HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-03-26, Page 1•••,"
co: 26 -35th Year
:0141X170.14•• ONTARIO, • ThiuuspAy,'N,$Auput.4,„uth-,19j4.
- ."." . ,. ' ... . ' ' ' • : • ' ' •S• '' ' . ". '' • - 7 •".••, • Mr, ' John Govett, ;who we injured
, - ", ' • •Hati9/1 C0flelty°S • ' • . - some timd ago; by a •hall on ,the .' icy
• ; ' - • • esidewalk, ,is slowly recovering . anil.
' . desires• -to. acknowledge' the kindness
. , • ., . ", • ' • .. ,. . '.
.,.•.- , of ins many' friends' wild emtle inqu'ir-
lye .5toe ow •
. . . .. .. . . . , . . ed .0011qm:fling hie welfare and • have
. • • , .. . > ; , . , .., .., . , „ .. . ',, ; , e e . - . . " sh°:wn• Him t4ell: sYn1PD4nY -ar4... good
'' • April 2nd r.1.4 II , be better anti bigger than e7)et.',.. . Will • • .. • .
.. ".., • . e ; - .. • - : .e, .-- • ,.. . • • • ,_ •' . ., .
• ' '''' ''. "' ' ' ' ' '' : ' ' •• .
•e•Titesday, Apeil Ithe has beet% s,eleet,L
ed for the Special; •• Temperance' S,Oohe
vention for 'I-Iiiron..Cormty hilietieit is
liIcely a, "Field Secretary" will ebe•
.aPspointed. .'1.`lie niee-ting:Wi1"- l'e. held'.
in Wesley • church, eommeneing it :10:
os6Iodir. Defiegetes from ,eeeee . cherch
and municipality will be expected, •
• • ' '
WILL BUILD ON 1-1161-1 •ST7.-''',"••• S.
' Me. 'RS, Rowland hag let the eon,
traet foe a. Ltd ' briok. tesidenee, to .be
erected on High' .street, ' sourthe side,
.opposite , that 'of Mr, Wesley .."'WhIkee.
The eemetit work -Will e'Lbe done ., by
Mr. Iiirem Mill,, 'the •Maelc potion lly
Mr, D.. .pefer aril the Arab(' work ' •hY
Mr. Thos. McKearaie. . . , ',
. - • ' ' . ' •
' •
To Brighten , UP niy .telve .and Pro-
' mote its social, hubis'trial mete coni e
mereial ,progtess. .. •-
' • .• • • '
1 0 Brighten Ilei, My home andcountry
spread the Brighten up Spirit among
my neighbote, • . „ , • •
To BzIgaeri Up fey business and
take pleaSure as well as peofit from
et, • . • , .,.
. To Brighten •UP. MYseIft-to be . op -
t mIst e 'cheerful and good natured-
1 . I ' .
To adept, eeleeeeeenefeup, ..e.e.. Irg
f ' ''''; ' ' ' ' ' % ,'
, , , , . , :
Eggs; ch cost . nine cents in
Chr.ta,. adre rlotvi- , '11,o htWilh,etatndf ex the
-,.. . .,.
duty atet. the eihne.ti haul en tring into
Ian pro
cdcluneltP6anidwIlierz Ievild 0.111 laincae
, oo, is sent In eggs into
' Calinini8dsaiaantd vafte7pay!inPg' th.e duty. Is
laying them down at a lower Pride
than the Canadian e farmer would
otherwise obtain. ' ;
It's safe saying the Canadian hen,
ownier is , not a tree trader, in eggs
at eny rate. ' - ' •
,e. eee,,,.., ',e.r.„
RATHER 11,41,111. L.o.,D.
The London Tieer 'min entl r r •
ported in Tuesday- 'e Pjsstie 'Ilia t5 theleT-
bad been oil Zitrike in tlie (t. T.
an s -
R. yards at Clinton, the "find" be-
1 Mg made by Foreman David and his
e•reev while siniting poetholes opposite
the station. ,
while eie ail hereabouts would rcl-
joice if it were discovered that in ad.-
dition to being located in the salt
field we ale° have oil "grounds," yet
we fear the railway . mon'e auger.
dropping into ai.;••• oily pocket iedicate •
ing (bat and nothing more. ' ..,
. ' • .
Plt013A13L1.• '11I11,' OLDEST. '
• ,
One oi the very oldest Orangemen
. '' 1 i ' . Cy • '.r• rilia ''•
in t 1 s coun is e I, li 1 m ( loo.ce
of the Base Line. in 1 8 07 lie was
district master of Wellesley and over
forty years ago he was foe three or
four years ecenty master or Water-
loo. Me has been a delegate at
C.PilulT. Ului . district, meetings innurne
etiable afar IiekeSeliteilthe brethren
at a memotable Grand Lodge ga thee-
illg at OIto•wse Mr: Utooks• . is
staunch in. the fail II and Is always .
toting with the brethren on the , big
,annual rally day. - .
