HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-05-07, Page 8e Alen who are particular about their shoee,will Hud here the best of shoes ,'Don't waste time going from one store to another,,. to find 'a shoe you'll like, Come here first and save yourself; the trouble: e've a long rF nge of 'WStylesand.Prices. $3,50, $3.00, $3.50to $6 00. The country's bask Shoe Makers madeour shoes on correct lasts from such good leathers as Nici, Pat- ent Colt Skin, Velour Calf, Gun Metal Calf, etc. Yon can't turn around here without humping ir.- to some sort of good. styl- ish shoes 1 Come see the new spring models, Conservative or as smart and swagger as you can wish Remember our Expert shoe service ! FRED. JACKSON Good(Shoes for Everybody. `Brighten -up The following is a list of the up-to-date Brighten -Up goods, we carry Sherwin Williams paints, -; Varnishes floor paints, i Campbell's varnish stain, Jepalac Climax wall paper cleaner 77" Ron me English floor polish, 5 different kinds metal polish, Silvo the celebrated silver polish, 10 differentkinds_stove polish, Jelistone and Muresco Wall Finish, Dustless mops and Dusters, Silver polishing clothe, Door mats, Step ladders, Flempol and Liquid Veneer, All kinds brushes, ! Brooms and Whisks, Simtnerseeleb,ated garden seeds Special—Free parcel post to al: parties living within 20 miles of Clinton, Our phone is No.. 7 or drop a card and we will send by the next_delivery free of charge, 11 pounds is the weight limit. HARLAND 13R08. STOVES, HARDWARE i AND NOVELTIES As The Housecleaning Is Now. On. We have:purchased an up-to-date F,LPCTRIC, VACCUri CLEANER. which will clean your Carpets and Rugs thoroughly. Price $1,50 for each home. We have what you need in Furniture. • Ball . �c Atkinson FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS Night -and Sunday Calls. N. BALL Phone 110. 3, A. :MUNSON, Phone 150 vrA..uft � New Spring Rugs at Special Prices. We haveljust received our:frstshipment of New Rugs and while they are wonderful values still we are going to offer some ExtraSped ial Prices during the next two weeks in order to induce early buying. We have Tapestry hugs, Velvets and•Wilton Rugs and all spec- ially (priced fur the,next,two weeks. " SEE OUR SPECIAL ;10,00. RUGS, lso'some bigvalues A vd nes in Linoleums and Lace Curtains. BIGGER VALUES IN BETTER SHOES. Spring time"means Shoe tirnefin most families and "We are here with the goods" to supply those wants and ata big saving in price to you Don't miss' seeing ; our;"stock when looking for your next pair. "It will pay you well". Plumsteel Bios. Small Profits More Business" rw 4. Clinton News-Recod This Smart Raglan is only one of the splendid, new styles you can see in the Standard Fashion Sheet for April. Be sure tocall for a Free copy at our Standard, Pattern Department. '. , W. D. FAIR CO. Often the cheapest—Always the best. ,r Af�••.nr swum, im+uu muu% i4 r. J. W. Kilbride was in Strathroy on 'Saturday, Miss .Jean Ross' was honk from Sea: forth over the week -end. Messrs W. and T. Jackson, Jr., wont down to. Toronto on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sterling left on Tuesday for London where -they will rtes:cdc. Mks. Ramsay of Plattsvillc visited hes: mother, Mrs. Gilchrist of town, during the past week. Miss Manna Mackenzie of Sault Ste, Marie, Mich., formerly of town, is the guest of her uncle, Mr. Thos. Cottle, Mr. Buz" Harland, son of Mr. and Mrs. ' Will Harland, Guelph, is spending part of his holiday period in town. S:nee the family left Clin- ton he has joined the staff of the Roza] Bank. Mrs ,John Stephenson has been very ill during the past fortnight, stet much so that her friends were ex- ceedingly anxious concerning her. Sheels now, however, .thought to be on a fair way to recoeery. Mr, and Mrs J. II, Willis after spending the first few