HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-03-26, Page 9teeramseetremermasewareserareeemetwareetrato Clinton News -Record GOOD `INTENTIONS Come only out°t'•Lhe head. (food Shoes come only out ora good ;stet e. We buy good shoes and sell good shoes only, and at reasonable prices,. We deal fairly and square. ly, give everyone the same prices and 'stand back of every pair we sell. CWe study ourbusiness every day` of the week.: We are doing and al- ways will do our level best to please you Next time yon need a, pail. of shoes get ac quainted with this store's werdhandise. FRED. JACKSON Good Shoes for Everybody. New Spring Rags at Special Prices. We have just received our;first shipment of New Rugs' and while they are wonderful values still we are going to offer some Extra Spec- ial Prices during the next two weeks in order to induce early buying. , We have Tapestry Rugs, Velvets and Wilton Rugs and all spec- ially! priced pecially!priced for the next two weeks. E"t: SEE OUR SPECIAL $10.00 RUGS. Also some big values_ili Linoleums and'Lace Curtains. BIGGER VALUES IN BETTER SHOES. .Spring time means Shoe time in most families and "Weare here with the goods" to supply those wants and ata big saving in price to you Don't miss seeing our stock when looking for your next pair. "It will pay you well"; Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits — More Business imememetraimaiestimmeie SEC OLIR 3 Special Windows FOR NEXT WEEK. SOUTH, WINDOW Showing what the Improved Methods of douse Gleaning Necessities will do. NORTH WINDOW Display of the articles we eat ryin Aluminum Ware. CENTRE WINDOW Drelless. Stock Food, Panacea etc, This is the Season of the year to use Jnr best resulte. Just .. r received the cele iMsd, Nste c,5,'wJust, "`ray -,•ver_-lr . •- A good Stock of Sap Buckets and Spiles. HARLANID BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE.' AND NOVELTIES. Don't fail,to cal�'on BALL (Si ATKINSON when looking for anything :f -!sin Furniture as we carry a complete and up-to-date stock of all kinds,comprising many beanttft l and .p g useful articles to suit you and which we are offering at most reesornable prices. Sall & Atkinson and. UNDERTAKERS FURNITURE DEALERS Night and Sunday CaI1s N. BALL, Phone 110. J. A. ATRINSON, Phone 130. This Perfectly Beautiful Design is from the Standard Fashion Sheet for March. •'Don't miss its tither lovely 'advance, designs. Your copy is waiting: for you at our -Standard Pattern Department Free! W. D. FAIR CO., Often the'clreapest-Always the best. i r. Ed. Schoenhals is taking a course in a Stratford college. Mrs. J. J.' McCaughey visited rela- tives in Goderich over Sunday. Mr. Adolphe;., Hooper of Exeter spent Monday with his brother, lir. A. Hooper. Mrs. II. Pennabaker has been spend- ing a fortnight with Mrs. Prout of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Doig,' who have been spending several weeks in Toronto,. are expected ,home today. Cllr. Harry ('atetelon, Toronto, a former well l,nott n citizen of Clin- ton, was in town the past week, Mrs. R. J. Chill of town and Mrs; Geo. 1'Iudic, Godcrich township, are spending a fortnight wills Mr. and Mrs. Phoenix of Hamilton. Postmaster and Mrs. Sines of Blyth visited at 11Irs. Bean's, who ie just recovering alio• a somewhat extended illness, on Tuesday. Mayor Jackson and Good Roads Ford left yesterday for Ottawa, accom- panyieg the mounter deputation which will wait upon the Govern - trent today. Mr. 11. Archibald of Winnipeg, who has been spending the winter in New York City, is the guest of his sister, Mss. Farrar,, for a few days, while returning to his home in the westcr'is metropolis. Mr, A. T. Cooper was in Stratford on business ' Monday and white there attended the Perth County