HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-05-07, Page 6ANISIL 'PIMPLES AND -.ERUPTIONS in the, sprihg Most People . Need a Tonic Medicine olio of thoiStIte.St Signs thifit, the. blood is out of order ie the'stimples, unsightly . eruptions and eczeMa that come frequ,entlye with the change fond winter- te; sPasite Thaae„ PP:we that, itheefonEI Iffe Winter- .had 'its. effeet upon the • blood, and that tonseenedsemesea needed t6 put et right. Indeed there ere few• people who do not need a tank et this season. Bad. bleed does tiot raerely 311,0‘17 it - sell in clisfiguting eruptions.• To this same cenclition is due' attacks of rheamatista and lumbago; the sharp, stabbing pains of sciatica and neuralgia.; poor appetite and a desire to avoid exertion. You can- not care thee trouble's by tlin ris.e , of purgaltive medisines-you need • a tonic, and a tonic only, and among all medicines there is none can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for their ttornie, lifsegiving, nerve- reetoring powers. Every 'dose of this medicine makes new, rich blood which 'datives ,ont impurities,-atimue kites every organ and being& a feel- ing of new health and energy to weak- tieted, ailing men, women and ohikiren. If you ere out of sorts give this medicine a trial and see how quiekly 55 swill restore the ap- petite, revive drooping spirits, and fill your veins with new, health -giv- ing blood. . You ean get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' M,eclicine Brockville, 0,nt. i. Selfishness. We all know that selfishness makes us unkind, but have we over euspeceed that it also makes us in- cffinpe,terstl These clavindled charac- ters which we see on all sides of US sve 'cannot alwaya account for by known or even suspected evil -doing. Characters 'shrivel before our eyes and we cannot understand why. It comes te be a coalman experience tosee,livea that etatt off with every promise of brilliancy and power, and then after a number of years have gene by to realize slowly that the promise ie not being redeemed. We ,r,esign outselves to the superfi- cial explanation hat lifd ie hard ,and that few men can sue,ceed nt best, but we do not realize that much of the failure of men's lives is due to the steady, subtle, and respectable Alfisliness whiab does not do its work at a stroke, but does it erely none the leas. No doubt many of us never Gu.srpeoted all t this, simply be.canse• wo have „ believed thatselfisioness was even a source of efficiency. The sold might be hart by selfishness, the joiner life might suffer, but that ability was de,crettscd by it is the la.st thing we imagine. Deserved It. A geneeensen was on,ce walking beside a well-dressed girl, and thoughtote himself, "1 woadert if she takes half as midi pains with her hea,rt, as elle does with her clothes 7" A poor 'Old man was coming up the roa,c1 with a loaded wheelbarrow, sand just before he reache,d the girl he made two a,ttempte ta go into the Sasel of a small house, but the gate ,was heavy, and would swing back before ho could go through. "Wait!'' said the girl, slipping lightly forwards . "I will hold the gate olien." She did so, and re- ceived thanks. sf'She deserves to have • beautiful clothes l'' thought the gentleman, toe phallus a beauti- ful spirits" • * 'HAPPY NOW '. WAYS, OF PRESERVING EOGS,.. 'Which the' IlimeeWife. :Will DO Well,' • to. Put Tato Pritetiee. , The, reeinthie ;of ,April, May and June , ate' the IlltenSe busiest, and their-proditet is at the Merest price.' 'Hence it would seeia wisefor tlisije ;Who .keep. chietesta ,for Jambe, eon- earaption 50 treSorre; th.e, earphis dating these 'menthe tatat ',When 'the sheitega.eaSe to. lay the atabIa aap be j51ied jiiet•the;SaMe gas 0n50:a '131;".