HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-05-07, Page 7you want ComfOrt, ' Te'-Coinfokt Soap..); INVEST YOUR MONEY 211 th°Prefelle" MODEL DAIRIES "mite"'Montreof S.ock Fropirlent. Sir H. Montagu A4Iian, - President Mmeilianto Bank of Canada. Vice -President. • Mr. John A. Guns, - - President Gonne' Limited. Dirsotora: Mr, 'IL S. Bolt; President, Royal Bank of Canada; Director, Canadian Pa- cific Railway. Mr. C. R. Roemer President, Ogilvie Flour -Mills, Director, Bank of Montreal; Director, Canadian Pacitio Railway. • Mr: CI: B. Gordon, President, DO, minion Textile Co., Ltd.: Director, Bank of Montreal Mrhat7li. Etivi?lrfenceriBeQunrs- ande Go. Mr, John MelCergow, Director. Sun Life Assurance Co. Ron, Senator Dandurand. Director,. • Liam Life Assurance Co.,' Director. Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. ' Mr. R. J. Younge, of R..3. Younge and ComPanY, • • For jurther particulars &SOD a Peat Card tos R. J. YOUNGE AND COMPA.NY, - 179 St. James Mentreal, Canada. Street, THIS IN ESTIVIENT HAS PAID 7% PER ANNUM half yearly since the securities or this Corporation were • placed on the tnarket 10 years ago. Business established " 28 Years. Investment may be withdrawn in Itart or whole anY tirne after one year. Safe as a mortgage. Full Par- tieulars and booklet gladlY furnished on request. NATIONAL 'SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED, coNr=DERATx0N savE Bc-xx.Dznro - TORONTO. ONT. HEINS=RECORG'S NEVI CIOB - BING RATES FOR 1013-14 Wemarens. News -Record and Mail & Empire ..,..01.60 News•Record and Globe.... Nows•Resord and Family lierold and Weeltly Star .. ............. .. . ... 1.85 News -Record and Weekly Sun 1,85 NowaReeord and Fariner'e Advocate, 2.36 • News -Record and Farm & Dairy 1.86 Newslieeord and' Canadian Farm .... 1.65 -,.......Iteasetecora and. 1Vertkly Witness 1.86 • livireltecorcl and Northern Messenger 1.60 News.Record and Free Press .......,.. 1,86 News-Iteeord and Advertiser ............1,85 News -Record and Saturday Nght, ..80 , NewaRecord and. Yonth's Companion 5.25 News -Record and Fruit Grower and Ferraer ..„ .. . .... 1.75 eseetles. Newsltor and Canadian Sports. 25 ,.....„--.----„Velve..tfecord Mud Lippincott's Mega - DAILIES. News -Record and World ... . „..$3,46 •News -Record and Globe .. News -Record and Mall & ltnipire. .0,60 News.licoord and Advertiser .'.,.... .. 2.85 Newallecord and Morning FreePrem. 5.35 Norval -tabard and Evening Pree Press. 2.85 News -Record and Toronto Star ........ 2.35 .--.16ovve-Record. and Toronto News -....... 2.33 lf what you want is not, in thie liet let • us know about It. We can simply you at less than it would omit you to eend ‹Hreet. lit 'remitting please do so by PAt-otiles - ,Order Poetal Note, Express Order or Reg. littered letter and teleran, :;TW .' -J. J MITCHELL • -1 PuiblIsher News-Me-7.3ra' • CLINTON, ONTARIO Whooping Cough SPASMODIC CROUP ASTHMA COUGHS illiONCIIMS CATARRH COLDS • kaTAOLISIOD nose A Maude, side and affective treatment for bran. ehial troubles, avoiding drugs. Vrrieed Cresolene; mope the pA.11115 NY5Or Whooping oUgh.d in/Saves di SpasMoa Croup 0( 01000. It Is a 00N to eufferers from Asthma. The air carrying the antiseptic vapor. inspired with army breath, maim breathing east. soothes the ooro throat and atolls tile cough, ne111141111 restful nights. II Is invaluable to Mothers with ✓ oungebildren. Seed postal fee descriptive booklet. ALL DRUGGISTS. it'ey 0._RES01,13NE g tllsvI'ETTZInig,.thW ,rt.They nye ire, vave 110 unti{0. Of lur druggistorm Us. (00,10 tonne. Vapo Cresolene„ro. 62 Corneae St., ri.y. blentrenl, Cal 3 Leeming Mlles 13tillng • Every Woman 10 Interested anti sliOuld know . about tho wonderful• ' Marvel """" Spray Douche r druggist for s.ailhot aupply TEI,, accept no _fiend etoono for Mag. t bd' �bk-LYealed. 