HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-05-07, Page 4. ,
,r.hs is 13ayfield's harvest season,
that is the harvest Or 'fish and the
yield is eertainly great, larger than
for many years. During tbo • past
week five to have bese shipped Roan
here, distillation Bufialeotoqp Tie
-varieties are: principally trout and
perch, amci ought ti] help somewhat to
reduce the high' eest of living. Three
boats ply oirt,'oll thisport, one man-
ned fiv John; Tome and Chaeles Drea-
sier 'the iieeelid bY.-Miarilecic Ross and.
the third by John .and Louis McLeod,
Two o1 the hoe1s. are gasoline; driven
and don't run in•the wake of any
similar craft, in the entire fishing
fleet. -
Mrs. McCormick or Itolrnessdlle- was
ilm guest oi' 'Mrs. Yom .ol'itesciny.,,
Tim assessor- has completed his roll
No: 1 911, and an increase of $6,400
been added to ilia taxable •proper-
, on aceduat of the cot Lagos erected
,last pear.
A .
Miso E4,113, Wooh(1go 1 'roronto is
sitendliig the- seturner with hex , aunt,'
IVIrS, Erect Stanley • -
Mrs„ Prector' at lfo rent° „was tilt]
ghost •or her siatcr, Mrs. Cleorge-Afag
last weelc.
IVIts, Lou Catlitio and daughters,
Misses11clen, Evelyn, and- Lettly
•iI(ro arrived this weebm and wlll spend
1-11d suciamei in Mrs, Snyder's meg-
iderice. " ,
Rev. Mr. Ferri Sr•,,tOOdariel,
man Of Alil dilf.„1trigt; '014" th thi
rage on, '11tiestlay. (111dt7L
telly official Board Meeting 01 Ole
IVIethedigt church.
Mrs, Craig and dauglibsi, bl!ts
Ceeig, or Moose Jaw,' Sask.., were lie
guests of Mrs , Parsons for a delti
clays the past week.
Mrs. Sbanbury returned to ll:xeter
last Friday after spending 4 week in
the village,
Mr. 1-larry Darrow Was in Ionchai
1)0 Friday Jae t on busi•ness.
The thing for the merchants of this com-
munity to do in their own interests is to
advertise faithfully, and to make their
printed announcements interesting and
helpful to those whose trade and favor
are desired. • T
The serious competitor of the retailers of this commun-
ity are the big stores or 1,11e big eities—those that send
out catalogues and have mail-order departments.
The Poorest waY to offset, this competition is for our
local merchants to 'remain silent. For them not to
"speak up" is to give the mail -older houses a better
chance to get business from this 0011111)1111 Ly.
'When -yon send your money out • of this conununity, •
you enrich the great Shope and fitipoverish this 'emit-
inunity. •Strengthen—not weak em -the merchants . of
this community. It will all be returned to you in the
r01111. r better service and better values: . •
Shop Where You Are Invited to Shop,
Clinton News -Record
coneeit• Muter ' the auspices ol•
the Bayfield Lawn :liowlIng Club was
only. fairly Well attended,' but thosc
who (11 (1 ..attend '. certain' y had • , thni t
big -night's rum :The' ,gencral. eritte-'
.iwas:.that 'fit • was the best,
cst ever held, in, :1110 ral: a •
numbe'r ,pf yeart." The rausle'. 01 the
dreheStra. .the
iehce-cind, Was J., rare treat- -,to all.
The .,,quarteirtes were woll Sung„ 'as
werci tht>CsPlot '155''' Mr. 41°Re•Y•'.
Riltfas" Rand' ieal bit and Dr.
W,. Sinith's it -natation of FierrY
Lander was intensely funny. Theptcay-
let was well put on, the 'jokes funny
'and other Joe& hits were aet,
ehoruSe„e .and abning were , good as
as the trick' telephone stunt.
As a comedy larce 1 Oppar-
tuni ties 101' a continuous laugh,
• Those 'Who took part were Mr. R.
Mo (leo, MeKensie, Mo.
wularcl'.Sturgeort- and Dr. Smith, w.h.o
was pecontpan)st and Mr, ,Tas.
