HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-04-09, Page 7t
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44 vA
1 9S. •
n 1
Ul 'Costs -
atid Does
.rrIS';'F., --"". i''i "?...
so Little,
So Mitch'
- '',4,,'‘,,,r'..,,',.:4,r.,,..
Why Ndt 7 Per Cent Interest?
• _
If your money earns less than 77,:', write to us to -day. We
ere offering the Bonds of a .successful, well•organtzed coM-
pany which. yield 7% Intereot. and have a profit sharing
• feature as ' well. Your investment may be withdrawn anY
time after one year on 60. days' notice. Send for special
• folder and -full particulars, '
... .
'fetal Fire
Total Losses
Total Assets
W. R. 13rock.
W. 13. Meikle,
Robet•t Blekerdike,
M. W. Cox
B. C. Cox
-01' ,11.NNUAL
and likarine
and Expert/lea
at 315t December,
paid since organization,
President 1).
Vice -Pres. Alex.
M.P. Z.
Col. Sir
Manager. Ass't
13. Hanna
A, Lash,
, -
for Year
11 RAN
- -°
and 00111,
. ..... ...
E. 33..
31, 1913.
1913 ...•
$ 3,507,345.82
Nicholls ,
Kerr Osborne
Hoskin, K,C., LL.D.
K.C., LL.D.
Pellatt, C.V.O.
General Manager.
.,,,... ,,,,, •
1%••• ,r
,, • I/ ' P
2.,`4 /,
)4,1) ..... .Lii,.. --...2,. .4' "..,, ' .
BRUCE'S GIANT. FEEDING BEETS -The most valuable Field Roots.on the
market, combine the rich qualities of the Sugar Beet with the long keeping, large size
and lien vy err/pain, qua I ities or the Mengel. ' We offer Is two colors, white and Rose.
• 4 10.13c, 3410, 070, 110, 36o1Olbs. $3.00.
best of all field Carrots. 34 10. 40c, 3,4111. 70c, 1 lb. 41.20, 3 lbs, $3.00. •
to our Ginnt White Peeding Bed, cod equally casy to harvest, X lb.12e, 3410. 20c,11b.36e,
10 lbs. $8.00.
BRUCE'S NEW CENTURY SWEDE TURNIP -The best shipping variety, rts
• well as the best for cooking , handsome shape, uniform g,rowth, purple top. 1..i lb. I2e,
;I lb. Ole, 1 lb. 38e, 8 lbs, 4).50. s,
BRUCE'S GIANT KING SWEDE TURNIP -An improvement na /limbo, or
131,phatit Swede, tankard shaped, largo, good sunlit y, heavy yielder, mid good keeper.
3410. 111c, gib, 2c, 111, Ole, 6 lbs. $1.60,
Prices are here -Add for Mstage, 13 10 he moiled, le for 4 pound, Ole a pound.
Bruce's Giant White Beet,I3ruce's Mammoth Intermediate Carrot: and Brute's Giant King
.- Swed o led all tho others m the experimental tests, Ontario Agricultural College for,:m3,
. . .
FREEoiii-lunlittesiarlfliislratea ria -page catalogue of
."-.Vegetabte, norm and Plower seeds, plants, Imam,
. Poultry Supplies, Carden Impletnents, eh,., for leg. ,Sead for it.
John A. Bruce & Co., ., Limited Hamilton, Ontario.
• .
Comment on Events
--...-. -
' The Koch Cure. „
After' Several yhars of disCredit the
Koch tuberculosis cure seems to be
finding favor once more. It Is reported
that the Koch ,tuberculin when used in
minute doses cures 100 per cent, of the
bone arid gland cases treated .wIth It. It
cures 100 per cent. of the 00.000 of tuber-
culosie of the lungs in the first et5ge.
00 per cent. in the second stage, nut can
not.. be used successfully in the third
stage. It is said that the reason • for
the failure in 1891 was that the 11000
W0.5 100 large. This was from one 1n9-
Eon' to ten Million times as large as is
lhe..dose which is being used to -day. '
The announcement 10 of tremendous
importance and surely would not have
been made without proper authentloa-
tion. It would be a erlininal thing to
send out through the news agencion an
Item of this nature withouf malting
sure that it is ccirreet, Tuberculosis is
known as the Great 1,Vhite Plague and
the death rate from its ravages is enort....
mous. Thousands of people who live in
certain climates owing to their tendency
to tuberculosis Will hear of these re -
mite. with intense interest. The Fried -
Mann cure which by the way is said tO
be giving good results in Germany rata-
ea their hones tremendously. I • te
Koch cure, can clo what is nowf be nhg
al/timed for it, it is the duty 00 govern-
meats to at once take the matter up and
see. that all hospitals can obtain proper
ividenee and instructions In the uso or
the oure, Conservation of the natural
7esources of a, country, is considered the
orope,, duty:of the governments or to-
laY: hew 1111.1Ch. more then •Is 1L a dubYtY
to conserve the life- of the people
?very means at their tilspOsa°1:
All aboard for tale arctic Circle.
