HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-04-23, Page 2rAi gel sit 7tiarsigt" Rti411119;',":111111'..7.101",' stees-a. aggart Bros. „Frain' the iIegt 11Lills, at the Ioweet POS8i410-:1)ei0e. DISCOUNTED DiRAETS ISSUED.: ...:,:.ifs*TEnrbsT'.A1..LOWE'D ON. .DE.7 SALE •. CHASED. . • ' . Yr. T. RANCE - NOTARY ,PTJBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ' ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT. LNG 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. ' • DIVISIONCOURT OFFICE, ' CLINTON. W. IIRYDONE, •BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, , • NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC.'''. • s Office-- Sloan Block -CLINTON W11.1."?0.7.1*E- LEY also HAY'fO'r INT.E.RisArtION'LL X,PSO'N APRIL 26. LesstsalIV.:The Lost Sheepd4b43- Eat 150110c,Golden lake,b 10.,, 1, NOW-alIniang,!..thij genara, ot.r. ."Nb hit:dry Cries li„ei tureen ' this ,afidanitr la,SV lesson. ; PablsTa collectors for the the Roriran government, and da. speedof the . Pharisees because serVing the oppressors of the Jews. Moreover, there existed in Pale- stine the system of . farming •the taxes, and the collectors could, if slishonest;dernand too much money and, keep,the-lialairee for them- f4IXes, ' Phririsees-Members et the re- ligions-pataiotic sect, dating back in their origin 4o the Maccabean period or still earliet.' They were strict in the literal observ•ance of the.' Jewish law and ritual, bitten in their hatred of the RoinanS, and; self-riahteous and :oppressive in 'their attitode- toward the common people who knew' not 81i la,w: 2. This inan reeeiveth Dinners - Raw snitch, hope for the world lies in this fact! EtLteth with them --Mere -assecia- tion with the socially outcast.; re- gardless of- the motive • prompting to such association, was enough to bar 'Jesus from fellowship with the Pharisees; according to their standards to eat with such out- casts involved social ostracism. 3. Upto them -To the Pharisees who found fault with Semis for as- sociating with publicans and sin- ners. 4. What man of you -Jesus ap- peals to their -personal experience. The Wealth of many of them may have consisted in flocks and herds. One of !them -just one is lost and so many remain, yet the • utmost concern is felt. Thus is the love of God for each individual shown. Leave the ninety and nine -The ninety and nine are not neglected, but left in their usual summer pasturage, that is, the wilderness, or the uninhabited regions among the hills where they are properly tended and suffer no want. And go after that which is lost, until he find it -The search is con- tinued until the loot is found. '. 5. Layeth it on his shoulders -- There -is no Upbraiding nor mur- muring at the trouble. The shep- herd returnsrejoicing that the lost one is save,c1. Note the contrast between 'the tender feeling of the shepherd and the cold indifference of the Pharisees, 7. I say unto you --This no.to of authority is present in all the teaching of Jesus. Joy in heaven -The interests of heaven and earth meet in the indi- vidual. Repenteth-Both in the literal sense of facing about from the wrong to the right and in the sense of regret and sorrow for wrong- doings, 8. What woman having ten pieces of silver --The silver coin is the Greek drachma, worth about siyteen cents. Women of Palestine wear strings of these silver coins hanging from the head as ,orna- ments, Perhaps the lost coin had been worn in this way. Lighta,- lamp -A ,,peasant's -hut has no window. Until she find it -As in the case of the lost sheep, the earnest, per- severing' activity of the owner is emphasized. 9. A charming picture of simple village life in which the joys and sorrows of one person are shared by all. 10. Even so -In like manner not alone the angels, but, the heavenly Father !himself rejoices over one: sinner that yepenteth. Ford & McLeod GEORGE" ELLIO'CT Licensed Anetioneer for the County e of Huron.; ',Correspondence promptly answered, Inunediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News-Becord, Clinton, or by calling, Phone 13 on 157., Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD, TILE BRICK TO ORDER. Jesus' Huiptility in the 'Hour of ,Success and Cour- age in the floinent of -Failure • "And many spread their gdr ments npOn the way; and others Forty years in use, 20 years the standard, prescribed and- reeom- mended by physician e. For Woman's Ailments, Dr. Marters Female Pills, at your druggist. CII REES R. HALE, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, -, CLINTON DRS. GUNN & GANDIER Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., Edin. . Dr. J. C. Gandier, B.A., M.D. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., -- or at Hospital. + • - '10E. J. W. SHAW • -OFFICE- RATTENBLTRY ST. EAST, -CLINTON DR. C. IV. THOMPSON PHSYICIAN, SURGEON, LTC. Special attention given to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suit- " able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron SL DR. F. A: AION - DENTIST - Specialist in Crown and Bridge s Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and R,C.D.S., To- . ronto. Bayfield on Mondays from May to December. - TIME TA 1IL-E - • Trains wilt arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICII DIV: Ching East, 7.85 a. m, 3.07 p. re. 5.15 p, m. Going West,11.07 a. m. 1.25 P. 6.40 p. m. " 11.28 p. m. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV Going South c Going North, I t 7.50 a, m. 4.23 p. m. 11,00 a. m. 6.25 p. m, OVER as lf.eaRir execcueNce DESIGNS ' Mime MARKS _ COP RIGHTS ISeC. Anrche eefiding n sketch and description ma), Giddily ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. 0ormuunien. t 10118 ot rictly nonocent)id. HANSSSSS on Patents 55( 1,00, 01,141t agency 110P peeving patads. Patente taken thWough Munn a 0o. hoodoo soreisi notice, without charge. In this l'Itentific-Jimo I an A handsomely. illustrated Pookly. Lariaist eh, ... CitIpLInn of any .nniontilio loured, genus for l'11110.11,1, W1 11 511hr. 500/180 Pread0, 5010 55 all newsdealer& . MUNN & erk361are"*"' New York Stanch Delon, o22/1` Et- Weehlturtoo.D, 0. LIPP" liCOTT S MONTHLY MAGAZINE • A FAMILY LIBRARY - The Best In Current Literature 12 COMPLETE NDVELS YEARLY.. MANY SNORT wromES AND PAPSRS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 PER YEAR 26ors. A co PY NoCONTINUED STORIES' evenly numeen tom PLETE IN ITSELF ,4J137tIliug But Water. Gooclele--"You have an aWfully dirty frice.'' Soiled Bylvester-"I know iG lady. 71Call't youse reeommend competelit try cleaner All kinds of Coal on band: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL FURNACE - COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD 2,?x,' in., 3m, and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality, ARTHUR FORBES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. • Phone 59. • The MeKilloly Mutual Fin Insurance Company "Rexall Cold Tablets" WILL BREAK A COLO IN ONE NICHT 25 CE NTS Farm and isolated Town Property only Insured J. --OF B. -141eLeaFLCERS - n, President, Seaforth P.O.; Jas. Connolly,Vice-Presi- dent, Goderich P.O.O. •' T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth P.O. - Directors -- D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John Grieve, Winthrop; William Rinn, Constance; . John Watt, Harlock; John Benuewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood ; M. MeEven, Clinton P.O. - Agents - Robert Smith, Harlock; E. flinch. ley, Set/forth; William Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, Holmes. Any money to be paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co., Clin- ton, or at Cat's Grocery, Gbderich Parties desirous to effect insur- ance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on ap- plication to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post. offices. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene. Clinton News' -'Record CLINTON, -- ONTARIO Terms of subscription -$1 per year, in advance; 81.50 May be charged if not so paid. No paper discon. tinuerl until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the pub. lisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label- Acivenising Rates - Transient ad. rertisoments, 10 cents per non. impel' line for &est insertion and 4 cants per lino foe each subse- • quent insertion. Small advertise. ments not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Stra,yed," or "Stolen," eth., inserted once for 35 cents, and each subsequent in- sertion 10 cents, Communications intended for pub, lication must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. W. 3. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor, , r• ' ... ....IF., "....1.!'. , HOM EXCURSIONS i 4.",,,.. .. .., f.,,A, , ..,. r.. ,.. 1 . 