HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-04-09, Page 5April 9th, (914 Clinton News -Record Stanley Township ?4r. 'James Jackson has decorated his barn with a fourteen -foot' potte r wind mill for grinding grain and caw ng wood. This makesthe ninth mils in the area of 'a anile and a half, itis little..ounco,11 rarnaers look more to the higher power then Hydro or gasoline and When the power is turned on and the machinery at full speed ther'e is not neighborhood ii the county: that can snake a bigger Mr. 'Win. Clark has been very "sick this past week but we hope;: to soon see liiin around again. SFr John (Treasurer) Reidof the ]Front Road is veryi11 With. pleurlc_}. Mr. and Mrs, George Armstrong are s rendin a few days With his sis- ,spending Y tel Mrs. David J,' Stephenson. s Mr. M. Johnston is engaged for the, summer' with Reid brothers. Morrace is a number one man We are • pleased to sec Mr. Harry Hayter out again. He took in Hen - sail. and Clinton shows last week. .lir. David Johnston purchased a' Very valuable horse this week. • Mrs,- ,James Reid is not improving as fast as we would like to see her, Miss Mamie Reid of Clinton spent the past week at home on account of the illness of her mother Mr. Charles Johnston of Babylon Line has been laid up most of the, winter with a very sore hand. Rev. Mr. Snowden of Varna intends exchanging pulpits next Sunday with Rev. Mr. McCormick of Holmesville: Miss , Myrtle Horner is at present visiting her sister,. Mrs, logs of Var na. _Miss' Reta Keys spent Sunday at her home. Mr. Ruskin' Keys spentens the w eek- end at his home•on the Babylon Line: Varna Miss Wamsley of Bayfield spent Sunday at the home of her friend, Miss E. Johns, of the village. Mise R. Reid and F. Stephenson spent Saturday evening calling on Varna friends Mr. and Mrs: J. ' Rathwell of Drucefield visitedone day rectiatly at the home of Mr. Reid of Varna. Mr. and Mrs:" Rathwell ' and daugh- ter and Mr. and Mrs, Wanleps spent• Monday evening. at -the parsonage. Rev. R. J. McCormick of Holmes- wrile will preach in the Methodist Church on. Sunday, the pastor taking special services at Holmesville, Klppen airs. (Rev.) R. H. Barnby and lit- tle daughter of Lambeth are visiting the lady's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Iv- ison. Mr. William Orr of Drysdale has .engaged with' Robt. Parsons for the summer months. Mr, and Mrs. Wni. FlorneP were in Exeter last week visiting friends. Mr, Wm. Ross has returned 3vith a 'carload of ' young cattle purchased north of Toronto. This is an an - mai' trip taken by Mr. Ross which has oved quite t profitable prtt q I. oto'hfm, Easter Promotions Clinton Model School, Fifth Division Promoted from second book in div: 5 to third book in div, 4 Maximum marks 600, topass 450, -Gertrude . iyowler 570, Eleanor McTagart 589, Audrey. Collypr.553, Helen Grigg. 511, Ivy Plewes 541, Daisy Nedigar 535, Wilbur Bezzo, 530, Jean,Miller 525, Nellie Routledge 520, Helen 'Roberton .505, Harold Lawson 474, Margaret time 469, Nisbet' Cook 466, Gladgs Ilollaml 465.-14. Caurtice, Teacher. Promoted to grade 5. -Barrie Combo Marguerite von; Rohl, Rosie Caruso, ICennethi Rorke, Lco Reynolds, Mar- vin Deeves, Robert Middleton., Lillian Judd Norman McNeil, William! Miller, Henry Sloman, Lawrence, Wheatley, Promoted to senior class -Audrey McIntyre,; Sadie Gibbs, Mattie Black- er, Jack Wiggington, Violet Huller, George Elliott, Agnes Combe, Jean Ford, Helen Ladd, Albert Caririck, Bert Maguire, Luella McClinchcry, Howard Gould, Mary McTaggart, Kathleen Livermore. -Olive Cooper Teacher. ' Seventh Division Promoted, from division 7 to. divi- sion • livi-sion• 6: Total marks 300, -to. pass 180 -Ruth Hale, 291, Isabel John- ston 290, Eleanor Plumstcel 279, Isa- bell Glazier 278, Myrtle Sweet 275, Ciharlie Shipley 274, Grace Stong 272,. 