HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-04-02, Page 901111101011111111121111111111110111111012011111.30011111114121
Clinton News -Record
Come only out of the 'bead.
'Good Shoes come only_ out
ora good store.
We buy good shoes and
sell good shoes only, and
at reasonable prices
We deal fairly and square-
ly,give everyone the same'.
prices and stand: back of
every pair we sell.
We study .our business
every day of the week.
We are doing and al-
ways will do our level
best to please yon,
Next tirne you need a
pair of shoes get se.
quainted with thin store's
• merchandise.
Good Shoes for Everybody.
New Spring lags
at Special .inccs.1
We have just received our firstshipmentof New Rugs and while
they are wonderful values still we are going to offer some Extia Spec-
ial Prices during the next two weeks in order to induce early buying. -
We have Tapestry Rugs, Velvets and Wilton Rugs and all spec-
ially'priced fur the next two weeks.
Also some pig values:in:Linoleums'and_ Lace Curtains.
Spring time means Shoe time in most families and "We are here
with the goods" to snpply those wants and at a big saving in price to you
.Don't miss seeing our, stock wheri looking for your
next pair. "It will pay you well".
Piumsteel Bros.
Small Profits — More Business
Brighten Up
House cleaning season
n b is here and we have the right
goods to do the job.
Sherwin;%Villiams Paints, Varnishes, Floor Paints Etc. Campbells
Varnish Stain, Japalac.
Climax wall
paper cleaner,
5 � polish,
metal s kin dnliere t
n d
lOdilierent'oda, stove kn a polish,
Dustless mops and dusters,
Door mats,
Flernpol and Liquid Veneer,
Ronuk the English
floorns o]'rh
Silvo the celebratedit
sr verp oils
Jellstone &Nuresco wall finish, '
Silver polishing cloths,
All kinds brushes, brooms & whisks,
—Dr. Hess Stock Fond and Panacea ruse now for best results.— •
Siminers Celebrated Garden Seeds-
-A few horse clippers at 10 percent. discount,-
----� • �'—
SPECIAL Free parcel post to alt parties living within twen-
ty miles of Clinton—Oar Phone is no 7 or drop us a card and we will
send, by the next delivery free of charge—Eleven pounds is the Limit
of weight.
ehave what
a . you
steed i
ntorr '
� it tt.1rE',.°
Don't fail to call on
Ball Atkinson
Night and Sunda Calls..
N. BALL, Phone 110 J. A, ATKINSON, Phone 1513..'
This Perfectly Beautiful
is from the Standard Fashion Sheet
for March. Don't miss its other
lovely advance designs. Your copy
is waiting for you at our Standard
Pattern Department _
Often the cheapest -Always the best.
„•^•c ,�,Tr i•, nUnomnannnnnUn„i
dli' fn :,mmirl It,.
Mims Jean Ross was home over the
week -end.
Miss Ross Lavis was, home from Sea -
forth over Sunday.
Miss Gladys Chowen his taken a
post:tion with Couch & Co.
Mrs. Bell of Belgrave was the guest
of Mrs. Howson last week,
Miss Kathleen East visited friends in
Seaforth for a few days last week.
Miss Ruby Cook of Toronto is'spend-
ing a vacation at her home in town.
Mr. Chas• Howson has been visiting
at IIarriston during the past week.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Doig returned on
Tuesday from Toronto, accompanied
by Mrs. Doig's mother.
Miss Mabel McKinley of Stanley town-
ship was the guest of the Misses
Lav is over the week -end.
Mr. Stewart Paisley, accountant of
the Royal Bank, West Toronto, is
home on his vacation.
Mrs. Levi Stong leaves shortly for
Sarnia where Mr. Stong has taken
a position and where they will re-
Mr, and Alrs. Chas Cole have re-
turned from a month's visit with
friends in London and at Wayne,
Mrs. Walter King' Mrs. s. G, H.
David visited the former's sister,
Mrs. Bennett of Blyth, one day
last week.
Mr. Adan, McKenae, who has been
suffering • from typhoid fever for sev-
eral weeks, is now on a fair way
to recovery.. -
Mrs. Cartwright of Wingham is vis-
aing her sisters
Irs. John Foster
and Mrs. J. G. 'Vest of town for a
week or so.