months of their married life with"{he lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wei.' Lep- pington, left last week for Ogama, Sask.,, where they purpose making their home. Iti'Ir, J. G. Robertson of Lethbridge, wlio has been visiting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) MacCallum of Kirl3sten, and other friends in Toronto : and St. ?fiery :s for the past mohtii, is mow at the - zarentat horse, that of i1lr. and Mrs. J, Wiseman. Mrs: Ogle Cooper and Misses Frances and \orale, who have spent the past month, in toWlr with friends, left Monday afternoon for Toronto with the intention of spending a day or so in the city before going on to thele hoine in Coll'ingwood.. Mrs, Gt'o. Jones and little daughter arrived a few days ago from:; Vic- toria, B. O. owing to the serious iI'l- ness of the lady's mother, Mrs. John Brown. They intro!.] making a visit of several months before re- turning to their home in the Sunset Province. Mayor Ramer, who with Mrs, .Rance spent the best part of three weeks in New York' and Atlantis City, re- turned 'Tuesday evening. Mrs. Rance stopped over at Toronto Where she will renia'n a, few days with Mrs, C. 0. Rance and other fricaids. They very much en;oycd their holiday at the seaside. Maier. Joe Beck, Toronto, 'was in town yesterday having come 'up to take part in the ceremony of dedi- cating the Masonic 'hall, acting for the occasion as Deputy Grand,Mas- ter. Time does not appear to d i mintse the Major's geniality any more than it lessens the number of personal friends he has about Clin- ton. Dr.Fowler, Toronto, was, in town on Monday, IIe care up on business and as when Ile Is this engaged he transacts it with the utmost • dis- patch, his stay in town was there- fore short, To be more explicit lee came up to buy a carload of work horses from Mr. Cl. J. Wallis and was ver}-: well satisfied with the bunch lee. got. Mr. 0. H. Newnan the '73etn Ring'' of Ontario, and Mr, George ` T, Mickie, secretary -treasurer of the. • Ontario Bean Dealers Association, both of Ridgetown were ire 'Lowy and district for a co'upl'e of days this Week,' They were looking 'up the prospects hereabouts for beans :the corning season and appeared to be tolerabl}t well satisfied. Mrs, Boles, who hat been o, re- s',d'cnt of Clinton. for cn,anY years and who reeebtly disposed of her residence an Ontario street, left on Friday with her daughter, Miss Ida, for. London where they will visit friends before going on to Cookston, Minn., where• they intend locating. They will. be much missed by a large circle of friends' and Mi, s Boles .de departure is 5 P a ils1lnc1 loss, in musical circles, May 7th, 19:4' @IONE onstrai of . the- FanilOus Colleue Cors On Thursday, Friday and Saturday May 1.4th, 15th and 10th Miss Smith' will ;delrlonstrate the Coilene corset to the Ladies of Clinton and vicinity; and we '"cor= dially,want you to come. Itliss Smtih thoroughly understands the fitting ;of -corsets and will explain just the kind of corset you should wear and why,. Come any rot the above days it will be interesting. r. SPECIAL • PURCHASE Ladies' & Childrens Sprhig c Travellers' Samples at "cost and less Space will not permit of a description. 1'n the lot are ladies' spring, coats, sizes 36 and 38 only. Children's spring coats, ages 8, 10, 12 and 14 years only, .Colors," Tan go Tans, Kings Blue, and Grey Tweed Mixtures, Etc. Styles are the very lat. est, and. PRICES Cost and less, the very savings on these coats are such that they will not last long. Come early and get the best values. On sale Friday and Saturday 20 in all. Boys Odd Bloomers Saturday we put on sale Twenty five pairs of Boys odd bloomers, Tweeds and Wor- steds, Lyon brand make lined throughout, Ranging in price up to 911,25, Saturday only 98c. Personals. More Local News The News From Mr, A. J. Morrish was in Gnderich on Monday. Messrs, D. S. Watson and .1. Schoen- hats the former his official capacity as District Master, visited Summer- hill •Crangc Lodge on Monela}l even- ing. Miss E. M. Stephenson, i li has beim o b n teaching in Port Arthur s'nae last midsummer, was called hone last week on account of her mother's illness. 