HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-03-26, Page 5• • • • • 1'. .. • • ',, •
, • • ,• •
, • ,
Id',...licase.4,1%Toronitd,' "was t"sii."1.10,1j,Vertc16,
gnat/ ',.,4104:' •
Thpplp,s. 0,1. Of. lila: tlit1i4','(-10n.•
da.11:10!"Mr,"A3rss.0 wasLa,tLw1:?(
Gy eaten' ten years !;. mid Was
,4,n1erg•ystan 'Who ,effieihted.' 0. • :the
marriage '„of Air, Mid Mrs. ThomPsoll
Agnes ' left- Weems
clarY..raerning.,for' •"OtteiVa to-, resume
her 003",
• Raeiat".litobh, left ,,yesterday fer' Oti
• .tawa; A aidnibpY di .1,110. lig ,deP0a,
width' tvait ''the
• ernMeat !r0611eliee to I'lkarcf
ials., and ,Other iteportent matters.
Unity: CIO.; inetcat. the ' home, p
Alga; .W111. WednesdaY. •,:of
• last their' forlinglit
. ly gat-lei:My The was a goodly
• attendance and the afternoalt!Very
Pleanontily spent with. musie, ifoea
and instrumental, readings and work.
Another c•apyable featiwc . was the
luncheon 1.0 • by . the hoes
These meetings cif the Club
growing in popularity with the Mein -
tea's. The next' meeting will he held
.at, the home ot Mrs. 1•Iiiibs.
A .pretty. baby arrived
home ot Mr. and Mrs,•. Charles Wil -
Jr' on, Monday.
• Assessor Murphy completed his
ivork oil Monday.
Mr. Harry Baker 'is one of those
who during the past few days has
been making maple sugar.
• While .Mr: Dan. Raeger was en-
gaged in the. hush TueSdaY cu13-
ting logs and trimming a tree
-taat had lodged on a stump, the tree
gave a and Dan teolc a tumble
di ten feet. The result was that lie
\vas badly bruised but because no
bones •were broken he is 'thankful.
t Mr, Milton Pfaff of Hay. township
has been engaged by' the trustee
board of S. S. No, 10 and will enter-
11Pon h duties after the Easter holi-
• The News -Record is the News
Leader for other townships as well
as Goderich township:
The regular meeting of St. James'
iMurch, Middleton, A. Y: P. A. will
be held on Thursday evening next
When Mr. H. C. Light of Huron Col-
lege, London, will give 'an address,
illustrated by lantern views, on
"Church Camp Mission' Work" in
Northet n Ontario. Mr, Light knoWs
his subject, having spent last sum-
mer among the construction, lumber
and mining camps of that northern
district. Kindly notice change of
- date, April 2nd instead of April 1st.
Mr. Guy Hicks the other day sold a
fine yotng heavy draught horse to
M. W. H. Lobb, for which ho realiz-
ed a good price.
Mr. Harry Steep of the Bayfield
Line ,has bought a fine driver from
Air. George Conseil for which he paid
a fair figure, Mr. Connell wasn't
very anxious to part; with the driver
bat Harry insisting he let it go.
ND:. W. H.' Lobb's auction sale pas-
sed off very successfully. Fourteen
Durham cows went at an average of
187,50, one pair of steers rising two
sold for $11.1 and farrow cows from
560 to $75. -
.51.1.. • 5
,lVLovia:41111m • •
.11.01e00011i f';:""411agr,d!
•-led iniparriage WedneSelaY,'' to
.1Vriss ,Jentile• Clew • cif
"their' return from 'the :lionejailinar. brp
Me: • and Mrs. •Willianits -will tale ap
.1..teline.ditgaohoe,octei‘oi4,coir• V 417 gin , e:••••
Unusually. ,wel 1 a t ,13 rev
ing,•,of the 'Women's.' t was
- lield at, •Die-liotheo'of
()I, Thursday last and tha tepieS,.:„pi 07.
Sen,t0C1' were of . very' Juln • est MgUa.!
; •.
