HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-04-02, Page 7•NEW STRENGTH
, Nature Nub kid in Making New
Health C1),ving Blood
.. , , . , ,,,
. n the apiieg the syetemaneeds ts.
• tenie. To be healthy' you Misistoliave
• new Woe& just ii ;the trees 'Inuit
have new ealp to renew their 'vital,-
ity; itlatitre- demands- it,,and wit -
out this' .new Weed 'you will' feel
weak emit languid!' ;You may` hOve
,tviinges of theamatismor the sharp;
stabbing pains a neuralgia, Often
- there a -re disfiguring 01'110.03 or
eruptions. on the skin: ,Ip other
ea -see -there is merely a feeling of
tiredness and a va.ryable appetite.
Any of these are signs- that the
blood is out of ordet-that ;the in
life of winter has hessened your
'vitality. What you need in spring
tonic -medicine -to put you eight, -
and in all the world of anedicine
'there la no tonie an equal :Dr.
. Williams' Pink Pills, These Pills
'' actually make new, rich, red bloed;
-your greatest need in opring.
, This new blood drives out the seeds
of ,disease and makes easily-lired
inen, women aati children- height,
, active and strong. Mrs. Geo.
Burns Albany, J? ET., writes: "I
woos terribly rtiO down and ac, weak
that I could 'hardlydrag myself
around. T Was so nervous, that T
was afraid bo walk across the floor
1 for fear I would fall. Our family
doetiir treated me hat •without suc-'
cess, and finally I begun taking Dr.
1 Williams' Pink Pills. Gradually
i they brought me back to good
i health, and now I am as well as
ever I was and have.- every eonfl-
' stenos in recommending these Pills
- to other esufferers."
These Pills are sold by all tnedi-
'eine dealers or can be had- by mail
1 at GO cents a box' or six boxes for
I $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi -
eine Co., Beockvillg, Ont.
a .
Showing OIL
When stoppieg at a grand: hotel
The stiffest man: unb.encle.!-
He takes1their :s.tationeey stVell
Ard writes to all Inc; frends.
'When stepping ah▪ a • grand. hotel,
On his vacation. trip
" Who doesn't paste a Ishnch a yell -
Ow Iabc3 on his grip?
' When stopping at a grand hotel
For one short week te board,
Who doesn't tip without a yell
Twice what he can afferdi .
When stopping at a grand hotel --
hist listen to their -fun ! •
What humorist has e'er done well
Enough. to step at one'? •
• a, • •
Suffered 20 Years
With Kidney • Trouble, I'ured iy
-Gin Pills.
, Mr. Mantel F. Fraser or Bridgeville,
HWY'S faKILIt CH2i 1.118 "For
wenty years 7 have been troubled with
Xhiney and Madder Disease; and have
been treated by many doctors but l'onnd
little relief., 0 had given Up lin hope or
getting cured when 1 tried GIN 121.1.1..9.
Now, 1 can say vslth 0 happy heart, that
I am cured after using only four boxes
or 01N 3.1.1..1,11.!' 50e. a bon, 1 for $2,60.
Stimple free if you write Natiotinl Drug
& Chemical Co. of. Canada, Limited,
Toronto, :
Baiting Ont.
Mr, Neectinore-11Donq refuse me
absolutely. Can't you hold out
eurne hope ?"
Miss Sweetly -"Oh, yes. I can
held it just ont'of your reach."
only one 0)37.0110 QUININE" .
To get the genuine, cali for full name,
LAN:yr-win mom° QIJININD. Loon
for signature •of W. GROVE, Cures
Cold in One Day. 25c.
When a girl thinks she has a bro-
ken heart Ws a -sign that she is bil-
lions. ;•
• tdine:riPs Liniment cures Dandruff. -
Tho,Matrager---"That's a' dever
invention of his own. We his indi-
vidual spotTight. He tairns it on
himself when; he ;Walks through the
betel lobbies.", "
Suffered Terribly.'' From. Eyebrows
Spread to Reds, Chest and Armi...
Completely Cured by Cuticura
Soap and Ointment.
Driercrett, Sash. " When my baby boY
vvas abodt ilnitr months Old he suffered ter.i
riblytfronitechema, The tronine started in
r erash,anctlyasweryl,tehy.
io 15 made Mitt very cross -
1 and fretful,. tiioticed." the
rash first
•Fronitthere itunread to
his neck, Chest and some.
When, he would seratch.
11 weald 'make•sores.
