HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-03-26, Page 8' ''"717,7757777.77,: "41.144.444.441.14•4•4.44.4s- • 1.1'110. tleople fl1 Gie BeS Judge , 1,114311i 'ilkftio lOnti 11.11Y 011,110kt., -1.11111S ' COMMERCE:OF THE DOMINION For Eleven Months of Fiscal Year the Total Trade Was Over a Billion ,Dollars A despatch OM Ottawa •sayst An eleven nionths' *tide 1)1 well over a billion dollars is shawn in a state- ment issued by Hon, J. D. Reid, . 'Minister of Oustom.s. The. 'state- ment 'indicates, a. steady expansion of the •commeree, of the Dominion, ,notwithstanding a 'long ported of• ' • money stringeney. For the • eleven Months•of the fiscal year, that ie ho the. end ‹.),E laSt month', the total trade of - Canada.amounted Ito $1.019,685,000, as against $962,51 1,- - 000 for the corresponding period of the previous 'fiscal year. The ex- - 'ports of domestic products amounts • ed in value to $401,887000, the im- ports amounting • to $565:,247,000. Exports of domestic 4)re(Riets in .the corresponding period of the pre- vious fiscal year were $320,870,000, showing an increase 4n. the present year of $84,0b8,000. .Last month's exports totalled $20,554,000, including: matnifactur- ed gooda, 4674,000; agricultural produce, $5,008,000; animals and their pre'duce, $3,427,000: The ,3X- pertS ;finder these heads in the eame period 11 year ago were: thanufa,c- Dire() pods, $a,050,000; agricultur- al produce, $7,M5,000; animals and their prodfice,=. 42,861,000. It will be seen that eubstantial inerea,ses took place in the exports of manu- factured goods and of animals' and their, produce; while the exports ofe agriculthral preduee decreased. . .• , TOE. NEWS IN A,PARAGRAPH eapital of China to amend the Re. •publican .comAitution.: - - • • . The Swedish steamer Torhild hae — . • foundered off .the. Spanish coast with RAPP .,NIN (I 8 FROM ALL OVER, a loss of ben lives. The Torhild was . built in 1877. THE GLOBE IN A -4, NUTSHELL. COAL MONOPOLY ATTACKED. • ' Snits Lan nehed A gainst Several Canada, the Empire and the World Carriers in (Voris. In General Before Your Canada. • ' Cy 1Varmarf, the C,anadiaii author V. d poet, is seriously Chicago,. Gananuque has deelined tre accept 14 (m.rnegie library, • Dr. A. L. McLaren, Ilee*,•e of lage of Point Edward, is dead, aged. 06 years. Wiliam Petersen former Minister of Oust 03110. didat Nt- tu'. in his 75t1t yeat•. A.fajor Stephens, mayoiltilly • d a te 1 11(..5eit real. favors Sunday voting, as,they have in,Switzerland, .Desaittelles of Montreal, who had his back brot;en in an auto "joyride- accident .041 March 8, is dead. .Applic:attion has been amide to the eourts lo restrain 11:4.11nont0n City C'ounci I from publishing a 'municipal journal. A sheriff ltas taken possession of the residence of j. N. !Dow, et :Ham- ilton, fie; failure to pay ..allinerty to his wife, A. Z. unseated as .Mayor of C.ehalt because lin held a mining eontract, we re-elected by len votes over Di., Armstrong. , Great Britaip. . I -fon, A. J. :Balfour was struck in the 1041' by 11 Stone thrown' by 'a bN' at Nice. United States. A report; te Washitigtm slates that, S. Benton WitS ht ilbli(lC1 to (leath in. Gen, Villa's office at Juar- ez, and the body mutilated and in- - toned in Juarez, G en era I • W. 13. G0111.03 I) 36 be 011 01041,ffd 1, resit:Tont of Brazil. The South African ,Senate passed llic Strike indemnity Bill, no -o. A great conflagration at 'Varna, 'Bulgaria, resulted from a fire in a spirits factory. • 1110 asserte•cl that W. S. )1411 1011 441114 slabbed to death in a q arre with General Villa. Queen Eleanor of 'Bulgaria and suite 14111.1 ISib thc 'United States • and probably Canada during May, A convention has opettect in the , • A despatch from New York says: A suit to break the Lehigh Valley Railroad's alleged anthracite coal monopoly was begun by the Gov- ernment:in the 'United States trict Court in this city on Thurs- day. In a petition filed by Freder- ick R. Colideet, Special Assistant, Attorney -General, the Lehigh, its directors and subsidiary companies nre aCCUSed ,c1.1! violating the Inter- state Commerce. and the Sherman law. 