A (Martel' of a century ago he 'who
mount nave ilea the boldness tO predict,
that within thirty years trains would be
running, from New York. to the northern
wilds of Alaska, would'ha,ve been 'voted
5215 or that vastmajority of. Which Car-
see said the world was composed Of; in
ils day. And yet only a few clays will
n . a ow ,elanse before sutveyors will be
Out the route for
mg/se:ea mapping whilat before an -
Tans -Alaska, railroad,
Alter quarter of a century .Canada will
its• running trains ^to the Aretie shores
ilso wIth,•probably, a season excursion
'err - to the 2105'311 pole. arid the walrus
Ind Die liOler bear will have to find new
!Porter:5 aS di/litho buffalo and the elk
o. civilization advanced north as our
western prairies became populated,
"The TIlanderer's" Price Reduced.
Time reduction of the price Of the Lon-
Ion Times from two -pence to a pennY,
ir from four cents to two cents of our
noney, may indicate a pathos° to make
he famous old paper more of a popular.
tistitution. 'The traditional stYle .of the
Plmes has been over the heads of the
;women people, The 'day:thas past.when
m newspaper o.an thrive by aPPealing to
t limited . and exclusi re., cons ti Looney.
Vile. ebtiservative old Briton, Who was
riad,to pay the 0001 V0100 i Of Six Cana'
limit cents for" his Times and was ,shock.-
al Whell'it collie down from "thrippence'r
.o 'gilt/ponce" 'after Ldtkl Northcliffe
oolc nom, Joust regard the- red/teflon of
ho Thunderer io tile penny class as no-
nine short of revolution, riot to say
001 '3505.
A CostlY Prnioner.
arry Thaw's escape froin lSfattnw0n
' thus far has cost the
nearly $44,000 without
tive murderer a step
Inerme hospital.
amount. goes 1.0
heading the list with
expenses. No one: lcnows
the state will, have
back Wit ever does
wonder that a senator
more expenditures
rivet," and a hill Is
the New York Assembly
Thaw proaaaauan,
Three Biggest
Germany now lays
biggeSt thingS oi
in the. world.
Deutsche, of Berlin,
•a smaller Institution
capital and reserve
its assets to 0554,000,000.
steamship eoloPallY;
American, with $62:875,000
an OCC1111 fleet tot 101
411 tonnage. And the
State of New Yoik
bringing the fugi-
nearer the criminal
Practically all of this
lawyers. arr. Jerome
$37,260 for fee and
how much more
to 001 to get Thaw
get Min, and it is
opposes "any
on that young scoun-
actually pendiog
to drop the
claim to the three
their respective kinds
One is a bank, the
which by absorbing
has run UP its
to 0106,250,000 and
Another Is
the Hamburg-
capital and
vessels and 1,307,-
third is a.brewery,
to Be CHITIN' in
Ottawa says:
theaugh the mails,
post, will be
exempt amounts
r, " said D 001.11-
again,sb sending
letters was
the temptation
to steal from
cases of this kind
letters viola,t-
being sent to the
' It has been
tteparlanent, how,
3 hardship to co.
of ,i1-ra1.1ing
hazard of sending
does not jtistify
' -
- .
in file Sale of
on ' , ..•
of land sales o
Col:Ppm/1y for the
seriee thaa.
farm lands de-
or nearly 50 per
deere, ased by
than 90 per cent.
for the. past 12
400 as against
no t
a "t
• it
o .
' d '
, ..
A despateh from
..`,`The recent regulation
mailing money
&aye by registered
modified. so as to
not exeeeding. $1,
ter, Deputy, Poatmaeter-General,
The `regulation-
money. in unregistere,c1
, .
oesigned- to remove
fiona postal employes
the MaliS, several
having been detected
cities. At. present,.
. ,..,
1055tn T
g e 'rule -are • are
dead- letter office.
