HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-04-02, Page 6ne, April 2nd, (914 Clinton News -Record •Ig ,T1 • .15irs. William Tinney, Hay Township, Passes Into the Great Beyond. re, William TinneY, Sr., another the old residents of' Hay ""... thwn- ship, passed into t•he spirit world. on IVreinesday mOining of laet week . at "t4 age of 73 years and 11 months. She was born in the.city of HoMilton ..and when a, ,young worneu panne to Loietion, to 'reeide for a few years. where, she met .her late leusb'and. They .nieved: to Hay. „township where ehe reSided over for,tir:Yearst. ,The_ deceas- -ett, was a meMbee-,:a1 thee Church -of England" and.was quiet and obliging woman, .a good neighbor and enjoyed •to.;a large extent the respect arid efi.- t eem of the community ine which she Lived. Sfie had been in failing health for' the last two months. Pneumonia w as' the cause of death, She died with great faith in' her Saviour. She. leav- es to mourn four eons and four daft. gliters, William Jr. Robert, Matthew, eles. WilliarnBlackwell, Hay town- ship, Mrs, Chas. 0,13rien, Frobister, Sask., Mrs. Wm. Colclough; Varna, Bliss Phoebe on the homestead, - and John of lieneahl.' The funeral took placec iti'riday to Exeterecemetery gix of the old neigh- bors acting is pallbearers. "Call nob back the dear depapted.. • Anchored , safe where storms are o'er. ^On the boarder land 'we left her. .Soon to meet and part no more. When we leave, this world of changes. When we leave this world "of bare. . We shall find our missing loved'ones -11f our Father's Mansion fair." • • . Coderich. as in God - ,The railway commission w . . erielr.on, Wednesday of last week ' to 'hear the diepate between the Col- borne municipal. telephone system and residents of Colborne Township who subscribed for telephones and backed ;out when the line was heat. The farmers who are being sued 'claim misrepresentation by the tele- phone system. At pregmt a party wanting t� eall •up the beet must • pay ten cents a call. This Point has been the issue and hoe caused a lot 'of• bitter feeling through the .town- ship. The telephone company. is asking the raieroad board to force payment mon ihe ones who sub*ribed. The ev- idence was taken and the board ad- journed to Toronto, where judgement will be epee, KeMillop Township The auction sale of Wm. Davidson's was well attended. Thos. Brown the veteran auctioneer, did his part well. " Steers codling three years old brought nearly $100 each. • The building formerly used as store : and Postoiffee at ' Leadbury, has 1.16en unoccupied all winter. Miss Maggie Hulley, who has been unable to leave her room for upwards of three years, now appears to be im- proving. Up -to -dale Application of 20th Century Methods. Medicine Hat (Alberta) Newt. Physical culture for girls.as taught 'Under the most up-to-date application of twentieth cenfairy methods • of in- struction, was fully illustrated in the teasing and entertaining exhibition. Program presented in the auditorium oi the Alexandra school last night, under the auspices of Miss B. May • Ranee, teacher 01 physical culture and • elocution in thmpublic schools of the city. The .elaissee of performers from the different grades:- of the various schools surprised everyone by their • proficiency, and the audience, which packed the audithriurn to the doors, was thanifestly delighted With the skill and Superintendent Hay opened the exercises by a 'brief -introductory •statement to the effect that this was an exhibition of exercises as carried oni in the school by Miss Ranee, and • added thathe was coneinced that the audience would observe a decided im- provement sinpe the last public exhi- .bition. • • Miss Ranr-e and her pupils certainly are to be warmly congratulated' on the splendid charaethr of last night's ex- hibition,• and there is every reason