111 Fc . , ESEEKERS' TO MANITOBA, ALEERTA SASKATCHEWAN . Each Tuesday March sto October 27, inclusive. ,,Winttipet; and Return - $35 00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Prom Toronto, and Sta tIOSIA West and North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from 'Stations, East of Toron to. - Return Limit two months. REDUCED SETTLERS' FARES (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) EACH. TUE,SDAY, MARCH AND APRIL Settle'rs travelling with live stock ,tial effects should take SETTLERS' SPECIAL TRAIN which leaves Wert Toronto rash • 'Tuesday during MARCH. and ACRIL after arrival regular I 0120 runi. train from Toronto Union Station. Settler, and i'aiintes without iive`Etock • should tee RECULArt TRAINS, ieSOIng Toronto 00,25 p.m. DAILY. ,Through Colonist and Twist...Sleepers. , , Through trains Toronto to Winnipeg onc West. COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRATNS • No chargef or 13crths. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents rn ' • write M. 0. Murphy, D.P.a., Toronto. , "Well, well,". saki a doctor as he meb os forme -r patient in the street'. "Im alad to see you .again„„, Thomson. How are yon !this morn- ing '`First, doctor,'' eaicl Mr. 'Dlicanson eautiously, "doee it cost anythifig to tell youl" Your money book if they - don't, at THE REXALL STORIE- W. S. IL HOLIVIES, Phm.B. ORDERS for Coal may be left at R. Rowland's 'Hardware Store, or at my olllee in II. Wiltse's Groeery Store. ROUSE PRONE 19 OFFICE PRONE 140 A. J. HOLLOWAY BUSINESS AND SH RTHAND Subjects taught by expert instrglors at the 1". M:G, A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. principal ncsavrtiocreelaincotiopuatitant CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. B IscOm.E a specialist in BliSilleSe. It off e rs more opportunities than any other .calling. To reap the frill measure or success 400 must hays the best possible train- . ing. , This is Onlariois Bes-t Business School. We give in- dividual attention. You may enter our classes at any time, Three Departments -- Com- mercial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy. Write at once for 011 frec.'eatalogue. ! A. MeL A CHLAN, - • Principal. GRANITH TM= HOmt $1',Elosnw Excuois. •• To Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatche- wan; Each -Tuesday, March ard te October .a7tii; in:Chi/lie, Via ON- eago, St. Paul or Duluth. , • WINNIpEG..AND, RETURN $35.00' EDMONTON AND RETURN •$43.00; From Toronto and stations North and Wcob of 'remote, Proportion- ate low fares from stations East of Toronto. Return limit two months, Full particulars at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices, or write C. E. Horn- ing, DPA., Toronto, Ont, John Ransford & Son, UpLoWn Agent. Phone 57. A. 0. Paitison, Statioo Agent: Phone 35a, .•• branches. . . And they that ',went before, and they that &Bowed, ceied, Efosanna, blessed is he - that cometh in the name.of the Lord. • . . Hosanna:in the highest." - Mark xi:, _ , was• a :4vonde 0111 , reception: which'JeSsio reeeieed,Mlion' this fiO- al occasion of His entry into -Jells. saleni..It marked Withaut any ques- tion the flood tide of His papularity, and fame. 'Here werepeople gather- ed from all the four quarters of. Palestine, and some of them un- doubtedly from foreign lands, to celebrate the great leastof the Passover. And here they were all rushing, out, clad in ho]iday gar- ments to bid, welcome to Him who was now hailed for ,the first time perhaps as the long promised Mes- oiah, and crowds of them accompany Rini before and be -hind as he made His way into the city, with dancing and ,singing and ringing shouts of Hosanna! Ifesanna in the Highest. Inspiring, indeed, wai this popu- lar triumph in the Holy City, • And yet, if we can judge from the mea- gre reports which have been left us of this great day, Jesus does nob seem to have been at all elated by His reception. On the contrary, Luke tells as specifiCally that as "He drew nigh he booked across to the valley to :the city. gleaming hits -as alabaster in the blazing sun, "and wept over it!"