HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-04-16, Page 1I. 0 No. 1829 --35th Year OD MORNING ORNING , )I.INTO1 JTARIO,; T URSDA'rir, APRIL 16th,, I914.- THE HOMEPAPER' ou are invited e"Brig hter-1 ualifica.tion. A resolve to'Brighten-Up buildings,; grounds, etc ours Then Btty Het The Ling; Today. If you put it off•a da the de ma become a week and in the Y, Y Y 'meantime she is being deprived of a lot of pleasure. Ccnse in and look over our fine assortment of rings. Yon will find one that just suits her fancy and the price»will suit you. You will find in our stock only jewelery we can guarantee. W. ,iE. Ye1-1qar: "eiwerer ane Optician Clinton SELLING AGENT FOR THE HOWARD WATCHES. 1 The Royal Bank OF CANADA. Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 11,500,000 Reserve and- Undivided Profits- 12,500,000 Total Assets 175,000,000 325 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Debosits. General Backing business transacted. R, E. MANNING, Manager - , Clinton . Branch Te O M® is ns Bank Incorporated 1355 Established in Clinton 1879 Capital and Reserve $$,700,000 85 BRANCHES IN CANADA A - GENERAL - BANKING - BUSINESS - TRANSACTED, 0ntcuaAR, LETTERS OR CREDIT. ... .. TRAVELLERS Olnc DEs . - - (ISSUED. BAsnc MONEY ORDERS - - - J SAVINGS` BANK DEPARTMENT At all branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. C. E. Dowding' - Manager - Clinton Branch. READY-TO-WEA▪ R OLOTRINE • THE ORDERED CLOTmNO RAINCOAT.. Nothing takes the place of the `raincoat for its par - ocular service.' xt� ,crU"W ... _ the raincoat is as much - a part of a man's Uardrobe as his o''ercoat.. ?;hey are cut quite long and most of them have the high button military collar so appropriate for this ' style of garments. Some are: half lined and others full lined. $6,00 7.50 10,00 15.-00 $18.00. We guarantee our rain- coats to do full duty,and . soou.see that as usual, y ua, you take no risk when you buy a Raincoat here, Big range of Boys Sweaters EASTER SiJ'ITS Now is timete h leaveto your order if want you' ttfor.Easter. ." Big range of Boys y Gaps 'M0THE M011111511 CLOTHING CO. Meta ASquare . Deal ror° Every Man," . C T la, MEETING.r;, The W. C. T U will meet on Fri- day; of this weer at;3 o'clock al the home of Mrs. C. J. Waliis. All the ladies are invited to attend, `WILL MOVE. The stonedwelling on the Bayfield Line, owned by Mrs. A. Cantelon and for some months $eclipsed by Mr. atud' 'Mrs'. Adam Scott, has been rented by Mr. and Mrs, Wilber 'Crich who take possession May 1st. Mr. Crich is the courier on: R. It No: 5. • AN EGG HUNT, Master 'Harold Manning ]tad an Easter breakfast and egg hunt on Monday, last to which "a num- ber of his boy friends ` were in- vited. After', quite an exciting hunt, which':_ the boys thoroughly enjoyed, the breakfast received their undivided attention and the whole affair was'. most happily carried out, ROYAL ARCH MEETING. A meeting of the Royal Arch was held in Murphy Lodge rodtn on Tues- day evening when "among those', pre- sent were the following visitors Messrs. R. McMurray and Geo. E. Greenslade," Bayfield, Watkins, Tyner and Farquhar, Summerhill Lodge and Mr, Townshend,on oro L des I b The business of the evening included the. initiating Offournew members, LITTLEr130Y CALLED. The sixteen -months -old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. L. Moore died on Monday evening after a very short illness. The wee boy has looked the picture. of health and his sudden and unexpected departure has caused deep sorrow 'in the stricken home. The funeral took place yesterday after- noon, the services being conducted by Rev. S. J. Allis. Among the relativ- es who carte to attend the funeral were : Mrs. W..,Moore, Milton Moore and Johnny Moore, Toronto ; James Mann, Winthrop Mrs, E, Finch and J. Finch Jr., Stratford ; Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nicholson, Constance; ONTARIO' STREET CIIURCI•I. • Congregations that filled every part of the auditorium attended the Easter services both morning and evening. At each service the a(iithetns by the choir, the, solos of Miss elcClint'en of Goder- ich, and the singing of the stale quay- tette were greatly appreciated. The- pastor's sermon in, the morning was appropriate to the ocpasion, his subject ,being, "The Hope of Easter," and in the evening it wee, The Res- urrection of the Dead." Beautiful' lilies, carnations and other plants in bloom gave added interest to what was a date of mere than ordinary pleasure and profit. ,•, The W.M.S. held their quarterly tea in the school room of the church on Tuesdays afternoon; • Among those who too'.c part in the Sunday school Easter session our Sun- day afternoon was Miss, Grace Walker of the London Normal school. Mr. Will Harland assisted the choir on Sunday aria_' sang with Messrs. Weir Crl s obis g , " Plu msteei. and Weir m the male quartette much to the delight of the people who were glad to see, him .in his old place. Rev. Mr. 