;• The • title ,ot.Mns, Telibut.t.'s,...PoP-,
er 'was, ;'' ',The Farmedae Son,
and: Daughter," the, old. man. for 'the.
purposes 'of this discussion' '.being en-
tirely ignerea, Mr..S. • Tebilitett
, oassed subject fropil an original
view pant. •
• I •
1\118 hi. Ford dealt will , House ,
Plants," .an attractive subject %when-
ever -tayci or three or.' more 'good
• housekeepers • get logo' her. Mis5.
roll's. subject was A1,111013, and well
Of course a dainty luncheon follow-.
sd• No -gathering in Mrs. Mulhol-
land's Ilona° would he considered
complete without that.
W. Mseercalek of Trowbridge,
father of Rev.' R. J. - AeCormiel(,
has been visiting at the parsonage
during the past week.
• M,r. llotscn, section man on G. T.
R., has inoved • front the Leonard
farm to the house formerly owned by
Air. Creio'cs on the 11th con. which
will mean a long walk 'to and P 001
his work each .day.
Mr. Herbert Trewarttia takes 1•05 -
session; of the , Leonetti farm _on
April 1st. Rumor says no't alone
except only for a very short, ti'ne.
Mr. Lymbuiner of Goderich .preach-
ed a, Very eloquent and practinal
sermon In the Methodist church on
Sunday morning last. The service
in the evening wan taken hy the:
pastor in his interesting and instruc-
tive .style, his ,subject being sermons
in shoes, "As ye go preach."
Mr. Wilt, Jenkins took al business
trip to Montreal in the interests of
the Gunn, Langlois Co., whom ha.
represents in the Clinton elevator
Master Errol L. Walter, who has
been walking to school which is -over
two loges front home, has now start-
ed to ride his pony and appears to
enjoy the change,.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Johnston and
family Visited at Mrs, J, Johnston's
on Sunday. .,
Mrs, Albert MeBrien• is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. W. J. McBrien,
this week.
Mr, and Mrs, W. Biggins were
guests of Mr. C. Beacom on Sundaj'.
A number from around here took
in the horse fair in Blyth on Tues'
Mrs. Howard 'Brunsdon of Blyth
spent. a few days under the parental
Every Price
1 Bargain Price.
Phone 78
j We Aclvertise'5,4
z.:311. Is So.
• •,..17.-17.71.-4.C.cam. •
maw, assairanew aniarasawstavisseassamanam
We Announce. Our Opening Exhibit of
and Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Garments
on Wednesday, March 25th and followink days.
10 0(11' millinery parlor, 2n45 flow:, we offer you the choice of
all that Dame Fashion has decreed for women to wear. A
the newest ideas are brought here from the leading in it Li nerjr
centres and blended Into pretty, practical and _becoming
styles for you to weer.
We invite you to inspect this beautiful display of millinery.
Be Sure t®' See Ouri
Splendid Display of
• Stylish Spring
Each day sees new garments
vane into our stotk from the
style centres of Canada 'Al-
ways something, new" 15 (4111' itim
and that, we are secteiicling is
• shown by thenum her el women
'who are daily satisfying their
garinont !wants ab our • etore.
Never before have we sold so
many garments on pally irt the
eeason. Thia shows we haim the
right goods ab.the right price.
• We have over fifty different
styles for you to ehooeie from,
Prides raagefroin 1613.50 to $30: '
The Store That:
TIAIngs 14.1rst.
le. !Rs' deal r3ielaleg, entertained. her.
Suaday,s0o0„1,.elatis, !tPuestla) evear:,
•61v1.• arid• hDt '
Kiss 4.i.glIOS Sterling, Who spent ,the
winter in. Clinton, have relarned to•
breezy. bayfield, "
The folloWing 'e,xtradt
publicessejk,Midlana, 551oh 3sekllss, 'to
otit inichlfe :aged and' bleier' reSylehtS,
fermercOtken of Bayfield, ;
At the.hoine ;Of, her sext.,s„fteViafft
,Coisdx,n in,Nihe. third 'ward; 11.16.
Susan 111: 'Cord& .Passbil '•
2 :o'cloelc Monday Morning after an.
