HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-06-04, Page 5June :glith 1914 Clinton News -Record •f',Goderichir Mr , POstor Strag,soil 01, rasse0-of town., ah hitenuated W1t.„1-14-1-panors..frointhe. OntilliiM Schee! ,elpi1ia4naby ;and has, ta14ia e position iin Wlitdaor. , • . „IV:V.1h and Mrs„ Alfred • pi Mielra Imre been visitiog the lady's mother, Mrs. Cox, Mr„, Phil- lips. is °lily reinaMing air a tear days ,1111, his who will make:" a longer Stey. 1SS'1:11',0Te.3 :14.idi1.o1Ises retukited frenna Mr " whdba.S'144- conaileted his final year in the :Ontatt lo Schema -of :Pharmatariaapent ei:; few .-gley,a,with Mr:valid Mrs. T L.Ails- ' Mils beare leaving/ 9dr. .hon ie; ,in' .dedersonten. ., •. Mrs. Wm, _131rode,, and alias Hazel • lave returned from a. isit with the 4 Nailer's. sleter„ Mrs; Fisher 'oh. Beta aniller. ' Mie% Katherine' Sisraitoe of •Ream= ter has 'hem home on a visit to her 'Parents, Mr. and Mrs. sA.- Straiton. Mr.. Fred. Barlow Mohnes , of St. N.I3., ison ofCeltaidal.; Treaoureu 11-161these has. been Visitina friends in abeam. • • -• .aViiss Gertrude_ , Leader „was ip St. .aertherinenxialtingaher sister, who is a' member of -the C011egitete staff there. ;A very succeastlil 'Mistricalneeting W1 beta in connectiOn withlthe Metb- peak entirely Of"ClAtlekieliodistriet in „North ,§trea .dhateh 1a0k Week, when eterY. nthater gra phoba- tioner in the. oodiStriet , spreset t apheirtnom J. E, Feed preaidea., BjsliopWilliatnit comfirmeel; a elaas ri thirty:Seyari„atalan impressive sor- dace. in SIT, iGorge's ,chlarch last Week • ;44O-sday evereng.m.„ , . „ 'Mr, David jartlioe has returned Troth an -extended -stay With friends at ;Indian ilaad,.Seak.aa a • Miss kaedel has goria to Toronto . for a course of treatment for spinal trouble. illaitager Satualers of the Organ Co. -Who has been conduce' to his home through illress, is now able to attend. business. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Begley of Luck - now have moved to town and are now comfortably settled on East street. Mr, and Mrs: hi. Hamilton Oallep of New York are visiting the lady's parental home, that of Mr. and Mrs, ;Chas. 13Iackstone. . Misses Laura and F,thel Farrow were 05 Torontd for sonic silaYs last Week, , Mrs. Carrie and Mr. 3 C, Carrie, were in Parkhill for several days last week visiting friend. They made the trip by auto. IVIra. Chas, Babb has gone with hat fausbana, Capt. Babb, for a lake trip. Aaniversary Services were held in ilia Baptist church on Sunday last, the preacher ot the day being Rev. S. a Grigg of 'Toronto. The Baptist church Mt, Goderich hold its tavellth amalveraarp on Sendai', .Rev, S. Edward Grigg, stsperintentlent ot 13aptist social service, conducted, the church being crowded at tiul ser- -aloes, Mr. Grigg gave yery, foreible mei instructive sernions. " The pastor, RV. W. IL Wrightom who has just accepted this church, spoke to the congregation, awl eapres- sed his thanks to Mr. Griaeg toe Non_ ins' to preach the ashavereary sex', a is!. Tbis week the 27th meeting of the districat is being held in Goderich and -the following will take part : Rev. 4, la Kirkwood, of IlVerton ;I Rev, J, .C. Rock,. Walkerton ; Rev. L.A. Ther - rid.), Rev. D. Brown, Rev, N. McCaus- lend, Rev. A, 0, Riley, II, 0. Senior of Toronto ; Rev. J.G. Brown of Tor- ,orite. Mr. Grigg will also take part in the services of the,Week along with Mr. Wrighton. Wingham iliUss Irlina Kennedy is home from Toronto for the long vacation. Mr. Ivan Johnston anti daiughter, IVIiss Louise, visited in Toronto a few 'days last week. Mrs. Scott and IVIiss Moore of Pais- ley have been visitiivg, at the home of R. Grooves, Sunnyside., Miss Emily Harris of Brussels has 'been here on a visit to her aunt, -Mrs Harold Deem. - /Mom and Mrs, G. Alcorn have left town to take up their residence in the Sto,te ot New York, .T, W, Airssley is1iome from, Tor - mate University for the vacation. Miss Evelyn McLaughlan left last week for Saskatorn, Seek. Mr. Chester Duncan has returrOd to lido home at Glenanhan after a stay in the west. 