11 gives fell lea3li5apAILdire8tions invaluable , Iralidd:WMW90481/..PPLIt CO., Windsor, ont General Algoto roe comma. (IBAJ?T S CAN D AI IN ;IA PA N. , :Admiral Will Ile Court-Martialed and Others Impeached. . _dosepal6qa from Tokio says : The inv010H;411qr1iry into the naval ' grafit, seenelale revealed that Ad. mire Vt'etaultnoto received it i Opp bribe in: connection with the 1 Ottlear IC:613g0. This sum was given him by Mitspie, the Japanese 'Opt of the Viekers' shipbuildiog uteri, mot ef0. $675,000 ernininie- `• 4-1 the lather received. It 106 be,. ieved achnstal Could not.lhave wo4,-.1ou11,11he eonnininee „ 81.31)41,Ors.„. fonlird I be onertentastialed, 411.04 I3 atijoa apnirea teeianie 'ailleinfov senora 1 oeet •StruprisA'ipi peptocu ' 4110:10,1 ll 81 p q!Josam 4/141:p03ujo 87 stoteS na '5611 m soa,,C Ala ea THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH tIAPE ..;151NGS FROM ALL ovED TDB. GLOBE IN a UTSIIELL Canada, the Empire and the World Ito Geueral Before Your Eyea. - Canada. Gab Board of Teak in a one -day whirlwind ectanpaign added two hun- dred and fifty names to it's member - chip roll. Nearly a hundred brides-to-be came to Canada by the Glasgow steamer Saturdey, which docked at Montreal On Wednesday. Captain II. G, Kendall, comemn- der of the Canadian Pacific liner Ruthenia, has been appointed cap- tain of -the Empress of Irelacl. Judge Charbonnean has reversed thit finding of the Montreal LiCe11108 Board, -winch cut off the lieenses of five cabwrets, following many pro- tests •on behalf of citizens and churches. The truetee.s of Qaeen'e Univer- sity expressed their approbetion of the offee ot Major R. 'W. Leonard for a Military residence, and ap, pointed a aommittee to confer with him regarding cletaile. • The Mayor of Maisonneuve, Que., will compel the street railway com- pany to give a continuous serViee and refrain front turning care into the barn before reaching the end of the route by ordering the arrest of all oar crews who offend. Mrs. lierriet Shunn, of London, Ont., received word through a firm of old country lawy•ere that she is a joint heir to an estate in Ireland that. is valued at $11..000,000. Mrs. Shrum, Who is about 'fifty years old, with her husband, has been a. resi- dent of Landon most of her lite. They are in oorrnforbable oireurn- stances. 0 real Britain. The House of Lords Committee called Lord Murrey's dealings in Marconi shares "errors of judg- ment.'' Tho ibuilding trade employes of London, Eng., have rejeeted the kerma of settlement offered by the masters by,a vote of 23,000 1)0 2000, though_ 20,000 people, mainly 11011- clomba.tay1)s, ha -re been long on tho verge of:Atari-titian. Two su.:Jragerbteie disguised us ters of Charity. raided the Prince. of Wales' mores att Oxford on Monday, the first day of the new term, bat his Royal Highness was not in resi- dence, having gone on a cruise on the b•attleship Collingwood with his b rother. limited Slates. • PROROGUE Lientenant-Governoe.s Aldress at Conclusion - the .5 eS3i011—Alany, linpo`rtant BAls 'Pa e'S'ett Ati, tiro closing of tlili Ontario g,istatere at Toronto ,on• Friday;ithe 'Llebtentant-doveAn-c,-,del,iVem•,,d';iihe: 1)er.6Mi1110;Thir413ef=i--: Mr. SPuaker Ind Gentleinart of the Legisilative Assembly 7, In telieving you .of your ,chaties, I dteire to,exprese my thanks, for the ..ansful -.consideration • you have