"I got medicine but it
did no good. 1 tried air -
0 f,orent,remodieS without
• ,• result. Al last 1,100t
• gample Caticura, Soap and Ohio/Lent 12nd
after using hem for two days T 001,10810
change. 1 thua purchased a fulf..sizod eako
01 Ou0intira, Soap and Cutieura Ointment,
I weitild give hitt, a hot imth with the C '
I t -
cure. Soap mfidt afterward, applying
• 11)5 001201113 Ointment, Bo/Orel had 218Cd
'half of the Cuiloura Soao and Ointmenl im
•eyea$ completely fatted." (Signed) Mrs.
34, L. Stromberg,,May 20, 1913. ,
,Tlio regular.mour puticura Sonp for toilet
• 11(1d bat11 not 0111) 1011110 to preserve, PorifY
nd beautify. skin, 5011113, hair and hands.
bat OssistS 111 preventing inflammation, Ihri.
1 alien and clanging of the pores, tho commot1
cause of pimples, blaeltbcods, redness and
ronginless, yellow, oily, mothy aid (1(4182
pendiolesonia condifitins of the skill. (.401-'
corn Soap and Ointment aro Sold by drag -
,gists and dealers everywhereror a hboral
free $ample of etten, with 32,obook, send
post -cord to Potter I)rre; ,c,•; Olunn. Corp..
Dept. D, ilestou, U. 8, A.
Cold. Botha_ and Careful Life •Are
Preenotiofte lakea to Re-,
iain Nerve.,
, • I have,nowf ItoPeclethe loop over
one himdred times, ,apd mean to
go on _practising the feat until
have carried :_int my thousandth
loop, which total Ilope to roach in
a yew' or so,- writes B. 0. micks,
in Loudon. Anawers, •
litany people ,shake their heads
ruefully when I tell them of my in •
tentions for/the prophecy that
my•sierve will never stand the ter-
rible atrain of whirling my machine
about in the clouds week after week
for a year or more. And their 0012-
ere 'further strengthened
• when bhey learn that I am under-
going no special training foe my
upsidealown flights.
• Only Cold Bettis.
But I am very confident that I
thall carry out my thousandth loop
ha the same excellent health which
1 at are.s.eat, enjoy, and their visions
Of my becoming a physiaal wreck
are, I think, ill-founded.
At the same time, I do not want
to make light of the tremendous
nerve -strain which looping the loop
•and upside-down flying entail. I
fully realize 1111011(1 121111000 I keep in
'the pink of -condition My nerve will
go. So every morning, n9 matter
how kW the teraperatuee nay be,.
I have a cold bath; but, beyond
leading a moderately careful bee, I
take no other precautions to retain
my nerve.
As a Matter di ideb, ib is not al -
erases continual flying that yvears
away an airman's nerve. Moee of-
ten it iS a sadden shoek, ar moinerit
of deadly peril when he stares
death iu the face. whic10 destroys
hi h confidenee1 oi ever. -,
I coul(1. name several flyers whose
nerve" waS absOlutely eitined_by one
partieularly, had sma-sh 'or excep-
tionally narrow escape from death.
Such a happening is liable.to occur
to any flyer. I myself might con-
ceivably rise in my Bleriot mono-
phoae to find that I had lost the
recatisite peeve to ;swing the ma-
chine over on to its hack. But I
certainly do not antioipate such a
happening, for I have had Ply
aerial -ordeals, which, I -think,
wenild have killed nay nerve long
ag6 had it hem built that Yvay.
I3oinirs la Mid-air.
For instance, last stimmer I was
giving wine bomb -dropping exhibi-
tioes, and, fitted in 'the rear of nay
Bleriot monoplane W£1.5 a, device fur
re] easing the proje ebil e
flying tor eeme fit -c her:deed feet
high I endeavored to ;release one of
;these 'bombs, but, becoming jam-
med in the Mechanism, it exploded
with coneideeable force. 'The bomb -
dropping apparatus was blown
clean away anti, in flying free, two
-of my .tail controlliug wires were
severed, which the -1)1101 my eear ele-
'Attar conspletely 014 of action.
Leadenbtedly I est.:aped a violent
death by reastm of the perfect bal-
antic of iny machine, The weight
of myself ,and the engine wt,re sup-
ported by tho main wings, , anti
hence, by very careful masioeuvrieg
I ntariaged to plane to earth with-
out -the use 01 any -elevator. Had
a pa,sseoger sitting- in my rear,
whose weight would have beeit
largely • supptatescl by the Year
plape, nothing 011 earth woeld hove
save.d the machine plunging vielen 1)-
131 to ,theth.