'An injunction to prevent them 'I rum . fur the r 3n7 St raining, monopolizing or attempting to monopolize trade and commerce 111 anthracite coal" is soug1if, and the Government also asks that the rail- road company be enjuined From car- rying coal in which it has an in.. terest. it is a dissolution which, if won by flie Go % ernment, will com- pel •the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company to disassociate itself from coal companies, which, 'according to the petition, it controls. Similar Suits against the Lacka- wanna. and Reading Railroads are well under way, and it is expected that other coal earriers will be sued in .consequence of a general decree of the Supreme Court that each group against 'which monopoly is .charged should.. be preceded 'against separately. • 'PREFElLWED EA 'I'll $ENTENCE Dramatic Scene at Murder Trial. in New "York:, A despatch reln .NeW York says : A, 'dramatic scene ocenrred •ab the trial of Harry Schaeffer. 19 years old, cl rge d with mu ode ri g Wil - lia at G. Martin, a Toronto on August 11, :19.13. Stistice Davis in the criminal branch al the Crimi- nal 4101) (11141141(1 the trial. Crushed by the ebarge,against their eon,hi mother and father Rat be- side the youth and •tearEully begged him to plead guilty te murder in the •second degree, that his life ale least might be spared. • ' Schaeffer broke' deem and wePt, but he obstinately refused to arieede to the inmertunitieS of his pa‘rents. "I would rather go to the •eleetrie chair than spend twenty years in 01,18 6.0 3-0111;11f131 prison- er'S truewee to all argunients. Ten Made 111, Two of Have Since Died From Effects A despateli from Reveleloke, 13. C., says: Provincial Constable Bothwell lias just, returned to Weal with the bodies of two victims of it tragedy which eactirred at Mitlakwit, near here, • ft appears that ein Fri- day night liquor was Purchased in Revelstoke Mahtlewa man for co uslitnidicin rtFit dance at, Malalewa 01) 8ak111tlay. AI, 31 105111.1 Of Pf201,0kIng 1E 1/1115 honor, len guests al, the dance were' ( taken, ill during Sunday and Mon- day, and two. a, Pita Vied man named Labeau. of Maltikwa, and Olaf 1011- 0 0)1, 41 laborer, died on Monday in terrible agony. Others, including 'Pat Labeau, Inothel: of cmc'of 1140 deceased, were very seriously ill, but 0.10 14044 recovering. • Constable Bothwell holds he- bottle con taining a small q Mtn t ily, of tlie 1114400r. which will be prodimed at the in- quest. • ' • ,, 11, / " 301)moncy Sack 1.1 Girt (Milo/ 4 Rheumatism ' -1,V101) the ICidileys fail 10 do their tvo'rk of 11istil:1,811q41 . 