,. waist, contains some
Alvaare,cle h -ad no Leith .
into kidney dissiese, My bank pain.:
:,•' ''''',P-,.' -of the most valuable atin-sa du/rig
ed me all ah,a. lime, and I waG very and ken -6 great quantities.. of ' case.' reinedies at t I 1 b
eown o sc ence, worth its
much:troubled With ;headaches. My in hie hones. Natutallya Medi pf, weight In gold to every family'. in the'
appetite WaS fitful: 1 had a, bitter this same :into theehands of Senora land, and sure to cure the emergent
taste in any mouth in the maanings ;: Alyrded,O, The senora, had is spersial aeontitletmart?yr ilaitsig a 41eutndtrheed litaiingdes t5helaet,
1 PersPired freelyllnd my Pe'rsPi'ra- b'e4 quilt 3411611 61WaY13 c°v'er'ed h'e• r family size bottle; small trial size 25c.
tion ha,d a disagr,e.cable, odor. lit night, and wet nev,er far away en
"I used liniments and plasters, theedaytinse. is sold by every dealer, ev-
' '
but they did not de mo any good, When the, senora died her maid, erywhere,a
and as rthere, wee° othersYmptinne'l wer.06 to Ilvtiredn and eteke,d for the
ethictimtyekticlrayeDeeNdvde,r1e, aKffieseteeyd„ plat-, it,ii.ettalte. an.Bdutdistlkveriasiectlep ;itrv,,es,, 'asaupyiebhrie,,tig-,
Altai mans- two bosses; My kat* was away to which 1115 wif'e had been '90Hoe Me- Safe•Mither Prepares for
. • - • ..,
completely -cured, aad my 'kidneys inuch.attached. Ile offered) rthe wo-'
have not troubled, am since." man IntIney instead!, „and th,o,iigh e" ,,, tlhe Safe -Breaker.
that his kidnays were the cauSW' of at the rath of $30,000 a day, he was
his troubles, the r,est was easy. gen,erents, in thearnatter. But: the 1ored,
When e Mr. Ma.rchbaink decided .dollare Wiat:O. DO' 10•11.ier ftl3Win4 in' ,140":lar6'017:atP.07..inPoliiuti....rot:sa;::713e1), eiact'103.417:1.w:73„:04.0ini;
Almost any of his neigh,bbia could gial insisted that she would Imwe several amen,- with an equipment
tell him. that Dodd's- Kidesey Pills einowirt.7orial. of he, r mietreas but th,e williesellerinagigtrerrd,i;i,,elfgat.,etein..0,,bapaeas,taz
always sure diseased kidneys.
' .i. Finally, Alatiredole slisPieions that tontrain,ed :E80,000 worth of
WirlIltH'EXPERIENCES. wee° areuesd a.n.ci he ripped the p,eards, says London Answers.
- quilt to pieces. It contained $30,-
it otin.ces, that lie -has p,rocured e., new
That big-peaal m-ercharnt now an -
Famous Fifty-nitrite:ma-Mile Tour was
isnlettt,e0r0Oftenmotel EAen..tiotor)0,3.,gsat;tienmg
safe guaranteed to baffle thie.warld's
In a Meter -Car.
that ehe, had saved the money for most 'ekilful eafe-bre,akers. If so,
her two zone, ,and directing that it „sae n-ews, ma.rkatinesther etep in the
be put in the' bank to their (media /ens, and keenly -fought duel be -
And nowat•he young me0 axe being sasea, the ..saagsmakei, and the sae.
edficated irs ran Am,ericane.ollege, breaker. .
upon the interest of their tnether s Till a few years ,ago a drill was
savings. - geed enough for safe -breaking. A
ar hole was bored, and the powerful
explosive nitre-glyeerine inserted,
When a liromali Sorrel's - The safe -m ak era retaliated by
building their .safes of "five-ply
With Chrollic Backache steel," i.e., of five layers of hard
and soft 'ets'elasaritiWiched totgether
The hard layers Will hafile the fine.st
There Is Trouble Ahead.
