The Clinton News Record, 1914-05-21, Page 3SI.I.FFERERS FROM PAINFUL RHEUMATISM Liniments of No Avall-T-Must 11,4 -be :cured Through the Blood aro there sic). many failures tile.' treatment of rheumatism.q are.se many sufferete resigned to a11a of path, despairinq of a .0tir e .secause rheithratiem defie,s any treatmeitt that, does not build. up Mid PurIfy the blood; il'he p.oisenS rhintnatlsrfl. a:ren the blood, tinci It is only through the Wee] t the di.Seaa ean be fou.alit save- . 6eoefu11y; •Tinless the blood ie Weak and Impure rheumatisin cannot get toothold. When it does the thin itad intintre' b;loed i not' strong tknough to Overe:ame the imasons ,tt.hya, It must be, Strengthened ,puriiVad: Dr, Willieaee' Pink Pees or Pale People are bilLO beat blood -betiding medicine you omit bileta, They make new Mood wit•h @eery'deem aid Promptly check fee- . 6her pregrese:of the disease. They ineke,the elooci SO pure, 1311d strong beet not:the lea* trace of theme - tient rernAks Mr R. J. eieclair, geehite, N.S., says; , "About twe., -enisare ego I was laid, up with rheu- Matiadoe For two menthe I ocosid .uct„walk, and Itari ,,bo..staF in en eitieeltd's ;chair., • My feet werebad- ly swollen and- iny ernes esented to be nterelezedeI had been using dootorts, medielee for. A long tame, but it did net eeern to help me, and • the &Meer finally fold me 'that the only thing theta would cure ni would be a cheage of climate. tele time I deoloded to give De. Wile !lame' Pink Pills a. erial and got a supply. After I had taken them Lar a while I found they were 'help- ing, me, and I got a .furtilier supply and they 'completely cured me, and here not been sick tame ditty elate. I geongly reoommend Dr. Wel- lierms' Pink Pills for this trouble." You ean get these Pills from. aiey dealer in medicines ros• by' mate post pitid, at 50 cents a box OT six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, • Oat. GIVE CHILD HEART DISEASE. Rheumatic Microbe Causes 350 Out (.- .of 500 Cases. Itheurnatiem is a preventible dis- ease, accordarag to D. Boynton, mem Metered recently at tlei Institute oE HygieneLondon.. By rheum.- fiem ke not, only meant ehe terribly painful eiteate ia the joints., but the Itegennings of it in lettle chile erne "The 'Ilieetase rheumatism' " he said, '"e 'btm ook en as essentially an infeetion with a micro organism —a minute streptococcus or cliple- , eoecue." He ehowed lantern slides to peeve htba. oontention. Then he went on tio point out that these lit- tle 'seed's ,-of, future trouble were '— seem everywhere in-oer greet cedes,. d- bliab the erg effeets 'they pre- duege 'were on quite young children, meetly in the Donn of heart disease. Of course, theumatient: is net the ,only ortime of tweet tatouble in clan- , dren who are less lame tweeve yeses of age, bet Dr. Poembon's, notebook shove that of 500 'armee in which a •i""IP:,feark was aifeeted 350 'could be traced to theufmatism. The infection eeeins to be every- where, dint there are CO Pbabil condi- tions that make a Child very reeep- tive. Fent et all, Dr. Poynton puts poverty, for the' disease is netch •moet: frequene in early life , tuner:get' the poorer Magee. Next . °cafes heredity, and aeter that • mete. Be does not think that (bet • -has ene..beering upon the outtalk:a of disease in eileldhood, though pos- • sibly later in .life ib rimy peochtee some altertatien en the beheviour of the infection. G AD V ERTI SE KENT Glow of Health Speaks for Postum. requiree no 'scientific training to etiecoven whethee tea axle coffee disagree. - Simply stop both for a time and use Postale instead, then note the beneficial effects,. The truth will ,appear. "Six years Ago I was in a vary • bad cendition, writes a lady. "1 .suffered from- indigeetien, nervous - nets anti in eoenniat `..t1 vets then eneavetereee eoffee . drinker, 'but it was long befoee I •' .could be peemeded that it was cof- • fee that hint me. Finally I decided to leave it. off a few daye and