1 he mic tient from Me 130415, 110 rcial I t is rhtiminlitill. ' 00411111e Kidneys resnnic this work in a itithanil health ' way, no cure 45 104149)10., G ' in. Pilis entre rheumatism gide]; ly smiler nil time beeattst they 140 the most perfect Kidney einrective tver discovered. From all Draggiste, so cis, per box, 6 for $2,80 oe dived from 181 , . Wens, Dug and 1101144 0,,, if Canada Limited, . Towle ' The I -ate Hon. vviliiam 'Patterson. MAR TWAIN ANI) WHISTLER. Howthc ArW tist as "Taken In" "By the Great Humorist. Ono time Mark Twain met James Ir•eNeil Whistler, the .artist. A Vend having -warned the huinorist that the painter was a confirmed joker, Mark io1emn.ly averred that he would get. the bettee of'Wbiatlel. should' the latter attenipt funny 'business.", SO when. the two had been introduced, which event took place in Whistler's studio, Twain, assuming the air of hopeless stupidity, approached a just .00111, pieted painting, and said, "Not at all had, Mr. .Whistier ; not at all had. Only,'.' lie added, .reflectively, With a mo•tion as if to rub out a. cloud efft;ct, "if 1 'Were You I'd de" away with that timid."' "Great heavens ,sir 1" exclaimed Whistler, almost beside himself, "Be care- ful and don't touch that ; the paint is not ,dry yet." "Oh, I don't mincl that," replied Mark, with an air of perfect nonchalance, "I'm wearing gloves." WHERE SEVERAL •••:, 44 • , • 31014ATO!i.,',111):0,-tr.s..330$3/9.fac'1. 84motated Llueral leadel in the'Seinito, 1,1 succession . to tho late -Sir George '1V; fir,vONS11111tfl 1,111ILARY SOLD. Lack of Funds Prevents.British Mu- seum From Snoring It. Lendon, March 18. - 'Messrs. Sotheby announced this • evening. tha1 they were authorized to state that the Duke of Devonshire, .t`in order to meet. the heavy burden im- posed by the death dutiet, has sold 14:011)15)11. :OA -ion of rat7; CO71- sisting of the Caxtoni and the I acerd- ble collection of plya." There has been ling . and eager competithm among"- Englishmen, Americans and Germans to Possess the library. Each new offer was promptly cclipsedshufil Henry E. Huntington made a, bid. which ended the contest. The -British Museum Officials'inade great efforts to obtain the.' libiary for the museum, but wpm` compelled tie refire from -the :eshb early, owing to lack of money. It is said that /the Germans stayed in the fight:longer than any British bidder, • •,' Fire destroyed the 300,040 -bushel elevator of the, -Pioneer Grain Oo. at Magrath Harbor. LIVES WERE LOST. Ifiooking Dowit Leto the Rai ns of lbe 1Vtioilhine 'HUG& FIVE VICTIMS OF IIOTE 1 FIRE. The 'toll 01' Death in the Disastrous Blaze. of Last IVeek. A despatch froin Teronto says With the finding of two more bodies in the ruins of the Woodbine Relei the tolrof death has been brought to five. The" disdovery enade also0100)4'!0100)4'!(s 'that :1:orrie. ' the identifica, tions made earlier iA the" lrf-ee:k were incorrect, and as. it• result the"'hoIly- of a Man supposed to be Max.Colien was sent to Nev `York, 'while, 115 41 matter ,ef feet, the real ivlax Cohen wag only found Friday afternoon. 'Five bodies have so far been found, four of which have been positively identified as those of Frederick Lev- inson, Max C ellen, 110111 (41 New York, Charlee \Meet, ,of Belle- ville, and joint A. Graham, of Lun- de:0, Ont, the fifth limn 18 ±11111,410± he ±0411111 out, but may. be Charles Thurtton, of linffale. 11 was after a gang -of 31)4111' 15)11 been workinur:th g for hos at the -two hodtes were 104)1411.They. ‚1414110 13' side by side', true man having his arm, locked around • the leg of the. 141114411,• These two-Avere Cohen and Levinson, who hal) hem) rectin-' mg•together at the hotel, and w116, according le tlie story oh. George ce wile was with 1110)11 1') their 1.00 0(1 the night of the fire, ,wlere lett bellied when he Made ibi8 es- cape. A. few, feet from •the• bedies.ef' the Men the, 1144)1101110 of Pet ('-ttk Wri ere' fend 511(1j,s,-.;t1roi.igAt 11)111 '41141 1111))) 1'101 111141 145,4 145 41 4 a ,t;fieitipt ....airiMaf. ' 11311IIIGRAilOIN RETURNS: Bulk of Inrush • 114 From (he