• illness ol about three 'Months. '
• A large and enthusiastic meeting
of the ecaineil -and • ratepayers WaS
held: Tuesday evening to 'Jake . into
considraton the removing and' re-
modelling of brio town hall. The
gathering -Scented to be, • unanimous
that the hall' should be moved, placed
as near the centre of the Square a,
possible, be so rebuilt. as tplook
'maul* well from whatever point 'Of,
the cotnpass vietved, have • a • seatfitge
capacity of five -litinareci and have a
basement with a cell or two for un-
ruly people should any •• stray into
Bayileld. Po do" all this will require'
a considerable expenditure bat being
in keeping with the growing impor-
taace of our town it is believed the
outlay. will be profitable, Watch,
Bay field Bboin. . • ,
• Mrs, Gorden, Who would have. been,
74 years of age next .July, was born
in Ontario, Canada. Thirty, -five years
ago ,she came to Midland from Bay-
field, Ontario, , with her :till° sons,
William D. and Stewart 13. Gordon,;
both of whom have since, 'become
most influential business men in thig
city. For the Iasi; twenty years Mad-
am Gordon has lived at the home of
her son S. B. Gordon. The funeral
was held at the Gordon home Wed-
nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev,
J. G. Widclifield of the Episcopal
church -officiating, being assisted by
Edmund P. Rice. Mr. Mee has for
years been an elder in the Presbyter-
ian church of which Mrs. Gordon was
a ,deyout member, Of a quiet and un-,
assuming -nature, Mrs. Gordon always
lived the life of a lend, benevolent
woman and• a devdted mother." '
Hamilton Business Man
Wins a Stanley Girl.
A pretty house wedding took place
at high noorc on Wednesday of this
week when Pearl 11., daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Dunkin, became the
bride of Mr. Arthur Stanley Marlait,;
a prosperous young business man • of;
The ceremony was • performed by
Rev. D. Johnston of Varna in the
presence of only a few intimate fri-
• After congratulations had been ex. -
tended and the wedding luncheon par-
taken of Mr.' and Mrs.__Mariatt left
for a honeymoon trip after which
they take up their residence in the
city. of :Hamilton where mr. Marlatt
is engaged in liminess.
Our very best wishes go with them.
As the wedding march was being
played the bride entered the • parlor
leaning on the arni of her father by'
whom she was given away,
She wore a charming gown of pale
blue silk with overdress of shadow
lace, with the usual -bridal veil and
orange blossoms and carried a bou-
quet of white narcissus. Her going -
'0115.3' 'dress was of navy blue with!
hat to match.
The grocan's gift to his bride was
a beautiful pearl neeklaee, to .the
bridesmaid and the bride's mother
each a pearl ring and to the ,grooms-
man a gold ti ct pin with clip.
'The bridesmaid was Miss Aggie
Johnston and the groomsman, Mr. D.
Admits of Hamilton.
SlanIeg Township
bliss Antne Foster underwent an
operation fOr appendicitis in Clin-
ton hospital on Tuesday afternoon,
She stood it well and is now pro-
gressing as rapidly as can 'be ex-
pected, Among- those who went over
to be with her at the tittle were Miss
Foster, Mr. John ,Sparrow and Mr.
M. McNaughton, • -
Rev. Mr. Snowden intends holding
a special sacramental service in
Goshen Methodist church next Sun-
For the news of Stanley and the
whole countryside read The News -
' Misses Mary and Eunice -Reid of
Clinton spent Sunday:under the par -
mite roof,
• bliSs , Annie Foster 'recently retun-
ed home from a visit of a couple of
months with Rhode Island , friends.
Mr, Henry Hayter is linproving
nicely his many friends are glad - to
.1V1r. Clarence Keyea spent Sunday
at the Maine of Mr. James Reid,
IVIr. Hugh Love had a very success-
ful woial bee 'on Wednesday last
Mr. Andrew Love gave a dance on.
Thursday night of last week and all
present report “a good time.
Skrup-rnalcing has been the order of
the day although bbs weather. has
not been very favorable so far.
Mr. and Mrs,- George Coleman and
family and IVir. and Mrs. Frank 001e,
man- spent a 'most en'oyalile evening
at the hinne of 111.1., Andrew . Love's
on 'Thursday night of last week.
Wedd'ng bells have been- ringing '
this vicinity., • • ,
'Messrs, Jelin McKinley and, James
T. Keys left for- Ottawa Wednesday,
accompanying the monster 'Hydro
depPlation which, will wait
upon the Government
We are sorry to hear of the illness
of Mrs. W. J.•Meliiriell. We all wis,h;
fot her a very speedy recovery.
