HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-04-16, Page 4Clinton. News -Record April 16th, .1914 Coderich Township Miss Elsie Lobbwas • in London this is week-at'en in= a Music dc;aieh- t d b cis' Coiiverwtion Miss !Vinnie Thompson is Borne from Sarnia for the Easter vacation. "rheul it of Ebenezer church -was P p filled oit Sundayby '. Rev. M. Snow- ' now- '':den of Varna whose discourse ; tines,; a -tr' ,h� hoard tivi'th nn,iicji plca-.ne' aiid I oQ: Me. Sneeenen is a fformer.pastor and: has always been held in the 'greatest =eet the good' people if Eben=' resp by b P 1 c azer. ° Mrs..Robt. Pearson '-spent the: Easter h4 ndays with . relatives in London. Miss Annie Cooper, •n urse,-in-train- ing, Wingliaut, spent Goo. d Friday with her .parents,. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. A. Cooper. News -Record Means Ne,ws-Leader: Frank Powell` aril Heel) Cassel here busk: plowing on='elonelay the first in S g . r. that section The regular meeting' of the P. A. of St. Janes' ohurch, 1CIid k Ion; yesterday eveningform took - the for of a squal at which ,a'vete, pleasant. tinie was sponte, Al ter a coupleof hours :spent in games -M various kinds a very dairs,y lunch was served by the. ladies_This, being the last meet- ing for the season the tt at -Meer seed his roliort showing a substantial tal- anon on hand, IS was decided to "Tonic a tennis club for sthe summer, 'Rev. C. -L. Langfprd` being elected , prest- diizt, ;the'organization ,to be complet- ed later. The gathering was brought to a close by the sin.',ing of "Auld Lring' Syne.' • News -Record` Means Ncivs Leader: emoneemansismeeminio SUGGESS IN RET.B!LINQ An essential factor` in achieving success in a retail business is ADVERTISING-- telling DVERTISING-telling the buyers of your community what you have fur them. One doesn't need to be exceptionally clever or a genius to be a success, but one must have an aim, and pursue it re- solutely and intelligently, The businesses that are prospering and ex- panding are those that purposefully seek out new customers and place before both old and new customers the news of their service, in the form ot newspaper adver- tising. A NOTE TO THE PUBLIC Who serve you best --busy or half -busy men? busy or half -busy shops? Where is your custom. most desired and appreciated ? Is it not at those shops .which stretch out the hand of welcnme and and invitation -.in the foram of advertisements in The NEWS -RECORD Shop Where You Are Invited to Shop. vomminmsmigirii Every Price Bargain Price. Phone 78 W hat We Advertise Is So. 1 CoucI & Co. � Aa GRAND DISPLAY OF Rugs, Curtains, Oilcloths and Linoleum. Nearly every conceivable design and ,color is here in all sizes in Rugs, all new floral and conven- tional designs innew shades n"re also on display. Our Rug dept. has been doubled ib size until it now occupies halt the second flour. We are showing one of the largest range -of rugs and 'Linoleums in the county: Our wonderful display of Rugs can only be ap reciated by a personal visit. Be sure to see our display before. buying. A' gular price. 'Colors Navy Tan, Greyand Brown in the newest styles. This is your chancelto buy a $22,00 for $15,00, Sample Suits $15 We were fortunate to secure .fourteen, sample suits just in time for Spring trade, as we have a very large stook of suits on' hand we mark these very low' from 8 'to 15 dollars *less than re-; The Store that shows the new things first. Coderich Township Mrs. Harry Thompson of the 1fllh co' . -v s Ec 11 ret r n Was ou � 1 to lre room. by ill- ness'_seveal days of the past week, !!hiss Lizzie Burnett of G'oderieh spent Easter' at her homer on the 7th coli. 14liss Nellie IIicks returned - hon), from London last 'week having gone. down the week before to attend, the funeral of her cocsiri,' Mrs.