HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-04-02, Page 2ti G D. 11cTACG:I.RT M. D.1K4cTAGG'ART IVIcriaggart Bros. `Is tN IIEItS --* 'A G 1+, 1\TESS DISCO POSIF CCAS \TER:1L BANKING BUSI- TItANSACTED:^ NOTES UNTED DRAFTS ISSUED. INTER EST; ALLOWED ON DE - s. ' SAL E NOTES PUB, ED. 1!. T.'RANCE - NOTARY 'PUBLIC, COIQV)aY- ANdER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR ANCE AGENT., REPRESENT- 1NG 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. . DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CLI N 1'ON.:; W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, .SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, no. Office- Sloan Block -CLINTON CHARLES B. DALE, Conveyancer, Notary • Public,• Y Commissioner,; Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of'Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, -,- CLINTON, I}IIS. GUN1Y & GANDIER Dr. V. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., Edin. Dr, J. 0. Dandier, B.A., M.E. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Ratteibury St., or at Hospital. • DR. a. W. SHAW • - OFFICE IIATTENBURY ST. EAST, -CLINTON DR. C. •W. TJI011PSON PFISYICIAN, SURGEON, ETO. Special attention given to din. eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose. and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suit- able glasses prescribed. Office and residence 2 doors west of the CommeroiallIotel,Huron St,. OR. F. A. AXON - DENTIST --- Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduateof 0.0.D.S„ Chicago, and R.C.D.S., To. ronto. Brtyfield on.Mondays from May to December. nfe '4110 rail,. Forts our From the Best at the•10west;; possible: price. .WE 'P'AY ; THE HIGHEST' PRICE for OATS, PEAS oand BAR- ' LEY, also HAY for Toiling. . -• TIME 'IAitLE -- T rains Trains :will arrive at and depart from Clinton'Station as follows:: BUF}i'ALO AND GODERICH DIV: Going .East, e 7.85 a. m. ,1 a 3.07 p. m. 5.15 p. m. Going West, .11,07 a. m:. 1.25 p. 6,40 p. m. 11.28p. m, LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DTV Going South, 7;50 a. nn. r, n 9,23 p. m Going North, '"'11.00 a. m. I, r<' 6,35 p. m. OVER e5 YEARS' XPti (•r -I ENO 'TRADE Manias .penisissOOPYRIQHTS NFC. •-i Ancone, riding n sketch and description may e,irohly Mien:MI. our opinion tree wanner an ' y,vouelnc it probably Pt Mable Communion- , r,alnuaBLclWSr.conndentlral. PANDEd01(nn Patents bent Iron ratan agency tor 'eellll•In1ip atente, eclattnolfaanvlth at Chariot 111thOCo. i:ucalvr dgor rn)n nted ree.klY• , rarkcaby-eI0 f fboyr •ns tau-myear, Suodgepreval.cos skilvQtuUoru II ,MALs81 8roadva r 0bgatrowl DY. aC.rk irtmch�0loe. 6F St.. Yl h - • . 1 P1NCOTT'S. MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY J:IBRARY' he Best sst in --Gni ,int. Literature Current 2t rtl r i2 C6m1.L2TE Nt2vEt42 YEiIRLY`�` MANY's-HORT STORIES AND;• :PArFERS,ON TIMELY TOPICS, 2S 2$CT9. A.COPYr: NO CONTINUED STOR:aE$': EVERY huMBCN COMPLETE IN;ITOELF -r Eten 't1a.tdtl j Ti'c had a'.lrcar t -,es hard aa'stonc, 'this t'illaitiene pldl gent; • .I'arhaps we'd better sae' an hard: tits'reainforeed cerrient, t°. Porse'9 Idiiara Root nPills are not a riew and untried: remedy our grandfathers used them. Haifa < century •ago, before Confederation, theywereon^sale;n neallyevery drug' or general store in the Canada of that,'. day, and were the recpgni'ied t,ure rn' thousands of hesnef/for^Co eh.18ato(i,,; Indigestion, 13iliouaness,1,heuntatism and I{idney andjLyver Troubles Tt-> day ,tley,are lust as•effective, lust as' reliable as ever, and nothing•hettci' hes yet been devised to jg Cure Coitem®isa Ills Forty years -in use, 20 years the atantlerd,'•prescribed and ream'. mended by physieians. For Woman's Ailments, I)r. Martel's pis' Pemalti Pills` 'lit cur t d'u t. o ,. Y go Ford is Le d• GEORGE ELLIOTT. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly -answered, Immediate arrangements cent be made for Sales ,Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 13 on 157. Charges moderate and satisfaction •guaranteed. ALL KINDS OF COAL W000 • 1L BRICK TILE TO ORDER. All hinds of ,Coal an':hand, CHESTNUT 'SOFT COAL - • STOVE' CANNEL COAL. FURNACE • COI{E BLACKSMITHS " WOOD in,- 3 in. and 4 in, Tile of the Best, Quality. ARTHUR. FORBES Opposite. the G. T. R. Station. Phone 52. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm and, Isolated Town Property ' only Insured .OFFICERS -- 3, B. McLean, President, Seaforth P.O.; Jas. Connolly, Vice-Presi• dent, Goderich P.O. ; T. E: Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth P.O. - Directors - D. F. McGregor, Seaforth ; John Grieve, Winthrop; William ,Rina, Constance; John Watt, Harlook; John Bebttewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beeehwood M. McEven, Clinton P.O. -- Agents -- Robert Robert Smith, Harlock; E. Hineb- ley, Seaforth ; William Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, 'Holmes. vino. Any money to be paid in may bo paid to Morrish Clothing Co„ 011n• ton, or at Outt's Grocery, Goderich Parties desirous to effect insur- ance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on ap• plication to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post• offices. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene, Clinton News -Record CLINTON, -- ONTARIO Terms of subscription -$t per year, in advance; $1.50 may bocharged if not so paid. No paper diseoh. tinned until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the, pub. fisher.. Tho date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising Rates - TransIent ad. vertisements, 10 cents per non. pareil line 'for first insertion and 4 cents per line for each eubse- quent insertion. Small advertise- nrenbs' not'to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 55 cents, and each subsequent in. sertion 10 cents, Communications intended for pub. licatiou must, as •a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer, W. T. Ml'TCI3> I:L, Editor and Proprietor. .NO,t L I'soi sslon;il' Nuel':"What,•did •Miss Petite do h henvyou kissed:Tier 1' • Ted: "Sime told' nie to ealll on Fri- , day hereafter,bee tune, that was (amateur's night-," :,,.•�.'-tel it - i°,. ` Tagets91': WILL BREAK A 'COLD IN:... ONE NIGHT 25 OENTS Your money book if they dotli'tt at • • • THE REXALL STORE W. S. R. HOLMES, Phm.6, C ORDERS for Coal may be left at It. ltowlund's Hardware Store, or at my olllce In i1. Willse's Grocery Store. HOUSE PHONE 12 OFFICE PI[ONE 140 A. J. HOLLOWAY BUSINESS AND~ SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Yibke Y, M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd, Catalogue free. Enter any time. J, W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal • CharteredIccountaut 17 Vice-lnincipzl CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT, BECOME .a, specialist in Business. It effete. more opportunities than any other. calling. To reap the fall measime of suedes you must Lave the best possible train- ing. This is Ontario s "Bes6 Business School; We give in- dividual attention- Yon .irray enter our classes at any time, Departments. epa.rtinen,ts - - Coin, mercia),• Shorthand and Tele- graphy. Write at once for our free catalogue. D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. GOA A HO'MESE1IKERS' E)i,Ct1RSIONS. 7.'e. Maanitoha, Alberta, Saskatohe- vvan. Each Tuesday, 1VI•arch,3^rd to Octe.her 27th, 7cl i• 'e rat., r n it ue v v Ch sago, St: .l'aul . or Duluth WINNIPEG AND RETURN $.25,00 ED7LONTON AND'RETURN $48.00 Frain 'Toronto andeitatrons North aaclWest Toronto", Pro trtion - ate ]ow faces from stattions East of Toronto. Return limit tiro months. • Fell particulars at:Grand Thunk; Ticket Offices, 01 write L" F, :Ilosn- utg, DP.4., Toronto,•C)rit. Jbli Bans. rd & n U o n a� J . £o Sq , • pt w Agent, hone 57: gen, P " "iso i 'r A.' Ci, patt r,, Stat oh Agent, •,'!'Itp•Denragogtio D,eScribed'. • "Ftubb:cr," eiatd . a " "small -boy, "whet''s a ilemagogue,l" - A,,4lemago'gue, tiny ,son is'a'man who can rock ":the beak:himself :and perisdade everybody, that tfrare's a terrible ,etoran: a,t 0).' STUB Y INTEItNATIO21-A.I, LESSON, APRIL 3; i914,' Lesson I i:7h'list's Table !Pant. ,Luke 1 f 77..2 Golden Text, Laic 4.11 to-IdnsiyL'seesszbnalff g%t1ivwe ' tLhloe seelvyenutps'oozft those of CM ;lesson ,f or March 2v The 'review- l'e'sson which has inter-` ycned should not be .permitted to obscure the close relation ' of thought. The account of the -heal- ing of the dropsical 'man on the Sabbath (veeees •1-6) belongs to the longer division of the Gospel' (14.- 1 to 17. 10) devoted to the „second period of the journey of Jesus to Jerusalem. : The whole section is peculiar to Luke. • "Verse 7. A parable -This word has several meanings,. Venally it. was a story told to illustrate a truth. `here it' means a piece. of advice Those that t were • idden-A Phari- see see had invited Jesus and other guests to dine at his .house, The chief seats -According to the Talmud, the middle place on a couch intended for three was the o-orthiest, that on the left the sec- ond in honor, and that on the right tliir'd, Jesus -seems, however, ,to refer to the position of the, couches. 8. A marriage feast -This was a formal dinner where the rank of the guests would be considered. 9. Thou shalt begin with shame to take the lowest place -The displaced guest would have to take the lowest seat because the intermediate places would have been filled in the meantime. The thought expressed by Jesus is found in•Prov. 25. 7. 10. Sit down in the lowest place - Net in order to be promoted before the company, but to allow the host to choose those whom he wishes to honor, 11. For everyone that exalteth himself shall be humbled ; and he that humbleth himself shall bo ex- alted -An utterance several times repeated by Jesus. See Luke 18. 14; Matt. 23. 12. Self-seeking in- vites its own rebuke, while humility and modesty are no 'hindrance to just recognition and _preferment. A.Lesson On True Hospitality. N. He said to him also that had bidden him -The previous discourse was addressed to the 'guests; Jesus now addresses the host, and seems to indicate that there was a selfish motive for his hospitality. Call not thy friends, northy brethren, nor thy kinsmen, nor rich neighbors -The four classes likely to be asked on ordinary social grounds, The tense of the 'verb "call" is present and means rather "do not habitually call." Social invitations ars not condemned, but our hospitality should not end there. 14. Thou shalt be recompensed- Good deeds never fail of their re- ward. The resurrection of the just -Pos- sibly a reference to the doctrine of a double resurrection, first of the just, and later a general resurrec- tion. Compare 1 Cor. 15. 23; 1 'i'hess. 4. 16 ; Rev. 20. 5. 6. 15, Jesus's words. about the resur- rection of the just suggest the king- dom of God, and one guest assumes that he will enjoy -'its benefits. The parable that follows may be intend- ed as a gentle rebuke to his self - complacency. 