fine • ent the teeth." (Tea. is jamb es in- jurione Itecause 1± contafies the • eeme drug, oeffeine.) ."The fiest morning'I left, off coffee I had a raging headache, so I de- • cided 1 =nab have sot/he/thing to • taketleepla.ee of eoffee." (The head- ache Was ceased by the reeetion of .the coffee drug—caffeine.) • "Having heard of Poetem •threugh a friend who, used it, 1 • 'bought a peckage and tried it. I 'did not like it at fleet, but after I }earned 6310,W to make it right, ac- ,00rding to directions on pkg.'I Waled •not ehange beck coffee for .anythieg. ".Witen I began to ese, Postum I • weighed only 117 les. Now I weigb 170, and ea L have not 'taken' any genie in that tene I men only cadre- • -blithe My Present eeocl health to the use of Postum in piece of coffee. "My 'euteliend says I ain a living aticlvereleement for Pesten:et ' Kamo given by the - Canadian Beaune Clo., Windsor„ One. Peetten now comes an two eertne Regular Postuut meg be ,well boiled, 15o ane 25c packages. • Instant Postunt—is w eoluble pow- • deat. A tempoonful dissolves quick ly e cup of het 'water and, with .cream and eoger, makes a• detienus leverage, instantly. ,30o end 50o, The:coet per cap of both kinds 1 sellout the "Theme: a. Reason", for POISIbltin --eole by Geocerst ILVIII) WATER FOlt TEETH. Rail Teeth Causti Defective Eyesight ' --Soft Water Areas. ' Probably it will be news to most people that the .condition, " of the teeth —especiall§ of • 411th-ea—is governed to a laaige 'extent by 'the character of the water • habitualiy drunk. In localities where the wa- bi3T iharti"—that is, eontainiws a high percentage. of • is, is much less demand for tile services • •dentifils, than 'Acre the main sup- ply of drin11.6no• water is, . This mIght" rtave boep smipeeted, atlims enters largely into the ,of toeth, but lb is only re- cen• tly that the matter brae been set-, tied.'by seisptific ininestigation. The' inquiry grew out of observations of the. Widespread'.prevelefice of "teleeerles' --decayed spolte in teeth teeth -tong eelteol children in Eng - lend.. • There, :as in this oonnerY:' More and niere abtention is being. given to bite eonditiori of IlAmaol- ehildien'e teeth because of the dis- astrous effects of had teeth upon, 'the getteral health. •, • Children who appear badly Latour- rerely home sound teeth. Bed teeth :needy always cause digestive &gut -beaten and in :the ecterse of time may be respensiele foe defee- -dye eyesighes which -so often makes backward pepile of children who are flannelly emight and :capable at their lessona •7 Die suipieionethAt :the thareeter of the water habetuelly drunk hais much to do with the condition of the teeth was timely justified. The in- quiry was very thorough, being case- dected in localities supplying wafter of total hardness, of temporary haninees gel of permanent herd - Under e.ach of these conditions the children examined numbered eighty'. The pereentago of 1113436,6 having four or more decayed teeth varied in a most convincing manner aeoeirding to the hardness of the water supplied in bhelr leettlity, the remark of the inveattigato,r teeing emphatic that: • "The harder the water the better the teethe' It wae alto Sound that ",titio lower the infant rnoatality"—the smaller the pereentage of deaths in infa:ney —"the better the teeth." WHAT MOTHERS SAY • OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS • Thousturele of mothere use no obher medicine for their little ones but Baby's Oven Tablets. Once a mother has used tee Tablets she will use DO other medicine. Conoerning them Mrs. Geo. 1V1. Binne, Clifford, Ont., writes.: "Enclosed find twenty-five cents for anther box of Baby's Own, Teblets, se I would not bo without (hem. When baby is crate and ailing 1 eve him a tablet or two and he is soon well and happy again. I know nem other medietne to eqeal them and find them fax superior to Castor oil." • The Tab- lets are sold by medicine doelees OT