The Clinton News Record, 1914-04-09, Page 6YOUR 131,001)
Just new you are feeling "out; of
isoTts''-s-mot your 'usual self.- Quite
exhalisted at times, andtdc
-vote, real el1,2rgy, to your. work.,
Sle2pdoss not rest you and, you
wake up feeling; "all Lived out,''
'Perhaps "rheunia,Lisin is flying
through your museles,and joints, or
may be your •skin 'is 'disfigured by
rashes, boils or 'pimples. Head-
aches, twinges of neuralgia, fits of
nervousness, irritability of temper
and a disordered stomach often in-
reaEo ye r discomfort in tite
The eause-winier has left its
niark, on •.<i. These Lroubles are
signs. that your blond is poor and
• watery, that your nerve, are ;ex-
hausted. Yon must Yelleyi and en -
:rich pint, bleed at once and. restore
tone te',,your tired nerves, or'there
may be ncontrplete breakdOwn. The.
most powerful re -needy -for these
.spring ailment e in• Men, women and
ehildren is Dr. Williams' Piek Pills
for Pale People, becatise these. Pills
cleanie bad blood and strengthen
weak nerves. , • '
Ne, rich, red- bleed-yourtgreat-•
est need in spring -ie plentifully
created by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
and with this new, nitre bloodin-
your veins you quickly 'regana
'health and inerea,se your 'strength.
Then your ,skiri becomes clear, ypur
eyes bright, -Your •nerVes etreng,
and you --feel better, eat better,
sleep better, and are able to do
your work, ,
„Begin `Yobr
tont t•o-day for the blood and
nerves. with Dr. Williams'. Pink
Pille-th.e Pills that strengthen,
•ithese pills are sold by most deal-
ers'but do not be persaaded to
tae :".something just the seine."
„If you can' get -the gennine Pills
from your dealer they will 1121 sent
you by mail, post paid, at, 50 cents`
a 'box or six boxes for $2.50 by
writing The Dr, 'Williams' Medicine
GRVECiluielit ..1,grees - to Proposal to
• ,DeStl'oy Ancient Structure.
'Ile Routine ot :His Daily Day De -
crated 14 a 'Member of
51. Step1<dn"
to be the roost entertaining place on,
earth -the best club in the ivoi•la.
other hand, 'many members
of Parliament say that th,e, life is
So exacting as to be practically in-
tolerableto a man whe has ether
business to which to attend. Still,
it has many compensations----besideE
that distinction, says London An-
swers, .
The late Dr. Robert Wallace, the
Once popular inentber. for . East
•Edifiburgh, need to may that,. ale
though the! work was ex tin to
'those ',Who .desired to get any, re-
-Cognition, ib was amply' repaid in
That is the opinion most general-
ly expressed by those who have sat
, „ .
On the green itenehes and responded
cheerfully. and loyally to the .eutti-
'Mena .the Panty Whip. ' •
. "Of Celine, there is an everyday
'routine thrOugh Which all members
Must go thedugh if they are to dis-
charge theirduties to their con-
stituents.; and no one .can expect
to -carry on his own business at the
same time. Yet that is what a gredt
many hon. gentlemen attempt to
•••Butstri6 bray he strong Man and
ardueu.s Worker- who can, •do, thi
withont• detriment to himself;
after all, mere- attendance ab the
Rouse for eight .or ten hours, or
perhaps longer, without a break in-
volves a considerable strain on one
when the same performance is re
peeted clay after.'clay:through a long
itnt arichnus sesaced;
'Deep regret will be excited by the
news that the Government has ac-
ceeded to- the petition of Feng Kno-
Chang, the Tutith, and -Han, the
Civil. Governor of Kiangsa, for
leave to demoli4h, that part of the
1.Seen Ethel 416 •malls • ef Nanking
which fronts -the river. The petition
hits largely been prompted by the
merchants, who argue that while
the walls refnain there is constant
danger that the city may be used
as a, rebel headquarters and further
that commerce will benefit by their
. ,
• Neither argument is conclusive,
since the Obvious: function of Nan-
kingeia Stir ye as a strong GeV-
ernMenit °inmost to control the
'Yangtse,.while the corn-
meree of Nanking is SO inconsider-
able that it is not likely to be af-
feeted• whether the walls are dis-
mantled or not.'