'Miss K. Matheson of 'Piaci:ten has been, visiting her sister in town. Mrs. Gillespie of Whitechurch was a Winaham visitor last week for a -few clays. -- Mrs. Alex. Young left last week for an extended.visit with her son, Mr. .1, H. Young of Winifipeg. • 111/r. Tlyet of Total's:to' has puxellaSed ahe cigar ana pool 1)1181111ESS of Mr. IV'. Crawford. Dr. 1'. K. Doolittle, of 'rot:mite ad- relreSsed puiv,lic meeting in the town 'hall on Tuesday. evening. 'His address Wag an thd subject 01 good rfiads and lte aaime under the auspices of the re - 'Gently organized branch of the Motor .League. • ' Mr. J, O. Anderson of ,Lucknow has Um cbasen by the Liberals of North 3Fliircri to represent them en, the coin- ingoelection. Miss Dorot,ily Heath has lreturned isa her home in Hamilton after a visit of ,sorne weeks with Mrs. Roe of town. , Mr. and Mrs, W. 13. Elliott and tehilaren spentae few- days with Mark - /dale friends recently. Mr. I. J. Pattison was in Port El- gin for a feW days visiting his' broth- , er, Mr; J. W. pattison. • '11/1.rS. (Dr.) Redmond has gone to her • summer home- in Ksineardine. Mr. Geo, Young of Toronto was a week -end • visitor with hia -parents in • town recently, DUNGANNON.. Mrs. D.' Snrool: who has been quite ill is recovering, • MTS. Gel. Foy of Detroit 15 visiting her cousin, MTS. D, IVIeIlwain of tied- ' V 0 „ „. Mrs. JOI* liSitria Coiled to 'Her' Long Home. Moan regret was felt on Satordey forenoon whn 11 liecania' tlra - Mrs, Jelin Hanle of -.Vanguard, Sask., who was linown to to critically 111 in the Clinton bad passed a - ways,,,, The ,Iay, Mrs, aitiona. was a 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Gra hate of.,Cloderich township pita was well !wawa ilea imp% esteemed in her native' -Co imetinity ' I 'Aliont tougben. years: , egeosbealvas wedded:to hef new bereft husband and for e llinfe;theilireshled,itear Exeter. lt je,inovanayears, Or SQ. *since they ' WOit eCti, hoWeyea,, where , 'they, were " loisatOicat yingior4, Sesta, mat were doing Well. '.` • , Per, spooe tionalVire. Hanna, has nob been enjoying ,good,healthr, and ' the treatment slut wes receiving not presvo. inga satisfactory., ene thought ,shs would:lama:10 see, wilat her old, fam- ily physician coulddo tor her, and, accomottnietlaby her husbaad _and Mar of her fivealittle ones, she . lett.,,, her western imme.„ arriving at the ahome of her parents a week pre-vious to her death. • Her „case Was known te 4be an ,exceedinglp .pri kcal one but an operation being consideeed . the only hope of 'a core it was performed 00 Motallay week. She rallied for.. a few days, afterwards but on Saturday morning the end came. . .11e 416c:eased was aawomaa- of rare grace- of character,. unselfish 'almost; to it fault and devoted • to husband- and.ehildren, friends, •and /family, by whom .she was much beloved and • a- iliongst whomshe will be sadly miss: - Besides her, sorrowing ;husband., and five children, OM eldest of whom is thirteen and Abe youngest barely two, site is survived bp her parents," two brothers; H. W. and