'Wilfrid Grant 270, Marion Morris 269, ' 'Katie Beaton 268, Wilbur Nelson 258, Colenzo Salter 258, Norman Counter '257, Fred `.MeTaggar11 256, Myrtle Bell 250, John Nedigar 240, Ferguson Car- ter 235, Ernest Ford 234, Charlie. Mennell 223, Wallace Wheatley 223, u R sseil Ben() 211, Clyde ICerrnerl}' 209 Oliver Murphy 190, Promoted from primer to first leader : Total marks 300. Required to pass .1.80, -Olive Shoenhals 289, Kenneth Roberton 281, Norma Tre- leaven 282, Florence Johnston; ''n0, Phyllis Tozer 275, Kathleen Taylor 272, Jean Simpson 286, Willie Argent 266, Olive Lawrence 265, 'Myrtle Car- rick 265, Nellis McNeil 261, Russel Peckett 259, Cecil. Ashton 259, Elmer Miller 258, Clifford Cooper 255, Vera. Cook, 252, Bert Marshall 219, John Livermore 246, Hildegard' Arndsen 241. Francis Baines 230, , Luella Glazier:. 225, Vera Gould' 224, Margaret' Bali 215.-M. Wiltse, Teacher. Eighth`' Division •Ith class, promoted to div. 7: Total 200 Pass 150 -Robin Hunter 195, Clar- ence Glazier 191, Donna Cochrane 191 ' Eileen Atkinson 190, Frank Latter 1.88, George Hill 187, Burton Bolton 180, Oliver Rands 186, Charlotte Von Rohl 183, Helen Cook 183, Ray Car- ter 181, Margaret Rtiticdge 178, Mad= elon Hawkins 171, Beryl Salter 1661 Viola Livermore 163, Edith Hill 160, Alvin House 160,;; Carol :!;vans 158,- M. 1,, Kerr. Teacher. News -Record means News -Leader. Tuckersmith Township The West End Beef Ring will coin, Mexico the season's operations next Monday. Our threshers,;19essrs. L;aytor and Townsend, are ,-now busy threshing- out hreshingout the clover., Clinton Model School Report for March. Division 1. Class A, 75 percent. max. 4507-L. Holmes ' 430, S. Alun 426, A. Leo- nard 101, N.' Kennedy 395, P. Ladd 394, R. McMath' 393, J. Boucle 385, V. Cook 382, W. Draper 380, G Kel- ler 372, I•I. Manning 368, - C. Sheeley 367, M. Moore• 361 M. Walker 382 N. Watkins 36..n 34 M Marshall 348, M.A.Pickettt8, 1VRNcil 346, F. Wal- lis 346, H. Greig 341, 0. Murphy 340, A, Armour 337, N. Glazier 337, 13, Jackson 337. Class B. 60, max. 450,--L. Lang- ford 328, M. Holland 320, M. Gib- bings 320, M. Armour 306, E. Judd 291, H. Forrester 290, L. Hearne 278. Subjects examined upon, -Litera- ture, Grammar, Arithmetic, Geo- graphy. -0, D. Boeck, Principal. Division 2. Report of Div. 2, for March, Class' 1. Total 350. Ethel Wasmann ,306, Lyda Livermore 255, Ernest Liver- more 287, Harry Rance 266, Robbie Schrenk 265, Fred Wallis' 240, Class 2, Total 335, -Jessie Jack- son 283,' Harry :Lawrence. 572, Geo, Middlgftoii 261, Marion Andrews 258, Madelon Shaw 251, Edna McCaughey 247, 'Mary Taylor 244, Ernest Hall. 241, Fanny Hellyar 237, Alex. Eag- leson 235, Sadie` Draper 235, Pearl Shipley 234, Eulahie Hill 227, Leslie Huller 218, Ruth Argent, 215, Asa, Deeves 203, Edith Jones 200, Edna West 200, Merritt Nediger 190,. Class .3, -Total 335 --Wilfred Seeley 226, Wilson Rath 215, Ernie Little 205, Carl 'Argent 204, Wilbur Welsh 201. U. Chidley, Teacher. Division 3, . - Senior Class -Agnes. Walker 96, Ar- chie McKenzie 95, Charie Cole 94, Alma McCorvie 92, Willis Cooper 91, Mildred Livermore 91, 'Helen Ross 86, Phamie Cree 86, Winnie Nelson' 85, Anna Lawrence 84, Bert 'Siomon. 