British 1141404., desPal.ch from 01•Lawa 5aY5, The .tatal immigratioe to Canada ,during' the 11. months, April to Feb- ruary, of the Current year, ‚141110363,038, 14115,110 up 11 130,65)0 British, 95,406 •Allie:mrart, and '1 28,923 from all other cetnibries. • During the ;corresponding :11 months of last" :Oseal „year, the total number was 357431,, composed of 133.7.1t Brild•S.11, .124,398 'Amerleaxi, and 09..2P41 from'all other 001in tries. rilP. increase Pm! cont. 9.YEAR-0111) BOY DROWN,ED. W'1144 Pushed •Litio: the River While . :IA despatch frnin :Toronto says: \Alio playing: on the banIg.• Of ,the Humber, new.' flOwland'S grist, (mil h wit, severli al e, biz. companions, Harold, Mal:hers, ty4.. nine-year-old son efMr: :Fe:Heal et) ers, plasterer, o.E Larnbton 'Was aceidentally Pushed 1460 'the and drowned. Mere is a 3,trung current •et this 1101)1±, 111111 11 is 'feared that his little body 1053' have rn been 'caried dow the river b Ole W ice jam at 'Blom' SCrect. DIDN'T E. N 0 II' 'TIVA S :LOA 111111). B -- ey Disehargeil Ono and the Bullet Struck 11 is Sister. .1\ despatch 11141141C001911 says: A. shooting accident occurred at the home Wm. Anderson, near Camp- beilville, -when Annie Anderson, a girl .ntie, years ,of age, had .a 11141'- 14)0' -escape :froin ,cleath. John 'An- derson; her brother, was engaged 'in cleaniitg a rifle, when his, sister Annie -came from .ecbool. The young 111110 was liot- aware .1.1111.1; the gun 1," Rtilded and dm:inns:a the:, trig- ger: An explosion followed, tile bullet striking the girl in. the neck, just below the. base of the skull. She 18 in a .cri•tical condition and is partially paralyzed. - I: EBn (() l' ED $.10,000 111 LL. 11401 eelltessenger's Pocket Since it Stolen in 11)12. cle A spabeh from Havana. says: the eecret police found a $10,000 hill.80wit in the coat of Antonio Ayala, t.IM • bank" enesseriger Who was convicted of stealing a register- ed letter, Which reaClied the Nation- . • hi Park Eank of 'New• 'with a suga,r report inad steof. the 2,00,000 sent 1)3' the Na.tional ,Bank o Cuba. WilA 001011411', 1912; This ac- counts kir SLX the twenty $10,- 000 bills )vItiell were. stolen fropi :the letter at that time. The :Police have Leen se:it:el:Mg fo•i: the 1040)113' 00041 since,',a11Z1re ,p011fit.1 hjla giqy '41,01111001) 1l.51(ll1J10 )e,L 01 11 •;;., '" IfOUNi) DliAl) AFT Ell I) t: (KING -- I)e-Cohl Caused "Death 9I 01- a • wit • 3( a . A. despite:11 front Prescott says Charles j, 3:1)3.104 of, Ottawa was 105411(1 dead in his room in the Alek.- aadra • Ho.tel here. ' He Wa5 esn. pl•oyed is engineer by a flint. oE . , tractors who are making alterations to the Government, 51(400104.'BaY-• field, in winter'quarters.here, While at work he fell into :the ice-eold water. Coining to :the hotel,' 'hp' Changed 'hie wet clothes an#.iteitiredi to ins robin, where he. ,wa5. fnund. dead. He was a nephew „of. Mr Allah Prescott,: be-,: liMged to a very pioffitnent lif,e'd'five. eavee a Wife :and sinal1ehil.. :di:m:1," The hOdy;Was forivarded, to. OttaWa'for ; john Swanwick,, London loam, ,ster,' had hna is back broken Who,, steel door toppled, over 011 him, Sir Sandford Flieming has •been unaniamitsly re-elected Chancellor •of, Q11:0071' University for the enini,, ing three yearS,.: This is hie 16015±1)election, , • lhe 08.00 of Steed Gamble of lie - route' business .agenti foe tl:e :Iron- workers' Union, charged With ±1111)0 0910141 a o epe, has een ra, ierSecl '• • t • ES OF FARM' 11RODU,CTS 5i5PORTS $RqtA THE t..q fltigq Ti1.181) ' • . • fries, of C,14110 • criin cheese isnn 1111 s tilflUcl, at Bents orn.i -' B±'5allOtslffs.' , Toronto', ' 21,--41Our7LOn0110io. Wheat flours, 90 per Cent., are quotedat $8,90, Seaboard, and 151e5 1.0.114, Toren-. ' Oth Atatuteaas-oiest 'patents, -111'' lute arras, ssito; doi, 'Seecificat 55420; , etrong; Antleersl, bags, ,35,... , • .. ••• • „, '-m10l411:61.',.1*/F0if-a41d,•1416-.' 