HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-05-07, Page 13rl Clinton News -Record The New. Farm Life, (I tltknow ° Sehibir ls) There an thosf"who regret .theadvent.of the rural ,tele phouc, rural marl del:ivexy, and the parcels post, It :aorta , away with the happy experience of ' ,','going lost the hail," 004 the mid -weekly gun to town for a. ping of tobacco or; .a few pounds or sugar:; According to these pessilIntlVaiu- ov al ns addthe monotony 0 to la t aono oily of farm life and converts the • ' country liome into a sort1 prison, pl son, Nothing of the sort. 'ib:tt e all immense and a were fancy sketch, 'these imodern features of f um life are to be 1 t salvation, It•all tends to bring farm residents closet: to- gi thet and to increase soe1apility ; and that is just what', was wane All wanted. 1 over the q ,r he pint vice where the telephone had been instal/cid thew have pun or are hen6 ' or*anted ;' Good Tim- es Organized, es (rubs Literary Goeieties, Debating Societies of seine such organization ; and the meetings ofthese societies are delightful, thoroubhly egio3'able affairs, and they 'cannot Pail to be profitable in many ways. Until the rural tele- phone came, it was possible to keep such a society or club going in the country. If the weather was bad or the, roads riot just what, they should be, nvrobers Mt ,that; nobod r would be there and. it wrouldn'i' be worth while going. w Now the phone is called into use,, and it is quickly discovered that O'0ryhocly is willing to go if there is going to 'bo a good turnout. It is soon arranged that tis^re will be a • crowd' and. everybody goes unless the weather is pooltively-boistetous or the roads impassible, in this way these. rural societies -are held together laetter than ever before. They persist through- out the,rall .and whiter months and add immensely to , the enjoyment or country lire. No thought of imprisonment. Then the rural; phonekeeps the lonely farmer's wife posted on neighborhood ned's, and "there is society where none ietr.udes." To this is added the higher kind of infortna- tiou brought daily through the. city papers by. the rural mail, so that when either the young or the old sheet- there are endless up -to date topics of conversation, There is nut the slighbeslt doubt of it the telepisone ant the daily mail will put the' farmer population on a distinctly higher plain of intelligence ; and, they eileet sucli economy in Iabor that There are better opportunities than ever before for the ar- tene henls of drivers and visits purely for pleasure. To keep roads in. good shape and do it cheaply there is nothing like'a G rensvbo ,,P Cooservndron-- s SPLIT LOG DRAG. Stanley Township lilt, C'heY Reid too'c in a large num- ber of stock steers In Varna of Sat- urday.. Glad to report that NL:s. Jas, Reid who has not been en owe:;; good health for a short lime, is improving. nicely, Stanley Township Mr, Jas. Mc('lenaghao was up, at R'hitecherch on business, Mr. Robb. Spackman or Bayfield and his cottel 1, Miss Annie Love, of were Hillsgreen guests • at the house S of Mr. Wm. Railiwell on Friday ev- ening last. Millinery 110(1 Dress akin h �i COUCH CO, e Are viMV- V �j aill1p li . Ready-. f To -Wear Garments l,f so you will need some of our sunfast matting it is reversible sanitary odorless and is so tightly woven that even the finest dust cannot sift through it. It is the only matting on the market which is sold under a guarantee to be, absolutely fast color free from the effects of either sunlight or water. We are also showing a very large range of Rugs Oilcloths and Linoleunls; all widths. • If iia need of a floor covering be sure and visit this department. • Sprillg at 1-2 Price.