The wane, which were completed
in 1000 bY Hingwit, the founder Of
the Ming .Dynasty, poSsibly. the,
411teatest Man China, ever prodoed,
'fern. one' Of the noblest =hike-
theal features of Ohina, and are not
exceeded in dignity and Massive -
nes even by the famous walls of
Pekin, whicitin extent 1;4.4 'far sur-
pass.' They are, over twenty miles
in ,cirejoriference and at various
peinta they range front 60 feet to 20
feet in height, While for the larger
part of their vast, perimeter tWO
carriages can easily drive abreast
along The top. Once the work of
destruction begins, there is no know-
-1.0 where it will encl. It is eartmet,
ly to be hoped that „when China is
already being' stripped of se many
of the eplendots of her antiquity
these may yet be spared.
"He deed to brag °emit his wife's
statesmanship." , 'Veil 7" "Now
he coMplains ilateshe is the anther
of top many bills in the house."
-saves the house-
wife much thank-
less cooking-
The factory cooks them
perfectly, toasts them to a
delicate, golden -brown, and
sends them to your table
ready to eat direct from the
sealed package.
Ioresh, crisp, easy to ,
serve, and •
Ask auk 'grocer.-
Canadian liostaM Cereal Ce, Ltd,
• , Virtridoor. Ontario, ;
140•, 4. ISSUE: 1:3--'14.
Perhaps the heaviest part pf the
duties of a member of. Parliament
is the work he has to do hi cornmilt-
tee. Day by day, especially in the
earlier part of the session, •there
are committees sitting in several
Deems of St. Stephen's examining
private bins, while public bills are
examined by what are known as
Grand or Standing Committees
There are also Select Commit-
tees fer .enecific purposes, and 'the
numbers composing these, as a rule,
epnsist of fifteen members . Under
a standing order, 5elecl; Commit-
tees eau sit during the sitting of
the House, except while it is at
It is amazing to find how M.P.'s
are inundated with letters, not only
from their constituents, but from
people of whose existence they
know nothing.
Of course, attention must be given
to these commanieations, and the
number . of . hours that members
spend in the writing -rooms can he
gauged by the number of letters
that are poeted and delivered at the
House, and also the amount spent
on postage stamps.
Some M,P.'s ,open their mail-
bags with -spmething like fear and
trenibling, but wealthy representa-
tives Make light of their bulky cor-
respondence. They keep private
secretaries, and, as being a, mem-
ber of Parliament is at once their
oecupation and habby, they do not
regard letter -writing as particular-
ly irksome, or their correspondente-
as bores: -
Having ,attended to their private
. •
correspondence, members -have next
te study the whips. Then the real
ivork .of the day begins. .The duties
of Private members are, of course,
by no means so oneroue aS thosoof
Cabinet Ministers,' anri. especially
the Premier, who expected to be
,in big place on the Treasury bench
to lead deb.ates, reply to questions,
and attend •generally to matters
that may arise during the sitting.
Then the ,Prime •Minister has to
receive numerous deputations and
listen to their grievances; he has
also to interview 'his colleagues and
attend tci other •ealls that -are made
hiS bina and energy, Another
important duty .that used to devolve
on the Premier, 'liut which, it seems
is now to be discontinued, was to
write a letter, to ,the King every
night. when Parliament was sitting,
giving a summary of the tle,y's. pro-
ceedings in the Commons, Kowa -
days," this duty is usually performed
by .one of hie Cabinet colleagues,
is the division lists, however;
that bear the strongest evidenceiof
the member of Parliament's &eve -
tion to claty, and it is to these that
It has bie.come the practice in re-
cent'yeerslor. local newspapers not
only to publish' -the listo,:s1u4ing
how Many divisions the Member "for
a particular distriet has taken part
in, but to print details getting forth
.how he 'KO voted for this or that
partictilar • „
Coast/Et/Mita "aiteetbuS, enabled to
See whether their ' rePre-c.enetativ°
'has been faithful' to .kis promise,
and to catechise him. with confidence
in regatd, enymeurel. whieh
he ,may. -have-giVen- a vote in oppo-
sition to th•eir Wishee-
She Cot So She
Was Almost insalle
rhat's Airs. .11V glen Dun-
lop Says Dedd's 'Kidney Pills are
the Beet of all iliodieinee: •
South Waterrille, kreele Co., N.