'he Bells Next Week. The play that evade Sir I•ienr}e Ir ring famous in ono night to be pre- sented by the Clinton Dramatic So piety on 'l'hursday and Friday even- ings of next weep will be notably in- teresting, not only by reason of its fhrillir,g scenes and, tragic ending, but by its thread of comedy and humor that runs through the whole story. A number of our citifxdis Have seen the play as presented in the cities for some yeears by 'I'liomas 10. Shea and ail 0,3cak very highly of its worth: The leading character will be taken by one who; has had several years ex- perience in amateur theatrical work and with 005 oc two exceptions the whole e,aste have been prominent in local productions. The caste is as follows Mathias, the but gamester, Paul von Rohl. • Christian Bette, quartermaster ofgen- clarntes, !red Gifliris. F Irer at Walter, ter a Partner, Geo. Web- ber, Bans, an old Imatther, .John McCaugh- Dr, 7uruner, Bert. Kerr. Joseph hamtsky, a I'o'ish Jew, Iiay Ftumball, - ClerIc of the Court, Reay Runiball, Notary, Chris Hodgson. ]tIosmcris,t, Chris. Hodeeon 1' President of the Court, J. WDore, Fritz, old character, Wellington Goole 'Pony, old character, Samuel' Lewry. Catherine, -wife of. 'Mathias, Mise Vio- let Sewell Annette, daughtclr of Mathias, Miss Irene Collins. SozeI, ,eervaiit o1 Mathias. Miss' Lulu J.Iowe, Synopsis of Seetres,' Act 1,—Xmas Eve. h; i tchen in' house of ,'Mathias. Mathias returns. The story of the murder of the Polietie Jew, fifteen yearn previous, is related, The 'crime begins 10 prey ole Math'as' neind, Aol 2,—Best room in Mathias' house. Mathias is ill and his guilty ccnsoeence is his worst accuser. Sight- ing of the marriage contract, Annette becomes ileo b;rid4 of Cheistian..Song of the betrothal and wedding: festivi- ties. Marl,hiasmind. affected. • Act 3, --Bed 000m he Burgomasters' house. Mathias returns and in his :!ream thinks he is being me"simprised and forced to relate the story of his crime, IIs is overcame by the ter- rors of his dream and (tspires. \, A SMALL F.1I1E, The explosion of a- coal oil lamp in Melvin C'rick's barber shop caused a fire to break out at an early hour 0n Friday evening last. But the flames did not mount very; high for the brigade arrived on fir' scene quickly' and very sc.on the dances were entire- ly entinghished. Some of Mr. Criek's furniture nag destroyed and tints he has sine° been hampered in his work het his' loss will be Pretty- well cov- ered by insurance, WESLEY CFih'RCI1. The Junior League held their annua election of olfeeees on Friday even'n last with the following result. President, Harold Maenr'ng, 1st vice, Mabel Marshall. 2nd vice, .Leona Nediger, 3rd vice, Mar oris 14Ic14Iath. 1th vice, Albert Wright. Social Coln., Evelyn C'luff, Ruth Me - Math, Flower, Daisy 'Nedigeir, Convener. Treasurer, Pred Wallis. Secretary, Willis Cooper. Pianist, Irene Heller. Choir Leader, Gladys Feller. J,PC'1'Lli LOCAI,S ItLr. and Mrs. J. 11. House have moved into J. 13. Little's residence on Queen street recently oc;',upied by Mr. an:l Mrs. Ralph Tiplady. The residence which 351', House. has ,Fust vacated just across the street has been leased by Mr, McConnel of Hill- lett, who is retiring from farming, and who will mave into town at rC take possession about the middle of the month. At the regular meeting S a m mb on IVlourla) evening Murphy Lotige initiated three row members. At the last meeting seven were received. The members are Preparing for 1ha.box social tobehcld in the town hall on Tuesday peening next. SOMETHING Oie A STORM. On Monday afternoon a Bail storm visited that section of Hellett and Goderich `townships north and west of Clinton, :coning close 1'o htrt missing the town, Caretaker Crich was in the cemetery at the time and he de- scribes the Mali stones as being very. large. The windows in the west site of Mr.