Constantly on their feet, attending .g:ii,av.3,11s'llesIvillelre \n‘s'iltif<l'ell'ee'r.eaweillsEitIP.8Vhi;11.1Fienhs
ft, Skt e ait hni nee 6nt :
to the wants of a large and exacting e moot ,ot a, powerful
- e
fan -illy,. women often break down e - - lexploeiv•e.
with nervous exhaustion.
farm are weak, ailing women, .dragged Sikes wise to get a grip for his ex -
In the stores, factories, and on ft pi.(9•::\e,r3511:i!'-m''',00'.1c3,1, obiytil:2,c,rs:tinelt:nifigelillnIers.
down with teetering backache and
in the paint, and rubbing the nitro -
bearing down pains. ,
-glacerrine-or, as he calls it, ''',soup"
Such suffering isn't natural, Mil it's
-- a by the ,kiid of a, ball ef clay or
dangerous, because due to diseasea puitiv. sometimes is was rubbed in.
The dizziness, insomnia, deranged
to Ile crack betw,eon the safe door
menses and other symptons of kidney
complaint can't cure themselves, they arid the jamb it is attached to.
require the assistance of Dr. afrunta The safe -maker has replied by
ton's Pills which go direct to the:fleet using ars VIM paint en his safes, ite
of the trouble. poesible,sthe, thick. edges where the
To give vitality and power to the door meets, the jamb being left quite
kidneys; tolend aid to the bladder and
unpainted. .
Liver; to free the blood of poisons, haTviei_e -Ito on.steffthifra...vina:ttni,tLe,h; itlaiicn,ssilets:taifuo:
Probabfy there is no remedy so sec.
cessful as Dr, Hamilton's Pills. For
of "soup" absolu.tely imp osSib I e ---is
is w
all womanly irregularities their merit obtaineci, by bating the {1.00 ayld tole
ntheir mildesoothing, and lock grown.d actually into their
along the voute. Most children ran
away in -mortal teVror as we came.
healing effect, Dr. painilton's Pills ja,re c2„ats.
up; others. stoppe.d to ask. such ssnirCdc'ss%nridlenaroef in'ellenanresenci2e56 lint thesafe-breaker has refused cee°nrtsgpreis .
'clues•tios ablnit th•-=-' ear '''''' rWlIn't box at ail dealers. Refuse any sub': (tri.,,cao.c1‘..The'lli,et'dlillihTtaboelb,atie3tlile 0:1Ixe.y.baL,2!
do .y.011 .call it.?' -'Is it the ana,elaine stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills oE Man- bv1,011,0 bicva...pip.5, aaid ragards ths
which kills fite lie,O;ple in Fran -eel' drake and Butternut.
"amp" operator as old-fashioned.
It was on the anornints of August
-.I,- rPha oxy-ttoebylen e blow -pipe is a
lath, 1903, with the thermometer at
5, when we loft Haottranda for our WOMEN WHO HUNT BIG GAME. very einspie, but tremendously pew
last day's strivo towards our °Wee- erful weapon. A tube from a
tire the Arctic Cir ale -a drive f
Lady Hunter Hunter in London Tells of Jungle der of oxygen and an,other from a
75 miles over reiadeer tra.eks. At
. o
Thritis. cylinclee of aeetylene meet in a pipe.
the, few eettlements the Finns gabh- Long hours of "sem:Inge" wearisome
li'Va.eht7cli,a.lglettinn7t,zalepoieice'halfg nli7jellael.,silidtrit-
creel to &leer ns on the way. Fife nights spent sitting over a "kill" await-
ttsee-17e, umgi.le:s from the Circle, at Mar- ing the return of a panther and endless metal promptly begine to run like
4 viler° is Sweden's Ineg irules on the back of an elephant candle-g-rease. even if it be the
through thick junglein quest of a tiger thug -sees etas). .
northerly church, WE • book 00
board air. eagraeaa, arm posamas.. ir..1-ceirvtirirreonrotintlie,ineidents experienced ae .. ,,,, nia„,a) made mum, via/el i.,
""11 T"I'll, wil° Ilas just the \heliw-pip-c. --/01-1,1M ---saf.e--MaIlte-
ter '01 tlIa 'cli•Etrick wh° 'ee'ti'lld returned from India, whither she ac-
companied her husband on a %booting
expedition, says the London Standard.
