The Clinton News Record, 1914-05-21, Page 8Clinton News-Recod` May 21st 121 E'xOeilOntWorn011sShOOs Tbe Woman Who wants better shoes -distinctive shoee can find in our silting lines exactly what she is looking fort We have handsome footwear, in high and low cut 'models, from makers who have+ a world wide rehutation•for,lnaking goodlshoes, . FINER FOOTWEAR THAN OUR SPRING. MODELS ;WAS NEVER MADE •O,R SHOWN. Beautiful bright and dell finish leathers., Oravenetto and '''' Cloth taps ; The new colonials and pnrnps;are beauties .Cuban Spanish,, Louis and fiidrey'heels, Recedingtoes of the new Eng- lish models, etc, $2.50 $3.00 $4.00 to $4:50 • WE'LL SHOW YOU THE BEST OF SHOES AT ANY. STATED PRICE r One expeiianeed shoeservice, in fitting is of the greatest value to a woman who wants ha shoe that is "Just right in Every Way." FRED. JACKSON Good Shoes for Everybody. 11 LIST of Improved and Up -To - Date Seasonable Goods Lawn mowers Sherwin -William paints Screen doors and windows Japalac and varnishes Perfection oil stoves Campbell's varnish stain Washing machines Climax wall paper cleaner Y. W. ringers Ronux English floor paint Step ladders `5 kinds metal polish Paint brushes Silva. the celebrated silver polish White wash brushes 10 different kinds stove polish Brooms and whisks fellstone Muresco Spades and shovels C) -Cedar tnops Rakes andhoes Hempel and liquid veneer Poultry netting Brass curtain poles Garden hose See our assortment of ever ready electric flash lights and the Cele- brated National electric smoothing iron, new dtotory corn planter. tr Special Free Parcel Post to all parties living within 20 miles of Clinton. Our phone is Nu. 7,or drop o card and we will send by the next delivery, free of charge, 11 pounds is the weight limit. HARLAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES 1 As The Housecleaning Is Now On. We have purchased an up-to-date ELECTRIC VACCUI I CLEANER. which will clean your Carpets and Rugs thoroughly. Price $1,50 for each home. We have what you need in Furniture. Ball Sc Atkinson This Smart Raglan is only one of the splendid, new styles you can see in the Standard Fashion Sheet for April. Be sure to call for a Free copy at our Standard Pattern Department. W. D. FAIR CO. Often the cheapest -Always the best.. FURNITURE E DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS DE RT AKE RS Night andSunday Calls. N. BALL Phone 110, J. A. ATKINSON, Phone 180 New Spring Rags at Special Prices. Wo have jest received our:first shipment of New Rugs and while they are wonderful values still we are going to offer some Exit a;Spec- ial Prices during the next two weeks in order to induce early buying. We have'l.'apestry Rugs, Velvets and Wilton Rugs and all spec- ially/priced for Lhe:next, two weeks. SEE OUR SPECIAL $10.00 RUGS. Also some big -values in Linoleums and Lace Curtains; BIGGER, VALUES IN BETTER SHOES. Spt.ipgtimernreans Shoe man most faanilies(and" Veare here with the goods" to supply those wants and at a. big saving in price to you. [)on't miss seeing our stock whenlooking for your next pair. "It will pay you well". Plumsteel Bras.:. Small Profits More Business mignr giNna minialriNln,, ::nasal It. illrs. Gunn was in Toronto last week attending tie missionary conven- tion. Mr. Stlonu of Essex was in town last week visiting her daughter, Miss A. Stone of the C.I. stall. Miss Lerma Iliggins of Brucefield was the guest of her aunt, Mrs, Wni. Graham over the •week -end. Mr, Lloyd Wilkin lefty Monday morning for Ovven. Sound to tai'e a position in the Molsows Bank branch •there. Mr, and Mrs. Davis and yMr. and Mcg. Ilemphill of .iionsall motored up on S'anday to visit Mrs. Wm. Graham, Mrs. Margaret Pickett is in London this week attending the wedding of her niece,, which took place yester- day, Rev. R. A. Cranston of Palmerston was the guest wliae in town over the week -end of Mr, and Mrs. John Torrance. Mrs. B. Biggins of Brucefield -vas the guest of her s_ster-in-law, Mrs. Win, Graham, ,for a few da} during the past week. Rev. C. L. Langlord is in London this ' week writing upon his exam for the first