'bus Rev. Mr. McFarlane sang in the
quartettes. • •
The unqualified success ,with which
the concert was put on is shown
the fact that the citizens have asked
rex a repeat abot -the last of• :the
month and a reticen of tat
Phalen orehe01ra which was so much
A splendid showing of the latest styles in
New spring suits in gabar-
dine, attomau cord, brocad-
ed,imoires, checks and serg-
es n all the latest styles sod
shades are here. Rangitig '
price from 15 to $18 we have
a few'satriple suits left regu-
lar from $8.00.; to $15,00.
New spring coats in cheek
plaids, brocaded silk, serges
and moire in all the latest
styles'ranging in price from
•$8,00to $28.00.
What a Splendid Dis-
play of Rugs.
• We often hear •this re-
mark in our stole, If you
haven't paid some similar
compliment it is because
you have not visited our
New Rug Department. Ev-
) erythilig in rugs, linoleums
;4 are here and at a price that
willconvince you in our fay-
.) or. If in need of a floor coy-
ering be sure and visit this
department before buying.
Choose a Pair
of C -C ala
Grace Corsets
to wear with
your new
Spring Gown.
Dont forget
we pay the
postage or
goods sent
by parcel post
Miss Harriett Cantelon of Clinton
81)0)11 Saturday and Sunday the guest
or Miss Floy Edwards.
Rev. S. A. Cartier of Grand Bend
Will conduct both services in St. An-
drew's church on Sunday nuc 1, Rev.
Mr. Macfarlanl preaching sermons at
Grand 1.3c ad,
A 13rightvn >11 ChM is to be organ-
-ized 11> Bayfielal and 'it is expected
the menabcrsbip roll will have 11)0
name uf nearly every citizen of oar
Iowa with the result that 11011 1005
will have daily occasion to pass re-
marks upon 1 he greatly spruced -up
appeaamic of the whole place.
Holtnesville ,
04 yilit,:ge, baa,..,:ts-kgn on s, btti1dtjg
beoninoncy a101ithe seaebn',advanc(1s it
IS, expepted.. ',Otherti tb
those for .our.liertizens here enumerated.
c?:$11,111eilirtientss plat idsv4pOliii6kt1;,:
bUlit,„111t, Geo1'ge11apPerct,t110s951iO
.011r9. froldsworfli dl..Vercifideln Me'
N, W. „TateWilifitha'Alle[‘saine
The tO'Tisliltp,etil!4ctith116.t'.h0O„'t'f*,.
their '; iegailaatO*,101:9113ayeand.-. erikesti.'
'Patched .1 Ai:.
1)10901 71goto
'TEM ;Matter' cif;readia'lloWalioe
discussed, The iegider • apPeriion-.
meat is $275 tor eaelt division 11 but
it is peoposed to make' it $300 :Witi.
a special grant ,to some Pm:thins 01
the townaliip;. For instance, the
Barfield Road, from 1111 summer 're -
Sort to - Whiten, is very much travel-
led, probably more so than any 01,1)00
road not a county gravel road in the
district. In order to put this road
in fit condition to bear the heavy
traffic it is:expected the council will.
Make a considerable grant.
The council has one Split Log Drag
which has brim putt 10 such god use
by Councillor Lindsay that the coun-
cil has ordered, four inore. Our
coliteilloes believe in PatroniziRA
home industry when possible go will
have 1 hemn]ade in the township, at
a. very muelt smaller price than they
could be obtained . for elsewhere.
A deputation from Clinton consist-
ingof bis A T, ('ooper, Secretary
of the Board of Trade, Mr. D. Can-
telon, reeve, and Dr. 3hompscn, sec-
retary of the Piddle Litilfitieg Coin -
mission; addressed the council in, re-
formto to telephone connection with
the townslaip of Collorne, Our:coun-
cil' received the (109)1111 1101> courteous-'
ly, listened to them attentively and
assured them that they had done all
In their power to secure; the conned -
tion. There had been inuell negot-
iating arid When 11 le0'ed as if a sue-
eesteiul cow:lesion might be attained
the Bell Company dealt the inocals-
out blow. It 'therefore does net
seem as if we cam proeeed further in
the ;matter, said our count:if in con-
clusion, but it is up to Clinton to
convimee 11> 13e11 people that it
would be to the muntual adyantage
of. the big company and the Hub
town that there should be communic-
ation as direct as possible and -as
im-tolled as can be obtained with the
township in question. •
Goderich Township
R. R. No. 2, from Hayfield has
been extended along the Ba.ylield Dine
find thereby adds John Cluff, Alex.
