HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-04-09, Page 4liegalumpligineafflOWIRMIPAMIMMOinetral • Goderich Township On. March 1-i fin an interesting event took place :at Yellowy Grass, Sask., when Melville a liddon, second son of Mr: and Mrs. Dan Glichlon oi. this township, was united in marriage to Miss Ida Wanaitlaser of that place. The hairy young•touple have taken 111. up ' housekeeping on a 320 -acre;, farm nea, • r' ;Yellow Grass;ss; `i'.hefriends here unite: in' good wishes. ,Mrs, 'George J. Oouuell leaves on ilii •da' to spend a few. weeks with her sister, Mrs, Chas. Whitman of Lansing,' Mich. Mrs. Connell has not been cn',oyinggood health for some time hut, it is hoped the change and •rest will be beneficial Miss Flossie Pearson spent a few days visiting Stanley friends. The regular meeting of St: James' church Middleton A, Y. V. A: will be hold on Wednesday' evening, next. The k 1,11e, form of a will take meetttr_.' Social This will ba the last Brett -- 1118 for the year. .'l'he vestry meting in connection church, Middleton, with St;. James' will be It.ild on Monday even ng• next at 8 o'clock and following there will be a congregational meeting, The following is the report of'.S. S. No. 9, for the month,of March. Fourth classes examined iarithhtet- -ic, grammar, literture and geo- graphy ; Third. in arithmetic; .conhpos- itibia literature, recitation and geo- graphy.. Names in order of marks obtained. Sr. We -Lola Mudie, Emma Con- nell. Jr. 4th -Edythe Sterling, Tont Hudic, George Green. ' Sr.3rd, -Bruce Grigg, Charlie Cooper, Earl Cooper, Willie Pearson, Jr. 3rd, - Allred Hudic, John Getteril, Wilite Sterling, Gladstone Grigg. 2nd;- Cecil Connell. Jr. 2e11, -Ila Grigg, Lizzie Pearson. Jr. lst, Harold Connell, Carman Grigg. , Honor Roll =John Ostrom, liemna Connell, Geo.. Green, Alfred Hudic, Charlie Cooper. -E. A. Peddles, Teacher, • The trustees of S. S. No. 9, halve engaged Mr. 'ramblyn of Blyth. a5 teacher for the coming year, Miss Aphrew and Mr. Milton Steope attended the wedd'ng of their cousin in Port Huron last week. The following is the report of 5, St No. 11, for March. Names are in order of Merit : Sr. lth,-El- vire Churchill, Vera Trick, Percy slue fanner, one •tvho grows from sand„ Currie, Myrtle Powell, Mabel ' Castle, -not tubers. I cannot let this aces- e'.%ilfred Penfound. Sr. 3rd,- Ruby sion pass without reference' to. our e Hoare. r lie I .eo •hill Char l `dent C Clturchiil, Pearl Chute v orthy vice -press. , g He was the. 'originator of the Show, in whose interests he has always been active, and he it was who orig_ fnated the, 'idea of • this ban- quet an quct as well. It Will be" gratifying to him, I am sure, to see how, success- ful both Show' and banquet have been. Secretary McMurray has 'worked hard and well and we must have hini for next year. Dr. Thompson in proposing the town co'ancil said : Our town council is il- lustrious and. ponderous, 'yet gentle and amiable. It is zealous for the Clinton News -Record Agriculturalists >and' Townsmen Together. l e . Break Bread ® � •'Phe agrioultuial Mulled, given in. say that its favorite -Beverage is the Wen hall on Thursday . eve ng water. A last, under the auspices of the Spring Warden Canbelon in replying said : was probably' the first I. am leased tri speak of .Clinton for Show Society, p R n. o f the kind.'ever 'attempted it .is - the most prosperous town fn functio o in flit ou ,�.. is' cnty ;hut such, its -was` 11115011.1, It ]las fourteen miles of 50- success' from �. all Points of view tnent walk, miles of macadam roads, that it - will in all ,probabilit'y hydro, live - industries anewator so become an 'annual affair, good that a mayor of Toronto while Agriculturalists Ag were present from on