But one of the best tests of nay
Ineree oceerred 'oh the occasion
when I was preparing to go 1-olt to
ettery out My Inindr,edbla Iollp. ;Post
a,s I sea -s about to clamber into my
nionoplane atelegram wits handed
to mee. On opening it I found , it
signe,d 'by a dear -relation a mine,
an d t ram : '12 rearet last night tha,t
you wouki have aerious accident on
hundredth loop. yery worried,''
Tliera was 21 teriffic gale blowin,g
at the ',time, some ;sixty mites an
hour, and looked &kis on that I
should be tossed about liko a feath-
er up alcilb, and perhaps smashed
clown to earth. I3e11 risked it., and
carelecl out roy hundredth loop un-
scathed, so that the ill-emened
dream did 'not conye true af•ter all,
I have never been euperatitious,
'and am one Od the few air:Men Who
do Pet go in for Mascots, Somebody
recently tied a ,dell on my mom-
• plane and I leek it aloft axed -looped
the loon-oentai»ly the only mascot
that ,has participated in „ass apaide-
clown flight; •
Ibis -the little things infiyiog
whith try our 11101105 11101111. 1:1'or in-
sta‘ace. when atartieg out fora
• ;light I lia.a4 Many irritable yati
anscionis..Montents, 'when waiting for
the en,giiie tosstarb ;ape- e feeling
111 ws tiag b. Op ' With : -the
busiste.sa'heasestain poesible.
Alritiit"0 fetteil.
1 eernember",,- ,110o1(1e1e-soltort time
baelt, that ;the aseepleSithei' need to
flock roend, my aeroplane alter an
exhibibilea yvoold often' -WMP
irit pencils Arid write their narnee
en the views of the. Machine.
• 'Whether ithe,,priintie of 'their pe11-
649 liaa •pen*.p t'i'Ated'it he fabric..and
started a little 111100 Wo111(1
grow to it ,dongereas size used to
Worry me no end, and those signa-
tures- treed io worry --me far more
-iih-an -the likelilto,od of my rna,chine
blowing 1131312 Michair during my
bOrnb-droppi n g ,exp e im eats.
Apart from technical ;skill, the
airm.an'a 's,elf-eonfitience is- ,, hie
greatest, 'asset. It is even mere --it
ey his very life.
1-5 I once began to Seel :be Sahib-
eat ibadiier 30510011 5u believing
that iny nerve was- goings, IS11ppC1O
I should have 'to give'am flying. But
-wheeler I >should tle-eteeeee' ;then
is an Otb r matter. Flying is a,
sperb that, mme Mastered,' is hard
to abandon.
'Pygmies Mighty lifunters-,-"Vindia.
tive Enemies.
PaYobably few People would e01-
tortain the idea- of spending their
honeymoen in the heart' of African.
PYiKinY' land, y'elt;, j'udgieg -from the
reinarkemade by Mrs. 'Powell Clot=
'iton iMthe couirde 01 leature alt the'
nalenti Clabes'eeently, the plade
-has its advantages.;, 04e, Spoke from
'Pe-raanat exPerietice,' as Ills -ibu'r-
neS'eY to Aftica 1)0- 11111013 lies,
and -Ispenf-the first fotirtee'o
.monthe of thee snorried -life in and
riette'the Ituri Sorest;
The 'life at le-a,st ie7siinp/e. The
housewife is freed fecira the domes-
tic worries which 'prevail M civil-
ized countries, and is totally inde-
pendent of the tyranny of lathiou.
A unifornfease holds sufficient out-
fit to last for mere 'than a Year, n
small tent illuminated with 21
&tie- candle serves asa dwelling,'
which is shared with enornious rats
and powerful -mosquitoes.
MTS. Cotton described the pyg-
mies as nighty hunters,. vindictive
eriemies and -steadfast Imends."Cen-
ditions are simple and clothes ab
discount. A string of beads and a
circlet or 'two of iron are regarded
as the beissht of sartorial opulence
in the cage of a babyand even in
later hfe ideas on dress never ,go
mach beyond am a,pron 'of barkcloth
with a bunclieof leaves by way of
The birth of a girl is ;received with
resignation ; that of a boy with fa -
Yore but it is satiafaciory to learn
that in later life girls are looked
on as of some value. It takes a
prospective bridegroom quite a long
time to 'eollect the five hoes, five
sieleles, three speara, thirty aPPOWS
and ;twenty necabands whiCh are
considered a good price for a 'wife.
The proces's is rather simple if he
should happen to have a sister, in
whieh oese he merely exchanges her
for a bride.
All -pygmies begin life in a priini.