82, Beryl Cooper 79, May Milker ' 7:9, Ambrose McGuire 78, Dora Schoen hats, 77, Flora Miller 76, Hattie Liv- ermore 70, Lawrence West 70, Pearl Gould 679, Win.,Bell 66, Stewart Mc - Brien 62, Charlie Bell 60. Jr. class -Geo. Walker 77, E. John- ston 71, Earl Crich 71, George Ship- ley '70, John. Arndsen 69, ;Franes Yesbec 67, Fred Peckitt 65; Marcus TIerney 64, Evelyn Club 63. -J, Wilson, Teacher. Division 4, • Sr. 3rd, -Harry harry Ball 91, Jabez Rands 91, Kenneth Carter 91, Amy Hellyar 91, Dorothy Rorke 88, Gor- don. Ball 87, Fergus Reynolds 80, Jap, Walker 79, Willie brutch 77, Ag- nes Reynolds 76, Cora Miller 73, Blanche Nelson 73, Bessie Morrish 70_, Lottie Judd 67, Maiorio Beaton 63, Jr. 3rd, Etta Hardy 90, Frank Carlb 83, Stuart Taylor 77, Fred. );lhott 77, Jack Bawden 73, Katie Ladd 73, Asa, Bolton 07, Geo. Cartes 68, Cathie Wylie 64, Stuart McDon- ald 61, Eva Bolick 00, Russel Brit- •6Stevens,.Brit- 'ter o, -L.ste 5, Teacher, Division Junior class, -Frame Scruton 95, Donna Mulholland 90, Hilton Butt 87, Percy Livermore 80, Ruth Evans 85, Leila McCartney 85, Pran. Mutch 83, Winnie McMath 83, I-3erbie Holtr- hauer 83, .'Charlie Cook 82, Anica Hill 81, Gladys McGuire 80, Switzer Grealis 79, Percy Proctor 75, Mary Argent 73, Pearl Carrick 72, Cecil Cook 71, Malcolm McTaggart 67, Ethel Bolick 61. -H. Courtice, Teacher. Division 6, 3rd class,-Linnie Nediger 117, Cat- harine McTaggart 139, Lulla Crich• 125, Reta Elliott 125, Doris Collyer 116, Bessie Cole 112,, Howard Grealis 109, Arthur Hessian 104, Violet Cas- tle 104, Alex. Csbaldeston 103, How- ard Mulholland 100, Joseph Caruso 100, Tom Jackson 100, Hubert Rey- nolds 97. Second clasp^, -Addie C'arter. 150, Clyde Wheatley 112, Freida Schoen- hats 104, Clarence Mennell 94, Johnny Rands 92. -M. L, ICer, Teacher. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY. The News -Record has made an an- rangement with The Toronto News under which it is able to :offer its sub- scribers, an excellent photogravure re- cently produced, of the Dominion Cab- inet at Ottawa. `Phis photogravure is 174" x 22i'', and carries not only of course, the pictures of the several members, but also their names and the departments over which they pre- side. We have one Of these pictures in our office and will ' be glad to show .it 4o any of our subscribers who arc interested. Upon subscril,ing to The News - Record and The Toronto News for 12 months at 82,35, a copy of this fine picture will be mailed to you tub' - ed andosta 'e aid. This is a P .. g prepaid. P great opportunity toprocure a 'pic- ture absolutely 'free. IIIGH PRESSURE DAYS. Men and women alike have to work incessantly with brain and hand to hold their own nowadays Never were the demands of business, °hie wants of the family, the requirements of society, more numerous. Tbd first effect of the praiseworthy effort to keep up with all these things is com- wonly seen in a weakened or debilita- ted condition of the nervous system, which results in dydpepsia, defective nutrition of both body and brain, and in extreme cases in complete nervous prostration. It is clearly seen : that what is needed' is what will sustain the system, give viguor and tone' to the nerves, and keep the digestive and assimilative functions healthy and ac- tive. From personal knowledge, we can recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla for the purpose. it acts on all the vital organs, builds up the whole sys- tem, and etas men and women for these high-pressure days,. Blyth J' ji • r g htef f Mr. and Miss cnn e I., daughter o n Mrs. ,loin. ,It. Dell, ,was wedded on March 25th to Mr .4 Leslie Fear, :all- of Morris , township; Rev, George Jowitt .pastor of the Methodist