. , ., , „
pc:entail ouTO the
ever, that it i.,S
'pel, the registration
arammtz, ,,,, the
them. anregisteted
the eataa, eape,ase.
SeliOlIS Difili11115i0il
A .
despatch from
. .
An official return
the Hudson's Bay
past 12 months shows
00t1.011. Sales of
clined by £115,000,
cent. Town- lets
zeee•r,e00, or more
Total reeeipts •
months 'were 958
2705,800 ill ale Preceding
- •
, .. .. .
Yam Mona
.. '
Pill at B ed TIme ate 1111140
A G1n Pi'
win not only prevent _any form of Kidney trouble r
, but will asSist the K.idneys in theit 'work of filtering,
the impurities fromthe blood. Kidneys W
working -
, b.
‘, properly mean a goot comPlexion, righteyes, , ,i'w ,,,. A, s
a relear brain, in fact. a condition' of general Prie ‘,.4-.....-
good health. ,.. • • 4I534tI k''''''"-
- Gin Pills are solcl by all druggiSts, at soc, per Irr
box, 6 for $2,5o, or direct from .
, r i ,
- ,
National Drug and Chemical Co, of Canada.Litnited, Toronto. 4 ,
162 ,
'PRIGES "fif [A
2CFOIITS lint:11,1 1111 LEA011in if72.'01))
trines 51 Cattle, Craln, Cheese an:l •
reetme at H01119 Ulla Abri
Toren to, • April 7.--Flour-02110rio
wheat diours, SO • per cente. 35 85,,, .sea-
board, and at $3.05 to 34, Torento: Mani-
tobas-First Patents, in lute bagS,
05.60; do., seconds, $5.10; stront, halters •
in jute bags, $4.90. ' ' •
Al/in/Who wheat -Gay ports -No.' 1
Northern, Ole, and No. 2, 254c: Gsilerieli
le more. No. 1 Northern, North LaY,
01.030, and No. 2, $1,010.
Ontario wheat -No. 2 at 98c to 51, out-
side, according to freight, and 31 on
track, Toronto.-
, 'Oats -No.- 2 Ontario oats, 39 to 3610,
outside, and at 41 to 42e, on track, To -
!onto. Western Canaria oats quoted at
414c for No. 2, and at 405e. for No. 3,
1351' ports,
Peas ---98c to $1, outside.
Barley -Good malting barley, 57 to
58c, outside, according- to quality.
Rye -No. 2 at -63 00 640, outside.
Buckwheat -7-8 to 76e, ,outside, '
Corn -New NO, 3 Ati701.101.111. 73c, all
rail, Toronto. Canadian, 69 to 79c.
Bran -Manitoba bran, 324 to 525 a'
ton, in bags, Toronto' freight. ShortS,
$26 to 527.
Country Produce:
Butter-Cholce dairy, 22 to 230;
ferlor., 18 to 180; farmers' separator
prints, 23 -to 25c; creatnery prints, freoh,
31, to 52c; do., storage prints, 27 to 200;
solidg, storage, 25 to 26o. •
ggs-20e per dozen, In case lots.
Cheese -New obeese. 150 to 1550 for
large, and 161c for twins, •
Seans--Iland-Plelced, $2.20 to 32.25 per
bushel; primes, 52,15 to $2.20.
Honey -Extracted, in tins, 11 to 120
Per lb. for No. I; combs, $S to $3.25 per
dozen for NO. 1, and $2.40 to 52.50 for
Poultry -Fowl, 15 to 18c per lb.;
chickens, 19 to 200; clucks, 17 to 18c;
geese, 15 to 16c; turkeys, 20 to 230.
Potatties-Ontartos, 85c per hag, on
track, and Delawares at- 950, on traoli,
car lots.
lilacon--LOng clear, 15 to 15e per lb.
In CD.SC lots. Hams -Medium, 18 to /Sic;
do., heavy, 17 to 180; rid's, 15 to '15.5c:
breakfast bacon, 18 to 19c; backs, 22 to
Lard -Tierces, Mc; tubs, 1380: Pella,
Wholesale seed Merchants are selling
re-eleaned seeds to the trade, on the
100-1b, basis; -Red clover, No. 1, 519 to
321; do.. -No. 2. $17.50 to $18.50; alsike,
No. 1, $19 to $211'do... No. 2, $17 to 513.50;
Timothy, No, 1, 58.50 to $9.60; do., No.
2, 37.25 to. $7.50; alfalfa, No. '1. 314 to
515; do., No. 2, $13 to 513.50.