given to the bri6nces of the sees:to, itcl also. Air n b,e,neficia•l. tier' you hav•o enacted. , I• •Ohmerve ithat •yoa have :provided by statitte for the 'perriesin,earie and ••,exibensionii ,of the system of District Repreeekrtailive,s of the :Department 'of. A.grioulture. The labore of • thelee, 'Officials in de- monstrating oeientific methecirs ol agriculture throughout •the pro- vince. are being 01201,0 aind'enere ap-, preciatvd, by the people, Load the extensicri ,of the system may be ex- pected to coati...bate to the prosper- ity of ;the whole comma -unity. The financial aisistanoe -grven by the • Dominion of "C,aniada for .the. im- preVeroent o1 agricultnee i$ motar- ialIy helping the province in extend- ing this very desirable nodertaking. • An important aind far -re,aehing measure has, been ,a,dopted to pro, - vide. eompensetico workinp71 for injuries sustained and for indus- trial diseases contraoted in the course of their empinyment, The geneeal •agreement reached as to the leading featares of this legisia- Lion 15 0. strikinig tribute to the fair- ascs and fullness of this, inquiry made before framing the Bill, kind is at the same -time a. hopeful indi- cation for the, an Dees of the mea- sure in the future. ProVision for Radials. Provisi,o,rt 'has been -made for ne- osissiery eact,ein.sions of the Hydro - Electric System., and legislative anthority has been given to the Hydro-Elicetrie Powe,r Commisoion I0 supervise the financing, construc- tion and 'operation of, radial electric railways ur.clerfaken by municipali- ties, either singly or ii greirips. The arnenclment•s made to the Liquor Licease Aet are in accor- dance with the temperance senti- ment uf the province, 4atd include' LB' 131"6,11*10r! 9 Lan ting th;:t t hre empera, e day to ok,,14 tale ni'i'nteriibtking liquor to pro- hibited. • oh ger ye with interest that The Court of Customs Appeals in New York denied the free entry of wood Pulp from Canada. , Gioneeal. Tito fortress of San linen de Ultra,_ at Vera, Cruz, notorious for ceotri ries ae perhaps the foulest sot out the Airierionn crontinent, has been ordered by ]tear Fletcher to be coMplebely 'Vacated immediately, A Slit TIC.Rtlejos I1A RILE D order-It-Couneil-teemaies Effeetive on May 31. • ,Vaneou e April 29.7‘Asio,- if& of all laces. will be barred from entry into Canada under a, neW in- terpretation 1001 03XI61-00.-P0Un0g .kre, 897. The now interph'itation has made the order-in-Qounail applige, Chine, Japaneee 0461 Hin .410,1‘,endi11 beCorne effecave oir Xity -3V of me,a,eures 115,606 hese adopted pro: Ip'irdo:v1Ttarcia.1.°17Firriti69.11/1° 'rma•Pr:1;?taiT,Itnolffetof a itigd reward for the ,discovery -of radium in this province, improving the fa,c- tory legislation andauthorizing sclupol borthila to esta,blish auxiliary classes for the educative Of ehildreor who arethrilicapped In any way in toe pursuit of thole otadies. Prohibit Contributions. Legislation has been ens,oted re- adjpstin g the representation, of the, people in the Legislative Miserably, having regard to the recent Domin-. ion oensus, prohibiting political suhscriptions, by corporations, Gov- ernment contractors and .1 -solders of liquor lieeessee, aad analoink, eer- tain changes with. Life:ream' to the nomination of candidates the Legislature. Aireong the other meaeuees, adopt- ed gee, Acts to emend the Succession Lute Act, to amend the Coepora- tine Tax Act, and respecrting adver- tising of agrieultural resources by counties. I commend to your coneide.ration, the valuablereport on public high- w•ays which has recently beenrinatle by the