Tonsperartle'coni'ention at which it was decided to ask for vote on the Canada Temperance Act. Mrs. Paul, Mrs: Combe, Mrs. Batten - bury and Miss Potts are represen- tatives from St. Paul's church al the twenty-seventh annual ..meeting oftheHuron Diocesan branch of the. Anglican Church 'being held in London this week. Mr. John E. Sparrow- of Stanley, who, wee' iii town on Saturdaer, drove up a big 1300-poini. Belgian which he *bought up north recently, It certainly was a fine animal, one of ilia best he has owned and Mr. Sparrow is certainly some judge of horse Mr. Wm. Rutledge is about again al most as well as ever after being confined to the house for tcu • days as the result of an accident he iiiet with at the evaporator, Be . fell ten feet and hit the floor with a thud so is 'still mightily thankful he escaped serious iniliry. ' Mr, S. A. Moffat, London, was in town on Monday or busineee and calling upon relatives and old friends. Mr. Moffat is a native of Stanley township and for years owned a fine farm on, the outskirts of Varna whish lie so:d a few years since and retired, not into ed - tired life but into busu ass, taking on the general agency for e big im- plement fires. Of late he; has been travelling representative of aFoe- est City industry which doete not call for so :much driving. Mr. Mof- fat keeps closely in touch with the old hone township and always will anci ;when •time and circumstances permit pays a visit to his. old as- s'oeiates. But there have been many changes around Varna since he 'reit there. M. T,, Cottle represented the local Woodmen at the biennial meeting of the Head C''anap of the Order :, hold. in London last week' and the ban- quet, given 00, the final evening re- minded bins of the last ,function of that 'nature he attended 'in that oity, It was on the ,completion of the London, Huron and Bruce ]tail- way and the business mss of , the. .city being anxious to snake it the wholesale centre for Western On, tario got up a big 'excursion ' 'at. which the business people frolni London to Kineardirei were tine guests, The L., H. Sr, B. ran a spec- ial train and the reify extended its most bounteous hospitality which culminated in a great big hessian!, .1net in the evening that was for many years a topic of 1Jiseussion among those who were present on the 00 - casicn. asie Marc - 2 thht; ,L JUST The new spring Rugs will be passed into stook this. week, New Tapestrys, Brussels, Milton, ;Axminster in the very newest designs and coloring from $8.00 up to $45.00. �d��cs' S�rru ��dts and knits. We are showing a very neat range of Ladies Spring Coats and Sluts. Exclus ive styles, no duplicates, in all the popular colorings. Come" and see our range as often as you please. Specials for- Saturday. Selling Underprice ' ' ` Underskirts and Gloves. • $.5.00 underskirts $3.70. Black silk mo•ey underskirts all sizes, deep flounce, and dust frill, regular $5 00 on on sale Saturdaylat *3.79 . 1412 One dozen in the lot only Ladies black silk waists �e� _ 11 several styles to choose from this isdjust a clearing line S Special Black Sateen Underskirt 79c: '� ��rs forirdquicatynkt selling, sizes 34 to 40, regular $5,00 on sale Sat- RilfOne dozen:only block sateen underskirts, good gibs X13'79' ny finish all sties .worth in the regular way $1.(l, jen'sele Saturday : ' .79 Linoleum 42c Four good ratterns of Scotch Linoleum two yards only, block and floral designs, heavy weigh, worth in the regular way 55c. Saturday priced at.... , , ..:.......42 $5,00 Silk Waists $3.79. Kid Gloves: 89c, i Ladies,kid gloves; in black and tan, all sizes color fit; . and wear guaranteed, er money refunded,,. special price'. for Saturday 89 New Spring Goods at the Men's Store. New Spring Suitings. The new seri nglsuitinge are now in stock ready for your inspec-, tion, worsted and tweed suit ings that' are sure to please the eye, browns, greys, blacks and blues, made to your, measure in the very • latest style your fit and our workmanship guaranteed, prices run I from $22.00 tap. New Spring Hats For Men. Men and boys new`spring hats in all 'the newest shapes now in stock, blacks, blues, greys, browns, fawns etc. If you want Khat you will be sure of getting just what you want here. .