�e. A FEW' SACIPL.E SUiTS 'TO CLEAR AT $10.50, 1 10 We were fortun- ate enough to se- cure . these suits from the manufac- turer. They are the newest styles, Satin, lined, some have peg top skirts no two alike, They are extra good val- , ug, come in colors, Navy,vpav Fawn,Loi - -enh,agen. and checks. Regular $2O.0 and $21.00 for $10.50. See These in Our. Windows, RAIN COATS Wehave the complete range of new water= proof coats from the best makers in Canada. We have a coat at $6;00 made of Paramatta Cloth guaranteed waterproof and will not get hard. Would be good value at $9,00, our price $6,00, McKillop Township'.: May With its wild flowers ao4 crit- er beauties 14 OW With US, Jacob Btarrows has sold les larnl to- Beediiagan bro''hois of Logan lrownship. Mrc1, Dundas':St. is illi Mrs; 'Walter. Davidson., wha is on the sick list, has beet unable to l.e nt: x d r Q r l a to wards l 1 t 1 0 M week, • Elided Staford•, with': his gasoline outfi;t,, has green& neariyl 10,000: bags ohf grain t 'past' s a ca'o" I sn lh v e ti era attendance. a I r" l,. a o \0 8 school McKillop is ,50 ,I great deal better attendance tl:r n country schools. in gcinehal can show , . • 'Elle orazo for- municiped .halts still continues in McKillop. • Mts. 4ase Nichoi.son, who lets been with her sister at l(thel, who is ill, arrived hone Friday. - Mr: and lolrs. Roy Brothers and chAdteu, also Mrs Medley Cook motored up from Stratford and spent Sa.nci(1y with Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Mose: Mr, (htrlic Houston of Bayfield spent t11) week -a101 the guest of Miss Ethel Mose. The farmers or 'dile vicinity aro- a1- most through seeding, .Master Alex. Clark, who has been very ill, is reco,cring, we are giai to y,. For This County is Going Dry. Lay the jest about the julep in the camphor balls at last, Jew: the. miracle has happened and the • olden days are past ; That which makes Milwaukee thirsty doesn't foam. in Tennesee, And the lid in. old Missouri It as' tight lopked as esti be. Oh, the comic paper colonels and his ' cronies, .well may sigh, For the mint is waving gal/p, but this county's going dry. By i,Iic stills:de on the hillside of Kentucky- all is still, For the only damp refreshment must be dipped up from the rill ; North C'a'JJna's stately ruler gives his soda glass a shove And discusses local option with 1110 South Cal'ina Gnr•, It is useless at the fountain to be winlchil of time eye For the cocktail glass is dusty and this country's going dry. 1t is water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink, We no ' longerhear the music of the mellow crystal clink, When the Co`onzl and the Ma'or and - the Clen'I and the Jedge Meet to have a little nip to give their appetites an edge. For the eggnogg now is nogg'"ss and ' the rye has goner awry, And the punch howl holds icarna- tionsa c this n l , ht.. count'y's' going g illy. All Chi nightcaps now have tassels and are worn upon the :bead Nob the nightcaps that were taken when nobody! went to bed ; 1.nd the breeze above the bluegrass is as solemn as is dealli For it bears no ;pungent clove tang on its (Waite: breath, And, cacll ratan can walk a chalk -line when the i h starsrc is athe•k' S � For the fizz glas' now i,S 110111x0 l anri this county's going dry, Lau the jest about the julep 'heath the chessnut tree e al; last, For there's but cin kind or moon- ' shine end the olden days are past ; Now the water wagon rumbles through the Southland on its 'trip, And it helps no one to drop off to pick up tlio driver's whip, For the nli.nt-beds, make a pastm•e and the corkscrew hangeth high ; All is still along the still side rind t1114 county's going dry. —Nixon Waterman in the Era HIORSES "WALK "PL;1NK.'' The surefootedncss of Me mule is P1'vyerbial but the feats of 1.his an- imal are, rivalled by biose of the pack -horses used by the Uiitninton Forestry Branch