Harold S., and one sister, Mrs, Geo. H. Elliott. To these goes out the, sin- cero. sympathmet the whole communl ity in their demi sorrow and loss. Mrs. Hamm was a life-long Methodist, being- at onemtime a member ot the Hohnesville congregation, ansi she died in the full aasurarice of, faith. • The funeral took place from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Graham on Monday. afternoon. .Rev. fa J. Aliso, pastor of Ont. St. church; Clinton, conducted the services assisted at the house by Rev, T. J. Slowden of Var- na and Rom R. J. • ltheormiek .05 Frolmesville. The prallemeers were Messrs. Wm, Jervis, W. H. Elliott, Geo , Cook, A. J. Cou rtice, (I i Mair and 3 0, shcppard oi talintros, Among the friends and relatives Present from a distance were Mr. Geo, 0 raham and Miss Emma ; keys of Yale, Mich., 'Mr. and -Mrs. R. Clarke era Mrs, Tudor, Conitanee, arid Mr. and hlre. G. R. Keys Tit 1 on - don, Mr. and Mra T. Bell, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs, W. Hanna, Winthrop, •• • I atri aim. .1. f. Pororsto. I he funeral was one of the las-gest seen in this section 101: SOMP time. Seaforth MesSrs. G. 11. Neelins and M. Brock- eriek went, to -Detroit last week kl.S deputations from 11.0 11C-ItIli011 commit- tee here to meet the old boys of I -1st - 1055 in that eity and arrange for an excursion in August. Mr. and Mrs. Neil MeLeotHeft last week foe their Mane home at Chica- go, Miss Jae Marshall of Ingersoll was the guest of her siate.r, Mrs. N. A. Willoagbay for a few days recon1113", ' Mr, Newton McTavish of Toronto, spent a few days with his brother, Mr. John McTavish ot town. Mrs. Fred Beattie was in Boston Test weelr visitina tar sister, Miss 0. Holmes, Miss live Crittenden has gone to Torohto to take a position ia the of- fice of a large wholesale house. - Mr, and Mrs. James- Philp of Tor- onto spent. a few days of their liouey- moon as the guests of the former's sister, Mrs.' John Murray of town., Miss Mayme.Douglas of Blake is via- iting her attot, Mrs. R, R. Ross, Dr. Scott has so far recovered front Isis rerent accident as to be 'able to resione practice. Mrs. Ireland of, lloariston was here for a few days visiting her mother, Mrs. Turner, Sr. • Miss Erie Stewart Slip.pe,d while rol- ler skating one day recently and in falling brake her arm. Miss Florence Fowler of the Huron Roan has returned from an exteoded stay ati, the Coast. She spent the winter sin California. Miss Bessie lilehlichael„Itaa taken a Position as stenographer in the Ogilv- ie .Mills. Mrs: Jamas proctor- retur,ned froni' „a 'six niontli's viSlt in the west:, Mr. W. McKay of Tbronto was home last weeh.viaiting his 'mother , :Bev. and Mrs, Bond -of Toronto were in town :for a„ few days, the former having conducted services in the.Mella odist chtirelt oa Sunday wetde, amtl while ihefe were the guests of Mr. mid Mrs. James Beattie.' Misa .0essie. P.. Habkirk, eldest data gilter „of Mr. and. Mrs. John Hablcirk, was married on Wednesday of last week to Mr, W. J. Flett ot Grimsby. Mr, James McQuaid of Modell:10p died: on Monday week after a prolong- ed inness sit the age (.)twallt1Y-10110 yeera. I -lis :widowed mothemand one ,sister survives„ . • , „ Dungannon , The funeral of the late Robert, RON took place front the residence of his parents, Mr. 211d MI's. Roht Ri4 Of , West' Waiwanosh, on Sunday week. The traaie cire.unastaaces, of his death caused mu& syrupathp and the funer-* al was very largely attenden. Xis will be remembered by many that while on his way to Ishe north on a' hunting expedition ' last 'fall, someone stole Mr, J. Johnston's gun at an hotel where the party stopped. Just recently a friond in that part of the Icounbry ha e received tidings of the Missing weapea antis Mf, Johnston will 'again be made the happy posseasor of Ihis frosty guo, Without which, life is really hardly worth living fop "Jaok„,1* Blifth. Mr, JohoaKelly of Cloderielt was 'in tONVIs fora few deys last week, Mrs. T. Collis visited Loci:now fri- ends last Week, - M\c\a. Ms: and Mrs: „ aso, Case and family of Toronto, who '''a,rre ou an auto trip through' the cetuntry, visited ; thpii cousiaa, Mr. 0.- 12, and DD. Mailg- garb receatly, ' Mr. John Stewart was in Toronto- las1: weele end on lassaretara. was, ; ac- apippanied laa,,Mrsa-Steavaftm wbo has been in the'city nisrsing* ;," their. ; eon Robert, wife has been eaery ill' butt whoitilow better. Ramming, the infant son of Mr„ and Mrsasjohn,Bcal of Byrons, Alta., died at the'lteene of .the lady's parents; Mt and Mts. Sohn. Raymond, West Waw- anosh, oh Friday week of pneumonia: Mrs. Bell. apt her babe came home 'on a visit ipt Demotion' and owing to the illosess were ubahile to return to their home in the west. The sawmill is again, in operation the new cylinder having "been puts into place. Marriages , McMICHAEL-PICKE1"1"-4.1), Clinton, on June 3r1, by Rev,. Dr. Rutledge, Orpha Emily, younaest alaughter tit Mrs. John Pickett, to' Robert Mc- Michael of McKillop. PENNINGTON-ROSS,--At Goderich on May '27th, Charles Pennington. . and Elizabeth, daughter ot .Mr. _and Mrs. Charles Ross, PATTON-PHILLlPS-A is osi hiay 23rd, William Charles • l'atton, . oi Stratford, 10 , Lula Boyne, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William. Gotiorieh. Births • BALL -In Cliaton on June 2rul, to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bala, a daughter. WATTS -In Clitilon, On Mar 31st, to AL:. and Mrs. Fred W. Watts, a daughter. TR EWA RTH A -At Hohnesville on May 30.th, to Mr, and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, a daughter. BOYLE-In St. Augustin', on May 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. J'oanils Boyle, a daughter. CASTLE -In' Guelph, on May 24111, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Castle, a son. CORNISH -11 Exeter, ou May 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs., Fred Cornisa, a daughter. FOWI,ER-In Morris, on May 23tal, to Mr. and Mes, Peter Fowler, a dough ter. STANLAKE-In Stepheu, or May 21s1, to ler. and Mrs. Stine Stan - lake, e S011. Deaths DEP,Pdox---tri ciintou, on. May 31st, Thomas ,Tames, Maslen, in nis 74111 year, HANNA -In Clinton, no May 30th, Emma Franees Graham, wife of Mr. John Hanel, of Vanguard, SaSso and dattehter of Mr. and Mrs. 3 ames C-1 raham, °acrid] township, in her 381.11 year, 1001411-1n Vancouver, 13.0,, on Map 31st, W. R. Lough, formerly ot Melon. BURTON -In Tuckersmith on Jam 1st, ;John Barton, aged 7.3 years. ST R Ant' AN -In 0 re y township , on May, 27t1s, Thomas Strachan, aged 83 years and 9 months. WIIITE-a•In Morris township, on May 22nd, William Arthur White, mad 38 years and 22 days. McKiltop on May, 2511t, James A. McQuaid, agen 29 years. MeCLELLAND-II Belgtave,' on May 23rd, Alexander McClelland, itt his 16-th year. STANLAKE-Bi Exeter, on. May 2411t Samoci. Stanlake, aged 73 years 3, mouths and, 14 days. FOR SALE -NEWLY CALVED COW Apply to -A., "Flynn, Con. 5, Hut - lett, • TO RENT. -150 ACRES OF C10013 , grass to rent cheap. Plenty of water and shade. -Apply ,to * John Ward, R, R., No, 1, • Loadesboro. Phone 10 on 168. -39 CLOSED -THIS STORE