a visit here expressed.' a desi} e'_ to ` all the surrounding townships,take back gallons of it for his personal wt • equal number: of towns- use. 1', have seen' Clinton organs in menabout a n men Covers were laid for :onnhun- vari'olis .,places in the 018 Land and dred and twenty-five "Lion .Brand" clothing and "Wear- Thewell'' hosieryare. sold- from ocean; to was provided; byMr.. • Bar l e ilia as a Ocean. IIa'r • BarLlitl whose ability }Mr. - Ransford in'proposing the ro •:Il"hnow�n but who M r p P caterer has been 11110 on this o2cnsion c, (celled even hire toast of agriculture said in part : I self, Everything \vas o. If. and the am a farmer, one of long standing, hut service was admirably prompt.I feel somewhat timorous in address - The C1in` n or,h'stra discours.d tug so critical an. audience. While o dinner hour faint lands have now an. upward ten - sweet ntery ` M during 1 value is still lower than, aril at intiurval� iaYhc toast list 'sol- done}' -.clic a] c os were rendered h'} Mils Melvor and was many years ago. 'This should not Nr. LJE. DohcrtDoherty,MMiss Bentley, ie neither should there be any de- . ereaso in population. 'I'lte land wants pi Mr. John ' IT: n llansforct presided, having more people and P Or d cousfiniiers d'ant at his right hand and' left, respective more production. Is our system of I} , Mr.J. L,ochic Wilson, 'Toronto, education somewhat to blame? We itdent of Fairs and Mr.. teach our people anything and every-, , John Shanehan, President of 1111 thing but farming and lose sight of ('lintolr Spring Show, the fact that environment during tine 'I'o the toast of the Ring the na-' educative period has its elle fe upon tional anthem was sung. the after, life. I ant pleased !,i gee In proposing the. toast of the t :u- that more attention isbenee paid to' ton Spring Fair M. 0, A. Forrester technical edueatioo., Farm and town said in part : I congratulate the have mutual interests and should come -pring Fair. Success has crowned .ill together more frequently to dis- fto efforts, due to the fact that liye cuss live questions. '1')11 telephone, men who take ;pride in. the live rural mail and parcel post all tend stock industry arc at the head of it. to make life on the farm more t - 'ills county 1ms•ldehe -, more for the tractive, and Hydro Radial railways development ot,,tl'te, heavy horse induss will make it still more pleasant. try than any other .part ef•ilifs <;?n- Mr. T. McMillan in replying to this tinent and Shows such as we 'had here toast said : Agriculture is the most Today are for:the purpose of showing ancient of the arts and the most re - the development of the industry. cent of the sciences. 1t is the founda- Speciniens of -the primitive horsehavetion of our national wealth, the great peen fdand inthe fossils of the roe's. national factor that dominates the it was vastly. different from the horse prosperity of our country, the source 'of today, its, continued development from which our, people must tie fed. being due to the intelligence ,of man Bad crops affect all lines of business working out, the law of selection. and, even Governments. It is our duty Dr. Shaw. 'hi ,-responding said to hand down farming. better . than Medicine is only- a pastime with inc eve found it. Farming is a business for 'really I am,r,farmer, an futon- that requires both labor and capital to make it go. tlialt No, 1 hard. Wheat is ground in England gland 1t is mixed with a softer grade adc:of wheat, but the ous de s - t enorm crepancy in prlcc, cannot be. ,accounted for' in this way. Englislenon seam to thrive on their broad . and ti would take an expert professor to distin- guish it from Calgary bread. The value of wheat 'exported foto 100',1'110 -. Canada is approxieata l G