16. A certain man made a great supper -This parable suggests that many caste less for the kingdom of God and its blessings than they profess to care. Compare this with the parable in Matt. 22, which is in some' respects similar, . but much more severe than this. 17. Sent forth his servant, at snp- per time -This second summons to feasit still prevails in the East. To omit it would be equal to canceling the first invitation . To refuse this second summons would bo consid- ered by the Arabs equivalent to a declaration of war. The summoner here represents God's messengers to his people, especially John the Baptist and `Jesus.' Read Matt, 11. 28-30, Come ; - for all things are now ready-0onhparc with John'e res- sage, Matt, 3:• 2. 18: With one consent= -The people acted ad if they had previously oon- spired together. They all pleaded. that theyy-were too much occupied to come: Bail -this been the ease, they should have excused them- selves when -tile first invitation carte. • 19. Prove -Used in • the old sense of 'try or test, as in our expression, "the exception proves the rube 20. A years immunity from ntili- tary or civil service was granted t a. newly married man. Dent. n 4. 5 21:: Being angry -The behavior of the guests liad been such as to.justi-; fy the host's -indignation. 23. Into the highways and hedges -This class refers to the:. heathen or the GehtDes. Those firm the :streets and rapes of the citY were poor Jew's, Constrain -:This does not imply, that force was to be used, The pas - 'sage has been so misunderstood as be uobe 1 as , toof that e i to C ) Je 19 q 1 favoneti le lisersecu. gpersecution: ie. - ion' The t, word' -really- means ,;: earnestly -.per-' suede," indicating that, among the Gentiles a miipse earnest, persi'etent kind' of preaching would be neee.e sa~ry- to make. them feel we1eente: Matt, 8. 8.'and 15. 27 illustrate the, timidity: of.the Gentiles who came' to Jesus. ,nne 24. This verso suggests that some of the first guests, who indifferently put off the invitation, may appear laterwhen it will be too late to partake of the supper. A man thinks he has a right to entettaitl a lob of thoughts that world•probably land !him In jail if lie were- to lett them escaj,)c. PIOIIEI!'.it' 1bIIRA,CLE WO 47CIIlitS lfkpn VVho'.Ai sso Jtelped z'pa'vsal`11 Scieltitils, IJlyostigatioa, >Tow many well informed persons intake eVeSie heard of ; Joiili ' lVallter' Willtrn's l ITe dredl d'uidpg �bhe close. Uf;1913, prwctfcally,'unknown;4d rile' world, yvJeid'ia daY a4e'ir da;y is beaar ingi grateful: testiinony'to the: -value of ;lzseless tte74grap+liy Ye'b 1M -wan , •bile firsts map rn Ibe`worlcl to:trams mit tel SI'aphu signals 'itlrroug}i. slraoe 11lany oi: frhe world's great invep- tionsea T bn m the-'dreamo:of one. 'n+ wlro• first dict his part 'toward' the realization of 1± and passed: away. T.hert another 'book alp �t1re. work, and s0 on un!tfl a tnaNter miltd fused lire product:of all into •a lord' ons realization, The Scientific American makes this very' p'ornl in ccrunici ting on the decision' of the. United 'Surges circuit court of ap peals, Heir cls recently answered the question.: W,ho iiivenbed••6he'flyaiig Machine 1: The work of pioneers in air flight is cited and attention directed to' the fact tlra'l-ancl-this is the pivot- teL point of aLecess--dhe Weights were 'the first to recognize the ne- cessity of, lining the vertical rudder in connection with the wing -warp - Mg mechanism, in order to prevent the skidding of the aeroplane in straightaway flight. "Slight as that discovery seems, it made success possible where only failure was encountered before, This is the history, of many other inventions. Morse; Bell, • Fulton and the rest, all of tthem seized the abandoned devices of their prede- cessors and corrrbined them into cmnrnerciel- operative inventions. To the world at •l --urge it seems but a little thing to-etep in'tllis manner from failure tv success; yet only a number mind succeeds in grasping the true relation of a dozen niechali• ical devices, hitherto uncombined,' and in uniting 'there in some bril- liant invention for which' the world is immeasurably richer," ' This is true of wireless -telegraphy and wireles'stelepbony, without, any disparagement of the splendid geni- us of Marconi, and the case of John Walker Wilkins, dead in :England at the age of 80, well illustra'tee :the general proposition. When Wilkins was only 18 years old he was up pointed superintendent of •the Northampton and Petersbor•ongh telegraphs,,: So capable was he that a few month's later he was 'made superintendent of the lines, which had been extended from :hull to Flee'tweacl and from Rugby to New- castle. It was at this time that he experi- mented -With induction telegraphy and succeeded in sending Measages from One wire to another 120.feet- away. It is true 'that iris system hacl nothing to do With wireless telegraphy as we know it, in which Hertzian waves are employed, but it did mtu•k the first attempt at' space telegraphy, and he did de- monstrate that such a:n achievement wee possible. Many men hare worked illi the proposition since, and the Italian piaster, has brought it to its pre- sent wonderful :efficiency, just as the Wrights :have done in eidelug the problem of air flight, Hari Wil- kins eon•binned his 'work who knows to what 0 stage he might have bre-ligh't it 'l h3ub, unfortunately, he ceased his activities in telegraphy shortly after visiting the United States in 1951; and turned to en- gineel'ing work. And yet in that first demonstration, as his signals flashed through the 120 feet of space