WILL .I3E clesecl for a few 'months'. All out- standing accounts' must be palii alt once at this store beisweve 7 and 9 G. Castle. - 013. SALE -TWO DRIVING ItLVR- 05 and buggy in good isepain-e-Dr. S. Evans. -35 TO RENT. -SHEEP PASTURE. Good iences :and water. -Apply to. D. O. Galbtai11, Bayfield. Where the Good PHOTOS Come From. As 1 have opened a stain9 alt Blytli my Stddlo in Clinton Will be closed every Tuesday. aro prepared to go to •the eotintry on, my atiotor-Oyele and do any work yets wish to have done Within short notice, Photie 6(1, Clinton OTTO FINK • Photographer. WOOD FOR SALE -ALL LENGTHS beat beech and maple. Get prices at office, -M. Rankford. -17. Sunimerhill Mr.. Boisale,.-Priaeipal of the Model, school, Clinton, conductecl service in St. Peter's church last Sunday in the absence of MeV.; Mr. Langford. Mr. ana Mrs. Tyner' spent Sanday at tad home of Mr.: kind Mrs. John Sharlett, Walton. ; Mr, and Mrs, ThOs. Mason annana ily visited friends ,171: 131:11SSO1S' Mr. W. J. hictrien had a sneeesafal barn raising last week. ThaaLadies" reeta,at, the home 'Of Mrs. IttaSon` en 'Wettnedi-sy. N111)111g-RECORD NEWS -LEADER,.. ;TENII.ERS FOIt THE ERECTION' a towo hall in Hensall.-Sealed ,teniTers for the eleetion ot a town hallwill he received -lay time after JUne 2011, 1914. Tenders may he 'addressed to, A. Nfurclook, Clerk, '1'. Fluelson,.,Reeve,.by registered let- ter, inspirked, "Tender tor 'Town Hall" and mustt be in hands of .a - boa& before the 16th Juno, Plans and Specifications will no ambands of Mr, Harry Reyoolds, .A.rehitect, after Juno 2nd. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted -A. Murdock, Jlerk, • -35-3. • 05 BUTTERMILK. -ANYBODY WANT - Mg fresh buttermilk can have same on Wednesday of' each week at Hol- inesville butter fact/irk by phonibsg 4 on 143. FOR SALE. -A NORSMAN REFRI- geralor jest 50 gocd as new. Will sell reasonable. -Apply to Wesley Walker, residence High street. -34. BABY CHICKS FOR sALE.-:ROSE Comb Rhona Island Reds and Bar- red Rocks. 15e for day olds and 20e for week olds. Crops ands 10c. Chicks are from choice strains. - Fronk W, Andrews. -31 FOR SALE. -A WELL BUILT eight room cottago. in good repair • with reel good cellar, new furnace put in last summer, c,ement soft water cistern in cellar, town water up stairs and M cellar, electric light in ' seven,: rooms with five acrea land adjoining In geed con- dition, Bank barn, orchard .and garden with a quantity ot young fruit trees just in bearing. A pant- her of heas ana docks, a good Dur- ham heifer calf nine weeks old, one first-class Durham cow rising five years, one first class Jersey cow carrying third calf, due to calve flesh week in Jane, one, geed Cbat- -ham incubator capacity one hum tired eggs, and quantity of farm kin- Plements.-Apply to W. H. Watts, William. street, Nerth, Clinton. -31 IIAY FOR - SALE, - I HAVE A quantity of hay -baled and enbaled- for sale at $13 per ton at the harn.--John R. Holmes, Holmesville -20 FOR RENT, --,- SIX NICE, AIRY rooms, opposite the inill; hard and soft water, convenient arrange- ments for aceommodation of small family. Apply to -F. W. Evans, Phone 192. -32, FOR SALE EGGS FOR HATO:fl- ing. M. R. Guild bred -to -lay Barred Rock strain. Mated with 0.A.C. cockerels. 50c. for 15 or $3 per 100.