HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-04-16, Page 6'es .ESTAIrD 3856 .Used by success- ful planters for over half a century Ourlargeand beautifullyillastrated CATALOGUE FREE J. A. -SIMMERS; Limited. ' iCRONTO, ONT. 001 Tile Passing of Winter Laves people Weak altd,b.cl)FSed" 'wilater aWa5' it leaves' Many people ,feeling Wealtsklensose- ed ArIc1 easily tired, ntebc4y lick 1,114 Vaal, force and energY .blood alone cansgives. Pink Pilis'for F'ele People; are asa all-ye.a.s.rounci blood builder sand nerve tonic, but they •are espeeiallsl usefill in- the spring. -Every close helps te anak-e ue.w, stela, red blood. Returning strength eem- minces with their use and the vigor and cheerfulness of good Ise.alth qn ickly follow s. There is just one cure for laele of blood and that is more blood. Food , is the, material'from, which bleed is made but Dr. '17,.Villiamsi Pink Pills clenbl'e the value of the food we eat. They give strength, tone up, thta Onni,eh and Weak digestion, clear the complexion ofpuppies, esuption,s and boils, and drive out rhellrnafie poisons. , If you arepale and sallow. if You feel continually tired out; breath, - less ..af'ter slight exertion, if. llaare Weasittebe,S. oi .iahlta-efies if y,ous saints stone, if y.our appeittb,.. faile,and food dues not..n,ounish nor sleep refresh you, Dr.' Will•iame' Pink Pills will make you 'Weil strong. To had s:jU is the special praLlare% 0s.' Pink piiisylp that is why they are spring in.e.dieine. If you .. n .flee' the eed,of a tonic alethis sea- " son give Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pigs a 'fait trial !and you will rejoice in mew health; stew strength and new energy. 1)o not let the trying wea- ther -of summer find you weak and ailing. Build yourself up 110,,,V With Dr. Rink Pilli-e-the pills that ;strengtheti. Ask for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale.Peo,ple sincl.dp not be. pee. seeded to take saimething else. If your dealer does ' not keep. these Pills they Will be sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Wil- lie -ins' . Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The Tobeh of Genius. Sandy Macpherson started to build a small outhouse of brick. Ar - ter the Usual plan al bricklayers, he Worked frem the inside, and, as he ' bad thematerial close beside hits, the walls were rising fast when noon arrived, and With it his son, Jock, who brought his father's din- ner. With honest pride in Inc eye, Sandy looked at Jock over the wall on which he was engaged, arid ask- ed : "Hoo d'ye .think Yrs) gettin' "Famous, feyther ; bat hoo dae ye get od? 'You've , forgot the doorl" • • • - 0116 :glance round him showed Sandy that Ins son was right ; but looking kindly at him, he said "Man Jock, you've gob a' graft' heid on ye ! 'Yell be all architect yets, as sure's yes feyther's . • builder." UnneeeSsarY. 'mot' s that your fat:hes is say- ing?" . says if yotere not Olth Of here in ten minntes he'll come down and help you °IR."- , "Tell him it won't be necessary., I'm a'self-starter." • bo Corns Lead to Cancer ? • --- As yet 4114S has not been moved, but interested parties will find nothing bet- ter for earns than Pa Loam's Corh Ex- tractor, CIa, at an deniers. Neasly every, man is willing to do his duty as he sees it. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. • CO1111)11111E5 NOt Worrying. . 'Young Bounder thinks .h.e is 'go- ing to set the world .essre,),) •• "1 don't eee the insurance rates going up any." HAND WOULD CRACK WITH SALT RHEUM Pained and. Burned, Hard and Sore Lumps, Couldn't Rest or Sleep. Finger Swollen, Cutioura Soap and 'Ointment Cured. ;Legere Corner, N. 13.-1 had salt rheum an my handfor a good many years. Every, winter myhand would erackand part of the Limo I had to wear a glove tit do ,my, seprit, „ for when 1 washed in hot water with'it un- wrapped it Used to.irriSate$so'rnuelr that didn't,know, „what to db. 1 had to talco a rough,towel and rub it until the bZdQd would • come SetnetireeS. Many a Mght I had to sit 7 ItO imbed and rub them and sonietinios that ,lidn't satisfy.' 