commission ,apipointed to in- vestigate the subjeot. It is hoped that the outcome of this investiga- tion will be greatly Improved: sys- tern of roads throughout the, pro- vince. desire to thank you for ,the liberal provision you have made for the public expearlibare, and to as- sure pall that the supplies you have voted twill be adoninistered with a proper regard to efficiency and en'J 110111y . in ,oenclusion, I wish to repeat my thanks for the services yon have rendered to the public, and. to ex- press the hope, in which we all tan, that the blessintg of Almighty God will: continue to rest upon our country and our people. HA I) A GR EAT SCB.EME. Induced U.S. °Meer to Send,Squad to Rob Gambling Mouse. A despatch from Vera Cruz says: The first serious ease to come be- fore the P revest Marshal, Comman- der D. F. Sellers, of the Mimosas, indicated the -efficacy of the naval service. A thief was apprehended and bodged in jail within e few lidurs of the commission of his °rime of blackmail. Aeuitn, giving the name .of J. R. Mulcahy, who asserted that he was an Amerman reporter, told the Pro- s -est Marshal that he had- inform - tion of the whereabouts of quanti- ties of arms and Lunmunition in the hands of Mexieans. Male -ally was given it squad of three armed men and instructed to seize the /Lime and ammunition. Led by Muleahy, the men weht to a gambling house, where Mulcahy in Spanish demanded money instead of arms, and rep reeented In triself as a seeond captain of police. The marines, not understanding the traneaction, watched Mulcahy compel the opening of safes, which Proved to be empty, the cashier ex- plaining that the funds had been turned over to his employer, Pedro Nan. The %Dallier was thereupon foroed to conduct the parity to the resi- denee of Nan, from whom money W591 demanded. Nan handed over. 5,000 pesos, which Mulcahy carried Lo his hotel and disouieeed the mar - On the following day Nan 0010- pla101ed to the PrOv,08t. Maashitl, af- ter which detectives traced Mul- cahy. who was later arrested and placed in jail. • The money was re- eovered arid returned to Nan. Mulcahy was sentenced to five years' un,prxecarnent. Still in 'Doubt.. "Why don't you marry, old elven 7' "Do you think a man could pro- cure all the neoessities of life on 81,800 a yam' 7 "Of course ; but not the luxu- ries.'" 'Well, 1 haven't decided yet whe- ther .a wife is a necessity 01' 0.lux- terY." COAL MINE DISASTER. Thirteen 'Bodies .11.11.ve Been Found. • 111 011e Shaft. A despatch from Eccles, W. Vs, says: Rescue orews awe:int/led 13 bodies at the foot of the shaft in Mine No. 5 of ,the New River Coal tlompaey and eontineed their work of exploration 118 the hope. of locat- ing all of the 172 men it IOW seems certain, lost their lives in the explosion last Tuesday -after- noon. Pumps were- kept ancl the ,nin-e Waa comparatively freed of water. But the force of the ex,plo- sion was so greet that neesaies ef earth and Took were dislodged and tilia galleries choked. Ib nuty be days before the clea•d have been re- covered. Hundreds of persona continee to surround the village. .asid there is little work in the district, miners and their families congregating lasre te omafert the.se of their friend's 811110 have suffered through :the tra- gedy: WO ULD ELL rArr OF ALASKA In Return for Repeal of the flay- Paunoefoile Treaty. deepa:teh from 1Vaehington says: Negotiation with Great Britain sive! Canada for transfer of South-east Alaska to Canada, by sale or ex- ehenge, or both, with "repeal of the Hay-Pauneefote 'treaty as one of -the conditions of the transfer," was proposed in a resolution introduced by Representative Smith, of Mary- land. go - 8320,000 FOIL OAD 8. 