Mrs, W. S. Flatland, who - has not
been well all winter, is not im-
proving and her condition is caus-
ing her friends grave concern.
Mr, Japes ' McMath has been in the
leospitai during the past week hav-
ing undergone a slight operation
for some trouble in his leg, He is
now doing Well. •
Mr. Morley • Counter, who was in the
Clinton hospital suffering from a
split knee pap, is doing well and it
is expected will be able to sit up by
the end of the week,
Mrs. Thos, s Judd o ud returned c rned home on
Saturdayfrom >.o n a two months' visit
with her sister and brother. in De-
troit and with her daughter, Mrs,.
Arthur Lawson of Windsor.
Mr.. Iiarry Twitchell, who is in the
Western hospital, Toronto, undergo•
ing treatment, is progressing finely
according to latest reports and will
be able very shortly to return Home,
Mrs. S. Crich is expected home irons
Los Angeles, Cai',, the middle of
the month. She will be accompan-
ied ih'y his sister, Mrs. Moffat, who
has been at -Stevensville, Mon,, for
the past couple of years.
Mr, S. G. Churchill of Vancouver,
who was last week visiting with
Isis mother, Mrs, R. Marshall, and
sisters, drone to Dungannon oa
Saturday accompanied by Mrs. E
Jackson and Miss Maud Cook.
Miss Delle Taylor came up from 'Tor-
onto last week to look "after ; the
business of her father, 'Mr. Jacob
-Taylor, during .his illness: As he
had sarficiently recovered to be
about Miss Taylor returrrd to 'her
situation in the city on Monday.
Mr. Gordon McGregor, who for the
past seventeen months has been aa-
countant of the Royal. Bank, has
been promoted to the Westmount
Manch, Montreal, for which ptlace,
he left yesterday., Mr. McGregor
was very popular about town : and
while sorry to sec him go; his
many friends wish hind every suc-
Postmaster Williams, of Seaforth was
in town for a couple of hours on
Saturday while' on his Way to spend
the week -end at his •old home . in
Zurich, Mf.—Williams, 'Ile News -
Record has snore than ponce been int
formed, is proving to be just - as
efficient a head of the Seaforth of-
fice as Mr Scott is that of Clinton
which is certarinly complimentary
to the 'forcer, patrons of the Clin-
ton'o'Iiee will ''say,
April 2nd
s, Hall Runners, natts, New Linoleums
This weather will bring on the annual house-cleaning
season, Are you prepared for it ? This week we past into
stock the greatest range of new'spzino floor rugs we have ev-
er shown One hundred to choose from, fawn, brown, tan,
green, red and blue grounds, neat patterns, We are also
showing five new patterns' of four yard wide linoleum in tile,
block and floral designs,
Tapestry rugs priced from ........
Wiltons 4 8 00 filo $lS 00
Hall runnerso
18'00 to 25 0
2.700 to 40 00
85 uo to 50 00
, 8 00, to 12 00
Easter Collars, W aists,. Hosiery and Drillings
- are now in Stock.
Weare showing a very exclusive range of ladies lace fischu collars in white and ecro white waists, plain
and fancy, hosiery, and new frilliugs at reasonable prices. You are at liberty to ask to see these as often as you
please. This is the` store that finds it no trouble to show the new goods.
$5.00 Ladies' Waists $2.50.
Twenty-four ladies' silk and all -over -net waists in white, ecro and
black, all sizes, several styles to choose from, regular $5 vat acs, Thurs-
day, Horse Show Day, price.
Dresses and Suits Underpriced.
Ladies' wash dressee regular $5 for $2.09.
Ladies' serge and vonl dresses, reg, $15 for $0.e8.
Ladies' serge and fancy tweed suits, $20 and $25, Show Day ,$10,50,
New Spring Goods at the Men's Store.
New Spring Suitings.
The new spring suitings are now in stock ready for your inspec-
tion, worsted and 1 weed suitings that fare sure to please the eye,
browns, greys, blacks and blues, made to your measure in the very
latest style your tit and our workmanship guaranteed, prices run
from - $22.00 up.
New Spring Hats For Me. n,
Men and boys new spring hats in all the newest shapes now in
stock, blacks, blues, greys, browns, fawns etc. If you want a hat
you will be sure of getting just what you want here.
