HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-04-02, Page 5April 2nd, 1914 Clinton News -Record • .Mrs. William 'Finney, Hay Township, Passes Into the Great Beyond. Thr6 William Timmy" Sr., another of ho old residents or Hay - . town - Passed iiito the spirit world On Wednesday morning of last week at thk,., age of 73 years and 11 mouths. Sher was born in the city of Hamilton ,anwhen a young woineu came Len,don,, to 'reside for a few years, where , she met ,her late. husband. They movedto Hay. ,township where ghe re4ided over fOrty: years,. The, deceas- ed-w.lis meMbet :of tho- Church Of Edglaad and. was quiet. and obliging woman, ,a good neighbor andenjoyed t.o.'a large extent the respect and et - teem of the community in,Which she litTd. She had been in failinghealth I or the last two months. Pneumonia was the cause, of death. She died with great faith, in' her Saviour. .She leav- es to zuourn four sons and lour dau- ghters, William Jr. Robert, Matthew, Mes. William' Blackwell, Hay town- ship, Mrs. Chas. O'Brien, . Frobister, Sask., Mrs. Win, Colclough, Varna, Miss Phoebe on the homestead, . and John of Hensall. ' The funeral took place on lFridhy. to Exeter . cemetery '01x Of the old neigh- bors acting as pallbearers. "C•all not back the dear departed. Anchored ,safe "where storms are o'er. 'On the boarder land 'we left her, - , 'Soon to meet and part no more. When we Jetive this world of changes. When we leave this 'world' of caret We shall find our missing lovecronei our Father's, ina.n.sion fair." . Goderich. ..The raiiway-commission w,as in God- erfoir .on Wednesday of last week to hear the diepate betweene the Col- borne municipal telephone system and residents of Colborne Township who subscribed for telephones and backed lout when the line was bailt. • rhe farmerwho are • being sued 'claim misrepresentation by the tele - :phew. system. At preastit a pasty wanting t� call -up the town must • pa.'y ten cents a call. This p'oint has been the issue and has caused a lot )of ,bitter lechers through the -town- ship. The telephone company. is , asking the reaped board to force payment ' ,on the ones who subribed. The ev- idence was taken and the board ad- journed to Toronto, whore judgement will be givee. Kchfillop Township The -auction sale of SVm. Davidson's was well attended. Thos. Brown the veterah auctioneer, did his part well. Steers coating three years old brought mearly 8100 each. The ' building formerly used' as store and postoffice at " Leadbery, has 140ea Unoccupied all winter, • Miss Maggie Ridley, who has been atiable to leave her room for upwards of three years, now appears to be im- proving, 1.Ip-to-date Application of • 20th Century Methods. Medicine Hat (Albeit's) News. Physical culture tor girlsns taught ;under the most up-to-date application of twentieth century methods of in- struction, was fully illustrated in the pleasing and entertaining exhibition program presented in the auditorium, ,of the Alexandra school last night, under the auspices of Das 13, May Ranee, teaeher of physical culture and • elocullign in the public schools of the city. The •olassen •of performers frorn • the different grades- of the various • schools surprised everyone by their • proficiency, and _the audience, which packed the auditoriutn to th_e dialers, was rhanifestly delighted With the skill and Superintendent Hay opened • the exercises by al'briel -introductory statement to the effect that this was an exhibition of exercises an carried 00 in the school by Miss Rance, and • added that he was convinced that the .audience would observe a decided im- provement sine the last public exhi- • bition. — Miss Ranee and het pupils certainly are to be warmly congratulatedion the spWndid character of last night's ex- , hibition, and there is every reason to • believe that the work of the physicat mature and elocutionary departments, has only begitn in the city schools and 'that the public will hear great things •of it in the future, . • A Real Good Idea. . • , • • • A munher, of, theal neWspaners are advoWift'311c PubIldatinin pal as'eSSnierit n,that 'each ratepayer majlelhave opportunity of comparing •hW. itIssesCinent With • other, -Et is -the onlys-W-aY property...niumers will 7 enabled el:. ieetively a.ictv •,thee work tiof„ t. ...