church, Blyth, ' performed the cere- mony. Mr. and Mrs, Fear will: reside on the 'farm .recently purchased,by the groom' on the 8111 con., The many friends of the young couple 'tender corigratulatione Tlie, funeral of the late Archin. Men- zies, a well l;iiown horse dealer in this locality who died very suddenly on Friday week,' took place from the res- idence of Mr. John Shortreed on Tues- day' of last week, Mr. Clifford Johnsonvisited his par- ents, Mr. and Ivirs, Chris. Johnson of East Wawanosh, for a few days last week prior to -leaving. for Cayuga to take charge of .a creamery. Mrs. G. M. Chambers : has returned to"her home .at Ethel after a visit with his parents, Mr. Wand Mrs, Jas, Beatty. Mrs, R 13, McGowan has been at Denfieldlowing to the illness and subsequent drtath of her father, the late Mr, Jolni Shipley of that place, Mr. McGowan also attended the Maim: - Miss Olive and Master Edgar Wight- man have returned to their home at. Deckerville, Mich., after a fort'night's visit with their uncle, Mr: Chris, Johnson of East Wawanosh. • Mr.' Jos. `Coombs has been in Cran- brook visiting his daughter. Mrs. Mc- Donald, who purposes shortly leaving, for thci west. Mr. H. A. Thomas was at Weston last week visiting his wife who is receiving treatment in the sanitorium there. Miss Luella Raman visited 'with Londesbero friends last week Mr. Geo. Douglas of Lucknow was in town one day fast 'week. Mrs. D. Kennedy of Goderich was here with friends last week. Mr. Thos. Ballantyne of Wroxeter, a former resident of town, has been visiting his daughter, Mrs, Jas. :Dav-' is Seaforttfh Mrs. Catharine Sperling died in London on Monday aged sixty-six years. The funeral will take place on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Reid amid Mas- ter Roy left lash week for their old home in Louisville; Kentucky. They intended spending some time, ab,Wa1 laceburg before proceeding on their journey home. Mrs. J. M. Govenlock of Winthrop. was the guest of bits. Archie Scott last week, Mr. Wm. Bullard while piling wood recently hail the misfortune to 'nave his hand crushed between two sticks, receiving a had bruise. Mr. Jos. Grieve of Detroit is very ill of typhoid fever. His mother, Mrs. 1I. J. Grieve, went over;' last week to assist in nursing him. Mr. E. R. Forrester has purchased a farm just outside of Kincardine and intends moving there very shortly. Mr. 1lowarcl Hartrylas a 7 accepted 0 t e <t P good Position. in London and will shortly remove there, Ml:. and Miss Peck of Bayfield vis - Hied friends in town last week. Miss Hath 1'auEgntontz has returned r haw from Clue! herr she Had been tak- ing a course al, the Macdonald Ilnsti- tute. Mr. .1. Thetford was in 'Toronto on business s last week, Mr. W. K. McNab of Draytori'visit- ed his parents here last week,'. Mrs. Samuel Dickson was pre- sented by the members of the La- dies' Aid of the Psesbyterian church with a. life membership certificate in. the W F.M.S. in recognition of her devoted service in the former society. Mrs. Lett of Guelph is visiting her. daughter, Mrs, A. E. Colson. Rev. Mr. Argo of the Presbyterian church, Egrondville, has been "quite ill recently but is now recovering. Mrs. (Dr.) Calder of ,Clayville, Mich. sister of Mr. Wm. Scott of town and a native of McKillop township, passed away at her home at, Clayville on 1Vlcnilay week. Mn, and Mrs, Chas. Conner of Clin- ton visitedfriends in town last week for a day or so. Miss Landsborough of Tuck'ersinith left last week to visit friends in London and will later go to reside with her brother, Dr. Landsborough