- J, : Wine - garden of '['hat city, Tic annual' vestry meeting poi St. Janice' church, Middleton, was held in the lectiyt'e,roont of the church on Monday eyeni,a;; at eight o'clock; The feints) reportoshowed a balance in he bends oil the treasurer. The clergyman's retort was as follows : Baptisms, one; confirmed during the year, eleven'' marriages, one deaths, two: Rev. 0.. L. Langford appointed as minister's warden, Mr.; E. Wise, and Mr, Guy Hicks Was appointed peoples' wardens Messrs. Fred, Mid- dleton, Win. Wise, Wm. Middleton and Milton Steepe were appointed sides- Men. id s -sten. Mr. John Middleton, Sr.,; was elected lay delegate to .the Synod and A r Mr. IIudic substitute. I Ge c o g. , ; The retiring wardens 'Messrs. J. Middle- toi, Jr., and I -I. W. Elliott, are to be congratulated on the splendid fin- ancial report which they by their zeal and hard work were able to present to the vestry.. , • ' Last Thursday afternoon the schol ars'of No. 10 tookthe opportunity of presenting' their teacher,' Miss Keys, who has been in charge of the school for nearly two years, with a small token of remembrance, before her departure from tho school. Miss Keys was completely taten by sur- prise but thanked her :scholars in a few won chosen words. The 'follow- ing address was read'',by Miss Lulu Elliott and the presentation made by Fred Hanley Dear Teacher,' -We, the scholars. of No. 10, ba"e ta':en i the opportunity of presenting you With this small token of remem- brance. You have always been well liked'by your pupils and we will miss you in the school' room. . Hoping that you may have every success hi the future we ask you to accept this manicure set as a slight token of the esteem in which you are held. Sign- ed in behalf of the school, -Fred Han- ley and • Lulu -Elliott. Mr. Pfaff, who has been engaged as teacher 'of S. S. No. 10, will coin-, mcrtce his duties there ou 'Monday next. Holmesville Miss L:' Lindsay, Toronto, is visit- ing Mrs. W. Jenkins. • Miss Irene Cole is spending the holidays with her cousin, Miss Verna Jervis. Mrs, Russell Forster, Markham, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. ,1, W. Yeo. ' Misses ;Manch a and Emilia ITolland ot London holidayed at•• the parental hone here. Mr. and 1VIrs. E. Pickard visited friends in London over Easter. Rev, T. J. Snowden of 'Varna, a, former pastor, preached its the JUR', odist church on Sunday last. • Mrs. R. McCartney and. daughter, Miss Altalind, visited Mr, and Mis, J. H. Lowery of North Bay' over the holiday time. . Ren 72. J.' McCormick left on Wed- nesday tor Detroit, where he will spend the remainder of the weer: with his brother. His Sunday .appointment will a tilled by B r. ml urn b i L\ r ex of Coderich, Dr. Holmes ot De4roitv Sited his brother and sinter here and relatives in (lodes:ich during the holiday seas- on. . Mr. 13d. Williams has started col- lcat'ng cream for the factory already. We hope he will have n successful season. Oh Monday afternoon the annual vestry meeting of St.:John's church was held, at half past twoe The fin- ancial report showed a balance, on hand. Last year's. wardens, Mr, W. H. Johnston as minister's warden and Mr. W. J. Bowden as peoples' warden, were re appointed. Messrs. Fred Ford and 5. Sturdy were ap- pointed sidesnien, Mr. S. Holmes was appointed delegate to the Synod and Mr. S. Sturdy, substitute The clergyman's report showed the fol- lowing : baptisms, five ; confirmed during the year, six ; marriages, one ; deaths,. three. Wardens and in- cuxn,bent are to be congratulated up- on )Iphe suaeeestul showing for the year, Mr, James Elliott and Mrs. G. li• Elliott of Godericle called on Ilennes- ville friends fin Wednesday morning. They were on their.' way to Clinton, where they have many friends. Mr. Win Mulholland Was a Oodorich visitor over Easter.. 