1 System of ltoads for the County of Oxford. A despatch from Woodstock seys : At to -day's special seseion of the Oxforcl County Ociuncil &11 ec:ncil wrlda3t1:6ri7Lngna.7- ye:diture ifie0,00tIasYstel eounty roads for Oxford, with the proviso that only $80,000 shall be spent in one year. A by-law wars introduced p reek -1141,g for th,e raising of the latter aonournt anions- the vitr- ions mutuutpaillbiefi. ICA,i VESSEL FIRED ON New Complication in the -Mexican Situation Which May Prove to be' Serious A despatch from Washington says : „An -(Aller annplication, which may 161.) ,be (2.)0000 001 the Mexican dim atton , 'Phe ' Con- stitutrionOisto 01 'llaitrajrAllm,ye fired Von AnWriOnin rturrehan !Juan flying the Cohan flag end haw!) wounded 'her helmsman, A brilte giren out at the Navy lP.partm ant sand that Adm, hut Mity0 revolted thaW t the "ard liner flying the Cuban flag, Wan stopped by the Constitutienalista 'WO 04.wono pa,,,sSipg ot0, the,,ivez.! .;.o the ottY, Ind tilts toiUcl ter Inehoir 00,titc vicinity: of A.thulGrancle. Y "Apparently,'' says' 1;11:e Department bulletin, "ith waa 101 eessary to lire upon the boat be,fere she stopped, ,a,0 the .ArAtille t'S-1110l'I*4 Ire'r helinernart wounded afi4 quired ,a4ssistaoce. 4.4igaribl Illayo'beirsito 9.0 with Ilis• aide and ,p&id,oila officer on ,riater 11, be f f eig 'haded 111111 r. 0, pt p,, •e . by Captain porrglit0; jtp tier- mione, °ailed "Ct. the' odinuilipcler 01 the C,Onsbilitithi,orralOts for au exPla" 1111.1)10)10 'ot 1115 incident, GOP- stitutionalist, .corrimander eiblainecf that tlley could not let the honk pro- ceed to Tanipteo, as it was neces.- sexy fo10 them to, stop till stores front reaching the rederals., and L100 they would be obliged to stop all morehant'vessels in the fu. tore ISPOIll'm .ncu Tris 16A0:51 7n8D6 ' c1118T25R5 OP Prises ierti'atut.c,t.'ice,;u“r.11,,h.,...annaesAssbre4nas, -Pin* prom/Stuffs. 'Forest°, fdaY whc'at Hoops', 30 pc.,'cent.,' sea- board, and:1ft $3,.95 -.„\to ,54, Toronto. Ma/litobasCii,S1 'oa,tnts, 1d 4140' 8.0611, (1a0tilbalg5 'e"'-''et.'"8:4-.,S",6(, toVa wheat2-Bruy pola-No Northern, Ole, and No. 2 at 941e. Ontario wheat --No. 2 tot 51 to 01.02, outside, according to freight, and $1.03 to $1,04, 011 truck Toronto n . Oats -No. 2 Oiarto oats, 328 to- 40c, aottits4soiode;:ruNalo.ast, ]Say po.01,:tt::aelt, Toronto. Western Canada oats,. 41.c for No. 2, and Peas -90c, outside. . Barley -Good malting barley, 5.6 to 58o, according to quality. • Rye -300. 2 at 63 to 640, outside. Buckwheat -80c, outside. , ci,oginiro.No, a American, 72fic, ail rail, To • 13010n -Manitoba, bran, $25 to 526 a ton, In bags,. Toronto freight. Shorts, 526 to 528, Country Produce. 13utter-Choice dalry, 19 to 20o; In- terior, 16 to 17c; farmers" eparator prints, 22 to 23c; creamery prints, fresh, 25 to 26c; do„ ntorage prints, 23 to 24o; solids, storage, 22 to 23c. Eggs -21 to 220 per dozen, In eatie lots. Roney -Extracted, lu tins, 108. to 11e per lb. for No. 1; oolnlis, $8 to 58.25 per dozen for No. 1, and 62.25 for No. 2. Cheese--NeW•cheese, 141 to 18e for large, and /5 to /Ale tor twins. ,Beans -Hand-picked, .12.15 to 52.20 per bushel; primes, 52.10 to .12.16. . Peultry-Fowl, 16 to 18° per lb.; chickens, 19 to 20e; ducks, 17 to 18c; geese, 15 to 16c; turkeys, 20 to 28e. PotatooS-Oelawares are quoted at, 51 on track, here. Seeds. Wholesale seed merchants,aro selling recleaned seeds to the trade, on the 300- 18.. basis; -Red clover, No. 1, 510 to 521; do, No, 2. 