surveyors to the wild timbered rri ions of northern Canada and the Rocky Moartta?ns, Laden through they are with. "grub", as the surveyor terms provisions these horses can swim wide rivers, ford shallow ones, or, follow the men of the party over a single log, often no more than a foot 111 diameter, which bridges a deep narrow moan- tain gorge, where a tall would .lean instant' death or worse. They can even follow the foresters through the sloughs, muskegs and wind -thrown brute characteristic of this northern forest, which is saying a good deal for a mere hdrse, for as' one of the forest -surveyors -writes front the primeval forest Lesser Slave Lake, "A forester needs to be Here, besides all other professional bides, a real buslunan, an axes -elan and: a jumper," There wore eight iciest -survey par- ties engaged in de -marking forest . and agricultural lands in the fax west last summer, and their reports which will appear in tile annual -report of the Director or ,Forestry, Ottawa, containacpoents or actual ailwenter es which rival the Most: fictitious. The total area oxaniinert 105,6 s immeer ivzs-shout 11,000,000. acres, 50010 qu the rough, slopes 'or Ilio Rockies, 5030 id tike rookies, some in • then rocky areas for Manitoba and &Tisk- aobelhewan and some in bile low-lying and muskeg region of northern Alber- ta. Veil little land was found fit for agriculture in these regions, and inose of it is recommended as forest reserves. Tito present area of the Dominion: Forest Reserves is 23,017.- 504 acres, or nearly 30,000 sgttare Iniile5. If all present recomldenda-. 1fous For reserves are approved 1)31 Act of Parliament the arca will he doubled'. In comparison, the National Forests of the United States cover an area of 257,855 square miles, y111 Canada is larger than the United States and contains larger land areas fhb only rot tree growth. , NEWS -RECORD NEWS -LEADER. St. Helens Mr, Adair or Winghanvwas day visitor at the Monte of 110x. J, Todd. Mr. Harold ,Drutiitnond or Wingh+aln' spent Strncley at the hemp. of Mrs. a .q Mrs Roht 1'ICGtd as s eie;lm P few d ty s vvit het slstcr Mrs. Da 1 los Gt Miss Clsrigsy Miller was a week—end visitor at her home here, 14Its, miis, iller, Luoli now visited d Miss Date Coulter, _Ond Mrs Jrhn Grant thus wept Inspector Tont made an official 1t to our school hist work` The ordination and induction of (ole. 1i'nl. '1'ayior as eider in Calvin church tools place cn Sunflay last, Mrs, Andrew, Mrs. W. Gardner at;f1 Miss Margaret Woods of Ashfield vis- ited at the home of ISIr. Root. Woods+ last heel, 14liss Luella Shaw spent_ Saturday; with Miss Emma Woods. Mrs. Finlay of Wiagham visited fri- ends around St. ITelen's this wcelr, S un- w. 'Clinton Citizens Wish Theism • God Speed.' The nrer•bers-of the Si M. S., Laci- ies' Aid and choir of Wesley• church with tiheir husbands, wives and a few friends- gathered 10 the lecture room on Thursday 'evening Wast to %'fly a farewell to Mrs. Boles and Miss Ida, the former ,of whorl has been a valued member of both the Ladies' Aid and the W'. Joh S,, awl the hatter one or the most gifted and appreeieted members of the choir for years, who will very shortly leave town to take up their resid- ence in Minnesota, A pleasing program Was first gone through r;ousislJng' of a ctuett by Misses Ruby Wise and Viola' Rowe Wm; by Miss Beatrice Greene and Miss ]loves; recitations by Miss 4te- wart anri Miss 'Keller and speeches by MMIessrs. Irwin, Doherty, ;Manning, East and others. The pastor, Rev. Dr. Rutledge, occupied the chair. At the conclusion of The program Mrs. Pattison, president of the 0'. M. S., read an address 10 Mrs, Bol- es and Mrs, dos. '1'wi1retell , presid- ent of the Laches' _lid, presented her on behalf of the two societies with a pretty broach set: with pearls and an emerald, and lir1 :o. '1' Cooper, chairman or 'lir music committee. read to Miss Biles an appreciative address and bliss Greene presented her on behalf of the choir with a handsome club bag. Roth ladies replied suitably thanl ing their friends for tdleir kind wvorc 011(1 Lhe tokens o11 good will and a string them, that Clinton, anti Wesie church and its people would alway occupy a large Place in. their remelt prance.. • Cake and Ice mare was after- wards served and a very picasent social time . 