that intervened 'between the two wig' -es;' he might have vaguely glimpsed ;the magnificent future of which his experiment 100s only an humble e.arniest t WI't`t'JI i)0C"('OltS STIId, 31 I.E.t' The. Magic Roe 1'sed ase Wails of Punishment. P. Amaury Talbot of the Nigerian polibrcal service, who has traveled much through Africa studying the various tribes, salts the ibibios, na- tives of ,southern Nigeria, who are of shah a low type that :they are called "lined -fish," rank among the inose ancient of southern Nigerian tribes and speak different dialects of a very old and primiitve 'tongue. Witch . doctors dominate the 'life of the race. As a protection against .farm thefts certain spells are recited, over the long hoe used for breaking• tip the ground and a "medicine' poured over it; after which it is given back to its owner to be hung up in some conspicuous place on •tire plantation. No sooner does the thief creep over the boun'd- 1i1:y than the,m,wgie 1100. springs `to his hand. Uncousoi^onsli his fingers clasp t'hemselvea around the haft. He is bent down by a power there is 110 resisting and finds himself fu'.s'eed against his .;will to hoe and hoe. Not 'for a moment can he pause' r Iibeu his back, 1 soler even to straighten ., as a sing•+l.e weed remains on the farm, 0 single yam needs 'banking' or a single chid would be the better for breaking. 5o must die d). g long evil -doer contiaiue• to work for the Faun he, had intended to rob. Only when the owner arrives, and should he. wish ;yo, can the magic dace be released, I1318 not said .whether bho'magic bas ever worked. • Quaint burial :cti,etome prevail, Oiler s13vasW7e S.I rtftne<l at the 1calh of a. thief and buried with UntilA rolitbited•by the gpv-• erment ddltiefs•we're, buried :i!:l'their hooses with eta'ange annuli and sac- rifiee. .A burial chamber wa_is pre- pared underneath dne of the tulles and in. this ithe chief's body was r p]aoedl. I iS boob loved wife •incl. tiro ,of. the lno�st beautiful of lois' erases entered the room and seated ;themselves it a table opposite their. lord. A:lies' some eercmonial all bub titre Women witltda•eww, the chamber was seailed' up and ,the unfortunate women were left :to a lingering death, A woman has faith to believe that she has faith. - 1 aster s cunellt- is' is goo E. PANAMA CANAL TOLLS A Bitterly Contested Legislative Struggle Con- fronts President Wilson's Administration A de'spatels from -Washington says: Line weree Lines sharply drawn w it,r the opening of the most bitter'ly contested legislative struggle that has confronted President Wilson's. Administration -the fight to repeal the law giving American coast -wine. ships free passage through the Pa- nama Canal. For the iirsttime since .the :Democratic Adrninisbi'ation 'took charge of the Government Ad- ministration, lenders found a Wong, resourceful and determined element/within the party -opposed to a,poli:cy which President Wilson had personally espoused, Personal convictions on the question have pisactically obliterated party lines. This political situation, with the international character of the ques- tion involved, and the stress the President has placed upon his posi- tion as necessary to the successful conduct oi' bile Administration's foreign policy, combined to make up a situation fraught with compli- cations. Aligned against the Presi- dent's demand for the repeal are the tlu•ee leaders of the parties in the House, Rep. Underwood, of the Democrauts; Rep. Mann, of the Re' publicamrs, and Rep. :f3urcloek, of the Progress'ivee. Wings of all three parties are behind these lead - It was generally believed that majority leaderUnderwood and other :Democrats, while 'speaking against the hill and voting against it, would not attempt to organize any extended opposition, or resorb to obstructive tactics to prevent the passage of the bill. The supporters of the President are prepared to argue that the ex- emp'tion of American, ships from canal tolls is a violation of the Hay- Pauncefote Treaty ; that it is a form of. sa'bsi2ly to special interests, and the repeal is essential in order that the President may carry out his foreign policy. On the other hand,. the: opponents of the .hill will de- clare that American shipping needs the .free use of the eluvial, that trans- continental railroads fear the com- petition of free American ships, and that to repeal the free toile section would be "truckling to Great Brit- ain without exhausting diplomatic negotiations." CHRISTIAN KID CE EALING New Yolk Legislature Places Healing on Same Level as fieclicai Practice A despatch from Albany, N.Y.; says: The. McClellan -Thorn Bill, passed by the State Legislature by a vote of 79 to 50, lc alines the prac lice of Christian Science healing and places it on li level villi ordi- nary medical science. Commenting on the bill, which makes 'it possible fur a patient to have recourse to mind cure without running contrary. to the State, nnetlie cal law, James F. Lord, a son-in- law of Thomas F. Lawsou, of. lies - t011,• and Robert 5, Foss, .who have been in Albany .in favor of the bill, issued a statement deekeing that the passage of the hill by the Legis- lature has. enabled New York tu, take her rightful, place among other progressire states in protecting by State law the medical as well as the. religious rights cif -their citizens." `For centuries;" they said, "medical systems have been dosing the body with .,drugs and at the Dame time adrriinistcring despair to the mind, expecting thereby to ,ef- fect permanent