°101)..Orgo1Ali'WtffelatitY,P-A4,1Al'rOaste' es at! la Year altOtinelmAgars ,11aty glitaWn eggs, 'for winter ,etip- posing they have e (mei plec,e foe keeping them, The freetting point is by no MOODS neceestery, Any cool c,ella,r will answer,. • , When the eggi are 'bottglie they should be candled betore .being pre- seenied.: A cia,adling chine -ley- ousts very As most people Irstaree egg shells are perou,e, the tiny holes admitting aits foe the chick to beeethe. Aio the egg evaporates throligh the sales uteane,. and this teselts, in an empty apace, winch filis, with air. This is always el .the broad end, and foe this reason the paint ,should b downward when etoriag eggs. T test eggs loot through .the instru- cnent (after putting in, th,e egg). If not quite full the, egg ie not perfect- ly ftesli, arsd, of couree; th,a larger theseaapty space the older the. egg. The yolk should , be perfectly rotted and show perfectly clear. If there is e hate- or the white !books a little cloudy the egg is bad. The Object to, be obtaine,c1, in pre- serving eggs, is, ofpousee'to, pre- vent evaporation. If the, air ig ex- cluded eggswill keep- perfeetly at home foe aren't:1es. The process is very .simple.. In fact, I have 'known eggs to keep by just pla,eing eelted buttee im :the Palms ot the hands, and tensing the eggs about until every bit of ths surface was cover- ed. A cleanly method is, to dip the eggs into liquid -glees," which can be, bought mil any drug store. Another way is te dip the. eggs into, boiling water for leas til'an ainiaute--juet long enough to form a. thin coating of alburnen ineide the shell, and then put them through .a very thin syrup made by clizecilVing sugar in water. A number of eggs oafn be done at She same tittle quite oMnreniently if they are pat into a oolander or :fry- ing- basket and then dipped into the liquids, but it ebould be seen that every bit, of the shell ia covered. - Some persona do .not know that eggs absorb odors, but they do quite as muoh as butter doss, so for this reason they should be placed by thetneelves until a sufficient quan- tity ia gaithe,red for preserving. Otherwise they may hate a queer flavor when cooked„ which the housekeeper may attribute to some fault in preserving. A wooden pail is handy for pack- ing the e.ggs away in, using dry bran to prevent breakage. , BABY'S - OWN TABLETS • - GUARANTEED SAFE Baby's Own Tablets ate the onlY medicine fot little ones that are absolutely gentanteed to be etrietly tree from opiates, narcotics and other baneful drugs, They carry' the guara,ate,e of a government analyst ite; this effect, 50 the, moth- ers :whose little ones ate ailing need have: no fear in using the Tablets. They cannot possibly do berm, and never fail to de good. The Tablets cuee all childhood ailments such as constipation end indigestion, worms, Colds, colic, simple fevers, ete, Thoueande ,of mothers through- out Canada say they W011ard use nothing else for their babies. They ana 'sold by medicine dealers or hy moil at 55 ,eentes a box from The DT, Williamie' Medicine Co,, geode. • ville, Ont. • Family (if Twelte DrinIc Postunt. "It, certainly hae been a blessing in our home," writes a young lady in regard to Postum. •"I am one of a family of twelve, who, before* using Postern, would raallee hea,kihy_ peroon eneanner- table by their eompliarini,ng of head- ache, dizziness, sour stomach, eta, • from drinking coffee." (Tea is just as injurious beeause it torgaina the • same drug, caf(eine.) 