'tire elielter shaped like a beehive,
four feet high, built of pliant !sap-
lings driven i»to, the soil and
thatched with leav6r,. 7tFiov 10 1)112(0,
hotvevee, they are ,placed by them-
selves in a hat about, the size of a
dog kennel. In elr'vldlioad they are
singularly Slice from the restrictions
inrelied by the words "-don't" anti
"mustn't," and as thee grow older
,their favorite recreation is dans:-
The tango is not to be compared
with ;the dance of the Hurt pygmies,
which the lecturer prophesied might
shortly find its way to London ball-
How a Sie,k Woman
Can Regain Health
"For years I was thin mid delicate.
I lost color tied \vat easily tired; a
yellow pallor, pimples arid blotches on
my face Ware not only mortifying to
nay feelings, butbccause 111101191211 my
skin would never look Mee" again I
grow despondent, Then my appetite
failed. I grew very weak, Various
remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I
tried without permanent benefit. A
visit to my sister nut- into my hands
a box of. 1)r. Handitcm's Pills. She
placed reliance upon them end 11010
that they have made me a well WOMan
I would not be without them whatever
they 11119111 cost. I found Dr. liamil.
tofes Pills by their mild yet searching
action very suitable to the delicate
character of a woman's nature. They
never once griped me, yet they eattib-
lithed regularity. My appetite grew
Iceen--my blood red and pure -heavy
rings under my eyea disappeared and
to -day my akin is as clear and un-
wrinkled as Witen I was a girl. Dr.
Hamilton:a Pills did it all."
The above straightforward letter
from Mrs. J. V. Todd, wire or a well-
known miller in. Rogersville, is proof
sufficient that Dr. Haniljton's Pills are
a wonderful WOMall'S medicine. Ilse
no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25e,
per box. All dealers or Tho Catarrh
oscine Co., Kingston, Ontario.
. "Speaking of -stingy people," satd
the shaplcceper reflectively, "there -
it po one can beat old Scrimp."
• 'What about him i'' queried the
'Why, he even looks over the
tops of .his glasses fur fear uf yvear-
ing them outs'
Try Murine .Eye Fternedy
If you have "Red, 'Weak, Watery -Eyes
or Granulated Hyenas:- Doesn't Smart
--Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sett
Merine',Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25e, 50e.
Marine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes,
25o, SOs, Eye .400ks Pree' by Mali.
An Eye Tonle (Aped for All Eyen that Hood Cftwe
Plorine ,pye Rennet:IF Co.. Chicago
, • A., 'Versatile Genlua. •
The Daamatio Oritie,-"Tbat's ayl
odd idea of Heavysidea your lettd,
to use an electric flash lamp as the
head -of his cane."
Piles' pored in 0 to 14 Dawn
Druggiste refund money 10 VAZO
OINTMENT falls to cure Itching, Elind,
Protruding Plies. 'First application
styes relief. 0021 ,
Many a good cigar hall lheb ite
Minard's Litii111•01 Relieves neuralgia,
- 'Cho Ilttly lliffiettli,y. --
Do you have any tirotible with
,your vat:111.1lb c1a4er ?". •
• ;
'Only ill 41131119 1(0 eeinerrilier
tlie people yvere borrowed.1)11
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Piiis
exactly meet the need which eo often
arises in every family for a medicine
to open up and regulate t he bowels.
Islet 'only are they effective in all
caeca of -Constipation, but they help
greatly in breaking up a Cold or La
Grippe by. cleaning out the system
and purifying the blood. In the same
way they relieve or cure Billet:mess,
'Indigestion, Sick Headaches, Rheum,
atism and other common' talinents.
In tile fullest sense of the 'vends Dr.
Morse's Indian Root Pills are 47 •
A nowise:held raturatoalY
Anotnewoot,11,..-V4)ic!es he $I1U1)1
That 1)611114s"II:i44r,
7 UliII12t1j1J96i141.. '1 --
ICidnay. Pills helped
nee wonderfully'," -Se'says,Mila: H.
Beale- 11,- hi'ghlr-Tespettbed.igay livihg
here. AAA Ali's. Beet expresSeS:the
sentiniealt of ,thoiteasitis 'of woineh in
Alberta.. s ; Like snitiet wonien ,111. es:
Best does hot care 'to- 1)5110 511)0111) her
troubles,- hut Ythe does wish others
who have suffered as she as
know that ,they Call fintl relief -in
• Docicl'-s Kidney Pills. "I found -thorn
entirely satisfaet.ery, They helped
me wonderfully," (helays, "and I
give you my 1 i,11felanission to tell
the public what tho' have done for
Women who suffer in silence can
he cuied: just:as silently: The key-
stoneof es7o1nean's health -is tlie Kid-
neys.. If they are kept strong and
healthy, they keep ;the blood pure,
and pure blood ,Mettrie good health
all over the bOdy. Dodd' s Kidney
Pills cure Kidney Disease.. Dodd's
Kidney Pills make healthy iiiinte,Ys
and good blood. That's why they
are known as woman's best friend.