by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook- ville, Ont. ' CO-OPERATION IN RUSSIA. Great Development of Mutual Soci- eties of All Kinds. It is probably not generally known thee Itusge ranks emend 'atnong the countries of the eerie with respect to the number of co- operative societies within its ter- ritory, being surpassed only by Germany, The co-eperetive me:ve- lem:It began in Russia in 1865 when the first boat t and savings eaoiety werc founded. But tele reel devel- opment of the different beariehice of co-operation has taken place only during the past ten yeas's. In 1913, there were in Russia no lees than 12,500 co-operative credit societies (of which 3,300 WeND Schulze -De - Meseta ()meal banks); 1,500 distribu- tive e,900 aericeeteral so- cieties and co-operative agnioultur- al societies; 600 co -operative socie- ties for production; 500 co-operative graneriee and 2,500 dairies. These figures, it meet be added, Defoe to Rueele, excluetve of Finland, where there ere MOTO that), 2,000 societies with at least 250,000 anembeee About e ehousaad of these are co- operative ceedet staceedeee neaelY 400 ere coaoperetive dairies; strel e00 are co -'operative societiee Inc the uee of agricultural nmehenery, etc. Altogether, therefore, there are al; the present day in Russia seme 30,600 co-operative societies. Thie very oonsiderable .develop. trent is dee to a number of eausee. There hes without doubt' been an awakeeing of the working classes, and eepecially of the agricultarel classes, to a consciouseese of thei-r common ketereets end a re aeizetion of the value of sell -help, There are in the country districts many people of .superior intelligence, and it is through their efferts, that matey ferent co-epee:Wive institutionhave been founded. During tee late ten years, the ruling elaeses heve seen oleaele tee n e cessity foe encrothreetaig the development of the co - op matt ve movement. Reneet lame and trieas some relating to co-operate:in which have deans exile effect ere the fel- toeing : (a) • laws on cosoperetive medit of ithe years 1895, 1904 aed. 1910: (b) model rules of the eerie Every Town And ,Village In Canada 11A.$ SOMEONE' CURED BY 1)01)D'S KIDNEY PILLS. Mr. E. frandlie Tells How They. Sent Dim Bach to :Work end Saved 1 ilin 3litehelloney.. Vonlorugh, Ont,, Ivlay itit-(Spe- cial).0ne. more man lutt proved to his entiro s.atisfaciiiion that the one sure cure for sore hack is Dedd's Icittl'atiy PIUS. That man is Mr. E. Handke, a well-known resident of this place, and he is telling his friends that Docie's Kidney Pills eaved him muoli lost bisase, andesuf- teeing as well. , "1 was laid up with eore beck," Mr. Handke seys. "At timet I was net able ‚to get up in the morning. But- by the time I lied taken one box ef Dode's Kiduey Pills I found that the pain was getting less, and by the time I Met taker: six boxes I wee ell right and able to go ho work again. ' "I want to say to any men who suffers Lean wee back that Doices Kidney Pillars the only remedy I would reeemmend. They saved me a large dootor's bill and mach ket ' - Sore back is :me of the symptoms eef Kideey Disease. The naltaral way to care, it is to cure the eick Etidneye. ,Dedcre ICienee,Pills mire et& Kidney's. If you haven't teied- them yourself, ask your neighbeis, Every neighborhood in Cenecle, has some men or woman who bas been cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. . sAvEti FROM THY 'PIDE. Swinburne Had Narrow Escape Front Drowning. Algernon Ohairles 'Swinburne, the English poet, eeemed imartune from eI1 the maladies that 'pursue unfor- bunaite mankind. Writing of Swin- berme in "Portreits and Sketches," Mr. ilanund Gosse says that he dad not know fatigue; his agility and beighthess were untiring. His oesue- age and zest as a bather were su- perb. When, he WalS, a. very little thee, his father, the admiral, had taught him to ha fearless (the we. - ter, by taking hini up in his arms aind flinging him among the waves. At Dton, says his.cousin, ".Ailgeraion could swim forever." Yet, us a, yeung man, he had a very narrow escape from (troweling. Swinberne was a daring bather, anti he loved to go to Eteetat be- cause the opportunities for swim- ming in the wee were so ,exeellenit there. 