% Personals 1(1r, 111. J. Tozer was in Toronto on business Monday and 'Tuesday. Mr.Gordont r C 1 41Ic(ire'or accountant regor, a Royal Bank, was ir, 1•orontq yester- dtiy. Mrs. atev,) Rutledge has returned from Sarna ehcre she visited, her daughter. 11Ir. J. C. Mchlath underwent a slight operation in the local' hos pital this week. Postmaster Scott is again able to be on duty the whole community, will be pleased to hear. Mrs. Win. Cantelon eeeeset a few days at the mil of last week with. her daughter in Mitchell Rev. Mr. I-Iager of Godcrich while in town over the week -end was the guest of Rev. J. Greene. Dr, Woods and Mrs. Woods, Bayfield, were ,in town Tuesday. The , Dr. ,as- sisLed in an operation in the hos- plink. Mr. John Rathwell of Hensel!, who had been _visiting friends in McKil- lop and elsewhere, was in Clinton 011 Thursday last: Mrs, W. J. Geddes of Belgrave and Ger brother, Phillip Mckenzie of North Dtikot t visited Mrs T. E. Seville 15s1 week. Miss .Jessie ,Ford of Godericls' was in• town on Friday and, accompanied by' her ;ester Miss Kate, went to London in the afternoon where they spelt the week -end. • Wedded on Wednesday. A eery pretty wedding took place on Wednesday of this week at the 1some of Mrs. 111, Clew of Hullett township, when hen daughter Jennie was united in marriage to Mr. sEd- ward G. Williams,'manager of the llolmesville cheese and °butter factory. The ceremony, which was performed by acv. .J. C. Potts, rector of St. Paul's church, Clinton, was -witnessed by over two erne invited guests. . ,_ Mies Acldie Glees ` was bridesmaid and Mr CI eorge L• aitliwaite-grooms- Mr. and lbIrs. Williams left on the three o'clock train from Clinton for a honeymoon trip to Blufero and other points and on their' return' twill. reside in I-Iolmesville. 'f lrey are a pop(ilar . young couplet and will have tine very best wishes of A host of friends, including tlseNews- Record,r Constance` Mi'. Wm. McIntosh has sold his house and lot' to Mr. James AJann Sr. who genas possession the first of May.; Mr. McIntosh has' flit: the present rentctd Mr. .Davi'd Milson's vacant house. Rev. C. 0. Kane of Gran ;on will preach here 'next Sunday afternoon at the natal hour.: Hullett Township Little l'Iiss Coliette, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Rickard Brennan of Ilse 4th ecs . dies t s l on Tuesday night after ;iS ill 1 an Blume of a couple of weeks. The funeral takes place today to St. Jo- seph's cemetery. A former resident of Hullett passed away at 13u0'a'o on Marcie 911 in the person of .Jessie 'l'honpsop, relict of the rate Mr. Archibald C'adzow, who at oise time resided on the 1311s con- cession of Hullette anis 1tlso for some tine insisted in Clinton, then going 16:Buffalo tolire where some of;. their fancily Were living. The de- ceased and her late husband were among the early settlers, being Iseld in the. \•ct'y highest esteem. Those lefts to mourn the loss of a kind mouser are four sons and as many daughters, also sisters and brothers: Mrs: G. I-Iamilton of Hullett, Mrs: Watt and the Misses Thompson of Clinton are sisters of, the deceased. The remains were brought to Lon- desboro statins and tlsence to Burns' cemetery. The deceased was aged 75 years. The funeral 'was attended by many relatives incl friends. Some beautiful floral tributes 'accompanied ilia tcniahis 'a from u o t Buffalo. 