HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-04-16, Page 5April 16th, 1914 Clinton News -Record Goderich Frs. SmeeU1 has returned from a '.';nit, with her daughter, Mrs: l " } edall Toronto. o 0nto. Miss Olive- Grey `of the hospital staff lett last week on a visit to her uncle airt, aunt of Springfield, Mass. itis. n corma Brophey and little dais Phe Y liter, Miss Florence; returned last, 'eek to their hone at Pontinac;, llicli., after a lengthy, visit with Mr. a n6 :Mrs. Wm. Brophey- of town. who ' -,lis JennieCowan,,_9 has been spending, remit time intown, lett re- cently. .to e-cently"to visit het sister at Portage 'la Prairie, Manu Mrs.rs. Hamilton who has been sto y inr with, her son in town is now vis :titin her son, 'Hugh J- amilton „of g • Collingwood.r Mrs. Wm: Holland spent the Eas- ter vaeationi with Toronto friends. Mr. Geo, Wilson of Pickford, Mich:, is visiting friends in town. Mrs. Chas. Carrie awd.'her grand- daughter,. Miss Eva Scott, spent a, iew days td Berlin with Mrs. Will Scott last week.,• Mrs. R. B. Smith returned recently 'from 'a six month's visit with fri- •ends at St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. M. H. Oakley returned last Week to her home in New York att- `tor visiting, her parents, Mr, and 'Mrs. C. Blackstone of town. Rev. Geo. E. Ross was in Toronr 3o last week attending a meeting of -the Foreign Mission Board of the hGenera'1 Assem,bily. Bishop Fallon of London confirmed a Large class in St. Peter's church at special' service one tnorning -week. • The Bowling Club had' -been re -or:- recent- ly anized at ;its annual meeting ecent- ly held, the. following officers being +elected : Hon. -President, R. S•. Wil- liams; President,11. T. Williams; 'Vice, •C. A. Hunter ; Treasurer, L. ;Doherty ; Secretary, William ;,ane >Commibtee, C A. 'Nairn;, Fred Hunt, Chas. Griffith The:Boy Scout, company of Victor- ia streetchurchare progressing finely -and steadilyrincreasingin.numbRrs: Mr. and Mrs F. B. C'lesneht..of :North, Bay -•spent they. Easter v;ace- `tioa with ,Rev,; B. Clement of town. - Miss McAuley, has returned to net `home at Woodstock after visiting. 'Mrs. George H: King. Dir. 'Joseph" -Kidd was in M'rntreal, -last week in connection with the bus- iness of the ,Canadian Ticket Agents' Association, of which. he is vire- .president: Mrs. L. J. Morris and Miss LaVone •returned last week to Grand Rapids, :Mich., after visiting for a couple of *months with friends in town. bliss Graee'Seeger has returned 'from Toronto where she was taking a ..course at the Hamburg..Conservatoxy rot Mune, ' Mrs. Mackie of Hamilton spent Ras- rtertide with Mrs. 1VIacHattie of town. Mrs. WIT Webster has xeturned •from, a visit with friends at Detroit :and other. points. Mrs. Thos. Babb has returned from spending the winter in Mihvaukee. Mr. J. E. Jordon, formerly of town - -was in Gode!rie13 last week. Miss Doyle has returned from. . iss Helen Do s 1 3 sa prolonged visit with Bcooklyn- .friends. • Seaforth.i Mr. James Munroe intends leaving shortlye Mon - ;to take �up residence, m treal. ' Mrs; Andrew Calder ,left last week for Saskatoon. Mrs. A. W. "-Barker has returned from a, visit with friends at Wallace, - burg. Mrs. 'Spadling, who was removed to London a fewweeks, ago for special treatment, died in that city on Mon- day of last week. The :remains were brought to Seaforth ,tor intermen• t, the -funeral taking place on Wednes- The W.F.M.