Montreal Market'.
Montreal, April 7. -Corn -Amer -lean
No. 2 yellow, 775 to 780. Oats-Canadl-
an Western, No. 2, 435 to 44c; do., No. 3,
43 to 425e. liarleylianitoba. feed, 49
to 500; malting. 68 to 70c. Flour -
Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts,
55.10; do., seconds, 55.10; strong bak-
rs'„ $4.90; Winter patents, choice.$0.25
o 55,50; straight rollers, $4.70 to 54.90:
do., in bags, 52.20 to 52.35. Rolled
oats -Barrels, 54.25 to $4,55; bag of
0 lbs., $2 to $2.15. =treed -Bran,
23; shorts-, $25; middlings, $26; moult -
ie, $28 to $32. Hay-No.‘2, per ton, car
ote. $13 to $14.. Citeese-Flnest west -
res, 145 to 15c; 110., eastorns, 14 to
45c. Butter -Choicest creamery, 28 to
85e; seconds, 27 '00 272c. Eggs -Fresh,
1 to 231. Potatoes -Per bag, car lets,
25 to 800.
Winnipeg Grain.
Winu,lpep, April 7.--Cash:-Wheat,
o. 1 Northern, 895c; No. 2 Northern,
The; No. 3 Northern, 85ic; No. 4, 823c;
o. '5, 800; No. 6, 75c; feed, 70c: No. 1
'elected seeds, 855c; No, 2 rejected seeds,
38c; No. 3 rejected seeds, 825c; No. 1
routty, 8550; No. 2 sioulty, 835c; No.
smutty, 815e; No 1 red Winter. 892c;
o 2 red Winter, 077e; No 3 red Whiter,
55c. Oats -No. 2 C,W., 345c; No. 3 C.
V.. 3350:„No. 2 feed, 325c. Barley -No.
, 443c: No, 4, 428e; rejected, 413e; feed,
Jo. Flax -No. 1 N.W.C.. $1.37; No. 2
.W.. 51.34; No. 3 C.W., $1,23.
United States Markets.
Minneapolis, April 7.--Wheat--May,
SZe; July, 90 to 0050; No. 1 hard, 925
o 025e; No, 1 Northern, 095 to 01.5c; No.
. do., 871 to BM. Corn -No. 3 Yellow,
15 to 62c. Oats -No. 3 white, 355 to
53c. Flour -Fancy patents, $4.50, in
ood; first clears, $3.45, in lute; second
atents. 52.70, in jute. Bran. $25.
Duluth, April 1. -Wheat -No. 1 hard,
150; No, 1 Northern, 909c; No. 2, do.,
850; May, 5050; July, 015e; September,
75e. lAnseed-Cash, 51.58; May,
1.59; July, 51.605; September, 51.605.
Live Stook Markets,
''Toronto, April 7, -Cattle -Choice bot-
hers', $7.60 to $8; good, 57.25 to 37.40;
edium $6.30 to 57.21; common, $5 to
5.110; choice tows, 56.60 to 56.75;
ood, 50,00 to 56.25; common, $4,40 to
5.50; cutters and canners, $2.10 to
3..50; choice bulls, 56.60 to $$; good.
540 to $6.40; common, $4 to 5545.
tockers and feeclers-Steers, choice: $7
o $8.50;' good. $5.40 to 56.80; light,
3.60 to $4.75; Springers, to $80; milk-
rs, to 590. Calves -Good veals, 38.65
o 511; medium, $7 1019. Sheol) and
gobs -Light ewes, $5.50 to $7; heavy,
53.50: Spring lambs, $9 to $9.50.
ogs-59.35 to $9.50, fed and watered;
9.66 to $2.75, off cars; 59 to 59.10,
Montreal, April 7. -Prime beeves, '75c
o 85c: a few ertra steers, 85e, and
rge fat cows, 70e to The; medium, the
o The; common, 450 to 5.5c; cows, $40
o $75; calves, 35c to Ole. Sheep, 60 to
le; lambs, She to 9c; spring lambs, $5
o $5 each. Hogs, 10e, North-West
ogs, age.
- -
nests Were Driven Scantily Clad
. Into the Streets.
