The Clinton News Record, 1914-04-23, Page 7-- •
Not ,7 Per Centinterest?
yanr;MerleY,;eat't1S 4336 tlattn,7%, write to tia ho,day, , We
are offet•ing" the Bonds Of a suocessfol, well -organized corn- , •
pany yield 7% interest and have a profit sharing
leature as wt.11. Yout inve,,tmtnt may be ;:Nithdrawn,
time after one year on. 60 days' notice. Send for special
folder and full- particulars.' ' •
News -Record and hall & Empire •51.50
News•Record and Globe1.60
News-Relord and Family Derail! and
Weekiy Star News -Record and WeelaySun ,, ,, 1,85
Novis-Record and Fanner. Advocate2.35
Ns -Record and Farm & Dairy 1.85
News -Record und Canadian Farm 1.86
News -Record and Weekly Wittiest: 1.85
Netre-Record and Northern Messenger 1.6U
Nows-Record and Free Prose 1.05
• News-RedOrd and Advertiser ,.,..,1.85
• News -Record and. Saturday Night 3.55
News -Record and Youth's Companion 3.25
Net:es-Re:cord and Fruit Grower and
Farmer ,,, 1,75
• News-11R00eord ...and... , Canadian • Sporbs•
NewerIlecord and. iiimiincoa'e
nine 3.25
News -Record and World ............,.:53.35
Nowa-Record and Globe ... 4.50
News -Record and Mail & EMplre 4.50
News -Record otui Advertiser2.85
News -Record and Morning Free Press. 3.35
Nows.Reeord and Evening Free Press. 2.85
Nows,Reeord and Toronto Star2.35
NewthRecord antl Toronto News 2.35
' If what you want le not in this list let
.35 know about it. We esti supply you at
less than it would cost yea to send direct.
In remitting please do so by Post -office
'Order Postal Note, Expreee Order or Iteg•
istered,letter and addrees.
. • .
Publisher INI;i43-Rotiord
Asthma Catarrh
A pimple, sale.and effective treatment for bion.
ohlul troubles, without dosing the atomaoh with
drugs. • Used with success for !Mar Years.
The•air em•rying the notisentie vapor. Inspired
with mery hreuth. molten breathing easy, soothes
the sore throat. and stops thecae:1h. assuring restful
nights. Cresolone is invaluable to Mothers with
Young children and A 00084 to sufferers from
Asthma. Send us postal fordeserlptivehooldet.
TABLETS for the Irritated'
throat. They aro simpl,
effective and antiseptic.
Of your druggist or from
as, Mc. M stamps:
Vapo Cresolene CO. '
62 Cortlandt St., N.Y.
Lerohmt Miles Building
Montreal, Can.. , 4
very Vifomen
is interested and should knotv
about the wonderful
Marvel Whirling Spray
Ask your druggist for
R. If ho cannot :mealy
the MARVEL, accept no
othor, but send stamp for illus-
trated book -scaled. It gives full
particulars and directions invaluable .
Wadies:WINDSOR SUPPLY CO..Windsor, Ond
General Agents ter Canada. •
Several Hundred Killed in Fight
Willi Chinese Federal Troops.
A despatch from Pekin says:
Regular troops • severely defeated
"White Wolf" and his brigands,
se v e hundreds of whom were
it Iled.
The regular troops encountered
the bandit army at Li Chuan1Hsien,
to the north-west of than -Fu, capi-
tal of Shen -Si ProVince. They were
threatening an attack on Sian -Fu,
Sharp fighting enued, and result-
ed in the, rout of the brigands; who:
• - fled to '4 positieln. 20 ' milds froni
Kin -Chow; further to the".north-
Beall reinforcements of regulars
have been despatched to the scene,
and the bi•igancls, who have pillaged
many -towns and villages and killed
the inhabitants, are being gradual-
ly ronu nded
A ,ntr9aber of mission &rotors have
gene from Hull -Sion and Chow Obih
attend ,the wounded,
A cynic suggests the three quielc-
est ways tO send a. rnessa,ge :-Tele-
graph, Telephone, and Tell -a -Wo-
. . .
The Bente Rule debate will not be
resumed. for at tenet two , weeks:.