'Far years mother suffered troth • palpitation of 't,h,e heart, tick beed- .aehe and bad -,sitoinach, and at times • atonid 50 taken violently ill. About a year ago ale quit e,offele Med be- gan Pe'etuan. • "My blather -.wee troubled with -headache .and dizoinees, allth,e time he drank oeffee. All 'those troubles of -ray mother ,LIST(1 btother have, diss appeave,c1 entice Posture .has taken the pla,oe o6. ooffe,e. ' • • "A sister was ill needy all her life with h,e,adoehe and heart irsin- b5e, and abetat all she cared foe Wg.19 coffee and t,eit. The doctors tolti her she must leave them alone, as imedleine dict • her no permanent She thought nothing maid take the place of coffee until we indu,cecl hex to say Pastern. Now her trou- blee are all gone and she 'is, a happy little woman enjoying life aa people ehould." - Name giv,ena, by the Canadian Poe - turn Co., Windsor, Cub. " Poettain now comas in two forms: regular Peatities-L muse be, well boile,d.r 15e, and"2,5e; packages, Distant Poetuen-tie a aol,ubtle pow- • der. A teaspoonful dissoleee quick- , in a cup of hot water and, with • -•••1 cream and'eugar, makes a delicious • beverage instantly. 30e. and 500. Theo 00,et, per cap of both ihe Same, "There'e a Refseori" for t Postage •-old by grocers.., THE PORI OF LONDON. It Has Eclipsed All Other British Seaport Town. Amid the mushroom cities of the Modern w,orkl London, the metro- polis of the British Empire and the chief port of the 'United Kingdom, stands like an ancient oak with its roots deep in the soil of byegone. ages, There is, perha' ps no glamor of legendary interest .a,ttetidting its origin, swill as etill invests the de- cadence of Poonie, Athens arid Car- thage with a halo of veneration; but on the Other hand, despite its age - going experiences, the ream of time and the soars of hietory, it posses- ses all the attribute's of a commun- ity ineltinet with life and vigorous; growth its record On -nigh •tthe derl- purits ;las been one of steady and g-radaal accretion of power and tn- fluenee. One by one it oulateipped its early -competitors, and in every department of the national life of the °Gentry it has acquired ' and maketaieed 0 'supremacy whieh is recognized as indisputable. As the ,seat of the executive power it has cle,posed Winehester and York. In wealth and inilu,eace it surpasses bhe industrial areas of the Midlands and the north. In -learning and ,scientific reeeareb rivals, the older etnivensities.‘ FssoaiIy, es the centre of maritime trade, it has eclipsed all other British scepoet. towpa. The Cinque Porta have long elnisappeared iuto, oblivion. Bristol and Plymouth, the hooses of Eliza- bethan iadVenturees and the start fog points, from "which they sot oet on great commercial enter,prises emcee the 50gl seas, have fallen Ise& into relative • insignificance. Alone of all the congeries of ports notable in ineditieval time London has panelled the even tenor of tits W05 to continued heights of. pro- sperity and success. The Tent. "Can I trust you, Smith?" "geese 50. Try ane with $10,," • vRISONRY''PROXY., • SPXen! PlL*50bmcntiaVogua in Hassid: • The ..``prison editor." ie 'a reality Ru512.ia... Fla is a development doe to the ineectere life which every newepaiper ,not, ander official con- trol, hal to lead. The latest Mei: dent whiah revealed his- existeneet eas .the geese , of ;the ,"Sefterstaips 1?r50da" the other da,,', • Wheel 'he proved to be an iilliterate labbrer" of • What happens ehatby le:w 'a, name mast be registered se that of the 1'lleclalctorizettitel,'' OT c'respon- sible editor," and it is against, the person as registered that any actioo. is taken by the authorities, lirsiw ae it would obviously not be corivenl- ent for the ,actenl,celitter to be mw- prisssnsd either in .nee-paysruent of the fregnent Ones levied Or ea, a res suit of a, direct 'sentence by way of punishment, a dummy is employed -of cause° for am appeopeiate eon- eidenation. In the provincial prees the "prisen editor" is, a recogniz,ed instil:ninon inadetztood in the cese of the penson editor thee if the penalty be imprisonment -without the option of a fine his honorarium as ocorm,ensuratela larger ith,arn if it be ordinary arrest in a guardltottee. In the latter case he takes his •‘ ling" very comfortably and content- edly, being supplied from outside with his meals, di -taiga tobacco, ,and reading matiee at his ereployee's