10. • Constance Many . from this part will attend. the big Horse Show in C'llin1.3n on Thursday' next. Mr. George Dale Ji. has reeled his The News From Londesboro Wes. 1 u,. Brsbn a ,h has moved the the woodshed from his house in the village -to his faun where he will tISe it as a driving shed. The regular meeting of the Women's Instit(tte'will be held next Thursday afternocn in the F"orester's hall ehen Mrs. b', Jobnstc11 will have charge of the programme :The ladies are all cordially invited to attend:. Mrs,. Geo. Lyon has rented Mr. Wm. Brigltans's house and will move to it shortly. Mr. J. 1t'. Cartwright has put in a quantity 1 ty of ice at the Temperance House. Mr. Jas. Caldwell is confined to the house through illness but we pope for a.speedy recovery. A quantity of this year's maple syrup has been sold in the village this week. John Brunsdon Sons received two cars of maeh'nery this week, one at Blyth and one here. This by no means constitutes their season's sal - 05. Hullett Happenings There was a large . wood bee held in Mr. John lIessclwaod's bush last Friday afternoon. About twenty men were present and they cut forty cords of wood, Mr. J. Ilciseelnyood and Mr. Dale furnished some. music after tea and the rest of the evening was spent us card playing. Art pret&nt say they- lead a very pleasant time. Mr, and Mrs ('has llog ar t were helping Mr. Wm. Addison to move to Mr. John Alini's faros last week.: Miss 13iIIa Maras ss visiting' at Mrs. Samuel Applclby's. ' Mr. Wm. Addlsos has moved to the _Allen farm. • farm to Dl's brothers-in-law, Jaynes and John Carter. Mr. and Mrs. George Dale and fans- i1y intend leaving next week f r fent- . A Varna Wedding. :C quiet wedding n took ,place on Wed- nesday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Williams Clark of Varna when their daughter, -Emily, wan 00. iced in the holy bonds of :matrimony; with Mr.-P.obert Samuel Evans of Corinth,: .• • The ceremony was, performed - by; Rev. R. A. Miller of Putnan, assisted by Rev D. Johnstone of Varna, ,.The bride entered• the parlor lean Ing on the arm eir her father • while her si dten,' Miss Florence, played . the wedding: march. She was unattended. The bride wore 'a very handsome'. gown of champagne marguerite over corn colored taffeta trimmed with chantilly lace arta blue girdle with slippers to match. She carried • a shower boquct of bridal roses a,nd fern leaves. The groom's gift to his bride was a substantial cheque:: After congratulations ' and good. wishes. had been extended and the, Wedding luncheon partaken -of- Mr. and labs, Evans left for ae honeymoon trip, to New i ells .unci other points, east before pGoceed'rng to their 'Bonne at Corinth, Sask. a lay happiness always attend theist, Miss Minna Robertson, teaches' 'at Constariee, spent Saturday and Sen - day wlth Misses Carter and MaeRcn- zie. Mr. -Wm. Crittenden has moved from James Fairsclrviee's house. Mr. Johrr (lar•twright i•as Sohl his farm to his brother Amos. John in- tends moving into the Teiperance House 'at Lcndesboro.' Hesselwood Bros had a very sue- cessftil wood bee last Friday. itIr. Frank; 1VIeCasighey of 'Clinton. spelub Susuiay with friends on the 4th 5011. Are you a News-lIccor'd Subscriber ? SPRING 3HOfgjYftS Ladies will welcome the refinement of style in the shoes we are showing this season. STOCK Our stock is constantly being improved, and includes the latest noveltiesin high and low cuts, honest inside and out, all styles and sizes. ILEATHER FIT and workmanship are the very best— no better to be had anywhere and the fit isjust as perfect as thcugh you had � p g. a standing last at your' shoe maker's. 'SEE THE NEW SHAPES NO IN OUR wiNllo S A A N• •1?lEorrE 70: