HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-04-23, Page 6Used by success- fulplanters for over half a century Our large and beautifully illustrated CATALOGUE FREE J. A. SIMMERS. Limited TORONTO, ONT. I Towc-, 'Stir t. TMS fin :ail Y'ear. •neend te•ned;, and''`WeeYe.7:t.eSt:417A:. •Vailiaable the sprang whan:ali systealle•Loatb iiesult,Of on,deen•r, hfs •. the, ,Wantee .inonths• tIts.re L no Other- se.asohe when the chlelecUfs eo mach in, need of•parifY-- ,ing •thad enriching, „and', eV:erY 'dolF4 thes P41,S! 11010$ inake TP4n, -rich, red blood. In the 'Spring on• e fe•ele Weak and'tipea—Dr. Bink Pida give strength, - spring the ape,,sitite is, often Jidoe-- Di. Williams' Pink Pills develop the uPpeitite, .tone,' the ,stoniach and weak digestion. , is in the ,spri,ng thief) poesOire in the blood find tuit _outlet -in disfienrir,g pimples, Prup- ,. teens tied botilseeDv. Williams' Pink •Pillis sPeedily clear the skin beeantse they go ,to the •reot of ...the trouble in the blood. Inleis spline anaemia, .rheumatism, indigos -Hen; neuralgia, eryetpelae and many ether troubles ,n,rq.:IllOSit„ilirI.Sinb e cause ,of poen; weak blood, and it is•at, • thie thine When all nature lakes oft naw thatethe blood most seriously needs . attention. Some people ckae them- selves with purg•,ative,s .ait this fiel.,1"- Wel, but •thesea only farther' Weaken Iche)niselVes. A ingativa ' inerely galteps-thnough the system, empty- ing the bowel*, but ib does not cure anythiug: On, Idle other and Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills attually make new b teed which reaches every .nerve and organ hi the body, brieg- ing new .steength; :new h.etiltle•ac.nd vigor to 'weak, easily tired men, Women and .ebildes.o.Try Dr. Wil'- lianio' Pink Pills thiSespring—they uot disappoint „you. Saild by all aneclicine dealem or sent by mail et 5.0•centsa box or six boxes. for $2.50 by The Dr. Medicine Co., Broc,kvillo, Ont. „A 11E1:NZ:IN 'N1.4.C. Curious Case Deseribed by Austrian • Savant. A peculiar- ease of benzine mania Wife described the .o.kbeir day by Dr. SehMelz to the MedidfirAseuctiatiee.e, of Vienna, Atietrie. The victim wde the 12-year-eld daughter of -a widoW who kept a clothes eleaceleg estab- lishment and who, inthe course of lter business, used a great quantiey f benzine. The child always Showed a, great partiality to the benzine bottles, and was frequently smelling them; but the mother did not pay any peaklike attention to this etranee taste., 'When f.) girl was about 10 the mother gave up the business, and the benzine supply was Steeped. A year afterwards the mother began to -notice thee, when the girl re- turned from errands about the town ohe had a peculiar look about the eyed, her face wits flushed and she smelt of benzine. It was then f ound that the child spent all her p•ooket money on the stuff, which she pour - "i her handkerchief and then inhaled. She said that when under the influence of benzine she saw beautiful landscapes, people and ' animals and 'heard lovely voices. Medical 'treatment proved un - Availing, but Dr. Sehmelz was able to' Ottne her in a very short time by , using hi -puede influenee.. . He de- scribed the ease as a variant of ether -mania, which some time ago was a. wides,pre,ed vice among young girls in Austria. 110814 Unique. . The local government board of the British Cabinet, where Herbert Simile], postmaster general, is to suceeed John Burns as preeident, o dates ork from 1871, when it was created to take over the 'supervi- sion of sankary laws, leoal goeern- • Mont. and the poor law, previously administered by privy emen.cil, the home office, and thepoor laW board. The board consists, of exalted func- • tionaries aed simnel:arks of state, be:Lel:vex meets, and all, the busi- ness -is'ileasacted by the president and his parliaMentary secretary. , mi leS • 'Usually • show up with Post 'roasties. And Why not,. when the famous "toastie" *flavor • begins..opera- tkins! ' • There's a deal of skill re- • quired in cooking and toast- ing .these thin bits of corn:. Son that every one .of the • millions of crinkly flakes • has the delicious Toasties•. „taste. that , invites one to." " call for more. • • 'Post' 'Toastips • come • in sealed . packages fresh, crisp and- appettamg-1 Ready to 'eat .with cream: or good milk,' and -a sprmnk- Iiflg of sugar if you like. 0 -Canadian:Postai:it • n dser;,,oniterioe',"nn ALA I1NO OF BRIT rlig I1ANS TARTING •MANY ine'es2n. ... arge .es itiVe. "Iletwil IimitifIeil 8it4f Cotitieletl,t(iv,'0:nti'tties •' '•••'1.efftirergitiieS.n..'" •' a T1i6.-..1:0 .1y..11.10,:,34-,00it4t,tileA;iy- It • !!),111,7. fleI1lnt.11114-ni ijy t h e t ntI by 'It • . „ Ln 0,:',Wenlike:efinies..•,•thien000r Bc.m,14.0,0,,,i.,...• :en •Cetinniable- lady' of • this -Opp•OrtneitY to peetise' Dodd' 'Kidney Pilif .tb .her heiendoe, And cve ha e rettainse,• Here, it in in her 'onei ' .suffered 'velrY much 'front :My .Mrs,'.Bealrbonieere says ,ina,se'firedientid niereoaS and .MY OBIEtY 'was .failing. 3 heel.. heart 'flutterings., my bitc.le WitS Sore and waS• treirbled. , with " • h•Sada•dltee; Rlietonzieieen Wec'. finally added to any sinffea•inge ,-and I was in' a" bad .Bei- tee1i -enbjecte -in .foreige:•Iaede eeJdon Went adong-•npeninisfeed,,...-,':...,e' insittietee: ',Ohinese"- 04, dale" boarded the Raitieh •vegael Ai, rowe'benned down the national flag, anti killed her eeistain for 'daring' 10.••protest,..Sie.,"Je.Eoyering, Gover- nor f,'Heng there..'and thren Practically on •iliP vu lnitiative,'4.4q,.1w#lii0 • a., feW. weeks, Vie. Ohinese fleet ,hadebeen deitrbied an•.c1 Ortittein''...benilianded• and "banned:en. Thie .,hajaperted .inc • :Int8e2:, again, sicatte Bleat retri- bution •onentook the wonderer .of Mr.,Riehaedni,. an English men-, chant living in, Japan,.:Ile•caats,e he refus,ed he, Prostrate innabilf in a 'etreeite YOkoilagna ' When . the Priii65:o.Laatsuma liteperied•to be. !Sassing, withhis suite tie Was 'btu- -tally • 'heathen to death.. .by. the prinee'..s..ap.riled retainers, Where- upon up r WRTSIIripS honthRIT1C4 Sate Seipais "Idaen: of .Kagoaniree; burned MS palace, and „sunk bis steamers, It is only lair to add that in, after yeaes the Japaneseveluntarile. OX-: i/Peeited regret for Mr. Richardedn's murder, and in. 1884: a JapaneSe gen- tleman, Mr. Kunoltawa erected a monument to his Memory on, the site where he was War inf jenkins' Ear.' weneare to go back a liibtle fnr- then' many similar instanees might he cited. Britons were (Mick 'to deem the sword when the British Empire was a -building. In Some cases, even,' outrages falling short of the aotual taking of human lite hove , been .followed by hostilities, • There was, for instance, the Oen - whieh was known in semi-deii- sien as the -War of Jenkins' Ear." Jenkins was a merchant captain Wilma vessel was boarded by a Spanish geandship,, and in the eoursd of a scrimmage that,enened Tentfltins'''''eareiniezee 'alit aft, 'You'll hear more of thin!" yelled the an- gry maAer• mariner, and he caused the :levered ear to be smoke -dried and cured, much as if it had been a kipper or a haddeck. lo this stage it weo exhibited to the menthees of the 1101EIS of Com - 'mime, who paa.sed it from hand to haed with a great show of gravity and many expressions of sympathy. Afterward an apology and a money i6demuity were demanded, and, neither being forthcoming, war en - ed , Not i•iffrequently, however, "mon- ey talks" in' tlreon international dis- putss, es in private ones: When, during one, of Guatemala's periodi- cal revolutions, John IVIagee, oen Cersul at Sun Jose, was seized and brutally flogged by order of the command•ant, Colonel Gonzales, we seat a' warship' there and threatened Lo lay the town in ashes :unless, within 24 bonus, an indemnity OF £60,'000. was paid, being at the rate of 21,000 Inc each lash inflicted. Offered a CompromiSe. The