1 had...15 'scratch with tny ' ,fltigers and:the nett morning I would find a ; ,hig piece of skin wthet Iliad taken off. This Maori litid soros on ono, or My hande.;,' thohght they' wain" " They; istineci and, burned. They started just like a little • ilium: oneliticalld buS Itarci Mid's= anclafter that tlierewottld he is b113 bosch efsC,usand • when thatmould be out -it would laaVe•t, opening- abnost as blILS 'half ,i1V'ePnt piece. 1 COUldn't rest or sloop Witattlie paha, . and the Miming sensation. The ulcer 0 1,a4 no In17 finger this NrIter was -still worse, , There was more Inflammation for my flhger • , was swollen ahnost 'twice its natural. size ' and was Just as red as a piece of flannel'. ;• "1 took ,the Cutionca Soap and made a suds w11,11 ft and washed the hand with a • piece of cotton and after it was washed 1115511 ,to take tile Cu ticura Ointment and, spread ie on typieco of cotton and wrap the band with it. I was cured in little over a woolc.". (Signed) Mrs. Chart() Surctio, Sono 5, 1053. Limns, Soap and Caticura Ointment arc sold by druggists and dealers ovorywhare, Troy a liberal Inc sat -note or caoh. with 32 -pi NSA:, sond post -card to Potter 'Drug Chem. Cern, Dopt D, Boston, S. CliI OLI)NV....ilLf;;; or Titrittit - I•trirr • L'.;14,11, , tyi,oly 7,4 1,4111418,Xit'el 1014:::•Cat .;'• , • " ,,,••fp IILIlL.iul'T • : ! :VerY, sagortly.the;isamiedsstreets::Of 'the ,City, wi1. Isum wbh the, t*Irte "-dent*: Care, nLii Mere ''intiiolitifitt .,t1i'oretiglifaiiiiwill, -he'..illinninatedr, :at :flight vjtiu. 'the- filatarent.' Its okli Picturesque: Walls; and MaisiYest.o*:,, era are • to be :PidleddoWn; aiicl the: :city is: tO-shave• ,an adequate 'water simply, wsitee ..a correepOndent at J.eruSalena. Therapidity with which :Orissa's: l:ekteisding blsrough the tarn Of he 3ew an•sueli large!,111.11n7. 'hers -to theicity: Of their forefOtherei• has. seadered these iniprovements, necessary, ' Indeed, to the" north wncI:WesIti of the old 'pity there have asiring 4, *Akin .The last decade, large:. Jewish , 'coleasieS,o'Populdes residential Seiltiens, as Wellsas cciru yenta; IMO:ices, histitittionss:Sphoola. arid citherbuildings ,With: the: reeulb. that to -day there:. is .asgreater Jery miens Without the w011s. than within. • F.:,e_nr__Sepa49.te4ffirffiS4ty lesitieSt-stres tripe laid &WM. They will ,arpesart. froin the. Jaffa Gate,stlie principal entre:nee into the, city, and riin'ent side the, city walls through the; newer pasts of Jerusalem. T•he first, which will have a length of 'about .two Miles, will give easy access' to what may be termed the business •quarter of the Holy City, while the second, of similar :length, will link up the. large Jewish colonies to the north with the city's principal en- trance. The third will encircle the Old city, embracing many o.i its' most historic sites, such as Gorsion's *Osilvary,',believed by many scholars to be the scene of the ,Cruciforion the Tomb of the Kings, the Mouni of Olives, and the Valley of je. hoshaphat. , • The Road to Bellilehem. The fourth line will run from the Jaffa Gate to Bethlehem, some six miles distant, traversing what is perhaps the mostsacred thorough- fare in the world. .it teems with re- puted holy places -sacred wells, tombs; and oonvents. The work of 4y1Al',fr the rails is to begin next April, and according to the terms of the coneessien, the •syndicate :have power to extend the lines in any direction for a distance of some twenty-five miles. The city walls, which have a di:- cm:inference of about three and rise in places to a height of 32/,'; feet, :are now being ,olfered by the Government for sale as building material. It is expected, however; that efforts , will be ,tnade to save isolated sections, more pasticularly the massive towers. Indeed, influ- ential citizens cif Jerusalem have formed a society and are approach- ing the Government with a view to preserving David's Tower, which they propose to convert intosa Mu- seum. Of- late years Jerusalem has suf- farc.d greatly 'from the:want of fresh water. • With the exee.ption or a small, quantify brought into the city ftom the ancient pools or Solomon, near Bethlehem, by itmans'of a pipe which