HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-05-07, Page 1711.
of In��ro�re� ani Up -To -
Date Seasonable Goods
LNs'vii, inower:4'
Screen doors and windows
Perfection oil stoves
Washing machines
L', W. riaizers
Stepladders •
Paint brushes
White wash t rushes
Brooms and whisks
Spades and shovels
Rakes and hoes
Poultry netting
Garden hose
Sherwin -William paints
Japalao and varnishes
Campbell's varnish stain
Climax wall paper cleaner
Ronux I nglieb floor,paint
5kinds metal polish
Silvo. the celebrated silver polish
10 different kinds stave polish
Jellstone Mureseo
O.Oedar mor s
Bempol and Uritis veneer
Brass curtain poles
See our assortment of ever ready electric flash lights and the Cele-
brated National electric smoothing iron, new Rotory corn planter.
Special Free Parcel Post to all parties living within 20 miles of
Clinton. Our phone is No. 7,or drop o card and we will sane by the
next delivery, free of charge, 11 pounds is the weight limit.
1 Better Shoes.
Men who are particular
about their shoes, will find
here the best of:shoes.
Don't waste time going
from one store to another
to !incl a shoe you'll like.
Come here first and save
yourself the trouble.
We've a long range of
Styles and Prices.
$2 50, $3.00, $3.50 to $1300.
The country's best Shoe
Makers made our shoes on
correct lasts from,such
good leathers as NiciPat-
ent Colt Skin, Velour Calf,
Gun Meta! Calf, etc.
8 You can't turn 'around
here without bumping in-
to some sort of good. styl-
ish shoes 1 +-ten,
Come see the new sprint;
models, Conservative or as
smart and swagger as you
can wish !'
Remember. our :Expert
shoe service !
Good(Shoes for Everybody.
As The Housecleaning
Is Now ®It .
We have purchased an up-to-date
which will clean your Carpets
and Rugs thoroughly.
Price $t,5O;for each home.
We have what you
2.` need in Furniture.
Ball Sic Atkinson
Night and. Sunday Calls.
N. BALL Phone 110, 3, A. ATKINSON', Phone 1813-
New Spring Rngs
at Speeial Prices.
We hever:just received onr;firstshipment ofNew Rugs and while
tl ey are wonderful values still we are going to offer some Extra Spec-
ial Prices during the next two weeks in order to induce early buying.
We have Tapestry Rugs, Velvets and Wilton Rugs and all spec -
i ally fp iced fur the(next;two weeks.
Also some big values in Linoleums and Lace Curtains
Spring timenieans Shoe time;in most families and "Weare here
with the goods" to supply those wants and at a big saving in price to you
Don't miss seeing our stock when looking for your
next pair. "It will pay you well".
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits More Business
Clinton News -Recoil
Smart Raglan
is only one of the splendid,
new styles you can see in
the Standard Fashion Sheet
for April. Be sure to call for
a Free copy at our Standard,
" Pattern Department.
Often the cheapest --Always the best,
i1I'. Thos. Flynn was in London on
Id ss Owen of New York City is the.
guest of Mrs. (on'ibe, Sr.
Mr. &Iarry Cauteloin et Toronto was
in the old home town this week.
Mrs. L. Greig went down to 'Toronto
yesterday to visit her, daughter,
Mrs. J. '1'. Clark;
Mrs. W. T. O'Neil spent the• week -end
in Toronto with her daughters,
Misses Delle and Jess.
Mr. W. S. Harland purposes leaving
on Saturday for an extended visit
with friends at ri'at Hamilton,
Mr. A. J. EIolloway was in Buffalo
the end of last week making a con-
tract with the Lehigh Coal people.
Mrs. A. R. Griffin and little daugh-
ter of Denver, Col., are the guests
01 - the lady's, aunt Mrs. R. 1e,
Mr. and Mrs, (Inc. Howson of Med
icine Hat, Alta., arrived yesterday
even ng on a visit to the former's
mother, Mrs , 'Towson.
Mr. A. H. Musgrove, M.L. A., Wing -
ham, was, in town on Tuesday ev-
ening, being tin speaker at tbo
Orange social in the town hall that
t i .
c en vii,
Nir. illhe.rt May, vvieo has been visit-
ing Airs. ]Towson and other friends
in town for the past three months,
left Tuesday for his home at Stev-
ensville, Mnntana,
Miss. Maher Stinson, daughter of Mr.