The bursuit of big game is a eport
which is attracting numbers of women. trieghest as well as the hardest .of
The sportsman in India may shoot all Steels.
in two ways, Thera is the one whica Krupp's, it is said, are cap e51 -
requires much preparation beforehand,
ti.rig with ll
ta steel stieugher
when jungles are plentitully baited men
in il,un Theugunet.o_to tough, Indeed,
advance with Young buffalo te attract
tigers to Diet spot ready for the guns, that 0501004,000 gallons of oxygen,
ad there is the other when the sports- arid 3000, of ,aecrtylene will he flees's-
rary, ae well as at ' least -twelve
hears,' week. before the litirglar can
work- through it. So the last word
is empliatiaelly with the s.a.f.e-snalcer.
Di is an inter.e,stirrig feet:that now-
ada,ye all ' big sale-makinie firtraz
carefully examine into the p,ast his-
tory of -the menthey engage, anel
keep them under eloge surveillance
for ,yeare alter they' have lett, ae
well as'Oividing.,the wo.-Tk np in 'such
a. way thale DO' one man eknows
enough of theie cherished .searete to
ha a, yelper:de recruit to the e,af c -
breaking brigade.
001) iPs
usy -citAr!").:.111S. 1401v1py•
:Hone ,Hadson,..Marclitritaki..Affer,
• ; Veit OS
.•111 .14e: tes.t.
There 'are many' ways ,of seeing -
the world, but perhaps the ano,st
thoroagh-certainly the most novel
-way is by anoter-car. Mr. ,Glid-
den, in the article which appears in
Peaarsonls Magazine, tells us, of
many weird experiencea, aad of
SOnle reeords made during his fam-
ous 50,000mile tour, one of which
we quote :-"For 1,000 miles noeth
of Steekholm we were the first
theists over the road. The entbse
drive from the southerly end of
Sweden to the Arctic Circle -1,540
miles -was over roads which would
compare favorably with a farmee's
track from. hie, barn to, his ha.yfield.
And .eyerywhere we were greeted by
unmanageable ,horses and cattle.
Often .oecupents of ,carts abased,oned
them entirely at our approach and
ran for cheater to the woods,. North
of the eapital our route lay for 900
miles through the weeds skirting
the GrOf of Bothnia. Here loneli-
ness reigned supreme, broken only
by flocks of birds and, small game
crossing our path., In a distanee of
325 miles we passed only thre.e. maid
carts driven by ,small boys, and in
another stretch of fifty anile,s we saw
but one human being. But in every
settlement .erowda gathered to wit-
ness the .arrival tic, first motor.
The telephone is roaversal in Swe-
den, and teld our movements all
that our car was, `the first, anteme-
lone to pass the, Arctic, Circle.'
.I., .
Proved a WiSe, Cerld Friend.
A young w,o-rnran found tr. wise,
good friend in "ter niother-in-law,
jok.es notwithataneling. • She, writes :
'I was greatly troubled with my
stoma,oh, .conspl,exices was ble-telly
and yellow. Af,ter ine.als, I °Sten
suffered sharp pados and would have
to lie doiv:a. My mother often, told
InS it was the coffee* I drank at
meals. But when Pet quitecoffee I'd
have a severe headache'' (Tea eon -
tains the same poisenous drug cat-
g 'my mother-in-law
1 re,marke,d thart she always..made
midi good eoffe'e, and asked her to
tell mellow. She laughe,d ,ancl, told
me it was easy to make good 'coffee'
when you use Postman.
'I began tr.) Use. Postural' a,s scian
as, I got home, andmo W we have the
same good 'coffee'. (Po.strum) ,every
Jay, rand I have no more,trouble.
In,dige.stion is 0 thing ofathe peat,
and my .complexioa ba,s cleared rap
beautifully. ..
