HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-04-09, Page 8Clinton News -Record April 9th, 1914 GOOD I TENTIONS Come only out of the head, (rood Shoes come ot,1y out of;a good store. We buy good shoes and sell good shoes only, and at reasonable prices. inti We deal fairly and square- ly, give everyone the same prices and stand back of every pair we sell. ,131 We study our; business every day, of the week. We are doing and al- ways will do our level:' best to please you. Next time you need it pair of shoes get ac. - (ill (tinted with this store's merchandise. FRED. JACKSON Good Shoes for Everybody. I New Spiiug Rugs at Special Prices. • Ws have just received our:first shipment of New Rugs and while they are wonderful values still we are going to offer some Exits. Spec- ial Prices during the next two weeks in order to induce early buying. 'We have Tapestry Rugs, Velvets and Wilton Rugs and all spec- ially priced fur the next two weeks. SEE OUR SE'EC1A1:$10.00 RUGS. Also some big values in Linoleums and Lace Curtains. BIGGER VALUES IN BETTER SHOES. Spring time means Shoe time in most fainilies and "Weare here with the goods" to supply those wants and at a big saving in price to yon Don't miss seeing.. our, stock When looking for your next pair: "It will .pay you well", , Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits More Business sty tt0140110110011MINIIo Up Brighten I. ',.�.�,,.-- BLE LIS' T - �Ugt SEASONABLE __ __ It h 4i have the ishere and we ra n season g grouse cls acing , goods to do the job. sherwita:williarnstPaints,_Varnishes, Floor Paints Etc. Campbells Varnish Stain, Japalac. 'papercleaner, Ronuk the English floor polish, 5 differ wall 5 different kinds metal polish, Silvio the celebrated silver polish, 10 different kinds stove polish, Jellstone & Nures co wall finish, Dustless mops and dusters, Silver polishing cloths, Door mate, Stepladders, Flempol and Liquid Veneer, All kinds brushes; brooms & whisks. —Ar, Bess Stock Food and Panacea ruse now for best results,— Simmers Celebrated Garden Seeds- -A few horse clippers at 10 percent, discount,- 10.-- -,11! iscount,-- ids living within twen- reel asp to -all art g Free a P ��SPECIAL": P P tmUr n 7 or drop us a card and we will miles of Clinton—Our Phone is o P send by the noct delivery flee of charge—Eleven pounds is the Limit of weight. HRLAND:BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES This Smart Raglan is only one of the splendid new styles , you can see in the Standard Fashion Sheet for April. Beafire tocall for a Free copy at our Standard 0` Pattern Department.' W. D. FAIR CO. Often the cheapest—Always the best. thomotimuttitt .. , tmssh la.. Mr, Stewart Paisley returned to West Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. D. Ecknnier goes to London to- day for a visit with friends, Mr. D. A. Forrester was with Mit- chell friends over the week -end. Miss Florence `Cuninghame was in London a couple of days lash week. Miss Grace Shephcird is expected' home from Ottawa for the Easter vaca- tion. Miss Mabel ' Cantelon entertained a nunlier of he: friends on Tuesday even Mr, anding. L14rs. Chas. antler were Sealorth visitors for a few days .last week. Miss Beatrice Cireene leaves today to spend the ..F ,stereide with Tor- onto friends, Miss Hattie Baker of Fullerton has been visiting friends in town during the past weds. Miss Ruby Wite leaves today to spend the Easter vacation with Sarnia and Detroit friends. Mrs. Livermore,, Sr.,has returned home atter a prolonged visit with friends at Blyth andLondon. don Mrs. S. E. Andrews of Winnipeg are rived in town on Monday and is the gust q' her daughter, Mrs, B. J. i in ' G bb gs. I1Iiss Mabel 1Iarlaad, who has been spending /the past year or so with friends in the west, returnn_d hone Saturday cvcniiig.' - Miss Nettie