. „
Oesete Patriarch. 'Has Been 'Siek
'Only 01100 111 lila Life.
The Ossetes, one of the numerOus
Caucasian tribes who inhabit the
Terek 'territory in :south Russia,
aee noted for their- longevity. The
other day there died in the village
of sahl Misur a :Woman 139 years
of age. Her naine was Nalkuta
Karginove and she vas famous for
her keen eyesight, her jet . Week
hair and her fine set of teeth, which
she preserved to the end.- She died
ab her sPinning wheel. .
But even her great age ia exceed-
ed by that Of ICawdyn Yeloyeff, 1111
Oseete patriareh of 142, whe still
mows' hie patch of grass kind and
gathers fireweed hi the forest.. • He
bas only been .sick ence in his life,
as a child, when he had ;the email -
pox. Yeloyeff has been 17 0011' times
marnied, and has four eofis; the
.youngest, 112 11 bey of 32. Ho is -,t
believer in hard work and • solid
toed; driuk Cif any 'kind he rarely
touches. The ages ef these two an-
cients are eittested by the ohurch
rebinds of the sillage.
- • -
Chemical Eagineer Says That's the
Way •t o Fit 11 Sea.
When you have to work ill a tropi-
cal reasion it is necessary tu keep
your body in the. beet possible trim,
teceinaling to A. R. Chandler, a
chemical engineer, just baek from
the Argentine Republic.
That is why Mr. Chandler says be
mokes 5 practice evevy day cif Vas:fl-
ing coal in -the ship's etokehold.
'On the way 1)011200 ±0 Europe from
Buenos Ayres, arjd all the, way
across front Sotithernptoe, Mr.
Chandler soya he spent two hours
every afternoon, stripped to his un-
dergarments, shovelling teal into
the furnaces, although he had paid
for his- paasage.
"It's the only WAy I know in
whicli you 4211.11 keep yourself hard
as nails -on a sea voyage," said Mr.
Chandler, "aaid it's easy to got the
privilege if you eultivate the ac-
quaintance of the ehief engiocer
the ship."
Why Bronchial Catarrh
Is So Dangerous
When Unchecked, Bronchial Catarrh
Develops Rapidly -Attacks the
Lungs --Ends In Consumption.
If, you hay,e fullness of the head,
headache, di 11161111,5,ln hearing, stuffed
nostrils, droppings from Die throat and
hacking cough, you ought to know you
have Catarrh. It begius as a mild;
repeated colds inflanie the air pas-
sages. Byaimd-hy'e it, extendsdeeper,
far do -en- into the lungs, 'then you
havel, bronchitis. These inflamed sur.
faaes- secrete -gerin-12121e11 Mucus. If
swallowed it pollutes .the whole sys-
tema -and destroys- health. stomach
dosiag - always falls, so do ivashes,
snuffs, ointinents. The remedy that
will 'cure quickest is Catarrhozone.'
You do not take etartilozonti
!laity, you simply breathe et fragrant,
healing compotmd that destroys fforale
instantly. When you inhale clatarrla
ozone into' the luegs,, little dope of
.heating are carried to ,the foamiest'
Parts of' the breathing! apparatus.,
Whores -of eatirrhozone goes it deS.,
trayi the germs, allowing the healing
to go right on Until the tissues -are
made whole. Then congestion ceases,'
the formation of maces; ceases, ;hawk."
ing and spitting cease, and of Course,
dropping into' the throat cease also.
Yon get- well, Yoe see Catarrhozono.
reinoVea the '0111500<'the disease,'
DMA yo11 think this lg. the eight Way
,tp 04re...0,04114s- Can .yoe, think
'anV other 'way 'ban sso goad?: enne'
plete outfit, hard rolIber Inheler"with
sufficient, &paid Ito last three montlyS.
Price 11.00,- Smaller size "'GOA •
dealers, or The Cathrrh,OZ011e
Buffalo, arid Kingston, -Ont,
A. Sliding Seale.
"What is the price of your milk 1
"Ten cents a quart.'
"Yon ean deliver it here daily,'
, .
t Ind the yuraty es 1110)1071(1- good .
iofve a milk teste r
"Then ib 1611 he five cents more."
Plinard's Llniment far rale everywhere.
Wisdom follows experience bob
Lha trouble is that it never ca"tches
ue•7..o ISSUE 14-a'14.
