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• 1N RATES FOR 113-i4
News -Record and Mail & Drripire
• News-,11,coord and Globe
News-Itecord and Family Ilevard and• •
• WeeklY Star .... .. . ..... 1.55
News -Record and Weekly Sun1.05
News -Record and Farmer's Advocate- 2.35
News -Record and Farm di Dairy Lee
News-ltecord and Canadian Farm .... 1.85
News -Record and Weekly Witness •••• 1.35
News-Reoord and Northern Messenger 1,60
News•Record n nd Free Prese . ,........ 1,55
News -Record and Advertiser -•.•••••• 1.86
-News-Record and Saturday Night .,.. 3.25
News -Record and Youth's Companion 3.25
News-Itecorct and Fruit Grower` and
Farmer • ..... ... •••••• • 1.76
News -Record anti Oanarlian Sports:”
News-Reeorti Iiippincoa's Maga-
zine. . ...... ...... 3.25
News -Record and World ...... ,.......3„.35
News -Record and Globe ........... ..... 3.60
Newedtecord and Mall 3,5 Empire ...... 4.55
News -Record and Advertiser..,... 2.85
• News -Record and Morning Free Pm:se. 3.35
News -Record and Evening Free Press, 2.81
News -Record and Toronto Star ........ 2.35
News -Record nud Toronto New 2,35
.If what you want IG not in this list let
us know about It. We can suoply you at
less than it would cost you soeosia .lireet,
To remitting please do so by Post-oM09
Order Poetal Note, Express osier or Reg.
istered letter- arid address.
Whophg CC21.13.2,11
simpN, saN :And od'ectivo treatment For broil.
chial troubles, avoiding drugs. Vaporized Cresolene
stops the paroxysms of Whooping Cough and relieve.
Spasmodic Croup nt once. It is lo 20000 80 suderers
front 11.4thnia. The :dr carrying the antiseptic vapor,
inspired with every breath, makes breathing easy ;
sootheS theth
sore reatand stopn the cough. assuring
restful nights. It N Invaluable to mothers. with
young children. Send postal for descriptive booklet.
TABLETS fertile Irritated
throat. They arc simple,
effective and antiseptic.
Of yur odruggist or Nolo
us, Ne. to stamps. ,
Vapo Creaolene Co.
62 Coitkralt St., 00Y.
Zilontreal. Cab.
• le interested and should know
about tho wonder:ha
Marvel Wbitling 'Pt"
Ask your druggist for
R. It' ho cannot supply
the MARVEL, accept no -
ether, but send stamp for ilbas-
truted book -sealed. It gives full
0enerci Agents for Canada.
• enorsaramareneeihisearnsensliees.
French Sleallter Met Disneter When
Entering Port.
A despatch' from Lemlue says:
Eighteen of the crew of the French
steamer Saint Paul were -drowned
When she struck a rock and slunk
while entering the port of Brisbane,
Auettalia, :according to a Lloyd's
despatch. The Saint. Paul WES on,
the way Irene Nenmee to Sydney.
She Was a new vessel, 'teeing been
buil b ih 1912, and PIS IVES :1 -
ed by Ceptaie Cove,e. She 'wee 220
Feet' long, and <Replaced 1,03e ions
net, and was the propeety of tile
Ofreallie Navigalion Company, 01
Bordestux, Fratme.
Forty' years in use, 20 years the
eeeepaame, . preecribed • and recoil..
mended hy physicians. For W.
tittall?_S • Aihnents, Dr. •
Female Pills, at your dmiggist.
Material Furnished reee Of Charge
to Beets Applicant. ,
The mem,bees of the Ontario Agei-
cultural • and Experimental Union
are pleased to etathe that for 1914
they are :prepared to distribute 15410
every township of Ontario material
of high quality foe experiments-0'01th
grains, fodder erepe, ,roote, grasses,
eiovers and Alfalfes, as foilows:e-
No. Experiments Plots
1 -Testing two varieties of oats, S
2a -Testing 0.A.C. No. 21 Bat-
ley and emmer e 2
2b-Teeeing two varieties of two-
rbwed barley ... ; . . 2
3 --Testing two varieties, of hull- -
less barley
4 -Testing two vaeletiee
, spring wheat 2
5 --Testing two varieties of buck,.
wheat 2.