rune along the old aqueduct,. We Holy City iss•entirely dependent for its water upon the, rainfalls NOV reservoirs are to be built in the up- per part of the valley of the Beook- Cherith at the springs; of Ain Fariah and Ain .Fouwa.r.; ;here the water will be stored and brought into the city as required. Tele•phones in Holy City. That Jerusalem is gradually be- ing Westernized is evident. A few months ago a watei•-cart was broughisout from England to water the roasts, which lied previously been sprinkled from skins. Then it W115 only a year ago that the Holy City was equipped with ell efficient teleph:one service, while now its po- lice are to have bicycles. Then,' not only in Jerusalem, hub all over the country, modern andth- ode are being brought into vogue, On the rich plains of Sharon, lying between Jaffa and Jerusalem, one may detect modern harvesting and reaping ana.chines driven by steam, as well as threshing machines oper- ated by Motors. This- ie a 'Mat IIII- pre;vemetit On the old-fashioned inethcid. of reaping by hand and thre,shing out the corn on the primi- tive thse.shing floors hyostefi. The extensive -.orange groves around Jaffa are now being irrigated by waters, rai.sed by, motor-olsiven pumps. At Jaffa the French arc to build a harbor, whith is certainly badly needed. A motor -boat has been plaeed 'ost Seas and simi- las craft ar'e running upon ther.lor- '1damsand the Sea of Galilte,-castry- ing ..botla passengers and freight. Upon the shores of the latter she,et of water a lish-ouring and sardine ,fttetory is. to be established. • , • „ .1?aris: '17,l1e:lei"C1anaPS which resin/in Iduse , at the Miiiielny of the' Interior. only' bile Of :the anachronisms of 1.10,ris;. for the French, despite their republican p,rincipleS, •are at heart essentially conserv,atiye. A year tWo stnee an enterprising jour- nalist climovered „that sine of the • • , (mots of the' Palais de justic,e W'15 left ajar every night, .a,nd a dive among the old re;cords revealed that fad; that -this partioular door :hati aofi elni 1). sin;aa, 1912, when Loni oielltined that it e1soult1 re• mei». perpetually 'open se 1; h at nay snbsects may vele justice at all Kilirs of the day or ni4h.l. °Ilona e if,2tJ)A.',0-11%• ' ""• ' teS0,44141.eit .ttr 'the iStory:icit .qcorgo, '.(.1)bOifit,i).,•:511,. you "itroi3e. ho, o St:Met': frOinottro, lnitair; heaslachelitid.:that tired, liah lese:feelingthat 5551±55 'o'k it. haiti- ship aci lfe' not, avniallislivings.; the Sties's,: Of G:e.O,.;141. ,Staescler",:•is weIl' .hiroWit:yOung anari'of thie pla,C;$ 1 " pesisrly.. ten Years,'' Mr. SI:ander says, `11",saffeasect from sore back 'end hearlaehes ',1: had a 114a43 , taste lictysubutili ±0 the; and 1 was, always decided that My kiditey,ssistes•s. vse •0511150 tbItC1 trY got hialf-a'-closen • Iplikes•• aessisi'hefore ha,d linished.taking„ theni!,1: was PletalY 4uaed,: • : • _ "1, advitSe::anyone. suffering,: ab tO:usse Kaney Ilealthy"lcisineys . strain • :all' int- lau:ritiese, :all the seeds...of sliseaie., ont ,of., the liked. WeelS'olcidcieY8" theee inpiaTibi.SS 53 the -.0.06c1,, alldthii. residt lie_ rieryou,Sisies; tired faeling 041.<1 Bright?.Disae;' bodd's 'Kidney Tills •Make-lvealS iidtsey± alrong ana •. G1l EINE'D 11-,,E:j'*!'siBliAt:i A . ' wonion of Seveitty 'Who- Suffers,in • fts l'ande of Freedom,. "Babushka," the Russian word tor "little grand/imams". is the half-endeaxing, halfSrespectful name applied by revolutionaries to' Mme. Katherine 13seshk.ovsky, whose re - :cent attempt to escape ,from her living tomb in Siberia, created such sfir.., A large number or Russian refu- „gees in London assembled recently - to eelebrate "Babushka's" seven- tieth birthday, and a. wonderful. story was unfolded by numerous speakers, marshalled by M. Kuno- viteh, himeelf a celebrated revolu- tionary, who escaped front Siberia a few ;Veal's ago. Though hornin a well -bo -do fams ily, and Married to a Liberal land- owner, Mane. BreshIcovsky dicl ri.;ot hesitate to forsake her husband and her children to enter the ranks of the first "propagandists" among the ,peasantrY. That was in the early seventies. For doing