13., April 6.7-(8.pecial).--Mrs. Wal-
lington Danl,4, estinzahle resi-
dent or this plaeo, has given. ail
interview in which she states that
Ehe believes Dudd's Kidney Pills to
he the best of all medicines. Mrs.
Dunlop says
"When I commenced taking
Dedcl's Kidney Pills 1 was, in a
terrible condition. had been sick
for over a year and had paid' out
move tlutn one hundred and thirty
dollars for doctors and medicine. -
would get some natter and then, g,eiti
jtiet as ba(1 as ever. '
'The doctor said my trOlible came
from My stomach. His medicine
relieved nie only a few minutes
after' I had 'taken it, and I got so
that I was nearly insane.
• "I had not taken Dodd's Kidney
Pills two days till I was some bet-
ter. I took twelve' boites• in all, and
I {tan truly say' -they,lhAve done,me.
more geed than any Inedienie I have
ever taken.'' .
Deeldtie Kidiney Pills' are, suffering
woman's beet friend. If. you haven't
tried them yourself, ask your neigh-
bors. .
,Iffity Spend. :Year in England to
Train .
Signor D'Annunzio has been
spending et few days in London.
He came England to eee the
Waterloo Cup, :the great coursing
race -at Ancar. D'Annunziohae
always. been a,'Ioven, and.
has seldom had fewer than a•dozen
dogs at • Settignane. Greyhounds
are his eeeestria, )jut )eaThaa
meills or as a et ton .0 • te_ ing
• If' • ff t
bulldog, of Which he hae 'several.
He Was one of -the foenders of the
Greyhound Club in France, .and he
has entered his O'll.11 hounds .• in
Feentheracese and so far lias two
second prizes to his record. • .
His plan .to stay kr. a year in
England is possibly dictated by his
ambition lei race a hound in next
year's Waterloo Cup. Under the
quarantine regulation it is almost
impossible for him to -Crain his
hounds in . France and race them
D'Annunzie has expressed to
friends in London the great Stimu-
lus he has reeeisted from England..
The eager coursers at Alkar, the'
delicate English eounky scenery,
the pale glory ef.,Lendon .in the
dawn as his -train. steamed into it
and he beheld the river -all this has
fascinated him. and made him be-
lieve that England will give- him a,
new stimulus and revive his 'art.
AlioVe all.he bases his hopes on the
eternal , b iith of youth, whieltis Eng-
, .
Quickly Cure
Any Sour Stomach
Relieves Fullness After' Meals,
• 'When I .was Wm king around the
farm last 'winter I had an attack of in-
flammation," writes ,Mr. E. P. Dawkins,
of Port Richmond. 'I was weak, ter a
king time, but well enough, Id: work
until spring.- But something went
wrong with my bowels for I had to use
salts or physic all the . time. My
stomifch kept Sour, .and always after,
eating there was pain and fulness and
all the symptoms of intestinal 'indi-
gestion. Nothing helped Inc until I
used Dr. liamilton's Pills. Instead o1.
hurting, like other pills, they acted
very Mildly,. and seemed to heal the
bowels. I did lint require large doses
to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills,
and feel so glad that' have found a
mild yet certain retfiedy. To -day T am
well -no pain, no sour stomach, a
good appetite, able to digest anything.
This is a whole lot of good. for one
medicine to do, and I can say Dr.
Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and
my letter, I am sure," proves 10.
Refuse a sultanate for Dr. Remit-
tolee Pills of iVlandrake and Butternut,
sow in yellow boxes, 25c. All dealers,
or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston,
Urethane field to Ile Less 11arintal
than Ether.
Interestmg experiments with a
new anestlie-tie have been conduct-
ed at the Cambridge laboratory.
The substance,. whieb is called
Urethane, is a combination of urea,
and alcohol. It is administered by -
his constituents look.
pocleimically, and d.rowsinees soon
become's a very deep' un-conseione-
nese, ,ancU insensibility to pain is
COMplete. There is perfect security
when' it . used. in aiay operation.