1VdSlll. ) S C 1 The follow- ing r llc w- r iiia are tin? 04111150001 Dear Mrs. 130180,-(hh the eve of your departure frr,m. Clinton your frituds of Wesley church desire to assure you that your devotion to 'the (env interests tS of the church s n 1 wt4S hCCil. greatly g tl•y appleerltecl. Tlow large t place you have, filled amongst us can scarcely be 11100311 1 at ent- ente but we almost dread to eon template she Vacancy your going from us will leave, so elmertully and completely have you identified your- self with every good wort The 1S M S. mud Ladies' Aid Soc- iety especially have, always enjoyed your generous and ctelit clp ran 111103' will ever s'muemeffiber wJiith grati- i tnde your self-denying 'efforts in their behalf, You have been a. sharer in the anxieties and joy's and your kindly helpfulness has largelp contrib- uted to whatever measure of 51110159 has been achieved. It is with al- ost unspeakable sorrow and regret let we bid ('oil good-bye, We feel hat we (1531holr adequately express ur love and esteem, but we ask our acceptance of this littler token our regard and we pray that al's richest blessings may be 'hes- wed upon you and ;yours in your V home, where r+ arc c t we . c sur' others 111 learnto love and honor you as our friends in Clinton have learned do duringyour many years' stay long thein.—'Signed on behalf of the 114.14, anal Ladles' A" Dear Miss Boles,—id.We, ,the I1Icu1- be of the Wesley church choir; . and eir friends, desire to express Dur cat appreciation of the doop inl4s- t you have always taken in the laical service of the •church, and the mailing' kindness which- has eharaot- ized you in all your association 1h us, The nave conbinatton of alities possessed by you have made 0 an invaluable helper to us all. ldn,n indeed, do we find such a eet singer in. Israel, such 0 well allied and polished musician and in e same person such a , modest, un - smiting and inspiring worker aria n.d. Many hi connection with our oir and church are indebted' to.you instruction and wise and timely nisch in their, 100510x1 career, while tit assistance se cheerfully, rendered fro Sunday to Sunday beta in solo rk ancf in quartette and anthem, s always, been greatly prized b3) 1 choir and 'congregation aucl the: ught of losing it , gives us almost feeling of . disill by r The news of tit propftebive depar,b3.ire from oue telt • and town appears to its .at'I moment little less than acal- sty:' The 'loss to us we feel ver he wh'olly overcome. 'We can yl comfort outselpes with.. the ugh that in some otheir cota- lity you will bring. help and hies, - g to others as you; have to us, the very pleasant relationship 0h lias existed between as rot rs is now' about to be broken up ask your acceptance of the . tac- m:parying ci'ub bag as a slight tok- of Out affection and "0stecm and beg again to assure you' that r great service to• us all is duly eciatcd and will • always be Mealy relnenrhered,—Signed on be - or the choir and congregation— E. hast, Bea ':lee R. Crreenq, A'n- L: Cooper, Is 0- Y 1 - m 1l 0 y' of G to ne w to an lir it th gr es ml u er wl qu Yo Se SW tr th as fete ch for c0 yo fr wo ha hot tiro a yo chi the am ne out rho 111111 sin As whi yea we co en we y0tt apjr gra half T. 11te Varna.;• Mr.John McNaughton et the Front Road has