Y it f wheat 451;e 000. � If that quantity o ground and 'made Into flour 1.7 Can- ada,,;the value of this flour would he $112'2'44 900 \'aloe of hr a and shorts $20,000,000, making a total '$132,244,900.' One bushel of -wheat makes 44 pounds of flour and 10 pounds 01 bran and shorts. Difference between value of 100,0011;- 000 bushels 'of wheat exported and its value if ground up into ¶.lour_ and bye -products ; in Canada is $32,244,- 900 'We could not utilize (lour for feed- ing stock as it is too expensive, but we d0 want. the -bye-products for this purpose at a .reasonable . price, and in order to keep up the fertility of Canadian farms. Where do r Ontario farmers' • interests come in ? First, the general' prosper- ity of our people and the desire of Ontario farmers to be able to - pur- chase bye -products of wheat that are so necessary for the ch^aper,'produc- tion of beef, pork, mutton, poultry, cheese, butter and milk, Another Successful Clinton Spring Fair. • 'HID Clinton Spring Live, 511001 Show on-'i`liiitsda}' last had about its usual luck- in the matter of weather, that is it 'wasn't gcod, but notwith- standing this handicap the Show was a splendid success, view' it as you may. 'Phe attendance was large, the interest keen and - the competition in all classes was so close as to give the judges the- busiest afternoon they have had: in their long judging exper- ierce. Even the genial 'Ed:" Chrts- Connell, Verna Elliott. Jr. 3rd,- Francis 'Powell', Richard Welch. Sr. 2nd, -Frank Welsh, Howard Currie.. Jr. 2nd, -Clifford Castle. Sr. P8.:2nd, -Arthur LeBeau. Jr. Pt. 2nd -Teddy Welch. Primer -Alfred Le Beau, - -E. Diehl, Teacher. Summerhill The annual vestry meeting in 00114- motion 0114'vection with St. -Peter's church will be held on Tuesday evening next at 8 o'clock. Following the vestry public good, amenable to reayon and, lueeting. there will be a congrega- as a Public 'Ueilities Commissioner t 1 "tional meeting. am especially pleased to.be able 0 Every Price A. Bargain Price: Phone 78 .What We A.dvertiFe Is So. tea! Couch & Co. art LADIES' EASTER SUITS d Easter is butra few days off and there remainsbut little time for those who,expect a new' suit, coat or hat for the occasion to make set: ection.I Our Ladies' Ready-to-wear Department is -now complete with all the very newest ideas in suits and coats, skirts and dresses; Here you will find good taste conibit,ed'with up.to-dateness. The eut away coat so popular this spring also the tunic and peg , top skirt nicely trimmed with buttons and perfect fitting. These suits come in all the popular materials such as bvoaekes, poplinettes, serges, satins and cheeks >.n'all leading shades. Before you select Your Easter Suit be sure and See Ours. MILLINERY EASTER In our millinery parlors, you will; find all the newest creations in high class millinery. Every day we receive the newest ideas. A number of new styies have just been received from the fashion centres. See our stock of millinery before buying. The store that shows the new things first. In replying to the toast of hydro Mr. B 1, Gibbings said : No other country- ill the world has Hydro as we have worked it out anti applied it in Ontario. Hydro is unique, has no failures, ,is always below cost, will enable you to get Radial . railways, will thus (help to decrease the cost of living. Hydro brings Radials. Radials bring the, farmer„, in closer touch with consumers. Radials will enable fagmers dor nine miles on cablh• side of the lines to use Hydro for power and lighting. Talk about the high cost of living !