Guatemalan Government was unable at, nich short notice to vela:: the money, but "offered, insteaeL to grant' Magee certain concessions, including the right to. •establish a bank .and build wharves at San Jose. This offer was accepte,d, and Magee, by virtue of his monopoly, became in time enormously wealthy. He 'died in 1900; leonine behind him a fortueeof if30,000,000. • Then again, there was the case of Major Lothajee and Mr. Stokes, which created such' tremendous ex- citentept in the . spring 'of 1806. Stokes WaS an Englishman engaged in &Reline Ber iedey"inc the Congo Fyee Stat7e, and he was ,arrested by Major Lothaire",. a Belgian officer, 05 0,charge orgun,rumaring and in- citing the nativesto rebel, and, af- ter a stinnnary -trial by drum -head and was hanged: The British Government insisted ene Eothaire being byoughh to trial, ain•cl 'this; Wee ' deine, In fact, . he was a:Tied ,taviee, Londe at'Borria and again at Benesels, and each .tiree Inc was acquitted: Whereat ptiblie indrignar don in „Britain :bla,zed up • afresh and With •'ten -fold force. However,' a War With Belgium be- ing " unthathkahle,-•-,i$ would have eet allereirepe by the, sana,---.Britain compromised matters �n the usual meeney-indemnity, basis, the sant -of .5i6,000 being banded o'er by the Belgian' Goyernnient to the..nexe Of kinot the dead man.. Convict Makes $5,000 a Year. Pere la Cepinette murdered a Men in a jealous pa•enlon anqinaeter .keentury ago in Peens -and was toOilli to, NOW •Otlacct011:19.,•:-A eathinniS- sion wa,s ree,intly Sent mit to inspect the.•convieli ',prison and ,infteiee into the 'OeVerainept, len.ds, that wee al- Telite,d he 'concvlcit.e. wisO areneleased.. fee •Oeeeleeeadieeit,-otliey•fOuriel la .0eielniette,'•aVliiite-haireed, "heneed,. ar6,c1 veneatal ,i0,' with, his seeen,, , , by yeaiis;:•sittii'earadeel• by hicS'ennei. *Min he :lisel.'brou,gili.h.felorn.Ertincen Jie ,elhowed,, bba cenraiiis6O4ere OV011 "I tried one' Medicine, bet it did me no good, anerthen I was ad- vised to try l)odd's Kidney Pills. I am verv glad that Udiel, for 'new after taking four boxes 1 am, a. Well wotnten again.' Dadcl'S Kidney Pilts cured' Mrs. Bourbfinistre betause all her trim- bles•Came from sick Kidneys. Sick Kidneys 'cannot do their work of steeining Abe -impurities out of th•e blood, and the result is sickness, ,depression and lassitude all over the body. Dodd's Kidney Pills , . cured ths Kidneys: the purified blood did the. rest.: TR E PRO PER DINNER )1 E. Fri.iccli Sva n t Says 7.39 0' Clock A.M. is Itight Time. The Lancet, the famous medical periodital, upsets London by de- claring throughthe. mouth of its Paris cerrespondent that learned scientists have proved that; the pre - per 'time for dinner is half -past se- ven o'clock in, the mornieg. It seems that Profe Seer Darsonval communicated to the, Academie des Sciences recently the results of M. Bergonie's studies on the subjeot, which, lie said, proved that "tihe least suitable hours for meals are between noon and 1 o'clock and be, tween 7 and 8 in the, evening." ' These are precisely •the hours that Europe Inas set apart for meals. According to M. Bergunie, the meal hours iea. systemcf rational hygiene would be as follows: The principal meal of the•day at 7.30 oi• as su•oe after that time as possible, SO as to obtain all the rie- ea:eery energy fur the day's work' and restore the liver, emptied by bhe night's abstinence; a second meal of 300 to 400 calories, consist- ing .of milk, sugar, ancl cakes, at 4.30; a light repast of 700 to 800 calories at 8.30 or 9 p.m. M. Bergonie gives details show- ing the excellent reenilts of the regi- men' in a family which followed it for six years. Sciatiea Vanishes Instantly If Neryiline Is Used CAN YOU BEAT THIS CASE? No ordinary liniment will even re- lieve Sciatica. Nothing but the most powerful kind or a remedy can pene- trate through the tissues and finally ,yeach the Sciatic