this she was arrested, kept ±0 prison Ids three years, end the arraigned with 303 Others be- fore a special tribunal, which sent her to the Siberian mines for foul. years. In 18331 she made hes escape, but Was eaaght and sentenced once. more to four years' hard labor, with subseqnent settlement in :Si: heria for life. But no amount of hardship and vile treatment clould break her in- domitable spirit, and in 1897 she simply took thestrain back to Rus- sia, and, ignoring the authorities, helped ts1 establisk the Revolution ary Socialist party. Subsequently she,isnclesteolc a leetuse tour to the United States tO obtain funds for the "Cause."' • , - Her arrest i» 1907 ftillewed on the denunciation of thc notorious spy and, agent -provocateur A zeff, At, :reigned; once more-thistime with M. Nich;olas Tehaykovsky-she was concissun;d1 in 1910 to banishment to Siberia. Though an old woman, bsoken in health, ,she made a daring attempt to escape in December last , P WA ID STA • A fter Changing to Poston). Many a tal•ented person iskept back because of the intee•ferente of tea. Or COITee WM the nourishment of the body. • This is esp,ecially • SO with those whose nerves are very sensitive, as is often the ease with talented pet - seas. 'There is' a simple, ;easy way to get sid of tea and eoffee troubles, and a lady's experience along these limes is worth considering: She SayS "Manes& from the beg•inning sir he use of coffee ,jt hurtsmy sto- mach, By the ailacs1 was fifteen, I was &Most a nerimus wreck, nerves all unstrung, no strength 'tn..endure" the most 'trivial thing, either' work 'There Was scareselyariPsit.ings. eat that tvoliTd agree with Inc. The little 1 dad .eat seemed to give nio ,mors trouble than it web worth, 3, was literally starving; was so weak I could not sit up long at, a time. ' • , , "It WAS then a frie,nd brouglittne a hot cap or Peettun. :I -drank part of it .;and: after, an :hots)* I fell ars" though I had bad something to eat -feltstrengthened, 'That Wee about five years ago,and gates:continuing Postum in Place Of coffee and gna,- .getting, sisonget, 'to -day I earl eat :and digest anything want, walk as much as I want. My nerVe,s the, Dist thing thatsdici , Aim any go:°:(1, 51 13 gave ses 3115 ,np- 'Ward start wa,e'Poettim, ;end 1 use altogether now instead or etiffee." Name given Canadian 1? 00(35531 Co., Windsor, 001. • Posintut ntiw oomes in two forms; Regtdar Poet:Din mast be well b,oiled. 15a aim). 250 packages. n eta n i; Post in -is a soluble, pow - des. A 00115epoosi±0 3 ,t1 WWI hti quick- ly in a cup of hob Weter and, with (11 00011 11514 sugar m alma" a delicious beverage instailtiY• 300 and ti00 : The cost Pet cup •of both kinds is ahout the OUT' 'T13 e:a's a Ileitsen'' ros P 041.1111. • -Sold by Gorer. 141'43 'WU(fl AJt1 EXPEN1V:E.- :MlOtelltlster:stkilltitilinll " IgefiCheeters,Otiatdian'hil,4:lieeli, jTv ng ahis40001ikqjhe J1l01fS3Ou 513' tifirorilailate:_kslticfb ±0 gsve It) clnk •Il30lsfs•0as,;(l40'0u:i4.i.O*Pe411Filv • :4ifS,•'"14g3Cor to. ;country lio.uses;, :esneeiallY: 441; ,Chri,staitte;:•kociav t. their sniag iv<.$114.1;c1-.. have: •liefen equally; content. with a, lialf-crown box' of -Soldieis,' wais re - (101)133' preSented . With a' .5,40 ituan- of-trb,', bbs donor's regrets that lie had net been •alsle,: to •get - com- plete with. gone' (CoOting a solid Min- , , sired guineas) being,reoelived with, quite Mild disclaimers by the ernall hoy'S ,Parents.; :The"tiniestellildten are presented with, suchthings' aa grocer'shops completely ',fitted and obstia4 a .611141 ,f,ti•rtutte-, and 'expens sivameelsaniCal toys. • s . Added to this, the appalling faah- ion Of jewellery for :children has come over from America, andthe dattgliters, of American peereses a-nd others poSsess complete ,in,iniature CaseCtincl,7eXpensive,'if biny, ings, lir ookrAst, :thewrik.or. quotes a deseription ef tWO Of -the was Trinee.selif Wales) playing 114:-. y ±0 bbs gart ea ,. togrnoie *ibli 'llettp spades eind:buCkets,' liresumably- t.hey had any ,tays they 0011141 Wish for. Every ipossee.2,01. ,01 it nursery will appteciate tite truth of ..the moral. The over -expensive toy kills imagination by leaving noithing .to it, and. 11 is just in the exercise 'bf. that,. a true child so inah delighta. A MOTHER'S PRAISE OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Fred Tinkham, South Ca- naan, N.S., writes :-"Please send roe another box ,of Baby's Own Tablets as I dc, not care te be with- out them I have used them re- peatedly and consider them the hest me;dieine in the world fer ones:" Thensande of other moth- ers eay the same thing. The tab- lets Mire all the minor ills of child- hood such as constipation, sour stomach, colic, colds, simple fevers, etc., and are guaranteed to be abso- lutely safe. Sold by medicine deal- ers or by Mail at 25 cents •a. boat from The Dr. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A LC 0 II OL v. MEMORY: Number 40' i•isperinteuis With Rom And 'Memory Tried. . Dr. Smith, of Heidelberg, Ger- many, has oecently conducted so.ms experiments which show how thor- oughly alcohol disttarbs the mem- ory. A flambee ' persons weve giltell three or four glasses of beer a day and required to memorize certain sentences, and write them down CD paper. Haff a dozen ex- periments were made with each 'per- son. No :sentence was longer than four lines. The person was given the sentence and told to go and write it out; in fifteen Or twenty minittes ,bentebee was given and the process repeated. ' For bU,Enty days those experi- ments' were carried on. The same amount of beer was- given daily: After the sixth ckey the errors a,atl tosses in mensory ineteitaccl; and on the twentieth day the losses a me n te d to 70 pee certt. ; that' is ,,, in one himdsed experiments over seventy of them were erpors and mistakes. The faults of mentei•y steadily increased. The first day's experiments showe,c1 a small amount, of error. Then there was a steady iner,e;ase. _ , This experiMent confirms Profes- 'soy Kreepelin's testa of remember- ing n um b e Ts , and words. He found that without alcohol one hundred figures: con.ld be remembered after forty repetitions, an average of •two and a half numbers to each repeti- tion. Vith alcohol the same perstra could , only ern emb e sixty figures after sixty repetitious', an average of ,ond »amber for :each repetition. This: showed a dimi:eittion cif nor- mal memory to the extent of over 40 per cent. ' In every day life, w,here accuracy ofmernory is ,called for, it is a corn - mon fact that alcohol' dijnkers are, the most unncliable., Events which the person had intense interest in se,esned tp • make *title - or no im- pression 'on :the brain when' an,der th,e influence of spirits, ',and only with difficulty could be recalled. Even when remembered they were. -clistonted and inaccurate. , 'These .c.xperiments bring out the a:etonishing fact that the memory,. of all the brain functions, suffers, stied pronolincesily: from the 1.1f5e, of alenhal, n iiilpless, from- ltiumatistn Gin Pills Give 1-rotlipt Relief 311Y 'Curio 4 The 1idneys. ' Mr.' Samtiel "Ltinginore, or' 5Ioni•re61, saYs: us't a' word of praise for Glaq ..1.boat fifteen 'months ago ,citandinht walk across by roomr.suffer- Nig ,SeVerely. with Rheumatics 0 tuok GIN PILLS and beoame unite well: Two mouths ago, Et had Rheumatic • pains with Neuralgia,' 0, resorted" to GIN PILLS again, rot, one week and,became tiOc. Bok, 6 -for $2.50. Sample :tree if you write National' Drug & Chemical Ch. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, ; Not Vi 'Jo Worlsruati-Iive gotten married sis, anti ,f'd like you to raise my wages, ; , • •- ilfanployer---Very sossy for you, but I'm onl.y responsible fps abci- ?en1t that: oecu r in 'the wdsks. 'Minard,s, Liniment Relieves Netiralgia. Pay ste 'eon go,,,but save enough tb pay for a return ticket. 