1Vlx Len'. Yoo has returned `to the west after spending three mouths at the parental home, News -Record Means News -Leader. Constance Mr. Will Hall of the Maisons Bank staff, h , A,m ur,stbux6, •wee a, holiday visitor at the parental home that of Ms. and Mee. ,F B. Hall N,i', Win, McIntosh is iuoving this. week Irons the village to the posse he rented irons Mr, D. Milson. 'Mr: Alex. McDonald of Stara is visiting his sister, Mrs, E. Adams. NIr, 6'has. Hall 'of Clineen spent Good Friday with his parents. Mr: Joe Miley has taken a'position' with Mr, J. Ransford of Stapleton. Mr. Howard Armstrong took a car of cattle to Toronto last week. Mr. Geo Riley has engaged - with Mr. W, C. Dexter for the summer' months. Mr, Ben Snell was called to Learnt ington last week owing to the : ser- ious illness ofhis sister, Mrs. tatim- er, . Mies Janet Campbell is visiting her sister, Mrs.:\ Robt. Reid. Mr. and Mts.' Ed. Britton and Miss Maggie Love )spent Easter Sunday the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Love of Walton. I Miss Roberton is spending the va Hayfield ' Mr. ClifTord Pollock left 00 ' Tues- daj' for j Selkirk Matt. La\'yrne; \i, � I'owlie E n d" 'spent of0 0l sl nt. thea hu li i E y unctei the parental roof. MIsB Li",ricbi s Ro non. of Wtngham is vititing her aunt,Mrs; Wm. El- ite, 1 lie,: over the holiday. Mr. George •Mack nn aie of the Ster- ling, Bank epent the 1,astor . liolJd;tys wit with` h blether, 1'It R W. % Macken- , zie,"'Detroit: .y. 1VLs1' C " hesn v has returned, t t 4d to. the villain," e' ur ft , a three 'months' ..stay a t Se 'r •t a era h. Mrs. Brandenburg, anti aud Mrs Orvalal Weston of Detroit spent they Easter" holidays with h tlic parents of the: for- mer,: Mr. antj, Mrs. George Weston.. Rev. Mr. :,Searle of "Toronto e s nt P a few days duritig the past week with, his family in the village. Miss Llnklater, prineipa•1 of • ths I3aylield Public school, is spending Easter week at Peterboro. Mrs. II., Darralt,-was in Toronto ov- er Easter. Mi. H. Drehmann was in London on utYm b es tss on 7`hursdat a last. Mrs, ,Frank, Thomson 'and Mi John Fraleigh of London were the guests of. the [mailer's brother, Mr, W. Balk - well, over the Easter vacation. Miss Annie Elliott, a native of Bayfield and one who had spent all her life here until about dive years ago. passed away' in Toronto on Sun- day lastinheir fifty-fifth year. The remains were 'brought to Bayfield for interment„ the funeral being held from the homle of her sister; Mrs. John Fraser, who was with her son when the end name and 'accompanied the body, The service was held in St. Andrew's, of which: .deceased was a consistent melt -giber. Rev, A, Mac- farlane conducted the services and the, Pallbearers were Messrs. W. 14, Woods,. James Donaldson, Thomas: Cameron, James Fowlie, John Mee Donald and Janes Dewar, Those present trom a distance at the funer- al were Miss Macpherson, Toronto; Dr. and Mrs. Elliott, Lucknow, ; Rev.. Joseph and Mrs, Elliott, Goderich ; Mr. B. R. Higgins and Mrs. Graham., Brueefield': One sister, .. Mrs. Fres er of t Bayfield, and . five bro- thers survive, The latter are John Elliott, Lucknow ; Rev. .Joseph El- Elliott, .Lueknaw ; Rev. Joseph, . El- liott, Goderieh Arthur Elliott ' of Toronto 'and Thomas of Bayfield. The deceased yeas a consistent Christian and was, highly esteemed. The funeral was very largely at- tended by old frieods and neighbors. The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved family. Stanley Township, Miss Nada Consist of Hilisgreen is