Nerve. You can al- ways- depend on the old-time "Nervi: line." Nothing made to -day is as good for Sciatica as Nerviline •was when first produced, about forty years ago. All this time the same old,"Nerviline" has been curing Sciatica, Lumbago, Rheumatism, and is considered te be without an r .eaual in relieving path o soreness anywhere. "'Nerviline' couldn't be made stronger' or better," writes James E. Edwards. "The way it • cures Sciatica is to me galley a miracle. For Years 0. suffered •fright- fully. I ruined my_ stonthch with ith ternal dosing. I rubbed in gallons of oils and liniments—none were strong enough. One good rubbing with Nei'viline relieved.." I kept on rubbing arid shortly was cured. My father cured -rheumatism in MS.. night .arra and shoulder with Nerviiine, and my mother dared herself of :chronic'hnn- bago, with Nerviline. .Our faMily sim- ply swears by Nerviline and we are aeVer,without a. 50c. 'family etze „bot- tle in our home.- We end that for ex,' ternal pain, fen cc:highs, colds, earache; euch mihor ills it is a veritable family physician." - ROTA.T., C1RCL.KS TACK GJIOIS. - • • Rulers of n Eurone,,. Marini:41 at , I) augh te teil"" Btu tiepatioui The birtheof a eon to -the Dinginess ol trindsWiele, the 'only daughter of:' the' Garatian Entrience recants the" fact 'that inn one Iphas.c 'of Seelety there''. are aettially to0, few girls. Thlis dime:Ant nand quite unaisual state Of qi4.06 le.in the renks,bftthe . princesses 'of Europa. • There 'IS an Cepai attrPInS df 'p1sieie,s4' who are, beta:hie to find Iwivee:.ee6! theY. :Be this as it iney 14 is'a'faet that both the young men. and.' 'yedinett:'Of' eieelea shine, distinot 'disinclination to-, WO,k1 MatritMeny to order; (Pail;), it is ":‘Vel.1.7,-knoWn,' is. the ,clesittiietiE tpank-'eniterse • ' Ilt is said. that ncnsic'..alarkin is felle among l'4al Paine:34* !their alaugh idea' e;enetinempatiOn,, ten. 'f,de; Mout the elder •dateglaitenee.:Of ',. the, C'ear. 'itetablY"the 'GraindeDiteliess -Tatittnee'tile • 'heante',Of. thie•1 a,miiy,- and 'rein:pees' eififinenagicia,. cOnSkleyent,the Moeet inlnevcneting. ' , The lattetio a reallyImiani4fillen;;W • .the'-•Coftde"planteeieaVO,ii..Whielt; 40y,,,diebitabbe, iinglet, envy her pee- itareotokl,(1, a#,er 1is isloa,,c 1 aolfec,t0. 1 1gl .149.3044,16..,900 /1; year 'now; 153 '$ OL4l5 tvoidding,,sleinenhi'afg: of ir tragi,c 1. had -Oolninitted:thr 1111111F I .yeni 9 • :Roth sh.e and het_yonteger steeer, Aelleuid lape beea a ncntIeonaat intniiineede„',Maric.,•.inaee inherited the „inewee', ' " \-•••••:We.'ineterf.til..'0•Olisieg• elegened-,. anti bas be rdsc , . ": • ae;Methihg O F. the hall PaSsed yOUi mouton lthis in bee, 'ggk.e.q•k=i?it'aig'd;.':';lil:r."I'lli nlg' ' "Ph dl ''.ktichhaest are wept ge •'For pesnsing.' isL1ytt0U5l 1'Their 'Prince:heed, ' MIES ED T H IN RUG S. Children' Negleeted-hY•PaninitS:ilfittl ••""No , . 'Tividniee df prieIt.tnc4 'erifentY fo •denee'elihrglatio;••erecently:H•agaiilhit," ;,•,kXj 1,:lraf0 rfeinieef4 y,d'ahaldren ,Of'prieetileinS eaein 'had. ,ieet. attended •,seiliooile•aild''-thetr,,exe.• istenee•,yriuS,oetionown to the school? antlierities,.' Fier the peesectitioni. Wei" Stated:that eteinieleday r ..Coeper, . of .,the N. . and.. Sergt.. :Oates. Were, in.vestiginting an - Other ,ease , when ,tii5 ,dieseyened. the )iorgen.fainitly." occupying OThe ream. the "officerS, as • interine, found,' four children, 'aged respec-: lat9.6.1711.3t;weoi.4"yibetha' r:e1a7:41'- ',a;i3e'clrefinve;i1.0YtT4.11:',. huddled 'together, ,on 'a. dirty bed, practically Without elething. The children were paleand pourished. The kftle g;irl was un- able to open her eyes from. ,severe and itegle,cited 'infla,manation, and the boys weee, exteemely *Janid and nerno.us, The elder laid said time h•s had net been•bathad for a year, and tine parents ad.milthed that the two elder boys hadnot been out of the b.edreetro for trnio.re than two months. 