& mot for the last time last week prior, to their antalagama- tion with 'the W.H.M.S. The united society will Inc called the Wonon:s' Missionary Society of the Piresbyter- ian "Church. At this meeting Mrs. Ar- chibald was .presented by her fellow - members with a life membef"'hip certi- ficate in recognition of her loltg and faithful servicesinconnection with the auxiliary. Mr, p,' McDonald of London! visited his sister, Mrs. A. Scott' of town; re- cently. Mr: J. Menzies of Tawas; City, Mich. was. here last week, having collie" over to attend the funeral of his brother, the late Archibald Menzies. Mrs. O. V. Weston of Detroit was an Easter guest at the .home or her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Janes' Graves'. Mrs. 'Consigney and Master "Charlie have returned home after a visit of some weeks with friends in Eastern - Canada. 'Mr. Isaiah Holmes, a former-resi -' dent of town but now of Berlin, vis- ited old friends in .Seaforth :last - '" week. Mr. John McKay of- Saginaw, Mich. who came ovon to visit' his mother in Tuckersmith who has been ill, 'called on friends in town recently. Mr: J. L. Welsh suffered a slight stroke of paralysis one day last week but he is, ,now recovering. Misses Ella and Jessie Robb, -.Who have been In Toronto for some time, helve arrived home. Mr. and IYIrs. James Troyer have returned. from Toronto =where they spent several :weeks. Mr. Troyer's. health is not much improved.... Mr. Harry Stephenson of Winnipeg paid a flying visit to Seabortlr last' week. Dr. Margairet Calder and Miss Ethel King of Wingbam were guests of Miss May Wightman last week. Mrs. Webb and Miss Edna spent the Easter holidays with- Toronto friends. ' It is reported that Mr. and Mrs. Harry Colbert, who recently took up their abode in London, intend moving back to Seaforth. Mrs, Abel slipped on her own door- step recently and in falling broke, a small bone in her hip. The accident will confine her to her room foe stoats time, Miss Cora Dodds spent Easter with Detroit friends, Mrs. J. Ilenidorson visited with Lon- ,desboro friends last week, Mr: Alex• McLennan left for Win- nipeg lash ween, being balled there by e th ° the d of his brother. a Dor. Brown Jackson of London was in town one day last week calling on friends. Mr, Gerald Case ' was in Toronto last week. i\ews-Record ',,leans News -Leader. Mr. John Ransiord Will Have His Say. Who ,Would Deny Him That Privilege?. To The Editor of Tho News -Record. Sir, -We hear a good deal about cigarette smoking. We read a':nusnber of letters and editorials on the sub- ject,and-lately it has .been attempt- ed to prohibit their importation, man- ufacture, sale or Use. ,To what end ? To stop. boys under eighteen years us- ing thein ! There is at present a law; u forbidding, in -the stat statute boos their be •incl - u Itfoundfi ch is fo 3 to Sale- to s1 cien;t, and hence thci trouble. ` The trouble is,, not in the cigarette nor .is it in the boy. It is in the parents who are to ,;dame. We live in an age -and the sooner people) rea- lize it the better -when parental • dis- cipline has ceased and the law, the policeman, the moral censor is looked to as a 6tt'ng substitute, ,Parents neglect religious training of their children, and .compladently hand it ov- er to the Sunday school. Where is. it all to end? St. Paul, when enu- merating the signs ' of the last days, mentions, that children shall be "dis- obedientunthankful obedient to parents, un- holy." Is to -day the beginging, or have we already . entered into the "last days?" No laws will stop cigarette smoking, or any other forth of smoking.' I can well remember as a boy, when cigar- ettes were difficult to obtain, seeing boys smoke, brown paper, cane, and tea leaves wrapped in paper. Bops