Mr. F. J. 1-Iill was in Toronto this
Mr. W. Jackson went to Toronto yes-
Aiss May Wightman visited Clinton
friends this week.
Miss Mamie Rcid is at her home in
Stanley this week. "
Mr. A. Gordon Gamble, representa-
tive at Toronto of the Clinton Mo-
tor Car Company, was in town yes-
terday. Y•
Mrs, Steepe of Toronto has been the
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
_John Jackson, during ,the past week
having come up to see her mother
who is ill.
,Mrs, C. J. Wallis and family are at.
Bay (fold today attending the funeral.
of Mr. Wallis' father. Mr. Wallis,
unfortunately, is in the west 00 000
of his periodical trips,
Mr. Wm. Jones of Hamilton, former-
ly of town and who has many fri
ends in Clinton, has not been en•
keying the best of health this win-
ter having been laid off for some
weeks. IIe is now recovering, how-
ever, and n
in a letter
too one .. of his palsa
he wished to be remembered to old
lbtiss .Anna- Jenkins of Woodlands
Farnn, Huron Road, who had not'.
been at all well forr several' clays,
underwent an operation for appen-
dicitis yesterday morning and at
last reports, was progressing:, favor-
ahiy. The many friends of the
family trust that a few weeks will.
see her fully restored.
Rev. W. McDonagh• of 232 Pearsonn.
Ave Toronto, a former pastor of.
Wesley church, celebrated his 87th
birthday a few days since, about a
dozen ministers being his guests,.
While he is in the best of health or-
dinarily, he is a cripple, and confin-
ed' to his room,:- an injury. :: he sus-
tained to his knee some years ago
keeping him confined.
Mr. Murray' Jackson reached twine .at
noon Monday ,f,romNorth Bay,
coining' to, attend the funeral of his
uncle the late Rev.' Horace Jackson
of Detroit "whish took place on
Tuesday. He has since returned to.
North Bay to there resume his
duties which; by tho'way, take hips
up into the Cobalt,: I orbupine arid
Cochrane country monthly.
Hulllett Township
'Mr. Wilson 'Sundercock and : Miss
Jennie Hart were quietly married
last Wednesday, Rev, Carswell of-
ficiating. They intend residing near
Mr. and Mrs; Lactvrence Melville of
Seaforth spent last Tuesday with
Mr. and Mrs, James, Fairservice.
Miss A. Tyerman of Seaforth is
41111•1141111111.11.....1 •PM11111=1Mili1111=1
Tho s
a sessors are now on thinr
rounds in the various municipalities.
It is the manifest cluty of every per-
son entitled to a vote to see fhab his
ns. ancl.his .qualification are proper-
ly planed on the assessment roll, no
natter what his status inay be. Do
riot depend on some other person look.-
ing after it for you; do 'it yourself
and do it now. Elections are won
by Pcrf c
t and imperfect cc
t dist
your vote ote or loss of your vote.
might wire or lose an election for.
flour party, It is altogether probable
at a general election will ho decided
on the voter's Iistm to be prepared
from the assessment rolls now being
compiled; 'so that it is essentially ne-
cessary that the lists should be full
and correct. 'fhc warning applies to
boot Grits and Tories alike.
IIave you ever seen the Minister of
Railways and Canals ; the Minister
of Finance ; the Minister of Cus-
toms or the Posi;ntas er-G
t eneral.o
many of the Ministers of the Ottawa
Cabinet do sou know f Don't you
think it would be interesting to at
leapt know the faces of the men who,
are governing Canada ?
The News -Record offers y o u,
ars opportunity, Limier, an arrangement
recently closed with The Torenth
News, in, `which by'subscribing ta.
both ,paprs for 12 months at a cost
to you of $2.35, you will be sent, tub-
d and postage prepa'd, a splendid 1
SPRINOphotogravure of the BordenCabinet,
eeel fn, x 2ta in.
Sed its your subscription to thisR APRIL.
office andwe will sec thatthe plc-'
turo.Issent you at once.