-H. J. Trewartha, Mottoes - villa Phone 14 on 153 Clinton. -31 I AM STARTING A PRIVATE Kindergarten in the lower room of the Little S,chool, Townsend street, immediately after Easter and am prepared to take a ntunber of pup- ils between the ages e -four and " sewn, The class will be held from 1.30 p.mto 6 p.m. '1'erma-$1,00 per mannish. -Apply to Miss Hazel O'Neil, Ontario street. -28. CREAM WANTED -WE HAVE E- quipped an up -to -date -creamery mere and `we are ready to receive cream. We solicit your patronage. We will pay you highest prices for your creans twice a month, also pay all express charges and furnish you with cans. Those in the vicinity ot Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. I -Tall and he will deliver it here. Write at once for ca.a0 and give us a trial. -The Seaforth Creamery Co. I3ox 486, Seaforth. • -20 FARM FOR SA.1,31-LOT 0, CON. 3, Stanley, containing 100 acres, 00 acres eleared,-the balance good hard- wood bush. The farmis well fenced and well naderdrainecl and bit a first-class state of cultivation. There is a lirdt-class frame house with furnace and hard-• and soft water in the house. One ,barn 50 ft. x 58 ft., one shed 26 ft x 52 ft., one horse stable .and drive house 26 ft. x 52 ft., all on stone founda- tions, also two goal -wells, one at house and one at the barn 'and water in the barn. Situatel one anilo from school; 2?,:- miles from Bruce - field, 31j miles from Kippen, 6 mil- es from Hensel!, 9 miles from, Sea - forth or Clinton. Reason for sell- ing, wishing to retires -For further Par ticulara 014 on the premises or address Robert Morrison, Brueefield 0. 0. -31-8 FARM FOR SALE. -The William Proctor Farm, Lot Number 32 and south -West part of Lot Numbfir 33, Maitland Concession, Goderich town- ship, 114 anres.--Apply to W. Bry- done, Clinton: -1.0. IPARIVI FOR EXECU- tor of the Sontheointe -estate -of- -- ;farm for sale 50 acres, being east , half of lot 28, con 6, Mullett, This is a first class farm, vpell watered and improved with- good buildings, and orchard, also seven acres of buali land. -Apply to Id. J. South - combo, Clinton P. 0. -24 TENTS for SALE Oo not expect ft; btlY second hand tents in July, Phone me now for bargains, , F, ftILL, Clinton. TO THE FARMERS . Try ono fertilizers- 'Potash and Acid. Phosphate -Nitrotic and ::Soda, for your root crop, We will mix them for: sou and you will get the crop. - • Try. our Corn Feed los cattle and hogs. „ • Also Seed Corn and all kinds of flour at the .North End Feed Store. ' Come and see our agent fel: the Ileintzman Co. Frank W. Evans (Anton. TERMS : CASH. Phone 192 THE COHNER MAE Live and Let Live Breakfast Foods for Hot Weather Con-Flalost Puffed -Rice, Pull -Wheat, Sheddes Wheat, Gusto, Grape -Nuts, Triseuit, Post-Tosties, Dutch Rusks, Foree, Malin Vita. Just Received a Shipment of Flower Pots-, Jardentsere, Dillon: and Toilet Sets, Call and pet Prices, Fruits Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Pine -An, pies, Strawberries and Tomatoes., E. E, HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER, Are bon Using Glasses. Many people are using gloms but many more should. If they did it would save them eye strain, causing headachea, and preserve the sight longer. is,. proper test by an optician will tell. Let us make the test for you? AJ. GRIGG • Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage • Licenses. Anything yOu'vvant done in Rootirg Ea,vetroughing Plumbing oi Furnace work, , Call and see our Stock before placing your order. - BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary, Plumbers Pboni 7. NEWS -RECORD NEWS -LEADER. BOAR FOR SERVICE.