HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-05-07, Page 14May 14th 1914 Clinton News -Record issemessteaumelesussumenunwielissi • Goderich., •. 1r, John. Vanatter of Stratford) was 3n town last week, Mr.' N. -Stowell ot Montreal has k....Salcen a position in the offices, of the ..Driti• Emilie works. . •Mos. J. J. Macdonald has returned Its.: shome in Calgary after a visit • '111.00 With her parents, Captain and Mrs. Malcolm Macdonald, Barlow Holmes was in town _for kfew •days on, his way to Port •, ;McNichol 'where ' he will be envaged In the- C.P.R. offices for the summer. Mr, Hugh Dunlop, who suffered a Stroke ot paralpsis several weeks ago, 1E1 neW so far recovered that he is • able to be -wheeled [shout in, a Walt. •. The Curfew bell rings in Coderich snoW everY 'eight' at nine o'clook, The handsome residence in Ridge- wood Park, the old Atrill property, which has been purchased by Mr. 0, E. Fleming of Windsor'is being fitted up and the familp of the irrit- 41ases• will.spend the atunmer nee, Mr, J. 13. Iluuter has received a . -tempting offer to remove to another town. It is hoped by music lovers that he will decide to remain. Miss Daisy Copp of Clinton visited Mr 0 few days with Miss Jessie Fos- -ter recently. .Miss May Birnie has returned from a visit; with Woodstock friends. 1Kr. Fred jolmstoa has gone to Toronto to take al position. • Mr. I -lorry Sturdy has taken a pos- itibn as -traveller for the Mocney Biscuit people. •• Goderich (Methodist) district meet- • ing will be held here next Thursday, and Friday. 'Ile meeting will be bald in the North street church, Miss Ellis has returned to her home in I -Teasel after a visit with .her., -cousin, Miss Million. Miss Mamie Warrener has returned. from a visit in TorOnto; ' Mr, Eddie Dietrich, who has been on' the local post office stall. for Seine Minis, has gone td Floradale, his fam- ily oaring moved there it short time -ago. 'The death occurred Sunday morning at her home here, of Sarah Jane Oli- ver, wife or Thomas Ausebrook, in ber 62Z13 .year. She hail been Pilling • only a week. Mr, Ausebrook and on" -daughter, Eva, survive, Mrs. Ause- brook was well-known by 'old and young ia the town and her loss will • be much felt. She was it member of North street Methodist church, The funeral was held in Paris on Tues- day, Bluth Miss Lily Carr returned last week from Toronto having just passed with honors her final examination ag deaconeess. Mrs. .Jackson and Master feted have retutned l!ronli Paris, -where they have been residing for some tiro, end ia- tend locating here perrearsently. Mr. Thos•nton Fear of TeeSWator Was in Blyth last week visiting fri- ends. Mr, Archie Wells has returned from Torouto School of 'Practical Science, having completed his second year. "• Miss Speir ot Belgtare -visite(1 Miss Myrtle Nichol of town" and also her oliter, Mrs. I). Denholm et Mullett, returning home •last week. ' Rev. Mr. Collins or Exeter and Rev, Mr. Faro exchanged pulpits .011 SIM. clay last each .preaching in the inter— ests ot the missionary campaign. The Epworth League held their an- nual election of officers recently the result being as follows : President, Miss Florence Mills ; lst vize, 111. Bend& ; 2n11 vice, Miss S. Bentley ; Ord vice, Miss L. Taylor ;. 4th vice, I-1. Homey ; Secretary, Miss Annie Moines ; Treasurer, Miss .A.lieu Gil - Wand° ; Pianist, Miss Env Jewitt, as- sistant, Miss Pearl (Haley, Wingham Mr. Wm. Boyd, who "went, west with a car of horses several weeks ago, has returned home. ' The lacrosse boys while Warring on Josephine street broke a big plate glass window in W. 13. I3oyce Were, The chief is now on the look - et for anyone slinging lacross3 balls tant the public streets. Mr, John Ie. Linklater of Tecswater was la town for a few days last, tveelt ,calling on old friends. L" Mrs. J. Saint has returned from ftsit with old Irirrgis in Buffalo and Stevensville., Mrs. J. Sutherland has returned -from a visit of several weeks in 'Waterloo. ",. Mrs. George A. Gibson of Carlo, • \alien., hoe been • visiting her father, .1r. U. Sherk, 