HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-05-07, Page 5ay 7th I9I4 Clinton News -Record ore'; Local `News AdIii tant `I tctbr 1oron- t COndLYCt 'special meetings, in.Hc c S 1 al 0 A. hail on 4unciay next A,II are welcome to ;these services I7 IS ClIiftC]3, Rev.;. RobbsI aird fornrerl f , r Y o Queen_5 I ateIer;Slty Kingston, 'will ad{l est th{ '4 40.4 on i'ii'ondal 'ening n xt ori' tlti• clue§tion of F3udget. J BEAUTIFLII. BLOOM. :Rif. Jacob 'Taylor is a great flower loser and his office windows are usu- allyaglow, with blooms of some sort, se ,tire other,:day when,his daughter, Irriss' Delle, sent him from •'1'oritto a beautiful hydranga he was much g lt de - ted. '1`lie plant is a lovely speei- r)7en, 'being un'usuallt large and full of :Illooni ' ;:acte k USINBSs CHANGE, Wesley- Walker has 'sold out his f,n i ntttue and business undertaking ' a s c s b s to • Mr. 'fates, Danford of Sea'ot'th, for- . Morey of town, who will take.'pos- tsession nex'twe.ek. Mr. Walker` has been in business here for seven years and has en;oyed a large measure of 'the public patronage.. Iffr. Dunford needs: no introduction in Clinton and. his friends will welcome him back. to 4,1/0 town's bltsfness Circles, HAS. LEASED C'O'TTAGE:. • 'Ivirs David A. Lapraik, foreman of 'the dyeinendepartnrent of the knitting factory, has Leased Mr. Cordon Can in hame's cottage t •. g Rat'nbrt u tc } 0 at , his furniture has already arrives. and his fancily es expected along any 'da3- from Boston to take up their :abode here. This cottage has lately been entirely remodeled and hate been fitted up with all the modern 'con- veniences and will make a very cosy •and comfortable hone, The News- Recoid bids the nsoa amity welcome to Clinton• • ONT, ST. CHURCH. The at -Madame at the comnsu tion -,service on' Sunday morning last was 'aIle largest" in the history of the 'Ouch. The pastor preached in the morn- ing on the words, "Abide in Me and I in you,'' and in the evening the text ,was,.''11 the Son shall make you free '-.3e shall baited indeed..' Nest Sunday will be "Mother's Day". and. the pastor will preach , a •special sermon to . mother's at the morning :service. '; e 14lothe•'s Day wilt' aiso bit observed in the Sunday school and an appropri- ate program provided, for. the ocCa- sion: SON THE INCREASE':. Clinton's priendatlon is increasing. 'tor hapiust five years it has been de - 'a' cicasinj.slightly, as. has that of most towns in Old Ontario,. but during ,the ht;ar just ,past there was an increase in population. Not a you, large in eroase, it is tette, but still the trend is upward and the tide having ,turned the Probability is that it will contin- dl0,- - In discussing the somewhat depresa sed state of the times the' other. day .0 man who travels a good deal llixougholtl western Ont:atioi saint ',About ' the only. town in Western On- tsr•'O _in.wlue,:h all the industries are 'e,urining full time is. Clinton; .A11 the industries here: are. not only running full time and with • full stall's but • some of then have been running dolt- ble time and one has had to call in their travellers because they are un - .able t0 keep up with the 'orders al- ready ,in.' Clinton doesn't make vt ,i' Pnuctt +,taa-bat-ht s, humming just Me sante. 'PERSONAL. Mr, and .Stephenson of Loudon have 'been in town the past week owing ' ie the sterious illness of the form- er's mother, Mes. John Stephenson. Constance I Mrs: has. Hart and son arid' Miss Henderson visited the latter's sister; Mrs.' D. Sutherland, for a few days ` data week, )Miss Mayme Hall -was the guest of Se'aforth friends fora "e i o pee of days. While M. Frank Hall 'was conning, aloaga,the toad on Monday afternoon "'-'a_.