2, 0/.3e; O Coder.' v.Nerthern Nertli 0,1.8 .t 1e, 51:05 rand •No. 2, '51:03. • 0111arie 0.11e1t--Alarltet is ilmn. No, ,2 quoted at 0$c 'to $1, outside, according 00 freight; and 51, on track, Toronto. • Oats -No.,. 2 Ontario oats quoted at 275 to 36e, ,outslde,, and at AO to'405e, on track, Toronto.. Western Canada °ate quoted at 415o for No. 2, and at lee for Peas -None offering with price14. nom - ase to sit, oulsitle. Barley--Goodmalting barley quoted .at 58 to .600, outside, according ' to ' Corn -The market is higher. NeW . No. 3 American is quoted at 705c, all rail, Toronto.- Canadian 'quoted at. 661 Bye -No. 2' is quoted a',1; 62 to ,63e, outside. . - Buckwheat -Prices purely nominal, In absence of offerings. Bran -Manitoba bran is firm „at .529 to $24 a ton, in .bags, Toronto, freight. Shorts, $25 to 326. Cottutry Produce. Butter -The maricet is steady 'with good' demand for ehOice qualities, Choice dairy, 22 to 230; inferior, 13 to 100; .farraer.s' separator prints, 29 to 250; ..ereamery prints, fresh, 336; do., storage prints, 28o; solids, storage., 26 10)2810. The market continues 1005', beaq Itits of new -lad selling at 28 te , 30c per dozen. • Cheese -New cheese quoted. at 150 to leac for large, and 16 to 1610 for. twins. Beans -Hand-picked quoted. at 32.15. 'to $2.20 per bushel; primps, 52.10 to, 52.15. ' Honey—Extracted, in tins, quoted at 11 to 120 per lb. for No. 1; combs, 53 to 53 15 per dozen for Na 3, and 52.40 to $2.5,0 for. No. 2. Poultry -Fowl, 13 to 3:5c per' ...1h:1 chickens. 18 to 19e; duelts, 15 to 17c; geese, 15 to 16c; _turkeys, 20 to 23e, PotatoeS-The Market is firm, with Offerings limitedi, Ontarlos are quoted at 90e per bag, on track., and Delawares at 500 to $1, on truck, car lots. ' Provisions. . Cured meats are quoted as follows:— llacOn, long (dear, as to 16c per lb. ill case lots. Pork -Short' cut, 525.:60 • do., mess, 524.50. 00ams-111edium,-, 15 'to 131e; do., heavy. 17 to 180; rolls, 15 to Mc; breakfast bacon, 18 to 1941;" backs, 22 to 24m Lard-Tiereee, 1450; tubs, 145e; pails, Baled Slay and Straw... Baled Hay -The' offerings are fair with prices steady. /10. 1 is quoted at $14 to 514.50 a ton, on tracks, here; No. 2 quoted at 513 to $13.50, and inixed at 512 to 512.50. Baled straw -Car lots, 58.00 to 11.75 on track, Toronto. • Montreal Markets. .., :Montreal, Mar. 24.-Corn-4merlean Na 2 :s'ellow, 735'to 74c. Oats-Canadlan 'Western, lqa 2, 44. to 445c; do., No. 3, 435 to 432e, Barley -Manitoba feed, 49 .to 50e; malting, 68 to 70e. Flour- 'Alanitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts $5.60; do., seconds, $5.30; strong bak- ers', 54.90; Winter patents. choice, $5,25 to 35.50; straight rollers, 54.70 to $4.90; 'do„ In bags, 52.20 to $2.811. Rolled oats -Barrels, $4.35"to 54.45, bag 1)1:50 lbs„ 1205 Lo 32.10. Milifeed-blran, 323; 81,01 10, 525, middlings, $28, mouillie, 328 to 532. Hay -No, 2, per ton, car lots,_$13 to 514, Cheese ---Finest west- erns, 145 to 145e; do., eitsterns, 137; le 341. Butter-Choleest creamery, 295 -to 30e; seconds. 275 to 200. 1017gs-P41e511, 10c. Potatoes-rer bag, car lots. 85 to ,900.' Dressed hogs-Abattolr-killed, .$13.50 to 513.75. Pork-Ifeavy Canada 'Short mess. barrels, 36 01.15 pieces. $19; C'enatia ,short,cut back, barrels. 