who could buy a cigar or a pipe of tobacco were heros • ! The :,trouble With 'the' good people who look upon law making as the one panacea for all evil is that they do nob recognize the fact that it' is the mien and not alcholic beverage, the boy and not the . cigarette, that should receive. their earnest attention. Reform• the man, and drunkenness disappears in spite of all the whiskey ever distilled.' Teach the boy, ' keep him in proper: control, and 'he will not smoke. • Regarding cigarettes in particular very high authorities state that they are the most harmless form of smok- ing. Many of us think that smoking .' is 'injurious, to a greater or lesser de- gree, for either sex until they reach maturity, and that, both mentally and physically, after maturity it, is not injurious, : but in many cases beneficial if used, in moderation, like everything else. . According to melt a high au- thority as Sir Morel Mackenzie, the great throat specialist, if cigars and cigarettes when used be smoked with' a holder and pipe and holders be kept clean with Mahommedan scritn'alous- ness,.no harm ensues. Travelers say that in Burmah, Turkey, and other countries smoking is indulged in with- out detriment even by children of both sexes, wob'ody denies, that since of our youth' smoke to their iojar•;, 1 at the point I want to stake is this -if a boy will not o103' his father and Cher 1 smoke 'to e ss is mother, , and will sex chis, law going to stop him 9 it's. folly to think of it 1 Supposing- on do banish cigarettes out of Canada, you will merely drive the boy to tete a pipe or a cigar, and in so doing he' will probably smoke far more iobaeco than he did before. Let these, eles gt• men especially, who are so prone to interfere in matters .they are so "il1- fitted to take _ part 'in cease their meddling, and do their rightful '• duty by starting in a crusade to call, par- ents back to realize how they fail' to- day in their duty to, their children. Ir parents to -day exercised the control they should over their children we would not hear of any more proposed 1 legislation to prohibit tobacco in anY form. Yours, etc., JOHN SIANSFORD, Port Albert Mr. Thos. G. Hawkins, Winnipeg, who has been spending 'the winter ' 1 er M r. Will B. Mete with his broth hoe , Hawkins, loft last week for Thoroicl where he will. be in charge of a ssteanr shovel while the new locks are beingi.puilt. Marriages McILVEEN-ASQUITII-At the resi- dence of (Incthe rparents s {n Auburn, rone April 9th by Rev. Wm, Raithby ,of Dunnville, assisted by Rev, A, Long, ;auburn, Gortie. Es daughter of. Mr, and Mrs. Al- fred Asquith, to Francis Oliver' Mcllvicen, manager 'of the Sterling Bank at, Watford and Ion- ofMrs, F. Mellveen-of Clinton, BROWN--NEILANS-Tn Clinton on Aril 15th, by Rev. 5. J. Alija, April Bate M., daughter Qf•,Mr, and 'Yrs. Alex. Ne fans to fdrncst; z f Edgar.Brovn, all of Clanton TAYI,OIlMIQUELON-At Hardisty, Alberta,. on April 1st, Will, J Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. i2iStanley, 'Taylor o[ the -id con. S Y, to Albertirie, M. Miquelon, both of Hardisty. STERLING-MAKTNS.-Ai the On tario St. church parsonage on Ap ril kith, by Rev. S. J, Allis; Florence M,, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Makins, Stanley, to Robert A. Sterling 0? Godericln township. ' C. C. I. Term Report. List of pupils that :have obtained :fifty Percent. or 'over on the sessional rexantinations from January to Easter '1914. Reports have been sent to all ;parents giving the standing of each, student in all subjects together - with -report of attendance and penctuatity. 