The atiVainthze claimed;for the new
anestbetia, is that heart failure toe-
yer Occurs:When it iaproperly
while a majority of the Oaths from
ellIctroforna are due to die -art fail-
ure. When the brea,thigg steps, az
it freOlteniily does, during Um ad-
ministrati.on id att inhaled -anesthe-
'tie, it ean usually be started again
by artificial respiration, provided
alwaye that the heart is Still beat -
The assurance', therefore,
that rn -cages of an overdose of thie
anesthet,ie the breathing would be
affected before the heart will be of
Anterica, has diaeove'red a neat tise immense oonrf rt to surgodm<s and
for the vacuum icleaner, ' The P,ark aneemetis,ts,
Department of New York City- uses ..knrother advantage- is tlmt the,
it for Ourrying horses, of which choking sensation ,experiencecl with
eighty 'are sent eat every neeiming ether ancl claloreferni,is not preseast.
fri3,134. the Stables. The, Va•chani 71.isier,e,over, after ure•thane there
'carry -comb , mkt Duly keeps the no ist9k0ciPi cad thus the danger of
horses' Coalf,3 la betmtsaircOndition, stitches giving way and ligatures
eat relives the sbahles a•ntl. the Ms,- slipping off •thiTing fetching iS
blenlen 01, tate duet ail•cl Rel'Ina which avoiclvd. disacIvantag'il is that
1,1sually h,ceompany the, carrying of experimenters have • not yet boc:a
belles. The groom lias no -need to •able to reduce the neriod of inscn-
blow and, inss,as he works, It also sihi1it be1rw Lix 1:out's, Ail the
saves ni,pre ',hail hall the •te,m.e over cperatiols e,p to the present have
the job, , 111P.C1e asi itilliI,11g1S., •
NOW flee Inc "Vapainit'eletoitsc.
,WO •BLOCKS 113351' il9tD.
Ali Enelifili,CitieS'-• Also
itaS been stated that illiCS.A.S."1
wood blocks' would m ake. the idie
pa vapient 10 the f,;ilrowirig faults
coil4i be ;eliminated': (1) The
dency exp(.i.nd resulting in 'bulg:-
ing,, and sometinKS upheaval of the
p av cm en t, ise ol Ora t 4)1'1 of on rhs,
(2) Slipperiness; (1) bleeding of
o31, 'Of all the wOodpavemehi s that
Slily. L.OlitiOn, Parig'; 40d
GE; er•Places, nOne exhbitred!any of
the . foregoing defects.,With the ex-
ception of ,two thre.o, slight bulges
uoti,ned in.:London, writes an expert
in the Engineering NOWS,
Creosoted wood iS the most highly
esbeenie.d paving niaterial . the
English cities,.In teni 01 the twenty,
eight boyenglis- constituting the' city
of Lon,don, end eorpnrising the
most thickly popflated, fleptiOn
the city, the total 'thil;enge, of creo-
soted Wood bl'Oeir in 1912 Wa.S. 121.
Liverpool has -alrout 1.50,000 square
yards; Birkenhead,' 95,000- square
yards. In fitet, all Ifirglisli cities of.
over 50,000 population, litave wood
paved s-lireets, and, in most eases
these are the principal th.orengli-
fares, , -
There is net Much • wood -block
paving in Berlin, but et .eenditioni
which seems, rather remarkable
iste in that on sixeets paved with
asphalt, Wood -block paving is tised
where the grade becoines too okep.
and the asphalt Will prove anchily,
slippery, .1Vlost of the" approaches
to bridges are paved With crebatited-
wood-bleck. This city has probably
the finest s-heet, asphelt paving in.
the world. The wood paving is
rough ad comparatively moisy. .
Creosoted wood -block paying 10
Paris is more noticeable. for quan-
tity than it is for quality. The re-
port of the Chief Engi-neer of
Bridges and Streets of Paris, at, the
Loudon Road Congress, 'stated that
the average life °fettle hardwood
paving was eix years.