'Hall Wood of Brumfield Presbyterian' church Will exchange pulpits :with the pastor on Sunday morning next, Rev,` Mr. Allis taking the Brueefield pulpit, MRS. W. S. HARLAND PASSES, It was with emelt regret that ,the. word was rereived on Wednesday mor- ning that Mrs. W. S. Harland had an- swered the final, summons and slipped away into the unseen world. For the past few months Mrs, Har- land had not keen in good health and GONE. TO HER RE,S'I'., been constantly tinder the care of a physician but it was confidently ex- Early this morning, after less than pected that in the course of time she .a week of illness,.. Mrs, ,James Crich would be fully restored and it was of Albert Cireet crossed the river in- only within the past tostnigltt or so to the Great Beyond. that her case was considered Redoes. Tile deceased was one of the early 'The disease which had beensapping settlers of Tuckersnnith township, her system, however, quickly, did its having come out with her parents work and for spine days it was known from Lincolnshire, England, when, that the end was very mar. quite a young girl and living there Mrs. Harland, whose maiden na tnc for over half a century. Over sixty was Harriett M., Simpson, was barn years ago she was married' to the in.Whitechurch'townslrip, York Corm -"late James Orich and after his death: ty, sixty years- ago, but since her 'twelve years ago she came, into town marriage she has been 'a resident of and securing a comfortable cottage on Clinton. She was a woman of rare Albert street ,she had resided here ev- grace of character and was held in er since. • the very highest esteem by. ail - who Of a family of twelve eleven still knew her. She was a member of Wes- survive : Wilfred, I;ouis, Eli, John T., ley church, was identified with all Gifford, and Mrs. J. E. Ball of Tuck - its interests and took an active part ersbm,it -.; Mrs, Modeland, Seaforth in the work of all its '. departments. Mrs. Wm. Macdonald, Sunset, Wash.; She also did much independent work and: Onslow and 'Iddo of town, - and such as visiting the sick and: shut-in Sarah at home. Henry Freeman of ones of her own,, or -other, or no cone Hullett is a brother and one' sister gregation, and everywhere dispensed resides fn Engiand, both older than good cheer -and fellowship, byi her; hap- deceased, • py and cheerful manner. She was also The, late.' Mrs.• Crich was a_ lifelong, most hospitable, and in this was ably Methodest having' been connected: seconded by her husband, and 'their , with Turner's church in Tucketrsmitlr bonne was ever open and a welcome' during all her residence • there and awaited anyone whotook advantage with Ontario street church 'since 00111 - of their hospitality. • iso to town; She eves a most inter- Mrs, Harland will be 'sadly missed esting woman, fond of a that and a in the church •where her lace willbe t to fill � place vety intelligent and, interesting core - hard , but she will be more versationaliet. She was very` fond of missed in the home by her, sore'y •he- the open air sand all summer' long her reft.ltusband;..who is hineself notin chair sewed on Bier cosy verandah and the bestf'he, 1 o a th, and by Ire,r niece, from early morning until evening she Miss, Mabel, '.to both of whom the sat sewing,: knitting" or reading, chat- sympa'tisy of the comm unity goes out. ting to those who called to see her Two- brothers: and, five sisters ` also and enjoying the fresh air and sun sure vc': Mr. J, W. Simpson,- Toren- 'shine, berm g the winter she was to ; J. G. 5fni, ,prosl , , Co credo; ;Mss. unable toget out so inner, and 'the ,Robert Linn 'Mrs.Janice It ot t d confinement ' a onftsorest ,told upon her and when Mrs. 0, T. WoolEord, Rina, Saslc,,a to pneumonia set in she' wad unable to .' Delegates to Synod, John Rans> Mrs. B. Mason,. ,Toronto, and' Mrs.',fight it off. She 