-- , e • . „ he guhsrtjn e, , 1 way : WyPOf -every nitinidipalit. 'are' titled to. _knew the apsessnient ".'of '1.)ab..Pre.Perty inethe rminicipality and 1.6 have this information! ;availablenth nfich- forninitnat'• they may compare their. own' 'aessinentWith -theSe •.'61 q'thers Frb- - s:faik^:abblit- the T - 'sessment sof the; tallreis' not o..publjoaIjon .nor cttJio ProPPrty, OWit st:,•theYn. in anbetter pos- ' ease. AS it 'is ie. necessary M- a Yisi,b 'to ' .tlie a long search it roll. ' The sessrnent ;roll is, neny places are know Sentinal, WS -LEADER. the recogned Mrs. J. Dick of Teeswater was the guest last week of her plarcints,- Mr. and Mrs. D. (1owan, Mrs, king and Mrs. 1)avid of Clin- ton visited the former's sister, Mrs, Bennett last, vyeek; Mrs. Win. Begley, visited • her sis- ter, Mrs. (Rev.,) Cooper of, Milver- ton, recently., Migs OliVe.aad.Master. Edgar Wig4t- man of Deckerville, Mich, are visit- • inn. their uncle - Mr, Chris.. Johnson . • , of East Wawanosh. ' Mrs, 3. JvlcMillan was in , Toronto' last` week': Mr. J. Coombs has been up • from Toronto on a business trip lately arid also visited friends at Brucefield. Mrs. Duncan Boyd has returned to her home in Chicago after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Addms. , Mr. James Beattie is now recover- ing nicely from the efIcots of his recent accident. Mn. R. H. Robinson has disposed of Isis harness business to Mr. I_;yon of. Elmvale. •Mr, Ilerb. McIlroy leftlast week to, take a position. in Lietowel. Councillor Carter, was laid off on account , of illness. Misd-Margaiet Carter has taken •a position in Taylor's restaurant, Are you a News:accord Subscriber ? Auburn 1VIr. A. Porter, manager - of the Sterling Bann:, Goderich, was in town last week. • M. §. Mitchell has removed to Benmiller •where he intends •making Isis home. •. Mr. John Young, who recently dis- posed of his farm to Mr. John Hous- ton for seven thousand dollars, has gone to Saskatoon, in which vicinity he intends going into farming. Mrs. Young and daughter will leave short- ly for the west. Wingham Mr. J. G. Anderson, M.P.P., Was in ,town one day last week. Mrs. J. W. McKibben spent a few days with Toronto friends last week. Mrs. 'N. Fryfogle is visiting her sis- ter in Detroit. • , Mr. and Mrs. T. Dunn and family left last week for thej,vvest and will locate 00 a farm in the vicinity ,of Moose Jaw. Mrs. A. Robinson has returned from Brussels, where she has been spending a few) weeks with her daughter, Ms. Strachan, who has been ill. Rev. E, H. Croly, ler four years reeler of St. Paul's church here, has resigned the charge ahd has been ap- pointed to the church' at. Port BM, well. Mr. James Henderson, an esteemed resident of the Bluevale Road, .passed away at his tesidence on Wednesday of la0b week, after. an illness of seve era months. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Cochrane and daughter aro visiting with Toronto and Oakville friends. Mies. E. H. Croly and Master Jack have returned from a visit at St. Johns, Qite, Mrs. Croly has, recoVer- ed from her severe illness. Miss Annie Griffin, who is a nurse - in -training at the Toronto General Hospital, has been spending ai holiday at her home. here. Mr. Alvin Hart has returned to Winnipeg after spending several weeks at his home here. Mr. Wm. Fessant, who has been quite ill, is now recovering so rapidly that he hopes soon to be able ;to got about as usual. Mr. John Scott died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. McLaughlin of Joann last week. He was for many years a farmer in Howick township but for -some years had resided in Winghant with his son and daughter. A Business Men's Association, has been ,formed in Wingham .With the fol- lowing officers : PreSident, A. IL Wilford k Secretary, Alinet Cosens ; Treasurer, W. J. Greer. Death of ti. G; Cantelon. (Fillmore (Sask.) Press.) The many friends in town ahd coun- try were shocked to heat of the sad: den death of Guy .Cantelon, who died March 1115. He was the son of Mr. Harry "Cantelon, Teronto, -Ont. The late Guy Caatelen was 'born in Olin - ton, Ont., twenty-five years ago, March 5th, and after living there fourteen 'years Inc moved to Toronto ana from there to New York, Where he lived four years previous to com- ing to Fill:mere. During the past two years he has managed the grochry departrneat of Frank 'Yeo' s store mand the-m.11e made hosts of „friends inntown and thnbugh- nut the whole co:la-try' laaough• his good'itature 'and close attention te the -Wants tbe pliblie-Which won fer 11101 1150. highest eCteeng 'On • the community. had the repute:hien ainong ttaVelleiS beiug • the best manageis"and winddw ;c1reaser on' the tine to -Regina. character was ha reproachable -1' 5oihi Math tvlio. had not one' bd,a 'labiate quiet,. and mins- 'saMing; but always kind to •children 'and -a faithful 'ffieen. to 'the p000 555 all WorkS'of charity, , "the deceased left on a ploasure trip to Winnipeg, March ibis, but it feel- ing Well 'the f011owing Tuesday he re- turned' hoine. Two - doetora were sum- moned and diScovered that the pat - 'oft had '.diphtheria. He tvas then inunediately...moVed to .the Presbyter- ian manse, which was vacant, ape' a trained nurse was engaged and eyery- thing possible was done to save this young life, but despite all, he passed away lAredfiesday afternoon, March llth. Au undertaker was brought from Regina end he was buried privately in, Fillmore cemetery. Those left to mourn are his father, Harry Cantelon, 'Toronto ; two .eie- tars, Mrs, 0, Poole, Vancouver, and Mrs. Prank Yeo, Fillmore ; two brothers, I. El. Camthlon, Toronto; and Roy 0. Cantelon, Goderich , In sermon on Sunday on. 'Fhb Higher Viewpoint," Rev, J. E. Ford, of Victoria street MothodiSt church, recommended to his, congregation that they pay no attention to the modern .dance ,and Other amusements 'bearing 'the stainp of disapproval ; of , the church nor to those participating ' in them. "Let them alone," Said the minister; 'but it will sot de for you -and me to stpend our _time ' ahd money so. 'Tango,' the name of a modern dance, indicate touch.' People are not satisfied unless , they CintIC Into' contact with A scnsuat'ar- rangement. Nowadays some • even turn God's daylight into darkness, closing 'the' blinds 'and' taming on the lights to play bridge and whist. These people may have no more ser- ious occupation. Let them alone. They may not be sinning according to their own conscience ; but we have, something better to Mt. A. Roy Adams; who has :been a resident of 'town for nine years, is leaving town to take up survey work at Medicine Hat, Alta, Mr. Adaths has been organist of St. Cieorge's church for the past couple of years and was a valuabre addition to the Musical talent of the town. Mr. Fred. Davis has gone out to his Alborta farm to see about the spring work. Mr. John Turnbull of Burnside Farm, Milverton, father of Dr. J. ,Turnbull, formerly of town but now el Vancouver, B.C., passed 'away a kw weeks ago, Mr. and. MS, Turn- bull were to celebrate their golders wedding this month and arrangements were being made to have a family re - My. Cyril R. Carrie, general secre- tary of the Y.1VI.0.A. of