When a mother, uses only. one
medicine as long as there are little
ones in the home it certainly bears
grand testimony to the value of that
particular remedy. Thousands of
mothers use nothing else but Baby's
Own Tablets. Concerning them
Mrs. M. LeBlanc, Mentramcook
West, N.B., writee: "I have used
Baby's Own Tablete for my little,
ones fur the past ten years and
knew of nothing to &teal them dur-
ing teething time or for colic, eon-
stipation and indigestion. All my
neighbors who have used them
think as I do." The Tablets are
sold by medicine deal•ers or by mail
at 25 cents a box front The 'Dr.
William& Medicine Co., Brockville,
Rept; Forgetting. •
"Ah, poor man," said a kind-
hearted old lady visiting a convict
prison to one of the "boarders," "I
suppose ypuill be very thankful
when the time comes for you to
,leave this dreadful place?" "No,
I shan't," retorted the convict sur-
lily. "What! Don't you want to
be at liberty again 7" exclaimed the
good dame 111 surpmse. "No," re-
turned the man. "Don't want no
bkomin' liberty i3 I'd a bloornin'
sight rather stop 'ere "now
,stramge," said the visitor afs' she
-turned, away, ' 'I had no idea the
prisoner's were se contented. What
was the peer man's offence?" she
continued. "'E were a bit absent-
minded, marm," replied the ward-
er with a grin. "Absent-minded,"
exclaimed the lady. "Yes, maim,"
exclaimed the -official. " 'E kept
forgettin' as 'ow 'e were a married
man. 'E's got five wives awaitin'
'im outside. -English paper:
&Hoard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ets.
A. Confining job.
Mrs. Exe-MY husband's °coup -
nation is quite confining.
Mrs. Wye -Not so much as my
hubsand-he's the jail keeper.
.11 you,,haye any Museles that are
strain6d ,and Wehk, that aro ri•eelierit-
iY'stibleet to rhomnatic pains; if yen'
hav,eany painful swellings- that refuse
to 'go away-getbusy with Nerviline,
Timis is the very sort df troublo that
Nervillne ia noted' for. miring (Illicitly.
have proved Nerv,iline simplYs a, wen -
der in redlining jti hard, painful swell-
ing. It fell:owed an injury 1 received
in my left leg and caused me great
Pain ,and,'discomfort, The museles
were strained and 'sore, and no other
remedy gave the ease and corrifori
got •frofn rubbing ori Nerv-iiino. There
Is a soothing. pain:relieving . power
about Nerviline that touched the root
of my tronble. Nerailine reduced the
Sivelling, it destroyed the pain, it
brought my limb hack to perfect con-
dition." The experience of Mr. Bow-
en, whose horne is in 1VIlddiesex, is
not umisualthousands are proving
every day that muscular pains of
every kind, chronic rheumatism, lum-
bago, neuralgia and .sciatica. will yield
to. Nerviline when nothing .elee can
possibly cure. • Nervfline is an -.old-
timela,mily pain remedy, used nearly
forty years with great success. The
large family size bottle costs 50c.,
'trial size 25c; at all dealers.
• FIR ST SI(411 T.
.1Insatief)ttitory AesaltS :,Attending
Operation on.ltoy.
, .
A yecqiit despatch from „PAris..,Saye
that"Dactor Moreau of •56.• Etienne
has published notes- of the • reaulte
of an operationto restore the Si,i0lt
pf aneight-Year,old boy. The boy
had disable cataracts 'from 'birth,
and, could hardly distinguish d4.4
froin night. But he got the con-
sciousnees of -exterier objecte by the
sharpening of his other' senses to
such a degree that he ecrald distin-
guish the different cows in his, fa:
ther's stable merely by • heariag
them walk about -in the barnyard: .
After the operation, tlte boy spent
ei ht. clays in p 42,r,k Then
leghb was admitted, and every one
anxiously awaited the boy's first im-
preesions; but he said nothing, and
only uttpned a few • inarticulate
cries. "The new sensations ,ettemeti
to be confusing, if not ,actually pain-
ful. After a few days more in the
dark room, he was allowed free
sight'again ; but he showed no emo-
tion,. and said that he did not know
what various obje-cte were with
which he was perfectl'Y familiar pre-
viously by touch. •
He only recognized the hand of
the surgeon when he tock it into, his
ow», -could tell wine enly by smell-
ing iti, and so forth It was some
time before he acquired the' sense of
cider, but as soon as he did as, it
seemed of supreme importance, rand
overshadowed everything else.