spending a low days with her' cousin, Miss Flossie Stephenson. Mr. Wnt. Taylor and son attended the funeral :of the former's nophety, J. A. Taylor at Ilarlock on Monday of this week. Londesbore. Miss IC. L, Brown of Leadbury has been spending the Laster holidays with her grandmother Mrs, S. Craw- ford of the 13th, Mr, W. Ii+. Allan of London apent'a few days with friends here last week, Mrs Crysle_v, of Delhi is visiting her daughter, , Mrs. J. 0. Lounsbery. Miss B, Brogden or London spent the w eel. -find at her borne here Miss Eilgour of Mt. Forest was a visitor at the manse during ,the Eas- ter vacation. , Miss L. Mains was with iter sister In London over the week -end. • HuHett Township Mr. Charles iloggarth of the 9th eone lost a good work horse on Tues- days Miss Bella Mann of the 2nd con. visitedlast: week at Mrs. John Riley's: Master Charles' Cornell of .0}odericlt township spent a few days at Mr. Wm. Carter's. • We have just learned that the Wine throe butter factory was destroyed by ,fire last Monday night. The cause 'of the firer is not 'known. Miss Loretto Flynn of Toronto spent from Good Friday until Mon- day it her home, -that of Mr., and Mrs D. Flynn, Mr Jos;- Shanahan of St. Mary's was !some tor Eastertide. 11ir• and Mrs .T. Ir;, Rheinhardt and children of Clanton Siindaycd at Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Morrison's of tate Gravel Road, Messrs. "Geo. and 'Matt. Cancert each sold,a horse this week, Ilir. Pat. Quigley Ped the misfor- tune to -lose a, fine cow last week, one, which lie recently purchased at Mi. Owen Reynolds' sale., Miss Nora Blake; teacher, of near) l Collingwoo is en'oying the Easter vacation at the parental Morrie. Miss Rhoda McKenzie is spending. the holidays with her sisters in Port HuronMich. and Flint, ML Archie Campbell was Bourg from Toronto for the holiday. The following is the report' of G. S. 5. No, 12, Goderich and Hellen for the .nipsith of March : names in or- er of merit 4th, -Mabel Harvey, Jean Lindsay. Ord, -Cora Jervis Mer- vyn Farquhar. Jr. -John Townshend, Bessie Lindsay Mary Wright, Ayny McBrien. Sr.. 2n1,-NeI'lie Beacons," Hilda Forbes Jr, lean I[arquhar, Eddie Johnston, .let -Norman Wright, Walter Forbes, Robert Johnston) 1VIabe1 Wright. The best spellers , in the spelling matches arc ,-Sr, 4'th,-Mabel Har- vey, Sr. 3rd -Cora Jerv10,. Jr.- Mary Wright.. Sie 2nd -Hilda For- bes. Jr. -Jean Farquhar. First- Norman Wright. 'Primer, --Walter Forbes, -W, H. Forest, Teacher, Tuckersmith Township Mr. Frank O'Brien and .'itis mother spent from Good Friday till Tuesday cation with lief parents, at Auburn, with Stratford friends. Stanley Township Passing of Mrs, A. II: McNaughton, Aftee being ill for several •-, e al months Mrs. D. H, _ leleNaughtoiian Friday last . passed Into the Better Land scherei there is - n' parting, aing , no suffering. but joy forever more, 3 he deceased' r_<as was a daughter af,. hIr and Mrs: Wm.' Moffat; early settlers on 4th. eon., onai;, but who fir 1&t0.wext, to Saskatchewan izd ' locafnd at a Moose w a 1. i aIl n '1898 the-stibject of this memo' r- notico was teeiniu' Ks with Mr, D. IS., McNa6e hton of the Front Road where they spent •sixteen' Years of happy married life. Mrs. McNaughton was a kindly, Christian. woman, much beloved by `ail who knew her, She is survived by her itoreiy bereaved' husband and two brothers, 'Antlre\v .and John 'Mof- fatt of``Moosejaiy The„funeral took place from the faun,- ily residence on Mondayafternoon to Bayfield cemetery and was one of the largest ever seen in this district. The services were .conducted by Rev. .H. J. Condel 1 _ of Bav tf old R Mev •-andand�r. Carrier' of Grand Bend, elm 'pallbear- ers were the deceaseds two