Watt of Woodstock is visiting at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Watt of the Huron Road, east. Mrs. Ogle Cooper and Mies Frances and Norah of Collingwood are vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Can- telon and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mor- rish._ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marlow or God- crich were in town a few days last week owing to the death of the latter's mother, the late Mrs. Tilos, Coo'r. Mr, Will Harland, Guellh, was ` in Clinton Friday Last on his rounds as commercial traveller .and roo'c- ing as if his new occupation ;agreed with him, Miss Bessie Irwin,; who has been at her homein town for some weeks recuperating alter a severe illness returned to her Deaconness 'work in Montreal on Monday. Itev. 1-1 M, Manning returned to Tor- onto on Monday after spending the week' in .town. He' was the guest while here of Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Rutledge at the parsonage. Rev. R. B. Stephenson and .Mrs. Step,- lrensoti of Tavistock were the guests over the week -end of the former's sister, Mrs. W. S. Downs. Mr. Step- henson occupied tie pulpit of Willis church on Sunday, Mrs„ Jacob Taylor felt on Tuesday morning to visit friends in Toronto and also went on -to Napanee to spend the Easter holidays with her son Mr. Will Taylor, classical mas- ter in the Collegiate.. Mr, E. J. Jen'eine of Toronto has been at his parental honor, . Wood- lands Farm, Huron Road, the past week .owing to the serious illness of his sister; Miss Anna, who .is . now AVC are glad to say, recovering.' Mr, J. W. Irwin, London; came up on Thursday last to attend tate big Spring Show and to meet old friends of country and town. Mr. Irwin always envoys a visit to, the old home town where a warm wel- come awaits him, Mrs, J. Forbes and children Ilii Monday for' Waterford where her husband has • been for a cou- ple 01 months leaving accepted a respousible position as manager of the Norfolk County Telephone Sys. tem. Mrs. A. Forbes accompanied them to assist them in settling: Miss Lizzie Carter, Princess Street, who has been confined to the house for the past five weeks with whoop- ing:cough and congestion of the lungs, is iniprovtng as is also. 'Mrs. Ed, Carter who has been con - but who is now able" to be up al- though cenCAA to the house, We have what you steed` in Furniture. Don't fail to call on Sall & Atkinson FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS Night 'and Sunday Calls. N. BALL, Phrne 110. J. A. ATIIINSON, Phone 1810. FOR: $5.00 Ladies' Waists $2.50 Twenty-four ladies' silk and all -over -net waists in white, ecro and black, all sizes;'several styles to choose from, regular, $5 values, Saturday of this week 1 price. Dresses and. Suits Underpriced Ladies' wash dresses regular $5 for $2.98. Ladies' serge and voil dresses, reg. $15 for $9,98 Ladies' serge'and fancy tweed suits, $20 and $25, Saturday $16.50; New Rugs, Hall Runners,; Watts, New Linoleums and Oilcloths. - This weather will bring on the annual house-cleaning season, Are you prepared for it ? This week we past into stock the greatest range of new spring floor rugs we have ev- er:shown One hundred to choose from, fawn, brown,' tan, green, red -and blue grounds, neat patterns, We are also showing five new patterns of four yard wide linoleum in tile, block and floral designs, Tapestry rugs priced from Brussels 'VViltons Axminster Hall runners $ 8 00' to $15 00 18 00 to 25 00 2.5 00> to 40 00 35 00 to 50 00 8.00 to 12 00 Easter Collars, -Waists, Hosiery and Frillings are now in Stock. We are showing a very exclusive range of ladies lace fischu collars in white and ecro, white waists, plain and fancy hosiery, and new frillings at reasonable prices. You are at liberty to ask to see these as often as