Irises ell Cattle, Crain. Cheese Nos
teal., a t Heine ani AistosS
Toronto, Aprti 21.-F1our-Ontario
wheat flours, 53.85, *seaboard, and at
$3.95 to $4. Toronto. Man1tobas--First
patents, in jute bags, 55.60; do., sec-
onds, 55.10; strong bakers', In Jute bass,
Aianitoba wheat -Bay ports -No. 1
Northern, 07e, and No. 2
', at Hie.
Ontario wheat --No. 2 at $1 to 51..01.
outside'according to freight, and 81.03,
on traoit Toronto.
Oats -No. 2 Ontario.oats, 398' to 40c,
outside, and at ,42c, on track, Toronto.
Western Canada oats, 405e I or No. 2,
and at 302c for No. 3, Bay ports.
Peas -About 900, outside.
Barley -Good malting barley, 56 to
58c, outside, according to quality.
Rye -No. 2 at 63 to 64e, outside;
Buckwheat -80 to 810, outside.
Corn -New No, 3 American, 7350, all
rail, Toronto. Canadian quoted at 710.
Bran -Manitoba bran, $24 to 525 a
ton, in bags, Toronto freight: Shorts,
526 to $27.
Country Produce.
Bulter-Cholce dairy, 22 to 230; in-
ferior, 10 to 19e; farmers' separator
prints, 23 to 25a; creamery prints, fresh,
30 to 310; do., storage prints, 26 to 270;
solids, storage. 24 to 25c.
Eggs -,-20e per dozen, In case' lots.
Cheese ---New cheese, 158 to 1$c' for
large, and aa to 165c 'for twins.
Beans-liand-picked, $2.20 to 52.25
per bushel; primes, $215 52.20. .
Honey -Extracted, in tins, 11 to 120
per lb, for NO."1; comber 53 to 53.25
-per tlozen,for No. 1, etid' $2.40 to '52:50
PoultrY:---F0*1-15 to 180 per lb; oh1e1c
ons 19 to '20e; duOke, 17 to 180; geese,
15 to 160; tUrkeys„,20 60- 230.
Potatoes-Ontarlos, 80 to 85c a bag,
on track, and Delftwares at 90 to 95c, on
truck, ear lots.
I3acon-Long clear, 15 to'15e per lb.,
ln case lots. Rams -Medium, 18 to 185c;
do., heavy, 17 to 100; rolls, 15 to 155e;
breakfast bacon,•18 to 19e; backs, 22 to
Lard -Tierces, 1310; tubs. 135c; pails,
"Wholesale seed merchants are ,selling
recleaned seeds to the trade, on the 100 -
lb. basist-Red clover, No. 1. 519 to 521;
do., No, 2, $17.50 to $18.50; alsike, No.
1. 520.50 to 521; do. No. 2, $17 to $18;
Thnothy, No. 1, $8.50 to 50.50; do., No.
2, 57.25 to 57.50; alfalfa, No, 1, 514 to
$15; do., No. 2, 513 to $13.50.
Montreal Marketa.
Montreal, April 21. -Corn, American
No. 2 yellow, 79 to 7900. Oats, Canadi-
an Western, No. 2. 435 to 44c; No. 3. 43
to 434c. Barley. Man. feed. 50 to 510;
malting, 08 to 70c. Flour, Man, Spring
wheat patents, firsts, 55.00; seconds,
55.10; strong bakers', $4.90; Winter
patents, choice $5.25 to $5.501 straight
rollers $4.10 10,54.90; dol, bags,. $2.20
to 52.35. Rolled, Oats, barrels $4.155;
bags, 90 lbs., $2:15, Bran, 523. 'Shorts
526. Middlings 528. MoullIlc, 528. to
$32. Bay. 'No. 2, per ton oar 1010, 513
to' 514i Cheese,' ()neat,' Westerns,' 145 , to
15e; finest customs, 335 to 14e. ' Butter.
choicest ercamev, 27 to 2700; seconds,
22 to 240. Eggs, fresh. 21 to 230; select-
ed, 20c. Potatoes, per bag. car lots, SO
10 00c,
Winnipeg Grain.