brothers, Andrew and •lohn Moffat, John Me Naughton, a brother:in-law, John Moffat, es cousin, Janes Johnsen of C'oderich township and Mr. Hod'soa of Iiamilton, a cousin. Among those from 'a distance who were present for the funeral were Rev,, and Mrs. der- riere and Mr. and Mrs.. i Jamieson, Grand Bend, and Mr. and Mrs. Hodg- son oC. Hamilton,- and her brothers, who were here ,in - time to bid her farewell, Miss Taylor,' who teaches near Bel - grave, is spending the holidays at her home on the 2nd. ' Mr. John Turner and Nelson Reid drove tip -to Lucknow on Friday to , spend a few days with: their friends. Mr. Wm. Wiley gave a supper to a number; of friends on Friday, evening and all report a very eni,•oyab'le time: Quite a number attended church on Sunday evening to heat Rev. Mr, Mc- Cormick of Hotmesville and the shoir gave beautiful selections. ,, A number of the lady friends of Miss Floronce Makins ;mat at the home] of, Mr. Wm; Makins on Friday aftemoon and presented her with a shower of kitchenware 'in anticipation of her approach'ng marriage. A very jolly. afternoon was spent by the young ladies. Mr. and 11Ire. Ings are spending a few days with London friends. We arc all sorry to hear of Mr, , Wanlassi illness, but hope to soon. hear or his recovery. Mr. Milton and Myrtle Johnston spent Sunday with Miss Muth Reid. Mr, Will Hart has got a new pi- ano pat' in their house and as, both Mr. and Mrs. Hart are fond of music there will be, sonic planing now. Syrup making - is the order of tiie day.. Miss Myrtle Horner spent the past week with Nir, and Mrs. Inge Mrs, J. S. Somerville of 5t. Mary's spent the Easter holiday at the home of her parents, . Mr. 'and Mrs. Wm, T,aylor, The following is the report of 5. S. N'o. 4, North Stanley for the month of Mar'etr based on punctuality, regu- lar attendance and general proficiency: Sr. 4th-FJaxc1 Sparks, 13essfo 'Tough. Jr. 4th -Edna Sootcluner, Susie Weslt- lake and Alice Stinson (even,') Bertha lVestiake, 4th, -Clifford Scotchmer, John' Watson. Jr, 3rd, -have Dewar, Ilarold Scotehntet Russel Sparks, Maggie Tough, Sr. 2nd, -Roy ov Scot h - met, Sant Mcliwain Jr, 2n11 Annie Dewar, Bessie Watson.Part 1 Charlie Scotchnter.-M. M.acbougall, Teacher, 0o Tlto .0 ll wing the is rep ort of S. 5 No. 1.1 for March, names in melee of merit : 5111, -Nelson IIoed Sr, 4th, Louisa McClymont, Lawrence Way - mann, Cecil Johnston. Jr. 4th, -Til- lie Nigh, Willie Collins, Bella Collins. Sr, 3r5 -Archie Parsons, Willie Par- sons. Jr, 5r4, -Ella Fisher, Norma Hood, Gracie Fairbairn. .2nd,- wit= frid'Ross,'Willie Harvey, Donald Mc- Iver. Sr, Pt, 2n0, -Clarence Harvey, Fred Parsons, Sylvester Nigh'. Jr, Pt. 2nd -Walter . Workman, Dorsina Foster. ist-Walter Ross„ . Amy Appleby, Leon Near,' The hest spellers in the monthly spell- ing matches were ' 5th and Sr. 4th, -Louisa McClymont ; Jr. 4th, -Tillie Nigh, 3rd, -Gracie Coop-, er, '2nd, -Wilfrid Ross. S'r, Pt. -2rd, --Donald McIver. St. Helen's James Ramose left Whitechurch on Tuesdaywith a car load of settlers elects, for Asquith Sask. Mrs, Ram - age intends leaving in a week on so. While assisting a neighbor at a saw- ing bee with a`circular saw Mr, Wnr. Quillian got his leg badly hurt by be- ing caught by a flog that was being skidded. We hope he will soon be ab- le to be 'around again. 'We aro pleased to report that Mr. 'Sapp Durnin, who was seriously hurt at the saw mill at St. Helen's is improving as well as his many fri- ends,' would v iish. Mrs, Ed. Purvis is spending a rein days at the home of leer mother, Mrs James Ramage, - Miss Luella Shaw is spending her Easter holidays at her house in Blue - Miss Lizzie Anderson has been spending a few days at the home .1 - her father, Mr. Arch. Anderson. Mr. Harry. and Miss Emma Woods visited at Mr.