to believe that the work of the physical culture and elocutionary departments' 'has only begun in the city schools and that the public will hear great things at it in the fUture. - A Real Good Idea. Bluth. Mrs 'Dick of Teeswater was the guest laet week of her parents Mr, and Mrs. D. Cowan. Mrs, King and Mrs. David of Clin- ton' visited the former's sister, Mrs, Bennett last week. • Mrs. Wm. Begley visited her sis- ter, Mrs. (Rev.) Cooper of Milver- ton, recently. • Migi Olive ,and Master Edgar Wiglit- man' of Deckerville, Mich., are visit- ing their uncle,Mr. Chris. Johnson of East WaWanosh. ' , • . Min. J. McMillan was in Toronto last week.' . Mr. J. Coombs has been up from Toronto on. a business trip lately and also visited etiends at Brucefield. Mrs. Duncan floydhas returned to her home in Chicago alter a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. . R. Adams. , Mr. James Bea,ttie is now recover- ing nicely from the effeiets or Isis recent accident. , Me.' R. H. R'obinsoa has disposed of Itis harness business to Mr.. Lyon of Elenvale. ' Mr. Herb. McIlroy leftlast week to. take a position in Listowel. Councillor Carter. was laid off on account of illness. . Misg"Margaret Carter has taken a position in Taylor's restaurant. Are you a NewS-Record Subscriber? A number of. rebel- newspapers are .aclvoQhstipgth1c publicatip ,pf,. munici- pal nSseSament bolls; tit .Meder that , - . ea,ch rateriayer may have opportunity of coeiparinghis, assesSieent with- . . other, ;It. is the onlynay ib which. propertY.; „Owners will lid" enabled ef- • iectiyely, •'Wtiten-',Ptitis„.:, the, „dr- ; 11A-Yeeeqf 'every Municipality, °art :pin • titled ,to., ,know the,apsessment •each,;PeeinertY netheeraueicipality arid have this infoeneation availableerin formeeethat' they :may compare their oWneOSSesenteet 01ti1 those others ow,nflArsimibar pi'ePertyi. Fre-. . ,.„ •s:tell.C..'abeut idle in- • sessment ..of the talk,is not baS.- c7publication: ,,Of '.ct011e, property Ssion'of :the, 1T3e- W.41:11 olkn, • n a;;.lietter pus - case. As31 is neceseary ie - a visit to '• the a leek search t • roll. The Sesament :roll is. Week places' are olinow Sentinal. Auburn Mr. A. Porter, manager of _ the Sterling Ban's, Goderich, was in town last week. Mr. S. Mitchell has removed to Benmiller where he intends making his home. . Mr. John Young, who recently dis- posed of his farm to Mr. John Hous- ton for seven thousand dollars, has one to Saskatoon, in which vicinity he intends going into farming, Mrs. YOungeand daughter will leave short- ly for the west. 'WS •LEADEfe. the recognized Wingham Mr., J. G. Anderson, M.P.P., was in town one day last week. Mrs. J. W. McKibben spent a few days with Toronto friends last week. Mrs. W. Fryfogle is visiting her sis- ter in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. 5r. Dunn and family left last week for theNwest and will locate on a farm in the vicinity of Moose Jaw. Mrs. A. Robinson has returned from Brussels, where she has been spending a. few- weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Strachan, who has been ill. ROV. E. H. Croly, for four years rector of St. Paul's church here, has resigned the charge and has been ap- pointed to the church at. Port Bur- well, Mr, James Henderson, aa esteemed resident) of the Bluevale Road, passed away at his residence on Wednesday of lagt week after, an illness of soy- ciraf months; The funeral took place oi'. Saturday afternoon, Mr, and Mrs, B. Cochrane • end daughter are visiting with Toronto and Oakville friods. Mrs. E. H. Croly and Master Jack have returned from a visit at St. Johns, Que. Mrs. Croly hag recover- ed from her severe illness. Miss Annie Griffin, who is a nurse- inetraining at the Toronto General Hospital, has been spending a holiday at her home, here. Mr. Alvin Hart has returned to Winnipeg after