6 -Testing two variebies of field
7 -testing two varietiee of
spring rye
8 -Testing two varieties Soh
• Soja, Or Japanese beams 2
9 -Testing throe varieties of
husking corn 3
10 -Testing three varieties -of
mangels 3
II -Testing two varieties of su-
gar boot e for feeding pur-
poses ........ ............. . 2
12 -Testing 'three varieties of
Swedish turnips' 3
13 -Testing two variebies of fall
turnips ' 2
14 -Testing two varieties of car --
153 -Testing three varieties of
fodder and silage corn -.3
16 -Testing three varieties of '-
milleb 3
17 -Testing two varieties of set-
. ghum
-Testing grass peas and two
. varieties of vetches - 3
19 -Teethig rape, kale and field
cabbage 3
10 --Testing three varieties of
clover 3
01. ---Teebing two varieties of 54-
1 safe 2
532 -Testing four varieties of
grasses 4
--Testing three varieties of
field beetle 3
-Teeting- 10 wo varieties of sweet
corn 2
-Testing two varieties of pelia-
teeS 2
--Testing three grain mixtures
for grain production 3
-Testing three grain mixtures ,
for fodder production 3
Each plot is to be two eeds long
by one red wide, except No.. 558,
which is to be one erid square.
Any person in Ontario enay choose
any one of the experiments fur 1914
and apply. for the same. Tim ma-
terial will lie furnished in the order
in which the applications are re-
ceived,. while the sepply laSeS. It'
might be well for each anplicanb to
make a serond choice, :for fear the
first could not be granted. All ma-
terial will be furnished entirely free
of charge to each applicant, and the
produee will, of souls°, become the
Property of, the person who con-
ducts the experiment.' Each person
ariplying for an eeTperiment should
write his name and address vere,..
carefully, and should give the name
oE the, -county in which' he
Boy Reeeived Cull W01111(18 in ihe
Face Neel; and Chest.
/A despatch from Kingeton says:
Will. Leavins, aged 14, an 01c1
.0uuntry boy, employed by Arnold
Wemp, of Stella, Amherst Island,
was brought eo the hospiteil on Wed -
oda,' night with Scvel;a1 gonalena
wounds in his face, neck and chest.
Harold Smith, antither •rarm hand
at ,the same place, wee- eleameig a
gun while the Lcavins hey was 60
feet eway cleaning his boots. ,Sinith
aid -not knew the glen was loaded
eed snapped the) trigger.
• Montreal Man • Attempts Suicide to
Term of Imprisonment
A ',despatch from Montreal Sairs:
H, Tapley, usurer, found guilty
4. at the Assize Court; was sentenced
.." to thirty yearlein the. penibenbiary
-,bY Mr, 3eemtiee Lavergne., The evi-
,'"..elenee',111.0ein'l:Wliliele.:1•Iiieedeyeetests 000
wata .auPplied, by his 1.4eYear-
5)e3d danglete.i',''Whiett'be'lCa,rtlett his
• false the prisoner - As
Tapley is nearlY fifty; the seidened
Escape Long
means life imprisonment for hire.
Tapley attempted to count& suicisle
b,y biting ishruugio hie aein in an at-
tempt', to sever an artery. Tapley's
callous methods as a money lender
were mainly responsible for the Ot-
tawa Gevernmenb passing the usury
law some years .ago, making it .,Ez
penal offence to charge more than
bwerve per cent, interest on loans.
High Class ProfltrSharIng !Sands. 8s5'1sa-,..S100, epoo, sietoo
INVESTMANT may be withdrawn anY nie atter , one •iiytfafi
on 60 days' notice. Bilaineel 'at baok-
lighed ... o'f th,epoItendn ,
. 0054020'
28 yeart. Send tor pecial folder and fullparticular&
.leuferS. Digerlealdate Agftinst Cattle
. Waring.Shop Horns. „
'SA3ye.a reePleition 'rthe,Torento
"Live Stook Exchange, peed ever a
ear age,. 0 regulatiou . came
Mee elle& 'on ,the. :firat Of APTH
el:Petting 11cattle ,eN'earing
l$2.00'.,perelead. , This :„ in , 'afee,W4y:
enunds n»eonab1e,„but eSien .ajt
.4ohoi4ered tbalf"'the telatightereva
;01,'„na#10 be' io at annuaJJy
1es06S, 'Nem' 'a '.qieseit er alfss
Iicon-dollars On acethent 0f connealcd
bruises. '.1ego21tbDn l.ok nol''
Sewn to be ',mete a.e.hard,ehip.' •How,.