invested' in a new Car. ITe will find ;this qu111 pi convenlarr'0e in getting over the ground quickly. While tied c up in frgnt of the post 'office" lag d oth r day day: l?r. ITcrlt Smith's (10(se bolted n b a d roJtc $he Lie strap 111(1ran away '('berg was 1100510 in the rig at the time hilt trite buggy was somewhat damaged. Miss Florence Clark has retuned rule. a. home t ole iter a v 1,'' a sit in Toronto. The. man t friends ' f K'S S o Mr. George" Bclat tv . will ebbe pleased to leaon that tic 1s now able to be around again, 1(10 1olisseS Stewart spent a day leis1 wei,l visiting Lxeter friends, Quarlorly scrirfces were. herd sec ,the Methodist church on Seeder week, a very ,large number being in atten- dance. T'he static visited the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Chester Dunkin the other day and left there a baby, hop, Misses Edna Beatty and. J10rua Delhi attended the teacher's convention in G' cclnricll last' week. News -Record Means N Ws -Leader. Stanley Township Dr. iV, Elliott spent the past'.week at the home of his rnotl'lar, Mrs. R. Elliott. Dr. Elliott is an honorary' gradu- ate of the Royal C'vllcnge of Dental Surgeons, having taken the degrees of I,. D.; S. 1). D. S. at the recent exanifuations, Seeding is a thing of the past: The spring grain is coming up good,' Getting ready for beans and corn is the order of the da.y• like treos are clothing,thernsclves with a beautiful greet, verdure and' all 1111010 'scorns alive, Netis-Record Means News -header, zMe. Elan, Reid, the people's popu- lar bean ling" is about buying beans. The price ringing about 51.00 per bushel, M) Chas. Reid shipped a car load of cattle Ir, 'Toronto oil 'Saturday last. Thu prices aro still soaring high. Cecil wileyi had the misfortune to have the wheel taken off his buggy the other evening in a collision with Mr. Oreo McC'lincher, but Cecil took ii gond natureellr. Mrs. Paul ('leave of lh r Setae 1Ie Line slant ever the heck -end with her aunt Mrs. I (Jade; Mr.I)..1 , Stephenson is wearing, a bright smile these claps. It's a boy, Mr. James 5ScClinehey and wife and children spent Saturday in Rreery Hayfield. Mr. Wm, li'o4Ler of the Pair Line contemplates purchasing a new auto nn the neat future Wm. thinks t11, horses will soon be a thin;; or ill past, Softy to report that 31rs. Jas, Mc C'linchey, Sr, of the Goshen Line who has not been enjoying gore 'health for some time, and who ha Passed the tired score years and to is not improving very fast. Mr. John ('snl)ale and Mr..(Tobt (seer contemplate leaving fon tit west in a few days. Messrs. Geo. King and Wm. Hiegel of Bayfield have been assisting Mr Geo.Elliott t o plow ow the n 1 last fen daps. Engineer. Roberts of Gndeeich mad a business trip last. Sattrrllay to the Stanley big drain. Ile is sporting a car by which lie can travel more quickly than before, M1 are glad to liras Cir „ h'•'r, Alm McKinley is able to be out again af, ter a week's illness. Miss MputIe Heys has detained home after spending a few weeks with, her brother in Londono: Mr. and Mrs. Clarke are at present on the sick list, but we hope, for their speedy recovery, Miss Rota Keye spent the week -end in Godcrich at 111e teacher's conven- tion. New s Record Means New's-Leader, Miss Elizabeth Taylor, sister of Mrs John Kitchen of the Ord cremes - McKinley is a5'ce co be. out again af- ter an illness extending over several months. The deceased lady bad or- iginally resided at Hensel'' but for some time had made her home with her sister and ltrrother.