` Dan Martins. Hensall lilacs are being drawn.. for the necv town hall, soet not, to exceed- live thousand dollars, and when submitted' to elle council and approved' a bylaw will be submitted to the people, The Messrs. Craig Bros. and thei • two sister's .' w ,.who have spent the petit twelve years fartning near Moose Jaw, - have ,rettirred to town.' They succeeded wellinthe :west 'but re- turned e u t mde to Uhehots i e , LAun} I t - Co" the greater eotnforts it affords, Mr R.' Geiger has ,;bees home from: Toronto' suffering Nome severe at- tack .of grippe. A new town 'hall is being talked of fon Hensall, 'a committee having been appoinited to look atublic buildin., [? gs of other towns to obtain knowledge of: sante;, BLYTH, Messrs W. EI': McElroy and,! Chas, Fraser were in Bt'Ji to on business last week,. MINIONIMMINIF Blgth.' Rev. 1,1r.'Jewil,t has been aseeeti In Special seJ:i'ics at Gerrie. Nlrs .Janice Glenrue of Liickpow visited Mrs. R 111. AlacKai' for a few days last week, 1 '. d Mrs. )(tr. a 11' C. H. BeeSe were L C guests :of Milverton friends on Go d U Friday , Sir. James Farquharson ent ily, have 'left M rris and willlocate to at Prevost,.: Alta, . Mrs, i N,Adams has b'eeti c aite6 i11, Mr, Joseph Carter e ceived we dl last week. of the death of his brother, else ,James Carter' dl- r'n Of (a etnont , Ut- ah. The late Mr. Carter was a resi- dent oftown a grea;t'man}r years ago and last - yeas' visited his .brother here. ST. IIEI.EN'S. 1VIr, Wm. .1, Irwin and Isis grant, Mrs. Geo, Campbell, spent Sunday at' the home of Mr. John. Durnin. hiss Thompson spent Sunday with her friend Miss Pearl Todd. Get Bun er e p Pv Cro s This Year by using the proper fertilizer- one,containing,from 6% to 10y'e of POTASH. Plants are like human beings; you must feed them properly if you want thein to thrive and pro- duce maximum yields. Youmustfeed them abalanced i ration -that is, with the proper proportions of Nitrogen,Phos- phoric hos phoric Acid and POTASH. Home Mix Your Goods: and know what you are feeding- your crops. We 'will tell your how to mix and what to use. Our stock of Nitrate of Soda,' Acid Phosphate, Basic Slag and POTASH is ample for your requirements. , having purchased these goods, right, we can save you money on alt your fertilizer material. • ' Call in and let us quote you. Frank W. Evans ciinton. Phone 192. Makes 'Your Home Look More Cheerful. The e roon in n whi eh oLi and a the f mily y spend so much time in, make it cheerful make it fresh and new. . Enough to cover the walls of the aver age, living room costs so little nowadays even the best ggrades that no living room should 'be neglected. The small expense is abundantly made up to you, over and overLanci over in the greatly increased attractiveness of the room. Our New Wall Papers-are.Selling Well Come acid See them before the best are sold ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE. 000P[11 it CO. CLINTON, • ONTARIO,: East Wawanosh, Tlie following is the school report 1 of S: S. No. 10, East •Wawanosh' for 'nnntli of March : Sr. 4th,-Eukh McGowan, Orville McGowan. Jr. 4th, -Violet Parker, . Cora Fear, Ernest: Toll, George Wilson, Martha Wilson Sr. 3rd, -Ella Fear, Ira Toll, Jr. 3rd -Edna, McGowan, Luella Wilson, John Parker; Walter Patterson.. Sr, 2nd, -Ella Toll, Jr. 2nd, -May Park- er, Clara McGowan, Finlay,McGowan : Pr -Ruby Toll, Ida McGowan -E, M. Phillips, Teacher. 4REYOII HOUSE - l CLEAM)G- AGAJN? 1 If so you will want some New Rugs or Furniture. We have a big assortment, of both and would like to supply your wants. The Store of Quality, Phone 28 W. Walker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residr.nce Phone 140 1