ever, a, Movement 'bee been. on loot
teepoesibl,Y pOSttiCine the dabe, tide
xegulatlioneis- toeecene, into effect,
ape] :several pro -Mb -tent buyers inter -
00 this snbject ,express
themsely1esps not being desiroue of
Woeking what Might •be consideeed
a.hardshiP on . the farmers and
drovers by 'this.'regulation, At the
same. time they point out the enor-
mous keees which their honses,have
to stand, .which -is traceable directly
to awrned cabbie. - However; ,there,
'seems to 'be a, faiveopinion that if
some other method can be employed
to pi:event these bruises that they
,Would he agreeable to poetpone this
regulation. (3.pe• idea suggested,
and it seems ,a gob•de one, is Shat
the femme Or ds -over procure a fine-
tooth saw, -os small meat or 'mitre
saw is good and costs, very little, -
and cut off ths tharp tips on the
horns befoye they leave the farm,
and ab least befteee they are mixed
with strange eagle.
This tipping is absolutely
pain -
lees, easily -done, and prevents the
beast from. inflicting pain npon •his
fellows. Only about one, inch or an
inch and a half of the hard tip of
the horn is sawed off, care being
taken not to cut into the: quick.
Ili is learly evident that if the
Humane Society would eee some
the bruised carcasesand torn hides
on the cattle they would in them-
selves enforce the regulation
theoughoub our fair province to re-
quiree handlees of live etock to at
least, iit the animals in, such a way
that, they could not damage each
EXPlosion In Store Started De-
, structive Blaze.
A despatch from Fort William
says: Fire, starting when the
boiler in the furnace exploded, de-
eteoYed the, Iluelson'e Bay Com-
pany's, store building here and
caused a loss of about $250,000 on
building and stoek.
The afternoon had been occupied
by the spring opening, and 5
O'eltiek tea had -been served to
crowds of visitors, who had ga.th-
end to "inspect the goods in the
store.. The store had just closed
when the explosion occurred, and
the alarm was burned in by Coneba-
ble Gratton, who saw smoke pour-
ing from the front of the.building.
So dense Was the smoke that the
brigade WaS unable to get inbo the
building, but they poured water
fromfive lines of hose into the base-
ment, where the fir'e was fed by the
alcohol from the liquor deparbment,
in which the first; flames broke mit.
While on the ladder leading to
the third floor •one Of the firemen
lost control of bite lose, :and :Dave
Gerow, of the West Fort William
seation, was thrown to the ground,
about 25 feet below. He was taken
to the ,station, bet was not seriously
Later iu. the evening another fire-
men, David .15,fal-tin; .was :knocked
from a ladder by a piece of falling
.cornice, and, jtad Bever-al:ribs bro-
linew llow to 'Keep Peace in Family
Ib bs quite significant, the ntunber
of persons who get well of alarming
heave, trouble when they let up on
tea, and coffee and Ilse Poelaim.as
the beverage at meals.
There is nothing sur.priesing about
it, however, because the harmful
alkaloid -caffeine -in both tea, anti
coffee is 7101; presenb POseleere.
which is made of 0100110, hard wheat.
'Two ago I was havisig go
much trouble witli hear 1,''
writes a Idels in the West, "that; at
tittles I felt, quite alarmed. My hus-
band book .me to it specheljet, Le have
111Y"Thlehealc*bleeetxt1)111.11siritilieticliip could find ne
organic beouble but said iriy hemei
was irritable froin so:meth:MR :e had
'been accustomed, to, and asked me
to try and remember what disa-
greed with me:
"1 remembered thee coffee. always
soured on eny stomach and caused
me trouble from. palpitation of the
heart, So 10 stopped .eoffee and be-
gan. to nse Poeletne, I have had ne
further feemble eince,
"A neighbor or outs, au old
man, was eo irritable from elrinking
coffee that Ns wife wanted hien to
Posbum. This made lsiinvery
angry, but hie -wife ,eacitil:ed some
Posture,- ansi made it • Carefully'
e,ecording to- directions. ,
"He drank ehe Postum and did
not keow the difference, anej ie stilt
'using ie to 'his lasting beuelit. He
'tens. his wife that the 'Coffee' is
better. than used to 1251,so else
milts with lune and keeps p.eeee 1511.
the family by roghurn
stoAt.'d or
ilerame given ley CanadiaM.Poebtun
Co Windeor Ont '
• Postum, now eomes in .two forms :
Regular ,Postunt innst be well
'kited; lee •and 25e- paelesegee,
Thseent postecei-sie a ,soleibla pow-
b1111, A teaspoonful :everage ieetnot ly. 30c and' 50c
ensd,q witis
cream and sugar, Makes a delicious
The eeele pee aup of both kinds in
about the, mime. '
• Thera'e Reagan" for Posbum,
_..eold by Grocers.