-??i ina-et jCa.stgry.,th(r lightnkug' struck a, tree opposite: Mr. Stephenson's sitivering ib to pieces and making 'a big hole in the ground', Mr.' ,Hall was within a very 'short diee.. 'lance and. witnessed the IlaPirenhiv' ',lance was ;glad -he wasn't, any -neater. Quite a member of the ladies of ?he. W. M. S. if the Methodist church •at Tended ;the district meeting in-Sea- latish. o ;Sealaro. on Wed resda3=. Mrs, R. Roger- son was, the delegate fton b l er e The nar friends h n+tah ut s of ;Mrs. ;Isaac, in c r I as We 1 Jv b lornci l g Y Miss'. Fairlians,,'will regret to hear of a?+ni 'death 'which tookplatin in Chic- ago• ore,' April 27th, She ,was but twenty-eight years of age. I ]Baxter 'Bernard Hall has hada ver, y sore. hand,;.; the cause being blood pots- oning. Tits friends will be pleased to 3ieiar :that: it is now improving, Hensall IdisaisilatMe Sutherland was with Pgrast friends for a few day ,re-` r•cCntiy ;.li'Irs Quigley of LIg infield' has been 'visiting her sister; :Mrs,' Carlin of the • King George, • Mrs N,Celandg' has return ;l • tical ;title iV I( loronto„ Oakville 'and` , (, ridBtt fnfen(Is, Mr, Vre McKa ,Y . an M , d kisses Consist xyuitie ill lois sonie•time is„, ll eon •esotien in, Gloderleh`last week I,,ir aao.bb, Higgins; left last' ;Week' to resume his duties ,as fire ranger inr s)Ygw Ontario. rr. J'amets Troyer, a" former reside' cite bf sihi% Village, died at his'home, •its; Seaforth, on Thursdap, :-Ho had: been 'fel for several:;monbhs, Blyth Mr, Graham John o C ahai u aril Ills 5tst'er{, Miss Ella, of Ilrueefteld•-visited their' sioler•, MYlrs,. W. J. Sines, 1asl week, The, Ilan has dosed down 'tor o season, s L to 0n, 'hatin finished with.' last te'ai s crop," Pteputations arts being made to sow another crop, Ml John Hamm returned list week: from a length} vialt,wttI use /tour et iii Wisconsin, • Dr. I'Ca rt. ,Ya- r; nt• lr( e m hseter for 'a few ,Mus re-, ce.'ntly. Messrs. W. J hnson Geo. (1050ess c , J'. B. Wats'on, Thos. Stewart and A. R. Itobussort' went to Brussels on Sunday '}geek to attend a special ser- vice tor the Oddiellows: Mr, Thos: Adams, who has been tisitin; bore, lot shine time let last }Peek with a carload of goods for Fort ort Ucor e B C. ?tic. Vesta • George, Ilbll left' fox the west the same day. Dr, W. J. Milne has bought a new mahout, having gone to London for it one day last -week. ' -Mrs. C.' Hall accompanied her ` sis- ter, Miss. Rene Bennett, to Toronto las weekfor a visit :1 but she will return for another stay in Blyth be-, tore joining her -Husband in Mon- treal, where they intend locating. Mrs, Archie Bell Was at Moffatt attending the funeral of an unele last, Week, Mr. T. W. Scott `Visited lois brother at last week,. Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Carr returned last week •oriel: spending the winter very pleasantly in California, They met many for:nner friends during their stay in 'the Sunny South.. The Blyth branch of the Women's Insttt'iite is hooLain g its annual, meet- ing for ,tire election of officers at the house of Mrs. J. 'Emigh this after- noon. Mr. Frank Metcalf is able; to he about again after his recent severe illness, 11'Ir. Elarvey Sendercock, who has also been confined .to the house for some time owing to .illness, is able to take a walk daily, Seaforth. Mr, Geo. A. Sills of tow'n has se- cured .the contract of the plumbing, heating, etc. of the fine new Public school building to be erected in Mit- chell. The olcl Red Tavern on the, Kippen Road, which has sheltered maria a weary traveller and has been a land-, stark, Lor "the past half century, has been torn dbwn together with the sheds and stables and the luhnber and timber has been 'remot'ed by the owner to his farm .neat by. Mr. Josaph Keating has been a- warded the contract top the wood-„ work and Mr, C A. Sills ttt•itof tare,. plumbing in the new separate rebook to be' erected in L,tbliti'during the coming season. The Misses Robb have returned to Toronto attar a stny of several weeks at their home in town, Mrs. Routicdge left for her Koine in Calgary/ last week after, a three months visit with her sister, Mrs. \i'.13. Mohean. ultra. 