• IVEr. and Mrs, John Searlett visited
at Mr. Tyner's •over Sunday,
„. .„
i00417111.Y.•.,:-.,Vf.''.'01:ipp.e4. OS .naniet...ice.,:.'and.:
arni.";',Itetiveen tiro el
a0w; Onff ' WrfSt." ,.
5�rpe,,yeara e
Monday 'week 'after a, short illness;
He WaS seventy-tWo yeags, of age,
He was' al Meiltodlat" in religion ancl,
ti oli lc
a Conserve ve p t s. Hi ire • w,
and a family survive him.
Mr. W. A. Weeks of the • Isle of
Wight, who intents locating In Can
ada, •is the guest 01 11113' sister, Mrs.
J. C. Stiles. • •
, •
. Mr. Kelley of Dundas has been aP-•
'pointed teller is ;the Bank • of Com -
Mr, Stewart Scott of Brussels. was
in town. last weak,
Miss Agnes A nd re ws has, returned
rrOM a visit with. her sister im Han-
over. '
Mrs, G. 1?, Rogers of London visit-
ed her' mother Mrs, 'P. Stephens, who
has been very ill, for a few days, last
Mr. and Airs. J. IL Scott, who have
spent the winter • in town, have re-
turned to their farm in McKillop for
the SUM wer,
Miss Norma Dicksen has returned
front a visit in Dundas and Hamil-
Mrs., Murray of Toronto was a visi-
tor ab the home of Mr. and Mrs, G.
E. Henderson for a few days last
week, having came up to attend the
funeral of her uncle, the late Wm. R.,
Henderson of McKillop,
Miss Lafferty of Stratford ha's been
visiting her sister, Airs. W. J. Dun-
Mr. George Jackson has returned to
Waterford to resume -work on his con-
tract of buildlng the Simeoe-Port
Dover railroad.
Mies Edinhoffer of Zerich has, taken,
a position with the Stewart Bros.
Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Barber returned
last week from their honeymoon and
have been visiting friends before leav-
ing for their home at Snowflake,
Mr. Abe Davidson, who was so ill
a short time ago that his life was
despaired of, is now recovering an'd
it is loped he may be completely re-
stored. •
• Zurich ,
Mr. Harry Hayter is now recover-
ing from an attack of pneumonia.
Mr, Chester Smith was operated oa
for appendicitis the other day and is
d°inr,4Farwell g. 111elr
Mis, of Dunnville, who
recently purchased tile fnrin of Mg.
Menne 13aechler, arrived last week to
take possession of his property.
Mr, Wm, Bassett of Port Huron
Inc a visitor at the home of
Dennis Bedard of the Settle Line ancl
with other friends for a few days
last week.
Mr. William Theil has secured the
mall contract from Zurich to Sarep-
ta and south. 1 he amount of the
contract is $350. Probably there are.
sixty patrons on the rou Le.
Mr. Alex. Sparks. came east last,
week and returned to the west again;
Friday with a ear of horses.
Mr. and Airs. Maurice Rau of De-;
troit have been visiting the former's
patents, Mr. and Airs. J. P. Rau.
Mr, and Mrs. Arnold. Wain and Mg.
Norman Rupp and daughter 'of Detroit
spent a few clays recently !with thole
parents here. „!
Mr. Melvin Talbet left last week
for Edmonton, Alta.
Mrs. Robert. Miller las come in
from the 14th con:, and haS taken up
residence in town.
Misd Ethel Snider, daughter of Mr.
and' Mrs, ,Josinta Snider, was married.
last week to Mr. Matthew, Woodn of'
Frederik street is to be extended;
north between the C'atholic church
Property end that , of M. C. Theill.
and the necessary property for the
extension is now 'being sectired.
A reception 'was 'tendered Mr. and
Alta. Jacob Battler at the, home of
the formers Parents on their return
rom .their honeymoon. About fifty of!
the friends of the young' couple were.
present. ,
Rev. E. II. Croly of St, Paul's
hurch announced last Sunday to his.
ongregatibe that he intended tb
epi a call to Port • Burwell after;
Easter; where he .will go as their
ector. 'Phis will be a great loss to
t. Paul's church of Winghain as Alis,
Croly is very highly estesmed and re -
peered, not only by -this own eon-
regation but by the members of the
they churches.
Mr, Alex,. SeoUs lefts- for the west
J. M. Adain
Dsoceonanained a.!
abient to South Carolina last week.