of. Daggitt, Mich. Mr. Rob's. Beattie, who recently moved from Varna to Egmoisdvillo, has gone to Victoria, Ont,, to assume tIlo Principalship of the public school, Mr, Cl, F. Rolph, who spent the winter with his mother in London, Englarncl, returned to town recently and has gone to Hamilton: to take 'a responsible position with tine Bell Telephone Company. Mrs. Thos. Beattie and daughter have gone- to ,ort William to join Mr. Beattie, who has located there. Mrs Melville , Se,iisrs fctn'erly Miss' Mar} :is. Connell, daughteir of Mr, and Mrs, G. 12. Connell of Stough- ton, Sask., but formerly 'ol'--Scaforth, died suddenly at her Moine at"Aisask, Sask., recently, She \vas but twenty- six years of age She hail been mon- rind. about si'x years. A , pretty ', but '111114atr;ding, took place at n:nr, a ui.,t.• last evening in Knox Presbyterian church, when the ; pastor, ,.the Rev. .J. A.. Clark, united < in marriage Helen K., only claught'er of Mn.` and Mrs.: Victor .Feare of the Loraine a- partments, and formerly of "Eo,rns- oliffe,'' Scaforth, Ontario, aitd Thurs- ton plaice Weathcrbee, of the local stall of the Canadian Beek - of Com- merce, formerly of Springhill, Nova Scotia, '1'hc bride, who was unat- tended, was gowned in ivory satin char meuse draped with chiffon, and pearls, the long tulle veil in Juliette cap effect caught with sprays of or- ange 'blossoms. Her bouquet was a shower of roses and lily of the valley. Alter an informal reception and sup- per at the home of the bride's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs Weatherbee left for a trip to tlic coast cities. On their return they will reside at' the Con- naught apartments; -Calgary 1lnnald: Blyth. Mr. Jas. Stalker ofVisit- ed l5. n°ersoll it- f b edfriends in Blyth esb r y and Lortd o 0 fast week. Dr. AnnieRoss oil the staff f the h to o Macdonald Institute, ' Guelph, has been visiting her ,parents in East Wawanosh,` Mr. A. McVittie, of St. 'Phomas is assisting' Mr. S. II, C4idley in his tai- lor ShoP. aifor-shop. Mr. George Skelton' has purchased from his father the McCall- '.farm on the ninth con. ' Mfrs. McCall of Brussels visited her brother, Mr. Wm. Jackson, last week. 'Mr, James Scott of Morris has had" a very severe attack of pleurisy. Mr. Leslie Fear. has purchased his fathers farm and will take up resi- dence �'- dence a on it, having rented the Jack- son ck- son farm. on the. 8th con. of Morris, Willis Church Choir Will Render Choice Easter, Music The usual Easter music will be ren- dered by the choir Of Willis church next Sunday, when in addition to a couple of Easter anthems the follow, ing hymns will be sung Morning. "Lift Up Your Beads" Hopkins. Evening. "Praise The Lord" Mauders. There will also be appropriate or- gan music at each service. The choir will meet for practice on Sat- urday evening of this week' instead of Friday. Marriages GGIDDON - WANA'VFAKER - At Yeli'ow Grass, Sask., on March 11th, Ida, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wanamaker, to Mel- ville Glidden, second son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Glidden, Goderich town7hip. McINNIS _- FRAIN -- In Grey, on March 25th, Reuben Mclpnis, of Winthurst, Sask., to Maggie Lor- enza, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Frain. SUNDERCOOK HART In Me- Killop, on March 25th,, Robert W. Sundercock, of Hullett, to .Agnes Jean Hart, et McKillop. Births WALTERS-In Tuckersmith on April 4th, to Mr. and Mrs, Elliott Wal- ters, a daughter. CAMPBELL -In Wingham, on' March 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell, a