11...1r. aril Mrs." .1. C. Kayser gone to "Simicoe, where Mr. Kayser bas purchased a hardware. business. The new kindergarten has been opened and is 'doing finely. Miss But- ler of Stratford is the teacher. Mrs. Dinsiey has returned to town •front Detroit, Mrs. J. H.. Fielding of Wiarton, at - „ter a visit of some weeks with Nits. Nety al town, left last week to vis- ra,Cliesley before returning bome. It1 .''Sitnon Van:Norman has -return- ed to the west after. a visit with his son in -town. Mr. Gordon Shiell is Wane 1 rom the Western University for the long 'vacation, Miss Frances Davis has returend • drom a, visit 11,, 1 th Exeter friends. Miss Dorothy Haath of Hamilton is visiting friends in town. ' Mr, J, W. C•reer has amassed; Dr, 11.goott's residence on, Francis street. Mrs. Cody slipped coming down the postoffice steps the other •daY and sprained her ankle. Mr. Jona J. Davis was tnarried Wiarton recently to Miss Vella Shaw, "The young couple have taken up their residence in town: Hensall Mr. Lloyd Davis has been home on a visit to his parents for a few days, having been transferred from the Tees - water branch of the Molsons Bank to the branch at Citesterville, Mr, R. Porterfield and family have removed to Harriston, Mr. 11. Trigg:as has gone to New Ontario for: the summer to be engag- ed as Ore raniier. Mr. A. Pi. Hemphill was in Toronto on business last week. •. Mr. B, HoggartIr is home F.rOiti "he , Western University for the long Sum- mer vacation. He has just e,icapleted his first ye'ar medieine. • g The plans for idle new town, hall are now on exhibition. Theyrie all right too, and a credit to. the architect, Mr., H. Reynolds. and_Mrs. McAllister have mov- ed in from their farm on the Parr .1,ine and have taken up residence in 'the house recently purchased • from Mr. R. Porterfield, Mr: 111, Solclan is making prepare - Mons to erect a fine barn somewhat similar to the One burned last' fall. Several additional lights are being placed along our streets, to the very great advantage of all classes of peo- ple, Seaforth. Mr. D. Shanahan and Mr. J. Dodds have each purchased tv nevi ear, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Hudson, of Mar- lette, Mich., Were here lase week, hav- ing come over to visit Mr. James Troyer,, who died shdrtly after their arrival. 'Mrs. L. C. Jackson is visiting ia Philadelphia, Messrs. J, 112. Best mid James Wat- son were on a fishing trip in the northern part of the county last week, , The old mail route betweea Seaforth and &assets, which has existell rot over gixty years, has been discontin- ued. The stage has ceased running also. 3'hus do old customs go out and nzwer and more convenient ones take their places. Miss Mackenzie and Mrs, Case of DUirgann011 • visitod last week with Mrs. F. Case. ' Rev. F. IL Larkin WaS Called to Chatham last week by the death of an old parishoner. Mt. and Mrs. Thos. Bidet of Tuck- ersmith have leased a house in town and inten0 moving in inutediatelp. Mrs. John Sproat of Egrnondv tile has returned from a visit in Detroit. Mr. Earl Dell has returned from the School ot Science, Toronto; and for thci theatioa has -taken a pusition the Bell Co, offices. Mrs. M. Robertson left last week for Cleveland, Ohio, where she . in- tenda making het home. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sproat have, Lek - Port Albert Miss Evelyn Hayden lia•s retureed after a; visit ot eight months #.t Nea- p -awe, and Chicago. :Miss Ethel Brown; is home 'from a visit with her sister, S thwar t or Detroit, Rev. and Mrs. Hicks and family of Maysville are visiting in the village and neighbbrhood. Mr. Hirks will officiate at the services in Christ church on Sunday next. Messrs. Wm. 13rey and Will 13. Haw- kins atteinKd the funeral of the late J., M. Roberts of 'Dungannon on Mon - clay. , Dr. W. 14'. Hayden of Goderich spent Sunday with his parents here. • Seeding is about ended ia this sec- tion for the season of 1914. cm tip their abbde in Cluelph, where the Tomer has taken a poWtion with (he Studebaker people. Mr. C'. T'. Sills and