A despatch from St. Augustine,
says: 'Flames that swept
irough two long blocks in the
mit of ,51. Augustine along the
•ay shore destroyed five tourist
otels, a theatre, the courthouse,
nd numerous residences, with an
stimated loss of $000,000 110 $7,50,-
00. There was no life loss, but.
umbers of gliests in the hotels
ere forced to flee scantily clad into
he streets, while ;ahem were car-
ed down ladders by firemen and
lunteers. •
Two persons who jumped in their
ight from the flames were serious,
injured. Miss Alice M. •Smith,
1. Amherst, N.S., who leaped from
secomf-floor window of the Flor:
a House to escape the lire, suf-
red a broken back- and leg, and
he, Several o tiler pe rscais
:stained minor injuries.
ne Hundred St. Petersburg Riot-
ers Ai:rested.
A despateb from St. Petersburg
ys: The strike caused by the epi -
nide of a myaterious malady in
ctories here is spreading rapidly.
any fac.toriea are affe-cted, and
0 number of workers who ha.ve
uit through fear of contagion is,
ow about 70,600. fbere were sev-
demonstyations lir the streets
si Wednesday, and the workers
asiatd, with the police. On.e inla-
yed of the notera were ateested,
tat were injured. Tho owners of
0 Trugoinilt Itubber Factory,
hich is one of those affected, have
'anted a 11011day, waith pay, to the
,emp oye
E$tirnates of the Dead Vary
fri tin d rzd
Prom EiftY to Osie
A des.pateli from 'St. Joh n' s, N'QW-
,foundland, says: Death travelled
in a gale that overtook the sealing
ileet0 liere.,„ The ateaaner Newfound-
land lost probably fifty of her crew,
while as many naOre, it .10 ['cared,
will be maimed ae a result of expo-
' The men lost were far from their
ships killing seals when the storm
with blinding now, swooped.'down
upon them. They were exposed for
48 hours before assistance arrivtici,
and in that time many succumbed.
The Newfoundland was one of a
fleet of fifteen ehips, carrying over
2,000 men, acattered among the ice
floes near Belle 'Isle Strait, The
crews were on t,he floes hunting
seals which have their homes on
these crystal plains, and the hunt
had taken thern froni four to six
miles from' their ships.
When the blizzard came the crews
of the other st,eamere managed ,to
:regain their veesels, but the floes on
which the Newfound -land's "men,
ware Minting drifted away from the
main body of ice, and when dark-
ness fell that night not one had re-
turned, The ship's (..,.rew. numbered
150, of whetil 120. were on the ice.
Captain Wesley Kean, his ollicers,
engineers, atokers and cooks, re -
The, weather cleared and. Captain
Kean signalled the stetimus Bella -
venture and Stephan°, which were
nearest him, of the loss of his men.
These, two vessels, being fast find
poWerful, spiashed their way into
the floes in search of the missing
Captain Randell, of the Bella-
Nentlire, sent a wireless message
that he had twenty-eight living men
a,boarcl, and theie were two others
on the Ice that he hal not yet res-
cued. He*e-stimated forty men were
dead, and there were -thirty still un-
accounted for. He Stated that the
survivors were so exhausted that.
they could not walk a,nd,had to be
hoisted aboard the vessel
Mork Train Wrecked Owing to Un-
dermining of Roadbed.
A despatch.; fi•oin. Toronto says:
Undermined by the spring floods,:
a culvert on the new Lake Shore
Line of the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way collapsed while a woik train
was running , over it, hurling the
locomotive and tender to the bottom
of .a twenty-fteet -ravine and derail-
ing the following car, instantly kill-
ing the engineer and firenian and
seriously injuring a :member of the
train crew. rhe casualty list is as
follow -s: Killed-G-eorge Vincent,
engineer; Albert Sinclair, fireman.
Injured -Albert Shelstone, brakes -
man, injured about the body and
head, believed to fie suffering froni
internal injuries, but will recover.
The train was the first to pass
over the newly -constructed road
this year. It was collecting work
cars left along the line during the
past season, and arrived at the
Cherrywood culvert about 11 o'clock
in the morning, At the time the --
train was running slowly, and when
the engine feaelled the centre of the
viacluet the . structure collapsed.
The locomotive dropped twenty feet
211110 the ravine, dragging the tender
ivith it. Fortunately the coupling
connecting -the following Work ear
snapped, but nob before that car
was dragged from the rails.
Engineer Vincent tailed to leap
from the cab, aticl when the engine
rolled upon its side at tbe bottom
of the ravine was pinned under-
neath it and was,instantly killed.