` I pay more for farm . produce than the farmer gets. if he got the price, I pay lie would make more money and Sli satisfied. It thus rests with him to get in closer touch with consum- ers. Hydro; and Radials will . help him. Major. Combe briefly introduced the Canadian Militia to which Major Rance replied in part as follows : The Canadian Militia .is but little understood. It is part of that .army which: stands for honor, liberty, free- dom, glory, and the Old Flag. I have spent thirty years in the Canadian Militia, Annually I have drilled but twelve days, .but' have been subject to duty every 365 days in the year. If the Canadian Militia is wanted it will be always found right . on the spot. As foreigners pour into our country in increasing numbers it will be needed more and more. We claim for the 33rd }lurons that it is the.heet militia Regiment in Canada and in that every officer is a qualified mean it also heads the list. Principal Treleaven in replying to the Learned Professions said : A. Divine Discontent is thefirstes spatial to progress. - L ant a factory hand, that is I, Work in a brain factory. The .future of our country is bound up with the school system. 11Iore attentions is 'these days being paid to Technical 'cdmerle on and to A.grieuIlure, too. Do you want an Agricultural de- partment in the Clinton school 3 It you do and expr.ees the desire the Board, which consistsof, progressive mer(, edit '1 believe endeavor to sup- ply 1t. The Public school can become the social centre of every community. Have books of every variety, and de- bating societies to increase'the akin ty of our boys and girls. All these will bring --the people closer together. Hydro and Radials will help by giving- more ivingmore means and money, bet that which is worth while atter all _is the social life. Math cannot live by bread alone. nc. The parents of the next generation will be brighter intellectually than those of tihe prasent. With the close of Principal _Treleav- en's address, the, banquet came to, an end with the singing of the National A.nthenl and "Shall Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot, tie, postmaster at Exeter, who judge ed the light horses, had an exception- ally busy time of it though this has for a goneeetion ,been famous as a heavy horse district. Just to 'illustrate how the Masses were filled it may be said that for the blue ribbon of the Show, best in- dividual horse, there' were no,less than fourteen entries and .ir,:ariving at decision thb judges bad to go ov- er their points time and amen. 31u heavydraft marc there were-sixetu- tries, filly or gelding, seven, best matched -team six, heavy draft ,team five, agricultural team, four, agricul- tural brood mare, six, Clydesdale, stallions, five, carriage horse, eight, and roadster horse eleven. In the townships cofmpctiton for beet three heavy drafts, not ncccssar- ilv the property of one man but own- ed in the township represented, Hul- lett, Wawanosh and 'Nekersmith com peted, the last 'mentioned'' winning., 'l'lie winners were owned by Geo.. Dale and Son, James Wright and Son and James Smillie. The judges were : heavy horses, Job Whitt,, Ashburn ; James Hender- son; light horses, Ed. Christie, Exe- ter ; cattle, John.. Biggins, Clinton. After his afternoon's work was fin- ished Judge White said : "This Shove has givenmea big surprise for"I had no idea, this distriot raised such hors-': es as were brought before us this af- ternoon, Every class was filled to overflowing and with such magnifi- cent animals that' we had consider- able difficulty several times in making our decision. This is certainly one of the best Spring Shows I have ever attended." ' Though Mr. Shanahan has been on the directorate for -years this was his first terns as president, but he "filled the `bill" so well that no other name is now mcntiontid in, connection with the position.. Secretary McMurray proved to be the right man. Ile work- ed hard and tactfully and not a lit- tle of the success of 'the Show was due to his exertions. Vice -President Hoare and Treasurer Tyndall left no stone 'unturned in making the S'liow. of 1914 the best yet as it proved to be in many respects;, • HEAVY,IIORSES. DATR1' COWS A'NI) FA').'