cost, I Nova Seotia Case Of. Interest to MI 'Women ' - Halifax Senile Out a Message of Hap to Many People. Halifax, NS., Dec. 15. -When in- terviewed at her home at 194 Argyle St., Mrs. Haverstock was quite will- ing to talk of her peculiarly unfortun- ate case. "I was always 'blue' and depressed, felt weak, languid and ut- terly unfit for any work. My stom- ach was so disordered that I had no appetite. What I did eat disagreed. I suffered greatly from" dizziness and sick headache and feared a nervous breakdown. ;Upon any druggist's re- commendation I used Dr, Hamilton's Pills. . "I felt better at once. Every day I improved: In six weeks I was a well woman, cured completely after differ- entphysicians had failed to help me. i It s for this reason that I strongly urge sufferers with stomach or diges- -Mae troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the stomach, improve digestion, strength- en the nerves and restore debilitated systems to health. By cleansing the blood of long-standing impurities, by bringing the system to a high point of vigor, they effectually chase away' wearmess, .depression and disease. Good for youeg or old, for inee, for women, for children. All dealers sell Dr.. Hamilton's Pills cif Mandrake and Butternut. Frozen London. Not asr on,e hundred years 5 o,s the Thames been completely foxizen within th,e London (England) area. The year 1814 was itelierecl into the metropolis by a fog of exceptional density and bla,oloness. This fog lasted for 'seven days. Then same the frest. Between London Bridge and Blackfeitits Bnid,ge the Thames soon beeente one large eheet el ice, and remained as, such for nearly -ten w,eeks. The frost did not, finally break up- until the end of March. Ca the ice WOLa emoted ttents anti booths in 'which refreshments were eold to the thousands of Londoners. who enjoyed the novelty of prome- nading in midetream, Printers set ap preaSee on the ice and printed various Inconel:goes of the ecea,sion; whilst in .the middle of February She River Thames became the site of a great fair. During rece,nt years, the nearest approach to G. Lateen Ilham,e,s was ee,en in January, 1881. Sweet llonle. "Did elle make you feel art home?" "No, 'but she, made me wish I was," Piles Cared In 6 to 14 Lays Druggists refund • money .1f PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure itching. or Protruding Piles, First application gives relief. 50e. • Money is pitifully chea,p otIien it is 'hil a man has. Minard's Liniment Lazaborman‘s Friend Oh, Splash. a Maiden -What's this trough oe the sea" we 'read about 1 - Corney -Oh, guess that Cis what the ecean greyhounds drink out of. nNA-111111-00 DYSPEPSIA TABLETS • Proved of Great Value.to Me"' There is only out explanation for the numbers of eiitlinsiastic letters that we receive praising Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets, and that is that these tablets - certainly do cure any kind of stomach Here is a typical letter from Mies Dlizd Arinsworthy, Canso, N.$.: "It is with pleasure I write to inform you that your Na-Drti-Co Dyspepsia 'Inblets have proved of great value to Me. I tried remedy, after remedy but without any lasting geed. Having heard bf your tablets caring such cases as mite I decided to give them a fair trial. They proved satisfadtory in my ease.", The remarkable success of Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets is such a success as can only come -to an holiest remedy, compourided accordieg tO ail exception- ally good familia, from pare ingre- dients, by expert chemists. If yon are troubled with your stomach just ask your Druggiat about Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia lablets, compounded by the National Dreg aed Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, and sold throughout tise Domieion ab SOC. A box. 142 ISSUL Best Money • eift WAS WIIAT (1. BAN SEN P111) FOR 01) D ' s KIDNEY prf,Ls. ler 'Six esraSeien . 