Fireman -Sinclair snceeeded in leap-
ing from the cab, but was so seri-
ously injured by his fall that he
succumbed a few minutes later,
Brakesman Shelstone was on the
following work car, and when it was
derailed was thrown into the ra-
vine. ,
Edifice Was About to Become a Pub..
lie Technical Institute.
A, despatch from London says:
Suffragettes tried to burn Lisburn
Castle, County Antrim, Ireland,
which was formerly owned by the
late Sir John Murray Scott, who
bequeathed about $5,000,000 to
Lady Sackville, and over whose
will there was a bitter contest last
July. The castle was about to be-
come a public technical institute.
Inflammables and the usual Suffra-
gette papers were found in the
vicinity. The damage to the castle
was slight.
May Richardson, the militant
Suffragette who slashed the Rokeby
`Venue" in the Nationca Gallery,
has been on a hunger strike since
she was sent to jail for six mouths
on March 12. The authorities have
now resorted to forcible feeding.
Ilealth Regained by Right Food.
The average healthy man or WO
Man iS usually eager to be busy at,
some useful task or. employment.
Bat let dyspepsia or indigestion
get hold of one, and all endeavor
becomes 'a, burden. A woman Writes:
"A yesti. ago, after recovering
front an operation., my stomach and
nerves began to give me mach
"At times my appetite was vora-
cions, but when indulged, indiges-
tion followed. Other times I had
no appetite -whatever, The, food I
took did not nourish me, and I
grew ‘veaker than ever.
"I lost interest in everything and
wantecVto be alone. I had always
had good nerves, but now, the
merest trifle would upset no and
bring on a violent headache, Walk-
ing across the room was an effort,
'and prescribed exercise was out of
the question. .
"I had seen Grape-Nute adver-
tise.d, but ,did not.telieve what I
read, at the time. At last, when. It
li,.calned me if"' were JiteralV story-
-lag, I began to eat Grape -Nuts.
"I had not been able to work for
'a year, but now after two -mouths
on Grape -Nuts ,aan eager to be
a.t work again. My ,stomaoh gives
inc rio trouble now, •iny nerves- are
steady a,0 ever, and Interest in life'
Lt,n(1 ambition have come back with
the return to health.'.'
Name given by Canadian Pegtinn
Co. Windsor, CtrO. Read "The
Road in pkgs.
"There's a Reason!'
Moor read* the above letter? Li new
0210 appears front time to time. They
Are genuine, tree, and full of human
England's Leading Soldier, Once
Intended for Iloily.Orders.
• Sir John French has been anuch
in the lime lighteas a restat of the
revolt of the army against the RH,
tish Government which preciPitated
the worst crisis which Premier As-
quith has had to face in his -stormy
career as Prime Minister, Sir John
is the generalissimo of the Imperial
forces in England, and would have
been in chief -command of the Bri-
tish ttoops if civil war resulted as
a, result of the Home Ride bill. Sir
John, waa not among the original
mutineers, hut resigned subse-
quently because of the repudiation
of the guarantees given to the. re-
bellious officers.
Besides being chief of the Iinper-
ial General staff, he is likewise the
first military member of the so-
called Army Council, which is pre-
sided over by the Secretary of State
for War. Ha would retain his posi-
tion if there were a change of Gov-
ernment. His salary is $20,000 a
year plus numerous allowances,
Another of his duties is that of
president of the Board of Selection,
a board which selects the most suit-
able men for the -various eommands,
Sir John French,
decides on promotions, retirements,
Sir John -was originally intended
for the church, and his family by
way of training him in his boyhood
for holy 'orders were wont to dele-
gate to him the task of reading fam-
ily prayers. He did very Well as is
budding parson, until one Morning,
whenin the presence of the kneeling
family and servants' he rendered
the passages "0 Lord, cut ua not
off its cuiriberers oE the ground"
with considerable unction as, "0
Lord, cut us nob off as cucumbers
of the ground," which •00aVelSed
his small congregation and brought
the devotions to an untimely close.
Ho was rendered so indignant by
this irreverence that he declared
then and there that he would never
say prayers again; and while 51110
hoped that he has done, so in pri-
vate, he has certainl,y never at,
tempted since to minister to the
spiritual needs of others.-
He tried the navy for a, while, and
then went into the army, serving
under Lord Wolseley in the Nile
expedition of 1884-5, and maks-ng a
great reputation for 1115119011 as a,
general in th-e.,Sontli African War.
The Boers need to describe him as
a "devil,'' because 'he seemed, able
to be every‘yhere,at once.