Winnipeg. April 21.--Whent --No. 1
Northern, 900; No, 2 Northern. 88e; No,
3 Northern, Me; No. 4, 828c; No, 5,
78c; No. 6, 730; feed, 68c; No. 1 reject-
ed seeds, 85hc: No, 2 rejected seeds,
8350; No. 3 rejected seeds. 0150; No. 1
smutty, Oslo; No. 2 smutty, 835c; No. 3
smutty, 3150; No, 1 red Winter, 900;
No, 2 red Winter,88e; No. 3 red Win-
ter, 805c. Qats-No. 2 C.W., 335e; 'No.
C.W., 325e; No. 2 feed, 318c. Barley -
No. 3, 4450; No. 4, 428e; rejected, 41c;
feed. 405c, Flax -No. 1 N.W.C., 51.355;
No, 2 C.W., 51.321; No. 3 C.W., $1.245.
(Unite 'Aiming 'IIINSio; IttrOhile: '•
; 4,1eslia.A0h; frOin
iipefietiliVe for iye,4eath'ef.bundrects
of';yhot90" 1,11 )3eatipcirVi.
Itere,•.shae ,21aeeMithe,"-5irbjet
the dise o.a4to tIceleetling of
Ity.Ciyit Servants inOttawp
• "' -Sinee-Tylihnid'Epiiltinic;•••"`
'A despatch Trona Ottawa Pa's:
The,tederail••Governme-nt'S. hill for
drinkings„aterN,feem January •,1,
19112 Marelis1;',104 ,Was. 434253..
inthrinatiota,Wail Anriviehed-an. a
return fabled , in Hie': Cornnions.
S ince the typhoid epidemic in06-
tOw..a.,..stnne two years ago, all.eivil
servants in,7 the. Dbpartments of
Staite rho eaPital have been
drinking sprifig or dietilled Water. ..
Niise Case si and l'wo Deaths Re -
'Ported in•Havana.
A despateh from Havana Cuba,
united States Markets.
7*11 nneapolis, April 21.-Wh eut-Ite y,
808 to 8910 bid; Jay, sop to 9080; No,
1 hard, 938 to 010: No. 1 Northern, 515
to 92ilo; No, 2 Northern, 889 to 900e.
Corn -No. 3 yellow, 645 to 65c. Oats ---
No, 3 While, 355 to 300. Flour and bran
1)ultah, April 21.-Whcat-No. I hard.
92e; No. 1 Northern, 91c; Not 2 North-
ern', h2c; Montana No, 2 hard, 90e; -May,
Ole; July;. 9240; September, 8850. Lin-
seed cash, 51.558; May, 51.508; 31113",
51 , 58?.. ; September, 51,595; October,
51.978. -
- Live Steck 111arkets.
TOron to, ' A lull 21.-•Cattle÷Chol00'
butchers', t0'.50,10; good, $7:8,5
to";27':4O;'ineditim, '50.35 to 57.36; corn --
mon, 55.10 to 55.70; choice cOWS. 56.76
to 27.30; good, 55.75 to 50.35; common,
$4.50 to $5,60; cotters and canners,
$3.20 to $3.50; choice bulls, 56.75 to
58.25; good, 55.65 to 56.50; common, 51
to ss.40.
Stockers and feeders -Steers -Choice,
87,15 to 53.50; good, 55 to $6.40;,Ilght,
53.00 to 54.75; springers, to $00; milk-
ers. to $95. •
Calliee•GoOd yeals, 50,.65 -to 510.40;
medium,. 57 to $3. .•
Sheep and Iambs -Light ewes, $5.50
to 4.71 lieaVY, 53 to 53.60; Sifting Iambs,
Hogs -$0 to 50.10,, fed and watered;
50.30 to 50.35, ofg cars- $2.05 to 53.75,
Montreal, Anril',21:-Prlme beeves, Sc
to Sac; medium, -53 to 78e; common, 45c
Cows, 540 to 560 each; :springers, 535
to 570 each.
Calves, ,30c, to 'the; - •
Sheep, Op; lambs, Se; spribs
55 60 56 Cl-.