031 • a, certain Friday in the late summer, INS,about ten o'clock in the morning; the poet went alone to a isolitary point on tho eastern side of th oplage, the Porte d'Ameate (foe there is no real harbor at. Etretet), took off, his clothes, and leaned ie as was his wont. A few minutes leen e mein called Coquerel, who WAR on the outlook at the setnaphone, at the foot of the cliffs on easteen gee of the bay, heerd cries foe help and piercing 'scream, • He climbed up on a ehalk rook, and saw that a fevimmer, -who had been eaaget by the tid,e which rune very swiftly a that place, was be- ing hurried out to sea, in epito of Isis violent struggles. As it availati.- . possible for Coquet -el etc do any. thing else bo help the drowning man, he started to race along the ,shere to- Etretat, when he sew the Merie-Merthe, one of the fishing smacks of the village, come round ,the point. Coquerel -oaI]ed to the boatman, and directed him to the drifting and Shouting man. The captain of the smack very quickly -underetood the eitutubion, and followed the poete who no long- er eteuggled, but supported him- self by floating on the surfaee of the tide. The water wits htterying him along.se 'swiftly thee the beet could nob plek him up until it hull remelt ed is point at mile to the northeast of the- eastern point,of Ethriettut. The fteliermen, whose nana.e. was Valnin, drew the pot out of the water. Captain Vallie was not :much lose .astenished at his capture then the Icerians were at theirs, for Sevinbuerie displayed his ulnae 'viva- city. Tip weather was et:claim; the eesouers rubbed the poet's hedy with ;their horny hands, end then they wrapped him in a spair over wide), his sane of orange - ruddy heir wee spread to dry. He begat.' to preach to the ceptain and hie men, who eurrountlecl him in rapturous approval,- the dooteines of Republic, and then he recited to them "by the hour together," the • poems of Victor Hugo. They gave hien .some food, and in the COUTSO of the inerning the Merieseterthe, with her eingUiter seperearge, tack- ed into, the imeber of Ypent. 1907 for distribulbive societies and for .agricultibral co-epee:Metre sock - ties for perehese and. sale; (o) me- dal rules' of, 1908 for teecieties for a,grioulteral improvement; (d) the IBMS of 1902 OD oe-op centime tole - ties for larocittetion ; (e) model rules (e 7908 fox agricultural co-dpcirathive s ociedes. *14 Experience. 'Pae, when was yen fleet mar- ried 1/dike &sited, "At nineteen yews it was," Pat replietl, "and, begorra, uever merry again so y.oung 1 'should live to .be the age ofeeethustelah." Will Quickly Cure Arty Sour Stomach Relieves Fullness After Meals. When I was working around the farm last winter 1 had an attack of in. flarnmation," writes Mr. E. P. Dawkins, of Port Richmond, "I.was week ler a long time, but well enough to wok until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels for I had to use salts or physic all the time, My stomach' kept sour, and always atter eating there was pain and fulness, and all the- symptoms of intestinal indi- gestion. Nothing helped me until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurting, like other pins, they acted very mildly, and seemed to heel the bowels. I did not require large doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton's aed feel eo glad thael have found a mild yet certain remedy. To -day I am well—no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. This is a ,whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I ean Say Dr, IIamilton'e Pills are the beat pile, ancl my letter, I am sere, proves it, nefuse a substitute for Dr, Hamil- ton's Pillof Mandrake and nutteraiut, sold in yellow boxes, 25e. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Kingeton, LIGHTNING RODS. Interesting Bulletin. Issued -by Oa - 'belie Agricultural College. A. bulletin advocating :the uso, riias on buildings hacl.. just' been issued by the Outaiic cht ,c1 AgrioulOore.. P1,01. W. ni. H. Day, of the ,StafC of the ClIdo Agricultural Ci.odlege, is the auti.i6.2 cf this bulletin, id he doaxo- trolo a ..s3CiZS, ol investiga-. tiens coy-ea:tug thipteen'sai'b, that lightning. rods. are the' piic,;:ection thist science claims ibliota tc.be.. In Ontesioith 1912 the, eillcileoleY °triode Wes E4% per coot: • Frognthe pS.: ports of in:towel-lee companies prof, Day food that iso OVOrk 800 begs headings Metered, 42 were rodeleci, which le 21 per Cone., bet .out of every 200 form builidliqe °Stuck by lightning ioaliV 3 iwere Podded, In this ooneection Pia Day eleteevee, "We thould hero expeceed 42 if the reds were no good." Itiglitnties rode in Iowa axe re - coded as showing an efficiency o1- 98.7 pet cient.,, end inciPeicted" rods in Michigan show .ein efficiency lof 99.9 per cent, Recorde in Iowa thew thee fee tee eight y6a.rs 1906- 1912 the average numbee.ef insur- ance compaeies cerrying ; risks on retitled buildings was 55.: The high- est 'neuthereefecomparties repeeteng in arty one year was 68 and the low- est 46: The total lightning claims 'weld by all bile -be eromeemies, fon tee whole ,eight years on rodttee,euild- kites ' was enly $4,464.30,-ezin,,avere age of $10,15 per cornea:ay per year. ;On Me:added. ibuildengeethee 'paid lightning eta:teas amounting to the huge slimed $341,065.32, which is an average of $775.15 per eouipany per year, and the number of intro& ded buildenge was the same as the rodded ones. • • In Michigan Where a Cempeny M- eares only I melded buildinga which lieve been inispeethed a risk of $55,- 172,07e was eearried darting four years, and damage claims arising in= lightniog during ithath time totellee only $32. • These and other protefe sehmet- :bed by Prof, Day ere praelsime demonstrations of the- scientific feet that lightning rods proporlyin- s:baled es a proteotion. In giving directions for the proper thdeling of buildings the reader os reminded that lightning is eleobliciey. Prof. Day asserts that rods ehould be in metallic connection with the build- ing and that no insulators should be used, . This metherd of attaele meat is directly °plat:seta eo that adopted when lightning rods were fleet used. Every Stiff Joint Limbered, ! Rheumatism Cured That Old Family Remedy "Nerviline" Is Guaranteed for the Worst • Cases. CURES NEURALGIA,BACKACHE, LUMBAGO. rtheUinatiSill to -day 113 unnecessary. It is so well understood and so read- ily curable that every day we have re- ports of old chronics being freed of their tormenter. "I can speak confidently of the Net- viline treatment, for the simple nelson that it cured me," writes Albert B. Cornelius, from Kingston. "Yon can't imagine bow stiff and lime and sore I was. Nights at a time I couldn't sleep well 1 followed the Nerviline direc. dons carefully—load it :ebbed into the sore regions four or five times every day, Every rubbing helped to reduce the pain. The swelling went down,. Ii got a fair measure of relief in a week. I also teak two Ferrozone Tablets with my meets. They increased my appetite and spirits, purifled nay blood and toned up My system generally. "I am as well te.dity aa a man could be—in perfect good health. I give Nerviline all the credit." A large family size bottle of Nervi - line costs only 50e., or the trial size 25c., and is useful in a hundred iEs in the family. Whether it's toothache, earache, headache, neuralgia, lame back or a cold, Nervifine will cure just es readily AS it Will cure rheuma- tism. For family use nothing equals Nerviline: MURAL PARTY WAIteING. What Became of the Bridegroom and His Party. CUTICURA SOAP And Cuticure Ointment. They afforda pure sweet and *none- cal methbd o'f preserving, purify. ' ing and beautifying the skin, scalp and hale Fordistressing