Men Who Administered Them Sent
to Prison.
A despatch from WinniPcS say -a:
Two years in th-e penitentiary was
tho s-entence impos.ed upon Robert
Metcalf, a bartender formerly em-
ployed at a lbeal hotel, for admin-
istering knockout drops by means
of liquor for the purpose of rob-
bery. His. companion in crime, John
Sendlak, the hall porter at the
same hobel, was sentenced to one
year in jail by Magistrate MacDon-
Forty years in use, 20 years the
standard, prescribed autiresent',
mended by Physicians. For Wo-
ntatt's Ailments, Dr. lllartel'i
Female Pills, at your druggist.,
Rich Red Life
Your Veins
Conies from the wise use of good medicine 'ctrilen
needed. If in the slightest degree you are below the
standard of perfect health, 1 -food's Sarsaparilla is
the building -up remedy you need. it lifts up tbo
run down, finds the lost appetite, renovates the blood.
and sends it sparkling and tingling with health to
every remote, needy, suffering, acliing, ailing out-
post of the bodily system. It bas effected wonderful
cures of scrofula, eczema, rheumatism and other
ailments. Get a bottle today.
Government Will C,o-operate Wills
'United Ktates Patrol.
A despatch frern Ottawa says:
Carrying out its part of the Conven-
tion concluded some months ago i•n
London regarding the safety of life
at sea, the Maa.ine Department is
co-operating with the United States
Government, which has two steam-
ers patrolling the track of 1:-11-e North
Atlantic and making careful obser-
vations and reports as to ice eon,
ditions.' An officer is to be placed
wt. Cape :Race, and to hira will be
directed all information. from the
patrol or 'other steamers as to the
location of ice fieldsor icebergs.
Two m.e•ssages lie flashed opt
daily east, and west, giving steam-
ers eastbound and westbound full
information -as to the location of ice
fields. While Cape Race is the most
central point for all -year-round
traffic; arrangements have also been
made for a similar information ser-
vile being operated at Belle Talc
fvom June to October.
Aged Couple fSaw Street Fight with
Fatal Resatts,
A despatch from Worcester,
Mass.; says: Patrick Ragleten, 70
years old, of Duggan Street, Spen-
cer, and Mrs. Deamis Arseneault,
GO years old, of 48 Maple. Street,
Spencer, dropped dead from fright
in the street as they witnesseda
three -cornered fiE,,lit between Mar-
tin Niederberger, ,a chauffeur, and
Stanley Orutt ;Intl Charles Bannon.
The fight trick place on the street
and Mr. Eagleton, Wilt) was waiting
for a trolley car, collapsed on the
sidewalk with fright, and died be-
fore a doctor could be called. Mrs.
Arseneault sank to the floor of the
waiting -station durieg the row and
she was (lead before help could
reach her.
Said to Exist in Some Western
Ontario Towns.
A despatch from Woodstock says:
There has been considerable pollee
investigation into an alleged Chi-
nese opiu01 ring, said to exist in
London. It was said there that; the
drug -had been sent there from
Woodstock and several other west-
ern Ontario towns. Chief of Police
Killings when seen in regard to the
statement said he hard been endea-
voring to get onto the tritil of the
stuff for a long time, but bad been
A bite of this and a taste of that, all day'
long, dulls the appetite and weakens (ho
Restore your stomach to healthy vigor
by taking a Na-Dru-Ce Dyspepsia Tablet
after each meal -and 0132 01) the qpieetne.
Na..-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets
are the best friends for, sufferers frorn
Indigestion and dyspensia. 50c. a Box
0.5 yoiiir Druggist's, Made by the
National Drug and Chemical Co. of
Canada, Limited,
News-Rectird and
News -Record and
News -Record and
Weekly Star .
Nows.Reeord and
Nowit-Resiorii and
'Newe-ltevord and
islews-Record and
News.ltecord and
News-Reeorcl ans.
News•Record and
News-R000rd and
News.iteeord and
News -Record and
News-Reserd and
Farmer . ..