'was :good mother', ' Cord' a. a o o C E,D i .. gb do wv r' g. J, H. Ida r son i a Francisco. Sae ane her children will :sadly miss her. , Substitutes, W,', Jackson; C. John-. ' Tile funeral takes place • from the A;t time of writing arrangements: son. lamly residence on Saturday, after- I have not beer completed for 'the fun' The meeting esteemed ,to, meet again WILL DQ'; ITS -,UTMOST, f`• The Tor onto Star of Satueday- had ;the following :: . "The Ciin't'or Bowed' of Trade: intends to do -its eit1s ortto attractnew indusgies, and "there, is good prospects 'of another railway en tering the 'town." • THE LOCAL MARKET. Wheat96c, Oats 42e.. ' Peas''$1.00 • Barley 52c, Y Butter 21c to 24e: Eggs 17c to 18c. Live Hogs $8:00. PAPER ON HOME INFLUENCE. The Women's. Institute will meet at the home of Mrs, Harry Fitzsimons on Th;nirsd'ay afternoon next when Mrs George Bradshaw will give la paper on Home Inftuense, ; and there will be another on "Incidents in the Life of Saleslady" by Mrs. Chas, Glew, WILLIS CHURCH. - Rev. P, V. Falconer' of Rodney oc- cupied the, pulpit on Sunday. The. choir rendered special Easter music, the anthems, solos and organ music ` all, being appropriate to the season. Mrs. G. M. Elliott . and Miss Mclver each rendered solo parts very pleasingly. Rev. F. C. Harper, B. A., London, will occupy the _pulpit of Willis church on Sunday morning and even- ing next. PRIZES FOR DRAWING. By way of encouraging good draw- ing. in our Model school Mrs. H. 0. Combe.gavo'thres prizes to the pupils in .form 6 in which Miss 0. Cooper is teacher. The prizes were to be awarded as follows : 1st and 2nd prized for the two best drawing books for the girls and first prize for the best among the boys. Of the former the first prize was won by Rosie Caruso and the second by Lil- lian Judd. 'Master Kenneth Rorke won the first in the boys' class. Needless to say the little folks ap- prceiated their rewards, SHIPPED FROM CLINTON. A shipment of live stock from Clin- ton on Tuesday consisted of ten' Hol- stein heifers rising, two years ;lioughi from Mr. W. H. Lobb of Godetieh township and one each the same age bought from Messrs, John Tebbutt and Chas. Williams, Jr, Further: down the line the carload was matte complete with five Holstein -1 bought at Mitchell and twenty in the Wood- stock district, The thirty-seven year - lines aa.d two -year-olds cost $3392 and were shipped to Crestin, Iowa, where the purchaser lives, He cones to Ontario to replenish his stock realizing by experience that in this province there is to be found about the best cattle, and for that matter sheep and horses, to be obtained_ on this continent. BOUGHT AND WILL IMPROVE Mr, Adam Scott, who some time ago . sold his small farm on the Bay- field Road to Mr. R. A. Roberton has bought twenty-two acres on tate Base Line a mile north of town from Mrs. J, Colci'ough and ta'ces posses- sion May first. The. soil is said to be ,,"as rich as any in the County of Huron" and that's some comparison. Upon the place there is a house tied barn, The purchase price was two thousand dollars, but when Mr. Scott completes the improvements, which he will' begin ' at once, the selling price will be much higher. The people of that locality will find Mr. and Mrs. Scott to be kindly and hospitable, in short the very best of neighbors. BAPTIST 0%1 RCH, BOT AN •AUTO'.. . `Res'.!'];t Meldrum of Ansa Graig w occupy.'' tee •'pulpit, of the church on Sunday next, morning _ee i11 Mr, Erne Grabens ie the latest st purchaser of , an auto. `, Itt's • a five- nd passenger, elle of the 'make Lor 'which 11 Mr, `Bert Langford . has 'the' local agency, and as )Erne is some driver Ile expeabc t'o:eave a nitw.iher of en? joyable runs t11e Coming season. le IN WASTE PAPER 'BASKET,;. Y an 'file News -Record has received a ole communication dealing with the fam- e ily;unpleasautnese recently aired . be- e fore the local' judge, but'the only place we could 'find for it was the waste paper basket, These family •tars " are unpletasant to' hear about le and: ever so much worse when they to begin feeding the lawyers s$ The al News -Record declines emphatically to n publish letters dealing with either one side r other f this r other 11 .n er o hr o any of e n; scrap of like nature. evening alai in ;tee 'afternoon lie • wi preach' et Auburn. ALTERATIONS BEING -MADE. 1. artitioe is.beingrun down LI centre';' of the