' •
While the. members of !het hockey
team were on their ,way tO Smithes
Falls on Monday evening of last wedt
• , ' . t
they meet on the train
but the. members for South and WeSt
Huron ' who , yeey cordially 'hefted
the boys,.to accompany them -to Ot,
. • '
tawa. , .The . following, accepted ihe; iii-
te.t.ateee , leer. Jei ' 1.1 ,
- ; - .. !usalle atry
Twitehell Albeet Mitchell J 1
. ' ; o in
Surtter, Ray Ruenlia'l and Cat'
e Unfortunatel•y the train
service did. not permit ' of a stay . ol
more than. two hours in the Capital
city bet the members used every-
moment to advantage in showing
their guests the most important
points ,of interest. The'y also enter-
taieed them to lutichon in ;the House
of Come -zone restaurant. Needless to
say our . citizens .appreciated the
courteey shown them •
' . " .' . . . ' ' ' ,-
• TII,E. LOCAL MARKEI,`,..,' , .- . i •
, 'Wheat . ' 96e. • . .
;. Oats .. :. . 3.7c.. . '
Peas • • ; $1.00. - " , . f,
- ellailey..,' ; .,' 52c, . ' .' .
. '•• Iltitte.X' 120 lo 2,1e. .• . • ..,, .
Legge 1.8e to 190. .. ,
_ • Li Edge 48.85. ' ' SI
' ' . .• • . ' •
, .. • . - „, • .. , . , -,, , ;;
; Oa Thuteclay , evening of laet week
the. St. 'Jeseph's Entertaining' Society
had a'Yery Interesting "'debate en
."That tahtn 'lire tv,as preferable to
. • er
life " The defeat s • who
.eo"itsistect .• ' 'or ....,tvereete, . thorLoughly
. theeshed. out the etibleet and ' the
result vt,as •a tie. • There wee • also
several mueical selections and speech-
es' L -•• • . ' ' ' ' ' t
ONle ST. ..C.I.IUMCII. • • . •'''.
• • ' •• • •- • . • ,
q ,•.•-;;' ' • • •
, i,/,,,,A0 (1:..attgeliette serviees . begen-
011 '811s/laY lair .aI-1-3711/e •th' ba -'-"")..n•-•
thineuelderlunrisitaste. re,'Ilieleavlii.111DgavPiadnlYenl,
of Brussels assisted' the Pastor la the
• .; .T 1 dl, 0,,_
services, onMonday and t es • y
pastor -will -preach on Sundey
next . at. be th, .serviees,.• , , .
Thengh, the .w-eather On Slinday, last
was not vete 'inviting the attendance
' iinday sed ool in I, Ital. a. etroon
lea••tasS two ).11..a ilr'e(1.a.n tteen .y_filtee.., ,
. ' . - ' . - . ., .
• Rev: 111r. Mager et, ;North. street
church, Geddrith,' who occupied tfie..
pulpit of 1•Yesley 'church on Sunday
was listened to with • pleasure' and
profit. by large- eeneregetions both
'91°.1.\,111elelligleg4notif e,svpeenelinagi sei:efees'ic ner'
being bele at which it in expeeted
R , ee M. el ' • f 'T. .' 't will
el. .. i . arming o mon o
assist ' next iyeekcan invitation front
ie.. e lute I me in6 een een iim. .
il I • 1 I ;' s "b ' t 1 : '
At ten o'clock' ' on Sundek net
there -Will be a sliecial servite' for men
onlY and of special interest to men>
, . .
, _le" : • ,,,, . . -t , -1 ,; . - ,.
ti. utei ,enreea la elle ...1 e et o s te-
on . te o . let e ay 'et hes usual 00-
cupation. Mr, Hiram' Bill /fad an OX-
perk/lee fleet he hasn't, yet forgotten,
in fact th In re .
e o be cons over it Die
mote he thinks he lied: a an.° .
w . e3-
• • ' ' '
cape 'tome serious results. ITe was
up a ladder close to the' wires end
in .turning to descend he touched one
.of them with his hammer handle to
'push 11 aside. This and the move.-
meet- of another woekman set the
wires swaying imcl as ' ihey touched
there was ae. Short circuit, a roar and:111TATE•Ult
blaze and everybody except the Shp -
erietendent 'made a hasty exit. Ilie-
am didn't 'hesitate about the o'rdor of
going thee is lie didn't foot it down
the ladder as usual Iiiii..1 • i,c1 . '
hop' i .
. '` .
NEXT TIT11:11SDAY'S Teal . DAY, '
C f, ' • , , . , _ . e
Euron oun y e eiggeet rioese anu
Cattle Show takes 'place' in Clinton
1., T1 eel - I . • t• •
nee nu ay are plepaia eons are
now complete foe having . the ver
best yet.. President Shanahan . SecY-
retary McMurray and the other of-
ricers are leayin •t • d
, . „ g 143 stone nu utne.
to' ensure Ite success . C 1
. , • • .. . • . ome, ant
e ou 11 be glad , if yen • stay away
; ' • . . ' _ . ,
3 ou •he soliy, .