Mail & Empire ,...$1.61
Globe 1.60
Family Herald and
. „ .. .. . Les
Weekly Sun1.85
Farmer's Advoate., 2.35
F n7333 rk Dairy • 1.95
Canadian Perm 1,85
Weekly Witness 1.85
Northeru Meseenger 1.60 ' •
Free Press 1,85
Advertiser . . 1.86
Saturday 3.25
Youth's Companion 3.25
Fruit Groiver atid •
.... .. , .. ........ 1.76
News -Record and Canadian Sports-
News.Record and. •Lippincol,'Ve logo.
eine„ ...... .. . ....... 3.25
News -Record and World................5335
News•Retord and Globe, .... 4.50
News•Reesird and ME
ail .5/ mpfre 4.50
Neivs.Record and Advertiser .„. 2.85
News -Record and Morning Pree Press. 3.35
News -Record and Evening Free Press. 2.85
Neive-Record and Toronto Rim' • „ 2.35
News-itecord and Toronto News ....•- 2,35
If what 77011 want is not 1,4" 1053 Est let
us know about it. We ca51 oftnply you at
less than it would cost you to send direct.
In remitting plea, do so by Post -Ales
Order Pwial Note, Express Order or Rog.
/sicced letter and addt•ess.
'Publisher News-Rer..ardl
Asthma Catarrh
a simple, oaf0 and effective treatment for Lon -
shim troubles, whittlet dosing the stomach with
dretls1;0214,ed,,avr,r1,ty%seticilc.ss.cetriLholtiti.sr 1/,..aproa% 6,ph.,d
with every breath, notices breathing easy, soothes
Ole sore throat, and stops theconalLassiainarrstrul
nights. cresolene is invaluable to mothers with
young children and w BOON to sufferers from
Asthma. Send us postal fordescripthm booklet.
TABLETS for the irritated
Of your druSalat or from
soh 5(0, 100100,,,.
Vapo Cresolene Co.
1 62 Conlon&
, . .St. NT.
Every Woman
id interested and should knoW
about the wonderful
Marvel Whirling spray
Ask your druggist ,for
B. If he cannot Mandy
the MARVEL,,accept ne
other, hot send atrium for Moss
trated book -sealed. It gives fell
particulars end directions invaluable
General Agents roe Canada,
Radical Cure for Anthrax and.
0 t her A ilments.
A despatch from Paris, France,
says: The Academy of 'Sciences
came out the other day in advocacy
of 1 -he use of iodine on diseased
fattle. The academy asserts that
iodine is a radical cure for anthrax
and other ailments. Prof, Porrier
said that all cattle which showed
signs of eruption on the hide in the
shape of boils or other sores should '
be lanced in the sore places and a,
cubic centimeter of iodine applied..
Gm-le:Heil Will 'Erect a Sialio Oye;
Unidentified Sailors.
A despatch from e Geclerich, Ont.,
says; The Town Cionncil has decided
to erect a tombstone over the
graves of the five nnidenbifiiecl salt_
ors whose bodies were- washed
.ashore after the November storm.
A design -of tombstone wae submit-
ted to the council arid accepted.
The following 'Canadian Munitripal Debentures constitute an unusually
attractive group Lo select. Prorn. .
'1--'1`litly are, or WIunicipalities extending from the tar tlast be the
2-They...mature at practically all perieds froin one to fifty
3-3heY are offered to yield front 4951. to 65% interest.
Ontario Government (An.) 4.50%
Town of Owen Sound, Ont. 4,00°4,
City of Woodstock, Ont., .. 54051
Town of Brookville, Ont.. 6.0051
Town,of Hespeler, Ont.., 0,0051
City of Broaden, 1VIan..... 1351051
ToWnship of lentos, Ont., .. 5.13%
CitY of Sydney, „ 5.20%
Town of Burlington, 'Ont... 5.2f)%
Town of Ildllton, Ont... , 5.25%
Town of Worth 5.25%
TOV77.1 of Elmira, Out. .... 5.2551
Town of I3tr53msbn`
• PriCes 01111 greatly favor the investor. On the average the Yields
Vegp SC f 10 the above issues are '1351 greater than they Were between
two and three years ago. ,
- 'Write for Our Complete April Bond List.
Orders Inas, he telegraphed or telephoned at our expense,
tu*V3tMelit A E AMES & CQ 1889
Banli Building Toronto.
Town of Sudbury, Ont.... 5.38%
Town of St. Laurent, Que. 5.3R%
City of Nelson, B.C. . 6.40%
Township of niCh1110114.,
B. TOIVil of iii.;:eeievilie Ont., 5.5051
District of Trovtlt Vaneon-
ver, WC, . . . . 6.50%
Teton of Sudb'ury Separate
Schools, Ont., „ 5.75%
Town of Transoona, Man'.., 6.0051
Town of Estevan, Sask..,. 0.0051
TOWIt of Watrourt 6.50%