'These reports should he examined rarefuliy, signed" and, returned at" the ,commencement of the now term. Form,. 1.-R, McGowan 80:2, E. Reid 78.7, M• Cooke 72.2, T. Magquid `72.1, E. Evans 7.1.5, M. Chidley 70.3,, E. Kemp 69.6;. S. Nelson 69,4, V, Powell 68, M. 'Crich 67:1, ,A Gilchrist 66.8, M.,Schoenhals 65.1, W. Appleby 84,5, I. Cole 63,4, J. M. -Elliott 63,3, W. Gray 62.9, W. Blacker 62.8, E. Jamieson 60.2, M, E. Elliott 59;7, L. Morrish 59.2, E. Blake 59, M:- McMath• 57.5, K, Dowzer 57.1, 11; Parinter 56.5 A. Andrews 55, II. Morrison 54.8, E. Tighe 54 .7, F. Coleman 54.1, A. Gib- son 53 2, L. Mackenzie 52.3, B. Chow - en 52,2, In Mair 52.2, 0. 'Johnson 51.6,:.11. Whitmore 51, E. Rau 50.6. Form 2.-- A. Petrie 79.7, K. McGre- gor 78.5; J. Wylie 75, A. A. Townsend 74.2, IS. Jamieson 72,6, G. Mudie 71.- a 89.1 "12 A . Dew r • derson 71, 2, }✓ .San r h. Cantelon, 07.6, F. Copp 67,; ]+. Harrison 66, TS, Powell 64, .P.. C'iut nirighamc 83, I. Ratlrwel'1 60.7, 0. McGill 60.4, C. Kaiser" 60.5, A. Shan- nahatr 59,2, M. Smillie 58.6, A. Math- eson57.a r, D. Shipley S, isle 57 ,4, E.: -Carter ' 57.3,,L, -Churchill' 56.7,.111. Cook 56i 7, Cr. Beaton 56.5, F. P.ennebaker 55, F. Rowe 55, G Wallis; 55, E. McAllister 54.5, P. Wheatley 54.2, 0• Canbelon .53.0,F. Patterson 53.3, C. Cook 53.2, W, Crich 51.7, II. Kitty 5l 5, M. Mair 51.4, R. Chowen 51.3, C. Whitmore . 53:,3, R. Mackenzie 51.2, J. Forrest 50.4; J. Graingelr 50,4, M. Lansing 50. McGowan 74.6, L Form.8.--M., M ro. Manning 73.1, A.' 1-loare 70.2,-6. Cole 70.2, M. Llliett 60.8., I).. Copp 7.:Elliott 62.1, W. McNaughton; 6118, "W, Walker 61.7, J. Smillie 60:3, "M. McTaggart 59.2, W.:Nelson 57:7, J. !Middleton 57.2, S. Smillie 56.6, S. ',Henry 54.6, J. Smith 51,2, P. Pots 'ger 55 8; P. Brown 52.9, V. Loofa ;51.8, M. Cook 51.4, V. Hearn 51.1, L,. Wasmann 50.7. Form 4, -Part 1 Faculty Entrance; I�. Beacom 81.7, II: Turner 81,3, F. .Graf3 78,1, H. Middleton 73.8, R. :Dewar 72, W. McGregor 7.0.8, L. Har- •vey 66.2, N.' Garrett ' 66.4, C. Toll 84.1, E. Windsor 62.8, C. • Wood 59,5,. D, Barr 54. Pt 2 'Faculty Entrance : D: Blatchford 75.3, J. Watt 74 5 H. Turner 63, I. Glen 56.3. bion. Metric -T. Peahale 57.2, D. Tierney 55. Zurich bit , 5. Messner of Howl' was than .afew daps last week. Mrs. Herbert A.xt and children Exeter visited last week. with Mrs. FLYNN-WAMIIOLD-At;, Exeter on April 8t13 Ernest M. YIyun to Susie May daighter c;t Mr. Jos: Wambold, all of Exeter. JACKSON-CAMPBLLL - At Cal- gary, onMarch 28th., Marian Caeh twine, oldest daughter of ,Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Campbell, of-Seaforth to Robert 13:.Jackson, son of Mr. Geo. E. Jackson, of Egmondville. Births.. ; _. CARTER -1n Clinton on April • 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Carter, a daughter. COOK -In Clinton on AprilI 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Oreo Cook, .a son. HOOIPER-In Blyth, on April 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. 0. 0, Hooper, a -son' GREENLEY-In Exeter, on April 5th, to. Mr. and Mrs. William. Greenley, a daughter. FINN -At Port. Arthur, on March 31st, to Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Finn, (formerly Miss Amy Hantshier) a daughter. Deaths Ontario Liquor License Act. LICENSE D ISTRICT OF 'CENTRE HURON. NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of LicenseCommissioners for the License District of Centre Huron will meet at Goderich at 2 o'clock p. m. on, the 17tH day of April, 1914, for the purpose of considering applica- tions for liquor licenses for the license year of 1911-15. All