. CATTLE. Dairy Cow' -R Fitzsimons, Clinbost it Cook, Clinton 'Bert hitzkimons, . Fat heifer,- J; Snell & Son ; J]; H. Wise. Fab steer,---Arihsr Dale,hlulictt, Stock's•tecrs,-Arthur Dale:; Mr. J. _Leckie Wilson, who also re- plied to this toast, said : Govern- ments have come to the aid of farm- ers in building railways and subsidiz- ing steamships and of late govern- ment-owned elevators. We no* have Government owned, light and power and before many years there ,will be Government-owned telephones. Would it be good for Canada to cease the export' or wheat ? We exported in round numbers 100,- 000,000 bushels of wheat last year, thevalue of -the same approximately' $100,000,000. , 19 it wisdom. on the part of Cana - .da to export this raw material ? Is not the complaint of the high cost of living caused larg- ely by the high ..cost the far- mer has to pay for material he requires to produce' food products. at a reasonaltic price. Wheat remains at abtlut the same price as 15 ot 20 years ago, but at that time bran miles shorts sold at $Ll. Flom in proportion lo other' food p00d11080 hasnotappreciably ,Increas- ed in value. • his does not apply to 'the bye-0L0duets of the wheat neces- s tt fOr 11h0production of cheap beef, 9088, PUultt3 butter, er milk and cheese c for the farmer. is obliged to day to pay an average of twenty-five dollars a ion' for shorts and bran, These ,bye-pradueLs arc the best feed for cattle, 'hogs and poultry , With that 100,000,000 bushels, of tv)heat exported, what are 551111 is to Canad;an tamers ? . (l.) -'Phe amount of fertility' in each bushel of wheat which passes from Canada forever is valued at 24c. making, a total of $24,- 000,000 a year in the depreciation of �• Canadian soil, the greatest asset to the farmer. (2). --What Is the value of shorts in that amount of bran an a nd s n wheat at [ear p ' market rices . I r , is vat - tied ahtied to day at an average of $25 a ton, making a total loss to Canada of animal food products of $20,000,- 000 that is utilized by farmers of oth- er countries to produce their finished products of cattle, •hogs and poultry with which to compete with 10 fhb our hone markets and the markets of the world. These bye -products, bran • and shorts, sell in London, England, at between $20 and $21 a toil. The Englieh farmer is.thus enabled to feed his stock on Canadian shorts and bran purchased at about $5.00 a ton less than the Canadian farmer has to pay in spite of the fact that the wheat is 'tra.uspotted some .1200 miles by rail to Fort William there unload- ed into elevators and again loaded in- to steateeliMs, t-to-steateelhips, carried 000 tulles to Victoria 1larbor, Parry 'Sound and. other points again unloaded, into elevators and reloaded oh cars for a 400 mile halul to: Montreal. Arrived at this point it 10 transferred; to -el- , evators, el,ewators, loaded into. steamships for e G til., anther 2 00 t t c a country, ti e the old v haul On its ahttval at Liverpool erpool it 10 iinlOad5d, transferred to cars and carried a further 100 Milos 'to the in terior flour mills ,of Groat Britain, the products to be again shipped to the wholesaler in Loralon i and ,cI'her cities. 