large. state,'occepied b the Morrish Clothing Company a two btisinesp places are bein;• ,ria of it. -Tile Morrish Co. will'continu occupy tho.'easte hall and will hat a rounded corner entrance. A CLEAN-UP DAY. TheBoard of Health is urging -t1 citizens' to observe April 30th, tl last dasi .oZ the; month, as a gener clean-up day. On that day the 11 ishiug touches will be given to- ` a backyards, cellars, stabler and pre;, ises generally. .''Let all .get togetit and stick together until finished."', WESLEY CHURCH.' The. Easter services on' S:.aday we very impressive. The pastor preacl ed morning and evening and also a dressed" on open session of the Sunda school in the afternoon. 'Me choir rendered special musi Miss Ida Wilkin taking the solo p in the morning tiny h o i o ani stn and Miss B es rendering as a solo "Tile; Lord Risen" with expression and sweetna in the evening. A male quartette 'a Se gave a coi,tribution at the evenin service. ex THE EAS'I'ER DANCE.' The Easter dance given by the -Pas- time Club in the town hall on Mon - re day was one'of the jolliest „and most enjoyable affairs ever given by this d- 'club, which has an enviable reputation y as entertainers. The fact thaita num- ber of old boys and girls' were' home e, over the holiday added not a little to art the. interest': of thee, occasion. -'Phe hall was prettilyc ra h or- ist= deo ted t e Ho , ehestra was in good form, :a number ss of interesting visitors were present, 1- the moon dances, were especially en- g joyable and altogether it was a very pleasant affair,' A GREAT RIFLE SHOT. A PLEASANT EVENT. A wary pleasant event took place the Collegiate yesterday when t girls of the school, some 35 in nut her, gave e, linen shower to Miss Ma Rance, om of the teachers of the sta who has tendered her resignation, e foative at Easter, ane who is to Married about the middle of the mot th. Yesterday's event toot place the large assembly hall and a erof sion of useful articles of linsnwar were heaped upon the retiring teach by the Itupils.—leledlcin? I•iat Times, STERLING—MAK INS, - A quiet L wedding cool: place yT:rr day afternoon at the personae o Ontario St, church, when t he Rev. 5 J. Allis united in marriage Mis Florence 0l. Mekins of Stanley town ship to Mr. Robert A. Sterling e Godcrich township, Mr. Sterling is well known and r sllected in the township its which 1 and his family have lived, as is ale the Makins family over in Stank Anil the many friends will unite i wishing; hits and his bride a brigh and happy future, . AN ACCIDENT. at Mr. John W. Hessian, of New York Ise City spent from Friday until Mon- ne. clay with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. y Thos. Hessian, Huron street, Mr.. g Hessian is eepreientativc of the f_ Remington Union' Metallic Cartridge be Company, New York, and his duties e, in that capacity take hint to all in parte; of the continent.., He is a u- champion rifle shot and has been a o meieber of International teams, of tar the Olympic team anal of the Amer- ican team which comiteted at Buenos Ayres, South America, a few years ago, He doesn't preach or pose and, toascertain a au ou meet.ask r_1 int s him and f iL you do he will tell you that he a,scri'b'es his continued success in- s sports to his Persistant refusal to touch, taste or htnd'e intoxicating E liquor. Mr: Ilessian's many cid friends here were much pleased with this opportunity of again ' meeting. e - (e) trios, to o l'IcIL\'.f:hN—ASQuI'PII NI,TPTIALS. nA very happy event took place in Auburn an April 90, when Miss Coe 'Lie IeAsquith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Asquith, was united . in marriage at the home of her parents e to Frances Olin Mcllveen, manager of the Sterling Banc at Watford. The ceremony was performed in the presence of immediate relatives by e Rev. Wm. Raithby, M.A., .B,'t'h,, or Dunnville, cousin of the bride, assisted t by Rev, A. Long, B.A. of Anbu:rns t The, bride, who was.unattended, wore a beautiful dress of white silk with overdressof she 0 dew' lace and carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds. Miss Winnie 'Howson played the wedding f march and while the register was be- ing signed Miss Pearl Jolene!' sang very sweetly "Olt Fair 1 Oh Sweet and Holy." TIse bride, was given away by her fatter. The many beautiful gifts indicated the esteem in which the bride is held. The groom's gift was a