persons interest- ed will, govern themselves accordingly.'; For the license year 1912-13 four- teen licenses and; two extensions were granted and for (Inc year 1914-15' there 'are fourteen applications: Oliver Johnson of E, Axt. Miss Sadie Watson, , who has been teaching ori the Bronson Line, has, resigned and went to her ,tone at Bayfield before Easter. Mrs. Jantzi of Baden has' been vis- iting her •parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gascho of .the Bronson Line. Mr. and Mrs. fI, Randall have re- turned from London; where they have been residing for some time, and are at present with their .daughter. Mrs, A. Zettle. The Unique Club had a literary last week, a feature--beinga debate as to the profitableness of • growing beans or corn. This club believesi'in com- bining business with its pleasures. News -Record Means News -Leader. Wingham Mrs. John Dean has been icing Goderich friends Mrs. W. Aleander of Vancouver has been visiting her uncle, Mr, Peter, Fisher of town. MVlis. Alfred Haslein of Devel's Lake,' N,D.,, wino came,,ovcr to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Morgan, at Bayfield, spent a few' days last week with Mr. and _lies. James u f , Hough n town. Mr. James Calder: of Port. Arthur was the guest of his sister, Dr. Maa- gaga Calder, for a few days last week. Miss Wallace, who has been visiting in`'foronto for the past three months has returned to the rectory. Mr. Ted. Patterson, of New York has becia the guest of his parents, Kr. and Mac. Arch. Patterson, of, town. Rev, Mr. Pollock, who has been stip- plying in the Baptist church for sometime,preached his farewell ser- mons on . Sunday week. Rev, Mr, I-Ia}milton of London; a former, pasn tor, preached last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. G, Stewart are moving back from 'Toronto to Wing - ham, and will occupy the ,souse re- cently vacated"' by Mr IT. B. Elliott. • Alr, Arthur Lincoln has leased tlfil Weir farm in Turnb'crry and has al- ready taken possession. The Bowling . Club has been re of ganized with the following officers for the coining ,season : IIon.-PreSidbub, C. Dallas ; Hon. -Vice, Wm. ITolines„ President, Thos: C. King ; Vice, A. E. Smith ; Sec,-treas., 5, P. Smith ; Auditors, Richard Clegg and E. B. Walker ; Grotusds Committee, Thos.. Hardee, Fred llardio A. E. Porter Reception Committee, A.1-3. Musgrove Richard- Clegg and A. E. Smith. License Inspector, Centre Huron, Dated at. Clinton this 2nd day 'of Ap- ri1, 1914. FOR 'I'IIE` IMPROVEMENT OF Stock a ' tltorobred Polled IIereford Bull will, stand for service, at lot 29, con. 4, Godericlr township. 'ferns, $2, -Elliott Bros, -28-4. HARLAND-In' Clinton on April 15th, Harriet Melinda Simpson, wife of Mr. W. S. Harland, aged 60 years. CRICH -In Clinton, on April 16th, Elizabeth Freeman, relict of the late James Crich, in her 80th year. McNAUGHTON-In Clinton, on April 10th, Mary Moffat, wife of Mr. D. H. McNaughton of Stanley, ag- ed 45 years. MOORE-In. Clinton on April 130, Milton James, son of Mr, and Mrs. Robt.-L. Moore, aged 1 year and 4 months. ELLIOTT-in Toronto on April 120, Miss Annie -Elliott, formerly of Bayfield, aged 55 years. SPARLING-Its London on April Oth, Catherine- Carter, widow of the late George Sperling of Seaforth, aged 69 years. TIAGGITT-Tn Blyth, on April 4th, Edward Pia gg tt+ Sem, ageded 95 years and 1 month. PO DREW THE NEEDLE., Mr. D. N. Watson said to The News -Record on. Tuesday : "Mcs. Hooper, Toronto, daughter of Mr. Robt. Jonas of town, has a little, child that itas been suffering from a healed ear and ,laving heard of the great curing qualities of a salve made by Mr, Joe Ryder she sent for a box. She made several applications and ib did its work so well as to bring out a needle which had entered the child's body at another part of its anatomy and was no doubt eansing the car, trouble. ' Mr. Ryder is thinking of making (Inc salve iii larger quantities and placing it' on the market." PORT ALBERT. Mr. John Schoenhals of Clinton pent -a few daps in town last week, bIr. ;Yat. Cunningham, who is run - ng the mill here, spent the holidays with Itis son at Walkerton. HOUSE A.ND LOT ON ALBERT S'I'. for sale. Quarter acre of land , goGeo, to Mrs. location, -Apply Hod 29 Tluntble. CHOICE PASTUR$ FARM F011 Sale -Let 21, Conecssion 5, Stan- ley, containing 77 acres under cul- tivation, 40 'acres in pasture and 7 acres to good bush + consisting1sistin3 of f cedar, hemlock, beech and maple, There is a good frame barn and cedar log house. Those wishing to purchase a good pasture farm with opportunity for light agriculture will do well in interesting , them- selves' in this property, as river. rums through this farm and 'woods afford excellent shelter, and grass is .always ,the best- °Apply to J. . a J. ..Richardson Val BELLEVIEW FARM DAIRY. - From our stock of first-class cows we are prepared to supply you twice daily with the best of milk and cream. We solicit a share of your patronage. -E. B. hill, Phone -80. BOAR FOR SERVICE. -'HAVING purchased fr090 Mr. G. Dale of Kin - burn iris splendid Tamworth hog will keep the same for service on 1ot23, 3rd con,, of Hullett He is known' as'ot oa "the'neat breeders in the county- Terms 81 at time ofservice with the privilege of re- turning if, necessary. - L. Tyndall. -28. ROOMS '1'0 RENT IN TIIP BLOCK Opposite the mill 6 neat monis, waterworks and ?oft water Front and side entrance. F. W. 1S vans.• -29 WANTED, - A LIMf'C2 D NUMBER of boarders. -Mrs. R. A• &evict, corner Maple Street.; -27. WOOD FOR SALE -ALL LENGTHS best beech and maple. Get prices at office. -M. G. Ranbford." -17. IT WILL PAY YOU. -WHEN IIAV- ing an auction sale advertise it in The News -Record which goes into the great majority of ,tomes in the district. FARM FOR SALE. -THE EXECU for of the Southcomee estate of- fers for sale 50 acres, being,; east half of lot 28, con. 6, Hullett. This is a first class farm, well watered and improved with good-buildings and`orchard, also seven acres of bush land. -Apply to R. J. South - Combo, Clinton P. 0. -24 HAY FOR SALLA. - I IIAVE A quantity of hay -baled and unbaled- for sale at. $13 per tori at the barn. -John R. Prolines, 11ohnesvil2 i9 MONEY WANTED -THE UNDER - signed can place several thousand dollars on mortgages, bonds or debentures -security the very best. -Jas. Twitchell Jc Son. HOUSE TO RENT ON THE WEST side of Queen street, garden already plowed,, hard and .soft water. Pos- session given May 10th -Apply to S. J. Andrews. FOR SALE Two good Incubators, :one. Chatham. 210 egg, and one Morgani80 egg. White I,eghorni Eggs for hatching; $1.00 setting 'of 15. Reek eggs 11.00' per 13. Special pen prize Barred` Rocks $2 per setting, Also young racing Monter Pigeons. W. JACKSON. Poultry Poultry Plant, Clinton, HOUSE FOR -SALE.-ON RATTEN- bury St. west. Six rooms with wood shed. Good cement founda- tion, good: cellar well drained. Town water and cistern. First "class gar- den. -Apply News Re cord. d> .