Walsh and John T. Beacom to the
list of box- holders. Needless to say
these gentlemen and their families ap-
preciate the service.
Mr. John Mairshall, our oldest set: -
riving pioneer, wintered well and
thogh lie is past the ninety mark
lie is yet surprisingly hale and hearty.
No, Dlr. MarNall It not Trish by
birth as most Marshalls arc, „ but a
native of Yorkshire, England.
Different from what it was years
ago the supervision of our roadmaking
is 110(0 considered a live man's joll
with the readl that the township, is
getting much better value for the time
and intoner spent on the roads. This
is only a suggestion : would, 11 not
be' a geed idea tor the pathinasters
and the workers on the beat to gel
together for a few hours and discuss
what it best to be done, map out
the, workas it were. IVe are satis-
fied that generally speaking ibis
wokild give much better satisfaction.
'kiss 'Powell, i in 1)elircil
'1>101 hsr »broih9m01t1,, John: rkrwiell,•
ha been' quite, 111. •
1Vlisk Shirley Donaldson was on a
viSit to Lecknow friends.. lest "•week.
Mr. Waller Andersen .has gone] te
kriitfold, taicea positien. '”
,Waltetili.Ose•,or.:Teeswater ifff.ag
tife] guest 101 Wiithanii! Itieficts last,
lierealiS .111.
' ' ioctor :of
liffarlidale, will have clilarge of 'St.
Paul's • chili:eh during the month of
• Summerhill
Miss hfargaret 111cLaughlin nurse in
trailing* at Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, fis visiting at Mr. Geo. Tymer'a
hlr. and ,ML's , Tony Lawson and Mr,
and Mrs. Luke Lawson or Clinton Vis -
ilea at Mr. Winl Lawsons.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes and
babe visited at, the latter's paranbs,
Mr. and Mrs. IV. 11 Ball, on Sunday.
Mr. au.1 Mrs. l3iggin were guests
or llar. Beactoni• .
Misses Myrtle and Jean &acorn of
Clinton visited under the parental
1IIr. David Barr of village is ini-
Proviog his residence by ere.cting at
wire fence along the front.
Mr. N. Haevey of Clinton spent,
Sunday at home.
Miss Lillie Lindsay is visiting un -
dee the parental roof.
District Master D. N. Watson and.
Mr. J. Schnenhais of Clinton were
guests at the regular electing of the
Orange lodge on Monday evening.
They found the affairs in connection
therewith to be le a haalthy and
progressive state and the A. M. ex-
pressed much pleasure thereat. The
• Summerhill lodge lylbi appear pout
celebration, day with at brand new and
handsome banner. This lodge con-
tains in number of very energetic and
enterprising members and they be-
lieve in having everything up-to-date
and or the best.
Misses Olive and Mary, daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. David Wright, spent a
few days recently with than: unelo and
aunt,. Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Wilson,
• The following is the report or U.
11. S. No. 12, -0 oderich and Hallett,
for the month of April, showing the
present classification or pupils, as ar-
ranged, by the recent 1,romotion ex-
aminations ; names are in order of
Sr, lth,—Mabel I-Iarvey, Jean Lind -
Say. Jr. .19h,—Cora Jervis, Mervyn,
Farquhar. Sr. 3r(1,—John Town -
ahead, Mary Wright, 13essief Linclear.
Jr, 31:d,—Amy MeBrefin, Mary Me-
Birieu, NelUe 13eacoin, Hilda Forbes.
Sr. 2nd„,, ---Jean, Farquhar, Jr. 2nd,—
Eddie Johnston, Norman Wright..1st
—Walter Forbes, Robert John-
ston, Mabel Wright, Primer,—Rus-
sell Jervis.
—W. H. Forrest, Teaither.
: Ray 11, H. Croly and Mfrs.' Croly
were presented with a 1) 11050 o g0k12
by the., wardens or the ehurch and by
the A, '0, P. A. with an upholstered
chair and a pretty broach; prior to
their departufe for their now charge
at Port Burwell. • ' '
Mr„ leranlc • Bawd m has punhased
the house at -Lilo corner of Victoria
and Leopold streets, from Mrs. Mo-
wat i Acton
Mrs, 14, C., Burrows and daughter of
Southampton were In town last week
visiting the lady's bro her before
leaving. for their new home in, Wis-
Mrs Irwin and daughters, • MiS;teS
Nellie and Annie; ot Cobalt have been
visiting the lormer's sister, Mrs. W.'