'fliere was net a scrap of cldthing, it was stated; air,d the ehildren bad to be removed to the workhouse in horke `rugs, The parents said that the children had net been able to go out of the house because they had no clothes. Dr. Greeu, the workhouee medical officer, s..aid that such treatinent was likely to make iliev children timid and even de- mented. • CHILDHOODLCONSTIPATION Ceinatipation is one of. the Most common ailments of ohildhoed, and no child suffering from it thrives well. To banish it no other Medi- cine acts so promptly and surely' as Baby's OWn Tablets. They never fail to bring nelief. Concerning them Mrs. Dominique Fernand, St. Michel, Que., Wni tes : "1 censider Baby's Own Tablets a marvellous remedy for little ones. I gave them to my baby for constipation and they soon made hi•m well aga•in." The, Tablets are sold by mediein,e dealere or by mail at 25 cents -a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Opt. • • II LL ET I N- E HEART. .Man Who Tried to End Life Saved by Cui•ious Operatiofi. A bullee in the heart is no longer neeeesetrily mortal lesion. This Inas b.een proved by Dr. Finiste.rer, who presented the ether day to the Vienna .11fedical Society th.e case of a Man wliici attempted suicide, and whlu was found ,shot in the street. Brought to the pearest police sta- tion, the Man was from all appear- ances in a hopeless conditioe, the pulse havieg all but stopped. Dr. Finisterer first injected caan- eller and then placed the patient under the Roentgen rays to ascer- tain the exact location cif the wound. It'was found that the bul- let had lodged inc the right ventricle and moved about freely with each expansion andcontraction of the major organ. After satisfying 'I Lien eslf tlia.tjlhe extraction el . the' bullet would meen almost certain death to the patient Dr. Finisterer sewed up the heart externally,, with .th,.a result that aftee a fortnight the operation was proneuneed a cum. plebe -success; Pour 'weeks later the bullet had beeome firmly fixed in the tissues of the lower part of the veattricles, where it is cawing. nt . discomfort worth mentioning "to the pat,ient, who will carry the memento for the rest of his life. Millard's Liniment Relieves 'Neuralgia. ' Their Origin. , Willie—Paw, where clo jailbirds come from 7 Paw—They are raised by larks, Oats, and swallows, my son, DING QBM ABOUT CHILD'S DEAD , In Several Places. SlIster Raised Up Swollen and Scaly. Hair Fell Out. Cuticura Soap andOintment Cured in Four. Weeks, Lorne. Que. —"My little son: aged nine Years, Was afflicted with ringworm in several places about his head. The ringworm began with a few pimples and as it grow worse it was one dark colored blister raised an and swelled. It was hind of scaly. The worst • Place was behind his right ear. It was about the size of a silver,dollar,'clarle and swelled, the worst kind I eSer saw. 'It used to pain " wile could not rest. It looked very badly. Els hair -fell out gradually. ' "Finally I sent for'a sample of (Duticust ' Soap 'and Ointment. ' I used to take real 416t water-andthe Cutleura Soap and that 'used to,clean it oF. Then.' would put the Cluticura Ointment on the affected part. There was Misfit thesores and the Otrtictlea • Ointment 'drew that out andlunded at the same time. We saw the ()talcum Soap and 0Inteient were very good so I got some more and it was four Weeks front the Nino Istartectualug the Outicura 80ap and Oint- ment till he Was completelycured.' pigned) Mrs; Tilos, Bagley, 1Vlay 20, 11)15i FOR RED, ROUGH. HODS, Chapped mid bleeding handsl-with hurningindinsshapeless nails and pain- t — bt Oti•t motif; works wonders. Soak hancls,-,on retiring, in hot water and Cuticula Soap. Dry, anoint witli ()talcum Ointment and, wear old, loose gloves daring Ithe night.1 Cutictira Soap and Ointment sold every-; whote.Par liberal free sum& of eallh, with • ' 82-p book send poet -card to Potter Drug ds Chem. Corp., "ea. 