..-alMy grandmother. suffered a great
deal with her etonsaela Her clecter
told her to leave off coffee. She
then took tea, but that was. just 'ae
She finally was` induced to try
Postmen, which she haa ueeel ter over'
O year. She travelled duaingethe
wieter visiting, septething:415 had
not been a,blt to de for ,yereee. She
says she owes lima present good
bealth tto Postman." ,
Narnags'Yap by Canadian Posture
Go, Windsor, - Ott. 13..,rl0d "The
.P•DS.0..„.01 0'W -comes in two foeins
Road to Welleallea, ste pleas., ,.. , foe other _eouri_tries4..1__
boiled. 15'e and 50 pfiekageS.. . A man w,ant ;EA.) a- Yuctge and area-
'Ittegulai, 1.-ostion -' must be well .
Inlita4 13081mm-i5 p,. s.010,1-.1,„, 5500)'
dee. A teaspaenfe diseolves quick-
ly in a .0011 511 110± waiter and, with
erearn a,n,c1 auger, snakes a delicious,
beverage instantly. 30c and 50e
The, tot, per sup of both kinds is
about, t,he eame, ,
"Thorn's a ReaSon" fur IS:eel:urn.
-Sold by Grocers. ,tnnee,,
san,cle is to, make, th.e •yielding 15
slow • ari p,esible. The newest .sales
;bre built ,of manganese steel, the
man Chansces his luck in a Seratch beat,
or it long stalk through the Jungles,
with a buffalo tied up et ranclani On the
chance of "drawing" a tiger. The latter
method, more sporting, if also more
arduous, was adopted by Mrs. Holmes -
Tarn and her husband. `
Mrs, Hohnes-Tarn's experiences of
shooting are not, however; confined to
India. She has probably had more alt -
round shooting experience than ether
women, "Sly filet trip Was -to the Rocky
Mountains, in Wyaning State," she
Said. "It watt a rough 'trip; sometimes
we slept on the ground he the snow.
We were after deer, wapiti and bears."
Later the speaker went to Canada,
where, amongst other animals, a
moose and caribou fell to her rifle.
Bast Allies however', her favorite
hunting ground. A. rhinoceros, shot
with a .303 rifle, and an elephant and
rhinoceros with a ,400, are .amongst
her most prized African trophies,
"I Wag trapping small animals for
the British Museum that trip," remark-
ed Mrs. Holthes-Tern, "and managed
to capture two new genera and ten
rare -species. Once, when Mr.
' EARNED $200,000 TO WIN HER
But President,Polncalre Felt His Wife
Was Worth R.
Mule. Poincalre, wife of the Prost:
dent of Finites, is at present a notable
.flgure in the eyes of the people of
that :country, who are recalling the
Cuninghame and I were out after els- romantic circumstances of her mar -
pliant we were lost for 24 hours, dined, riage to M. Poineafre
off a•Sebree liver roasted on sticks
and only reaebed eainp.thanks' to the
help of a friendly herdsman. 'Another
tithe it was bouch and go whetber we
were „eharged by .a herd of elephants,
,but, toku ndtely;' tiler stanMedea lathe
OPP0Slte direeaton. To my mind there
ta no teuntry like East Africa for
shooting. Snap-shoed:rig and stalking
through 'the hinglna in India may
please people who have not shot any-
where else, but East Africa spoils you
eel whether he could 411'nng SlIllb
slander „•,a0aisi5t a roan whe had
called him :oo rhineeerers. "Why,
ceet,ainly."' ,saiti the Judge, "Mien
he erall 'you . that 1" 'About
three years ago," • "Three years
1 And you only start sail; tie.
day ''But.,- your Honor, Yester-
day I ear,0 rhinoceros for -the firs,t
, ';,Phe latter, while a young and by
Do :means dietinguis,hed lawyer, met
and fell in love- With the charnilng
daughter of a riele faintly. Alas for
the ,young man's hopes, however, the
stern'''ParentAieY alse-giel,)ffemandedert,
settlerriart . of '$200;000 Instead: et
,iveattly- giving up -and allowing some
richer man .te win her the plucky
young Man asked only for time -five
years. Applying • hirns,elf assiduously ,
to,hts,prefeSsion he succeeded in ac
cumulating tho required aniouat and
SO winning the girl ofhis choice.