spending several weeks at his home here. Mr. Wm. Peasant, who has been quite ill, is now recovering so rapidly that he hopes soon to be able to get about as usual, Mr. John Scott died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. McLaughlin of town,, last: week, He was for many years a farmer in Howick township but for -some years had resided in Wingharre with his son and daughter. A Businees Men's Association, has been ,formed in Wingham !with the fol- lowing officers : President, A. H. Wilford e Secretary, Abnee Cosens ; Treasurer, W. J.. Greer. .", Death of H. G; Cantelon. (Fillmore (Sask.) Press.) The many 'friends in town and coun- try' were shocked to hear of the sit& den death of Guy. Cantelon, who died March lith. Ile was the son of Mr, Harpy 'Cantelon, Toronto, Ont. The late Guy Caatelon was born in Clin- ton, Ont., . twenty-five years • age, March 5111, end afterliving there Fourteen °years he Moved to Toronto end lino there 'to New York, where he lived four yeats previous to com- ing to FillImdre, • . During the pdst two years he has managed the groary department of Frank 'Yeo's store 'and there be made hosts 01,p:fends in ,town and thfough- out the whole country' •thilough• his gee„tlf. 'nature 'anti close attention to thetvents'bf the pulilic 'Which Won. :for hinilhe highest eeteeim "be he comenunity,. • 'He lidd the reputa Son ainong lets ' Of being the best menage'reaed wintleW 'dreeser en" :the line to' Regiria. lIit character was ir-: reproachable *Yeiltig mail Wild had not one b6,a habit i'••• quiet,' and 'unas- suming,. but always kind to .ebildren 'arid a fat thrill ftlesld 10 '1,11.0 poor -and 11 works of charity. The deceased left on :I.; pleasure trip to Winnipeg, March 4111, but net feel- ing. evell 'the fellowing Tuesday he re- turned. home. '..Two -doctors were' 511111- mb-fled and discovered that the pat- ient had ,diphtheria. He' was then iinmediatelyermoved 'to , the presbertor- ian manse, which was vacant, and a trained nurse was .engaged and eyery- thing possible was done to save this young life, but despite all, he passed away Wednesday afternoon, March liths . An undertaker Was brought' :from Regina and he was buried privately in Fillmcire cemetery.. Those left to reciurn are his father, Harry Cantelon, Toronto ; two sis- tort, Mrs.. C. Poole, Vancouver, and Mrs.. Frank Yeo, Fillmore ; two brothees, 1 P3 Cantelon, Toronto; and Roy C. Cantelon. • Coder ic In a setnion on' Sunday en "The Higher Viewpoint," Rev J. E. Ford, of Victoria street Methodist church, recommended to his congregation that they ,pay no attention to the modern, dance and other amusements 'bearing the stamp of disapproval of church nor to those participating in them. "Let than alone," geld • the minister, but it will not de for you and me to gibend our time ' and money so `Tango,' the name of a modern dance, indicate touch' People are' not satiefied inifess they come into' contact withe a Seneeta.rare I-angel/lent. Nowadays some even turn God's daylight into darkness, closing 'the' blinds 'and' Wrning on the lights to play bridge and whist. 'Moue people may have no more ser- • ious occupatio.n. •Let them alone. They may not be slnning according to their own conscience ; but We have, 'something better to Mt. A. Roy- Adams; who has been a 'resident of town for nine years, is leaving town to take up survey work at Medicine Hat, Alta. Mr, Adams has been organist of St, George's church for the past couple of years and was a valuable addition to the neusleal talent of the town. Mr. Fred. Davis has gone out to his Alberta farm to see about the spring wOrk, Mr. John Turnbull of Burnside Farm, Milverton, father of Dr. J. ,Turnbull, formerly of town but now of Vancouver, B.C., passed sway a few weeks ago, Mr. and Mrs. Turn- bull were to celebrate their golden, wedding this month and