part of his B.D. His friends wish hila success, Miss Ger tie Conner of Seafortk its as- sisting in Conner's new restaurant. Miss Viola Rowe has taken a posi- tion hi Cooper's book store. Rev. J. C. Potts and Rev, C. L. Lang - lord attended the Ruri-decanal meet- ing and Sunday school convention at Seaforth on Thursday last. Miss Florenec C'uningllame 15 in Lon- don this week as a delegate from the auxiliary of Wesley church to the Branch meeting of the W.M:S. Mrs. E. M. McLean of London has been 'visiting friends in town dur- ing the past week. She was the guest while intown of Mrs. W. R, Counter., Mrs. H. Pennebaker has been spend- ing the past ten days with her mo -i. ihnr, Mrs. George Burrows, Shep- pardton, and with friends in Goder- ich, Mrs. A, Seeley and her mother, Mrs. Joins were in Toronto during) the past week. consulting a specialist eoneerning the latter's health, which has not) been good far sonic time. Mr. R. J. (',hilt has been somewhat under the weather during the past 'Week. I t is hoped, however, that his indisposition will ruot prove sero s and that he will open he himself aga'n , Rev. Dr. Rutledge was conducting a Special anniversary service in tl.e Methodist choral, Seaterth, on Sun - clay evening; last. Next Sunday he will be absent in Fellation preach- ing re -opening sermons. nIr, W. 5 IMabel !tinct inert! Miss M bel left on Monday for Hamilton, where they will visit friends fora few weeks. Seventy -fou: years ago ion Monday Mx, flatland first saw the light of day in the Ambitious City, 1t !diel was then hut a crossroads village, and ihelthought it would be an interesting way to celebrate the aniversary by paying a return visit to Its rntive niece. Mr, James Scott left Monday after- noon for New York City to be pre- sent at the graduation excercises, which tc,Dk place 'Tuesday,. in coir- vection with the training school for nurses of the Presbyterian hospital in that city When This daughter, Miss ' Kate, received her d'aploena after a three years courscf Miss Scott, al- , tier ar, Yisit with Itiends, will spend a vacation at ler home in town be- fore tasting up the practice ,of her. •profession,, Mr. Ed. Iloward came up from Lon- don on Friday and remained' oven for a- day. As heretofore he trav- els by motorcycle and 1f he eared to coulra p o:Ably •heat out the Huron and 'Btuce'train. Indeed, he !night be tempted to do no if the roads were all as smooth as .the streets of Clinton, but, as a -matter of fact, there, .,are very few places in this part of the province where the enticement for cyclists and motor- ists to blreak the speed limit is just so' strong' ah in •this Hub of Huron. • Friday, Saturday and. all next'week'we put on. • sale 1,000 'Ygds ,NEW ENC. •LJ1SH PRINTS lul'1'width'and'weight, every color•: iast, white grounds in black, • blue,'brown,..red and pink spots••and flow: ers,.blueground with all the new designs, ` black ground iii all the designs, also red and pink grounds While they 'Inst tic. New Ginghams With the above we put on sale 500 yards of New Spring Gifu ghams, in �b ecks aria stripes in allthe leading 'colorings; full width.. ° plain weave and cord "stripe, regular 15e values, sale pripe, toe. New. Goods This, Week °t New Cotton Hosiery all colors, new Summer Underwear, N cv her pings, New Cotton. Dresses, Hole Proof Hosiery, New Corsets. House Furnishings for House Cleaning Season RUGS and MATTS We are showing a splendid range of Tapestry and Brussels and Wilton Rugs. in the very latest colorings and designs, in all sizes. A visit to this department will convince you that you will save by doing your shopping here• CARPETS 300yards of Brussels Carpet in small and large patterns, in greens, fawns and brown grounds. Regular price $1.25, sale price 89c. AT THE MEN'S STORE NEW STRAW HATS --We are showing a complete range of all the up to -date shapes in Straw Hats, The season is fast coming on for these goods. Be wise ani pick out yours early before the lots are broken. The prices run from $I up to $5. BOYS COTTON JERSEYS—We have now in stock a complete assortment of boys and girls long