'C'eases . • . Evory Citrod JUST BUB O'N OtD-TIME ''NERVI, - LINE," • ..' Net dr51S Jitside! ` • • ail/fur stiffness' that makeS,yott. Y'elp.sworse than a' kicked dog bo -curetl-eured, for %ti- certainty, and , -7f0i4kly',•11:56;lf ybii just'sith on Neuf: Nervipi :sr:101i, '132,10 •the '63iOti'rlahdots,'oriNver thlaSe testured muscle's, 'do this and -1,11-6 pain Will go. YOU flee Nerviline is thin, not oily. ThfirefOre it sinks in, 45 penetrates through the tissues, it gets 'right to those stiff, :lose muscles and irritated nerves that make yeti dance with, pain. You'll get alinoet instant relief 00311 muscle, soreness,' stiffness, aching joints, lameness or rheumatism by rubbing with Nerviline. . it's a south. ing • liniment, and doeen't•« blister, doesn't burn or. evqn stain the skin, lt's the most harmless cure, in the worid-for Lumbago, Back Strain or Sciatica. It takes away the' ache at cince and ends year misery quickly. Now quit complaining--cloret Stiffer another day,-Nerviline, that good, soothing ohl•timesliniment will limber' you Up mighty quick. Gat busy to- day, the large 50e. family size bottle is the most economical, of course, the trial size costs' but 25e. Any dealer anywhere can supply Nerviline, , . To Celebrate ilannoeldsurn. , Greatarrangements are 'being put forward in Se,otland for the celebra- tieff' ethOssix, bandredtkanniger-, sassy of tile battle of Bannockburn this year, and a committee,- which was appointed by' associations and Publm bodies representative of, Scottish national feeling, has issued a report of its proposals. 'One of the intentions of the committee is to erect a permanent ;memorial on the field ot the battle, It is suggested that several acres of land should he bought roand the: I3orestone on the field' of Bannockburn., to be laid! out as a public park. A national holiday is expected to be proclaimed throughout Scotland on the anni- versary of the battle, Wednesday, Jlinli 24. • ' Free Lnitelies in England. The free Innch has never been properly tried in England -chips of cheese and' very dry .bis.calits being as far as it has gone, But one comes across occasionally hostel- ries where the price charged for a good square:meal is reduced almost to :vanishing point. This writer passes every clay two establishments that are carrying on a :friendly war as to which -shall give the cheapest dinner. As it stands at present, one advertises, "cut off the joint, two vegetables, and bre,ad and cheese, tor 5d," while the other is a short head _behind with "a good old Englieli dinner for 6d.'' Stop Sneezing - Quit Sniffeling Cure Your Cold THE SOOTHING VAPORS OF CA- TARRHOZONE ERNS INSTAN- • TANEOUS RELJEF., Thousands of Testimonials Proire That Catarrhozone Cures Permanently. when germs attack tie lining of the nose, make you sneeze,andsgam-when later on they infest the bronchial tubes, -how can you follow them with a cough syrup ? You can't do it -that's all. Cough syrup go to the stomach -that's why they 11511. • But Catarrhozone goes everywhere -gets right after the germs -kills them -heals the soveness•-euses the in Stamina tion -makes Catarrh disap- pear. "Nothing I have ever used gives the warm, soothing sensation of Catarrh - ozone," writes Isabel Pry, oE Seguin Palls, Ont. "I was i11 a frightful waY avail catarrh -of the nose and throat - had droppings, hard breathing, bad breath and indigestion. Catarrhosone relieved at once and cured nte thor. °uglily. It is invaluable ia colds, sore throat and bronchial trouble." Not difficult for Caterrhozone to cure,:be- cause it contains the essences of pine balsams and other autisepties that simplyeinean death to catarrh. Large size costs $1.00, and contains two menthe' treatment; smaller sizes 26c. and 50c., ail druggists and storekeep- ers of The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. Ills Ambition. The minister was making friends with Willie, his host's sob. "And how old are vou ?'' he asked, ; "I'm five,'' Said 'Ah, quite a little man 1 And what am you go- ing to be?". questioned the mini- ster, ,w.ho has been in the ministry SD many years thane now believes that he selected his own career in the cradle, and that all infants do likewise. `Tin going to be six," Willie .re turned. jaidging by .A ppearaneeii. Have you, called on the new preacher's wife yet 1'' `'No. Have you?" - "Fes ;,I was thee yesterday. gaess he must have married her for her mOney."- "'Did 41he say anyllaing about hav. ing a rich father?", "No ; but they have a rug 00 tlie living room floor that mast imve cost'at'least $40.'' '1341111 .