• John '1'ipl'ady's residence on the Base Line and also that of Mrs. J. Cololough were nearl}e allbroken by the fierceness of .the ;storm and the weight of the hail, A couple, of velars- ago a very ilts- aicrous storm visited about the same section, though covering •perhaps a wider area, and much "damage was done, not only. to buildings but also to standing crops. Forttmateiy on this occasion the grain was not high enough to suffer mush injury. g adore Local News on Page 5. Londesboro Mr, S. McCool and Miss Cora spent Tuesday, with London friends. Mr, R. Gibbs. is in Ayton this week where he has a number of pianos which he gecps In tune. bf"rsr. John Phillips, Mrs. Wnr. Hiles and Mrs, E. Adams attended the W. ALS. convention in Seaforih yester- day. Mrs. 11. Mogridge of Auburn vis- ited at the home of Mr. C, 11. Man - 11'11g, Mr. William 'Weymouth was in Stratford on Monday • • Messrs. T, Miller, -F. Johnslonc and James McCool were in Clinton on Wednesday. attending the dedicatory services i1e connection with the Mas- onic hall which were conducted by W. D. Macpherson, 1%.C., Toronto, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada. A little daughter: came to brighten the lroute of. Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Caldwell on Wednesday of last week. ,1,t the armlial meeting of the Ep- worth League of the Methodist church the election of offiocrs tool place with the following result president, Miss Alice Bell, 181 vice, Miss 'Della Me - Cool ; 2nd vice, Miss Minnie Lyon ; 3rd vine, Miss Josie, Elslcy ;L tth vice, W.1I. Lyon ; 5th. vice, Miss An- Tele nTele Braithwaite ;I setret,ary, Miss Lily Brunsdoir , treasurer, J. D Llsley ; organist, Miss Elsie Millar ; assis- tant., Miss Ruby Manning ; Epworth Era agent, bliss Lily Inc, Alt, and Mrs. W. H. Lyon have mnv-•. '- into the CI ently i a;aied by Dr. r11 John Mott, and C'has. Crawford ace working in Mr. L. I3i11's .sawrrrell, Blyth. Mr. J. O. Lounsherry is9_alsp alt smiles these days, the rason hong, the arrival of a little daughter in his home, The annual meeting of the Metho- dist Sunday school was held one 07- cn'ng last week inh.n the report., showed the schoof to be in a more prosperous' condition than for years v'ost. The following is the list of of- freclrs appoanted 'Supierintendant„ Win, Lyon ;aafrstalit, "G o"C a'rf:ett ; sec. -treasurer, Geo. Milian ; librarian, (has, Watson assistant John Vod; den. Hullett Township, Mr. clayed Ubyle Mr. forth Mrs. 'hours Holds. A. J. IIo'.'oway :udcnt.Sinc1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George • Carbert, •• Miss b'lorrnco Tighe, si er ' t tat tve'I"" pit`"'' end with Dublin friends: • and Mrs. ,John. Shanahan Sall• with her daughter, Mrs. of St. Augustine, and Mrs. D. Flynn, yvas in Sea. on Friday last: ; Jas.` 13111100 Sundayed at :the of Mr. •and Mrs. 'Joseph Rey 1 SPRING FOOTWEAR We have plaeed instock this Spring, a much wider range of styles than this store: ever showed before` s to match the season's requirements, q nte, which give a much wider choice than you have bad for years. The new shapes and leathers iu Ladies' and Men's: shoes faithfully reproduce all the style features of. the bighest.,priced custom made. We can meet. -every requirement at moderate expense and oar- antee thoroiegh satisfaction. You'll find just the shoes, oxfords or pumps you wets here, and you'll, get teas most generous meas- ure of value you ever bought for your money, H. Si; CHAPMAN• ,PRONE 70;.