• Joseph Caine ux.
Minister of Finance and fern er
Pyeenier of France, whose wife si ot
dead the editor of Le Figaro, be-
cause- of Ids politieal attacks On her
bushand '"I clic] my duty, and bear
no malice," the ,editor eseid ae he
expired. '
r35-s1r-1, tyrsimes„ .
'Canada, the Empire and the World
10 General Before Your
' Eyee.
Mrs, Albert Whale, 112 Hazelton
Avenue, Toronto, was struck by a
Dupont Street car mid instantly
killed during a, fog 011 Thursday.
One -hundred and fifty desetbed
wives in England have asked the
Toronto police to find their- hus-
Three Montreal offitials were dis-
missed by the 13eard of Control as a
result of judge Fortin's findings in
the civic land inquiry.
Clerks in the post office and rail-
way mail clerks are to be increased
from April 1, the minium:qh to be
$600 and annual increase $100.
. Dr. A. W. Heaslip of Platen,
crossing the Bay or Quinte in his
motet car, ran into an air hole in
the ice, aud, barely escaped drown-
ing, losing his ear in forty feet of
A deputation of einne two .thou-
eand Ontario farmers waited on the
Government, urging the construe -
Hon of a system of deep waterways,
Ifydro-elecerie railways, conserva-
tion of water power for tho public,
and a subsidy of $6,400 pereuile for
municipal. radials.
Alfred Croehy of Arnprior elms
kilted by a. train at, idateawa.
Tho Hamilton divorce ease nieb
another defeat he the Senate.
The Duke of Connaugh will visit
Western Ontario about the middle
of May.
Francis Cleary, aged 27, oE
sor, a graduate of:Toronto Unive.r-
site', died in California,.
Robert Barlow, who erected one
of the firilt cheese factories in the
Brockville' section at Addison, is
dead, aged 64.
Twenty-two Britieli Columbia
coal 'mine -steikers, sentenced sev-
eral menthe ago to long Leeiee in
prieon, are to be released.
Dr. Max Klotz of Ottawa, peeei,
dent of the Ontario Medical Coun-
cil, has issued a condemnation of
the Workmen's Compensation Acts,
A commissioner from Laporte, in -
&aim., will go to Neville, Sask., to
try, and identify a wumau suppoeed
to be Bella Gunnese, alleged multi -
100 rderess.
Gc,orge Edwards, boarding with
the family of G, 5. Graham in
Strathroy, ,un demand or payment
or his bill in arreaes, idebbed Gra-
Mien several times, also wounding
h imeel 1. e
0 en era I.
The King of Italy met the Kaiser
al, Venice.
Onieral Villa suffered a serious
reverse in bie attack upon Torreon,
the Mexic,an Federal Itronghold in
the nerth. The eebel casualties
reported al 2,000. •
Maclaine Cadieux, assassin or edi-
tor Calmette, is to be permitted the
eeeviee et inauls. whIle .111 fir10011.'
A world-wide evivelees appeal in
behalf 01, the blind ivae sent by the
King from London Saturday might.
Whale Hunting Ship Will Cruiee in
the, Aret kr :Regions.
A „clespabch froin SAM • Francisco
says: The ,stesem Whalee. :Erertnen,
Capt. C. T. Petersen, formerly ift,
ceminand of Stelkansson'e lost Ship,
the Karltik; has Sailed ,.1"de the Are -
,tie. The blerdease was outfitted by
ceinpany or furriers, Which has a
,deDot, 1?Oint.,13Sfrow. Because
'e'er his former' ,cennectioln wibh the
Steransson expedition Capt. 'Peder-
sen will keep' a: weather .eye opee
for •the Kaeltik,ebue -hie, voyage is
isot•pribie'rilye exp.edieititi;
and .the Canadian rgeyeeminene is
not financing -,01 . •
One Dealt lisle Ootorreit-Citeee
IliCeti Isolated. e.
cleepateh 'from „Haveeea eays;
The three :suspected eseeee. of Int -
baffle plague discovered here lieve
;men 30e0001lne:0d to he 'pen -me
!cases of bleat dieces,e.- One of the
patients Ince died. - The eanitha.'y
deparishe,nb lias the tattle -don en:
hand ,and says it has fear of Other
'cases developing.