'Yestrithatheif 'HO sCeniPletel 4ith (Bpacia,I)- Cotraeline'llanidia'neall knowit :and highly eeepe,eted here, iaboiling sia fenends of his iitnalle 'but com- plete cure from, a protracted illareSS. The fact in frief ole: ,He had Kid - 403'. Pi:Eease he 50o1 Dodd's Kid.- 11,21Y Pills', they cuted ihnim. But let Mo'. Hansen tell his own etory. '11 was troubled with myelilidaeye foe six or 'eaten 'yam -a,' • Ite says. 'My back was So sore I couldn't get out of bed in, 'the naornings. I tried medielnee, but they did me no good. Then I met a neighbe,r, and he advised nee te try:R(16We, Kidney Pills,. Ile mid ha had used them in 'his fatally tor a long tate wad they ware a. greet inedieine. , bought aix boe:e,s of them, an,cl by .the time 1 heel taken three of ilhOM ,1 was feeling angle better. Now &so quite well, end I think the' best money I e,Yet 'spent, in ray life wae whet 1 paid foe Dodd's Kidney Pill.'' Dodd's Kidney Pills are no cure- all. They' eimply cure siak Kids n.eys. But they 'do ell that is elalim,ed for them. Royal Children Well Informed. The Queen is immensely interest- ed in every -thing historical, and when going on a visit to a new plata invariably reads everything con- nected with ite peat. This .plan of knowing all about, placee of entereet beferehand comeneside itself - greatly to her that she encourages her children :to do the aligns, ti.nd tbe young Princes and Prineess asto consequently extremely well in- formed. only 6,000 Seen at One Time. Dr. Sydney Chapman, lecturing 50 the Mamie, Institute in the theatre of the Royal Society .Arte, London, 'gave a general census of the eters. He saki that under the best possible conditions not more than six -thousand were visible to the. human eye, so that, although they had been compared to the made of the sea for multitude, no one ever have wen 'none than half of the vieible, ortas-that is .to say, th,ree thousentl-at one time. Afloarcl's Liniment Co.. Limited. Dear Sirs, -Your Id -WARD'S LINI- MENT is our remedy for edre throat, colds and all ordinary allmente. it never fails to relieve and cure DrOin 5 tlY• C FLA RLES WIIOOTEN, Port Mul grave. Said IV ith a Regretful' Sigh. Miss Young -What iu your opin- ion is the best time for a girl to marry? Miss Elder -Whenever the man is willing. To 01150 a Cold in One Take LAXATIVE D1001t10 QUININE Tablets. Druggists refund money It it fails to cure, It W. OROVE'S ture Is on each box. 25o. Sy lupe thetic. Ethel -jack tried to kiss me. Marie-dlow impudent 1 Ethel -Rut he was interrupted. Merie-How annoying? Try Murine Eye Remedy If yea have Recl, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart --Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murillo Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25e, 50e, Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Ey. 'reale Good for Au eyes that Plead oars Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago Hard Case. "She has a heart of stone." • "Perhaps not." "She has! I can make no im- peeseion upon it." 'Have you tried a diamond V' ' His Trade. Warden (to, new prisoner)* -What work can ybu do? What Wittl your occupation prisoner -I was a 'eellist in an orchestea. Warden -Well, then, we'll set you to saw- ing wood. Small Portions. "How did you find that pMee of steak. ole " a,sked 'the smiliag wait- er in anticipation of a liberal tip. "I really, don't know," said the large inane gazing at hie plats; just -happened ta move that little piece of potato and the steak was under it,'' , An gr y C ustonier. "See bete, waiters" exclaimed the indignant customer, "ltere'e a, piece of wood in my sausage!" "Yes, eir," 'replied dm Waiter, "hat I'm eure-es'--" "Sure no- thing! I don't milad eating the dog but Pin blowed if I'm going to eat tthe kennel tool". Keeps IBm 13p to/D.111e. “vsiai:a„b 50 Elyppe's