13outlodge was 511 vent poor itealtlt when she cane east buil is now much improved, Miss. Kennedy, wlto has been book- keeper with the Greig Clothing • Co., for some time, purposes going to Rc.- gina shortly and -will 'probably -take a position there, birs, (Dr.) Cooper anal Mrs, ,T, 0. Greig were presented by their fellow - members in the Moate Missionary Society with life, mesnbersraip certific- atos at a recent meeting of the auxiliary as tokens of appreciation of their .work in connection' with tete business of the branch. Mr, and Mrs. James Reid of De- troit ;were here last week visiting the former's mother, Mrs. S., Reid ()Utile Mill Roar) who has been. quite ill. The Wontten's Canadian Club held its last meeting for the season last week,; 'The club will be resumed in the autumn, Mr, Wm, Govenlock hag returned from, Moose Jaw, where he went a few weeks ago with a cat of horses. The members of the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church met at the boric . of Mrs, George Smithersi one evening recently and, In view of: her intended departure for Toronto, pre- sented het With a, eomplimentry ad- dress and a handsome suit case.. Mrs, Win. --Archibald of Tuclrer,4 smith .and her young .son have•leit fot , Scotland, -where they will spend the summer. • Rev. J. W. Knox of London will conduct special services 50 the, Pres- byterian.church' here on .Sunday next, The:entertainmcnt givenin aid, of the Cl ildren s Aid Society was a de- cided'stiecess an(l:-as a result a cheq- ue• fin/ ' '. ninety-five . dollars +':as sent by the ]oval seorotary, Mr. .James •Beatty,to the olliccrs of the societ3';. Mr, and Mrs. ]'(ruse of (salt and Mr, anti Mrs. Edgar Lawson of Au- burs visited, to with Mr. and Mrs. W. Scatter I C CL L few i 0 e 'S T' w da scent. . a } Y• Mrs, J EL Reid has returned Niro a stay of some ;tune in London,' Mr, Richard 1Wright nd )tis ri of a o Toledo, Ohio, 0, as been renewing ac- quaintances uquaintances hereabouts, Mr. Wright is a former resident' of town. Mrs, Bruce:Yarwood of Pit/ton ' is visiting her sister, Mies 111. Cooper„ . Miss Mabel Danford of Stratford is spending a vacation at her home in town. Miss Maty. Muldrevv has returned to Toronto atter a visit of s t a n Duple R, of m'oScottn'ths. with Ile! sister, Mrs, J. oars,; E 151. Henderson has returned to town, having spent tile, winter hi the Old Land. ` ; Mr, and rvirs, Page of St, )Ia ,y's are here: visiting their, daughter, Mrs, H. Speare• ;Mrs, J. C. 0sotg visited her su,ter, ;Mrs. P,, Horton of Port' Hope, Mast week, At. 'thennua n a l co (,tegatfonal meet- ing of St. Thomas church one even= ing last week Mr. Harry • Bond, a valued "member•of the choir who is leaving . shortly ,for Edmonton, was presented by his fellow -members with,. handsomely botind prayer and hymn books, • Goderich. Mr, A J. Y eO V J. t T trait, Jr', is starer - Mg from an a1tacic of .fever. 1Ylrs.a..1 13. lethetmglsai 0 0 fret is I]Ow able C t 0 be out alter Inc long t, and severe • iMesa, 1 ss Mts R.: C Redmond of \\mshani wafted the Misses' Reynolds for a few daps last week, " • Mrs: Mi 0, e 'Moo ; isit ' 'Moots) i ltd. fol a few days last, week with Guelph 1rf ends. Mx, Il, .Platt of 'Toronto was in town last wet', leaving•,wale up lot his sister's wedding. 