Mr. Bruce \rough have returned home atter being en- gaged for several months in govera- ment survey work in the WOSt. co t t age in Wes Ian Mister Grove, Bay - cottage in Westminister Grove, Bal - field, and intend spending the summer there. Mr. James Troyer passed away on Thursday week atter an illness of SeV- eral months. • Miss Gertrude 1,0111100' has returned to her home in Detroit after a visit in town' as the guest of her aunt, IVIgs. Geo. Whitely. Mr. ,James Robb has returned front Sarnia Where be had been for some weeks overseeing work. Miss Eva Crittenden has been vis- iting 'retold° friends. Mrs. II. Stewart has returned home from a visit In Toronto. Mrs. Holmes of Clinton has been visiting ler sister, Mrs. James Arent - ball. Mr. L. 1,, Melraul ter a Itngthy visit Toronto, Col. Wilson was in Goderieli last week in connection with military af- fairs. Mrs. K. McCaulg and son Donald of Fort William are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson, Mrs. W. B. MacKay of Halifax is visiting her parents, Mr. and. Mts. John Dodds. Mrs. J, G. Mullen of Phoenix, 13. C., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs'. L. McFaur Mrs.. Lett of Guelph is visiting her doughty:, Mrs. A. 13. Colson, , Mr. anti Mrs. Neil McLeod have re- turned from their honeymoon and are at present occupying a' suite or rooms at the Commercial. Mr. Fred 'rwiss and sort Donald were in Brantford for a fea days re- cently, where Mrs. Twiss has Wen nuesing, her mouldier, Mrs. Mete:wan. again Mrs, STANLEY COURT OF REVISION— N'ectice is hereby given that the Court of Revision ,on the Assess- ment ROB or the Township of Stanley will be held in the l'own- • ship hall, Varna, on Monday, the first dap of Juno, 1914, tat the hour 01 11 o clock in the forenoon for the purpose al hearing and settling complaints aggainstgthe said Assess- , ment Roll. All persons having bus- iness at this Court will please • at, tend at the said 120-te and place • without further '0otice,-,-+13,, J. Rich - orison, Clerk, Varna, May 1511, 1914. —33 NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS—IN THE, - Matter of .thie estate of :Edith Hitch of thetownship, of Hallett, • spin - stet, deceased. '_ Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the said deceased who died on or about the Oth d(ty of May, 1914, are reqtrired -(6 seal to the undersigned on or 10,080 1113 15th day of 'June, 1914, their names and addresses with full Particulars in writing of their ,elaings and state- innt o1 their accounts and the na- ture of the. Securities (it any) leld by them. And take 'notice that al- ter the said 15111 clay of , June,' 1914, the undersigned will proceed to dis- tribute the assets ol the said es- tate among the parties eetitled thereto, having regard cnity to the claims of which he shall then have notice and will not he. liable for said assets or any, part thereof • to any persog or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received at Ile time of .such dis- tribubion.—Datad at 011111018 this 141-11 clay of May, 191.4,-1. W. Thompson, M. 0., :16-xecutor. 33-3 Dungannon . and Mrs, Temple Clark of Luck - v, ow visited at the home of bit, J. • Walkturs recently, • Mr. 1), G. Blekle of liantilton was • in the village for a, few days last yea. The gen'al "Dan': is always sure of a welcome from his old fri- emis, hereabouts, Mrs. J.—Johnston has been visiting. • with Toronto friends. • Mr. John McKay of' Hensel' lias • be.ea flailing relatives hete. 