you please. This is the store that finds it no trouble to show the new goods. New Spring, Goods at the Men's Store. New Spring Suitings. The new spring suitings are now in stook ready foryouv inspec- tion, worsted and weedtsuitings that fate sure to please the eye, browns, greys, blacks and blues, made to your measure in the very latest style your fit and our workmanship guaranteed, prices run from - $22.00 up. New Spring Hats For Men, Men and boys new spring hats in all the newest shapes -now in stock, blacks, blues, greys, browns, fawns etc. + 11 you want a hat you will be sure of getting'just what you want here, Personals Personals Mr.0, II Fulton n w a' i t Toronto to s i for a couple of days last week Mr. A. McKee. of Lthel was a visit- or with Mr. and Mrs, Eckmier this. week, k to eriich paid an of- ficial Field, Cod 1 0 ficial visit to the Clinton school this week, Miss L. Graham has again returned to town after a visit of three months in London. Mrs, W, U. I,atorn�ell of St. Thomas is t isitrg- -at the maternal home, that of Mrs. Combo Sr. Mr. Jas, Twitchell, who went to Tor- onto with his son Harry a fortnight ago, • returned home Tuesday. Miss Nettie Morrish of Detroit is visiting at the home of her grand- parents Mr.' and Mrs, D. Macdon- ald, • aIr. John C. Henry returned We.dnes- day from. London where he attended the funeral of his aunt Mrs. How- f Y Miss Ida \Villeini, secretary of the Jackson Mfg. Co., has been ' laid off through illness during the past week. Mr. James McMath was enabled 111 1 turd i to his home Saturday r tt uto n y 40 r tib days treatment in the fast titre e d } hospital. Mrs. Walter Morris and Miss Marion leavei today to spend the Easter. va- cation with the lady's mother at Listowel. Mrs. H. Rook has returned to her home in Arkona after a visit of several days with Mr, and Mrs, hunniford, Mr, Chas. F, Libby, manager of the Knitting Company, leaves this af- ternoon on a business trio to New York City. Mrs. R. D. Ramsay of Plattsville'was tite guest of her. mother and sister Mrs. and Miss Gilchrist the early. Part of week. Mrs. S. S. Cooper has, with her this week her mother, Mrs. It. Hamlet, Milverton, and her sister, Mrs. Ac- heson, St. Paul. Miss Edna Levis is expected home from. IIeatheote, where she has been teaching since Christmas, for the. Easter. vacation. Mr, and Mrs, ,Arthur Allan of Toron- to are ` expected this evening to spend the Eastertide with the par- ents of the former at Ontario St., parsonage. Mr. I3arry 7"witchell, who has ,been' a patient in the Western Hospital, Toronto, for the past ,fortnight or so, has so far recovered that it is expected he will be 'able to rettrn home the beginning of the week, Mr. and Mrs, J. Rhoinhardt and two children, Clinton, spent a few days of then Past week as guests of Mr, and Mrs. Will. Morrison of Mullett. Mr. and Mrs. Rheinlratdt purpose taking up their residence 01 Berlin. Mr's. James Shepherd. of Townshend street, who has been spending the tyinter in Toroti.o with her daugh- ter and son', returned home on Tues- ' ,day. She ..visited friends at ,Paris and Burlington bolo e comieg hone. Mr.ckn i nEthel D T tethls gone toL1 6 for Raster, Mr. James Stever left Thursday morning to spend the holidays sea- so ea- s n with .London frie ds. 0 in Miss Les T iernay of Blyth was the guest.. of her grandmother, Mrs, Thompson of Albert street, over the -week -end. Rev. Mr. Thompson of Aylmer called on Rev. 5, J. and Mrs. Allili on Tuesday on his way to a'nsit friends at Wingha)m. Miss Ethel Carter, who caine to vis- it her cousin, Miss L. Carter, and retrained to wait on Mrs. and Miss Carter, left for, her home near Auburn on Friday. FALLINCI Ii LINE, Commencing 'on Monday next the three jewelcgry stores in town and Cooper's boo's store will follow, the. example 'of the other business places in town and close at seven: o'clock each evening except Wednesday and Saturday and nights before holidays, u ett Township 11 Misses Mary and Vera Catbert, students ' of the Loretto,' Academy, Stratford, are home 1'or their Easter holidays. The following it the report of S. 5. No. 5, Kellett for Maroli, nam- es in order of merit , Sr, 4th, —;Florence Vodden, Mary Jam- ieson. Jr. 4th,-F,ced, McCool, Marley ' McCool. _Sr. 3rd,—Flossie 6ibbings, Annie Weymouth, Alice Vodden, Grace Vodden, Jr.