1 ' Miss P n r c a cs Crozier haa -returned, to her home in Buffalo after a visit with ti t .Mrs. F. .13, .;Butilancl. 11lr, Janes McOraokea has,. returned home alter a visit of same 'weeks with frienda in Detroit'and Por't'Etur- Mr. Athol McQuarrie of Brussels,. who is well known: Tn Godcrioh hav- ing lived here fot.. some elate, _ has been ordered ley his ph)tician to Spend the slimmer in the open air and bo avil1 be engaged on a chiolcen fatten near here_ all sunnier. His friends' are hoping th at the tcalthF ul open air employment will fully restore hint, At the 'last meeting of the \V.F.M: S. of Knox . church life menn'be1•iship certificates: were presented to Mrs, Malcolm" McKay and to Miss'.Sterling the latter being a mark of apprecia- tion from the auxiliary in view of het labors,au secretary Co): the past ten years. This branch of the Society. was organized twcnity-nine . years ago. The amalgamation of the. TIeene and Foreign branches takes place this month. G it The 1 rt tl if , o St. George's church held a very successful tea in the new Masonic ]hall on Thursday, week. The proceeds amounted to $260. Preparations are being made for the reception and accomodation of the military camp in August next, , Mrs. J. R. Craigie has sold her re- sidenee on West street to Mr. I'. Killgallin of town, Miss Margaret Sullivan of Strat- ford spent a few• days last weer. with her sister, Mrs. R. J. P1Lclan of Britannia Road. iMir, C. I,. Moore of the Road Mac- hine Co. was in Montreal last week. County -Treasurer idolntes has gone on a trip to the. Coast. Ile will be absent several weeks. Judge and Mrs. Doyle have -return, ed home after a couple of months stay in the south, Mr. and Mr e. Brennan, alio spent a few days of their honeymoon as the guests of Mies, and Miss Phelan, left last ween for. Detroit. They pur- pose returning to spend the suutnter,, The little wooden cottage behind the court ]louse which was ;used for stot ing building and 'roadmaking tools, etc., and which was burned on Saturday week, was perhaps 'Lite old- est building- in the town. It 'seas certainly the oldest public building, beirg the first school house evor used in Goder[eh. Mr,, Wm. Campbell went to school there as ,early as 181'1, Miss,.b,thol Mary Platt, daughter of filr, and Mrs, J. 5, Platt, was mar- ried on 'ruesda}i of last week to Mr. Arthur .3. Downing of Toronto. The ceremon1t took placer in St. George's church, Rev, al, 13. Potheringhata be- ing the oMei atin g clergy/mu. Marriages MCCAtL1EY-PINNER - In Clinton, on May (,ih, by Rev, . Dr, Rutledge Mary Elvelyn Pinner of Marmora, to James Lowrie , McCauley of Ilaileybury. MCLEOD-VANEGMOND - At Sea - forth, on April 27th, Alvin Nei( McLeod, Seaforth, to Ann Van- Egmond, Egmondville. R'HOADES-NICHOr, - At Brussels on April 22nd, .Jas, E. Rhoades to Alberta Lavihra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt., Nichol, both of Morris township; R013INSON-II ASTINGS-At Morn- ingtorr, ,on April 15th, Richard Robinson, of Grey township, to Ida May, Hastings, of Morning - ton Births lril'ZsSIMONS-In Clinton' ea -flay 0th, to Mr, and Mrs, 'Bert Fitz- simons, a Fitz-simons,'a daughter. SHILLINGTON-- At South-: Bend Tad., on April 20th, tot NIr. and Mrs, Shillington, (the latter a daughter of Rev. Dr. Rutledge) a son, LOUrNSI311sRY Att, Loudesboro, bo :1pri1 2711^ -to Mr. and. Mrs. J. 0. Loundsbury,,a daughter, I'.E3ARSON-At Pt.'