W. J. Stinson of Stanley and a
graduate of the Clint Oil Business
College, went to Toronto on Mon-
day to take a position,
Rev, J. Ir. Dyke, field secretary of
Die National. Sanitarium, Associa-
tion, was in town Monday arrang-
ing for a laratcria view lecture to
be given in the town hall.
Mr. Prank O'Neil was in town over
the week -end, I•i•lving come down
from the west on hearing of the
serious illness of his brother who
died last week at Andrewsville,
Miss Emma 51, Stephenson returned
Saturday to her: teaching duties at
Port Arthur after spending a week
at home owing to the illness of her
inother, Mrs, .Stephenson is now
improving rapidly.
Mrs. A. Beacom, who has been a
patient in tin bras hospital for
some weeks, has so far recovered as
tri be able to be removed to licit
home td)is. week. 1t is hoped that
she will soon be (mite well again.
Mr. F. W. Torry, well known 1n
cricket icirelee, is spending a few
days in town. Ile frequently visit-
ed Clinton in' years ,past when crick-
et was more in vogue than at pres-
ent, indeed, he was for a couple of
years coach of the local Club,
and Mrs.,p, L• Mills of ;Sioux
Falls City South Dakota, .are vis-
itingMr.and Mrs.T. J
,aWatt of
the Huron Road, east. Mr. Mills
formerly resided here and his friends
who remember him in the past will
he pleased to leant that he has
prospered since settling in the west.
Mr. '1`. re. Shepherd, hotter known
ire the home town •as "Citral,;' who
has been on the Ronal Bank '` staff
at Gadsby; '.Alta., ,for some time,
lids been transferred to RedbliFJ,
sante proeinee. This town ts quite:
near Medicine I1at ands c',Ohuii.'! of-
ten has the pleasure of a call from
old. friends. ' •
Mr..17, EL Ayer, the veiny well known
excursion agent of the' W!',:tc Star
Line, Detroit, was in town Tues-
day, accompanied by Mi:. C. F.
1;3ieln.erru, jr., salieibating agent toe
the Line. Under Mr. seyor's Witton
he will ver)'' speedily be initiated ta-
tothe alt of ingratiating himself ;
into: the good graces of people who
travel by tvartei:,
Mr,, and Mrs. A, Carr, Blyth, were
in town over the week -end the
guests cu Mr. and Mrs. '1`. Maclean -
Me Jr. This was their first visit
to Clutton since their: return from
California Where they spent the
winter an,/ pa;rly spring months
v'rp en oya@ty;: sa nis, : that
they dct not `lhok 'onwchardso
northern winter with any great
(1 i
Y. Iry r M
On sale Friday and
in all.
Boys Odd Bloomers
May 1401, 11N4
of the. Famous •Coilone Corse
On Thursday, Friday and Saturday May 14th, 15th and 16th. Miss Smith
will demonstrate the.Coilene corset to the. Ladies of Clinton and vicinity, and we cor-
dially want you to conte. Miss Smtih thoroughly Understands the fitting of corsets
and will explain just the kind of corset you should wear and why. Come any of the
above days it will be interesting.
Ladies' £ ChileC�ats reg. � � �
Travellers' Samples at cost and less
Space will not permit of a description.'In the lot are ladies' spring coats, sizes 36
and 38 only. Children's spring coats, ages 8, 10, 12 and 14 years only. Colors, Tango,
Tans, Kings Blue, and Grey Tweed Mixtures, Etc. Styles are the vety lat-
est, and.
PRICES ; Cost and less, the very savings on these
coats are such that they will not last long. Come early
and get the best values.
Saturday we put on sale Twenty five pairs of op odd bloomers, Tweeds and Wor-
steds, Lyon brand make lined throughout, Ranging in price up to -.$1,25.
Saturday onig 98c.
Hullett Township
Airs, Kunkle and little •slaughter of
• Nfa era Falls lent fot• sheer home yes-
cat.flee afortnight's
a visit • with
the lady's pariitts, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
mund Crawford.