Everything that he 'saw was
"black" 46r "white," according to
whether it was turned toward the
light or otherwise, and he decent
posed everything he saw into color
points, like a. silver -point artist,
Fifteemn months after he was in the
hospital he had not yet learned to
reed, in spite of. the assiclueus ef-
forts of the nursing Sister to teach
him the alphabet.' His father then
took him home. A year later, when
Doctor Moreau saw -him there, he
had lost most of the- ideas he had
gained `in the -hospital without ac-
quiring many new ones. The ease
is extraordinary at all points, and
the patient ,setems less able- to enjoy
life than when he was totally blind.
A Problem for the Editor
It has been aslced whether stepping
on a man's corns gives proVocation for
swearing. Answer: Eieep the toes clear
of corns by using Putnam's Corn Ex-
tractor: TVs the best, 258. at all dealerS,
"Start -off” is Correct,.
'Sorry I'm sho late, m' dear,"
begata Tippler when he -arrive•d
home near midnight. "Couldn't
get a car before."
"So the cars were full too, were
they," returned his spouse . as a
• AndQuticuraOiritrnent.
They do much for irri-
tated, itching scalps,
dandruff and -dry, thin
, and falling hair, and do
it .speedily, agreeably
and ecoriofrnically.
, . .
Rncl Ointment aro sold.ihronalamt
the world A 111)&0 oninnit df oath. \rah 22-pa5e
boo:oaten the eine and lientinnot er the 610U ..%nd..
satin, witit Ailieses Potter E8tig,&01ie51v;
,cerp., Doi:L.11ft, llet4s. 50.5. A.' • '
I was mired or Actite 'Bronchitis by
/Say of Islands. 32<0 CAMPBELL.
I was cured of lSaalal NeUralsda 1G'
LTNINIENTaprlssgmslbl 108.
' 'WM. DANIElLe.
I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism
'Albert Co., MB. GEO. TINGLEY.
A man was talking about hard
luck, and his friend listened with
sour expression, '•`Wihy, , you
don't know what hard luck is," said
the friend. '<I have always had it.
When 1 W11.2 a kid there was such a
bunth of us bathe iam13y that there
had to be three tables at meal
times, and 1 •always got the third
orie,", ''What's hand about that 1''
snapped the other. ''`Why;" says
his friend, "it was fifteen years be-
fore 1 ever knew a ohiaten had any-
thing bet a neck."
,minard,e.uniment Relioaes Neuralgia,
Miss Goodrioh-I hear your hus-
band is a great lover of the aeghet-
ie. MY'S. N1Diich-i011, yo,$ I Be takes
One every time he gets, a tooth pull-
, (0 1111 1IsT-5A1313 BY Q13.E.C,N.
01ilY FC11' mir Theettel'vesented Are
Invited lo Pitheitionia
I'resentatien at court is of
1e-1..tiI ist, hill. cl...1),:;n1
«Y00011_TS«Oh 5: 03 lgssi 00<5 0335]
invitati63 in the year for the state
halt -do not in fact accompany it,
•'Pith each n a ry prbse,,itntio',.) at
co u r it has no further results than
the .11,ppearitnee nI- the names • of the
proseniled in tThe folio tVi:ig morn-
ing's papers. Withoul havhmg been
presented, however, no one can 'be
to meet royalt:y. ,atnes
of add pres,entecl lieOple are inscrib-
ed at the Lord Chamberlain's rAfiee,
and from thls, book the form9.1 liet
of s-tute 1 evitations ai aecoMpilael,
bet the, list by DO me:ans i,3clneles
all whose , name's are, record -T.1
Thatefor a state ball, for insLange,
.confined to those connected 'even
remotely with the caus'i ib iseef
-conrise submitted for royalappro-
val, and .by the. Kieg',s' wish the
Queen now gives the final decision
as to the invitations.
The list is returned to the Lord
Cvilaa3t)13ione.:1:!-Pe';enilleoelita. 114 thence
"I Hear.Now ,
Deafiles. All Gone".
racii eNrell 121 O tO 14 Day.!