eceernas, rashes, itchings, Inflammations - ane chaeings .of infihts, children and adults Cuticura Soap and Cute: cure Ointment are most effective. cuticomeom end Ointment we Sold throughout the world. A liberal sureple ot each, with 52-ptig6 booklet on Do csre and treatment or tho eklo and walp, east poet-irce. Address Potter DRINA Chow, cors.,Dest. 717,noston.P. S. A. WANT' TO BE HEALTHY! Then Eat Abetter—Novel A.dvice Given. • Peptonieed milk and panoreatized cereal's for ebildren .a.nd: green vette- bahjes and eruit for pe,oplo wet& over -active eternechs have jug been roundly denounced by a famous Bratieh officer named W. Soltau Fenwiek in a lector°, OD indigestion nt ihe Inetituthe of Hygiene. He put in' a good word for 'the lobster, and remarked thee the over -motive tate- mach, apt te -produce an ever - emotion of acid, -was a eeri —; melee of indigestion and ayes pos- Besse(' by many Londoners. . Dr, Fen -wick gave the following advice to busy and energetic men who eufferserom this muse: "The eubstenees wheel almosit ineariably disagree are green vegetables end irate, though the starchy varieties, sueh ae potato, cauliflower, see - kale, and asparagus .a.re •not. ea ob- jeottonable. All foxime of animal food, with the possible isbngJ excep- tion tef sale -beef, wail and perk, are easilf digested by the over -active stornaeh, and the sante may he said of bread, biscuits, porridge and the various meteria/ts euch as rice, tape oone sage. Fresh them is easily dissolved by the a'cld gastric juice, end the meth inelign,ed lobster fortes an agreeable and wholesome verietion in the dietary." The Ilair of tonics and etimulaints wee strong- ly conelemne.c1 for all over -powerful stomeolis such as are to be found among city men. Nem Maker Praises • Zam-Buk Twenty years ago, in one of the Shelleed Islands, a bridal party etas amxiou,sly waiting the arrival of the bridegroom and his friends. The hoer arrived end peeved, but DO bridegroom eatne. He was com- ing by hook from en islaind at some dietenee, but although bright eyes softened the (mean no eign of the boat weld be ee.e.n. After welling for 803115 time the peaty broke up with a good deal of enxiety. The bride, with to ead heart, pet off her bridai dress, and her brothers set "sae foe the beiclegreones home, to find oet the meson of his non-ap- peer:mem When teey got them they were told that the wedding party heel left the island in good time, that the sea had been smooth as glase, and that no danger could be apprehended. . Weeks- went by, .end months and Yeaes, and never to 'word or sign of bile lost bridegroom. The event was forgotten by all but a few intimately co:epee:led, until a; short itime ago. -A party of to:mists went to explore g rooky, berren islet, and es. bhey , walked ,along they came upon it number of bones in a hollow tial the FTODI oeetein ggn;s there could be ne doubt thet biles was ell thee remained of ethat bridal peaty Finding themselves tole mon for the ceremeey (and it de bad testa to ar- 'rive "to 00051) they had gons ashore on this Tacky isileb, 'end their boat had drifted fax hem 'the ustutt couese. Thir-st and bungee had dose bile resit. BEST FOR STIFFNESS AND • SPRAINS, ---- • As an embrocation for stiffened Muscles, sprains, rheumatism, etc., there is nothing like Zam-Iluk. Its penetrating powers are so great that It gives almost instant relief. Mr. D. R. Gourley, of Messrs. Gourley, Win ter & Looming, the well-known piano manufacturers of Toronto, used Zara - Bak, and this is his experience: "0 have much pleasure in mating that two applications of eam-Buk entirety cured me of a very severe strain of the back. While not given to the in. diacriminate use of, or belief in, patent medicines, I can eonscien- tiously recommend Zam-Buk." Zana-Buk is 'heed by the world's foremost athletes. Why not give it a trial. !Price 60c. per box, at all drug- gists and stores. Zara-Bult is also best for eczema, outs, sores, bruises, ulcers, piles, and