arrangements uwneirom wore being made to have a family, re - Mr. Cyril R. Carrie, general secre- tary of the Y.M.C.A. of the Toron- to University, addressed the. pongre- gation of ° Knox church on Sunday week. He leaves almost immediately to take a course at Oxford Univer- sity. ' Mrs. John W. Murray passed away suddenly on Wednesday 01 1391 week after a brief illness. Her husband and one little daughter survive. Mr, and, Mrs. Wm. Strachan have returned from a trip south. • Miss Elizabeth McKay of Renfrew is visiting at the hole of her par- ents on Britann'a Road. , Mrs. (Rev.) Wright and little daugh- ter, Isabel, of Brantford have been visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James donnolly, Mr. Gerald M. Kidd, who had been engaged at the C.P.R. head office In Montreal for some time, has re- signed his position and having bought out several acres from the Andrews' cstateeis going into poultry raising on a large scale, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Barb -en left last week for their home at 'Snowflake, Man. The good wishes of the -many friends of the young couple follow them to their new home.. , Mr, Cieorge Forest of Albernie, Vancouver Ialand, B.C., has been visiting friends in town and vicinity. Mr. Forest is a native of Stanley township and went west about twen- ty-three years ago. Mn, .1-, J. Cleft and 1VIr. C. Aber - hart represented the tewn council as members of the delegation from west- ern Ontario in Ottawa last week, Miss May Stoddart 1 Egniondville left last week for Winnipeg whore she was married to Mr. Frank Mor- ton Ored they immediately proceeded to their home at Moosemin, Sask. Miss Norma Dickson. has returned from a visit in Hamilton. Mr. C. Simpson of Egmondville has gone to the wesb. Mrs. Simpson will follow him in a month or so. Miss Mineie Campbell left last week for Calgary,. Mr. W. C. Govenlock of Egmond- ville left recently on his annual trip to the west He will be absent for a month or six weeks. , Mrg. Robt. Beattie and son Edgar have returned home after a- visit with friends in the west. Dungannon. Mn, Fred Ross has recovered from his recent; illness and has: resumed his teaching. , Mrs. James IVIeQuoid of Alb -field, who has been ill for some tiine, pass- ed away at her heme on Thursday morning' last. • • - The funeral o1 the tate ,Stephen peeves, who -met death so horribly by being thrown on a revolving saw fast; week, took phaco on Thursday afternoon. Much sympathy'.is Felt for his wife and family. • Zurich Mien Bissett of Goderich has been visiting hm .parents, Mr. and • Mrs.. PI 'Mess, Sr. . • . Mr. Wesley NIerner et Elmira is 10 team, hewing; oonseto manage bIt J-,. .iliterner's store. . n1V1r. 'We 5.: Pee and his 'sisters have golie ete..I-Ierisall. for the summer, , lefts; J, Meener hae.purchased the old Inock eblacksmeth :shop from Yr. W. ,11..13ereler. : De. •MeKieeote' was in •Toronin on business teat week, . • Miss . Eva Woods of Bayfield was visiting friends in town for a few d,ays last week. , Mrs. E. Zeller ,visited has home at Merlin last week. .,. Mrs. „Henry Weseloh spent last week with Mitchell friends. Mr. ,, Cornell Holtzman left , last week for his farm at Darcy, eeesle., after visiting the parental home for some time. Mr, Fred. Thiel has accepted a position in Ingersoll and left last week to assume his new duties. A large:number of new buildings will he erected in town this season, preparations being already inade for the work. . Mrs, Wm, 'finny died early Wesi- nesday morning of last week after a lingering illnees. The deceased had lived hi the section nearly eighty years. Marriages CLEA:VE—WATSON—At, Lomion', on March 28th, Florellieor daughter of Mr, .and Mee, John Watson, to Paul L, Cleave, • 'son of Mr. abet Mrs, ', Sanaiel Cleave, all of 'Stanley township. NA.FTEL--0IIISlIOLM---At the eesa doe° of the beidels parents, De- troit, Mi�h,, on March 2511e, by Rev, Dr, I-fuget, Ethel Pearl, third. ' daughter of Mr: and Mrs,' Alex. Chrisholm, to Reginald H. 