H ullett Happenings
Mr. Len. Weir was down in the
London district on business last week
ndh d c ;
a a o Cas on to visit several
the daily farms. 'They are certainly
advanced in dairying," said Mr. Weir
ins speaking thereto, "They use none
but good cows and keep up the test
so that when. they find a cow is not
paying they get rid of her: There is
no one' i
3 ap Inc the
dairyman Yman s
goes. Every-
v t -thing about the stables, too, is in
perfect order so as to stand Govern-
mental inspection at any time. Milk-
ing machines appear to be a success
down there. Some dairymen find
them profitable with as few as twelve
cows, but I was informed that six-
teen or seventeen is a better average.
These machin, milkers are as a rule
run by gasoline engines but I fancy
that when Hydro is' in general use on
the farms that it will be the power
used,' Yes, I believe it would pay tip
farmers in Hallett to go more exten-
sively into dairying than we have
The funeral
of the late at James C'al-
a highly esteemed •
g y e, resident of this
township also died on Tuesday week,
took place on Thursday last, the in-
; ternent being made in Burns' cem-
etery. _
Mr. Charlie Carter has been nursing
a 'sore foot, lately, He had the mis-
fortune to have a fork run through it.
The funeral of the Late James Ca"
I well, who died of 13right's
took place to Burns' ccrnetery or:.
Thursday rs
la last and was vase
largely ar
g Y A.
tended. 'The services were conducted
by Rev. Join Rcid of Londesboro.
The deceamed was -a' man or admirab'e •
qualities and held the respect of a
large circle of friends. •He was the
orgy son of
the late
Robert and
Elizabeth White -Caldwell, who so
to Guelph from Dalkeith, - Edinburgh.
in 1830. His boyhood days were
spent at Guelph, he being born) there-
in 1836. He was married in 1808 ta.
Miss F;liza Rouse of the Royal City,
In 1871 they came to Ilullett. Hds•
wife died seventeen years ago. A
family survive, also one sister, Alrs.
J. W. Hudson of Los Angeles, Cal-
ifornia. Those who attended the frny-
eral from a distance were Isis daugh-
ter, Mrs. T. Quinn an'd her husband
of Haileybury ; Mrs. C. Willfau s,
Toronto ; Mr, and Mrs. A. I-Iales.
Guelph ; Mr. Walter McDonald and
Mt. Alex, Blyth of Marden, Hie lat-
ano friend en
old and schoolmate.
'Die pallbearers were Messrs. C.,
Rouse T, 1a:nhlyn, C. Ruddlc, W,
Moon, E:. MoVittie and W. Ross,
Mr. ,Iames.,Fairservice had a hares,
taken down, on one of his farms last
week by the veteran Wns, Riley sot
Loridesboro. 13e .intend0 erecting it
on the home place shortly. -
Rod and (Inn, for April is out tivith
bill, 01 fare designed primarily for
i,he fisherman; '1'hecover cut, .iivbich.,:
this month is specially attractive,
depicts a fisherman holding up to
view -a 17 lb. prize salmon trout se-
cured last year in Algonquin Park.
Bonnycastte Dale contributes the
leading az i le "Halibut tutFishing in .
'the Northern Pacific' ; -I-I. Mortimer
Batten a well illustsrated article on
"Trout Farming',',; and other stories'
and articles follow that describe fish-
ing experiences etc. in various pacts
of the Dom:n'on from' Atlantic to
Pacific. l'nof. Edward Prince, Dom.-
ont-inion Commissioner of Fisheries and
an authority on both fist) and game,
writes of "The Fong 1#0aned Ante-
ntelope of the West,". which is said to'
be in danger of extinction unless im-
mediate protective measures are
adopted for its ,pnesorvati'on, The
regular departments are all well
visiting at Mr. James Fairservice's "lnaustammd.
at present,
Mrs, Wm, Carter was confined to 1
b'cd last week: but is intpiroving. NEWS-RECORD-NEWS-LEADIR. '
Ladies will welcome the refinement of style
in the shoes we are showing this season.
STOCK Our stock is constantly being improved,
and includes the latest novelties in high
and low cuts, honest inside and ,out all.styles
...:. ra y
• .. t les
and sizes. • ,
ILEATHER and workmanship are the very best—
no:better to be had 'anywhere'and the.
lit is just as perfectas though ' you had
a standing last at your shoe maker's.:
S.0 ...
HONE %�l