ececeiTit, elicits Tete etaniste 71700)
• 5.1.17453 00 11455150A.,
triers or cattle cram Chcoio Ana melt
ftetteee'at Home and ALS -Patio ,
TOPPI°, ' 10541:011. • .33-02'lO51srL-0ra'a1`10
\ PP(' g01.115, 90.,per 'cent, are qii.Oled al,
soaliori,rif; and at $3.00 to ,*4, '207
ronto. , Ilianitobas-First patentoc .
jute .$5.50), do, eecondr4.'
strong bakers', in- bagS, 34.10. ,
.1A:rod-tuba wheat-41-3,ay ports -NO. h
Northern, 9093; and No. 2, 9111; Goder-
ich, 551 more, .No. 1 • Nor thern, North
:Bay, 5.1.049, arid No..2
' Ontario whetit-irlarAtet 10 15510• 960
2. quoted at 981: to 31.; Outside, accord-
ing to freight, and $1 on ,track, Toronto.
Oato-No, 2 Ontario, Oats are quoted at
385 to 'aDa,, outside, add at 41 to 41,111,'011
track, •TOronto. Western Canada oats.
quoted at .41:le lea No, 2, and at 409e for'
pe,,,.._,N,,,,,e,oft6,ing„ with prices nom-
inal at 98o to 31, outside.
'36arley--Cloorl malting: barley,, quoted
at 58 to 60e, outside, according to goal -
Cern -'Phe market ls firm. New 0,0,•
3 Amerioan is quoted at 737, all ram,
Toronto. Canadian quoted' at 700
Itye-No. 2' is quoted at 63 to 54e, out-
13u0kwhortt----Ilfaricet VCIT • firm, With
Prices quoted at 75 to '78e, outside.
13ran-lvtanitOba bran is firm at $24 to
326,a ton; in boos, Toronto freight.
Shorts, 326 to 337. .
Provisions. -•
Cur.cd meats arc; qas uoted-follows:-
Bacon, long clear, 15 to 16e per Lb., 411
CUSP lots. Porlc-Short out, 328:50; do.,
mess, 324.60. Illanis-hIeditun, 18 to
189,cl- do., heavy, 17 to 18o; rolls,. 15 to
165e; breakfast bacon, 18 to 10e; backs',"
Lard -Tierces, .14e; tubs, 14.5e; 50110,
Country Produce.
Ilutter-BUOineho 10 fairly good, with
the best -gradeS in demand. The offer-
ings are about sufficient. Choice datrY,
23 to 23e; inferior, 18 to 15e; farmers, -
separator prints,- 23 to 25o; • creamorY
prl tits. fresh, 32e; do., stottage prints,
200; solids. slovage, 25 to 263e.
10ggs-Ofrerings large, With Fru"
easier- at 23 to 24e per dozen in case
Cheese -Now cheese quoted at 155 to
155c for large, and 16 to 1650 for Mins.
Ileans-Fland-piclred quoted at 32.10 to
32,30 per bushel; primes, 33.10 to ,32,11.
Honey-Dxtracted, in tins, quoted, at
11 to 520 per ih. for No. 2; combs, $3 to
sese per dozen for No., 1, and 32.46 to
32.60 :Cur No. 2.
Poultey-Fowl, 15 to 18e per lb; chick-
ens, 3.0 to 20e; ducks, 17 tp 185); geese, 15
to 16e; turkeys, 20 to 20.
Potatoes -The market , -Is fin% with
offering's limited. Onto MOS Pre quoted
at 90e per bag, on track; and, Delawares
at 95c, on track, ear lots.
Baled Hay and Straw.
Baled hay -The offerings are falr
with prices steady. No. 1 is quoted at
$14 to 514,50 a too, on track, here; NO.
2 quoted at $13 to 313.50, and clover at
310130010e(1301t1ratv-Car lot, 38.60 to $0,
track, Toronto.
Winnipeg Grain.
Winnipeg, March 31.-Cash:-Whent
-No. 1 Northern, 00Re; No. 2, flo., 883c;
No, 3, do., 875e; No, 4, 539c; No. 5, 81e;
00, 0, 76e; feed, 71e; No. 1, rejected,
Seeds, 863e; No. 2, do„ 8-15e; No. 3, do.,
835e; No, 1 smutty, stifle; No. 2, 510,
Nisz00..13•2,(1,100.,„88s1806,; ;Nico.0.1. 31..erdlol.l:18117tieor.,
Oats -No, 2 C.W., 350e; No. 3, do., 340e;
extra. No. 1 feed, 345c; No. 1 feed, 345c;
No. 2, do., 34e, Barley -No, 8, 459o: No.