45 to 55 pieces, 328.50. Lard -Compound, tierces, 375 lbs., 309'; do., wood pails, 20 lbs, net,' 1030; pure, tierces, 375 lbs., 1.1.I.c; do., wood pails, 201)144. net, 141c. .,,, ,Unitecl States Markets. • 111 ri neapolls, March 24.-0104e:•- Wheati1lay,. 00,1 hid; July, 92-5c asked; .No. 3, hard, 941 to 95e: No, 1 Northern, 925 to 1311e; No, 1 Northerit, 905•to•9114c. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 50 to 61c. faits -- No. 3 white, WA -to 37e, Flour and bran unchanged, • Duluth, Marc1,. 21.-.71,instoc41-Clasil. 51.585; May, 51,595; July, 54.,011,•1Vhcat -110. 1 hard, 935e;• No. 1 •Northern, 925e; No. 2 Northern, 901e;.111ay, 321e; ..Tuly, 9330. • • Live Stock Markets. Toronto, March N. -Cattle -Choice butchers. $7.80 to 58.25; good, 57 to 57.20; medium, 56.60 to 57.60; common, 85.45 to 55.75; choice cows, 5470 to $6.75; good, $5,75 to, 56.50; cdromon, 55:70 to $6.20`; cutters and couriers, 53.15 to $3,60; choice balls, 50.75 to 5:71..111.50;tog30o(14,0.55.80 to 56.50; common, Stockers and feeders -Steers, choice, 37 to 58.30; good, 55.40 to 56.40; light, 53.50 to $6; springers, to 582; milkers, .10 505. • Calves—Good veal, 39.03 to 511.50; inediinil, $7 to 50. to Ship;eliii..atittl;k., 51.05.pari.nlis-3,441LiaNt.p,ecgs,1a$115165,0 $9 to $9.50. - " • Hogs -,58.70 to 58.90 'f.c0i,; 50.15 fo' 59,25 fed and watered; $9,50 off ears, Montreal, March 24.-111101ee steers Sold at 58.25 to 38,40, good at 37.75 to 58, fair at 36.75 to 57.25, and rommon at $5 to $0 per cwt. The demand for butchers' cows was gond at prMes rang- ing from $5 to $7, and bulls sold at 55 to 57.25 pee cwt. Choice milkers, 500 to. $100, and lOwer grades 300 tu sso Tile tono ,O11! ho, a mrket, rev hogs v 1 11 1 :1.114.1:11,0 1,1 price or soc per _cwt. 211e dentinal was good, ana as (%-gg ;; 11111B el' than gen- eraily ,l2;1l.0,; -, (1 Vearance was made 1,1!. On ±11110 411 ecl,,I int14.30,o s 't 5010 .gwt..Vc1419171 oll 1)140, 1 10 151e1:1 7j137lnel an qms 11ule1 44 143)0 8650 4101' the a= cr'os wasgmal pr''k"n 52 to $10 eachlied 1110011104.6e.45as h:gh us $20 wasrealized for sola111 414)0)01 0(01)4 1 — WANTED TO :ENO • .„ :11.1te.:1ru4]1i.Ali49i.:t4111pe,"N'11401:Fon,41,- Tt:Lil(i'gs'aq111a€1e1.oboo'443c1) '1411)01 - 3'01.1 hear lahoirtr P.. thing, it's what you know that 'counts. And correct; knowledge is :most likely to come from pqrsenal exper•ienee. "About •a ;year ago," writes 0111 Eastern man, ',`1 was ,trothered by indigestion: espeeiallY during. the forenoon. I tried several, remedies Without' any 'pernianent intprol.te 1)105140 "MY breakfast usually consiilied of oatmeal, steak Or chops, hread, coffee ,and Seine fruit. "Hearing so much about Grane- Nitta, I concluded 'Le 9141)0 11 a 'trial :and find out if 0111110.11 heard of it • I II egan. w Gro.p s ,and 'dream, soft boiled ,eggs, toast; 1505133 Of Postman and So:Me before the'end of the" hist week T. Was rid, ,o,f the .seiclity, of the stointich aacl 1616' inueli liehevCd. ' the. end, of the stecond week all114(4410 '1f ,indigestioti had 741,44- 'Pealttil and. 1141105 711 fate. 1100lth once More. Before beginning this course of clifdti, 1 odvoi ai?y 1497 petite, fer lunch,' but now eon 011 - ' ley the Meal, 1513 noon thue." Namo given, by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, • Ont. Head' 'Vile Bead• to. ;)Vellville,'' 141 pkgs, ,?There'.s' a Reason.". .