'After the wheat has leen shipped this distance of nearly 6000 miles the bran and shorts Dim:efrom sell in Great itritain Lot $5 a ton less than the' Canadian farmer' has to pay for them. Complaint has been made that the Canadian farmer is not prodeseeg e- nough livestock and outer foodstuffs'. Lower the prices of the feed it is ne- cessary for hitn 'to buy and be will.. certainly produce more. It is not only the bye products of wheat that are cheaper in C1 teat 7iri- tain than Canada. Rake ,the follow ing prices of bread .per loaf in some ofthe cities of ,Canada, price of bread per 'loaf per Pound, Calgary 6 2-3c, Toronto 40, Winnipeg,.5c,'Mon- treat atm, Fort William 5. c, "Quebec '3:?,c, Halifax 4 2-3c.` •In London the, price is less' than 30 Per pound. It is said however that when Cana 1401,1eIP?SV IT,Lf.: 'v• Mr, Snowdenof Varna, . Ru ?., r the pastor here, will preach 1, for- merly Methodist church on Sunday, it' being W. M, S, anniversary. News -Record means News -Leader. $t'_ ucefield. April 9th, 1914 Srilll(Pll1f-11.19. 'Ile members of St, 1•'ater's clew it ball hill Bold a socialn the la On Tku'sday evening netkt The Brucefiel'd Rovers football club has been organized at an enthusiastic meeting with the following officers : Honorary President, Alex, Mustard President; John Snider I 1st Vice -President Dr. Rogers 2nd Vice -President, J. (J.. Kaiser 3rd Vice -President, MiirrayGibson Secretary -Treasurer, W. D. Swan. Manager, J. 13, Mustard. Me. 3. W. 'Turner was appointed del- ega.te • to the annual. meeting, of the W. F. &. at' Stratford ,on -Good .Fri- day, and while not definitely decided it is expected a team 1vi11 be entered in the intermediate' series. Wingham Mr. J. B. Atmatagc paid' a lratcr- no,l visit to the Black Knight Chap- ter here on 'Tuesday evening' and con- ferred degrees upon a large ntuubor of candidates. :Mr. I -i. 11. Maxwell has been ,Pro- titoted front the.. stat of the Dominion 13ank here to the Chatham branch. Mr. '1'."M. 5111118 of Chatham takes his place here. Mr.- John Mundell of Vancouver, 13. C., the first school teacher Wingham ever had, has been visiting in town during the past week Mr. Mundell, who has been residing in British Col- umbia las f , i t car, 1 just umbfor over 1 Y to o 0 3 returned from a vista to his native land, Scotland and bas (leen visiting a niece i11 Teeswater. Rev. II, B Taylor of Estcvau, Sask, has been visiting in town and preach- ed very acceptably in the Methodist church on Sunday Week. Mr. Taylor is president of the- Saskatchewaneon- leren^.e: Mrs. J'. W. Hibbert was in Brussels last week visaing friends. NIr Levi Cranston, formerly of the Dominion-. Bank here but .now of Tor- onto, was in town last week while on his way 'from Lucknow where ho had been called, on account of the death of his father. Mrs. L. S, Bannister and little dau- ghter 'of Toronto have been visiting the lady"s parents, Mr.. and Mrs, .John Coulter. Mr. J. E. Swartz was in London last week attending a funeral of a re- lative. A. McLean • has returned front a visit in 'Toronto. Clydesdale' stallion, -1st, Guinea Gold, , owned by G. W. Note, Tucker - smith ; 2nd, -Lord Ronald, owned by T. McMichael Son., Hullett; 3rd,: Bglmarino, owned by Wm, Fear, Hul- lett. 1 Pereberon stallion '1'. Johnstone, B1v111 ; J. Chambers & Soni), Crotn- atty. Best individual horse, -James Smil- lie, Teekersnlith. Brood Mare, -J antes , Spittle ; Geo: 'Dale & Sone Tucl.ersteith ; '1'• Me - Michael & Son: Family of three colli, -'l', McMich- ael & Son, hilly of gelding 3 tears or over, - J. J Miller, Srat0ttli ; John Scott, IIttlle11, ; J. Webster, T,uc' now: I ilcl:- ' �1 � m 1 Webster, BcsL a iva gray 110 0 Ileac'}' draught team, -J. �eott, llibbcrt J. Hullett f. J. Miller, Webster, l.inloss. 13est matched teaul,-C. McGregor,_ Hullett: Filly. or gelding 2 years and tinder 3 G. il'IcMichael, Hullett. Filly or gelding 1 year and under 2 -J. Cornish &. Son, Hullett, 1st and 2nd, billy, under. 