&80t3tllbflf s herel.ity, who three 31555 agoJofh,Mpl'bosroo wihh 011)3(3 assistante 3101;c1;15 'string el 18 patrielri to eziplere,:the ,Norther:i. of .11.1te•titalia. •si.1.111,0 0'3003 In'01414.a. be liaelataen,engstied 'on survey work ,1-40-.116±1111- th. e of .tlie POtio-W wise,iie,.thease ls 5 likelilsdati of a, liar, b'Or.being„in.ado develicP- rliecrub3tud possibly es naVal, laaVing Captai,i Barclay' :nOW ,1.0' years oil, age, .tastaselleti over; 8S000r;Ml es .ans,',0).- apiated,p,dno miles nf'edastline.' thinks the:Asa:41.00.373'. distine.tly a White inen'e Lads, Wrier Wise. isave just been told, .writesti •cerrsisp,Ontlent of thelsanclon Chroniele, the story of i. jo,dy of title who lately beard that a suffra- gette attack Was meditated !so:lapel her .cetintry h,ousta: Instead :of go- ing 'into hysterics, suinmentiag the police,: ands seating a guard tinvol the premises, she quietly forwarcled a 'substantial eontribution ths heasiqua.rte.rs. of the militants. And now she feel)S, safe. Even the wild- est .5 the. wild wcimen" wotild scorn to dasaage property -of a, siapporter. Women i7jth Sallow Skin Hero is a Good Treatment ! "I'fou Get Results' Quickly. Womanly beauty is largely the out- ward expression of health. Every woman with pale cheeks and poor , complexion needs -medicine- needs a potent tonic to.regulate her • sYstoemtn Tne up the stomach -to insure good digestion -to give new life and vitality to the whole system -where is there a_ remedy like Dr. Hamilton's Pills? , Dr. Hamilton's Pills enable you to eat what you like --they correct con- s tipation--malce nourishing blood - instil force and vim.Into a run-down system. If nervous and can't sleep, your re- medy is 'Dr. Hamilton's Pills, -they search out the cause of your condition and you rise in the morning refreshed, strong, vigorous, ready for the day's work. Dr. Hamilton asks every weak and debilitated person to use his Mandrake and Butternut Pins. They make old folks feel young, and weak folks feel strong. Their effects upon insonania and langour is anarvenous. Hundreds declare they soothe and quiet the nervee so that a good night's rest al- ways .follow their use. To look well, to feel well, to keep well, use Dr. Hainilton's Pills. They are mild, cleansing, strengthening - good for the young or old, Sold by all dealers in 25e. boxes. G !JEST WHO DOESN'T PAY. Hotel :Keepers iii japan Give 131113 Broom Treatment. If a guest leaves a ,Japanese hotel without paying his hill, a broom is dressed up, has name, is attached to it, and it is inverted as a sign of disrespect, says W. L. Hildburgh. Complaint, he added, is then made to the figure, and it is order- ed to bring the money next day. Farmers heat beans to find out what the weather is going to be, and sacrifice a black horse if they want rain. Paper amulets are used dur- ing thunderstorms, and shopkeep- ers at the end of ,each year conduct demon -dispelling ceremonies. To avoid litigation the person who fears it bath.es in the twilight on the fourth day of the fourth month. In villages wells are eover- ed over during eclipses of the moon, as the people believe that poison drops from the sky at that time. consider MINA RlYS L EN tAITINT the 13E1)33 Liniment. in use, got iny foot badly Jammed latelY. 1" bathed it Well with IVIENARTYS LINI- MENT, and 11 was as well as ever next day. . 'Yours very truly, Ct. ilfellalf,f,EN, Winkle-"IViy wife would make a good -member of 1 arliament. Hinkle -'`Why 1" Winkle --``She's always intsochicing bills into the ;house." Plleg Cured 15 6 to 14 Daps Druggists refund money 10 rAzo 0INT5IENT fails to cur. Itching, or Protruding Piles. Virst application gives relief. liec, Sonue surgeous manage to carve out big fortunes. • atinard's Liniment Cures Burns, eta jifirS RCHO011Se. Because of .her own good looks, Mrs. Hatch felt she married be- neath her When she "took up" with oneeyed Sinn. For six: Menths she Was faithful te ,her r vow never -to twit, her !husband about laiS deform - ±03:; then, one clay; • her shoal) tongue got the better of hos. . Jirn )isstened: quietly to ho eStintate Of himself. nhriell' and otherwise, he spoke at, . last, in his calm voice. ou te 51 Constipation-'- s is an enemy within the camp. It will undermine the strongest constitution and ruin the most vigorous health. IS leads to indigestion, biliousness • impure blood, bad complexion, sick headaches, and is one•of the most . frequent causes of appendicitis. To neglect it is sloW suicide. Dr Morse's Indian Root Pills positively cute Constipation. They are entirely vemtable in composition anti do not sic ten, weaken or gripe. Prennve your heult ri by taking Dr. morse's " IndiucAra Ekocot RD. 4. 