-in-law and she will he sadly missed in the hone. The funeral teak Place on Monday after- noon, the interment taking place in Hetasall cemetery. Rev, Hall Woods of Brucefheld conducted the funeral services. The following is the April monthly report of S. S. No. 14, Stanley, the names are names are in :order of merit : 5th—Nelson hood. Sr. 4111 Loliism MoOlymont, Lawrence , Was- mann, Anna Fisher. Jr, 41h—Bella Collins, Maggie Cooper, !Tillie .Nigh and W. 11, Collins, equal. ' Sr. Ord — Archie Parsons, Willie, Parsons. ,Jr. 3i:(1—El;l, Fisher, Oracle Cooper, Norma. Hood and Gracie Fairbairn, equal Sr, 2nd—Wilfrod Ross, Willie Harvey, Donald McIver. ,Jt. 2nd— Freddie Parsons, Agnes Nigh, Loret- to Sutton, Pth, 2nd—TWalter: Work- man, Dorsirial Foster, Amy Appleby, 1st Ph --Leon Near', Exiorr Nigh, Lloyd Workman. The hest spellers in the .monthly spelling snatches were ; .Sr. 4th—Coci( Johnston. ,Jr.' dtit— Maggie Cooper. 3rd—Ella Fisher. Sr, 217:1—Wilfrid Ross. ,Jr. 2nd-Frerklc Parsons, at e s. n S feu 1 HOME STUDY The Arts Course may decree enbuttcosttudents' desiring to'gra4uate .Lust attend one session, QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS APPLIED SCIENCE EDUCATION Inoludln MEDICINE ENGINEERING SUMMER SCHOOL .11.3 ,1" geld A JGUiT 22 G. Y. GiIOWN, Registrar, Kingston, Ont. NEWS -RECORD NEWS -LEADER'. i May loth, 1914. eeping Out o� he Ruts The blood of a business which advertises regularly runs faster than tle.blood of a business w1.oi(,1I rarely or -never opens its mouth, 1 Men who.gets in ruts grow to like ruts, There is a certain comfort a1ac1 contentment in rout- ine—which wvord is very Wose bo "tering," Advertising compels the advertiser to bestir.' himself—and since he aclveltises to YOU, since; 1(31 wants your favor anri:custom, you tan be pretty sure his doing he is best to deserve yonr favor and ensbooh. A WORD TO THE PUBLIC. Give your custom to those who solicit it —who tell you they want it ; who tell Stop what they al'e doing in your interests 'Encourage those who serve you best and most. Shop Where You Are Invited - to Shop, National Portland Gement ! We have just received a carload of the same old brand of Portland Cement which has always given you such com- plete satisfaction, It always fills your requirements, You cannot snake a mistake using the National. S. J. ANDREWS, 16.114•10/11100111,201111•0=Illi NEM -� Clinton. argains in HAVING taken over the furniture bus- iness trom M.r. Wesley Walker we will for the next sixty days, in order to reduce the stock give' prices never be- fore heard of in the furniture business ill. Clinton, 1)o not miss this rare opportu- nity of getting furniture. JAS. IWNFORIJ, Night and day calls answered at phone 28. d"BEAUTIFUL IiAiR" make.- every woman beauli I , i I, and all who de- sire to 'mike the most of their aptn':Lrance have the oppori unity of pay- ing a visit to PROF. DORENWEND OF TOItoN'r0 who will be at the RATTENBURY HOUSE CLINTON, on Tuesday, May 19th with an immense stock of the Latest Fashions in Flair Goods. A Style to Suit Every Individual, "Ladies' with 'Thin Bair see andhave a demonstration of THE DORENWEND TEANSFORMATTON. They will give a charm and attractiveness to an otherwise plain face and will assist any woman to keep her youthful appearance. They are superior, to all othersof in Waneffship,ects they produce when adjusted, in quality of hair and efficiency work "A• 'FREE DEMONSTRATION IS OFFERED TO ALL" Wigs.: Transrorrnatious,.Pompadonrs, r'3angs, .1fronts, }raves, Ss'itcbasl3ralds, 10(0, "Gentlemen If You are Bald" call and see THE DO"I.I3INWEND SANITARY PATENT TOUP.EE'E, which is a perfect protection to the head, For natural effect, strength, durability, hygenic qualities,, 1. they are unequalled. Besides this,they will make any man appear years youn- ger. This Toupee ts protected in all countries and may only be purchased from us, Do not fail torill and nd see them, and remember date, The Dorenwend Coy. of Toronto, 1, (TEE HOUSE 01? QUALITY HAIR GOODS) 104105 YOUNG STREET -- ( The News -Record Town and Tow