517,60 to 618.50; alsike, No. 1, 520.50 to $21; do., No. 2, 517 to $18; Timothy, No. 1, 58.50 to 59.60; do., No. 2,*137.25 to" $7.50: alfalfa, No, 1, 514 to 515.110., No, 2, 52_3 to 513,50. Provisions. .Bacon -Long clear. 15 to 160 'per lb., In case lots. Rams -Medium, 18 to 181e; do., heavy, 17 to 180; lolls, 15 to 161e; breakfast bacon, 18 to 19e; backs, 22 to 240. Lard -Tierces, 121e; tubs. 13e; pails, 131c. Montreal Markets. 'Montreal, May 5. -Corn, Amerlean No. 2 yellow, 77 to 7710. Oats, Cana- dian Western, No. 2, 48c; Canadian Westrrn, No. 3, 4200. Barley, Man. feed, 50 to 61c. Flour, Man., Spring wheat pa- tents, grata, 66.60; seconds, 0.10; etvong bakers, 64.90; Winter patents, choice, 55.25 to 55.70; straight rollers, 54,70 to 54.90; straight rollers, bags, 62.20 to 52.35, Rolled oats, barrele, 44.55; bags, 90 lbs., 56.15. Bran, $23, Shorts, 526. Middlings, 528. Mouille, 128 to $32. Ray, 000. 2,' per ton car lots, $14 to 515. Cheese, finest westerns. 12 to 121o; finest easterns, 111 to 1150. Butter, choicest creamery, 23 to 235o; raeones, 22 to 221c. Use's, fresh, 22 tO 23o; selected, 26e; No. 1 stook, 21e. Po- tatoes, per bau, lots, 85 to 96e. 177itutipeff Grain. Winnipeg, Afay No. 1 Northern, 902e; No, 2 Northern, 8830 No. 3 Northern, 870; NO. 4, Mr; No, 5, 780; No. 6, 73e; feed, 08c; No. 1 rejected seeds, 86te; .No. 1 rejected Heeds, 846c; No, 2 rejected seeds, 815c; NO. 1 smUtty, Mc; No. 2 smutty. 848c; No. 3 sant tty. 8100; No. 1 red Winter, 910; No. 2 led Winter, 898e; No. 3 red Whiter 871c. Oats -No. 2 C. W„ 2055. Barley -No. 3, 455c; No. 4, 448a; re- jected, 421o; feed, 411e. Elax-No. 1 N..W.C., 51.331; No, 2 C.W., 51.321; No. 3 080'., 51,21*. 11t ,213ates Markets. Minneapolin, .May 5.-Wheat-MaY, 898c; July, 9080; No. 1 hard, 9410 to 941c. No. 1 Northern, 918 to 82e; No. 2 Norehern, 891 to 911c. Corn -No 3 Yel- low, 68 to 6306. Oate-No, 3 white, 855 to 851o.. Flour and bran unchanged. Puluth..May 5.-Lin9ee0I, Cash, 51.54: Jaw% 61.56; May, 51.54. Wheat -No, 1 ham, saVio; • Ole. 1 Northern, 921e; No, 2 Northern, solo; July, Mc. • Mire Stook Markets. Toronto, May 5, -Cattle --Choice Ma- caws', 07.75 to $8.26; good medium, 57.,40 to 57.60; columon etriVs, $5 to 56.26; canners and cutters, 63.60 to 54; choicerfat cove, $6.60 to $7.30. Smokers and feeders -Steers, 800 to 10g., 11'4" to 5a76.6t0t; 5411.: 5118.25, 7to005t7o. 8" Calves ---Good veal, 58.76 to 510.25; orimmon, 54.75 to 57. " Sheep and • lambs -Light ewes, $6.50 to 57; Spring lambs, ;6 to 510; lambs, •yearlings, 50 to 59.75; but with 760 per head deducted for all the buck lambs. Hogs -58.90 to 59, fed and watered; 60.20 to 59.25, off care; 58.60 to $8.65' f.o.b. otr'eal, May 5.—Choice steers at 59.25 to 58.60; good at 57.7540 58; fair at 50,75 tr. 47.35. The loWlsr grades hold front'55,1.0 $6, and butcliers' cows from 56,50 to 57.50, anti build 'from 58 to $7.25 per cwt. Selected lots of hogs, 55.75 per cwt., weighed eff cars, spring iambs, 58 to 56 each, as to size and quality. Yriarling lambs, $$ to 59, and golud,dsitii:ep at 36 to 57 Per cwt. Ofilven 80111 from '53 to $10 eaeh, as to size and MO DEL DA.IRIE S, LI IIIITE D. It eeldeen happens that private , , inyeetors ape„gtiyr..nthe opportunity , of securing stock 00 men aittraetive enterprosee as Model tIair,iee, Limi- ted, Montreal, advertised • in this issue. Large dairy ooanpapiee in all the bilge cities of 'llooitht,Anies- are Paying ha.ndeorne dividende to their shareholders every y'aa:r.i, Pito-del Dairies haseholon organitied by it number of. 6111 keenest and most sue,oe.ssful business -men in Canada. The