- HAVING Purebased from Mr. G. Dale et Kia - burn his' splendid Tantworth hog Will !mop the same tot aerviee est 10123, 3rd cello of Mullett. Ole is known as oae of.' the best breeders in the county, Terms $1 at time of service 'with the privilege of re- turning if necessary. -L. Tyndall, -28, °stern Oats A carload of high gtad'e Wes': tern Oats arrived for last week. CORN and POTATO • FERTILIZER, ' For well cobbal corn and la0e even oized Potatoes use Gunn's Shur -Crop Fertilizer, scientifically prepared by men of twenty year experience. A few brooders, left:which we are selling at a:bigireduc- tion. Just what you need for young chicks. •We have a supply, of baby chick feed for small chickens, specially prepared calf -meal for young calves and hog meal for finishing hogs. A full line of ran, Shorts, Flour and Feed always on 1, and . GUNN, LANGLOIS CO The Up=to=date Firm • C.L1NTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm, Jenkins. EVERYTHING IN TINNING and, sheet metal work is in our lino. We fix the furnace in the cellar or the skylight Cm the roof. Put a new amolrestack on your chimney or 55 new gino apder the stove. . LEADERS ARE LEADING, the best of tinning work that needs looking after right now. 13etter have 110 look at them. A little of ottv work Rota may save pou Et 101 or trouble after while. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. PLUMBING AND HEATING. WOOL WANTED s, Highest Market Price Paid in. Cash. Tor WOOL. -Also on hand for sale Flour aral Feed, Potatoes, Oats. Will exchange for farm, pro - 0. SMYTH. Next the hospital. Victoria Strect, FOR SALE Two good Incubators, one' Chatham 210 egg and one Morgan, 60 egg. ' White Leghorn Eggs for hatehltaa $1.00 setting of -15. Rock eggs $1.00 per 13. Special pen prize Barred Rocks $2 per setting. Also young, racing Homer Pigeons, W. JACKSON. Poultry Plant, Clinton. For Sale in Clandeboye GOOD BRICK Housg, 2 ACRES ORCHARD, STAB- LES, AND 15 ACRES LAND. CONVENIENT TO POST OF- FICE, S 0 II 0 0 L AND -CHURCH - APPLY W. A1, JONES. 200 PERCY ST. . OTTAWA. GRAND TRUNK IVrEV HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Rennet trip tickets to Points M Man- itoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chicago, St. Paul or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until October 27, in. elusive, at low fares. THROUGH PULLMAN TOUR- IST SLEEPING CARS TO WIN- NIPEG ON ABOVE DATES, LEAVING TORONTO 11 p.m. NO CI-IANGE OF CARS. RETURN LIMIT, TWO MONTHS The Grand Tootle Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be- tween Winnipeg -Saskatoon -Edmonton, avith excellent through service to Re- gina. Trains now running foto Cal- gary. Berth reservations and Particulars at all Grand Trunk ticket offices or write C. E. Horning, District Passen- ger Agent, Toronto, Ont. J. Rensford iga Son, Uptown Agents. A, 0. Pattison Station Agent, 1111111111111•11M1.111111111111 10 .. 0 ,,,, i inea es • 1 ,„ , p . • • • , • • ,, 1 This will be Pineapple 0, 0 Week. The largest, big- i', i,gest, most juicy pineap- $' • ples are now good fcr pre, 4, ; serving. ; $ Special prices in dozen • 2ots tor canning, If • • • • • $ Although sugar is ad- ; $ yancing, we ean still sup- $ # ply you with the best • $ sugar (Redpath's) at $ wholesale price, ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. T. O'NEIL ' • 0 0 * 01 . "The Hub Grocery.". * I "‘ I • • .110111,11,11. • ' Stallion Routes. ••• • ."GUINEA GOLD.'" " The ;noted stock horse "Guinea ;Gold" Willtreed a limited numbee oh mares at his 'own stable lot 40, 'West ' Enid, Tuelcersmith, G. W. Notts, ••Prola, BARON WALLACE Monday -will leave his own stable, lot 40, West End, Tuckersmith, go to Elston Road, then .1 Graltaml Haase for nom; -then to Gilbert:Meth:a for eight. Tuesday - By Holmesville and 'Maitland con. to Ilan. Burst's, .for noon, then by wap of the Bethel Corner anti Benmiller to Wilmot Henke's, Huron Roan, for night. Wednesday.