'W. L. Savage, M.D., and his sister, "Miss Mary Savage of Buffalo, N. Y., • -Were here last week attending the funeral of 1.11e11 uncle, the late, .1. M. • Roberts, • rirths AirtivisTRoNG-t P ilot Mound, Man.; on May ist, to Mr. and Mrs. David Armstrong, a daugh- ter. Al"PWOOD--In Hulett on May 7111, (o Mr. and Mrs. James Attwood, a daughter, MALLEVP,-in Exeter on May 4111 to Mr. and Mrs. John ,Mallett, 15 son. COLSON—In Seaforth on May 311d, 41.1 Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Colson, a Son. Deaths '.. • Mr. IVIatthetv Lodhart of LUcknow Wag in town one day last week, Mr, Chas. Caesar of Ashileld died on Monday week- atter a long illness • aged seventy-six years. ' Harold Rivers has taken a position • os junior in the Sterling Bank here, Mr. H. M. Staples, • who has been aPting as teller in the, Sterling Bank 'here tor some time, has been trans- ferred to the branch at Watford. IVIr. 13ainard has been promoted to the Of 'taller here, ,, • This community Suftered a Severe os s in the death of one of its most, eSPected citizenis when J. M, Roberts 'answered the final sayarions on Fei- day vveolt. The deceased had not been .ser1ou9ly ill and his death Wan unex- Tented. •The late 'Mr,. Roberts was .as old. resident of Dungannon and wag held in high esteent. • He is sur - •f teed bp Lis wife,' tufo danghters3 and -One Sou. has returned at, - with his son in FOR SALE—ONE NEW 135J130Y, auto, seat, fresh from the ractory, Very cheap, Apply' to 1,Nesley Wal- ker or to J., C, 111013/lath at Weikera Furniture Store. ' BOAR FOR SERVICE.— HAVING purchased from Mr. G. Dale of Kim - burn his splendid Tamworth hog will keep the same tor service on 1°123, '3rd con„ of Mullett. He is linaWn as OW of the best breeders in the county. • Terms $1 at time of service with -the privilege of .te- turning if necessary, --L; Tyndall.' • —28. FOR RENT SIX NICE, AIRY rooms, opposite the mill ; bard eel- soft water, convenient arrange- ments for accommodation or small family. Apply to—F. W. Evann, Phone 192. —32. CREAM WANTED—WE HAVE E- quipped an up -to -date -creamery nem and we are ready to receive cream, We solicit your patronage. We will pay you highest prices, for• your cream twice a mouth, also pay all express charges and furnish you with cans. Those in the vicinity of Milburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall and he will deliver it here, Write at once for cans and give us a ttial.—The Seaforth Creamery Co, Box 436; Swarth. —20 FOR SALE 13005 FOR. HATCH- ing. L.11. Cluild bred -to -lay 13arred Rock strain. Mated tvith 0.3..0. cockerels. 510. foe 15 or $3 par 100.—II. .T. Trewartha, Holmes- ville. Phone 14 on 153 Clinton. —31 FrIDE—Tn Clinton on May 13111, Mrs. Elizabeth Pode, aged 91 yearg. GRAHAM -1n Clinton on May 13111, Will lain Graham, aged 71 years and le mon ths , RANSFORri—On May 1 1111, 111 New York City, William Henry Pans - turd. Bora in Undoes, England, July lst, 1851. Brother of John Handout of Clinton. 1.1.ANSFORD-01t April 2113, Robert 13olton Bandon!, Rector of St. Paul's Upper Norwood, Lendon, England, Hon. Canon of Roches- ter. Born in Clederich Township July 151, 1841. Brother of John Ransford of Clinton WATTS—In Toronto on May 9111, :Frederic W. Watts, formerly or Clinton. HITCH—In Hulett on May GUI, Edith Hiteh, aged 35 years. TROYER—In Seaforth on April 30t1i, .James E. Troyer, aged 58 rears, .10 months and 25 days. COLSON-4n Seaforth on May 3r3, the infant son of Mr, and Mrs., A, Colson. Zurich Mr. Ed. Siebert returned last weak from it stay in Toronto. Miss, Flattic McCrueen visited foi a few daps with Dr. and Mrs. Camp- bell recently. Mr. P, Bender was in charge •of Mr, Chas. Fritz's shop while, the latter and his wife, visited Seatorth friends for a few days last week. ,• Mr. J.. A,. Williams was down front Seaforth on Sunday week, making the trip in his new car. Dr, arid Mrs. Campbell were in `I'or- . onto last week for a fifty days. Mts. , (Rev.) Miller has returned from a visit' with. Detroit relatives. • Mr. Alex, Spalks reemtlys shipped' another car of horses to the west. ' Mrs. Jacob Kellerman of Dashwood visited with. Mrs. C. _Fritz for a few days last week. - - • ' A Missionaey banquet Wag held. at the Danes:an patsonage oit Tuesday To RENT.—A COTTAGE ON MIR- K+ street', hard and sort -water, el- ectric lighted. Stable and fruit garden. Alsig,, 'arms over si Jack- son's shoe store', suitable for light housekeeping or for offices. TOW11 wattle and electric lights.—Apply to C. G. Middleton, P. 0. Box 251, Phone 8 on 155. —31 BARN FOR SALE. -20 x 30 FEET, well timberen,--Apply to W. Dry - done. 33-1 TO THE FARMERS FARM FOR SALE.