> 3rd - TonyAppleby, Albert Gorbutt 2nd, Rose ,Gorbutt, Percy Gibbings, Arthur Waymouh, Flclmer Snell. Jr. 2nd, VI11igton !MoCool, Rosalie, Crawford, Dora 'Vodden (absent). Pt. 2nd,—Harold Snell, Jenny .Gorhiutt, Margaret Brown (absent.) Primer- Edith Gorbutt, The best spellers are : dth F. Vodden, Jr. 41111,—Se. McCool, M. •McCool (equal) Sr. 3ed -A, Weymouth. Jr. 3rd,—T.' :Appleby Pt. 2nd, -.J. Gorbutt S`r. 2tud,—R, Gorbutt. Jr. 2nd; -W, McCool Parcel Post Free Delivery Competition is the life of trade: We stand ready to meet any competition in the large cities by prepaying de livery. Send or phone your orders to as and we will for- ward goods by return mail post prepaid and if they are not satisfactory . we . will gladly refund your money: TOZER & BROWN The News From Londesboro Mr. John Spluulier of I ucknow spent a few days at the home of Mr. Jos- eph Lyon. , Mr. J Woodman f Guelph is Spend- ing. mai, o pl 1 ing a few days at his hone here, Miss E. Lyon of London is at her home here for 'a holiday. Mrs. E. Ball of Clinton is visiting atthe home of her brother, Mr. T. Sampson. Mr, Chas Asquith of Auburn spent Sunday with friends in Londeshrairo. Mr. Wm -Bell ;left: Tuesday for Cal- gary. Mrs. E. Manning has returned after spending a few days with Blyth fri- ends. SIr John W. Cartwright has me'.ed into the Temperance House. It will be quite a convenience to trastellers to have accommodation once re in. toTlrc wn,. : nteutbers of the Women's fe..ti- tutc have arranged to hold a social evening Tuesday of next week in the Forester's hall, There will be games' and music and a' general good time is expected. Admission free and every ,body welcome. Mrs. T. Sampson is confined to the house at present with an attack of congestion of the lungs, We hope for - speedy recovery. News -Record means News-Leadee. Auburn Miss Ethel Carter has returned. from a fortnight's visit with Clinton friends. _ Mrs, Ingold has been over at Sum- merhill with, her son, Mr. Daniel Rueger, who got severely injured while working in the woods recently, Rev, r Watford McConnell of g ttfotd c e M ex- changed pulpits with Ret Mr Miller on Sunday week Mr. M. Armstrong was in Blyth on business last week. Me, and Mrs,. Janes Medd visited Dungannon fr.lende last weer. Auburn A large nuinihor attended the ser- vice in the Baptist church en Sun- day weeks to hear Rev. W. W. Wy1ie's farewell sermon. Mrs. Roble Taylor and Master Earl. have returned home after visiting the-- lady's he-lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs,, J. Id. McClinton icon o f Goderich. spent •p• t week Miss Minnie Snell' a iek with her sister, Mrs. John McDowell,. Jr., of Westfield. NEWS -RECORD -NEWS -LEADER, 1 Easter • Foolwea� The new models we are showing in Ladies' shoes faithfully reproduce all, the style featur- es of the highest price custom made. We can meet every requirement at moderate expense and guarantee thorough satisfaction. We have placed' in stock this ' Spring a much vider range of styles than ever be— fore, to match the season's requirements which are much, more exacting than for a number of years past. You'll find j nst the shoes, oxfords or pumps you want here, and you'll get the most gener- ous measure of value you ever bought for - your money.: its See Our ■1 i 10 L s e H.' S. CHAPMAN PRONE 70