Mme.QjrsesJrg hs tis ellSrilnr Ole
tact kna ii-tg taste in *dress toilet are
common to, the women of Prance and
she hoe been the guiding star of her'
husband's career. In addition' to her
ether accemplashmeats sire is an ad-
Mirable hallSekeepne tn‘r '1004 aag'r
the Ellysee beine-tale
mansion --much the seine hs she did
her own home,
Moen EfiriartTa Linimen,t. the hall d 8.
15511E 23-'14.
HY *01,
-'A ND' 411S PEI)
„9,cenrIteirees Ike 'Len& That
las-the cont..
°Pant'dilhO ilSW Wing of the British.
A vitalize, of Abeahassi Lincoln will
be. ,ereated. ,oppecits Westminster
Abbey in Leadroa this year,
The British House of Lords re_
jested:the., a-,:sanan'a f inanchise -Bill
last Week'hy a vote of 104 to 60,
. The, death 15 ea:seamed of Bro
lher James Baracegirdie,, Of °head;
Chethire, who was the olde,st, Odd:
fellow in England.
-Shedwell Fish Market, w,hich
proved, n oornmereial failure, is now
.being laid out as tivoirside Open
space for East London. .
Some 6,000 echssol children, each
carrying a, Union, Jack, will greet
the King when be. visits • Leys
School, Cramtheidge, to inaugurate
new wing. .
The Duke of Suthe,r1a,ncl ha,s pur-
chased No. 39 P,ortana,n, - Square,
Landon... Tho intineion was former-
ly the,,reerialssece of the late Visoment
Mr. • Matthew T. Fleming,
Feeinnell's B.illortecsy, "E'ssest, and
late of Glasgow, East India
cheat, left, in ,acltlition to real cg:
tate. pers,onal estate velneal at
Dr. John Abercrombie died on the
36th ult: art Augill Ca,stle, West-
moreland, after seven months'
nes,s. He paactised foa many years
bn Londoo, and retired to West-
reereland SOThe eight years age.
Mr. David McGill, the eculptor,
it te be invited to, execute the
bronz,e medallion of Sacleiey -Smith
in the. Parish Church et Foston -le
Clay, Y,oekshire, wheiw lihe cele-
31,iersarit:itl wit ministered for many
The British coast is so well pro-
tected With Irlighthouses that if re,
ship sailed right rann,c11 England,
Scotland and Ireland by night only
six occasions arroakl be where it
could. n,ot ,s,ee the flash of a, light-
house lantern.
The cha.rge for rtobacee license
mammas only to 50. 3d. a year. The
extent to which tIse. trade haa grown
is shown b the fact rthart the num-
ber of tobarceo licenses has iu-
er.eased fermi 301,242 in 1590 to con-
siderably over 400,000.
The death took place at North-
a,Mpten on the 281.rh ult. of Mr.
james 13irt, whit), iii..1884 won the
safety bicycle ,championship of the
world et the Roy,al Aquarium. T,he
race lasted ,six days, ancl in one
period a 48 holies, Birt covered 630
A Parliamentary pripe.r skates that
Ea, the end of 1913 las, total DIM-
ber insure.c1 persona wee 10,8,16,-.._
700 in England, 720,000
1,452,000 in &Ashland and 700,700 in
Ireland -making an aggregate fer
Unite,c1 Kingdom of 13,759,400.
"Caesar," the favorite dog ,of the.
late King Edward, died an the, 19th
alt It, was an tzrrier, and
uesal. naeormsea,:ey King Edward
on his railwea jelleneya to different
parts of the oountry, The aag
wore, attra,ch,ed to its colla
a, an-
ger medal ins,eribed, "I am `Ca.e-
stir,' the
The Death War.rant Delivered
No (kronor: con be dgerad when you
unnly Putnam's to a sore corn -the o f -
fender has to die. Nothing so certain
to quickly cure corns us Putuatn's Corn
and Wart Ids:tractor: trY Putnam's, Ws
free from acids, and., pz_iinless, 20cbot-
tles sold by all dealers.