-A 4 at T o ppY Office, -21. I AM'STAItTING A PRIVATE Kindergarten,. in the lower room of the Little S,chooi, Townsend street, immediately 'after Easter and am prepared to take a number of pup- ils between the ages of four and seven. '(Inc class 'will be held. from 1.30 'p.m. to 4 p,m. Terms -$1,00 per mounth, -Apply to Miss Hazel O'Neil, Ontario street. -28. COW FOR SALE; -FIRST CLASS milker. . Am scaling: because there is no grass handy -S: CI. Castle, 28. FARM FOR SAKE -The William Praetor Farm, Lot Number 32 and south-west part of Lot Number 33, e town- ship, G Concession,der;h a 0 Maitland ship, 144 acres. -Apply to W. Bry- done, Clinton. -16. ANNUAL ME1ETING.. T1'•IE ANNU'A'L meeting of the Clinton Lawn Bowl- ing Club will be held in the council chamber On evening,ving+ Aprii ri t 17th, at S o'clock. The members are all urgently requested to attend -Fred. T .Jacksons, Secretary ; John 14ansfold, -Pres lden1i., -20+ HOUSE FOR SALE ON THE LiON- don Road 3 Minutes walk from tate piano factory. 7 rooms, half acro of land, good garden, fruit trees. Thos, Judd. -27=4 CALVES FOR SALE. -TILE UN dersigned have ,m,ade• arrangements, to handle a few calves from well bred stock, These are being shipped by express ensuring their being -de livered in good condition, W. Mar- quis, '-L; Weir, Phone 14 00 166,'• 27 Call at the North End Feed Store. And secure a stock of Red clov- er, Timothy, Alsike (Goverment Standard).. Also Oil Cake, Linseed Meal, Calf Meal and Chick Meal. We handle Clinton, Exeter and the celebrated King's Quality flour Orders taken for Lime, Sutphin: and Lead, for spraying trees, and Fertilizers. Agency for the Heint'zman Piano Co. We are- out for a square deal. BARRED ROCK EGGS-PRINGLE. and Millard, strains, Eggs 841.00. Dor, 15. Exhibition stock 83.00 and 15.00 per 15. Good hatch guaranteed. H. A. Hovey. -28 Frank W. Evans Minton. TERMS : CASH. Phone 192 e in Clandeboye Sale Y GOOD 'BRICK HOUSE,, 2 ACRES ORCHARD, STAB- LES,'AND 15 ACRES LAND. CONVENIENT TO POST OF- FICE, SCHOOL AND CHURCH - APPLY W. At, JONES. 206 PERCY ST. OTTAWA.., THE CORNEA STINE Live and Let Live 11[1111e°1Cleillilli TIME. BROOMS BRUSHES, STOVEPIPE VARNISH, STOVE POLISH, SOAP, PEARLINE, GOLD DUST, AMMONIA, SOAP CHIPS, LUX, FUN TO WASH, OLD DUTCH .CLEANSER, -ALL THESE HELP TO MAKE WORK EASY. Fruits ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, GRAPE FRUIT. Specials for Saturday LETTUCE 'AND CEI,ERY. A CALL SOLICITED. E. E. HUNNIFORI) • ,. WhyT. Neil's? W. 0 N 1question A sized and answered $ Because,; � I We aim constantly to please 4, cerIt,' t Our years of Gtc ex. ot,Y. 3 perience have ena bled us to sans- !•`' ry s b giving v, 1 there in the shortest possible r; t 1' • t••. • ••• ••I W. T. O N E L S, LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. CREAM WANTED -WE IIAVE' E- quipped an up -to -date -creamery here and we are ready to receive- cream. We solicit your patronage. We will pay you highest prices for, your cream 'twice a month,' also pay all express charges and furnish you with cans. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream. with Mr. Hall and he will deliver it here. Write at once for cans and give us: a trial. -The Seaforth Creamery Co Box 486, Seaforth. -20 BUTCHER SHOP IN .SAVF IELD. h o --4- opened u I have e p a Mitch- el er. Shop in what was formerly known as Whiddon's Store where' 1:. vvi11 keep on hand n full., stock of Fresh and Cured Moats. I promise you the best the market affords and prompt service and respectfully solicit your patronage. highest price, paid for Elid- es and Sheepskins, Chas Wiltse, BAYFIELD. MISSIONARY DAY Next Sunday ONTARIO STREET SUNDAY SCHOOL ilave you had your eyes Testod? time the groceries they require t r' at prices and quality which i, amaze competitors. am o not believe us, Ask 0 If}old i Our