-Htsron Road east to M. tor noon, then by way of 91,11 COM to James Graham's, tor -night. -Thursday-To Wise's corner and Bay- field Road to James jaciesonsand of Stanley, for soon, theta to MS own stable -for night where he will remoia until. the. following Monday •morning. _.0. W. ,Notb, prop,. INDEX. Moaday-Wilt leave Isis own stable alt Brucefield a.nd proceed west to Var- na and north to Inn Rathwell's, God - Welt township, for noon, thenic west by way of Brucelleld Line and. Stew- art's corner to Wm. C'urrie's for night, Tuesday -North lo Bruce 5, Hohnea roll rifien Mut via Holmesville to Har- ry Sweet -s for night, Weduesday, -By way, of Fluters. Road to the Gra- ham UMW, Clinton, ior noon, theft along Base Line to Albert Towns - !Mode for -night. Thursattp-East through Mullett to Gem Seephenson's, Constance, for noon, then by way ot Wroxboro to the Dick House, Seafortli for night. Friday -South to R. Browolee's for imon, then by way of the London Road to his own stable where will remain mitt' the fol- lowing Monday morning. Wan, Berry, arop• mid manager. PRINCE 0-13 ATKTON, hlontlay-Will leave his own pia Va and proceed west to Vorna' and north to Ben Rathwell's for noon, Dien bY Bayfleld Line to Switzer's corner and north to James Sterlinia's for night. Tuesdaya-North isy Mcon. to J. E. MeMillan's For noon, then north to Huron Road and via Ben - miller • to J. E. Durdt's, Lolboine, for night. Wednesday -3y woy oh Hohnesvillo to Herb Osstialdeston's for huts, thOh east to 16th con, and north and east to Albert Tolvashend'a for night. Thursday -South a,- Lou- deshoto Itopel to and of Mullett to Ed. Johnston's for noon, then easg la- milesand south to Huron Road end east to C4eo. Walker's for night'. Friday -East by way ot •Harperhey, to Thos. Coleman's for noon, Oen Sentit to -D. Fotheriughare's for night,. Saturday -Te hie owns stable where Ito Will remain- until the ' following •Monctap morning. Wm. and Bruce Berry, Propa, Lea :McConnell, Manager, TENDERS FOR WOOD LIMIT. Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned till to and including Monday, the iith day of June, 1911, for right to eat wood or various descriptions on a certala area tributary to the Frederiekhouse and Abitibi Rivers ia the District of Temiskaming. Tenderers shall state the amount they am prepared to pay as bonus in addition to the ordinary Crown dues, including 40c. per cord for Spruce, and 20c, pets cord for other pulpwood, or such other rates as may from: time to time be nxed by the Lieuten- ant -Governor in Council, for the right to operate wood products milts on or near the area referred to, Soh tenderers shall be required to erect a mill or milts on or near the territory, and to manufacture the wood into products thereof in tIte Province of Ontario. Partied making tender 'will be re- quired to deposit with their tender a marked cheque payable to the Hon- ourable the Treasurer of the Province of Ontario, for ten percent, of the amount of their tender, 'to be forfeit- ed in the went of their not entering into an agreement to carry out -tho conditions, etc. a'he highest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. For particulars as to description oil territory, capital to be invested, etc. apply to the undersigned. - W. FL HEARST, Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines, Teronto, Ontario, 2141, April