H. Davidson.
Mts. Ted Elliot 1 haft returned from
a visit with Toronto and Stratford
Mrs. Donald McKay of Ripley was
in town last week.
Miss Nesmith or Stratford has been
visiting Mrs. E. 13. Walker.
Miss Mabel Bennett of Walton was
a guest, at the home or her nuele,
Mr., S. 13cenett, recently.
Rev. Arthur C. Riley has begun his
work as past or of t he Bap t tot
Rev. Mr. Croly was presonted by
his brethren in 1110 Orange Lodge
with a handsome chair at a special
meeting before he left town last
Mrs. Riehard A finish:011g of Turn -
berry diecl at the home of her soli 111
that township on Saturday week at
the age of seventy-two years.
The annual meeting of the Women's
Institute will be held at the home of
Mrs- on Thursday after-
noon ilext 'when there will be an in-
teresting program, gtleStion
etc., and also the election of officers.
It is haped that the will be a good
al tendanee of ;members.
gullett Township
hlrs. John Cathert and daughter,
Miss Mary Su fidayed with Seal o r th
Mr. A. V, Quigley of the News -Rec-
ord staff is now on his holidays and
he is now busy' seeding 011 1>1(1 valuable
50 aere Eariii on 1110.7 h eon.
• Hensall
hlr. F. Carlin, Sr., was strike»
with paralysis one day last week and
for a time was ha a very critical
condition. 11(1 is recovering some
what, 11010mcr.
There, is some talk of the council
digging a well, and putting up an el-
evated tank. 'the majority of the.
business men seem to be in favor
of such a move.
Miss: 'Fano ie Dasbhp spent 'a • -- feW
Uy 1» I-lensall , las t :week,
• Mr C,has, Witwer, •a,. painter aud
paper hanger, .Woos doing Seine work,
at . the' lionm" ' Mr. John Ehlers.
near Dastiwooal teat ,wediff and leaving
1)110 hOttad "aftty stIPPer 110 did .•
retitru, I11 the niormlng
was • land roar tflie lcitalten doer,
Death Wlas due to tile', burSting ..,
a bloodVfir'elvessal in heart(:, 'rho
einS".•4451:6iilifertedf in., the fS11131:-
,ali'''''delnefory ;.
Albert:- 1‘f.0q130,1'1 91
„esing- a. Soma
way in front Of 'it,. ;He- Ming
1-6• 'fOr" s tante' flu-
',airy fell to "IdIe.-gro,q1td, and ilia; r,oller.
-Iveriii] over
111111. I1e",W5,Lp1EY-b01>d-
ty Werelarolccki
and 1110 ITOPecl" soon 110 . •
Mr„,. c4;:'IVIeQn9111.1,,and b.ip .3,104s
ba'Yq 1e1t '191", •0939411'.1."':,,
f Li
011: ThursclefY
The death toek place on Thursday
morning in Dungannon. of Mr, John
M. Roberts, one of the oldrist resi-
dents or the village, aged 75. He
moved from Goderich to the village
15 years ago, and conducted a gener-
al store and private bank, Some 20
years ago he sold the store, continu-
ing the banking business till his
In 1800 he ran for member .of the
Ontario Legislature against Mr. J.
T. Garrow, now chief justice, but
was defeated by a small majority.
For some timeback- he had been in
failing health, but: ifleath was not ex-
pected so Sonn•:
Ile leaves to mourn him, besides
his wife, one sister and two dau-
ghters , Edith and Cora, at home,
and one son, John, in Toronto.
The .funeral took place on Monday.
Ottawa, May 1.—A' statement • pre-
pared by the Post-ctfficg Deiartment
to -day shows the number of rural mail
routeS actually in operation to be
about 2,300 and the number of boxes
erected on these routes to be 95,000
There have been 587 post -offices
closed in Ontario owing to the estab-
lishment of rural mail :delivery since
the, formation, of the rural mail de-
livery branch on the 151> 01 April 11.912.
The Manlier of post -offices closed in
Ontario owing to the establishment
ends )n (IIIIISSCK9
Mrs. Hill has been at Crecliton on
account of the serious alma; of her
nephew, Mr , A. Benedict.