Mr, J. L.. Awdc, wire recently dis-
osed of his flour 'and, feed business
ere, was in town MIS 'week, calling
n old friends. He isideating is
ondon,, where ha '' ivip go into busi- ,
ess. .
Mr. 'Albert Goling 'hl!' returned
orae 'from California Where he has
con , spending the Will:ter..
Miss W. 13. lien/lerSha Lucknow
pent a few days own with
lends reeently. .. • ' • 'r
Mies McKenzie has return -
after a. few weelcs.'-; ylsit with St.
Thomas friends, • -
Mr. and Mrs, Winr: 'A, Loft have
turned. tO 'their western home after
visit of a couple of .months with
Datives in town. and ,vieinity.
At a recent meeting .01, the W. F.
S. of St. Andrew's Church, Mrs.
errie, who has been president of the
ciety for twenty years; ever mince
pilr hp ao nalpgp'r,teoci at tcki,411, arroar.Ses,,s Prsansednteda
gw, .94. :7NEWS.-LEADtk,"'hhndsnsa borjueb. .
Mara 26th,
SPlDVof Dungan.i
b SaW
'day at. 'Duagention.'. „when
Stephen DeeVe's wan instaniay
bit • beeves, .who waS, ' relining port4'
'able. saw, was; :engaged Ottitting. a
pile 'poleS,, 'A" fieighlit9r, whQ, WaS
,goiag td 110,10,:iffni.;,, \vas 'Putting Sig
horse the • herse . :got'
frightened. at . the arlighal
plunged' bite tlia '
Dces lie. saw,,
lin'Iaee was -cat, 0114 and, his client
etit',in two, peeves Vas Married,'
and .leaves a Wi'dowc.,and "two' ilaugie4
:tern, Who are'botli niarried, Mrs!
-,Iarnes Hardy and .Mia 1,uslt
of Gocje11icih .Mr; Deeves' was' In his
6814 Year, and , was' 'highly. 'reseeeted.
in b11.18 COMMun.i.itk. '
• . Dungannon
Rev, Mr. Biradlay of Teeswater gave
a lecture on St. Patrick In Erskine
church one evening Iasi weak which
was, much enjoyed. •
Mrs. Will Elliott; of Now Liskeard
is visiting her home here.
hliss Scitartlas,- returned frefft
• lengthy :visit : .ber :son
daughter in Detroit, ' " •
-Mr. A.rebie Dallas of
befeicy, has gueet • .
attrit, Mrs, 'John Re.attle: . L.
Gr6hain has .'''):11;itrifect''',"froin:
11en4erson � the-'5the0M.,
eifltylelCillop; ap "Old•'', -and '133Spneta113,
reniden,b , of that
aWay- last ,m eele cat the n6 ig $P
ninety-two .y5at:8;,. :
oi ,6,10ctiic .11reinei had •
•fiarronc.•,encOne ftfah • eleatracution'the
Othet. 'tiny while -Working about' Min
miles from tontin His 'head came in
contact with a .1iye• wire and he was
rendered uncenscious. He was 'taken
to the 'hotel and medical aid Summen-
eed. Itis head; was badly! 'burned and
he was pretty Weak for a time but
be is now Yee:wet:Mg mut able to be
about again. .
• ..MrS„, E. Qiunlui» Ilea returned tie*.
.hoi.;; hereto. a.•
•",:Mrs-: 1.153. .114 rlipt is , ,10,1‘1116'
at 'W1b1tabobttr8•"..
• protriLirte4 Visit 101111 1101. Cia.tillte.,Ct
2mv; York:
datighter • and' also.'ponsalting •
ialist ' rago:td'', tee,/ bit% 3*/
j'iloeltli'',“/,‘14fiOlA,i4,1:14P:rolt been
4i11.6(3.,1.Y!..114'Y•1!°& fever 10010 t.
• ,
' Mr. Chas; 'Brodie: ha,s' sold his r.
dente 'to' .at:TOxonto mari,and he asat
Mrs.• ar5die' intend' removing .fto
,where a son, ' and
flaug,31tor reside. -
' Rev. A, W, Meintesii o13LSaUsatlod, ,.
has been vialling hils Parc/Its, .
and Vire, George 1V/eintosh. :
Mrs. John McNeil of Thomas"
lids beeii 'v4511,1114 her patents, '
and Mrs. Win. ,Murdoen of Eginona-
vIlle. • '
is most necessary to raise
the best crops of
Vegetables, ,
Roots, .