names of these men insure perniamence end good man- agement. It pays to follow geod leaders. go - COUNTERFEIT $10 BILLS. Callit4iii11 Bank of Commerceelasue& ll'airning to the Corinterfeit $10 notes of the 0a,na- 111231 Bank of Commerce of. the issue at present in ,use are in circulation in Hamilton, ' Ont The counterfeits which have o,tar been seen are numbered 452,477; ip red over bits*, whereas the gehnine notes now issued by tlie hank are nuenbereri in blue. Vie' 0.61.07ts1vi74 are also_ ro u eh deeper -Au th,p,.of the genuine ly the yelloW ,and. red .04; Irfr' On the baok there are evirb:pr 61i:ros flaws in. -,01.1$3 delign) eTparently made whebb appear on the word bank" W18ererirtiO70el8r0. 01 tthe if.00t of the note. T)ie-,eetrarterieits are countersigned by 'II. 511030 10510,43175 Theftt,h50,,irt,v,e b,lotel-Ihrog 191,4:7 traibua.iaa HOstilities oa,s,d 10 Mexico pending theq conferences being held ia Washington by the South Ameri- can envoys, ' This Spring Cleanse Your Blood Of those impure, poisonous matters—blood humors —that have accumulated in it during the winter. 'The unequaled and really wonderful success a Hod!s.Saksa-parilla in CleAnsing'the blood makes it the medicine you should take. The secret or its success is the fact that it is the best possible combination of the best known agents, roots, barks 'and herb's, for giving strength and tone to the bodily organs and -functions. Get Hood's Sarsaparilla at once. pecia.1 rder Tall rin Sults to Order, $18.4Ond up A Representative Wanted earsesse y have many mail enquiries and calls from here for Semi -ready Clothes. I wanta local Salesman to join me and make money in, selling Suits in town and roundabout. I provide a complete Tailoring Outfit; wherever there is no merchant selling Semi -ready Tailoring oa account of the close -to -cost price and the label in the pocket, a splendid business can be done. It is easy to book orders; the order forms ate illustrated and descriptive; $50 cloth samples—all English • weaves of' the finest woollens. Perfectly fitting Suits can be guaranteed; delivery within a week. . Cali and see me, or write me at once for full particulars. 1 can make'the position permanent, and you can demon- strate the market for high-class tailoring at close profits.. WILLIAM G. HAY The Semi -ready Store, 143 Yontio street, Toronto • 01 qmoommoturillill ea/ fi Outdoors or in --this is the paint that gives satisfaction Stands the test of Canada's trying weather as no other paint you have 5000 155. vor barns and other buildingsaor your implements and wagons, and for reurttlileong bovytttiooLtsIdehronodwi: tgirat,s,ga Raencoisa; felt thaa.t isethe bent of 115 kind. , TPahlentmiaonnloav inters to do his work for him will do well to specify RamsaY'e e conomy of gainsays paints -they wear 00 813015 and proteet wood and 010001 00 thoroughly from deterioration. Tho lose Ramsay dealer will give you splendid serVice and suggestions, Or write direct to the factory. A. RAMSAY & SON CO. (Established 1842) MONTREAL, Que. (3) ....N.WEESSZCSISMINSSILSZ NOT IN FAVOR OF AR MICE Negotiations Not Connected With Their Affair With 1-fuerta A despatch frOM El Paso says: immediate Inepa'reitions for com- bined atteeks . against Mazatlan, Tanopieo, and Saltolto is the answer in advance by the Mexican rebels to any invitation that may coone 1)0 'them to cease hostilities against the Huerta, G:ovaroment pending medi- ation of the differences between Huerta and theetetited States. Carranza anie'Villa, do not recog- nize the arrruetice as having any connection with the affair between