4, 43.5e; rejected, 429v; feed, -12e. Flax
--No, 1 N.-W.C., $1.305; No. 2
$4.2651; No. 3, do., 31,205.
Montreal Margot.
'Montreal March 31. -Co rre. -A met. Ica n
No. 2 yellow, 785 to 790- Oats -Cana -
Olen western, No. 2, 44 to 448s; do., No.
3. 435 to 435e. Barley -Man. feed, 40 to
Ole; malting, 68 to 70c. 1elour--31an.
Spring wheat patents, firsts, 30.50; sec-
onds, $5.10; strong. bakers', $4.00; 'Win-
ter patents, Choice, 35.25 le 30.00;
straightrollers, 34.70 to 34,00; do., langS,
32.20 to esao. Rolled oats, barrels,
34,55 to 34.16; d,
o. bags. 00 lbs., 52.05
to 33.10. Bran, 323. Shorts, 325. Mid-
dlings, $28. :Montilla $28 to 332. II0-Y
-No. 2, per 1010 0101' lets, $13 to .414.
Cheetre-FineSt westerns, 115 to 15e; do.,
easterns, 14 to 1450, Butter -ChM f'eS
creamery, 29 to 299o; seconds, 27 lo 28e.
)eggs -Fresh, 26 to 27e, Potatoea, per
bag, ear lots, 75 to 829c, :Dressed hogs,
abattoir killed, 189 to 139e. 17'ork-
Heavy Canada short mess, bbls., 35 to 45
Pleues, 329; short 'out back, bbls., 45 to
55 pieces, 328,50. I.ard--.Compouncl.
tierces, 375 lbs., 305e; wood palls, 20
lbs., net. 1015e; pure, tierces, 375 the
142c; Pure, -wood pails, 20 lbs. nel., 145e.
'United S—tat7-eii 'Markets.
31Inneapo55s, March 31. --Wheat, May,
005e; .Tuly, 0250; No, 1 hard, 043 to
9455; No. 1 Northern, 825 to 935e; No,
et the] rt, • Oh to .11.50. orn, /No. ,t
Yellow, 62 to (129e. Ottts, No. 3 wh)te,
363 to 3,7e. Flour and broil unvlitorgccl.
Dul tit, 250,,rrli 31.-Close-W5teat
1 hard, 0350; No. 1 Northern, 029e; ice,
2 Northern. 909e; 'May, 93Nc:
to 9119e. Close, linseed, ormil, $1.619;
310-Y. $1•629; July, 31.6.1; bl.mentlier,
was a' good demand from packers rind
410,10 t0,151110 ari $193.'7700; It'0v11611:rei
"or the latter sold as low as $7 cwt.,
retiglied ears, The tone or the mar -
Live Stock 142arl.rets,
Toronto, March 31,-Cattle---Clioice
butchers, 37.80 to 38; good, 37.40 to
$7,60; tnetlitini,, 06.66 to $7,60; eommon,
35 to 35,70; chide° vows, 31.70 to
good, .,,5.75 to ;050; emninon, 35,75 to
06.20; sutlers and canners, $3.16 to
33,10; choice bells, 36.75 to $8.50; good;
35.80 to 13.50; common -31.1.5 to 35.40.
Stoelters and feetlei.s--Steers, eholte, 37
to 30.20; good, $5.45 to 051.10; light,
$3:50 to.,65; springers, to $02; milkers, to
$07,50, cnices-Good Ve.8.1., 38.60 to 311;
medium, 37 to 09. Sheep end lambs -
010151 ewes, 35.50 to $7; heavy, 33 to
32.50; Spring lambil, 30 In 69.06, 1100
-58.75 f.o.b,; rod *and watered;
35.35 Orr (MVP,
250 on!, March 31,- -5.401e0 or the best
steers were oil'ered at $0 to 09.25 -0051
medium stock sold at 37 to 37.00, with i
common rit $6 to 36.50 per 501, The ,
trade lh butellors' cows fah. at pi'lees
ranging from 55 to 37, while buils1
brought from 35 to 57.50 per ewt. There
2-51 `g"T%
th " 4 1, , e • n lo LI
sales or tho former 'wore" made at •$6
, to 30,60, mid or the latter et 56 10 3,
per PPrt. r.1110 (.10.111a110. Tor CPI veS: WPS
geed sI
'pres_tnl:,liIl111 $3 to $15
each,010 ind citial ity.