Grain, Hay, etc.
11 not only pays by, doubling
the yield, but improves the
quality2-malem jFiers and
veetablos firmar and better
Potash, Nitrate of Soda. Acid
Phosphate, Basic Slag sold at
lowest prices.
• Let ne:show you how to do
your own mixing. ,
Frank W. Evans,
• Clinton.
Phone 192.
under auspices of Clinton Spring
Society in the Town Hall on the
evening of Thersday, April 2nd,
Prof. Day 0.A.C., Guelph, Mr,
Thos, McMillan of litalett and
others will deliver addresses and
there will be music and song , biy
local talent. As only a limited
number of tickets -will be sold it
will be necessary to Secure yours
early. Dinner served at 7 o'clock,
J. Shanahan, A, J, McMurray,
president secretary.
DRAW Stritir,
Round trip tickets to ppints in Man-
itoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan -via
Chicago,St. Paul or Duluth, on sale
each Tucsday until' October 27, in-
clusive, at low rates. Through Pull-
man Tourist Sleepers to Winnipeg on
above dates, 1eaving Toronto 11 p.m.
No change of ears.
Return Limit, Two Months.
(One-way Second-elass)
From stations in Ontario, Kingston,
Renfrew and West to points in Al-
berta and Saskatchewan, each Tues. -
day during March and April.
(One-way Second-class)
From stations in Ontario to certain
points in Alberta, British Columbia,
California, Oregon, Washington, etc.
On sale March 15 to April 15, inclus-
Full particulars at all Grand 'Trunk
ticket offices, or write O. E, IIorn-
ing, I), P. A,, Toronto, Ont,
The place to sell
AlliKinds of Logs
The place to buy
All Kinds of Lumber
Canada Cement
Lehigh Valley Coal
Buffalo Brand Fertilizers
Your Buffalo Brand Fertiliz—
ers have arrived and are now
stored here in my sheds.
Name • • P.A. p'c
,Parnaers Choice 1 8 5 $28
Ideal 'wheat & corn 2 9 5 • 31
Potato & bean s'p'L 2 810 35
Garden Truck 4,8 7 • 40
Wins its favor thru' its flavor
Come early and avoid the rush
, •
John B. Mustard
Phone 11 on 145,
Now is the thine to come in and
have a good look at our new sam-
ples. Send'your friends in too.
You wilt be delighted with the
new styles of designs and the novel
colorings. -
We have Wall Papers at all prices,
and the cheapest have a beauty
which is far in advance of what you
usually find in low priced goods.
There is a very large range to choose
from, so you are sure to find just
What you will like.
COOPER & 00.
111 Soon Again
Fiouso-GI At
HOUSC-CLEANING time is almost with us again and.
to complete the Brightening Up you, will need
some new furniture or ,Rugs. We have both, a oorn-...
pthte assortment and at prices that will suit you. Let
us please you,
The Store
of Quality
Phone 28
W. Walker
Purniture Dealer and Undertaker
makes every woman /maul -
Ifni, and all who ,desire„to
make the uiost of their ap.
peara nee have the oppor-
tunity of paying a visit to
who will be at the
Clinton, on
April I st, '''.4': .
Wednesday, ' ,t.,
with an immense stock of the Liitest Fashions in Hair Goods,
ASCylIto SuitEvety Itidlvidual.
c`Ladiess with Thin Hair"
See and have a demonstration of THE DORENWEND TRANSFORMATION.
They will1give a charm and attractiveness to an otherwise' Wain Noe a ti will
assist any women to keep her youthfid appearaime. They are superior to all
others in effects they prcleuee when adjusted, in genii fy of hair and efficeney of
Wigs Transiotanatins, Pompaciours,Bangs, Fronts, Waves, 8 witchs, eVaid.S, E10
.0•!..,i1::,11,,d,;11,•"Gentlemen '
If You are Bald"
oalland see The Dorenwend Sanitary.Pa.
tent Toupee, whieh is a perfect protection
to the head. For natural effect, strength,
durabitity, hygenie qualities, they are un- itici
equalled. Besides this they will ,make any 1,41/1/1
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