the Toron- to University, addressed theacongre- gation of Knox church on Sunday week. IIe leaves almost immediately to tale a course at Oxford Univer- sity. Mrs. John W. Murray passed away suddenly on Wednesday• of last week 'after a briof illness. • Her husband and one little daughter survive. Mr. and) Mrs, Wm. Strachan have returned from o trip south. Miss Ehzabeth McKay of Renfrew is visiting at the bane of her par- ents On Britann'a Road. . Mrs. (Rev.) Wright and little daugh- ter, Isabel, of Brantford have been visiting the laffy's parents, Mr. able Mrs. James ConnollY. Mr. Gerald M. Kidd, who had been engaged at the C.P.R. head office in Montreal for some time, has re- signed his position and having bought out several acres from the Andrews' estate_ is going into poultry raising on a large scale. Seatortb. Mr, and Mrs. Barber lett last week for their home at 'Snowflake, Man. The good wishes of the -many friends of the young couple follow thent to their new home. ' Mr. George Forest of Alhernie, Vancouver 4.1and, B.C., , has been visiting friencle in town and vicinity, Mr. Forest is a native of Stanley township and went west about twen- ty-three years ago. Mr. 3, J. Oita! and Mr. 0. Aber - hart represented the town 00510511 as =tubers of the delegation from west- ern Ontario in Ottawa last week, Miss May Stoddart ot Egmondville let I; last week for Winnipeg where She was married to Mr. Frank MN.' ton 4r:KI they immediately- proceeded to their home nt Moosemin, Sask, Miss Norma Dickson has returned from a visit, ill Hamilton. Mr. C, Simpson of Egmondville has gone to the west. Mrs. Simpson will follow him in a month or so. Miss Minnie Campbell left last week tor Calgary. ME, W. C. Govenlock 01 Egmond- ville left recently on his annual trip to the west. He will be absent • for a mouth or six weeks. • Mr, Robt. Beattie and son Edgar have returned home atter a visit with friends in the west, Dungannon. ME. Fred Ross has recovered from his recent illness and has resumed his teaching. ; Mrs. James MeQtioid of Aalrield, who has been ill for some Wm, pass- edaway at her hem on • Thursday Morning last. - • 'Ehc funeral of the late .Stephen Deeves, ntho.inet death so horribly by being thrown . on a revolving saw fast week, took Mace on Thursday afternoon. Much sympaihn' is felt for his wire and family. - Zurich hies. .uissabsol Goderieh has been. ,visiting her Parents, Mr. and • Mrs.. le: Hess, Sr, ' • . Mr, Wesley Mernernof Elmira 15 115 town, having "come to manage Mtn, J. Merner's • store,' -W. Jo Fee and his •Sisters have 'gone 15 liensall. for. the gammen, • •• Me, J. J ...Mather has :purchased the old ,Brock _blacksmith iehop from Min 51' PC .13ender. .Dr.. MeKineon was in •Toronte on bu.sinoss lant ween. , Miss.. Eva Woods oi Bayfield was visiting friends in town for .ft few days last week. . • Mrs. E. Zeller visited lee home at Merlin , last . week. • ... Mrs. , Wesoloh spent last week with Mitchell. friends. Mr. , Cornell Holtzman left last iveek for his farm at Darcy, Sask., after ' visiting the parental home for some time. Mn, Fred. Thiel has accopted a position in Ingersoll and left last week to assume his new duties. A large namber of new, buildings will he erected in tovii this season, preparations being already made for the work. Mrs. Wm. Tinny died early Wed- nesday morning of last ‘yeelf after a lingering illness, The deceased had lived in the section nearly eighty years. Marriages • CLEAVE—lNA'ESON—At,. London', on March 28th, FlorellinornWilia,nainai ,daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, to Paul L. Cleave, Con of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cleave, all of Stanley township, NAFTEL--CHISIIOLIVI—At the • iresi- ' donee of the bride's parents, De- troit, Mich., on March 25th, by Rev, Dr. Huget, Ethel Pearl, third daughter 'of Mr, ,ancl•Mrs; Alex. 