witet's first name'?" ''Crystal, And it emits "How so7" • "She's always in the watchsn, neinarass Sailli1110611 used by' Physiolans. • When a man fails in lit -tailless he begins ia> lbok aroend for a pelibi- eal job., And ,Foot. iiBad State: •Intlarned and Festered,. Could Not Sleep, Completely Cured by Cutictim ; Ointmeot:in Short Tinne.. • *Hilda La tavil: , 'filfftet • :sealeled'her leg and foos`Vdry badly, Y-i,ltiKa -nam- of 1-?,01ling Avaier::Pher. suffered YerY • 51810 and her log was Ili a bad ,itOte. Tho sldn was red and inflamed and , it festered. She suffered' dreadfulriain, She scalded lb MAO ovoning and could not sleep thot night ancl could not bear to have anything netir It. . "We tried and and then soros --(but every- thing seemed to rnalro it worse and she just screamed for pain, I told my mother aboa Cuticula Ointment Snd we got a box hit - mediately and bandaged up her foot, and log. Two applications made quite a dif- ference and Ivo kept On using IL and in a short time her leg and foot were completely eured.". (Signed) Uss L. Parks, May 17, 1513. TO REMOVE DANDRUFF : Prevent dry, thin and falling hair, allay Itch- ing and irritation, and promote the growth and beauty of the hair, frequent shampoos with Cuticara Soap, assisted by occasional dressings with Cutioura Ointment, are usu- ally effective when other methods fall. Outleura Snap and Cutieuta Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. A single sot is often sufficient. For a liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send post -card to Potter Drug da Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston,.U. S. A. . Fewer Births in Oernimay. The prelintinee-y statieties of Prussian' births and deaths foe 1913 ehow that there were rather more than 15,000 fewer blialis than in 1912, bat that ths. excess of births over deaths was 550,704, the excess being 824 "above 5505 6.0 1915. 'The Dumber of births in 1?nessia in. 1913 was about 100,000 few,er than in 1900. As Prussia is about two- thirds of Germany the Prus.sian ne- bums 'are :a. fair guide to the posi- tion throu.ghout the empire. 4. The Pixin's. A kindergarten teacher, after ex- plaining to her Much interested class that -birds have feather,e, bears have fur, sheep have wocl, ete., asked the question: "Now, who can tell me what oy- sters have V' A bright little girl, very eager to recite answered, "Crackers. ' Limited Knowledge. 'Have you any experience with: childeen 1' "No, mit'am, I always worked in the best families." 4. Warts Disfigure the Hands But can be painlessly removed in twenty-four hours by the use of Put- nam's Wart and Corn Extractor, Fifty years In use and still the best, Insist an getting "Putnam's" Extractor, 25c. at all dealers. 0 ran ges In Engle nd Oranges first went to England about the beginning of the enxteenth century, rund found ready favor with those who could afford, them: Cari- 0116 1166 was stontetimes rn,a,cle of th,e fruit soon after its intnotinetion. Cavendish cle-tscribee Cardinal Wel- sey as entering a crowded chamber ,"holding in his band a, very fair orange, whereof the armat, or sub- stance within: was taken out and filled up again with the part oE is sponge, whetein was vinegar and other e,onfeetions .againet ale pesti- lent ,a,irs; the which he commonly smelt unto,' paesing among the press, or else when lie was pe.et,ered with many sethbors'." .1. od es t "I may have bragged about my children a bit." "That's true, you 'Mae." "And I may ' have referred at times to the fact that my aeoestors were cele,brated people." "Yea I have heard you do that." "But I still think I am eetitted '10,seree credit for modesty. I hex° never Claimed th,at my' employers could not get along Without me." .10 Rheumatism Goes Quickly Its yin's Forever- Desiroyell EVERY EASE EullA.BEE. Good-bye to Rheumatism! Your aching joints, your stiff, sore