Uustomers, "The Hub Grocery." snnesk•sa•sestsv►sssss R-kN1:1 TRUNK "YR"" M HOMESEEKER',.rXCURSIONS Round trip -tickets to P oins-,1 R Maa- itoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan v° a Chicago, St. Paul or, Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until' October 27, in- clusive, atlow rates. Through Pull- man Tourist Sleepers to Winnipeg .on, above dates, -leaving Toronto 11 p,m. No change of cars. Return Limit, Two Months. SETTLERS' FARES. (One-way Second-class) From stations in Ontario; Kingston, Renfrew arid West to points in Al- berta and Saskatchewan, each Tues- day during March .and, April. , LOW COLONIST FARES. • (One-way Second-class) From stations in Ontario to certain. points in Alberta, British Columbia, California, Oregon, Washington, etc. Oa sale, March 15 to April 15, inclu9- ive. Full particulars at all Grand 'gran!( ticket offices, or write C. E. Hera, ing, D. P. A., Toronto, Ont. If your eyes are bothering you a test will reveal the cause and enable you to get relief. if you are are using gas ees perhaps they don't suit. you. Or if you don't wear glas- ses perhaps you should. A test will ten. A. J. GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Never Out. fiERESEMBAINMAMMONOMMah Milt Imus fl Acc g Here's Guarantee Don't take chances on Roofing, fov you can novo have roofing insurance. J-MRegal Roofing is absolutely guar! anteed against leaks due to defects if: the roofing. And that guarantee is as good as c government bond, for it's signed by th, makers, a 73,000,000.00 company. We always have on hand a large stock of Bran, Shorts, Oats as well as Flour;... Low Grade Flour, Poultry Foods, Etc. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins, J' cal Roofinf is made entirely in the Regal people' own mills. They know the quality o 'every square inch of it. That's wh• they can arantee it. They makeguthe wools felt -know that it is the 'best quality, long -fibred wool. Theyrefine and process their own asphalt -get it direct from Lake Trim. g dad. No man has yet foundanything else half as good for waterproofing. So here is a roofing that is proof against the broiling sun, against allow and ram, freezing and thawing, the oxygen in the air and the other things which so soon ruin other wool felt roof- . ings. oof-sings. J -M REGAL ROOFING is also highly fire -resisting. *Samples are free; also an interesting book n roofing. ;,; a: ,;, 'FAKE A LOOK at your ur pinmlbing. Is it n ew , up-to- date, sanitary, and in perfect condi tion 7 Upon the pitmrbing frequent, depends the health of the fancily. EVERY MEMBER of the family uses the bath, room Pa Pan Incbe convenient, cleanly' arid comfor- table, Why not have it so 7 See our stock and don't forget that our workmanship . is exceptional. THOS. HAW KINS. BYAM & SUITTER Sanitsag. Plumbers Phone Ta lemilesimmmumersimnramme Phone 53. PLUMBING• AND FIEA'CING. COLLEGE AT H0ME, Thousandsof ambitious youngpp eecle" aro cut preparing In sheer own Isomes to occupy mei. sive positions as Rtenog• raphers,> bookkeepers, telegraphers. civil servants, in fact every sphere of Swindle Activities. You may .finish ab college if •ou so wish. Positionsguar- anteed. linter college anq' day. Indio• idual instruction, Expert teachers, 'Mint y Foam' experience, Largest train orsinCanada. Seven colleges, Special course for teachers . Affiliated with Commercial Educe. torsi Association of Canada. ;Internet Sohool at famous. Spotton Business -. College. London. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLECE GEO. SparTON 13. T.1VAnn President. Principal. 1