cares. Body is not first and the mind secondary. Mrs. Eddy's great discovery, that it the human mind that rnakes sick and the Divine nand 'that makes well IS gradually 1 eeeiving the re- cognition it deserves, es, "The i,IcClellan - Thorn Bill amends .the medical law so the peo- ple of the State may resort to Christian Science for help without violating, 111 any way the provisions of the Medical Practice Act." [1E MEANT WELL. . A'hat Traveller Received for Ten- dering it 11(1Ie Assistance. Englirlr cyclists travelling alone on the Continent have many- queer experiences says a contributor -bo the Boston Traveller. One of totem it tells. . A y0U04 man who w'1r5 bicycling in. southern Frailer was pushing his machine up a steep hill. when fie overtook a peasant with a donkey cart who was making but little pro- gress, although the donkey was do- ing his beat. The, benevolent cyclist, putting his left ha'ncl against the back ,of the cart and guiding his machine with t'ho other, pueherl so hard that the donkey, taking fre.sli eouiage, pull- ed his lead illi to the top success- fully. The summit reached. the peasant burst into thanks to his benefactor. "lt was very f;cud of you, indeed, monsieur, he protested. "Ishonlcf never in the world have gof lm the hill with only one. donkey." man,", bottle. • .n r Headaches Here's the Reason and the Crn'e Most'peoplo at some time or another suffer from headaches -disordered stomach,liver or bowels is the cause -any one can be cured -one woman says: Chamberlain's Tablets did more for me than. I ever ,• dared hope for--curedheadaches-biliousness-and toned lip my whole system -1 feel like a new we. - No ease too hard for these little red health restorers. 25c. a Druggists and Dealers, or by Mail CI)amberlain Medicine Company, $pronto, b 10 p THIS IS A STORE DEPENDABLE VALUES A. store that keeps 111 touch with the constantly it cllangchanginglc.v,e 1y styles. 3les. same goods , ' s those s • ]l.' the. u a, los, ..old' in stole that sells A� the better. stores all over the country , is e. 1 .' � 1' 21 a5 ANY Y And sells them, at is ow prices s riN STORE CAN. 1. r . ) Everything we she« 5e. cancanclepe;ncled 't115c.11 to BBI exactly what we tell ;i-ou it nTiHolders 'at c e.. This is so from Tie o s alllalt r to Diamonds. And it platters 01011 whit you 11"ay, require. nor when,: if it belongs to a Jewelry stock, its here. Prove these things any ti1leoeLlbion arises, Counter .t>~'VVELE R and ISSUER C t , �5 IVIAIZ;ZIA c q� I, CItisI . • r;IFIC I.OMES.EZI E.fitS'I E X C,U.R SI.O N'S TO ' MANITOBA,ALBERTA ' SASKA'T'HEWAN ^ EaclkTaesd&y March 2-1•0 October 27, Inclusive. -Winnipeg and Return - $35 00 Edrnoh on 11 , a '-� ".06..: t urn: ' 43 ad Ret $rem -Toronto, and Ste tions Weat and •'' North or Toronto. Pro or titillate tare's from Siuttons LanCot Pon,io. Return -Limit two Waits. REDUCED SE1'TLERS'i1'ARESI (ONE-WAY SOEGND CLASS) RAGS.'T,UESDAY;;.SMRCii ANO. APRIL 5.•ttr f liveliin :wiit live afoa1 d eticoteshould take Skil 7LENS'SPJGtAL IRAINh h leaven west Toronto' each Tuer rduring- ; and' APRs. .' after arrival regular0x,20 Da'train from loronto"'.Union .5lattpn.• 'Settlers rind families without live stock should am REGULAR TRAINS, I'eavIeti Toronto 10.20 p;16. DAILY. -Through'' • Colonist and Tourist Sleepers., Through, t a of nd e8 ruin Toronto nntn to 4i West. dgo• ALL.TsAI Nn enlarge for nth&- L' . ' Particulars from Caund{'nn Pacific Agents or wriile hi. G, hint -pity, Tl. .A., Toronto .NO,t L I'soi sslon;il' Nuel':"What,•did •Miss Petite do h henvyou kissed:Tier 1' • Ted: "Sime told' nie to ealll on Fri- , day hereafter,bee tune, that was (amateur's night-," :,,.•�.'-tel it - i°,. ` Tagets91': WILL BREAK A 'COLD IN:... ONE NIGHT 25 OENTS Your money book if they dotli'tt at • • • THE REXALL STORE W. S. R. HOLMES, Phm.6, C ORDERS for Coal may be left at It. ltowlund's Hardware Store, or at my olllce In i1. Willse's Grocery Store. HOUSE PHONE 12 OFFICE PI[ONE 140 A. J. HOLLOWAY BUSINESS AND~ SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Yibke Y, M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd, Catalogue free. Enter any time. J, W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal • CharteredIccountaut 17 Vice-lnincipzl CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT, BECOME .a, specialist in Business. It effete. more opportunities than any other. calling. To reap the fall measime of suedes you must Lave the best possible train- ing. This is Ontario s "Bes6 Business School; We give in- dividual attention- Yon .irray enter our classes at any time, Departments. epa.rtinen,ts - - Coin, mercia),• Shorthand and Tele- graphy. Write at once for our free catalogue. D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. GOA A HO'MESE1IKERS' E)i,Ct1RSIONS. 7.'e. Maanitoha, Alberta, Saskatohe- vvan. Each Tuesday, 1VI•arch,3^rd to Octe.her 27th, 7cl i• 'e rat., r n it ue v v Ch sago, St: .l'aul . or Duluth WINNIPEG AND RETURN $.25,00 ED7LONTON AND'RETURN $48.00 Frain 'Toronto andeitatrons North aaclWest Toronto", Pro trtion - ate ]ow faces from stattions East of Toronto. Return limit tiro months. • Fell particulars at:Grand Thunk; Ticket Offices, 01 write L" F, :Ilosn- utg, DP.4., Toronto,•C)rit. Jbli Bans. rd & n U o n a� J . £o Sq , • pt w Agent, hone 57: gen, P " "iso i 'r A.' Ci, patt r,, Stat oh Agent, •,'!'Itp•Denragogtio D,eScribed'. • "Ftubb:cr," eiatd . a " "small -boy, "whet''s a ilemagogue,l" - A,,4lemago'gue, tiny ,son is'a'man who can rock ":the beak:himself :and perisdade everybody, that tfrare's a terrible ,etoran: a,t 0).' STUB Y INTEItNATIO21-A.I, LESSON, APRIL 3; i914,' Lesson I i:7h'list's Table !Pant. ,Luke 1 f 77..2 Golden Text, Laic 4.11 to-IdnsiyL'seesszbnalff g%t1ivwe ' tLhloe seelvyenutps'oozft those of CM ;lesson ,f or March 2v The 'review- l'e'sson which has inter-` ycned should not be .permitted to obscure the close relation ' of thought. The account of the -heal- ing of the dropsical 'man on the Sabbath (veeees •1-6) belongs to the longer division of the Gospel' (14.