•Ever reed the:'alP3v'e 119) one appears frOin, t1MS te .115110. '131:ay, ^,arto-genttine,' 'true; end .EP,11.01. IktitAan :This Spring Cleanse Your Blood „ Of those imptirc., poisonous naatters—blood humors • —that have accuniulftted in it (hiring the winter. The unequaled and really wonderful S11CCOSS of Dood's §arsaparilla cleani4ing,tlie blood ma ces it the medicine 3rOil, /36111CT fake. The secreti of its success is the fact that it is), the best possible combination of the best known agents, roots, barks and herbs, for giving strength - and tone to tile bodily organs and functions. Get Hood's Sarsaparilla at 01)00. FIFTY DROWN IN COLLISIONi talian Torpedo Boat Crashes Into a Pleasure Launch—Victims Ilostly Women and Children despatch from Venice says; Fifty of the, sixty-five passengers on a. steam, launch, most of ;when), 4iferer 00315e1) .and children, • were droWned when:a torpedo boat'crash-; ed,into 'a pleasure vesSel near MM.') on Friday, 1. . The people on the launch were coming to Venice from Lido, wherc. a large nullifier of excursionists had Spent the holiday, , St. Joseph's Day. The launch. had hardly stanted whon the torpedo boat was sighted,. coming at high sneer' toward the harbor. The captain of .the launch apparently miscalculated the speed ,and diStance, and did not alter Ids course, with, the result that .the..bor- pedo boat :struck his vessel with ter., rifle force. The launch sanlc immediately, in, clec.p water, taking d.own all those in the cit'bin,' who were drowned.' The other fifteen passengers, who were on (leek, wore picked up froth the sea. Many boats -from warehips in the harbor, including one from the G:er- man. cruiser, Gooben, gondolas and other craft, rushed, to the point where the launch had gone down, but could not 1000044 any of .those in the tahin, as not 0110 of them etuno to 1110 surface. SAVED FItOM ELECTRIC CHAIR Murderer of Toronto "Milliner Es- capes Death Penalty. A despatch from 'New York says: While Harry Schaeffer's mother on her knees, prayed for 11110 1±141 outside of the Criminal Branch DE the Su- preme Court, the jury returned a verdict of murder in the second de- gree against; the 19 -year-old boy, who helped an•other' man, kill W. - Grieve Maettn, a Toronto milliner, in a West 57t11 Street fiat last Au- gust: The yeung unio'S father, who had been praying in •the conrt 101111), ran out to inform, ids wife that their son would not have to pay the 41.20..111 penalty. "Thank God, my 001.1 S 'life, Is spared," exclaimed Mrs. Schaeffer. Sho had been ordered from the coutt room when the :jury WaS an- nounced as returning after two !tours' deliberation. Both parents lied. been praying in the court 100111 during the wait, null unuo goMg outside, Mrs. Schaeffer ,sank to her knees ill the corridor and remained there until she beard the verdict. justice Davis remanded Schaeffer •to the, Tombs for sentence on March 25. The ju Vora M it ted 111141 COM - sideration of the parents' attitude in this ease had influenced the ver- dict. :Mrs. Schaeffer, 1±110 lives in Brooklyn, was the final witnees for the defence. C A D ET "Ii" 1.1, LED . Dropped 80 Feet From yop of Royal 1 i la ry • College. A despatch from :Kingston, 004 says 1 Falling a. distance of eighty feet while on the Reyal Military College Water tower to Lake a pho- tograph, Cadet Gilbert S. Fry, of Montreal, 19 years of ago, met in- t -tent death,: The young man, all- . climb to the he top of ttowery . Fr had gained the 61), and 012 (Abe)' cadet was 'half -way up, .wheii- the former missed his fontieg and came tumbling down, almost cary,iing lic oilier cadet with hitn. Tin; deceased entered the Royal Military UullOge in 1911, and. 