..SETogs, 05, to 10c.. , ,•-•• •
That Nagging Pain the Back
caused by just one th ng weak, strained, irritated kidneys, And
there is just one way to 810P $1."
strengthen and heal the kidneys - ,Cf4114:4_44/ *
neutralize the urine -stop those scald-ol
,i io '.,,,r t. et
ing passages -and quickly''
relieve the ''' 1,1 '' /1:2t.
11 050I
.310 et 1.1., t tain in the back and limbs. Gin r=';',1 ,1; .
Pills are also the recognized mire for
Rhelunatism and Sciatica. goo. a box; '''(.2) ,,.tirrev.
6 for $2.5o. At all dealers or sent on
receipt of price. '--"-z
.. Sainple free if you mention this paper. 183
. seses.,s,attrias,..• ese"..ts, eseovataaavt.,e, mesesasileis...asie,. -“ . . . ,,,... fir,
over to the - sanitary „department
fumigators to fight the outbreak of
hubonie ;plague..., TWO more • sus-
pected eases were reporied on Wed-
nesday, „making a total of nine
cases and two deaths since the'out-
break started. No traffic in the in-
fected area is permitted with the
ex,ception of street carsrwnich are
searched for bundles on passing
throiigh the district. Two cordons
of troops form a barrier to prevent
ingress into the zone which has been
vacated by 18,000 persons. A bill
was introduced in Congress on
Wednesday to reimburse the mer-
chants in the affected district for
the loss they will suffer. No un-
ea,siness is felt.
School Girls and -Boys of Russia
Drink Vodka.
A despatch from St. Petersburg.
says; The Novoe Vreanya referring
to the Government's antisaleohol
campaign, atseerts that, 96 per cent.
of the boys, -and '85 per 'cent, of the,-
girlafirthe eolkols of theTeronjaky
'GoVerinnentdrink habitually vod-
ka, wine and their' homes,
and that thildi'en Of, 'Si* 'to eight'
years old •have been found drunk.
Attempt to Murder New York's
Chief ,Magistrate. M idttl a y.
A despatch tram New York sap:
In the midst of the noonday crowd
.on Park Row ast attempt mfrs made
on the life of Mayor John Purroy
Mitchel just as he was starting in
his automobile for lunch from the
east end of t'h'e City Hall, by a
shabbilyadressetl old imp of '71
years., who had, or fancied he had,
a series of grievances against ithe
Mayor's mode of .atliministerin.g the
city government,. The bullet in-
tended for the Mayor missed its
aim., but lodged 'in the cheek of Cm,
potation Counsel Frank L. Polk,
who .was seated .aits;tilie Mayer'eleft,
and who' had 'been .one of a Party
of lour accompanying the.Mayor.
Found in Change to Right Food.
AUDI' 0110 suffers for months froi-n
acid dyspepsia, sour stomach, and
then finds the retrnetly is in getting
the right kind of food, it is some-
thing to speak about.
An Eastern lady and her young
son had such an ex-perience and she
wants others to know how to get
relief. She writhes:
For about fifteen months my
little boy ancl myself had suffered
with sour [stomaoh. -.We were un-
able to re.tain 31111011 of anything w0
'After suffering in this way for
so long I decided to consult a Eine-
cialist diseases Instead
of prescribing drugs, •he put us both
027 Grape -Nuts and WO began to
improve .immediately.
"It was the key to 'a new life. I
found we had been eating too mtich
heavy food which we could not di.,
gest., in , a,,,few weeks after cam=
mencing Crape -Nuts, 11 wes able to
do tiny honse wake in the"
morning with a...clear -head and feel
rested and haye no sour stemrach.'
My boy' sleeps well and wakes with
a. laugh.
'We have regained our lost
weight and continue to eat -Grape -
Nuts for both the morning and
evening meals. We are well and
happy and ,owe it to Grape-Nats.'
Name given by Canadian Postum
Co., Windsor, Ont. Read "The
Road to in pkgs.
"There's a Reason."