14.481111 • wife now, brit if 1'4 had two eyee, T'ci ';a/ looked furcl;er," ' `Your fatties has- is lot, of vety finc thicken,'' observed ilia young mast. r`Bas 11 1 ititnibabons?'' No," sai•I the SWee(3 young thing jest hosee from boerding,eiciaool, "I taii-nlc Reeks." "AV]] h. v el y a ton 1) I x ic liTsresiit has!" "'Dist iso'!to eoifl- piox I on, ' step ed 21313 ,g1/155, `That is sileguise," A 11' ready bakdid1 tY alliceLY wtPlu mealy -sand full ilavmed, Heating only is necessary. 4111110 ;;;•••,., 5311,4,,,, '`. •04ust nowtatilt 'PARMI FOR SALL B. W. DAWSON, Ninety Collier.. Stro.t. Toronto. 55"g8t!" sr,(1,',;i'101r.°1.-BuoT. write W, Dawson, Brampton, sr 15 Colborne St., Toronto r 15 W. DAWSON, COIDOrn o St., Toronto. WANT,ED, GENTS POI/. WEATUER env?, low rates, liberal commission. Allbly. The Canada Weather Insurance Cm n ny. Toronto. . NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE.' (:01) WEEBiLY IN smarE TOWN 114 i'orlr County. Stationery and Book Easiness in connection. Price onlE 4,000. Terms liberal, Wilson Publish- ing Company,73. West Adelaide Street. ' ONSCELLANSODI AN cga, 1.18101i5. 51.1113.5, BTU-. . internal and external, cured with. OO t' pain by our home treatment, Write. es berate .-the• late. Dr. 'Dellinao Bectl'oal Bellingtyand., Ont. or a litorse: • Sctve a horse and you "won't have to boy one. Don't sell Or destroy any horse on account of Spavin, erfant, Ringhone,. Curb,eprainsorLameness, epend aim dollar for a bottle. . KENDALL'S. SPAVIN CURE has Raved a great ninny horses -ltes'plit them hack to \rod,, even after they have 'been give. op, Over 35 years of success. have proved its valne. Mr. 1.5, Of01101 of St. Ms, Que.. .r.stwc. •'t .11M111,1r6loolitig,ynst Owe for many youta, tk1045500141, '0311resSlIe Uut SovItt Case at oltuggine4. Prle, yer 1410, 01,11(00 for faMO, '.,1. 're.l,co, 111, llowerro, 11 druggists or Iron, Dr. Et, J. Kendall Co., Dustin Falls,Vermantli.S.A. • Be Careful. "Now 1 want you to be careful," said a barrister to the witness. "Rave you ever been a bankrupt?" "No," was the answer. ``Again ruitqt warn you to be careful. Did you ever .stop payment ?" "Yes." "Alt 1" exclaimed the counsel. “I thought 1 should get :at it at last: When did that !happen?" "After I had paid all 1 owed!" only Ono "snow° QUININE'. To get the genuine, eall for 1'01 name, LAXATIVE .1)1401110 QUININE. Leoic for signature of I/ W. GROVE. Curea a Cola in (Inc DaY, 25a Parks the Purist. Marks --I'm looking for a good place to eat. Do you know any! Parks -I know some good places, but they are n_ot Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Byes If.,r Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't- Smart -Soothes Eye Pain, Druggists Sell Mmine Bye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Muslim Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Sys Tonic Gooti for Alf Eyes that Wood Caro Morino Eye litemedy Co,. Chieng0 Feminine curiosity makes liars of many an otherwise truilifal man. biluard's Liniment tar sale everywhere. The Beasiest Way, Joe -What is the easiest way to ch•ive a nail without smasihing my fingers? Josephine -Hold the hammer in hells hands.• -- REMEMBER! The ointment you put on your child's skin gets into the system just as surely as fOod the child eats. Don't let impure fats and mineral coloring matter (such as snarly of the cheap ointments contain) get into your child's blood Zam- Buk is purely herbal. No pois- onous coloring. Use it always. 50c. Box al All Druggists and Stores. FT.11 ILOR aC) •-•.r•go.. WP`g...4.0:11iV3ifit'e