—'1'IdE EXECU- tor of the Soutlicoreoe estate • of- fers for sale 50 acres, being • east half of lot 28, con. 6, Hallett. 'Phis is a first class farm, well watered and improved with 'good buildings and orchard, also seven acres of bush land. --Apply to R. J. South- combe, Clinton I'. 0. —24 Try mu. fertilizers Potash and Acid PhoSphate Nitrotic and Soda, for your root crop., 0.e will MiK them for 3)081 arid you will get the crop. Try. our ('ors Feed for cattle and hogs. Also Seed Corn and all kinds of flour ad 'the N'orth End Feed Store. Come and see OUT agent tor the Heinitzman Co. iiuLLErr copirr OF REVISION% —.Notice is hereby given that the Court tor the. revision of the. Assess- ment Roll of the Township of Hal- lett will be hold in township hall on the 29th of May at 1.30 p. in. tor the purpose of hearing- and settling complaints against the As- sessment •Roll. Persons having bus- iness at the court will -please at- tend at, the said time and place without • Further notice james Campbell, Clerk. Londesfforo, May 6th, 1914. —32-3. BABY CLOCKS' ,FOR SALE.—ROSE Comb 1311030 Island Redg and 13131' - red Rocks, 15c for day olds and 200 for week olds, Cross broils 10e, Chicks are from chorce strains.— Frank W., Andrews. —31 HOUSE TO RENT ON RATTEN- bury street west, 6 moms, good cellar, town water and cistern, good garden, F-bssession May 12th —C. Flellyar. . —31 FOR SALE.—A WELL BUILT • eight room cottage in good repair with real good cellar, new furnace put in last summer, e•ement soft water cistern, i11 cellar, town water up stairs and 118 cellar, electric light in seven rooms with five urea land adjoining in good con- dition. Bank baro, °milord and garden with a quantity of young fruit trees just in bearing. A nem - bet of hens and ducks, a good Dur- ham heifer calf nine weeks old, one • first -crass Dutham cow rising five years, one first- class • Jersey cow carrying third calf, due to calve first week hi June, one good Chat- ham incubator eaPaeity oric hun- dred eggs, and quantity of farm int- plemcnts,—Apply to W. II. Watts, William street, North, Clinton. —31 The Women's. Institute are holding their monthly meeting thig afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. Metter. Rev. C. S. Fiekbeiner of Hanna, Al- ta., a” former pastor here, preached in the Eliangelical church on Sundays week A. large congregatiOn was present to hear him. Frank W. Evans TERMS : CASIL Phone 192 THE COIIIIER STORE • Live and Let Live 01111 GROWING ICUS AND MINS, • achwto supply your table ni.,11 Good Things to Eat and take great care to please our patrons. Pine Apples 10r preserving are now at their best. Call and leave your order. Butter and Eggs Wanted Highest. Markel; tlriee, E. LE. HUNNIFOIZD LIVE AND LET. LIVE GROCER. Bargain Days Until June 1st in Buggies, Single Harness, Eaten -Arm Ladders 20 to 40 feet' long, Cream Separators, Feneing, :Liontesteail Fertilizer and many other articles. John May, Agent. WOOL WANTED I AM STARTING A PRIVATE Kitulergarten in the lower room of the Little S.chool, Townsend street, immediately after Easter And •aan prepared to take' a number of pup- ils between the ages of four • . and . seven. The class will be held from 1.30 pan. to 4 p.m. Terms -51,00 per mounth. —Apply to Miss Hazel O'Neil, Ontario street. • —28. BAYFTIOLD COURT OP R1DVTSION, —Notice, is hereby given that the • Court for the revision! tir-the Assess- ment Roll of the Village of Doylies' will be held in the "town hall at IL o'clock a.m. riit 'Tuesday, May 261)11, for the purpote of hearing and settling complainta against; Assess - tient Roll Cot this year 1914. Per- sons having business as; the court • will please attend the said time and -place without further 110130e.-13. W. 111rw1, Clerk,, May May ;nth. CALVES FOR SALE.—THE UN- dersigned have made arrangements to handle a few calves front well bred stock. These are being Shipped by exPress enSuring their being de- livered in good condition.—W. Mar- quis, L. Weiv, Phone II on 166. —27 11C3I,ISE FOR SALE ON 'fl -IE 1013 - don Road 3 minutes walk from the Piano factory. 