daughter, IIEMPI-1ILL - In Henson on March 30th to Mr; and Mrs, A, W. Iiemphill, a son, McGREGOR - 1n;Tuckersmith,-. ou March 201,11, to Mr. and Mrs. James McGregor, a daughter. IIAYS-In Scaforth, on March 80011, to Mr. and Mrs. James Hays, ,a son, , Deaths 3AChSUN-In " Clinton, on April 4th, Livinia Johns, wife of Mr, John. Jackson, aged 75 years, COOK -In Clinton, on April' 2nd, Scotian Cioakley, widow of the late Thomas Cook, aged 71 years. FULFORD-In. Clinton, on April 2nd, Harry I•Iarold, son of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. h s , u I nl aged 15 801111. I3UJCHANAN In tires', on March 29th, Mary Stewart, wife of Alex- ander i her -third a der Buchanan, n her n y e r. Y rt BRYANS-In Grey on March 30tH Edward Bryans, aged 72 years. MENZ'IES-In Morris, on Marchi 27th Archibald Menzies, aged 59 years, 4 months and 5 days. FARROW -In. Goderich, on March 26th, . 'Chester Reid Farrow, son of Mr. and Mrs, A. Farrow. KERNICrHAN- In Brantford, on March 25tH, Mrs, Samuel Kernig- han, formerly of Lower Wingham, aged 80 years. RUTHERFORD - H1 Turaberry, , on April let, Mrs, John Rutherford, • in her 5961 year. I AM STARTING A PRIVATE lCindergacten` in the lower loom of the Little School, Townsend street, immediately after Easter and ant prepared to take a number of pup- ils between the ages .of four and seven, The class will be held from 1.30 p.m. to 4 pate. Terms -$1.00 par mounth, -Apply to Miss hazel O'Neil, , Ontario street, -28. COW FOS SALE-FIRS'r CLASS nn,lker.. Ani.. selling bc.catiso there, is no grass handy. -S. Cr. Castle. -28. 0171 EGGS-PRINGLFi BARRED ROCK r $i Eggs i rai st' t . E rs 1;.00 and Millard ,5 per: 15. "Ilxhibition stock 113.00 and $5.00 per 15. Good hatch guaranteed, - It. A. IIovey. M WANTED, - A LIM1'CED NUMBER UR of b'oarders:-Mrs, I3.. A. Govier., corner Maple street: -27. ROOM AND I3omm11) IN PRIVATIII family wanted by a young office man Will pay well for home com- forts. Best references, Address Congenial, care News -Record, -27, HOUSE FOR SAi.I11 ON TIIE LON iilteswallcf'oaom the don Road 3 m t t piano factory. 7 rooms, half acre of land, good garden, fruit trees - Thos. Judd. -27-1 CALVES FOR SALE -THE UN- dersigned have made arrangements to handle a few calves from, well bred stock. These are being shopped by express ensuring their being -de- livered in good condition. -W. Mar- quis, 1. Weir, Phone 14 on 106: -27 atensuesissasseawassaarniramasimaasiassani Ontario Liquor License Act. LICENSE DISTRICT OF CENTRE HURON. NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of License Commissioners for the License District of Centre Huron will meet at Codericll. at• o'clock p, m. on the 17411 day of 'April, 1914, for the purpose of, considering applica- tions for liquor licenses for the license year of 1914-15, ` Allpersons interest- ed will govern themselves' accordingly, For the license 1' year 1912-13 four- teen- licenses and two extensions were grant and the } i year 1914-15 there ed are fourteen applications, Oliver; Johnson License Inspector, Centre Huron Dated at Clinton this 2nd day of Ap- ril, 1911, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF Stock a thorobred Polled I"Iereford Bull will stand for service at lot 29, ' con. 4, Goderich township, Terms, $2. -Elliott Bros. -28-4. BOAR FOR SERVICE.