3D, Bescon,n. S. b 1 • I II. Otitteg re Btonehitjs But"the Healing Furnes of ,Cataertv, ozone, Which are Breathed to the Furthest Recesses of the Bronchial Tuheie;"' lateintt QUIek 'Bei lee and Sure -Cure.' , ibrerY, waterer' trona couglue, colds, Prencliitie and' all thrctat' and "chest, aihnents, needs a' soothing, healing medidine Whiplgoes direet to the breathing - Orehlue fn. `the °host and lungseeattacks the' tijoUble„.. at the Allred, 'disperses the germs of dip - ease, and cures -the ailment thorough: - And this medicine is "Catarrh- ' the germ -killing balsariee vapor mixes with the breath, descends through the throat, down the 01.011- chial tubes, and finally reaches the deepest air oellh in the lungs. Al1. parts are soothed with rich, pure, medicinal essenCes, whereas with a Sykup the affected parts could not be reached, 'and harm would result through benuriabing the stomach. with "I have been a chronic sufferer from Catarrh in the nose and throat for over' eight years. I think I have spent four hundred dollars trying to get relief. i have dpent but six dol- lars on Catarrhozone, _ and haye been completely cured, anch, in fact, have been well for some time. Ca- tarrhozone is the only medicine I have been able to find that would not only give temporary relief, but will always cure permanently. Youra sin- cerely (Signed), WILLIAM RAGAN, Brockville, Ont.” • For absolute, permanent cure use Catarrhozone.Two inoryths' outfit costs $1.00 snialler size, 50c., at all dealers, or the Catarrhozone Com- pany, Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. • Dogs Distribute Disease. Two of the most learned French professorsof the Pa,steur Institute have ,is'sued the following warning, : "Beware of .your pet dog." Street dogs of Marseilles have been found suffering from the dreadful Indian "`blaclepest." In India this disease usually attacks dogs, and as in,zurty as ninety-eight per cent, die from its ravages. The southern ports of Italy and Algeria know the disease under the name of the "Mediter- ranean pest." This disease does not confine itself to the dogs them- selves, but is carried by parasites to human beings, and, singularly enough, nearly always attacks chil- dren from the ages of six menthe to three years. The child becomes fev- erish and nervous, gees into a. de- cline, and gradually waste,s away. Out of' three hundred cases under special •study only two per cent. have recovered. At the present time Great Bei•taie is im•munc from any danger , in, this direction, and sufficiently Protected againet any such likelihood by the complete 'in- hibition of the importation of doge, 111 DON'T USE TUE KNIFE That's the barbarous way of treating roma—dangerous too—any corn can be removed painlessly by Putnam's Pain- less Conk E‘xtrac tor In twenty-four hours. Coe only Putnam's Extractor, 25e. at all dealers. A kissable girl always pretends that she doesn't want to. - • Mittard'O, Liniment Cures Dandruff. 11 a rd !melt for Pa. "Ma, has your tongue got legs?" "Got what, child'?""Legs ma?" "Certainly not; but why do you ask that silly questien V "Well, I heard pa say .your tongue was running from morning till night?" Alinard's Liniment Co. Gentlemen :—I had my leg badly hert, the 'pain was very severe and a large :swelling came above the knee. I expected It would be serious --I rut - bed 11 with MINARD'S LINIMENT, which stopped the pain and reduced the awelling very Quickly. cannot speak too highly of Al IN- AHD'S LINIMENT. AIVIOS T. SMITH. Port Hood 'Slant]. • Apples Good Dentifriee. If you will eat an apple every day and clean your teeth every morning with good •sweet apple cider your teeth will always be healthy, so de - ares an old soultheen mammy. Scientists declare the acid in the apiele elearnies the teeth of all im- purities, and' also aids in the pre- vention of the acceanatlartion of the deadly tartar,which is al the bot- tom of nea,rly alt. cliental ills. Eat the