A very pleasant time was' spent
last Friday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs• .las. McConnell of the
13th con, when about sixty of their.
Friends and neighbors assembled at
their hone before their departure for
their future beetle in Clinton Dur-
ing the evening they were - presented
with -two beautiful chairs and Miss
Kathleen with a fountain pen. The
fallowing address was read :
Mr. and Mrs. McCormiee and Miss
Kathleen,—We, the friends and neigh-
bors of this connnunit' have as0.nrb1-
ed here tomigcht to unitedly express
104 deep regrets at your departure
from our midst. We .'eel that we
cannot let this opportunity pass with-
out trying to show some appreciation
for your neighborly! khtdness to us In
the past. You have always been
highly esteemed end respected resi-
dents of our community aial will he
greatly missed - You leave tai•'en an
energetic part in the aetivities of
our neighborhood and we wish. you
God -speed in your, new sphere of life,
As a slight tokei. of our love, and
respect we net: you to accept these
chairs, and dile fountain pen, hoping
that you neay be spatcds many years
to enjoy their eoinforts', and car
earnest prayer is •that God will abun-
da.ntty bless ycite—Signed on 'behalf of
the people of toe 131h. or Hullett,
Misses Carter and McKenr,ie event
Sunday. at Live ligase of Mr. \\m. Brit-
ML Tiros:. Troop is now. under Lhc
entre of a doctor,
Mr. Wm, Ilesk has !cold his driver
for, a good price, thepurchaser being
Mr. Thos. Lawson of Stratford.
'l.'he masons have commenced with
the stone ,needs of Sir, Jahn 'Fer-
gltaeit's house. -
A:L the annual meeting, of the Con-
s tani20
on-stacace Epworth League the following
officers were clectecv for 1 h ensuing
year • Ilon.-presldent, Ret. J.H. Os.
terbotib ; president, Robt. Clarke
I.Si vice, Mrs. Robt. Rogerson, 2rrh.
vice, Miss Irene Carter ; 3rd vice,
Mrs,. 1' Lindrayl lth vice, •,Win Brit-
ton ;
rit-ton', seeretary Miss Evelyn Clarke,
treasure., Miss Stella, Clarke organ'
id, Miss Irene Carter, assistant,
Miss May,nrg hall.
Mr. W. rHugili arrived hoinc last
week with his Manx ,gait from Lon -
Mr. W. Stanley of Jlolmesville put,
up aboui, 'one' hundred, and fifty ,rods
of wire fencing for Mr. J. Carter Cn
Monday• i
%V. Moore Das been, a visitor ab the
home of his 'grariidparowts Mr. and
Mrs. Janres Mann.
Mr. JamesAttwood' is wearing
sunny smile these days over the ar-
rival at his home of a pretty babes
Hullett Township
Mr, Charlie hale of London was
home neer the week -end, having come
t 1 to attend the iuuar;r.l of the late
,Miss Edith Illtele
1 Miss 1I, Simpson of London was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. hale
for a few clays over the week end.
13y the death of Miss 101111, 111tch,
which occurred on Wednesday of last
week, this township loses one of its
worthy resident*. Miss hitch came
' with het parents to the farm. on
1 which she tlierl when a child, Iler
rather, the late James I:lit,h, died
shortly 'after settling here and the
mother died, eight years ,ago. The de-
ceased was educated in the Clinton
Public school and Collegiate and o'r-
tained a first elass teacher's certifi-
cate, but owing to ill health she nev-
er taught. Seven years. ago she rent-
erJs,her farm to Mr, 'Theodore Hale,
who has continued to reside on it eV
or since, she making her home with
them and acnrngst whom slid was
held in high esteem. She was a
member of Ontario street church,
Clinton, and was a consistent Chris-
tian. The funeral took ,place 011 Mon-
d^aye afternoon to Clinton cemetery
ami was wiry largely attended '1'he
services were conducted by . Rev. S.
J. Allia and the pallbearers were
Chas. Hale or London, met Messrs.
J. w. I3aylny, tVui. 11111, 1. Pope, Irh
Snail and A )ale. Orr sister sur-
vives Mrs Thos. Ewart 01 'l'ros-
sacks:, Sask., .w•bo was present at the
funeral. Others present were : Mr.