Ever read the above letter? A new
ono appears from time to time, They
aro genuine, true, and 6511 of imman
Inhabitants: of Italian Village En-
gage in Deadly Contliet. '
'London, Friday, April 11. -The
Milan correspondent of the Daily
. - ,
Chronicle says there was a deeper -
ate battle between people living in
the villages of Urnito and Valle:c-
ollie. The fight, which was the cid-
mination of a long took place
in.. a pasturage lyIng between the
two villages. Seyeval hundred peo-
ple were ongaged•ip the .hattle, and
they. used as weapons sho'vele,
rakes, scythes, azees and .guns..
usPir;2,34IN(Is. Elton A W. 0 Y Ell
• .. • .
end ori.O
;In Generiif: Before •
';' Canada. '
'Tito:4114n- 'Jitters 'Calgarian and
Alsatian wail itae Quebec las iiietr
kanittlien Port.
Artesian wells have been found in
Steelton,, Which eresupplying, it is
estimated; Bad galilone a. minute.
Premier Fleniming has been given
leave of,'235114fretn, the . New
B tiitaswisk , pending
Veebigation.of charges against. him.'
Thos. Riley was found guilty at
London of manslaughter, in the
death of Geo. Blackburn, bartender
at the Hebei Cecil.. ' *
A jury in the London Assize
Court awarded Mrs.' Abiee Eckardt
$200 damages against the Smallman
& Ingrain. Company for wrongful
search of her person.
Woodstock City Council has de-
cided to send James Wallace, K.
0., at present acting judge, to 01-
taswa to urge ,the Government to
4riiiiefre'e" citnalf4eliverY.
The FeciertiVGovernartent is pre -
Pared to glies''Ontarie a right-of-
way for the extension of the Timis -
training & Northern Ontario Rail-
-Way to Port Nelson on Hudson Bay.
Sir Frameols -Langelier, Lietiten-'
int-Govern:de , Quebec, speaking
Morrin College, warmly defended
the Boy Stouts orga.nzaton, resent-
nestatements inle by La Verte.
George, Hamm, formerly of
.Napanee4 manager of a Mexican
bank whiall failed, after which he
was imprigened in Mexieo, was
killed insin accident while motoring
with his 'son near San Francisco.
After Nine 1 the C.P.R. will run
its fast passenger trains over the
M.C.R. between Waterford:and De-
troit, cutting two hours off the pre-
sent run via tendon, much of the
saving being by means of the tun-
,nel at Detroit. .
An interesting question as to a
schoolbeard's control of a teach-
er's time.= Saturday has arisen at
Windsor, arising over I. S. Clubine,
olhe of tihe staff, undertaking to
teach a manual 'training class at
Ainherstburg tin the off day.
Great Britain.
The British Government has
'tuted 'proceedin.gS against owners
of the Senghenydd
Wales, where hundreds of miners
lost their lives in 0 mine explosion
in October last, alleging that there
were scores of breaches of the Coal
Mines Law. window and tablet to
the late Lord Strathcona in West-
minster Abbey isa proposal bein.g
made by a strong influential coin:
mitthee. The appeal is now made by
circular to the Canadians resident
in Britain, together with others as-
soaiatted with the Dominion, to con-
II n ited States.
Bight lives were lost in the wreck
of a schooner off the New Jersey
The trial of six medical men
charged with cruelty to dogs after
viViseetion crowded.- a. Philadelphia
court room. •
Wireless teleplionb messages to a
LackaaVanna Railroad train inter-
cepted wireless messages to the
United States' Atlantic fleet.
"White Wolf'' and his bandit
band were severely beaten by Chi-
nese regular troops.
The big department store, "El
Palacio di Hierro," at Mexico City,
the property of Toon 13res. of Paris
and Mexico City,. was destroyed by
fire th,e oth e r nighb.
Railway Car Equipped With Exhi-
hibits Showing 111-149ectFi.
The educational eampaign against
int,eanperantie has started with a
vim in Ruesia, Ab the instance of
tthe Minister of Ways and Communi-
cations a large railway car has been
fitted out with exhibits showing the
results of excessive indulgence in
aleorhod. It will be taken all over
the railways of northsi'n Il8ss.ia b5:
a lecturer and several attendants:.