'Christ:elm, to Reginald EL tNaftel, second son of Mr. Alfred Naftel, Goderieh township. , LEVY—IVU,RitIe...In Zurich, on March 2l51i, Mary Naomi, daughter of Mr . and Mes, IVIartin Wuran to -Clif- ton Levy of Clinton. FEAR—BELL—At the residence of the bride's parents 'on Mareh 25th, J. Leslie Fear to Jonnie R., daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. John Bell, all of Morris township, - SCOTT--JEMISON th Chicago, Irene May Jemison to George Hays Scott, formerly of' Seaforth. ARMSTRONG—ZAPHE—At ,Seaforth , on March 35th, George Robert Arinstrong ok Varna to Pearl Zaphe of. Blake•. • BilihS BROWN—At Dungannon on , March • 20th, to Mr. and ' Mrs! C. C. REID—In Bayfield on March 230, to Mr. and Mes. Ed. Reid, 'a dMigh. ter. MICHEL—In Grey on March 1815, to Mr. and Mrs; Michel, a daugh- ten. GREENAWAY — In Wingham on March 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos, ' Greenaway, g, daughter. Deaths ANDREWS—In Clinton on March • 31st, Horner F. Andrews, aged 57 years, 4 months 8,nd 16 days. W.A.LLIS—In Bayfield, on March 30th, • James Edward Wallis, aged (78 years. TIONEY -- In Hay township on March 2515, Mrs. William Tinney, Sr., aged 78 years and 11 months. MORGAN—In Cleveland, Ohio, ort March 3015, Sarah, widow of John Morgan, and one of the first settlers in. Bayfield. FARROW—In Goderich on March 26th, Chester Farrow, son of Mr. • aria Mes. A. Farrow. HEWETT-1u Goderich township on March 23rd, Sophia E. Persons, relict of the late George Hewett, in her 87th year. HIELEMANN—In Goclerich on March 25th, Minnie Whiting, wife of Dr. George Hielemann. MURRAY-4n Goderieh on March 25th, Susan Miller, Wife of John W. Murray. IVIcKILLOP TOWNSIIIP, Mrs. Underwood and two little dau- ghters are away* 'visiting' friends in London. Mrs. Win. Smith is away visiting calatives near Seaforth. The 50 acre farm and chattels of Use late Walter Berke have been sold by auction. A number of the' people are making meal° syrup. The occaOion always brings joy especially io the younger ones of the household. WANTED, — A LIMITED NUMBER • of .boarders. ---Mrs, R. A. Gooier, Corner Maple street. —27. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE family wanted by a young office man. • Will pay well for home com- forts. Best references. — Address Congenial, care Nmae-Record. —27. I-IOUSE FOR SALE ON TRE LON- don goad 3 minutes walk from the Plano factory. 7 rooms, half acre of land, good garden, fruit trees,— Thos, Judd. —27--1 CALVES FOR SALE. --THE UN- dersigned have made arrangements to• handle a few' calves from welt bred stock, These are being shipped by express ensuring their being de- livered in good condition.—W. Mar- quis, L. Weir, Phone 14 on 166. —27 BUTCHER SHOP IN BAYFIEL.D. I have opened up a Buleh-- er Snot) in wha,b was thrmerly known as • Whiddon's tore where, I will keep ,on hand a full stock of Fresh and .Ctired, • Meatg. I promise you the beet the market affords an'il prompt' servine and respectfully solicit yous patro,nage. , •Highest price pale for Elid- es and" Sheepskins, Chas Wiltse, • BA YFIELD MISSIONARY DAY Next Sunday ONTARIO STREET SUNDAY SCHOOL Ontario Liquor License Act. LICENSE DISTRICT OP CENTRE HURON,. NOTICE is hereby given that tile Board of License Commissioners for the ',Meese District of Centre Huron will meet at Goclericle at 2 o'clock p. in, on the 170h day of April, 1914, for the purpose of considering, applica- tions foe liquor licenses for the license yeae of 1914-15. All persons interest- ed will govern themselves accordingly., For the license -year 1912,13 four- teen ficenses and, two extensior•s were granted and for the year 1914-15 there, are fourteen applicatious, Oliver .Johnson License Inspector, Centre Huron Dated at Clinton this 2tid day oi Ap- ril, 1914. WOOD FOR SALE—AlilL LENGTHS best beech aed maple. Get prices at ofilem—M, G. Rantiford. —17. HOUSE FOR SALE — STORY AND a half frame house on Queen street, 10 rooms, town and soft water. a, acre of land with a number of apple, plum and pear trees. A stab- leend good sized chicken house. For further particulars apply on premises or addrehs—Mrs. Albert Turner, Clinton, Ont. —11 FARM FOR SALE.