reLA WS Eir,T,ED. ,jao VERSON'S
. " •
Seekett sted Riumed. the City of
• • Lung Clue:Chef. -
A despatch frern Pekin, SayS,:
Wolf,'' the . Chinese brig-
and, cant -tired aineteacked the city of
Limg Chu-Ohai, in the Proyince of
Shen -Si. They killed 230 , of the
iithebibaste and •Weituded and cap-
tured many hundreds more. The'
15, reible depeedationse ememitted
he'.""Whibe Wolf" had hitheete been
.ebierflphonfined to the Peevincee of
1,T,a.-1?.011 41,114 Ho -Nene and many
eiesseenelts ,of'Chinese:regular troops'
0.15 111 -the field againate
:Albany ,eiseeuilily AnthOrizes Eke.
•.pmailiteere of elie.94100,e
A de,v0,01), 1100m..A1bon5:,
arServiu:)TittimoNC,21,QS;e910.10Elioll,l, t"thits•Telleeeibrtao..
Hose 10. IfebietarY,..1015; of one' hien,
dieed.Y.641.8":':of 'Peeen,-,:bete0en- Great
41114- the -Y 111.1,Iiiiied' • States,
4eSelieb, lee .by,‘ a i'Ote
arty Gc)ocl Peozia)
)Tilts Spring
"Cannot afford to be sick.'' Their earn.ills;S'ar'S SO
small, they inust b6 careful to keep their expenses
• down. They know by experience the- great useful.
ness of rfoocl's Sarsapa3-i1la, in preventing disease,
by building up the system, and they show "common
sense" in taking this great proprietary medicine. DI,
Thousands find Hood's Sarsaparilla perfectl,y
satisfactory in the treatment of impure blood, lack.
Of strength, that tired feeling, loss of appetite, ,
scrofula eczema rheumatis'rn and catarrh
,1$500.00 REWARD
'or the Discovery,' Living or Dead,.
of Prof. Ceeile Level!.
Five hundred, (toilers' reward will
he given for. the 'clisse-ovcry,
deed, of Proless•or Cecil F. Laved
(formerly ,e1 Teacher's College, Col-
umbia, Universi)1y, New York) of
Ohio State University, of Coliunbite,
Ohio, whet while travelling Jost his
Ineillory and identity, at
Canada, Mali day, Novemb.er 2454,
1913, and is missing 105033 05400, '
Every likely' clud has been anxi-
ously investigated by Mrs. Leven,
but without success, .
Deecripbion : Age, 41; heighb, 5
feet, 10 inches; teeth gokl-fillecl;
°Prof. Cecil F. Lavell.
dark hair, thin on top, slightly
grey; prominenb ears; hollow tem-
ples; small brown motietaelle; slim
build; dark bltte eyes, may be wear-
ing glasees • quiet gentlemanly
manner; high characber.
.Notify Mrs. C. F. Level!, 166 Wei-
mer Road, Toronto, Canada.
-7-- •
Lord Ettriek Anpoineed Captain
When Eighteen Months 01(1.
I)1 Wes claimed for . Lietteenant-.
General Brabazon Henry Pottinger,
whose death WaS reeently reporbed,
that lie was •ab one lithe the Yount
eei gentled in the British Army; but
as lie WES over fifty years Of age at
the time in question, it Will be reel-
ieed that promotion is mime .elower
to -day ehan in the goed'old'elaYe:
General Wolfe, the hero.of Que-
bec, WaS an adjutenb fifteen;
Wellington evas 62 culonel . at .24;
General Sir.Hugh Gough 'fought at
the• eepture of the • Cape of Good
Hope at the age or 'Sateen ; and
during the fighting 311 the Low
Cotintries in 1704 it was' reported
that half the cavelry and infantry
regiments were "commanded by
iuere hove," Murat, was a.. gese•
oral of .dietelon ab 28, and Nee..
at 29; Junot eve15. a brigadier al 27.
But nethaps the most ..striking eaSe
iS that of Napoleon, who was Com-
mander -in -Chief . of the French
'Army at ,the age or 26.
In the old days many of our .of -
fibers •started their military -eareers
at tedierously early ages, _Colonel
Sir Henry Ellis, ulthe 113e4 Regi-
ment, . 'ebb fell at -Waterloo,was
gieen a cutumiesion 5111 52'5l em
'the'day he was borne -and weS -then
gt 051151 nigeed on hal,. pay,
• jame-s 11. gave Lord leeteiele sin
appoiostoncsib 015 riaptain 'ill 'the. Roy-
al Sootswhen hie lordship eme only
eighteen inon-thS-Old ; 'end the eein of
COlreeel :Kirk, thee:leader or ''''Kirk'e
Lambs," reeeived . •SeenetriieSiOn
front. Puttees n. at the age oe three,
ield lel rshal Sir John Feast ch
and Lienteseant-GiuMral Sir John
Ewarb' bare reigned their poste in
the British Army. e
Sentence On New York Yoleth'Who
Killed Toronto
41 deSpateh from New. yosk sayse.