. Albert ori May lo Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Pear- soil, ea son, a son. CALDWJILL--At l.ondcsboro, on April 29th, to Mr,' and, Mrs. Ito Caldwell Rob L. Ca di 1 ], a dough ter, l MacDONALD-In Goderich, on April 241.1 1, to . Cap a t. and Mrs. I a Angus Macdonald, a daughter. PEN.[L1,LE-In Exeteri 011 At til .27th to Mr and t. a Mrs, Luther J, Pen - hale, a slaughter. JORDAN -At Errr'olcl, Sask., on April 22nd, to Mr, and Mrs: Wm, Jordan, -formerly of Godctioli township, a daughter, Deaths TAYLOR -On' con. 2, Stanley,' on May lot, Elizabeth H. Taylors sister. of 'Mrs. John ICilcitcn. T,IEPAIID-In Winghatn on' April 3014i Edward.Lepard, aged. 28 years, CAMPPELL-I:n flay : on April 18th' Helen Brown, relict of the late" Wm. Campbell, aged 86 years. HART -In McKillop on P A aid 23rd Mary Plrantl'ey,`-reliet of the late Owen hart, aged 80 years. • \\^HY1p3-Tn I95ceter on April 26th, J•arnos W. Whyte aged 35' years 8 months and 2 days. FOR SALE -ONE NEW ' BUGGY auto sent,: fresh from the factory,. Very cheap. Apply to. Wesley Wal- ker'or to J; C. McMath at Walkers 'Furniture ;Store. '.-32. F013 , HENT. '- SIX NICE, AIRY rooms, opposite the: milt, hard and 'soft water, convcnitrst -arrange- meats, for accommodation of small family. Apply to -Ft \l': Evasm Phone 192, oc BABY CHICKS; FOR ;SAI,E,-ROSE Comb Rhode; 'Island: Reds 15e: ` L' 20e.'Cr: . C,,' a ossbietl 10e.. ttte.ks are Troth a choice' strain. -Frank Andrews.. W, :-37. F(213, ;SA1,E 1 C,G5 • FOR TIATCfI- ing• L. R. Guild breis -to -lay Barred Rock strain. 'Mated with 0;A.•0. cockerels, 50e, for' 15 or $3 ` pe1. 100.-5: .. J, , I''rctt at tHa, Holmes - vine, Phone 14 on 1113 Clinton. ' -31 NOTICE,- rilil;` LIVI13 STOCK AND implements on airy farm; which has been under: lease, 11avo now passed into my_ possession, of which buyers will please take notice, ---John Bak- er, I , of 6,9, Con. l ,'od 6 C ei ich.' Town- ship. shire 1 . -31-2 TO RENT, -A COTTAGE ON IIU•R- oss street ; hard and soft water, etc ectric lighted, Stable and fruit garden. Also rooms. overt" Jack- son's.siioe store, suitable for light housekeeping or for offices. Town water and electric kights.-,Apply to C. CI, Middleton,' P. 0. Box 254; Phone 8 on 155. -31 HULLETT COURT Ole REVISION, -Notice is hereby giver) that the Court for the revision of the Assess- ment Roll of the Township of Hal- lett will be held in township hall on the 20th of May at 1.30 P. n1. for the purpose of hearing and settling complaints against the As- sessulent Roll. Persons having bus- iness at the court will, please at- tend at the said time and place without further notice, - James Campbell, Clerk, Londeslioro, May O Lb, 181.1. -32-3, HOUSE TO RENT ON BATTEN - bury street west, 0 rooms, good cellar, town water and cistern, good garden, Possession May 121.1) -C. Ilellyar. -31 LIOUSI?I TO RENT ON HURON' ST. -Six rooms, hart) and soft 'water inside, bearing fruit trees and gard- en. At present . occupied by 1311- ,fred Crich, -Apply to ..John Snyder, -30. I10('SE: ANT) L0'I' ON ALBERT ST. for sale. Quarter acre of land, good location. -Apply to Mrs. Geo, Humble. -29 FOR SALE. --A 131SI,1, BUILT tight room cottage in good repair with real good cellar, new furnace put in last summer, cement soft water cistern in cellar, town water tl > start. 