The man who gets the most of ib
Gelelom gets the best of it.
Mloardis Liniment LumbermanIn Friend
;Highest grade beans kept Whole
qincl ni0..,1y1:.)% perfect baking,
retaining' their full Strength.
Flavored with deliciens iraucss.
!hay have no 0001. ,
5Aw600; Ninety' Colborne strait.
Toronto', ' •
Trait Stock, Grate. or, Dairy Farm.
Write II. W. Dawson, Remoter,or si
Colborne Rt.. Toronto.
IL W. DAWSON 'Colborne St.' Toronto.
day. Writs Peerless Cooker 'Sr
Specialty Co., Berlin.
uoD WleEKLY LIVE aowei 15
Ulf Yorlt County. St:aft:nary, rind nook
liusineas In connection, rrice only
$4,500.. Terms liberal. Wilson
Ing COinpanly, 78 West Adelaide Street.
V Internal and externat cured with.
out pain by our home treatment. Write
an before toe late, 53,- lielints,, Medical
Co.. Limited, Collingwood, On1,
who undorstands liorSes
In every clistnet we Want
such a Mon Will pay
onadian Distributors
CT coo,iee
Voneet.iver e C
Sufficient Proof.
She -"No, George. 1 rom afraid I
eannot mealy yam I want a man
.who, pos,se,ases a nrible ambition ;
whose heart i,s set on attaining
some' high, and worthy object."
He-"WelL don' t I want youl'
.She --"Oh, George 1 I am -yours
• --
'Try 37twine Eye Beinedy roe Red, Weak, Watery
Eyes nant Granulated Eyelids; No Smar1015-
-.01 Eye Comfort; Write Tor Book of the Eye
by mail Free. kturitte Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
BM Ailment.
Mistrees-Whab .did the doeter
say ware -the matter with you, Igras-
11.astus---Ile say I got a to,rpedu
Ebb al. ma' am.
Alinard's 1,1,11111110 Co., Limited.
Clot ts,-7 have used Iv our 55mart-vs
Liniment In Iny fondly owl also 1.1, Tny
stableu for years and consider It the
host medicine obtainable,
Tours truly. •
LEIB. 51 1) IlOCHAV.
Proprietor Rog ton Pond note]. and
- Lis cry Stables.
81ie. Understood Then.
A. mil leen te-No. m a 'am, T eouldn 't
work where there's chikleen.
Madam -nu 1 us tud ve;r1ised fur a
girl who undenteed .ehildren.
Applitant---Ob, I und'arretand 'em,
ma'am. Theals Avhy I wouldn't
work where they are,
1T F MPPink Ipyo..Epizootdc. ShimpiniSR
Eaves a.no. Catarrhal Pever.
Sure cure and positive ut•eventive, no matter how horses at aril
age are inlet:tea or "exposed," Liquid, given on the tongue,
acts on tho Blood aud Glands, expels tho poisonous grIonn trout
ilil the body. Cures Distemper in Dogs and Sheep, and Cholera
Poultry. Largest selling live cilock remedy. Cures La Grippe
among human beings snit is a duo kidney remedy. Out th.s
out. Keep it. Show it to your droggist, who will get it for
Yon, Preo Booltlet, "Distomper, Clouser. and Cor"
sash"' Msdisol Ce., Chemists end Doctirl 'tett; s G s le a
And still ,breakfast on time by using a
INCW Per Ceti n
Cook -s
No fires to kindle -no wood or coal to muss wnli Just
touch a match to the wick-thon you have on the heat You
want, when you want it, Lessens the labor -in the kitohen.
I, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes, and a new stove with Fireless -
Cooking Oven. All hardware and general stores.
Use Royalite'Oil fo) Best Results
Toronto Quebec idalifax Montreal
St. Solna Winnipeg Vatic's...ear