all skin injuries and diseases. Safe to Ask. "De you thiek I can mealy ,a,sk eene 'dangle:ex to anerry mol'' "I am ,sure of it lehe bold Om the wouldiree emery you if- you were' the lest'man on eftrth." , Ken seino.ree eeirmout 155 Oke ROtrile. MANit 7/AliS IN 00 YEARS. Otte ePrit e,sc_epiptaartildliti ijv:ti.,:y Throe ya gpke, teT. the Prograso of ervial- Ealbion yr,an r,,FimaiIngi figligng &A- ntal. Peairio .2.ociatiles begin Ito tloioik they are waking p•regreuS werd taming his 1(1191:blotstatnci thoy ere :ow:free:tee by another ,war, de a partial lict ,o1Ithe wthza of 1 title Nertli.ern Iliemisphere In ,Llte la,e, 60 years't.exalt:oleo of elm minor pevt,lts i\riethern South America, in Central Anyantel amcl tdro West Indies, end its Afelnee Crimean wen 1854-50, teepoy mutiny, 1857, Iteenel Frenee ageing Ailobritb, 1849, olvni war et America, 1860-5. Mexico invaded by Aust,rin. aed Allies, 1801-67. Pr.riiemiii8a64And &mega against Den- nia,k,Seven weeks' war, Auditrife-Prus- eau, 1860. ' • Frameo-Peuesittri, 1870, Itueno-Terldsh, 1877-78. Serve-Bulgarien, 1886. Japaneee-Chinee.e, 1894-95. Grew -Turkish, 1897. , feeentr,htAnaeticairt, 1808, Filipinto-Anterken, 1896, . 'China ageing the Allies, 1900. • ,. • Boer watt .1899-1902. ,R1:sso-4apane.se, 1904, Balkan States 4.1galust Turkey 19 , B3Allia.riai , States ag. net Bulger* ii)1 Mexican -war, 1014. This, as has been said, is only a per,tea,1 list. England has had eev- eral emall were, inoludling the inn portent conqueet of the Budgie Which are not included and: there haene been numerous tumor 'dieter - bailees of one sort ancl another. But the Jig includes 20 fairesized wars, or one everytehree }VATS. has been no galling off, je recent years. Takct the leg 4vpo decades, foe instance, and ehere •liaVe been 10 were, :er one ev•eey two PrifICC Led Bline. AlerePos of the re,cent an.e.cdote of one of elle British Cabinet Min- isteee beading a blind man il4TOSS, a evowded street, it may isa reeelled that !the late King, when Pekoe gaf WaI.es, :nee -performed the like cheriteble aotion for it blind fiddler in Mall. Perceiving thfut the mao sytos desirous of getteng to the other dee, the Prinoe, trim, \WAS about to, eross tram the Maelbor- oneh Club bo his owe resident" qui:eel:3, 'took him, by the arm and convoyed him safely to the pave- ment opposee, leetoteing .0; coisa bea fore parting with hen. yeers. Perhaps, there is some encoureiging lesson fox the peace societies to be drawn from :this eairly bloody re- cord. Perhaps it means that Ware are vanishing from the meths But it would bake a pregy incorrigible optimist to reed this predietion isa the history of the lag half eartoug. Apparently the world isn't" getng to be able to get on for tome time to come -without fighting. Remuve Those linulahth Watts BY applying Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor. It cures corns, warts and bunions perm anentlYi Painlessly and surely. Every. druggist in America re- commends and soils Putnam's Extractor; It's the best, Mc. per bottle. No matter ,how long a woman has been merriect to a men, she keeps right on expeoting that he will eventually reforin. Ask tor lidisiard'e and take ito other. The Yellow Peril. A mhoohnester, wishing to im- press upon his -lass .the .great popti- labion of Ceiba, mid: "The popula- tion of China is Go great that two Chinamen die every time yott take breeth." This infornmtion made a deep impression upon hie young pupils, particularly one smell boy 'et the foot of the elase. Hes :face flushed and he was puffing turionsly, "What is 'the matter!" enquired the 'schoolmaster with telaern. "What on earth are you doing, Tommy I" "Killing Chinamen, air," was the answer. He Was Curious. Mtnard'S Liniment Co., Limited, Yarmouth. 