liuenta, and the rebels -and do nob feel called upon to 'atop pressing their campaign against Haerta while mediation is in progress over the Vera Cetiz-T&mpico affair. Villa has announced hie intention of, puelling his campaign against the 'Federals regardless of the negotia- tionsevhich are being conducted be- tireenothe Huerta. Government an,c1 the Ifeited States theough the • powers. While both darra,nza, and Villa, have expressed their approval of the mediation plane, their representatives here say that under no conditions will the Constitutionalist leaders consent to a ceesation of hostilities against Huerta, at this time, and in proof 'of this position oall attention to Villa's vigorous military cams/she wiaich he has mapped out against Be.ltillo, San Luis Potosi, and Tam- . pea. W0IIST1 MOSQUITOES. No Excuse for the Prev&lenoe of Them Anywhere. A deelxach resign 'Washington says: Members of thellouse Rivers and Harboes'.0oinetiattee were on Wed- needaer discus:now the testimony of Sir William Willoocke, the En.glish engineer who built the .1es-earl 1)am on the Nile, in „,,whielh he told how thceprobleau of* rua,ladrial 6100.951) - to along the Strez Canal had beep solved. lie tee -geed before the oom- mittee that at Ithartoum, where the boats brought down. 110 woreb mos- quitoesi in the world, "the drainage is so perfect there that now we fine 111051 twelve shillings ($3) for every mosquito seen on his place." Sir William contended 'that these was no excuae for the.prevalenee of mos- quitoes anY.wheee. The people along the Suez Canal, he said, wrestled with the malarial moequito until British engineers provided moodern draintig0 and disciplined these who tolerated anotiqu.irthee on their preirt- isee. REMARIWILE CASE. Man Blind for,Two Years Can Nom See Dhttitictly. A despatch from Quebec says : A resnarkable ease of the sudden re- covery of sight through being struck ort the nose by a piece of wood is that of loIretTlem.ri II. Germain. a,n employe of -the local agency of the Marine e,,nd Eisheriee DePartment, who resides at oliefteport. Mr, Ger- main has been practically blind for over tiwo years pa,st, following a, so - vete attack of inflammatory rheu- matism. lie was chopping wood at hie home -when a piece flow up and struck him on 'the •bridge of nose. This severed a vein, a.nd no a reppiC,Mir. Germain lost •much bkiPTd; Which was black in. oolur. Thasnediately after Mr. Germain dis- covered that lie could see distinctly. Sbraeige to say, he felt 110 pain when struck by the piece of wood, KILLED BY 0 YN A MITE. La,berer Bruelied a Spark Into Pile of Explosives. A despatch from Montreal says: An unknown laborer employed by the Canada Cement Co., was blown to death while art murk preparing a, charge of' dynamite. Whrile. be was stooping over it it spark from a foam:toe alighted on the back of. hi* neck. He brushed it off and 310 fell on the dynamite, which instantly exploded, blowing his right arm and p,art of his body into the air', Some are born lueky,' others 010 - quire luck anti still others just blun- der into it, are just es geed far the Madder as they are for tho ICiclueys. If there 18 trouble in retaining111+11.0----if you have to got up three or four tunes 01) 01107101; during the night -if the nrino is hot and soalding-01n rills will quickly relieve the trouble. They cure tho kidneys crud heel the irritatod hlaclder. See. a box; 8 for 59.50. At all dealers or that 010 roecept of price. Sample free if you mention this paper, 10 NATIONAL 011116 AND ClIEMICAI, LO., OF CANADA 111111100„, o T0a0Iffat airslorgEeDs=grAnrwarem