- 1 to 17. 10) devoted to the „second period of the journey of Jesus to Jerusalem. : The whole section is peculiar to Luke. • "Verse 7. A parable -This word has several meanings,. Venally it. was a story told to illustrate a truth. `here it' means a piece. of advice Those that t were • idden-A Phari- see see had invited Jesus and other guests to dine at his .house, The chief seats -According to the Talmud, the middle place on a couch intended for three was the o-orthiest, that on the left the sec- ond in honor, and that on the right tliir'd, Jesus -seems, however, ,to refer to the position of the, couches. 8. A marriage feast -This was a formal dinner where the rank of the guests would be considered. 9. Thou shalt begin with shame to take the lowest place -The displaced guest would have to take the lowest seat because the intermediate places would have been filled in the meantime. The thought expressed by Jesus is found in•Prov. 25. 7. 10. Sit down in the lowest place - Net in order to be promoted before the company, but to allow the host to choose those whom he wishes to honor, 11. For everyone that exalteth himself shall be humbled ; and he that humbleth himself shall bo ex- alted -An utterance several times repeated by Jesus. See Luke 18. 14; Matt. 23. 12. Self-seeking in- vites its own rebuke, while humility and modesty are no 'hindrance to just recognition and _preferment. A.Lesson On True Hospitality. N. He said to him also that had bidden him -The previous discourse was addressed to the 'guests; Jesus now addresses the host, and seems to indicate that there was a selfish motive for his hospitality. Call not thy friends, northy brethren, nor thy kinsmen, nor rich neighbors -The four classes likely to be asked on ordinary social grounds, The tense of the 'verb "call" is present and means rather "do not habitually call." Social invitations ars not condemned, but our hospitality should not end there. 14. Thou shalt be recompensed- Good deeds never fail of their re- ward. The resurrection of the just -Pos- sibly a reference to the doctrine of a double resurrection, first of the just, and later a general resurrec- tion. Compare 1 Cor. 15. 23; 1 'i'hess. 4. 16 ; Rev. 20. 5. 6. 15, Jesus's words. about the resur- rection of the just suggest the king- dom of God, and one guest assumes that he will enjoy -'its benefits. The parable that follows may be intend- ed as a gentle rebuke to his self - complacency. 16. A certain man made a great supper -This parable suggests that many caste less for the kingdom of God and its blessings than they profess to care. Compare this with the parable in Matt. 22, which is in some' respects similar, . but much more severe than this. 17. Sent forth his servant, at snp- per time -This second summons to feasit still prevails in the East. To omit it would be equal to canceling the first invitation . To refuse this second summons would bo consid- ered by the Arabs equivalent to a declaration of war. The summoner here represents God's messengers to his people, especially John the Baptist and `Jesus.' Read Matt, 11. 28-30, Come ; - for all things are now ready-0onhparc with John'e res- sage, Matt, 3:• 2. 18: With one consent= -The people acted ad if they had previously oon- spired together. They all pleaded. that theyy-were too much occupied to come: Bail -this been the ease, they should have excused them- selves when -tile first invitation carte. • 19. Prove -Used in • the old sense of 'try or test, as in our expression, "the exception proves the rube 20. A years immunity from ntili- tary or civil service was granted t a. newly married man. Dent. n 4. 5 21:: Being angry -The behavior of the guests liad been such as to.justi-; fy the host's -indignation. 23. Into the highways and hedges -This class refers to the:. heathen or the GehtDes. Those firm the :streets and rapes of the citY were poor Jew's, Constrain -:This does not imply, that force was to be used, The pas - 'sage has been so misunderstood as be uobe 1 as , toof that e i to C ) Je 19 q 1 favoneti le lisersecu. gpersecution: ie. - ion' The t, word' -really- means ,;: earnestly -.per-' suede," indicating that, among the Gentiles a miipse earnest, persi'etent kind' of preaching would be neee.e sa~ry- to make. them feel we1eente: Matt, 8. 8.'and 15. 27 illustrate the, timidity: of.the Gentiles who came' to Jesus. ,nne 24. This verso suggests that some of the first guests, who indifferently put off the invitation, may appear laterwhen it will be too late to partake of the supper. A man thinks he has a right to entettaitl a lob of thoughts that world•probably land !him In jail if lie were- to lett them escaj,)c. PIOIIEI!'.it' 1bIIRA,CLE WO 47CIIlitS lfkpn VVho'.Ai sso Jtelped z'pa'vsal`11 Scieltitils, IJlyostigatioa, >Tow many well informed persons intake eVeSie heard of ; Joiili ' lVallter' Willtrn's l ITe dredl d'uidpg �bhe close. Uf;1913, prwctfcally,'unknown;4d rile' world, yvJeid'ia daY a4e'ir da;y is beaar ingi grateful: testiinony'to the: -value of ;lzseless tte74grap+liy Ye'b 1M -wan , •bile firsts map rn Ibe`worlcl to:trams mit tel SI'aphu signals 'itlrroug}i. slraoe 11lany oi: frhe world's great invep- tionsea T bn m the-'dreamo:of one. 