gold watch and charm. Alter the wedding brea'cfast and usual toasts the poling couple t � �left, amici the heartiest' good wishes of a host of friends, including The News - Record, for a visit to Toronto before laking up `their residence in Watford, 'rhe bride's travelling dress was a delecate, navy blue brocade with bat, to match, • Mr. William Marshall of Littl En land /net with ea serious and painful accident on Tuesday and one which will have the effect of laying hills up for some time, Whil working around the circular sacv a the piano factory saw trill his left hand in some way carne in costae with bh flying iscofl in disc, •' see rm two g fingers. The wounded member • was speedily dressed and it is hoped that it will promptly heal hut the loss o those tww useful fingers is one which he will always have cause Id regret. AN EARLY MORNING WEDDING: Ontario street parsonage was the scene of an interesting event earls yesterday ntornerfe • when Miss: Kate M. Neilans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Neilans was united in marriage to Mr, Ernest Edgar Brown, also of town. The ceremony was pCL'rfpl'Iiled by the Rev. S. J. Allin, pastor of the Ontario street church, The bri- dal couple were unattended, the wit- nesses being Mr. John and Miss Ray Neilans,' brother and sister of the bride, who accompanied trent. Mr. and Mrs. Brown left on the eatly train for a trip' to, London and other points an'd ori their, return from their honeyiitoon will ta'ce' up their residence in Clinton: The News -Record joins with the friends of, both in wishing thein long life and prosperity. ST. PAUL'S .CHURCH. • Very inspiring Easter services were held on Sunday,,' when the sermons, music, 'and! the whole trend of the services were appropriate to the glad Easter season. The church was: pxet- lily decorated,' the choir surpassed themselves by their fate rendering of the splendid Easter selections, and the new rector's sermons were most inspiring: On Monday, evening the annual ves- try meeting was held. As the . finan- cial year does not close until April 301,11 a full report could not he pre- sented, 'II'owever,' ,a, very encouraging interim report was read by Mr: Torr Rance, the rector's warden. The church buildings ;have beeef. improved by the addition of she,Owen Memor- ial hall:and in addition. to the money expeinded in this way about five hue. - sired dollate nave been spent •in mi r improvements to: the property. 'rhe 'Easter collection, which would aggre- gate about $275, was the largest, in the hiaiory of the; parish.' The following officers were: elected': Rector's Warden, 11. T. Ranee. People's Warden, T. T. ; Murphy; Vestry Clerk, C. D. Boucle, 7 Auditors, H, ' E., Paull, L. E. • Personals Mr. Edgar e'orranee was up from Ex- eter for Easter. Miss Clara Sipes of Plattsvilie is vis- iting Miss Marion Irwin this week. Miss Ida Smith of Brantford was the guest of Miss Sybil Courtice over the week -earl. Rea. Father I.logan spent Monday and Tuesday with his brother the parish priest. at Lucas. Mrs. G. Doherty, Stratford, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Kemp Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Erne Jackson underwent an oP- •eration in the hospital yesterday and is now getting along nicely.. Mrs. Chas. Copp and, MWillie so Goderich were the..gueeteaster of thef lady's iblother, Mr, David Steep of Stapleton, over Easter. Bagfield Miss Ray. Cxoyenlock of Sealortlt was the guest of her sister, Mrs.:Wrn Ferguson, for j, few days , during ' the •pas,' week. . Mrs Johni` T ppet spent the Easter vacation With friends at London. ':, Mrs. Green : vas the; guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. Vanedone of 'Ger- Mrn. Kenneth. Moorhouse spent the holiday with friends at, London. Miss Rave11 of Brewster is' the guest of Miss Maud Castle, Miss1 Chat elle e ;'tirlingprincipal al , ionf gPtohnEPalgsitnerPvuabeiactisocnhoaot,l,heeler sheolimde- in• the village. Miss; Maggie and Editls Falconer. of Godcrich spent lite Raster, holidays Personals Mr. A.. Wilkin was in. Londono C'0 d Mr. A. Hooper was'in.Fordivieh on'. Monday.''; Miss Eva Glu[f was a holiday ' ,visitor in Hamilton, • Miss. Mae F'oebes visited her, .sister in Guelph over Raster. Mr. H. S. Chapman was in Toronto yesterday awl : today. - t.' iss �' M ma DBullalo washome h dor tire. holidayoan of time Miss Delle O'Neil is home item