5 Ire r' and In Cellar, electric light in seven roosts with five acres land adjoining in goods con- dition' Bank barn, orchard and garden with a quantity of young fruit trees just in bearing. A n'ii - ber of hens and clucks, a good Dur- ham heifer calf nine weeks odd, one Aust -class Durham cow rising five years, one first class Jersey cots' carrying third calf, due to calve first week in June, one good Chat- ham incubator capacity one hun- dred ' eggs, and quantity of tarm im- plements. -Apply to W. H. Watts, William street, North; Clinton. -3.1 I AM STARTING A PRIVA-PE Kindergarten in the lower room of the Little School, Townsend street, immediately. after Easter and am prepared to take a number of pup- ils between the ages of four, and seven, The class will be held from 1.30 p.m, to 4 p.m, Terms -$1,00 per mounth. -Apply to Miss Hazel. O'Neil,. -Ontario street. -28. • FLAY FOR. SALE. - I IIAVE A quantity of hay -baled and unbaled- Lor sale at $13 per ton at the barn. --John R. Holmes,'FIolmesville -29 CALVES FOR SALE. --THE UN- dcrsignesI have ;made, arrangements; ;to;ihapole: a few calves from well bred stock, These_ are being shipped by ex,ensuring. ress Lh ei ibeing de- livered in good condition -W. Mar- quis, L, Weir:, Phone ' 14 on 160. -27 73ARRED 'ROCK • EGGS PRING-LT_', andill M and straine. Eggs gs $1t:0 0 per 1 1 5. Exhibition 1 stock $3.00 and $5.00 per 1.5, Good hatch. guaranteed. - H. A. TIovey. -28. )'IOUSE POR SALE ON THE LION -- don Road 3 minutes walk from 'the Piano,factory. 7 rootnts, half acre of land, good garden, -fruit trees,-- Thos, Judd. -237-1 WOOL WANTED TED HigholT' Itlarleet ;Price 'Paid in Cash for W007;: Alsoo n band for is al 0 s e Flour ands reed, :Po'tatoes, Oata,' Will exchange foe farso Pro- ducts. W G'. SMYTH. Nest th 4hos vital. Victoria 9 -, 1 Streot.: HOUSE FOR SALE. --ON RsTT17v- bury St, west. Six rooms with wood sited: Good cement rondo, good cellar well drained. Town water and 'cistern. First CI SS T n Ltr- de .- t n A t 1 1 at The F y News -Record Office. -21. WOOD FOR SALE -ALL LrVG'TTIS bestbeech and maple, e, pet prices at office, -M. G. Lansford. -17: FAIIM FOR SALE. -LOT 9, CON. 3, 'Stanley, c;onta`ning .100 acres, 00 acres cleared, the balance good hard- wood bush. The farm. is well fenced and well underdrained andin a fust -class - state of cultivation, There is a agar -class frame' house with furnace and hard and soft water in ' heors .. e One barn 50 lt. x 58 ft., one shed 26 It x 52 ft, one horse stable and drive house 26 ft: x 52 flee all on stone founda- tions, als'o.two ;goad wells; one at house and one at 'alio ibarn and water • in -the to barn. Situated ate,:) one mile front SCh ool,- 21a miles DanBrace- /Mid, 31 miles from Kippen, ,6 mil- es from Hensel), 9 miles front; Sea- , forth or Clinton. . Reason for sell- ing, wislr:mg to retire, -For further particulars_applY on the premises or address Robert Morrison, Bracefield P. 0. -31-8 BOAR FOR SERVICE., HAVING purchased from Mr. G. Dale of Kins- burn his splendid Tamworth hog will keep the same for service on 101,23, 3rd eon„ on „ to f FIu it •• eL . He is 1: nowri as Dwof the best breeders in the county. Terms $1 at time of service with the privilege of • re- turning if necessary., -L. Tyndall. -28. FARM FOR SALE. -THE EYECU- tor of the Souttco nee estate of- fers for sale 50 acres, being east half of lot 28, eon. 0, Mullett: This is a first class Tarin, well watered and improved with good buildings and orchard, also seven acres - of hush land -Apply to R. J. South- eotnhe, Clinton P. 0. -24 FARM FOR SALE. -The William -Proctor Farm, Lot Number 32 and south-west part of Lot Number 33, Maitland Concession, Goderich town- ship,, 114 acres. -Apply to 1V. 13ry- done, Clinton, -16. FOR SALE Two good Incubator's, ono Chatham 2.10 egg .and nuc Morgan, 09 egg. White Leghorn Eggs for batching, $1.00 setting of 15. Bock eggs $1.00 per 13. Special pen prize Barred Rocks $2 Per setting, Also young racing Monier Pigeons. W. JACKSON. Poultry Plant, Clinton, For Sale in Ciandeboye G001) 13RICIC IIOUSE, 2 ACRES ORCHARD, STAB- LES, AND 15 ACRES LAND. CONVENIENT TO POST OF- FICE, 5 0 II 0 0 1: AND • CIIURCTI - APPLY W. A, , JONES. 