J. Cole, Cass City, Mich,, a cousin ;
Mrs. Me'fate and Mrs. C'o're, West
Lorne, aunts ; mr, Charlie Hale, Lon-
don Mrs. I lssery, Exeter
Ni Jimipson i ondon and others.
The floral tributes were very beauti-
Tlie following is she. report of 0. 0.
No. 5 for April, in order of ,merit :
Sr. l 1,11-b lorcnoc Vodden, Tvlary
Sr. 'slit-lJered .STs(ool, ltlai:jey Mc-
Cool, 1Sorcerem Cartwright.
Jr. 10—Flossie (iibbings, Annie
Way moat. ,
Sr. 3rie—Cra.ee Vodden, Alice Vod-
den, Ljlititu C'arttvright.
Gr. 3rd -Rose Corbett, Percy Gene
bings, Arthur Way emu th, Rohner
• Sae 2011—Wellington McCool.
Jr. 2nd. -Rosalie Crawford, Dora
Sr, .1st (a)—Margaret Brown, Jen-
vy Coabuti.
Sr. 1st the—Harold Snell.
F'rimnr.(a)—Lditha Gorbutt, Alvin
C'a1 tw ri plb 1
Pa'icncr (b), ,Certie Quennie, Evelyn
G1ibbings, Hugli Radford, ('Barley
Brown, lllva Smith, Charley Way
the best spellers are -
Sr.: 1th—F. Vodden.
Sr Lth-M. Me,Ceol.
Jr.1131•-P Cibhings,
Sr. 3rd—A, \redden.
Jr:.' 3rd—le. Clo butt,
Ir. 2nd -R, Craiwrord
Sr. Jst—J, Ctoebutt.
13• W. MacliOw;tn, 'Coaches.
The News From Londesboro
Airs. (Rev.) J. Reid is attending a
missionary convention en Toronto this
Rev. J 1.'.. Reid of Toronto visited
his brother at the Londesboro 'manse
on Monclay, fie had been Conducting
anniversary services in Willis church,
Clinton, on Sunday.
Miss r,. Levier felt cn Monday Inc
Miss Macy Townshend returned en
Monday from 'Toronto atter a week's
visit with friends here.
Mr. J. D. Melville was with Brus-
sels friends over the week -end,
Mr. 'r, J. Arlains lon dee a ear of
settlers effects at this station this
week bound for Prince Cleorge.•
Mr:). Crysler of Delhi left for her
home th's week after spending some
time with her daughter, Mrs. J. 0.
Rev, J, II. 0sterhout preached ser-
mons appropriate to "Mo'ther's Day"
on Sunday and the choir furnished
special music,
Miss L. Ilrunsdon 9,ient Surilay are•
the homes of her brother, Mr. flowerer.
Brunsden of Myth. •
Miss A, Bell spent Sunday witch
Clinton friegds.
H ullett,lHappenings
Farmers are not all through with
their seeding yet, but the late ones
may fare just as well as the early
birds, as the wrrather has been back-
ward so far.
Mrs. •.iohn C.'urnrnira3s , for, many
years a resident or the 13th con.,
but alio hays been residing with her
Whiten in the west for the past few
years, died last week and the re-
mains were brought home for inter-
ment, illW, funeral. tektite place in
Blyth cemetery on Tuesday.
Mrs. henry Freeman was in Clime
ton on Tuesday. It is not often that
"Grandm.a" Freeuran goes driving but
on this particular occasion she went
to have a group picture ta'len of her-
self, her daughter, Sirs, P;. Craw-
ford, her daughter, Mrs. Kun'cle and
her little ,ehtigliter again. It is hop.
ed by the friends of the family that
the photo of the roar generations will
be a success. •
tVe haveplaced in stock this Spring a much wider
range of styles than this tt,re,evnr showed before,
to match the season's requirements, which give a
much wider choice than you have bad for years.
The new shapes and leathers in Ladies' and Men's
shoes faithfully reproduce all the style features of
the highest priced custom made. We can meet
every requirenens at moderate expense and guar-
antee thorough satisfaction.
You'll find just the shoes, oxfords or pumps you
want here, and you'llget the most generous meas-
ure of value you ever bought for your money.
.L $ONF7 70