'n+ wlro• first dict his part 'toward' the realization of 1± and passed: away. T.hert another 'book alp �t1re. work, and s0 on un!tfl a tnaNter miltd fused lire product:of all into •a lord' ons realization, The Scientific American makes this very' p'ornl in ccrunici ting on the decision' of the. United 'Surges circuit court of ap peals, Heir cls recently answered the question.: W,ho iiivenbed••6he'flyaiig Machine 1: The work of pioneers in air flight is cited and attention directed to' the fact tlra'l-ancl-this is the pivot- teL point of aLecess--dhe Weights were 'the first to recognize the ne- cessity of, lining the vertical rudder in connection with the wing -warp - Mg mechanism, in order to prevent the skidding of the aeroplane in straightaway flight. "Slight as that discovery seems, it made success possible where only failure was encountered before, This is the history, of many other inventions. Morse; Bell, • Fulton and the rest, all of tthem seized the abandoned devices of their prede- cessors and corrrbined them into cmnrnerciel- operative inventions. To the world at •l --urge it seems but a little thing to-etep in'tllis manner from failure tv success; yet only a number mind succeeds in grasping the true relation of a dozen niechali• ical devices, hitherto uncombined,' and in uniting 'there in some bril- liant invention for which' the world is immeasurably richer," ' This is true of wireless -telegraphy and wireles'stelepbony, without, any disparagement of the splendid geni- us of Marconi, and the case of John Walker Wilkins, dead in :England at the age of 80, well illustra'tee :the general proposition. When Wilkins was only 18 years old he was up pointed superintendent of •the Northampton and Petersbor•ongh telegraphs,,: So capable was he that a few month's later he was 'made superintendent of the lines, which had been extended from :hull to Flee'tweacl and from Rugby to New- castle. It was at this time that he experi- mented -With induction telegraphy and succeeded in sending Measages from One wire to another 120.feet- away. It is true 'that iris system hacl nothing to do With wireless telegraphy as we know it, in which Hertzian waves are employed, but it did mtu•k the first attempt at' space telegraphy, and he did de- monstrate that such a:n achievement wee possible. Many men hare worked illi the proposition since, and the Italian piaster, has brought it to its pre- sent wonderful :efficiency, just as the Wrights :have done in eidelug the problem of air flight, Hari Wil- kins eon•binned his 'work who knows to what 0 stage he might have bre-ligh't it 'l h3ub, unfortunately, he ceased his activities in telegraphy shortly after visiting the United States in 1951; and turned to en- gineel'ing work. And yet in that first demonstration, as his signals flashed through the 120 feet of space that intervened 'between the two wig' -es;' he might have vaguely glimpsed ;the magnificent future of which his experiment 100s only an humble e.arniest t WI't`t'JI i)0C"('OltS STIId, 31 I.E.t' The. Magic Roe 1'sed ase Wails of Punishment. P. Amaury Talbot of the Nigerian polibrcal service, who has traveled much through Africa studying the various tribes, salts the ibibios, na- tives of ,southern Nigeria, who are of shah a low type that :they are called "lined -fish," rank among the inose ancient of southern Nigerian tribes and speak different dialects of a very old and primiitve 'tongue. Witch . doctors dominate the 'life of the race. As a protection against .farm thefts certain spells are recited, over the long hoe used for breaking• tip the ground and a "medicine' poured over it; after which it is given back to its owner to be hung up in some conspicuous place on •tire plantation. No sooner does the thief creep over the boun'd- 1i1:y than the,m,wgie 1100. springs `to his hand. Uncousoi^onsli his fingers clasp t'hemselvea around the haft. He is bent down by a power there is 110 resisting and finds himself fu'.s'eed against his .;will to hoe and hoe. Not 'for a moment can he pause' r Iibeu his back, 1 soler even to straighten ., as a sing•+l.e weed remains on the farm, 0 single yam needs 'banking' or a single chid would be the better for breaking. 5o must die d). g long evil -doer contiaiue• to work for the Faun he, had intended to rob. Only when the owner arrives, and should he. wish ;yo, can the magic dace be released, I1318 not said .whether bho'magic bas ever worked. • Quaint burial :cti,etome prevail, Oiler s13vasW7e S.I rtftne<l at the 1calh of a. thief and buried with UntilA rolitbited•by the gpv-• erment ddltiefs•we're, buried :i!:l'their hooses with eta'ange annuli and sac- rifiee. .A burial chamber wa_is pre- pared underneath dne of the tulles and in. this ithe chief's body was r p]aoedl. I iS boob loved wife •incl. tiro ,of. the lno�st beautiful of lois' erases entered the room and seated ;themselves it a table opposite their. lord. A:lies' some eercmonial all bub titre Women witltda•eww, the chamber was seailed' up and ,the unfortunate women were left :to a lingering death, A woman has faith to believe that she has faith. - 1 aster s cunellt- is' is goo E. PANAMA CANAL TOLLS A Bitterly Contested Legislative Struggle Con- fronts President Wilson's Administration A de'spatels from -Washington says: Line weree Lines sharply drawn w it,r the opening of the