Tor, onto for the holidays.' Miss Ross Lavis was up from Sea - forth for the holiday. Miss Mercer stone the holiday at het home at Mount Forest. Miss Stella Copp was up from Toma- to over the week -end, Mr, John; A. Sutter was at hid (tome in Sten tford for Easter. Mr. Redmond of Blyth was in town for the dance. on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fran'c Chowen of De- troit were home for the holidays. Miss' Annis Bartliff was a guest of Seatorth friends Friday and Satur- day. Mrs. W. J. Ross and, Miss Antsy How- • son were in Bayfield on Good Fri- ' dap. Miss Iiartleib of Zurich was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. Cantelon over Sunday. Mrs. J. A. spent Easter with her mother, Mrs, Condtaneine of Highgate Chidley, Miss Bell of the C. I. staff is spend- ' ing the vacation at her home in London. • _Mrs. Oliver Johnson and Mather Earl were in Toronto from Thursday until Tuesday. Miss Minion Pinning was lthe guest of her sister, Mrs. Hudson of'4litchell, oFriday. Mrs.ole GoMacpdherson and Oliss Lillian Macpherson. of Godetieh were in town, 1105 week. Miss Ida Smith of Hamilton spent. the Easter holiday with her friend, Miss Sybil Courtice,, Its, Andrew Gunn of 'reroute was a guest at the home of Mrs. Murray during lite past week. kills. J n' ohs Hunter and Master Robin visited Seafortlt and London Road friends the past week. Miss Tessie Crooks was up from Par- is spen:lith; Easter Sunday at her home on the Base Line. lir. Chas, Hall of the Maisons' Bank staff spent Good' Friday and Raster at his home at Constance. Miss Belle Draper, relle is teaching near Stratford, is spending the va- cation at her home in town. Mr, Roy. Grigg of the Bank of Mon- treal stall, IIautilton, was a]toliday, visitor, at his home in town. Misses Rata and ,Vera •Rowe of Exe- ter visited their grandmother, Mrs, T. Holloway, over the week -end. Mr. Manley Shipley, who is teacltin; at North' Bay, is a holidayVisitor at his home on the Huron Road. ' Miss Mabel Clark of Toronto was theguest of Seafortlr and Clinton friends during the holiday season. Miss Jean Cliidley accompanied her aunt, Mrs. Constatttine, to High- gate On Tuesday for a short visit. Mr. Hodgen of the staff of the Pe- trolta Collegiate was tate guest ov- er Easter of Reeve Glen of elan - ley. i Mr, John Guest, who spent the win- - ter in Toronto, has returned to the homestead at Hirt, London `•own - eh Managip.er Bailey of the Sterling Bank, Bayfield, was in town Monday ;and remained over for the dance in the evening. Miss MCBriesc was in Auburn on Thursday last attending the wed- ding of ' her nephew, Mr. F. 0. Mitiveen. Mr. Nixon Welsh of Toronto spent Easter at. his Roane here and a few days this week with his brother at Chltatn Miss Hatattie Trick, principal of the Publlic school' at Cedar Grove, is, spending the Easter holidays at the - parental home. ' Miss Maud 'Torrance has been 9 end.' ing the holiday aeason with Toren -- to friends. She will' be, absent a fortnight or so. Miss Cora Cleft, who has been stay; in with her sister, Mrs•' McBride. Welland, was home for a few days over ,the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs, Bert pridham and babe of Toronto were Easter visitors, at the home of the lady's parents, Mr;. and Mrs, H. W. Cools. Miss Husband and Miss Radford of Ingersoll were guest's of the Form- er'e sister, Mrs. Ken Clsowen, dur- ing , the uring,the holiday season. • Mrs. Walter King returned on Tues- day frons. Zlantilton where she spent a few days with her sot, and wife, Mr. ani Mrs. Rod's. King. Mr, Will Pinner, wlto has been visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Bartliff, lett Tuesday to spend a week or so with Torento.friends. Mrs. F. eIcllveen retnened Tuesday af- ter a visit with Iter son, .Bert„ in • Toronto, having accompanied hum home On Thursday last alter' the . wedding .: of her other son, .which tools place at Attburn. Miss Stani.of the Collegiate staff left Thursday afternoon. Por her home at Essex. She was accompanied by Miss Ward, prineepai of the Business (college, ,They will also visit De - Plait during, the vacation terse. Mee. Jath Lntnecton of y d Mrs, G.Etmtserton and Mrs, A,, Pts- dine former mprton of Tfneatd the s a daugeeerein-law and' the latter •two sisters-inrlaw, were holiday guests ai bite home of Mr. and Mrs,: Joins at theft home here, . Emmertott,. • • • • • • • •