'Naftel, • second son of Mr. Affeed Naftel, Goderich township. , LE VY—WURIeLeeIn nutich, on March • 20th, Mary Naomi, daughter of Mr . and Mrs. .111,ertin Wenn, to Clif- ton Levy of Clinton. FEAR-13ELL--At the residence " of the bride's parents ''on March 25111, J. Leslie Fear to Jennie R., daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. John Bell, all of Morris township. - SCOTT--JEMISON -- In Chicago, Irene M.ay Jemison .to Georee Hays Scott, formerly of Seafotth. ARNISTRONCI—ZAPIllee-At ,.Seafor on March 25th, George ,Robert Arinsteong ofe Varna to ' Pearl Zaphe of Blake• , Births BROWN—At Dungannon pa March • 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brown, a son. - REID—In Bayfield on March 23rti1 to Mr. and Mrs. E'd. Reid, h daugh- ter. MICHEL—In Grey ene March 1811), • to Mn. and Mrs. Michel, a daugh- GREENAWAY -- in Wingham on March 21s1, to Mn. and Mrs. Jos. • Greenaway, a daughter. Deaths ANDREWS—In Clinton on March 31st, Homer F. Andrews, aged 57 years, 4. months and 16 days. W.ALLIS—In Bayfield, on March 30th, James Edward Wallis, aged (78 Years. TIONEY — In Hay township on March 25th, Mrs. William Tinney, Sr., aged 78 years and 11 months. MORGAN—In Cleveland, Ohlo, on March 30th, Sarah, widow of John Morgan, and one of the first settlers in Bayfield. FARROW—In Goderich on March 26th, Chester Farrow, son of bfr. and Mrs. A. Farrow. HEWETT—In Goderich township on March 23rd, Sophia E. Persons:, relict of the Isle George Hewett, in her 87th year. HIELEMANN—In Goderich on March 251h, Minnie Whiting, wife of Dr, George Hielemaun. MURRAY--In Goderich on March 25th, Susan Miller, wife of John W. Murray. • McKILLOP Mrs. Underwood and Iwo little dau- ghters aro away -visiting friends in London. Mts. Wm. Smith iS away visiting eelatives near Seaforth. .The 50 acre farm and chattels of the late "Walter Burke have been sold by auction, A Dimino: of the people are making maple syrup. The occagion always brings jey especially to the younger ones of the household. WANTISD, — A LunTED NUMBER of ,boarders—Mrs, R. A. Govier, corner Maple street, —27. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE family 'wanted by a young office man. Will pay well for home con forte. Best references. — Address Congenial, care Newe-Record. —27. HOUSE FOR SALE ON THE LON- don Road 3 minutes walk from the piano factory. 7 rooms, half acre of land, good garden,fruit trees.— Thoe. Judd. —27-4 CALVES FOR SALE.—THE EN- dersigned have ,made arratbgements to handle a few calves from well bred stock. These are being shipped by express ensuring their being de- livered in good 'condition.—W. Mar- quis, L. Weir, Phone Id on 1,66. • —27 BUTCHER. SI -10P IN I3AVFIELD. ' I have opened up a Buteb.-" et Shop in what was ,formerly known as Whiddoijs Stoth where, I . will keep .0a. hand a full stock of Fresh and Cured ' Meath,. I promise you the best the market affords and promp 11 service and respeetfully solicit your patronage. - Highest price paid foe Hid- es mat -Sheepskins. Chas *It se, BAYFIELD :mt.ssioNAgy..•• Next Sunday ONTARIO STREET' SUNDAY SCHOOL Ontario Liquor License Act. LICENSE nis-rmoT - ou, CENTRE HURON. NoTioE is hereby given that the Board of License Commissioners for the License District of Centre Huron svill meet at Coderich, at 2 o'clock p. m. on the 17th • day of April, 1914, for the purpose of considering applica- tions for liquor licensee for the license yea n of 1914-15, All persons intereet- ed will govern themselves accordingly. For the license year 19121.3 four- teen licenses and' two extensions were granted and for the year 1914-15 there are fourteee applications. Oliver Johnson License Inspector; -Centre Huron Dated at Clinton this 2nd day orAp- eil, 1914. , WOOD FOR SALE—ALL LENGTHS best beech and maple. Get prices at office.