The oar:will b side-tracked at the
-principal•Cns, and leetures on
-the .s.voils of drink will be+given to
the raile•sty employes. The lectures
will be illustrated by magic -lantern
is increasingly apparent that
the recent changes in the Cabinet
were due eol'ely to the desire of the
Emperor Nicholas to strengthen his
campaign a,gainet, alcoholism He
is determined to do away with q,he
national 'vice," and he has 'instruct-
ed his new Ministers to attack the
drink evil vigorously.
. It is understood that' the new Ad-
ministration proposes to rettnc,o the
produetion of vodka, the national
drink; to increase the penalties on
illicit trading, and to refuse here-
after to consider drimkenness as a
mitigating eirenans,tance in cases oE
crimes. Excise officials are to be
held to a stricter accountability for
what gees on in their districts.
How the Government, proposes to
Meet the losSf'of revenue on vodka is
The Governme,nt intends also te
take measures to render financial
aid 'to small farmers and rural in-
dustries. The form of this relief
.has not yet been decided, but it, is
probable that it will include a 0310 -
tem of 0o -operative .coun,try hanks,
based on ,,the system in operation 511
Often a Weinaril.s silence is more Cerman., and -other Continental
. signifieant than' aman s words.. ., cot,mtr,.es.
Strip oinLand Five Miles li'tde
'A d,elapaliteleh" .1.1r1;m$I'Vdtdt..awitt ',sue
When'5-1110bqundarias of anbario
were extended eo as tO provide for
losmon 1th
,itpare'iarval to
that province through the new ter-
ritory;;f4 Manitoba tte tight -of -way'
for the extension of the Tioniskansing-
dni,:pleinto,L0T3hht,t,hi:, undr5
xnd Northern C'atario
notice of a resolutiim to hand over
to the' Previnee '01 Ontario', subject
So iell conditions °IS t110 ()Vera -
sent may prescribe, certain 10674 s,
easemen,ts and privileges wit,hin the
Province of Manitoba, and belong-
ing to h'is Majesty in the right of
Canada, required to make provision
for the extension of the Tianiskam-
ing and Nerthern.Ontario Railway,
to &port at Hudson Bay, 'et or near
the mouth of tlie,Nels,ort River, in
no far as such lands are,yeetet1 an
his Majesty in the right of the
Dominion, including such of said
lands as are School lands."
Forty years in use, '20 years the
standard, prescribed and resole.
mended by physicians. For We.
man's' - Ailments, Dr. Marter/
Female Pills, at your druggist.
Note Was Found Giving Direetions
For the Funeral. •
A despatch f rem North Bay eays
The body of aiu unknown man was
discovered lying in .the bush near.
North Bay.- A note found near She
body written in French, gave direc-
tions 'for' the. disposal of the body.
The:writer, intimated he was sick
'and couldn't walk further and knew
he wa.s going to elk. The dead man
is believed to have been Gustave,
Joseph Bile.tte, a, Belgian, who had
been keeping, time on the C.N.R.
construction, as a C.N.R. time. book
was found among his papers. The
body Showed no signs of violenee,
and 1se. had evidently been dead sev-
eral ,days. No money was found on
the body.
2,000 BRIGANDS 1(11,1,E1).
Met Crushing 1a1i CP111, After They
lIad Burned and Looted Town.
A despatch front Pekin s,ays :
"White 'Wolf," the notorious bri-
gand, 'lcist 2000,of his followers,
killed or wounded, in a. battle with
the regular broops at Li Chua,n-
Ifsien, according dike official re-
• The crushing defeat of the bri-
gands occurred after they had ea,p-
tured and looted the town of San
Yuan -Brien.
Not Catehing.
Jane's sister was coming home
from Normal School. "Why is she
coming home 7" asked the neighbor.
''Is she sick?" "Yes, site is very,
very sick " said Jane, "What ails
berg" asked the neighbor. "Well,
I don't know exactly. Mamma had
a, letter from the schoolmistress,
and she said it was lack of mental
ability. I don't know whether it is
catching or nat.."
The Episcopal Bishop of Lucknow
Presides over a diocese greater in
extent than the whole of Great Bri-
tain, it having a population of
about 48,000,000,°.of whord only 102,•
000 are Christians.
131x -I .cant afford to make a
fool of 'myself. Dix -I know that;
but you always were reckless of ex-