008. GentleMen,—In January last, 0'1'411169 Leclate, One of the men employed bY me, working in the lumber woods, had a tree fall On him, crushing him fear- ' fully,. Ire was, when found, placed on a sled Mal taken home, where grave fears were entertained for his recovery, Ills hips being badly bruised and his body turned black from Ms ribs to his feet, Wo used 111INARE'S LINIMENT on him freely to deaden the pain and tvith the iso of.. tures bottles ho was completely cured and able to return to lois work, SATIVEIJR DUVAL, Elgin Road, L'Isiet Cn, Quo, • Not Long. 'Is roue wife going •bo be away 'fee ,033 -AB tene 1" 01 ,cion't thiek ehoel be gene eor move' than a week 'Or .tiVO. She took only three erunks end e couple of SUiteases." bilinttrirs Liniment Lumberman's' Prlend 111). 4. • ISSUE "I ,hed my fortune told leg night." `Did you'l How enueli is it!" Firet Tramp—"It's no good .call- ing ab thee house. Them people's wegeta,rian.s." -Second Tramp— 'Highest grstile beans kept whole and tnetily by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Plavoredivitit delicious sauces. They bate no equal. PARSIS_F011 SALIL ff. W. RAWSON kiingtS Colborne Stress. Yaroota. TYOU WANT 't'o titir OE SELL .4 ItrulL Stook. Oran. or realm Par= *trite II. W.+ Deiteeti. Brampton. as' 95 Colborne St.. Toronto. • R. W. OsiNSON; esteems St.. Toronto NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, . (A 000 WIEBBLY 010 LIVID TOWN IN 7,..w York County. Stationery and' Beek Business in connection. Price onlY 14,000. Terms liberal. Wilton Publish, r13/ Company. 79 West Adelaide street. Toronto. aisreteuereette QANGER. soaloss. Lowe& nue taverna and esterese. cured wills' ata pain by ant kerne treatment. Wilt. ea /*tore too lats. Br. Eelltnan Medleea Co. Limited. Calenwood, Obi Taking Advantage. "Marc you come to an under- sitanding with my daughter I" "Not exec:eye" "'Whet do you mean, then, by asking me to ommene, to your mar- riage!" ' "This happened to beetueb su good chanoe that 1 t,hought, I'd ask you and get throb meth out of fthe way. I always hate to have things on my mind when they eau he disposed of as well as not." • Try Murine Ey- e - Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Byes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Sintut —Soothes Bye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Bye Remedy, Liquid, 25e, 50e.. Murine Bye Salve in Aseptic Tubes,' 25e, 50e. Eye Books Free by Mail. • Ars ego Tonto Awns tor Aa roma 01001 5004 Coro Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicano • Of Course Not. "I can't find my wrench," bawl- ed the plumber. "You eva.ate a. good deal of eime koldng for your tole," criticized 'the imokkeeper of the e.gablish- :slant. "Now, 1 adeveys know where to find Illy pen." "Well, a fellow ca,n't istick his monkey wrench behind hie ear. litinaraa Ziniment need by Physic:dans. A girl can tieve so many reasons fer loving a young man that it does- n't ranger whether any ef them an logical or not. Choose which Grain you like best for your white Sugar and buy St. Lawrence Pure Cane Granulated white, ia original bags—Fine grain, medium or coarse. Bach the choicest sugar. Ask your Grocer. ST. LAWRENCE won REFINERIES, LIMITED MONTREAL. 00.10-13 FOR PINK EYE 1,115x,F..1,T0-is.vgg • AND THROAT Dissasug • cures the sick and acts se a prev,entative for others. Liquid given on the tengue. Rafe for brood mares ,sod all 'oblate. ' liest, kidney remedy. Sold by an druggists end lariats ; belises, Distributors -ALL WITOIX0ALI3 DRUOGISTS, SPORN MEDICAL 00,, Chemists, ceahen, Ind., O. 6- R. , _ _ • YOUR SUNDAY ROAST Your Sunday roast is best clone on a QiiItie ek_Sztion ereeeetestit VeReteeteelgiet enelelkee-ree)E.-eweg COOk—StaiTe.) Its steady, even heat preserves the rich, natural flavor of the meat. And you can regulate the heat just as you want it—ideal for baking, broil- ing, toasting—every kind of cooking. 41e Made with 1, 2, 3 and 4 burners, also new SLOW with Fire - loss Cooking Oven. At all hardware and department stores. fRoyalite Oil Gives Bent Results THE IMPERIAL OIL CO., Limited - Toronto Ouohoo Halifax , Montreal St. John Winnipeg Voricouver dor , ' .,z=p eilea