—M. G-. Ranteford.- —17. 1101117E FOR SALE — STORY -AND a half frame house on Queen street, • 10 rooms, town and soft water. acre of land with a number of • apple, plum and pear trees. A stab- le and good sized chicken house. For I urthcr particular's apply on premises or addrehs—Mrs. Albert Turner, Clinton, Ont. —11 FARM FOR SALE.—THE EXEOU- tor of the &tufted_ ne estate of- fers for sale 50 acres, being east half of lot 28, con. 6, Mullett. This is• a first class farm, well watered and improved with good -buildings and orchard, also seven acres of bush land.—Apply to R. J. South- combe, Clinton P. O. —24 MONEY WANTED—THE UNDER - signed can place several thousand dollars on mortgages,' bonds or delientures—seenrity the very best. —Jas. Twitchell a Son. HOUSE FOR SALE.—ON RATTEN, bury St. west. Six rooms with wood shed. Good cement founda- tion, good cellar well drained. Town water and cistern. irst class gar- dett.—Apply at The News -Record Office. FARM FOR SALE.—The William Proctor Farm, Lot Number 82 and south-west part of Lot Number 33, Maitland Concession, Goilerich town- ship, 144 acres.—Apply to W. Bre,- done, Clinton. —16. Flour, Feed and Seeds When in town. on Homo and Cattle Show Day don't fail to call at the North End Flour, Feed and Seed Store. Just received another lot of Salvage Wheat. Everybody is getting some for chicken feed. More Bran and Shorts • coming in this week. We can keep you supplied. The very beat Seeds of all kinds kept in stock. North End Flour,,- Feed and Seed Phone 192. Store, Frank W. Evans Clinton, Phone 192. JOHN MAY, AGENT. FOR THE DEERING PEOPLE. Is offering fencing at low prices. Al- so a good powder for sickly hogs. • Orders taken now, for Homestead Fertilizer. For Sale in Clandeboye GOOD BRICK HOUSE, 2 ACRES ORCHARD, STAB- . . LES, AND 15 ACRES LAND. CONVENIENT -TO POST OF - P1017, scHaon AND CHURCH — APPLY W. JONES. 200 PERCY ST. OTTAWA. ' New Telephone Direetgry. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada is soon to print a new issue, of its Official Telephone Directory for the District of Western Ontario in- cluding CLINTON Parties who contemplate itecoming Subscribefs; or those who wish chan,g- es in their present entry should place their °Was with the Local Manager at once to insure insertion in this iseue. • Connecting Companies ' Should also report additions and changes in their list of subserilvers, either to the' Local Manager, or dir- ect to tho Advertising Directory De- partment, Montreal. The Bell Telephone Com- pany of Canada. • e. IT WILL PAY YOU.—WHEN HAV. ing an auctioe sale advertise it in `file News-Itecord wkich gees into the great majority of homes in the district. CHOICE PASTURE FARM.. FOR Sale :—Lot 21, Corteeesion 5, Stan- ley, containing 77 acres under cul- • tivation, 40 acres in pasture and acres in good bush; consisting of cedar, hemlock, beech and maple. There is a good frame barn and cedar log 'house. Those wishing to purchase a good pasture 'farm vvitle opportunity for light 'agriculture will do well in interesting theme selves in this property, as river runs through this feral and woods afford excellent shelter, ancl grass is a1way73 the best.—Apply to J. J. Richardson, Varna,. '1 IMUIVISMINZEMINalliak VAN CREAM WANTED—WE HAVE, quipped an up -to -date -creamery %niece and we are ready to eeeeive Proem. We eolicit your patrbnage. We will pay you highest prices for ' your cream twice a nioeth, also pay all express charges and furnish -Yon with cans, Those in the vicinity, et Kinburn May leave their cream, with Mr, Hall and he Will deliver it here, Write at once for -eang and give us a trial.—The Sea Creamery Co. Box 486, Seaforthi —ee .......,.•.......•..... •. T . IDt ..