—THE EI,CECU- tor of the Southoomee estate of- fers for sale 50 acres, being east. half of lot 28, con. 6, Hullett This is a first class farm, well watered and improved with good 'buildings and orchard, also seven acres of bush land.—Apply to R. J. South- • combo, Clinton P. 0. —24 MONEY WANTED—TIIE UNDER - signed can place several thousand dollars oa mortgages,' bonds or deltentures--sectirity the eery best. —Jos. Twitchell a Son. HOUSE FOR SALE.—QN BATTEN, bury St. west. • Six rooms with wood shed. Good ,cement founda- tion, good cellar well drained. Town water and cistern. First class gar- den. --Apply at The News -Record Office. • —21. FARM FOR SALE.—The William Proctor Farm, Lot Number 32 and south-west part of Lot Number 33, Maitland Coricession, Goderich town- ship, 114 acres.—Apply to W. Bry- done, Clinton. —16. Flour, Feed and Seeds When in •town on Horse and Cattle Show Day don't fail to call at the North End Flour, Feed and Seed Store. Just received another lot of Salvage Wheat. Everybody is getting some for chicken feed. More Bran and Shorts • coming Si this week. We can keep you supplied. • The very beet Seeds of all kinds kept in stock. North End Flour, Feed and Seed Phone 192. Store, Frank W. Evans Clinton, Phone 192, JOHN MAY, AGENT FOR THE DEERING PEOPLE. Is offering `fencing at low prices Al- so a good powder. for sickly hogs. Orders taken now for Homestead. Fertilizer, For Sale in Clandeboye GOOD BRICIC HOUSE, 2 ACRES ORCHARD, STAB- . LES, AND 15 ACRES LAND. CONVENIENT TO POST OF- FICE, S C 1500 L AND CHUR,C1-1 a-, APPLY, W. A. JONES. 206 EERGY ST. ,IIROVERIOW New Telephone Directory. The Bell Telephone Company of • Canada is soon to print a new issue of its Official Telephone Directory for the District of Western Ontario in-. eluding CLINTON Parties ado contemplate becoming Subscribers, or those who wish chang- es in their present entry should place their orders With the Local Manager at on to insure insertion in this issue. Connecting Companies ' Should also report additions and changes in their list of subscribers, either to the' Local Manager, or dir- ect to the Advertising Directory De- partment, Montreal. The Bell Telephone Com- pany of Canada. All IT WILL PAY YOU,—WITEN HAN. ing 'aa auction sale advertise it in The liewS-Ilecord wkbels giies into the great majority 01 'homes in the district. CHOICE PASTURE Iii1.11M FOR Sale :—Lot 21, ConeOesion 5, Stan- ley., containing 77 acres tinder cul- tivation, 40 acres in pasture and .7 acres in good bush; consisting of cedar, hemlock, beech and maple. There is a good frame ,barn and cedar log 'house. Those wishing to perches° a good pasture lama opportunity for light 'agriculture will do well in interesting them. selves la this property, as river runs through this farm and woods afford excelleat shelter, and grass is alwayt the best.—Apply to J. J. Richardson, Varna. BELLEVIEVI FARM DAIRY. — From our stock of first-class cows we aro prepared to supply you twice daily with the best of milk and cream. We solicit a share of your patronage,—E, S. Hill, Phone —80. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live BROOMS ; l BRUSHES, ' STOVEPIPE • ' VARNISH, STOVE POLISH, SOAP, PEARLINE, GOLD DUST, AMMONIA, SOAR CHIPS, • LUX, FUN TO WASH, OLD DUTCH CLEANSER,—ALL THESE .HELP TO MAKE s WORK gAsy. 'Fruits ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, GRAPE Specials for Saturday LETTUCE AND CELERY, A CALL SOLICITED. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE G-ROCER. What About Your Eyesight? Are you troubled by headaches? Is eyestrain the cause? If so then a 'pair of properly fitted glasses w ill remove the cause of the trouble. Let us fit you. We have had tong experience i n doing so. A. J.GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage „juNd Licenses. cif! Accept Claims Here's a Guarantee Don't take chanees on Reefing, fat you can now have roofieg instirance. Regal Roofing is absolutely guar- anteed against leaks dee to 'defects in the roofieg. . And that guarantee is as good as a government bond, for it's signed by the makers, a 8$,000,000.0i) company. J -M Regal Roofing Is made entirely in the Regal people's OWn mills. They know the quality of every equare inch of it. That's why they can guarantee j.t. • They make the wool felt—know that it is the best quality; long -fibred wool, 1 They refine and process their own asphalt—get it direct from Lake Trini. dad. No elan has yet fOund anything else half as .good for waterproofing. _ So here is a roofing' that is proof agaiostIthe broi/ing sun against snow' and ram, freeeing and' thawing, the oxygen in the air ancl the other thinge Which so soon ruin other wool felt roof- ings. J -M REGAL ROOFING iS also highly fire -resisting. a Samples are free; also an inresting book on roofing. BYA141 & SUITTER SaultairY, Plumber* Phone L Willotionmosausanamoommoommuiliskag CREAM WANTED—WE u.A.vn quipped an up -to -date -creamery nina and we are ready to receive eroarn. We solicit your patronage. We writ pay you highest prices for Poet cream twice a month, also pay al express charges and furnish 'yea with cans, Those in the viciaiY. Kinburn May leave their creams with Mr. Hall and he deliver it hare, Write at OaCe for fang and give us a trial.—The Sealant! Creamery Co. Box 489, Seaforth. , —20 • • fo es • co • fee)* of to • co • • *WO • !Let Us :Supply • • • • • • • • • 011 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : With your Spring House • • :cleaning -Nees, We • • - • have many of the articles • • • • ,• that make it easy. : • • • • • • • • • • : W. T. O'NEIL • • • • "The Hub Grocery." • s0000lori• 00000moo••••oos ever Out. We always have on hand a large stock of Bran., Shorts, Oats as well ao Flour, Low Grade Flour, Poultry Foods, Etc. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up=to=date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm, Jenkins, Call aad See the Tinware that ma are making, and thequality of the tin we use. Do not buy featoryi gooda when you can get handmade for very little more money. SAP' BUCKETS AND PANS. A SPECIALITY. • ORDER NOW. •I THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53, PLUMBING, AND HEATING'. Sewing Machines and Supplies. If you heed a new Sewing' Mac- hine bit me know about it for I can supply you with any make you desire. • I also keep on hand a full stock of supplies, needles, oil, etc, If the machine you have needs repaii'ing bring it to 'me and 1 will put it to rielabe, A general Insurenco business also carried. on,.... HOOPER Store Next Wiltse's Grocery,. ••••••••=mem•••••omp•••• COLLEGE AT HOM Thousands of ambitiolukyoung people aro fast preparing in their own homes to campy lucrative positions as stenog., raphors, bookkeepers, telegraphers, cavil servants, in foot (ivory solicit of Business Activities, You May finish at college if you so wish. Positions guar- anteed. Enter college nay day, Indiv- idual instruction, Expert teachers, Thirt YOrtis'exporiczaco. Largest train SCO in Canada. Bevel' colleges, Special course for teachers Affiliated with Commercial Educe.. tors'Assooiation of Canada, Summer School at famous Spotton Bileinoss College, London. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO SPOTTON II, 5, WARD Prosicion b. Principal.