- HAVING purchased from Mr. G. Dale of Kin: burn his splendid Tamworth Iiog will keep the same for service on 1ot23, 3rd con;, of Hullett. He is known as one of thebest breeders in the county. Terms 81 at throe of service with the privilege of re- turning if neeessay. L. Tyndall. -28. WOOD FOR SALE -ALL LENGTHS best beech and maple. Get prices at office. -M. Ct. Raasford. -17. FARM FOR SALE. -THE EXECU- tor of the Southeomee estate of- fers for sale 50 acres, being eaht half of lot 28, con. 6, Hullett. This is a first class farm, well watered and improved with good buildings and orchard, also seven acres ' of bush laud. -Apply to R,, J. South- combe, Clinton P. 0. -24 MONEY WANTED -THE UNDER - signed can place several thousand dollars ea mortgages, bonds or debentures -security the 'cry best. -Jas. Twitchell sic Son. HOUSE FOR SALE, -ON RATTEN- bury St. west. Six rooms with wood shed. Good cement founda- tion, good cellar well drained. Town water and cistern. First class gar- den. -Apply at The News -Record Office. -21. FARM FOR SALE. -The William Proctor Farm, Lot Number 32 and south-west part of Lot Number 33, Maitland Concession, Goderich town- ship, 144 acres. -Apply' to W. Bry- done, Clinton. -16. Call at the North FedS End Feed n And secure a stock of Red clov- er, Timothy, Malice (Goverment Standard).. Also Oil Cake, Linseed luteal,, Calt Meal and Chick Meal, Wo handle Clinton, Exeter and the celebrated: King's Quality flour. Orders taicen for Lime, Sulphur and Lead, for spraying trees, and Fertilizers, We are out for a square deal: Frank W. Evans Clinton, TERMS CASH. Phone 192 For Sale in ClandeboJ -- e GOOD I3RICK . ROUSE, 2 ACRES ORCHARD, S'IYAB- LES, AND 15 ACRES LAND, CONVENIENT TO POST OF- FICE, SCHOOL' AND CHURCH -' APPLY W. A. JONES. 206 PERCY ST. OTTAWA. BUTCHER SHOP IN BAYFIELD. Iave opened a Butch - en P a . en Shop in what was formerly known as Whiddons. Store where I will keep on hand a full stock of Fresh and Cured Meat2. I promise you the best the market affords and prompt 'service and respectfully solicit your patronage. Highest price, paid for Hid- es and Sheepskins. Chas Wiltse,. Bt1YIIELD. MISSIONARY DAY Next Sunday ONTARIO STREET SUNDAY SCHOOL CHOICE PASTURE TARN( FOR' Sale -Lot 21, Concession 5, ,Stan- ley, 'containing 77 acres tinder cul- tivation, 40 acres in pasture, and 7 acres in good bush f consisting -of cedar, hemlock, beech and maple. There is a good frame barn and cedar log house. Those wishing to purchase a good pasture farm ` with opportunity for light agriculture will do well in interesting them - solves in this property, as river runs through this farm and woods afford excellent shelter, and grass' is always the, best. -Apply to J. J. Richardson, Varna. BELLEVIEW FARM DAIRY. - From our stock of first-class cows we are prepared edto`supply you twice daily with the best of milk and cream. We solicit a share of your patronage. -E. B. Hill, Phone -80. IT WILL PAY YOU, -WHEN HAV - Mg an auction sale advertise' it in The News -Record which goes into the 'great majority of troths in the district. THE C OfINER STORE Live and Let Live House- Cleaning TIME. BROOMS , ' , BRUSHES, STOVEPIPE VARNISH, STOVE POLISIH, SOAP, PEARLINE, GOLD DUST, AMMONbA, SOAP CHIPS, LUX, FUN TO WASH, OLD DUTCH . CLEANSER, -ALL THESE ,HELP TO MAKE WORK EASY. Fruits ORANGES, LEMONS, "GRAPE GRA•PE.FRUIT.. Specials for Saturday LETTUCE 'AND CELERY, A CALL SOLICITED. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Have you had your eyes Tested? If your eyes are bothering you a test will reveal the cause and enable you to get relief. if you ` are are using glas- ses perhaps they don't suit you. Or if you don't wear glas- ses perhaps you ,should. A test will tell. A. J. GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. a Accept Claims 'era s a Guarantee �Ak9 Don't take chances on Roofing, for you can now have roofing insurance. J -M Regal Roofing is absolutely guar- anteed against leaks due to defects in the roofing. And that guarantee is as good as a government bond, for it's signed by the makers, a $3,000,000.00 company. J Regal Roofing is made entirely in the Regal people's own mills. They know the quality o2 everysquare inch of it, That's why they can guarantee it. They make the wool felt -know that It is tho best,quality, long -fibred wool They refine and process their own isphalt-get' it direct from Lake Trini- lad. No rnao has yet found anything :Ise half as good: for waterproofing. So here is a roofing that is proof igainst the broiling sun, against snow rain, freezing and thawing the ,xygen in the air and the other things which so soonruin other wool felt roof •igs,' J-114 REGAL ROOFING is also highly re -renis ting. Samples are free; also an interesting book on roofing. BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary; Plumber* Phone T. CREAM WAN'T'ED --WE HAVLI. C - quipped au up -to -date -creamery nere aiid we are: ready' to receive cream,. We solicit your patronage, We wilt pay you Highest prices for year cream twice a month, also is ail. pay express charges ,and furnish you with' cans. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their creator with Mr. hall and he will deliver it here. Write at once for canw and give us a trial.* -The Seal rth," Creamery Co. Box 481, Scaforth. •••• • • •••••••••••••••i'• • • . • • • • r p • U J. s . • • ..__ • • • • A' whole load of eggs •• •• has arrived this week on •, one of Clinton's famous • • trucks to supply you with • • .• Easter E•ggs. 4. • We can fill your or- » • der for fresh eggs immed- • lately and for new laid'.: eggs in shortest possible • no tire, ,(while you wait.' • •• • We will have also for • Easter week, Fresh (lab- ; bage, Lettuce, Tomatoes • • and Pineapples. • • • • • • • • • • • •W. T. O'NEIL • • • "The Hub Grocery." • • ,••••••••s••••••s••••'•* ever Ont. We always' have Ca hand a large stock of Bran, Shorts, Oats as well as Flour, Low Grade Flour, Poultry Foods, Etc: GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. l'he (1p =to=date Firm CLINTON, \r r Wm . Jenkins, W. Tre a tha N. w Call . and see the Tinware that we are making, and the quality, of the tin we use. Do not buy factory goods when you can get handmade i for very little more money. SAP BUCI{ETS AND PANS. A SPECIALITY. -' ORDER NOW. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. PLUMBING , AND HEATING. Sewing. Machines and Supplies. yogi ilI ac iSewing It you reed anew' S w iInc 1 knowabout t.1 bine let me abo can' supply you with any make you desire. I also keep on hand' a in 11 stock of supplies, needles, oil, etc. If the machine you have needs. repairing, .bring it to me and I will put into right0. ' A general Insurance business also carried bn. - A. HOOPER Store -Next; Wiltse's Grocery. COLLEGE AT HOME ■., ambitions uotfS people Ppl e arefastPcepsri utramufomes occupy lueootivepositions ep igpherbbookkeepers, telegpephr ontieervnnts, in eaot every sphere o Business Activities. You may finish at college if you so wish. Positions guar- anteed. >Eyntercollege any day. Idic, idual' rnstruotion, Export. teachers, 'Wirt y years' experience. Largest train ere in (Jimmie. Seven colleges. Special course for teachers Affiliated with Commercial Edam. 'on tors' Aesoeiation 01 Canada. Summer School at famous Spottoi, Biisihess College, London, - - CLINTON EUSINESS COLLEGE 0E0. S1'oTTON A. F, W'hr,n President. Principal. saamommunitsweinelmma