Drugg',ists refttnil money ir PAZ()
OIN I'M ENT. in...14i to ..CUre Itcltlisg, Mind.
or ProtRiding Vitas. application
giVcs relief.. Edo,
'IT.owever iIicl you lie -al' such
area -dial -things abenti Mra. Hu-
ber 7"
"You fOrget rite was 5058 my
deareet feiend."
Minalidis Liniment 101 sato evorvicliere•
IIig hest grade beans kept whole
and mealy by perfect baking,
retaining their ;all strength.
Vlavored with delicious sauces.
They have no equal. ,
riavirSON, Ninety eelborna Siva% •
It Emit, Stook, Grain, or Dairy Parm.
• 13. Daweon, Brampton. nr 911,
Colborne St„ Toronto.
H. W. ,DAWSON, Colborne Si, Toronto.
rx ance. low rates, libei.a,1•commIsslorb '•
Apply., 'rho Canada' 'Weather. Insurance,
.C.nrinanv. Toronto. . •
C(401) 1VEEKLY -Temp TOWN IN
IC York COunlY, Stationery and Boole
Am Tickled to Death at the Miracle Rosiness In connection. Price only
$4,000,i 'Terms liberal. ' Wilson Publish-
Catarrhozone Performed for Me.
lag 'C01111)013,, 73 West Adelaide 'Stree
At 75 Can Hear 1.1ke a Young Child.
"After sufferIng-To long from a 'bad
case •of catarrhal deafness, it is "no
wonder that I am tickled to death at
the miracle •catarrnoSone performed
Som me-, writes, T. Y. Weightnian, from
Bridgetown. "I had dreadful head-
noises,.a toritinual buzzing in my ears,
My trouble Ives due to catarrh of, the
heaVand ears, anti it also affected my
throat: whioli was irritable and some.
Cataraozone -Seemed to reach to the
very bottom of the trouble. It cleared
tit my throat weakness rid me of
catarrh and as a result my bearing
returned. Now at ray age of seventy_
five I can hear like a child, and I am
thankful to Collins' Drug Store for
having recommended Catarrhozone to
11." h
n case of deafness, ast ma and
bronchial irritatIon,:nothing can equal
Oatarrhozone ---- every physician and
druggist says so, and eve adviSe our
readers to fry this treatment, large
else containing a beautifully polished
hard rubber inhalerand sufficient
medication for 2 months' use, price
MOO; smaller trial sizes 50c. and 25c,
Sold by all druggists and storekeepers
or postpaid from The
Co., Baal°, N.Y., and IcIngston, Can
liter Batting Average.
Magistrate -The evideace shows
that you threw a kettle at your hue-
showe more than that,
yer honor ; it shows that I hit lrim !
To Care a Cold In Ono Day
tuas cu
ritts aneiea.c.h 0E...Wi5cEROVE'S signs;
Tablets. DruggiStn4.___
refunc1 money 11 It
Oxford Graduate- Will command
Expedition 3 a to •Siberia .
MisS Mary Czaplicka, a Polish
girl, and tt native of Warsaw, Rus-
sia, is about to set out in eharge of
a scientific expedition to Siberia,
sent thither by the University of
Oxford. Her companions are Eng-
lish. •
"f spent !several years in the
depths of Russia, where I was
obliged to earn my living by giving
Polish leseone in, the hmiees of .Pol-
ish immigrants during the revolu-
• tion," the young woman said when
asked why she was made chief of
the party. "I have always taken a
deep interest in anthropology and
trea•nag•ed to find out some interest-
ing details about the native Sillier-
itin tribes which I set before the
authorities at Oxford. when I was
able to go there to study.
"The human anatomy department
of Oxford Univereity wes eo pleased
with my report, last year that it
offered to wend me in chalige of an
expedition to inquire into the ori-
gin of native Siberian tribes, of
which very little is known."
'Mies Czaplieka was unsuited in
Warsaw and at, Somerville College,
OxfOrd, She wa,s the first Polish
student -to be, received ait Oxford on
the, etrength of English seholar-
sTh:P; Murine Eye Remedy
If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes
dr Gran ulatedlyelids. Doesn't Smart
-Soothes Ey b Pain, Druggists Sell
liturine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25e, 500.