apple just before you go to bed, chewing it thowoughly so that the acid will have an opportundity to get into all the tiny enevices between the teeth. Then, ie t,he morning, Ilse the cider. Have a verY tiny bottle of it on your dressing -table, just erimigh to last .almult a week, a,n•d 'then get a nsw supely, so thee it will surely be sweet. Provided your dentist hao made sure that there are no uncovered ehinles in your teeth to start with, you will be t you bl ed. no im,ore with tooth ill s. • Both Cover Mistakes. A, pompous physician who was Inelined to ritieize o they 3 was watcliing ston em a so n build a tense fcrr Ids neighor. "Jim," he said, "mortar eovers tipa gen•d many mistakes, doe,sn't ib Yee, doctor," calmly replied the man, • "a,nd floes the spade." )Ielited "Dootox, 1 v-a.ot tO thank you for your valuable medicine." "It help - t4 you, 501 itt ''[4 heiped inc i'v'o'Fnadiedri• alt1117.;'(1)°"Ilck)o).1.; many bottles did you noci it neee.s- sexy to takel" "Oh, 1 didn',L, take any of it, My uncle tot* one bot- tle, and I ans, his sole eir. leinard's uniment•tar sale eyeravola 0, `,1,eItt,'Oto'" AWnIS'; nAfter ,n5arly.„".#••'' Weelt'e absenee •"01).'" lse entaitrair: e,d. eer ;eft e-peano,, elaiY• meek]. .if:'41,a`tOe. •-eroUbled'ote .eente ' -She remarked 113 aj'u isteelnelo 01 unix plgyin, des dainfally 6c<t ubIt Omit had, bee,n on the la•lit'"te ''tep &mid - n,".6; tliel„ 'deafer b , let ,015, clis Tio.06.61:':)",;611.14,0.1,4; -seerniellY:. ,'An•ct .sOniable 'SWeethe,art": '1 hosd ciFttelesia'SO cloctoe strictly forbade, :My seic&ng Yon.'".- "Poor thinig ?)' She acesavei•ed Loftily. ,"And Why .was, 1 not hs. sergt Dray?" -"ite,tela. nee le) keen? away .fy.onn. all Sweet 'things, darl- ing I" he echoed .:. Don't Get Angry, *Isie he. teSalleed.‘a tvhes face r efliaemaeti ter, dear 1" said her husband as he entered the kitchen, 'You see that ?" she replied vehemently, as slxo raised iu isedsokna at.bmixiengbng oowslin e..4 NEWSPAPERS POR SALE. i is the second bad egg have found 1.13::::::::3-5soricv, net) oBuieCnortrZ. Ntt o.inVeEi :1:‘,tr:n\edV NB. onl'olNyk. hag Cempany, 7S West Adelaide Street.. 14,00R. Terms libel al. Wilson Publish- Ilighest grade beans leit whale' and mealy by perfect baking', retaining their full strength.• .. Flavored with delicious sauces. • They have no equal. .rienewe ptfie' s ALL 1. W. DAWSDN, Ninety Colborne Street, 15 TOD WANT TO BUY OR SELL t X Fruit, Stook, Drain, or Dairy perm. write ,IL W. DrtIver,n; Brampton. or 91 Colborne St., Toronto. H. W. DAWSON Colborne St Tarawa. to -day. I believe Jun F1etejnn keeps all the . had .ories he gets in his • shop for nial" • "Well, you shouldn't get angry about it, Nellie," said her .huSbancl soberly. ',yolk ought bo have ntore sym- pathy:" ' 'Sympathy 1" she echoed 'What, do you mean? Sympathy for Jiin Fletcher 5' "No, for the eggs," he ,repliecl. "Think how long -they must have been trying to be good. ' A . Death Nearly Claimed A.ew Brunswick Lady Was Restored to Her Anxious Family' When Hope Had Gone. St. John, N.B., Dec. 15th.—At one time It was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White St., would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble, "My first attacks of back- ache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain has been. present. When I ex- erted myself it was terribly intensified.' If I caught cold the pain was unen- durable, I used most everything, but nothing gave.ebat certain grateful re- lief. that came from Dr. Hamilton's, Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. stead of being bowed down with pain, to -day I am strong, enjoy splendid] appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- ties have been instilled into my blood --cheelcs are rosy with color, and I' thank that day that I heard of so. grand a medicine as Di', Hamilton's . Pills." Every woman should use these pills regularly because good health pays, and it's good, vigorous health that comes to all who use pr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut Pills. lass Cooking litensils.