• , • • • :Supply BELLEVIEIV FARM DAIRY. -- From our stock of first-class cows we are prepared to supply you twice daily with the best of milk and cream. We solicit a share of your patronage.—,E. B: Hill, Phone —80 THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live linimisCleaning TIME. BROOMS ; • I BRUSHES, STOVEPIPE • VARNISH, STOVE POLISH, SOAP, PEARLINE, GOLD DUST, AMMONIA, SOAP CHIPS, LUX, FUN TO WASH, OLD DUTCH CLEANSER,—ALL THESE .HELP TO MAKE k WORK EASY. Fruits • ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, GRAPE FRUIT. Specials for Saturday LETTUCE AND CELERY . - A CALL SOLICITED, E. E. IIUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER, hat About Your Eyesight? Are you troubled by headaches ? Is eyestrain the cause? If so then a 'pair of properly fitted glasses will remove the cause of the trouble. Let us fit you. We have had long experience 1 n doing so. A. J.1GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage eeyee Licenses. 1(536' et'5'tm33,6161 don't Accept Claims, Here's a Guarantee Don't take chances on Roofing, for you Mtn now have roofing inaerince. J -M Regal Roofing is ttlesolutelY guar- enteed against leaks due to -defects in the roofing. . And that guarantee is 'as good 3.0 a ,government bond, for it's signed by the makers, a $3,000,000.00 company. J -M Regal, Roofing is made entirely in the Regal people's own mills. They know the quality of every snore inch of it That's why they can guarantee It • They make the wool felt—know that it is the best quality; long -fibred wool. I They refine and process their own asphalt—get it direct from Lake Trini- dad. No man has yet found anything else half as good for waterproofing. i So here s a roofing that is proof against the broiling sun, against anoW and ram, freezing and thawing, the oxygen in the air and the other things which so soon ruin other wool felt roof- ings. J -M ELIGAL Roorneo is also highly fire -resisting. e Samples are free; also an interesting book on roofing. • A • • • • • • - • • With your Spring House: • • :Cleaning -Needs. W‘e • • have many of the articles: • that make it easy. • • • 1 • : W. T. O'NEIL : • • • 4,The Hub Grocery."' • • • • . • •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• Never Out. We always have on hand a large stock of Bran, Shorts, Oats as well 8.3 Flour, Low Grade Flour, Poultry Foods, Ete. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins, Call and see the Tinware that we are • making, and the quality, of the tin we use. Do not buy factoryi goods when you can get handmade 1 f or very little more money. SAP BUCKETS AND PANS, • A SPECIALITY, ORDER NOW. THOS. HAWKINS. .' Phone 63: PLUMBING. AND HEATING. Sewing Machines and • Supplies. If you need a new Sewing Mac- hine let Inc know about it for I can supply you with any make you desire. I also keep on hand a fu 11 stook of supplies, needlee, oil, etc. If the machine you have needs repairing btihg et. to 'nne and I will Pet it to ,rightg. A .general Insurance business also carried: °nen- • • - • °. A' HOOPER. Store Next Wiltse's Grocery,. imminiumminammammi• COLLEGE AT 1101111 Tbouionat of ambitious • young people ere Fast preparing 01 their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as steneg, raphers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servantS, in fact every sphere of Business Activities. Yon rnay finish a b college if you so wish. PoSitions guar- anteed, Enter college any dal,. instruction, Export teachers. Thint years'experience. Largest train II ere in Canada. Seven colleges. Special course for teachers _ Affiliated Commercial gduca. tors' Association of Canada. Summet SeLhioN.roloatNiN faBlnuosusSEpsosottectilLseinceesE College, Lonaon. c BYAM & SUITTER 1is. F. WARD President. Prpal. SeattarY, Plumbers - Phone LA gememeeemmemill1,111111011111111.011•1