and short sleeve cotton jerseys in all sizes and combinations of colors, at 25c. BOYS LION BRAND CLOTHING ----If you want to save money on boys clothing, the kind that gives good wear, bring your boy to this store and have him fitted out in one of our Lion Brand Suits, no better', made, no better style, no better wear, and .yon _pay the same price. SUITS FROM $2.50. up. TOZER _ IRO W. C. BROWN, Successor. About People You Know ll.rs. W, T. O'Neil returned Tuesday evening frv.n a week's violt in Toronto. Mr. A. J. (Trigg joined a party of Blyth and G oderiel felends in an auto trip to Ln ton 011 Monday, Mrs. S. J. Ailin and Mrs, Jas. Steep are representing the Ontario W.M.S. at ti , Branch meeting in London this week. Mrs. Wm. Cook hag been spending the past few days with Gocl'crich town• ship friends. Messrs. Otto Fink and R. S. Byam cycled to Stratford and St. Mary's the fore part of the week. Miss Elva Lavis left Thursday lash for Toronto to niter Dill a proba- tion as nurse -in -training at the General Hospital, Messrs. A. T. Cooper and J. A. Ir- win were in Hensel! and Monday at- tending a minting of the temper- ance workers in the South riding. Mr. C. A. Comp, construotion engin- eer of Montreal, has been i,y town this week in connection with the. finishing of the hydro system in Clinton. Mr, and Mrs. .1. 0. Atkinson all Miss Eileen visited friends in Exe- ter and vicinity Saturday and Sun- day, malting the tourney to and fro illheir auto'. L t. o :l nhas hen t - a Mr. Ray Cantc oi�, who be , tendint11e University of Saseatch- ewatr at Sai 1natoon has successfully passed his first year's exam, and is now teaching at Levey, Alta., for tit; sumannrer months. Mrs, J. G. Medd went to Roel wood) en Saturday to attend the funeral of her cousin, .Mrs E. lIaggans, daughter of the late George Lyon of Cllintcn On her way home Airs Medd visited friends' in Guelph. Master Terence Higgins, dun of the late T. M Higgins, is up from 'Toronto on a visit to itis mint, Mrs. Win. C r alar. Later. he will go up to M'uslco'a to loin his mother and other members of the family at their su.nliner home. Mrs, T. J. McNeil and Master 'Neilis left Tuesday afternoon for Wobaska- win, Sask'„ to visit her l-;is'ter, Mrs. French, Miss 1'obbutt of town ac- companied yhoni on the journey west and will visit frrierds in various parts of clic prairie province. Mrs. M. Ballard, fo •merly of 'town, recently graduated as a nurse front] the training 'school in connection with the •Berlin -Waterloo' 'Hospital' carrying off the gold medal for. proficiency.. Mrs, Ballard intends raciaclb' liar'proxession in Berlin. Clinton friends wi'h be pleased to haar of liar success. Mn. Class, Hall, who has held tlic Position of teller 1,i the Molson:A Banc local branch for the past year and a halt', has been transferred to St. Thomas and felt for that city yesterday, Mr. Hall has been peer Mar with the patrons of the hank and his departure will .be regretted. I -Ie will also be ,missed in social circles, Mr Volta of St. Thoa1as is Mr. Hall's . successor, Mr, W. Brydonc was in foronlo last week; Misses Emma and Hattie Levis spent * Holmes - villa few dayir 'this week with oliires- lI villa friends. Mrs. (Rev,) James Ward of Walter - ford is the guest this week of and Mrs. H. E. Paull. Mr. Wilfred Pickett, attended the wedding of his cousin, Miss Mar- garet Motiat of Landon, yesterday. Mrs. Goodman of Toronto has been visiting her sister, Mrs, F. Morris, dieting .the past week, Mr. Good- man wilt loin his wile here tomor- row and on Saturday they go on to visit at the lady's parental home in Listowel. Rev. R.B. Stevenson of Tavistock has accepted a call to Um Presby- terian church at Shellliurne and the Stratford Presbytery has arranged for his translation to Owen Sound Presbytery. Mr, Stevenson is a Mahar of Mrs. W. S. Down; of town and is known to many here having vid:ted here .from time to time and on more than o11-3 p.xa- sio:d .occupied the pulpit of Willis church. • Hu➢tett Township l'tr. James fin,il the well-known stockman, has at his farm a pair of twin Shorthorn calves a 30eplc