7 rooms, half acre of land, good garden, fruit trees.— Thos.. .Judd, —27+-4 ITAY FOR SAUD. -- IIMrItl A qtiantity of hay—baled and unlialed— for sale at $13 per ton at the barn, --John R. I-Ioluses, TIolmesville —29 MeKILLOP 'TOWNSHIP, Mrs, W. Sholdiee 19 now visit'fig friends ini Tendon . WOOD FOR SALE—ALL LENGTHS best beech and maple. CLet prices at office,—M. G. Ran:3ford. —17. Highest Market Price Paid in C'esh for WOOT,. Also oit liand for sale Flour and :Feed, Potatoes, ' Oals, Will excbange for fawn Pro - duets. SrlYTH; Next tle hospital. Victoria Street. FOR SALE Two good Incubators, one Chatham 240 egg and one Morganr60 egg. White T,egliorn Eggs tor hatching, $1.00 setting of 15. Rock eggs 51.00 per 13. Special pen prize Barred ROCIN 52 Per setting. Also young racing Homer Pigeons. W. JACKSON. Poultry Plant, Clinton. Anyild For Sale in Clandeboye FARM FOR 53.1E.-1018 9, CON. 3, StallleY, eontaining 00 acres, 90 • acres cleared, the balance good hagd- wood bush. The farm is well fenced and well miderdrained and M. a first-class state or Cultivation. Thera is a first-class frame house with furnace and hard and soft water in the house. One barn 50 ft. x 55 Ye, one shed 2621 x 52 ft., one horse stable and drive house 28 ft. x 52 ft., all on stone founda- ,tions, also two good walla, late at hrluse and one at the, barn and watet in the barn. Situated one mile front school, a?, miles front 13ruce- 312. miles front Kipper, 6 mil- es from Hensel], 9 miles front, Sea, - forth or Clinton, Reason 'for sell- ing, wishing to retire, --For further particelars apply on the .prendses or addresS Robert Mortisou, Brucefield 18. 0. —31--8 GOOD BRICK HOUSE, 2 ACRES ORCHARD, STAB- LES, AND 15 ACRES LAND. ClONVENIENT TO POST OF- FICE, S C 11 0 0 L AND CHURCH — APPLY W. A. JON.ES. 206 PERCY ST. OTTAWA. 11(11. Ca,111 * -- • House cleaning season IS the • ti me for Baked Beans w y —B e # cause they are quickly an deasile • 0 prepared for a hungry man's din- O. 0, ner,,Besides they are cheaper # 0$ _and move oppetizing than meat, • to Try a, earl white they last only : O 3 large cans Baked Beans for 25e. . ;11 $## cern 13,cooti.nnatoes ,p) roll 311c . can Peas $Special for Friday and . Saturday. . e you want done in Rootirg Eavetroughing Plumbing m Furnace work. Call and see our Stock before placing your order. FARM FOR SAT,E.—The WiIbianl Proctor Farm, Lot Number 32 and south-west part of Lot Number 33, Maitland Concession, Goderich town- • ship, 144 acres.—Apply to W. Bry- done, Clinton. • —1.6. Ire You Using Glasses. BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7, Stallion Routes. Fresh Strawberries i 0 Fresh Tomatoes 0 Fresh Rhubarb 00 0 Lettuce and Onions 0 # 0 0 0 $ 0 O. W. -T. O'NEIL • el "The Hub Grocery." $ $ . 01' ab. -40 41,1:11:6,11~461.1.4101N.1.1. Western Oats A. carload of high grade Wes- tern Oats arrived for us last week. CORN and POTATO FERTILIZER. For well cobbed corn and large even ized potatoes use Gunn's Shur -Crop Fertilizer, scientifically prepared by men of twe,nty years experience. A few brooders left which we are selling at a big reduc- tion. Just what you need for young chicks. We have a supply of baby chick feed for small chickens, specially prepared calf -meal for young calves and hog meal for finishing b .hoo.s. A full line ofran, Shorts, Flour and Feed always on l'tai'icl. IN DI6X , Monday—Will leave his own stable at Brucefield' and proceed west to Var- na and north to Den Rath:well's, God- eellch township, for noon, 11511110. Wert 11 way of Brucelield Line and Stew- art's corner to Wm. Currie's for Melte, Tuesday—.North to (has. IA'hiteley's for noon and by, way of Huron. Road to S. Sturdy's for night. Wednesdays" —By way, of Huron, Road. to the Gra- ham House, Clinton; for noon, then along Base Line to Albert Towns- hend's for 1113111. Thursdap—Ea.st through 1-Itillett to Goa. Stephenson's, Constance, for noon, then by way of Wroxboro to the Dick House, Seatortl5 for night. Friday—South to R. Brownlee's for noon, then by way of the London Road to big own stable where 