muscles, those sleepless nights and suffeving days ---good-bye forever - your day is gene. Sufferer, cheer up, and read the good news below. , "A man met Inc a manth ago, and mad, :don't stay crippled, quit com- plaining, limber up.' My answer was, 'I'm rheumatic, 1 can't do it.' He looked me over in a pitying sort of way and told me toego to the nearest drug store for Neeviline arid Ferro - sons. The combination had cured him. I was convinced of Isis sincerity and followed his instructions. I rub-, bed on Nerviline three thnes every day -rubbed it right ieto my aching ,joints. The Dahl quickly lessened. and I became more Ihriber and active. To draw the virus of the disease from my blood I took two Pert -ozone Tab- lets with every meal. I am well to- day, not an ache, nota pain and no sign of stiffness at all." What Nerviline can do in a ease like this it mut ao for you too. Per nearly forty years Nerviline has been recommended for Rheumatism, Lum- bago and Sciatica and Lame Back. It Is the one remedy that navel. dist, appoints. „ Serious. Mos. Thompson -My husband is seriously ill. He'a having 11 conetlt- ation now., Lausedtess-Poor man, do you think it herb him bad. „Ask for reinareno and 00500 150 other. PARAGIRAPIES;- A leitgolife'.,wittiont,'old:'agen )9Y,1. • Ti art'ie human; bist la' forgive is oPeteitent..,On the ne a Cheerful liar' , One, geneleinesti wise cai1 bsic,tisea., eriAleznait.'ts :liar is no, gentliereang t 'Pesittinately ,fer the Matage mart,' ,1hiat:'Praelars are .a.n5W11te,sl.' a fictek has' itething4tystsay. bie'S tiever.eatiefiednnitil he ailys"it,- • Mose thali,a :blanket snotagtigeig needed 119' keeP it bailee warien,in, bold Weather. • ." 'Only a 5004 will neglect 1150 fand1y in otalee tet: pose GELS /9... 'prElblie factor. : An 014in.ary- ,001f1 is, one of the very few ailment,s the modem phy- sibian hes been willorlg to undertake to cure without a eurgical„ opera‘ , Little Brother Disgusted.. , 'Does the baby talk yet ?!.'-asked a friend' of tthe fa,mil,y, 50"the little brother., '`Naw," teplied the little brother, disgustedly.. "Ile 'don't need to talk. All he has 'ter' do is to yell, oatcl he egi.ts everything in the house werth haring." Sistee's Request. SiOber (who wants to he left alone for a 'momenb with her euitur)-- Engel, it's cold in the house; go in the next Town and close the win- dow. • Fritzi-But it's closed. ,Sister -Well, then, open it. Terrible Scalding Accident ZAM-BIJE GAVE QUICK RELIEF. For taking the pain out of a burn or scald there is nothing equal to Zam-Buk. Mrs: -Eugene Demers, of Pembroke, Ont., who was the victim of a painful scalding accident, proved this. She says: "I was carrying a boiler of steaming water from the stove to the wash -tub, when suddenly ray strength failed. As the bolter was falling in spite of my efforts, I taped my babies cry, and to avoid scalding -them I gave the vessel a quick turn, The effect of this was that every drop of the boiling -water poured over my feet and limbs, scalding me from my -waist down. " As soon as I saw the children had escaped, I told my oldest boy to bring the Zain-Buk (whieh we always keep ,in the house). I applied Zama Buk freelyand the -pain was emit eased. I continued using Zara-Bult,1 and in a wonderfully short time th4 sores were comple' ly healed," 741)1 -Belt is equally good for'euts; bruises, eczeni- ulcers, piles, p1mp1es4 etc. Price 650. per box, at all drug- gists end stores, or post free from, the Zam-Bult Co., Toronto, on receipt, ef orice. Refuse substitutes and ima, tations. There is nothing Just as good!" The Dissemblers. Gibbs -I'd really like to know the seoret of social attees.ss. bee there are many secrets of ,social 61166662, bat) one of the most important is to be able to pretend you are having a good time when you're not. Highest grade beaus Sept whoe and mealy by perfect baking retainipg their fomil strength. ?I/favored with delbiotis SauCes. They have no equal. •m•Th rserge Fon OSLO. oevvsort, winati comer.), 51,0,1 YOU WANT TO BUY Olt SELL A .1. Frolt. .Steak. Grain.; or Deify Perm. write 10. W. Dawson, Bra/Onion, or .94 Colborne Rt.. , Toronto W. OAWSON, whom/ St.. Toronto. . NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, GOOD waragav IN Lava ecavg te York County. Stationery end Book Isusines in connection. Pace call 44,000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish- ing Company, .'73 West . Adelaide Street.. Torento. 