Mr. \Vim Brown has got himself a
new motor cycle.
Mr. mid. Mrs, 11. T. Dunlop visited
over the week -end with the latter's
Patents at Brucerield.
Mr. Peter Kropf bias got his big
new Waterloo ' traction engine home.
11' is a twerAY-iwo horse Powe'.
John Cantin spent a few days
with relatives in St. Joseph recent-
Mr. E. Zeller has exchanged, his re-
sidence and grounds in town for the
one-hundred-aere farm or bit, . Oen.
Douglas on the Parr Lints, Stanley.
Both get immediate possession.
Tha lasvn howling club has' been
re -organized for the season,' the fol-
lowing officers being appointed : Pres-
ident, J. Pretter ; Vice, E. Zeller ;
See-Treasuxer, A, F. Tress ; Ground
Clommittce, IV. Goodwin, IV. H. HO -
man. The membership numbers about
Mr., P. Lamont returned last week
from Seattle, \Vasil., after an absence
of several weeks. Jilts brother,: W110
10)18 Very ill in a Seattle hospital
for some time, accompanied him and
is now in Clinton 11001 al.
Wit:. Lloyd Edighoffer of Dashwood
was in town visiting friends recently.
The Jackson Factory was closed
last week during st.ock taking.
Miss Florence Duff is spending a
few days with Auburn friends. -
Miss Wyatt of Toronto was a vis-
itor in out burg for a few days re-
Mr, K., Anderson ot Wingham vis-
ited his brother, Mr. Jolla Ander-
son, last week.
Miss Esther 13ellamy, who has been
quite ill for some t me, is still con-
fined to her room. Her friends are
hoping she may soon recover,
1VIr. Lorne IVIaokenzie, bayingpur-
chased a new tile machine, . is busy
manufacturing cement tile.
The Oddfellows will go to church
next Sunday °Veiling in a bodY, Er4.
Ririe church being the one .eboseci for
the annual anniversary services this
11°' rt
411k.'. n I •
Your •
• lit5tne
The room in whichyou and the family
spend so much
time in, make it cheerful,
make it fresh and new. . .
Enough to cover the :walls of the aver-
age living room costs so little nowadays
even th e best grades that no living room
should be neglected. The small expense
is abundantly made up to you over, and
over and oyer in the greatly increased ,
attractiveness of the room.
Our New Wall Papers are Selling Well
Come and See them before the best are sold
COOPER & 00.
National Portland Cetnent !
We have ;just received a carload of the same old brand
of 'Portland Clement which has always given you such chin-
plete satisfaction, It always fills your requirements. You
cannot make a mistake using the National.
ARE YOU 11011SE-
If so you will want some
New Rugs or Furniture.
We have a big assortment,
of both and would like to'
supply your wants.
The Store
of Duality.
Phone 28
W. Walker
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker
makes every w o m a:n
beautiful') and all who de-
• sire to make the most of
their appearance ikt a v e
the opportunity of pay-
ing visit to
. 'OF . • • • .".•• • • " • • •
Saturday morning.
Be on hand that's all. See window and
Opposite tale Market Square.
) bills.
at 9 o'clock.
who will be at She
Tuesday, May 19th
with an immense stock of the Latest Fashions in Hair Goods.
A Style to Suit Every Individual.
"Ladies' with Thin Hair"
see and have a demonstration of THE DORENWEND TRANSFORMATION.
They will give a charm and attractiveness to an otherwise Plain' face and will
assist any woman to keep her youthful appearance. They are superior to all
others in effects they produce when adjusted, in quality of hair ancl efficiency
ot workmanship
Wig.% Transformations, Pompadours, Bangs, Fronts, Waves, Bwitons.,1Brtticla, Rao.
"Oentlenien If You are' Bald"
call and see THE DORENWEND
which is a perfect protection to the
head, For natural effect, strength,
durability, hygenic qualities, they
are unequalled. Besides this they will
make any man appear years youn-
ger. This Toupee is protected in all
countries and may only be purchased
from tia,
Do not fail to call and see them, and remember date,
The Dorenwend Coy. of Toronto, Ltd.:.
0t Viral delivery during the. (THE HOUSE OP (WALITYRHAIR GOODS)
elammagallaani• last month alone' was 46, imstilmolli•NaNanassiwas • 10)3 105 YOUNG STREET -- — •. 1..urct.muv.
•• •