'would 1,11vo graduated 41 :lune. He was 11 elry .010.1 er yOung^ fellow DAR) highly es ented buth by Jlis professors. and classmates, He WS 0 a 41101)1110v or the 4101) 101: ilughy teem and promi- nent sport& generally. Ar rangeE. ineli10 fur the 1111140111 11114111 mil yet been cumpleted. .1'11').1 31 111 11'0 8A111 ' P010 31,1 Si x 'travelling' 0 V e Tee ileaelt- tsd Ito 'A.Intitilonell 114', A despatch 110111 (4 1141111)9, N11(1,, saye 1 Six teen sent by (.'onstiltir= .Agent Gould. bolted -ed the abait- cloned States ;lava'. Lug Pot- 111LIC, after a trip or one hufolred miles over loild tla.d sea ioe. The Potomae. was round fi'Vo miles smittli 0.r Point Riche, at ihe mouth of the b11;uI:s .of Belle isle, 51 111 1 to se 11 111• the ic.p. Her 11111 1 is appaventi,y 111 fierfect condition, and there was very littlewater in ilte An- other party,' witli Dumps and dylia- nitte, is on Llic way -10 the tug, and an 011011 'will lie made to break up the 02 a 11CF geb., her to a safe anchor, age Sho 114,0 aboi it twelve Lon s of coal" and a ton 0± 941, 001,0114, 011 Q avd. , Rev. .,j..A.,3i pie1114901, pastor 4,f, (Tlent:sal :Preeh,ytertari. C1u 41011, 111)1), -Solite Stant .for "Papa.. . Decision ,Of the Appellate I Sion of thh• Supreme Court in the: ease of Blair .y. Blair : . "Even if the borne is jointly own- ed, the husband has the right tol regulate the thousehold,• and 11 is • hiS ;duty to de so," Forty ,.years in use, 20 years Gm Standard, prescribed an41. recoil1. mended by . physicians. • For 1'0.. man's Aihnents, Dr, Illartcl'f Female Pills, at your druggist. NEWS -RECORD'S NEW CUB- ING RATES FOR 1913=14 WEBI:LIES, Nows-lleeord and Mail & Empire -.$1.69 News•Itecord and .01obe 1,66 News -Record and Family Herald :tint Weekly Star .. .. ...... 1.85 News•Reeord and Weekly Sun 1.85 News...Record and Vernier's Advocate9.35 News -Record a all Ferro & Dairy 1.85 ' News•Alectrinl and Canadian Pam ..,1.85, News•Itecord and Weekly Witness 1.85 Newe.Record and .Northern Messenger 1.66 . News•fteranli alai PPOR l'Pesd ..... .„1.85 NOWE- ROMP(' and Advertiser 1.86 Newe•iteeord and Saturday Night 3.55 News-lteeord and Youth's Companion 3.25'. 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MITCHELL, Publisher News-Recorci • 01.1P1TON, ONTARIO Asthma Catarrh WHOOPING COUGHS SPASMODIC CROUP INIONCHMS COUGHS COLDS aSTAILISello tele A nifinfle, safe and effective treatment toe 1,00- 014),! tvoithlea, without Elos.144 the stomach, with 1404,. (1144 with taireces Cep thitty Y1,21.1. • • The.sfe caerying the tilitisontle vapor, lhavIved 011111 evety breath: Optima breathing easy, soothes the sovethrent, anti att01400ile0a404.0M1,ing..o01 nights. ercuelene Is Invaluable • to tIMtliers with yeimg children and a 0004) to annererfi from Asthma, Send us vestal levtlesoi.lvtlye boolilct. ALL, DRUGGISTS. ApTgs94F6S?Illiggll; TABLErs for tho bowed throat. 'They sayo. effective and antiseptic. , 01 yelp. armigi.t er from es, 1111, Amps.. Vapo Crieo,lene co.. , 62 CartladatSt., 14.41. X,cemItut 011Iel /Malang Manteeal, Cat, 4 Every Womari) is interested and ehmild Icnow about the winnlerrul 101 Marvel WhlrIln8Spay ; Douche 1 Askyour &salt) ter IL If lie cannot earls& the AfAltIrAt, oteept.no other, but send Camp for Met. trated beok---1ealeth 14 giTes 11111 And tlir1Ctionn Invaluable SO., Windsor, 01311 °nem] Attentlf for Senses, tor 35 yeare,,ltas resigned. , 44:14,,.,M7 • N.0.3.% ° 1NVESTM NT a- Isr, 14414 ri gh er0fUt-Sharl '; BO Wda Serf69.—$100 S500 Si °CS° • IN V gfellg.ENT may 1,e vilb Alis time stler ohe Year 611 00 arerie 110111e. 11110ne49 nt, • 119111 or the 155)1)14 001,41.11 111,5/05 28 Years. Send ter' 0881.41 folder 'awl, full. parti4a1er3•. .141,iTIONAL SECURITIP CPRPORATION, LIMITE • pONPSFIERATION LIFE '131.1,IL 011,1,0 • tORONT.0, CANAbA.