„ A New York glass manufacturer ie experimenting with the neakine 01 c.o,okiong utensils of gimes. Al- ready glass percolators wad stew - pans have been made which, al- thoughthey rest on the flaantne, give no evidence of oracking, and have proved heat -resisting and non - expansive. T11.203 utensila are ap- parently not •affe.cted in any way by. the intense heat wader the;ni 04' by the contrasting temperatures of the article's which •thity contain. Glass is fur many re,a,sone superior to either enamel or aluminum, being affected by none of the adds or alkalis formed or used in •oo,oking anti not subject to the unsanitary cracking whieh is characteristic of most ena- melled ware. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE DROMO QUININE Tablete. Druggists refund money if It falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa- ture is on each. box. 250. And You Get Taken In. "What is this kleptomania I read so much a.bout in 'the papees1 Is ng." it eatein,it is takiing,1" "No Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red,.Weak, Watery Eyes tr Granulafed Eyelids. Doesn.'t Smart —Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25e, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Eye Tonle 60041 for 110 Eydn tnnt Nana Cam Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago . What the wisest of us say is of fee less importance than w.hat we leave unsaid. MISCELLANEOUS' O N't ?eNr e OOtuths Chit. 11 ANCER, TUMORS. L IJ Aire. Ertl. Internal and external, oared with.. ma pain by our home treatnaent. Write On before too late. Dr. Denman Medioal co.. Limited, Collingwood•• Ont. tatar6;11N AgOILIGRAIN Choose which Grain you like best kr your white Sugar and buy Et. Lawrence Pure Cane Granulate.' vvhite, in bags --Pine graLn, medium or coarse. Each the choicest sugar. A.!, your Grocer. ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERIES, LIMITED • MONTREAL. 06.10'13 The superintendent of a Sunday s,dhool was,illustrating for the child- ren the text,' "Arise and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt." Showing them a large 'picture, she asked: '`Now, isn't that ,splended 1 Here is the mother. Here is the young child. There's Elgypt in the distance." The cfhildren, however, looked disap- pointed, and' finally a little boy , el out "Teacher, where's the flea 7" Piles Cured In 0 to 14 Day. Druggists i•efund money If rAzo OINTMENT fails to cure Itchine. Blind, or Protruding Piles. First applicatiOa gives relief. 60c. Anybody who tries to get rid of Isis ia.uhts by aclve etising them makes a mistake. - Minaret's Liniment ;--tires sures, Eta. Le'ts of men would rather have a; , Political job than earn tie honest living. • I ppilgt -Fever In filionea, ' pink , eye, epizootic,' distemper and all nose and throat 'diseases cured, and' fin others, no matter how "ex- , posed." kept from having ally of these diseases with SPORN'S LIQUID DISTEMPER CURE. Three to Ole Coses often cure a " lase. Due bottle guaranteed te do no. Best thing for . brood maree. Acta on the blood. Druggists andharness shops. Distributors — ALL WHOLESALE DattegIfYrS. UPON N MEDICAL CO., chemists, Goshen, Indiana, U.S.A. These Honest, Tisne-Tried Ingredients=7. ite are the bulwark of RAMSAY), QUALITY ,IniRAMSAY PAINT. you get the most accurate and thOrotigh combleatitin of anproved rtny materials. Master painters will tell you no better , mated:tie exist: Your own good judgment will tell yen that scientific machine mixing is superior le gaess-work and "hand ratiduloal • SPeolfy Beltway (etyma nextbig-Job—hnd fly the odd lobiyou do yourself get the fight Aanlkylinilh:SPIendidleffiCe"frOMthPIOcalltaMS.YdealUb"V'itethernanlifarer'' (2) A. RAMSAY & SON CO..:‘,.(E,.ate!li,a‘Ezi. ,I.,“8”4, 2) MONTREAL, Que. wilatoni2323u,70.2+=0"