113 will remain until the fol- lowing Monday morning. Win., Berry, prop. and intanagar. PRINCE OF AIKTON. Monday—Will leave his own stifle and proceed west to Varna, and north to Ben Rathwell's for 'noon, 111311 bY f3ayfield Line to Switzer's cotner and north to James Sterling'a for night. Tuesclay--North by 611.1 con. to J. E. Maillan's ?or noon, then north to I-Ittron Road and via Ben - miller to J. E.. DurOlas, Colboine, for night. Wednesday—Sy 88.04) oi Hohnesville to Herb Otilatitieston's tor noot, the15 east to 16-th eon. and north arid east to Albert Towashend's for night. Thursday --South by Lensclesboro Road to 103 oi Htillett to Ed. Johnston's for noon, then east 131 _1.11'llviS. and south to ,Huron Road and east to Geo. Walker's for night. Friday—East by way of Harperhey to 'Thos. Coleman's for noon, tlam south to D. Follictingbant's for night. Saturday—To his own stable where lfe will remain until the following Mondap morning. Wm. and .13.ruee 'Berry, Props. Len McConnell, "IVIanager. Many people are using glasses but many naore should. If they did it would save them eye strain, causing headaches, and preserve •the sight longer A proper test by an • optician will tell. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up. -to. -date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins, Let us make the test for • you? A J. GRIGG Optician Jeweler and issuer of Marriage Licenses. NEWS -RECORD NEWS -LEADER'.. GRAND TRUNK RsVsTrEla 44i444a4..444*aesaa....444momearomee EVERYTHING IN TINNING and sheet metal work is in our line. We fix the furnace in -the cellar cm the skylight on, the roof. Put a nen' Smokestack on your chimney op: a new zine under the stove. LEADERS ARE LEADING. the best of tinning work that needs looking after right now. Better have us look at them. A little of our work now may save pou a lot of trouble after while. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Round trip tickets to points in Man- itoba, Alberta and Saslcatehewan via Chicago, St. Paul 'or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until October 27, in. elusive, ab low tares. TT -TROUGH PULLMAN TOUR- IST SLEEPING OARS TO WIN- NIPECs ON ABOVE DATES, LEAVINC+ TORONTO 11 p.m. NO CHANGE OF CARS. RETURN ',EMT, TWO MONTHS The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be- tween I'Vinnipeg-Saskatoon-Eantonton, with excellent through =Vice to Re- gina. Trains now running ihto Cal - Berth reservatious and. particulars at all Grand Trunk ticket offices or write C. E. Horning, District Passen- ger 'Agent, Toronto, Ont. J. Ransford & Son, Uptown Agents A. 0. Pattison, Stattoa Agea THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. PLU13IBING AND HEATING, • TENDERS FOR WOOD LIMIT. Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to and including Monday, the 8th day of Jure, 1914, for right to cut wood of various descriptions on a certain, area tributary to the FrOdoricklioliSe and Abitibi Rivers in the District of Temiskaming. Tanderers shall state the amount; they are prepared to pay as bonus in addition to the ordinary Crown dues, including. 40c. per cord for Spruce, and 206. per cord for other pulpwood, or welt other rates as may trout -time to time be fixed by the Edettten- "ant-Clovernor in Council, for the right to operate wood products mills on 01: near the area, referred to. Such tendbrers shall bc required to erect a mill or mills on or near the territory, and to manufacture 11)10 wood into producta thereof in the Province of Ontario. Partieg making tender will be re- quired to deposit with their tender a marked cheque payable to the Hon- ourable the Treasurer of the provinco of Ontario, for ten percent, of the 'amount of their tender, to be forfeit- ed in the event of their not entering into an agreement to catty out the conditions, etc. , The htghest or any tender nob ne- cessarily accepted. For particulars as to description ot territory, capital to be invested, etc, apply to the undersigned. W. H. HEARST, lginister of Lands, Forests anti Mines, Toronto, Ontario, 24.11.1, April