Ie. Lloyd, George Always on the
Hoye. •
• There :are few inoii'Y alluring
speakers in Britain,. when (moo he
gslilv13anyt,:'esTo?:1,o1:01 3e0Tail-b:at'It'h4hitlit''ent."eehfav.x11'°tu0s1Ce'l!.<11131
-speech; that, he etuttore and gasPs
as if ie vele one fo ae moa mum
' -
able -speakerii in the Brii,ish H011so
71,110 oatit0,011 tbir 1101 Ili:It cle hilt tit ;fa, 60tni one e f tars.,
• M.T. Winston Chussohill'e nervolis
frame of mind never fails, to show finest pillar -boxes in the world.
have contracted with a firm
to set up a new and improved kind
that 101(11 be ve.ry nearly ideal.
• 'The new Canadian box will bell
you the name ef. the street 3r00 are
in, will sell you one stamp Ci'a
whole book of stamps, and will, of
course, take your letter just like an
pillar-box, -
• There will be no eloeiegetiane for
he ale of stamps. You witl be
able to get them day or night, Sum
days inoluded, and that you may
/100 make a inielake as to which Blob
to putyour 00311 youcoin ha, the box will be
lit up by eleetrie light at night.
. '
When stile baby is ill; when he
ie erose ;and hard to mind; when.
his teeth are- bothering hint or he
is troubl,e.d with constipation 'or
indigestion; glib him Baby's Own
Tablets.• They are the best anedi-
eine for little -ones. They never
fail to regulate the bowels and
eweeten the etornach, thus malci.eg
teething easy; caring coustipatiou,
c,olic, indigestion, and breaking up
cold& and fevers. 'Ile Tablets are
sold by medicine- dealees or by mail
at 25 cents a, box from The Dr.
NIeclieine Co., Brockville,
Will Sell Stamps 'at All 'nears -of
' 'the Day'er Night.'
Up to the preSent-the familiar re,d
Pillar -boxes, be- be eaan, everyWhere
-the streetsi,ihtava' beeitthe 'beat of
their -kind; 'They a411' easily', seen'
and itre'„generai'la, plaesal, 0.0i1Veni-:
' cub' ' r,ip-ota:` Their 'great' disealyanta'
agta 110We'ver; is 11(1e fititt tha•U they,
can -b supply 's'tartips emergenalea.
The Canadiap Net °face mithe'r,1-:
-box its drawbaieks, so
they' are determined to have 'the
itself clearly in -any crisis those
who know the form it takes. This
consiets of tearing into small pieces
any large theot of paper the ruler
of the Admiralty can manage to get
hold of,
You migh-V-suppeee that such 'a
finished andueateteoue orator as the
Earl of flo.bery wood at any rate
be free from neevousnehe. 13-u1) he
isn't --not by any:Jim:one. You eon
tiny time "fleor" the noble 1011(1 -
or, at , least, make his expected
speech a., very mod,e-rate one -if only
'you will eatiit to hop a table or desk
foe hint to stand at and being down
his hands en while he is epeaking.
Wibhout that favorite , adjunet,
hie lordthip gets fidgety, seems con-
fused -in hiS train -of thought, hesi-
tates often, anti Site down' finally
ivith the conviction -shared also
by You --that his iimech has been
'nothing like whit it ought to have
been, nothing like what was expect-
ed of him.
His Majesty King George is :sub-
ject -to a Certain -nervcrusne,ss if
lie is ieterrupted when speaking.
Nob only does the intierruption
se -em to break the se-quenee of his
thoughts, but -it is .so • ueusual ,a
thing that the King appears quite
incapable afterwards of resuming
hie chat exactly ;where he left off.
The friends of the Beitish Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer know him
to be literally a brindle of nerves.
If You wish to cramp his eloquence
confine him in a narrow space -say
a, small, pulpit -when he has to ad-
dress a big audience. That will do
the trick 1 For 111r, Lloyd George's
nervou-sneas makes him always --en
the move.; lie must have room in
which to knock about, and plenty
(51,111, or the confined, apace gets on
his nerves and upsets him.,
To ;soothe his mind when he is
speaking, to 0 large crowd Mr. Bal-
four invariably grips with each
hand the front-lassels of his !rock-
er:at, and: vaeies that; procedure by
clasping his hands behiud his back,
te be followed once more, an • due
course, by the first performance. .
Joint and Nitsele Pains
Banished by Nerviline
Thousands of people, din& full of
the joy of living -happy, glad, bright
people, that 'Nerviline has cured or
their pains, all tell the same wonder-
fttl story of its power to drive out the
aches and tortures of ,thetimatism and
kindred ills.