o: weeks old and they are, beauties. They are almost identical in color and are froth fine, healthy animals. Mr. Snell is 13311 offering them for sale but they would bring a fancy price slt:iuid he desire to part with r t them C 1 In the illustrated part of last week's Toronto Sunday World is shown a group of sturdy boys be - r longiuig io IHowardPark Public school, who lave won distmctfon in variousforms of athletics. Their teacher, Mr. W 1 antbly a to showed with thein He is a soli of Mr. W. lani:olyn o. r'gr i.ondeiiboro. The News From Londesboro PItss Sara Marr has purahasedr a • 111,3 new piano. Mrs. Whitely of aortic is visiting :friends in the vicinity. 1 Mrs. Mason and Mi. s E. Mason of Blyth were guests at the honio of W. T. I3run,don on Monday, Miss Esther -Lynn, Mrs. T. Samp- son and Mr, II. Lynn returned from Rockwood on Monday evert ng after attending the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Samuel Haggan. Mrs, Fred Richards is visiting her brother, who resides in London. Mrs. H. Hill, Sr., left on Tuesday on a visit to he: son, Arr. Thos. Hill, of Loudon, Mrs. (Rev.) Reid returns:! from Toronto on Monday. Sire had gone down to attend the missionary ventiecon- on in connection with the Woni- n's Societies of the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Stalker is visiting friends in Ilelgrave this week, We regret to report the arerious rasa of Mrs. Cunningham, Sr, Her friends are Doping site may take a tura for the better: shortly, NIr. ,r. ouninghame of Belgravci was a visitor fn tit, village 011 Sunday. The W.M.S. int i cal.n* their hoci .b n). Ritual social atri el . n Ole Mete re room, on ca t Monday evening next A good pro- gram is being prepared and refresh- meets will he served, Mr. Parry. Lyon visited friends f.nr •Guclpll last week and also attend-. ed the funeral of Mrs. iIaggan of Rockwood, Holmesville Rev, =Mr. Crossley opened a seri.J of spepial t;ervices in the Methodist chuff, h on Sunday last anal they are being continued each evening through- out' the week. Good congregations Bade 'peen present at each of tlia ser - ivices and it is hoped much good will he accomplished. Mr,' Crossley 're - 1 tains his old-time vigor in preaching and his singing has charmed many. Our village is still booming. Five Russians and Poles have moved into. Mr. Alfa Jervis' !rouse and it is said they have all secured employment, three with surrounding farmers and two with Mr, Geo Ladd on the, G.T.R. section. They are reported to be good workers and obliging and agreeable. Miss Annie .Braithwaite has return- ed home after spending a couple of weeks with Tl in! I: on mends', We are glad to hear that Miss Mm:•. fel Young is rocov'erinl after her re- cent illness. Mrs, (Rev.) Osterhout and Mrs. E. Bell are delegates to the Branch. electing in London this week, Mr. and Mrs. Lydatt and Master Stanley of London are visiting at the home of Mr:, Fran: Woods. The W,M.,S. of the Methodist church held their .annual election of officers which resulted as follows Presider`.,, Mrs. N. Lyonn. 1 -'ice, 'Mrs. E. Bell. Treasurer, Mrs. Collinson.. Cor. -Secretary, Mrs. Brogden. Rec.-Secretary, Mrs. W. II. Lyon. Supt. Systematic giving, Mrs:_ Phillips. Organist, Mrs. E. Adams. Assistant, Miss Easley. Wingham Mr. J. C. Wilson is going to Winni- peg to engage in perluuine•y survey work. ,luring the long vacation months,' Mr. Alex. Bird_ and family have a re- turned from Paisley and intend !oras time here permanently. 11r. Bird Ibis tak.eu charge of the Marble Works, 1 HOLIDAY FOOTWEAR AIM 11111101111111111MEMPIIIMIMMENI PUMPS and OXFORDS—Ladies, you can— not afford to !nibs the opportunity to look at our very wide range of New and up-to•date Summer Footwear, in all leathers -patent„ ateot, gun metal calf, suede-• and white new buck and canva MEN'S SHOES= -=Our' new styles in men's shoes for the season 'm ke it easy for them to gratify their individual tastes. There is line custom mod- eling in ever line and snch perfection of fit and finish Y as well as durability that it will be pleasure to wear' y them. H. S. CHAPMANN PHONE 70