200 PERCY ST, OTTAWA. Call at the North End Feed Store. And secure a stock of Red clov- er, Timothy, Atsike (Goverment Standard), Also oil Cake, Linseed Meal, Calf Meal and Chick Meal. We handle Clinton, Exeter and the celebrated King's Quality flour. Orders taken for 'Litne, Sulphur and Lead, for spraying trees, and Fertilizers. Agency.For the-Ileintzman Piano Co. Wo are out for a square deal. Frank W. 'Evans (.l1nton.' TERMS : CASH., Phono, 192 Aim 'lon Usiiig Glasses. Many people are using glasses but many more should. If they did It would { sava them eye strain, causing headaches. and preserve the sight longer, Aro pper test p by an optician will tell. Let us make e the test for you? A. •J.' `GRIGG Optician ti aian Jewelerand w Isl3uer of Marriage Licetlses, g CHOICE PASTURE' FARM FOR Salt :-Lot 21, Concession 5, Stan- ley, containing 77 acres under cul- tivation, 40 acres in pasture , and; 7 acres and Loo bush ; consisting of 'cedar, 't hemlock, beech and "maple: there is a good frame barn and cedar log house, Those wi$hing to: purchase a good pasture farm with opportunity for light agriculture will' do well in interesting theta,.• selves in this property, as .river. runs through this farm and woods afford excellent,shelter, and grass is always the hest. -Apply to J. J. Richardson, Varna, =10,' CREAMS WAN'PED-WE.HAVE E- quipped an up -to -date -creamery here and we are ready to receive cream. We solicit your patronage,- We will a ' pay you bugbear prices for your Mean) twice a month, also pa'y all express ehatges and furnish you with cans. , those in ,the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their: cream with Mr, Hall and he ,will deliver. it here Write to at once for'cans and give us atrs trial.-The Seaforth Crealnety Co. Box 480, Seaforth. -20 THE CD' N REHSTORE Live and Let Live OUR GROWING ACHES AND PAINS. We ache to supply your table wi h Good Things to Eat and take great care to please our patrons. Cakes Ftaave you tried or Fancy Oakes and Socta. Biscuits. Butter and Eggs Wanted Highest market price. E. E. I-IUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER ythinr i you want Helie in Rooting Ioavetroughing Plumbing 01 Furnace work, Call and see our Stock before placing your order. BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plumber. Phone L Stallion Routes. HURON AGAIN. Monday, May 11th, 1914 -The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion "Huron Again" will leave Albert Weymouth's lot 25, con. 9, Hulled', and proceed to Wm. II. Ball's,, Base Line, for noon, thence by way of Siunlnerhiil .to Bert Murphy's for night. Tuesday -Will proceed to George Holland's, Holntesville, for noon, tihence by way of Cut Line to Recd Torrauce's, Por- ter's Hill, for. night, Wednesday -To George Miller's for noon, thence to Joseph Izard's for ,night. Thursila3>;• To Wm., Taylor's, Stanley, for noon, thence by way of Loudon Road to Clinton, then east by way of Iluron Road to George Shipley's for night. Friday -To n Lewis P arock s for noon, then west to John 1atquhar's for night. Saturday 1:1 mile north, thence r e east to. George Le1Lce ' 1 s for of soon, thenoo b3 way of Medd's ,•silo• road _t to Albert Weymouth's for .night, where he will remain untie the fol- lowingMonday morning. g• W. II, Farquhar, Manager. GRAND TRUNK 'WAY HC,YIEiSET1Kt1'RS' 'EXCURSIONS Round trip tickets to points in Man- itoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chicago, St. Paul 'or .Duluth, on sale. eacio Tuesday. until October 27, in- clusive, at low fares. THROUGH PULLMAN TOUR- IST SLEEPING CARS TO WIN- NIPEG ,ON. ABOVE DATES, LEAVING- TORONTO 11 p.m. NO