most bitter'ly contested legislative struggle that has confronted President Wilson's. Administration -the fight to repeal the law giving American coast -wine. ships free passage through the Pa- nama Canal. For the iirsttime since .the :Democratic Adrninisbi'ation 'took charge of the Government Ad- ministration, lenders found a Wong, resourceful and determined element/within the party -opposed to a,poli:cy which President Wilson had personally espoused, Personal convictions on the question have pisactically obliterated party lines. This political situation, with the international character of the ques- tion involved, and the stress the President has placed upon his posi- tion as necessary to the successful conduct oi' bile Administration's foreign policy, combined to make up a situation fraught with compli- cations. Aligned against the Presi- dent's demand for the repeal are the tlu•ee leaders of the parties in the House, Rep. Underwood, of the Democrauts; Rep. Mann, of the Re' publicamrs, and Rep. :f3urcloek, of the Progress'ivee. Wings of all three parties are behind these lead - It was generally believed that majority leaderUnderwood and other :Democrats, while 'speaking against the hill and voting against it, would not attempt to organize any extended opposition, or resorb to obstructive tactics to prevent the passage of the bill. The supporters of the President are prepared to argue that the ex- emp'tion of American, ships from canal tolls is a violation of the Hay- Pauncefote Treaty ; that it is a form of. sa'bsi2ly to special interests, and the repeal is essential in order that the President may carry out his foreign policy. On the other hand,. the: opponents of the .hill will de- clare that American shipping needs the .free use of the eluvial, that trans- continental railroads fear the com- petition of free American ships, and that to repeal the free toile section would be "truckling to Great Brit- ain without exhausting diplomatic negotiations." CHRISTIAN KID CE EALING New Yolk Legislature Places Healing on Same Level as fieclicai Practice A despatch from Albany, N.Y.; says: The. McClellan -Thorn Bill, passed by the State Legislature by a vote of 79 to 50, lc alines the prac lice of Christian Science healing and places it on li level villi ordi- nary medical science. Commenting on the bill, which makes 'it possible fur a patient to have recourse to mind cure without running contrary. to the State, nnetlie cal law, James F. Lord, a son-in- law of Thomas F. Lawsou, of. lies - t011,• and Robert 5, Foss, .who have been in Albany .in favor of the bill, issued a statement deekeing that the passage of the hill by the Legis- lature has. enabled New York tu, take her rightful, place among other progressire states in protecting by State law the medical as well as the. religious rights cif -their citizens." `For centuries;" they said, "medical systems have been dosing the body with .,drugs and at the Dame time adrriinistcring despair to the mind, expecting thereby to ,ef- fect permanent cares. Body is not first and the mind secondary. Mrs. Eddy's great discovery, that it the human mind that rnakes sick and the Divine nand 'that makes well IS gradually 1 eeeiving the re- cognition it deserves, es, "The i,IcClellan - Thorn Bill amends .the medical law so the peo- ple of the State may resort to Christian Science for help without violating, 111 any way the provisions of the Medical Practice Act." [1E MEANT WELL. . A'hat Traveller Received for Ten- dering it 11(1Ie Assistance. Englirlr cyclists travelling alone on the Continent have many- queer experiences says a contributor -bo the Boston Traveller. One of totem it tells. . A y0U04 man who w'1r5 bicycling in. southern Frailer was pushing his machine up a steep hill. when fie overtook a peasant with a donkey cart who was making but little pro- gress, although the donkey was do- ing his beat. The, benevolent cyclist, putting his left ha'ncl against the back ,of the cart and guiding his machine with t'ho other, pueherl so hard that the donkey, taking fre.sli eouiage, pull- ed his lead illi to the top success- fully. The summit reached. the peasant burst into thanks to his benefactor. "lt was very f;cud of you, indeed, monsieur, he protested. "Ishonlcf never in the world have gof lm the hill with only one. donkey." man,", bottle. • .n r Headaches Here's the Reason and the Crn'e Most'peoplo at some time or another suffer from headaches -disordered stomach,liver or bowels is the cause -any one can be cured -one woman says: Chamberlain's Tablets did more for me than. I ever ,• dared hope for--curedheadaches-biliousness-and toned lip my whole system -1 feel like a new we. - No ease too hard for these little red health restorers. 25c. a Druggists and Dealers, or by Mail CI)amberlain Medicine Company, $pronto, b 10 p THIS IS A STORE DEPENDABLE VALUES A. store that keeps 111 touch with the constantly it cllangchanginglc.v,e 1y styles. 3les. same goods , ' s those s • ]l.' the. u a, los, ..old' in stole that sells A� the better. stores all over the country , is e. 1 .' � 1' 21 a5 ANY Y And sells them, at is ow prices s riN STORE CAN. 1. r . ) Everything we she« 5e. cancanclepe;ncled 't115c.11 to BBI exactly what we tell ;i-ou it nTiHolders 'at c e.. This is so from Tie o s alllalt r to Diamonds. And it platters 01011 whit you 11"ay, require. nor when,: if it belongs to a Jewelry stock, its here. Prove these things any ti1leoeLlbion arises, Counter .t>~'VVELE R and ISSUER C t , �5 IVIAIZ;ZIA c q� I, CItisI . •