- In, ,.the very. micl,st a all this enthusiasm over his coming, in other words, Jesus remained indifferent to the applause which was showered upon Him, unaffected by the proclama- tion upon a thousand lips of His Messiaship, and 'thought only of the great work whidh He had still to do, the far goal which He had still to seek, and the probability of the disaster which these involved. He wad as little .affected by the shouts of. !"Husanna" which greet- ed Hisn on this Sunday as He was by -the very different shouts of "Crucify Hint! Crueify Him!" which fell upon His ears on the fol- lowing Friday. In the one case as in the other He went His way with His heart fixed on that great end which gave Him humility in the hour of success and courage in the moment of failure. He was lifted up above the equal perils of popu- lar hatred by the steadfaSt purpose which hound His soul to God. In this spiritual aloofness, 01 ra- ther freedom, from the .passing ac- cidents of earthly' fortune'do we find the. secret at once of inward peace and outward :consecration. And in this steadfast fixity of mind and heart' upon God's purposes, as contrasted with men's desires, do we find the condition of this free- dom. To keep steadfastly upon the why of service, unspoiled by flat- tery and undaunted by hostility, to ,clo the work of God with a soul un-, tempted by applause -this is "the imitation of Christ."•S-Rev. John Haynes Holmes, A Unconscious IAnguist. Many a .man has travelled safely, if not always placidly, through Eu- rope with no other language than English at .his command; but few have been so lucky as a correspon- dent of the New York Evening POett, whose English was' aettiniltly takon for Peens& by the Frenchmen them- selves I He writes : Although I ,spealc sus language ex- cept English, I have, Dever,fhad any trouble in travelling in h'uropc . In the only instance when I greatly longed to be able to ,speak another tongue, I was helped out of a pre- dicament ,in a most unexpected way. ALa railway gba,tion in Paris , 1 coot -id net make the porters under- stand that -I wanted my baggage. Finally, In despair, I exclaimed, "Oh, h'a"00 One of the porters replied, "Oui, bah-g-sah,, 0111, bah-gazh," and be soon produced my trunk. That was the first time that 1 knew that the French have the. word "hog - age," ,asid learned how they pro-, 0 corrhge 04. .1. "So you 41E011 SY ged your maid. Didn't you find her • honeet 1'' 'Honest Why, that girl wouldn't even take an order from me." ' is certainly Otte of the most dIsgree- able ailments which flesh is heir to, Coated tongue --bitter taste in the mouth-nausa-- dizzines- these combine to make life a burden. The cause is a disadered liver --the cure Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. They go straight to the root of the trouble, put the liver right, cleanse the stom- ach and bwels, dear the tongue and take away the bitter taste from the • mouth. At the first sign of bilious- ness take ' Dr. Morses) 40 -zsdiea,zu Be.otat Piiis " .,1.11 ,„ • , • e •:•.- Th h at room - on the bathtub, wash -basin, iinolourri, woodwork, mirrors, lavatories and all metal fixings, use Panshine. Li is pufectly wholesome, has no disagreeable smell • ' and leaves nothing but absolute clean- hness behind :it. A pure, white, clean powder that doesn't scratch and positively will not harni the hands. Large Sifter 10 At alt To Tint s - e s Grocers IillIa.','.1110:-. 1111;'-'1101.e'' . Hill; of Liverpool,, who maintains a winter home on the Mount of OliveS •in Jerusalem: Lady Hill paid the tribesmen fur their work and brought the ikon to London.' The ikon is made in the form of a half room with the front eleva- tion surmounted by the royal arms. The figure of the Saviour and. His disciples about thetable are done, in fall relief in- solid mother of pearl. The work is very complete, even the smallest table uterisilein mother Of pearl -occupying their'�r- dinary place on the table. The workmanship 15 exquisite and - the design excellently done. It is pro- bable that if no means can be found for delivering .the ikon !to the Ring, it will find a resting Plebe in some London museum, JOHN BULL'S MILLS. What 0 real, Britain Will Site II ti In 191344. TIE14011111 expenditure for the year 1913-14 involves so sum amounting in a to more than 195,600,000 ($978,000,000). One, hundred and ninety-five mil- lions! Such 01 figure is almost in- com.prehensible, and one may .well wonder how it is p-ossible nob only to find bat to spend so Minh money in a single year. After all, con- siderably less than one-quarter of it is accounted for by the oosk, or the Navy a,beut, which one hears so nmeh. In addition to this, the Airny is down for twenty -„eight and a quarter million pounds. 