Murine Eye. Salve in Aeeptic Tubes,
25c 50e. Eye Books Free by Mail.
51. Eye Tonle Goad for All Eyon that Need Core
Murine Eye Remedy Co... Chicago
ll'he 'Whiner.
To him the world ie never fair,
Be longs kr wealth, you see;
I think tha,t his wishbone is where
- His backbone ought to be.
Minardis Liniment Cures Dandruff.
A clerical' gentleman was walking
along the mans street of 41 Se,ottish
town, where he htvl once been a
minister, and on meeting, °lie of his
oid paris!liionerS paursed to speak
with !her. "How arc you, Mrs.
Janes?" mtici he kind -1Y. "Verra
week, salt','' Um woman
plaintively. "And how is pour
h ti1te.sslivaenn-d 1,81:r 6`.11`111iIimmoayn,sr
em,,i;,, n
very eonry bo hear it," responded
the clergyman absently, as he pass-
ed on, leaving „ the' poor woman
clamb with astonishmenb.
Q Varieties. Free 'Catalog. McConnell
& Son, Grovesend; 'Ontario.
113 OrlST.EIN BULL 130.05E5, REGIS-
• toyed pedigrees, 2 to 8 -months old,
Twenty-five tO Seventy-five Dollars. A.
Leitch, SOutriend, Ent. '
griiNGER, 2112.1.0128, Li111P3.
N,../ internal and external. cured with.
out pain by our home treatment. Writs
on before too late. Dr 13ellmaa Modlool
Co., Limited, Collingwcod, Oat.
Used by success-
ful planters
for over half a century
.Ourlargeand beautifully illustrated
). A. SlIVIMERS, ,Limited
' FINE Gain Sugar
To have every kraht blbte. Giza
.of dots at left, each one cucace
extra CiremulatedWhite purecane
sugar, get the nt. Lowrenee in I?.
bags, with red tag-Molbs., csibs,
MEDIUM -Grain •
In the begs of St. Lawrence ,1
..Medistru Grain`, - blue tags -
every grain to choicestgrantifitted
sugar, about size of a seed pearl, ^,
every one pure cant sugar.
Manyytople prefer the coarser.;
grain, rhe st, f,aanause Grecni,y
rag assures every gr4112 distinet,'1.1
crystal, cacti about the size of a
mail diamond, and almost as
bright, but gniciely melted into
pure sweetness,
Your grocer's whblesaler has
the exact style you want -grain,
quality and quantity all guar-
anteed by
Si. Lawrence Sugar Refineries
Limlickalentrcal, . 2
Israel Zangwill, bile London notie
eliet, once melted the city of Chic-
ago. Among other places of inter-
est he was taken to the stock yards,
where luncheon was ,served for the
party, Darang the meal 41, pert, miss,
seated next to the guest of honer,
pelted him this question: "Mr.
Zangwill, how do you like Chicago
ham 7" The Dreamer of the Ghet-
to raised his sorrowful face and
said quietly ; "I like. it, I like it-,
much better than Chicago ton4ne.",
You will find relief in 4ant-Buk 1
it eases the burning, stinging,
pain, stops bleeding and brings,
ease. Perseverance, .,/yith
Buk, means cure; Why not provp;
• thig 7 AZ Artcogieta and Stbree.-,
60a OtioA
• D T R
Phils Eye, Epizootic, Shinning
Is ever nnci Catarrhal Peas
pure enre and positive m,rsss1,Iive 110 nutttyr how Tiorvm 50 Foul ,
ugc sro itifdeted or "evposcd." Liquid, given on tile tongueo,
acts oh the mood end Glanchf., onocls the poisonous gyrnln fro,d
the, innly, Curyn 1133' alloy in Dogs and Shoop, and Cholorn iol
l'oultrY„ Large; t itt live otock remedy, Cures La (Ulnae
rinioup: leatte‘e 13.3 Jul hi 50 the kidiniy remedy. Cat 1.1115
i 10 year ilisiggist, who will got it for
1,1•M. •• "! Usurer, o0.0 C'pron"
E./c.lia Medi), CO4 Cho/nista and Bacteriologic 5, o44;•.0.,,i,id,s,,