Harry Schaeffer, murderer of Wil-
liam Martin, of Toronto, was s011 -
termed to Sing Bing by justice Da-
vis 1511 Supreme Court,. The youth
was convicted of murder in,the sec-
ond degree, for which he will serve
from 20 yeaes to life, witli hard la-
bor. Despite his obstinacy in re- I
fusing to plead guilty to murder in
the second degree on the pretext
that be WOUld -rather go to -the elee-
tide chair than spend sp years 'in
prison, Schaeffer was elated when
his life was saved, :add -smiled as
sentence .0115 pronounced. In sen-
tencing the prieoner, Justice DaViii
said: 'Schaeffer, you are undoubt-
edly guilty of murder in the first
degree, but I am glad to know that
the jurors did not wish to send yost
to the death chaie because of your
youth. You are a fortunate young.;
Thiel' Claimed to Be a Representa-
tive or the Telephone Co. •
A despatch front Montreal says:
Claiming to be arepresentathe
the telepliumi ,company, .11. clever
thief gained entrance ;to the home
of W. A. Handfield at Outremont
and got away with jewellery valued.
at $5,000.
The thief presented himself ab the
house, eat:eying a telephone. AS
Mr. liandfield had mecca the MO -
phone company to reiastall the eer-
vice after his abeence from the city,
ilm man was given the 11111 of the
place. He rifted the jewel caee or
Mrs. Handfield in an upstairs mum,
and when ready to depart made the
excuse that lie had forgotten Seine
tools, and jumped into an automo-
bile, which met him when he heft the
Ramar.kable Re—duetion in Sailings
From 010 Land,,
A despatch from London says :
Emig -ration realms for the last, few
months ehow a remarkable deerease
compared with last year in the
number leaving for Canada, the
comparisons showing:
1013. 1910.
December . , 1,808 3,070
1914. 1913.
January . 1,936 3,571
February . 4,458 8,359
Figures for Australia and New
Zealand show an even more remark-
able reduction. It is probable that
the gloomy letters to the press on
the experiences or prospeets of emi-
grants which have been common re-
eenely, .are largely responsible for
these re•ductions.
South African Deportees Now Tour-
ing Provinces.
A despatch from London says:
Having failed to rouse London to
any geeat pitch of indienabion, the
nine deported South African labor
leaders are now touring the indus-
trial cities of the United Kingdom,
under the auspices of the National
Labor Party, with the object, of
evoking sympathy. At Glasgow, be-
fore an audience of 3,000 persons,
they vituperabed Premier Botha
and General Smuts, ancl declared
their in of returning to
South Africa. Tom Men, who-yel-
unbeered, to go :be South Africa, to
take the place -of the depoebees, has -
been .alloweel to land at.Cape Town
withon't Molestation, 4111d ArilaS given
it Welcome by the Labor members
of .Parliament.
A large force of rebel cavalry was
decoyed over zeine mines by the
Mexican Feder:els and 500 are re-
ported killed.
pars* of Cod Liver 011
Prevents Sickness RestoresHealth
Are you ono of those thousands who,
• though apparently well, catch cold Isar
and often?, a (tangents condition to
telisrate„and one which yce cart easily ,
' By virtue of ha remarkable combination
of curative and11 , nutritive properties, Na-
n rovont teeing: 150,90 thr4'? ,b°(10°'? 91: • etDoh.li''Idg-V1 C1*rts7;12;:r'lltLI:116'',1Cb0,35:01,n1c4khn'ttiw're,91:efoti'll'icel!Inrd'annit..c1
tla-Dru-do jssoett,„0,:t.,collo,nt reconstruct.,
' 1,4"...01; T41._ tee te:11-,es• ileegeeeeell
'hlspleisul-loating rOod -5- * I -' 'which are due to
tone'and vigor to the whole rysiata, and
so strengthens lungs and bronchial tubsta c7,10t,t.u,•:1°1171,',v,a7tkhn't::. toc.-01-
teetteee readily throweff thecolde Which
would otherwise la'ke hold of you. $1,00bPt1161NmY°"rpm141111. 311