1 wear, -T. McMichael Son ; Ed. Glen, Stanley ; W. Mar- quis, 1-lullett: Horse colt under 1 year, -T. Mc- Michael �, Michael <, Sen. e- AGRICULTURAL. Brood mare, -Snell Bros., Hallett G. Wright & Son, 'l'uckersmith ; T. 1VIeMichael ex. Son. Filly or gelding 3 years and over, G. McGregor, 1st and 2nd ; Snell Bros., Hullett. Filly or gelding 2 years and under 3,-J. Cornish & Son ; James .Dale, Hullett ; John Sparrow, Stanley. Filly or gelding 1 year and under 2 1:, Clark, Sealer ih ; J. Cornish & Son. Call under I year, -R. Wright, Sea- forth ; George Shipley, Clinton. Agricultural team., -C. McGregor: D. Fotheringham, Tuckersmith ; J. Forster, Wawanosh. - India'id)uai colt, -'i'. McMichael & Son. General purpose team, -J, Decker, Zurich ; J , McClure, Godericir town - 189 p. ROAT)S'TER AND CARRIAGE. Ramie ter "stallion, -J, Berry, Eg- Mondville T; Coulter, Blyth'; ..'1'. Pisi'atey, Sealo th, Cartia e horse lin harness, -111,, J. Millet, 1Iullett W. Weido Iiensebl ; O L'. 'Paisley, Clutton Carriage beans to harness, -J. W. Elliott, Clinton. ROadister team in harness, -J. Cot-. nislh. ,lis Son;,. J. Deicher, Roadster horse in, ]farness, E,. Ro- sell, Clinton; G. B. Hanley, Stanley; Garfield McMichael, Hullett. Lady driver., -Miss Howson, Clin- ton. SHORTHORN CATTLE Bull 3 years;=J. • Snell &i Son, 1 -1111 - lett. Bull 2 years' and tinder 3,- I3, Smith, Flay. Bull under 2 years, -H. Oestr.ichet & Son, Crediton-; E. H. Wise, Getter.- Leh orier.Leh township • Cow 3 years and over, -Beatty Bros„ Varna E. H. Wise, 2nd,- and 3rd. heifer 2 years and girder 3,-H'. Smith; Beatty Bros. Heifer 1 year and under 2,-11, Smith 'J. Smell &, Son ; 11. Oest- richer ,S Son, POLLED ANGTJS CATTLE. Cow, -Bert Fitzsimons, Clinton News -Record means News -Leader. GRAN TRUNK SYs E 110MESFIEKE£S' EXCURSIONS Round trip tickets to points PMaas itoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chicago, 'or St. Paul or, Duluth, on sale ` each Tuesday until' ;October 27, in- clusive, at love rates. Through Pull- man 'Tourist Sleepers to ,Winnipeg at above dates, ,leaving Toronto 11 pee. No change of tsars, IRetturn Limit, '1' vo, Months. SETTLERS' rTLERS' FARES. (One-way Second-class) , stations iu Ontario Kin From Kingston, Renfrew and. West to points in Al- berta and Saskatchewan, each 'Tkee- day during lvlarch and April. LOW COLONIST FARES. (One-way Second-class) From stations in Ontario to certain pelt -its in Alberta, British Columbia, California, Oregon._ Washington, etc. On sale March 15 to April. tl15, inclua ive. Full particulars at all Grand Trunk ticket offices, or write C. E. Notts ing, D. P. A., Toronto Ont. NEWS -RECORD -NEWS -LEADER ()last is nose!, neoeaUUsy to mire the bet mops' ot Fruit, Vegetables, Roots, Grain; Hay, eta L rot only poye dm list 00 gwalitty- jes veiQn IN ewer. Potath, Niq*N of m14a, Adt Phhosphate(Betis .. u at .1*w,it prtiew •'a Let • s sbenr 1ww M de year own > Frank W. Evans Clinton. Phone 192. 1 Makes l Your Hoene Look �. More Cheerful. fr`1,Illil and the keit cheerful is of the aver- age nowadays The"room in which,you spend so much time in, ma make it fresh and new. Enough to cover the was age living room costs so little even the best grades that no living room should be neglected. The small expense is abundantly made upto you, over and over and oyer in the 'greatly increased attractiveness of the room. Our New Wall Papers are Selling Well Come and See them before the best are sold ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE. COOPER & CO. CLINTON, _ ONTARIO. ARS YOU HOUSF- CLEANING AGAR? If so you will want some New Rugs or Furniture. We have a big assortanent, of both and would like to, supply your wants. The Store of Quality, Phone 28 • W. Walker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. Residence Phone 140