1116CELLANtE01111. NtuTeNl.eGRIOWEItS,erGET LIT,E.3., A - Olinda, Ont." " 'weed • R• iflaNCiElt. TUMORS,,s, internal and external, cured 515. Mit pain by our home treatment, Write us before too late. Dr. Bellmaa Idefbett Go.. Limited, Cell Inammed. Ont. Eating Versus Talent. Conn,e,ction betwesn feeding' and literary genius 50 conurreasted on, by liab,est Ehetterct in his "Modern Paris." Zola, he says, wrote best when he was very etout, and that his bulk dwindled an tita hie talent. Theophile Gartner, himself enormous, maintained that ,a.nii.a.n of genius should be feat, aad for proof pointed to "that mote btureel thaa men," Ralzae, to Alexandre Du- mas, "always fat ,aral jolly," to the "hippopotamus -in breechee'" Ros- sini, and the plattip and wellfed ap- pearance of Victor Hugo and Seinte Beuvn. cold winter of 1340 gave tie What 1340 Did For Ile. She blanket. Itaainventer, Themes Blanket, was a Flemish merchant, settled in Briebel, arid fallen from affinerese te want. He•anil his wife suffering .trom the intense ooki by reason of 'spent bedding and la,e:It of fuel, 'he searched for ,sornething„ tesCP'. pelt on 'the 'bed bo inorease the' -"- warmth, and hit on a piece of rough unfinished cloth that had b.een thrown to waste. Its fill0CGES as a wainabh-giver euggested the raa,ne- facture of epecial bed cove,rs of the same material, aitclatheze areiclea, to which he gave his caeigarrame,_ won him fame and immontaliea.-- London Chronicle. noes Minaret's Liniment In the house. Nothing looks 2S0,1.0 pitiful than art old woman arr.aged hiS her daughter's east -off finery, - Solt Tom- Sugar Taste. Et. Lawrence extra grant:. lated is now sold lo three thf- ferent sires of crystals ; all choicest and purest eanesugar, rine Grain (red label) : In Oda every grab; from top to bottom is about the size of pin point. ' • Medium Grain (blue label) ; Like small seed pearls, even and white and marvels of sweetness. Comse Grain (green la),el) •. Like small (nomads and almost as brilliant, but quickly melted. 510 I Order The Size You Prefer. Every grain, no matter its size, is finest extra granulated pure cane sugar, shown by analysis 9',j•so50o to me% pure. ,. The. weight is guaranteed 00 '• well natb. aueiity. , Bags too lbs., 55155., Cartons 5113s., 1150, SI Lemurs Sugar iteilarist.,11mIltd,- • ilionitesl. 4 FLUEITZ A CI -item -hal Pinkeye, Shipping Fever, Fever, Epizootic And all cliseculos' of the horse affecting 411.5 throat, speedily eure,d; colts and homes in same stable kept from having them 1 by using SgOlifi'S DISTEMP „AND couali IMRE. 3 to 6. doses often cure. Ono bottle guaranteed to Miro -ono cam Safe for brood mares, baby colts, stallions -all ages and COM ditione. Most, skillful scientific compound, Any druggist. SPOtill MEDICAL GO., noshen, Anti., U. S. A, ,amorowtan KITCHEN EC1t N One burner, or four -lo -w flame or high, --a slow fire or a hot one. No coal soot or ashes. t*'Pcr/cfio MaatR11410.11,*- Al1S01 SP,1Migc 11 Means better cooking at less cost -and a cool, clean kitchen. # • In 1,2, 3 and 4 burners sizes, ,with cabinet top, drop shelves, towel racks, etc. Also a natty stove with Fireless.Cooking Oven, At all dealers and general stores. Rayalite 061 Give Best Resulis THE IMPERIAL OIL CO. Limited Torooto Quebec Halifax Montreal St, John Witunipea Vancouver kern'