CHANGE OF CARS. RIa1TURN LIMIT, 'l'WO MONTHS The Cirand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quiclrest route be- tween WinnipegSaskatoon-Edmonton, with ,excellent .through' service to •Re- gina. Trains now running, into Cal- gary. Berth reservations . and particulars r t p as at all Grand Trunk ticket offices or writel C. E. Horning, District Passen- ger Agent, Toronto, Ont. J, Ransford ,Ss Son, Uptown Agents. d I 0 - abed Beaus. ' Iioitee cleaning season is ,she time for a t Baked Beans why -33e ai' cause they are quickly > analeastly S +' pepared forahungry mates din - I3 st ee they are cheab r ane' !Isabel, c more o otiziY n 1 p than P b meat, 1' • Try a e an Y hie they while he las only nl Y ' Y r i 1ias' a cans Bi' & Lked Beans for 25e: 1 eau Tomatoes I can Corn ` Icon Peas eat- • roa OC h 0:, Special Friday 0, p for and 41 Saturday. - Fresh t esh 'Sur• awherriss 0 nest/ Tomatoes Fresh: Rhubarb Lettuce and O•uions S W. T. O'N i S L p•r • I "The Hub 'Grocery:" • Wosterii' Oats A carload of high grade Wes- tern Oats arrived for us last week. CORN and POTATO FERTILIZER. For well coned cord and large even sized potatoes use Gunn's'- Shur -Crop Fertilizer, scientifically prepared by men of twenty years experience. A few Brooders left which we are selling at a big' reduc- tion, Just what you need for young chicks, • We'have a supply of baby chick feed for small chickens, specially prepared calf -meal for young calves and hog meal for finishing,llogs. • A full line of Bran, Shorts, Flour sand Feed, always on hand. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up=to=date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trecvartha, Wm: Jenkins, EVERYTHING IN TINNING and sheet metal work is in our lino. We fix the furnace in the cellar - oz. the skylight on, the roof. Put a new Smokestack on your 'chimney 0,,r' a new, zinc under the stove. LEADERS ARE LEADING the best of tinning work that needs looking atter: tight now, Better have us look at them. A little of our work now may save 'poli a lot of trouble after while, THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 63, PLUMBING AND HEATING. TENDEUS I'OR WOOD LIMIT. Tenders will be,received by the > uri- detsigned Ftp to and Including Monday the 8th clay of June, 1914,, for right to cut wood of various descriptions n- certain P o taut r e area tributary a tt1' b a to 3 the v Pre lr dere c nous e "Abitibi t and b t r iv b R era 'n r the District ti t of 7emi, t sl anuLtg. TrDdsrers shall state the amount' they are prepared i:c. pay as bonus in addition to the ordinary Crown dues, including 4;Oc, per 'cord for Spruce, and 90c, per cord for other pulpwood, or such other rates as may from tithe to time be fixed by the Lieuten- ant -Governor in Council, for the right to operate wood products mills on or, near the area referred to. Stich tenderers Shall be required to erect mill. L o a or mills Oon i' near 't Othe trri c tot . and t manufacture , an factitee 1 Y o the wood into products thereof in the Province -of Ontario. Pottiest malting tender will he re- quired tb deposit w'itlf their tender a marked cheque payable to the Hon- ourable the `1i'esstrrer'of the Province of Ontario, for ton percent, of the amount of their tender, to. be forfeit- ed in tiro event of their not entering into an agreement to carry out the conditions,' etc, The highest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. For patticular•,s as to description of territory, Capital to be invested, etc, apply to the ttndersignod. W. 11, E-IIARST, Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines, Toronto, Ontario, 24th, April. A. 0. Pattison, Station Aghrt. 191'b.