'Perhaps it has ne- ver occurred to you that Britain's land force is so expensive to main- tain, or thab the enormous Gorman Acmy costs only half as much again as Britain's sinali force. Then 'the Civil Services, as they are called, claim 1160,000,000, ad- age ,pensions, twelve and a half mil- lions; and some twenty millions are spent annually on schools, colleges, and museums. And then, further, John Bull, of , course, ie'heevily in debt. Interest en loans, in fact, .coste him no leas than twenty-four -and a 'half mil- lions a year. Among other annual charges -which he has to face may ,be mentioned the following: 24,- 000,000 to' aid local purposes; 21,- 600,000 to maintain arnbassadore and consuls abroad; 2470,000 for th,a King and his' household. Rosifilals. of ,Olden Time, Hospital patients of to -day are better off than their anoestors of "the good old times." Mr. Wheat- ley in his booic o.n "London," quote& from a Scottish act of par- liament, of 1380 to the effect that "gif ony .man bringeto the market corrupt swine or salmoncl to be salad, they sail be taken by the baillie, and inc,,ontinent, without ony qtrestion, oall be sent to the leper folke"; and if there be no lepers then only "sell they be de- stroyed utterlie." • The same plea- sant custem obtained in Oxford in time fifteenth' century, where all pu- trid meat and fish were by statute sent to Bt. John's hospital. ,No Friends Like The Old Friends Prom girlhood through middle life and right along to old age Chamberlain's Tablets are woman's best friend --feed the nerves, aid digetion, stop headaches, keep the blood rich and assure good health generally. 'Try them, 25c, a bottlo Druggists and Dealers or by mail. 0 qualmish Deakins Co., Toront. " GIFT MTN G CAN'T ACCEPT. Mother of Pearl Ikon of Lord's Supper, Sent FT0111 A mother of pearl ikon, of the "Lord's Last Supper," almost identical to that presented to the. Emperor of Russia, by the Sultan of Turkey as a peace offering on the outbreak of the late war with Italy, is in London awaiting -a claimant. It was destined for King George,. but because it is not tin official gift it cannot be presented to him, and, Since no one else has a eight to ac, cert it, the'ilcon remains without a The history of .the ikon - began began when Italy cast covetous eyes on Turkey's Tripolian possessions. 'Pim Sultan, in need of friends, de- termined bo turn to his powerful neighbor on the north and in true Orientl fashion decided to accom- pany his ,overtures with a girt: He ordered the Kobi, an Arabian tribe celebrated .for its mother of pearl work, to make an ikon of the "Lord's L-ast Supper" for present- ation to Clic Russian Emperor. It was no small order, for the mother of pearl bad Co be carried a twelve - day camel journey into the interior from the seashore. While the tribe was at, work oa the ikon one of its members, who had served in the Britioh army, !paid a visit bo his old home, ,and when' 155 saw what was being ct,ne he insisted that it would be the grossest discourtesy to his royal master if a sirriiltur gift was net made for Ring George. The only difference between the iswo is that the Russian gilt is surmoented by the .freperiai arms of Russia, while the English image bears the royal arms of Great Britain. When the 'artesian gift WS% ftnsh- ed the agents of the Sultan paid for it and carried it away, bet the IC0- bi tribesmen did not know how to send the replica to King Ge.orge. Ito was finally taken' to Sik johia. Gray wa.M.IVAVVW,Vsto cz- ,WW.N.113 PURE-- PALATABLE NUTRITIOUS -- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE ARP SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION -Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA si7,AAAASAVAANA7A4CAANAVA1,1411,AtiVA/h/AAVA/ZNA/A7INA'i k /A/AZN/A\ il\AM,/chtie MOSNIMINIMIe '1^1'11F1 '}, ^t11, TI -IIS IS A STORE OF DEPENDABLE VALUES A store that keeps in touch with the constantly changing jewelry style.. A Ai:a:P414 sells' the same- goods asthose wild in the better stores all over the country- - And sells them, too, at as lOw prices as ANY STORE Everything we show you Can be depended upon to BE exactly what we tell yoii it is. This 40-o from Tie "folders at a quarter to Diamond And it matters not what you ma:y require nor when, if it belongs to a Jewelry stock, it's here. Prove these things any tinie ocutsion arises. R. Counter JEYVELFR arid 1.5JEE,' OP MARIZIAGE L,C.NES