"My goodness, but Nerviline 112 a,
naraeleeverlier," 'writes Mrs. Char-
lotte Chipman, mother of a well-
knewn family reeiding at Mount
Pieasant. "Last month 1 vas so crip-
pled up with sciatica and musindar
rheumatism. 114 to be almost unable to
do A hit of housework. My Johns
-were so stiff and the muscles so
frightfully> sore that I even cried at
times with the pain. For years we
have used Nerviline in our family and
I just gbt busy with this wonderful,
good old liniment. Lots of rubbing
with Nerviiine soon relieved mY mis-
ery and I was In a reel short tinie
about my work as usual.",
No neater where the ache is, no
matter how distressing the pain you
can rub 'it away with Nerviline. For
forty years it has been 'curing lum-
bago, sciatica, hack -ache, colds, chest
trouble aad an sorts of wieter ills.
is large 50efamily' size bottle
handy and you'll he saved lots of
trouble and have mailer doctor hills.
Small trial size 21e, at dealers every-
Sobjeela for ills Coaloolis "Ji'ert,
. :Pound lit "Poach" Dinners.
Sir John Tenniel!,s inane 111 a Car-
tO011iSt Will live, if only for his
striking :drawing published in
Punch, . "Dropping the Pilot,"
WAlich depleted the eventful parting
betwe-en the young Kaiser atid Bie-
reatek. The cartoon, it -is said, was
greatly admired 'by both the Kai-
ser and the great C4e1110a0 states -
An there whose books 'len 1110.1
illustrated owe numb to the artiet
for their popularity,'. No other fa -
'fist ever 'aucceeded in interpreting
the whimsicalities, of "Alice in Won'.
derland" 0,01 Ire did. It ie n,o detrac-
tion, writes. Harry Furnise, to eas,'
-that lie was a, man withont ideas,
ainngd, ihzepE‘trtirtot<t,ylvaesekblye cinaittaeborn. hdativisei
been held -solely for the purpose, 01-
aubleoba . ter his 0101g0006.
He never designed thetti, and Cie
subje,cte Wereaalways given, 1)0 1)1)11,
Iii his oarteson "Dropping the Pir.‘
lot," he tamale one Of hie few zeis-
takes-Lbe Put,thellatesian erowli. on-
-the 1(.4ermari Einrieror.' • '• :
, kaowitperwilawas 1101 51
.. ..
Y'66',ar:13 Sir.0b(it'kue4(14'
110-041)11) i1-�iild(1b3'�-w.piein,a}i,:ky: Ito
alWaYs , used A gpeciplly manniae-
turt4 Pdanil kneovn as,'HII1111111-4.;
UnsightlyWarts Removed
The 01)e110t100 16 Simple and painleda
-Jest epos, Putnefrais Wart ond Corn
ifextractor. For liftY .Yeare it has been
curing walits ,and W111/ taro you tbosTiy
irutnainiA lilxtrae tor, l rte.' at at dettlevs.
. To live- lung and prosper let the
Other 'fellow Yytoeit: •
minarireetildlillent OUres Eta.
A friend may he a eNtai -who hopes
that he eon use you before you ean
Vandals Wreck Collections Ia Rus-
sian Musenine.
Nowhere are ancient and valuable
art treasures treated,with more in-
,Fonsiderateness and negligence than
In Russia. The latest illostration of
this .00011013 )0 e deepatch from Chita,
in Transbaikelia'where there is, or
rather was) a Buddhist ;museum
highly valued, by .seientists and his-
torians for it rich collections of
objects of lanictietic worehip and
literature on Tibetan inediciee and
folklore of the Buriat peoples.
For decades the level authorities
seem to have eompletely neglected
this noiscutn. Eventually cod:
plaints of its de•plorable condition
littered -through to Bt. Petersburg,
whene-c an investigator -was des-
patched without undue haste. His
report is almost incredible in its
details of the vandalism tti whieh
these fine collections have been sub-
jected. Alt idols of gold and silver
.have beeo tarried bodily away ;
others have been despoiled of their
tich silken trappings.. The chariot
with the image of the Tibetan god
Mahler, the pride of -the museum,
has etympletely disappeared.
Rare volumes of Tibetan medital
lore and others in the Buriat lan-
guage have been ruthlessly dime
aged, the leaves having been tore
out and scattered about the floor.
complete set of lama precessional
masks has been apparently hacked
-about with knives and utterly spud -
In a word, irreparable damage
has been done. and who the eulpr.11-s,
are, Ms (Inc en the spot eeems to
know or eare.
To wboM it may concern: Unis Is to
certify that 0 have used litleiAl{D'S
LINligeENT myself ns well as prescrib-
ed, it in iffy practice 'where a llohnent
was required alld have never failed to
get the desired effect.
Rough 011 the Professor.
The mild-mannered old gentle-
man who was staying with Ida's.
Slimkins 105115 11 geologiset, and when
one morning his landlady's little
atm informed him that there Ira) a
queer tdd stone in a neighbot:og
field he was in high glee.
"-Coineealeng and.show it to me,"
ho said, making his way to the spot.
go11 time sir
-staid the boy, arid be began e. hasty
'There were 0511 1)10 in the field, but,
the professor took no noblee 21 them
until a t,eerible rear attrleted his
attention, and lie saw a fierce, bul1
advanoing to greet himlb was a
near thing, but the; profeesor won
by a itronser-button. Cari the other
side of the hedge lie Was surmised
to ;see the landawdy'e 5011.
"YOTl little ruffian !" ihotuted the
prafese-or. "I believe you sent Inc
into that, field purposely. I expect
yon wanted ..to see me killed."
"No I didn't, sir ; 11) 10111 mother
"What?" gasped the professor.
"She" 'ettrci: a dog 'esvling outside
our (1)1116 1511) night, an' as it meetes
there'll be a death 1-0011, mother
thon-glyt it was- only right to 1113 0111'
'aye it out of 11119 <31011(7."
21.11. absorption into their I(ystems of pcUso
both ecintagioun nod sexual, 111 serruig
licalth and Disease. There are M11111,
11-4111.10110 tile stallion. To counter:,
5er1110 in hie Velem, 51111 12001) him 41
is Mit one Germicide iu rirenrred lora
' turtle) 1100..‘S,eolues Linuid 13 istospor
slate 111 acts 'On the' ,,VhoJo glandular bynteon, regulated th
blood rich nod red. It will onolde any etollion to go thro
hira witrorone 010 not tbo lo. t dtmgor front any
lilin 0 dote of' "S3oho'3" every othcr 10.11 ou his tongue 0
All Druirglide.
CP014111 01310.45. CO., 0110111101e end Stiotteielogists, 0
All ready baked
to a nicety ; whole,
mealy and full
flavored. Heating
Only is necessary:
21, W, glawsost, Ninety Colborde Street.
▪ Fruit, Fttook. Grain, •or Dairy Farm.
write II. 'W. Dawson, bramaton. or 98
Colborne Pt., Toronte.
ft W. DAWSON, Colbeene St, Tomtits.
A mem% iron WEA.THDR
101100, low rates, liberal commission.
Apply. The Canada Weather Insurance
Company. Toronto. '
N._ X Cork on
County. Stationery and Book
Business in connection. Price only
14,000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish -
frig Company,, 71 West Adelaide Street,
10 Varieties. Free Catalog, 0+4:Connel1
It Son. Grovedend, Ontario.
ANCLIt, 111.1110391, LUMPt, taro.,
internal and external, eared with.
out pain by our home treatment. Write
os before too late. Dr. Reitman Modiesi
Co., Limited, Colfingwood, Ont.
Vet year best horse is just as
liable to develop A ,Spavin, Itingbone,
Splint, Curb or lanieuess as Your poorest 1
hos saved many thousands of dollars ht horse
flesh by entirely curing these ailments,
flarriet, Ont., Vett 2311, 1(7111
hove used Kendall's Spavin Cure to hill
several and. removed a Ninth et long
standing, caused by a 1; ich.” 1400,
nowt lake elinnees with your tomes. Keep a
bottle of Kcialorrslirnalv, fit f Ourimok
"Treatise on the free,at draggit.ts or'
Or. 11...1. 055IIALI, CO,, lineshata Pats. 02. 82
Used by success.
, ful planters
for over half a century
0 urlarge foal beautifully illustrated
J. A. SIMMERS, Limited
Tea aml the Weather.
: "Too had ! Mts. S
always has tuch alrOmidable wea-
ther for her afternoon 11,5,11
Second 'Lady ; "):Vg.; the -never
pours but, it
"Yeti Sulk are bring taken up 117
soeiety, aren't you ?"
'Well, we don't believe in brags
91119, b we, know three ladies who
smoke 421(011111 01(405.''
'Don't waste'time on .InI 0111 -
or salves because they're a
few cents cheaper.
have proved Zatu-Onk
hest for Eczema, Plies,•$hIn.
. Diseases, and Injuries.,
As a' mother,' 0,941 owe
to your fami
hestathat's .
In the stud they often beconaeho ile
IAA be given a long rest from such servio