AlAt seven o'cloelc in the evee'ne •
b .. t.1 ' ' ' Si ,....
anciao will be .ield an. the oats n
hall and allot' dinner there wdl be a
program of appeopriete speeches' and
' 1 ,,,
so. le, among ..ose eepec e...c .being one
th '' t I ' •
et mote expel t ,agieeultuilsts • ,
ram te be
outettle Pmts.., TIT, I?rog , , ,
fuintshed .a,e.stutee those atitending.
emu, a
'‘. cll. Pileas." and Pl°"ab c ev--•-•'''
• A real -interesting and at times
doe might exciting ' hcockey. match
WILLIS, CIITJRCI-I,• e. • ,• , , .. . 1
• '' 'The. regular 'meeting of the . Gilts •
Club was held on. Tqesday etening
Peen, • it . was •deelded, to have .an
"April Fool Social" enetlie. eyening
of Wednesday next. . , •
, • . • ,
WILL (I1V.!;•11IFI. "13.E...LLS'u • '
• The local Alleateur ..Deamatic-Soere
et will at ani early -date Present •11130
. , Y, .. ; , , , ,. , , ,
peptilar ,play, "The. Bells,' bin: benefit
of ',the - Glintbp.• Highlanders. -Band.;
.They • heye been rehearsing rcir several
.week,S,' : • ' •., > ' • • . L: : ;
- . • • . _ -
HIS NEW •C:i,I-R••• . . .., >, .•:. '
Mr, Bert Langford brought do -nn hiS
new Fbeci car frein the eeittral depot
on Tuesday and being' an expert driv.-
ee he was able , to avoid the pud,d,les
stioiew6eali,l- Ntyliaast atInhleosathiunninmgarkseede:race,:. ' of
' - • . ' ' -
. . Yells
strele.t,ellTforreletei:S.',C4oCrineRelaiyicoef °C1
ameaure>,e the engaa-fneette ,.,91 Iheie
•only daughter, Beanie Claras-' May
A. T. G. Me to Mr. J. Cr. MacKinnole
of HenningsVille, B, C.. The marrfage
will take place , at Medicine- 1 -Tat •on
April' Ir5 th • ' . ' . .
• ; . • ' '
• - . • . . •• e• •i . - . e '
Mr. Harry Twitchell, who has nob
beee emoying 'very good health or
late,- on Monday -went to the Western
Hospital, Toronto, for treatMent. Art
operation 'was performed yesterday,
and at last accounts he was doing
well. Mr. and Mrs: Twitchell aecome
penied. him le the eity. .
ielr Jaeob Taybel: has taken on a
' ' -
new role, that . of Ilivision. Court
I ade • c . duet" 1 • f" t . '
• p e 1, on neg., lis eis .case on
Friday last. Ile pub his points en
ee .ly
i eal • ' land ,1 convincingly . .as
juedr„ocaitisoe renelsarkiotnoorthe heeryelaiatesittiN
Mr. Trt lor should have been letve
, ; ‘ 3s a `
I I el" ' '
_ On. Sunday nexe Rev. Mr. 'Wyllie,
pastor or tho Baptist -church, will
farewell and in a EeW da t ' h'
ys ale s
-e 1
departure for Ids new field of labor,
t Dt • r 1 ht ..
a , ,ithant. No. f OU , membeis of
•othel .coneetegattons, among whom as
well. as Inc,own people he has
been d.eseetedly held in littgli lestteem,
e 1 .1, :vend themse e es _of hie, as °P-
pm. unity or hearing him lime,
Last night ' was "Amateur Night
at the. Prineese Theatre and - the
crowded attendance showed the popu-
lad ty of this place of amusement,
Prizes for the best -rendered selectioes
were awarded as follows ; 1st, Miss
I r s Pal 1 cra vocel • 2nd
Do o c 1 1 , , , , Jack
Bawden, vocal ; 3rd Stewart Mao -
• ' - ..- . • '
donald, recitation. Mt, Raensay pm:-
poses ia. i .. ev
/ v"ng an " Amateur" night -
erY •WednesclaY. '
• - ' • ' ' • . •
On Tuesday 'evening- Mayor Jackson
received a telegram stating that his
brother, Rev. liorace Jacksbn, rector
of St. George's church, Detroit, wa0
very seriously ill of pneumonia,. Ow-
ine to his sad news his worship
. '
had to abandon the trip to Ottawa
as head of the Clintoa delegation
with the big I•tycleo Radial depute,'
ion. i. . ' . 1 c aggat
t' M • G D '11. T 't tookhis
place and with Messrs. Ford and
'Cantelon 'of 'town, Reeve Lobb, God -
erich township, and Councillors Mc-
It- inley and Keys, Sfan'ey, left for
•the Capieal on the five o'clock' train.
, i -- . . ,- ' i' : " '' tiOrtgES. 11'0111 MONTREAL.. ' , ',
.9 • • 9- - i,,,...,„d ., . Mr, W. Jenkins or the Gunm. Lang-
't ': . ihe jewelei. s Agt Acts glso,... ro "Sr"' '"7*" :. ' ' .lois • Company telt on " Tuesday after-
.E.e.ezetyledeetiey te..,,,e to trete, better.. goods each yea,. :,1,, I noon for: Montreal .witli two sPaa of
. • lieWeler's and watehataker's art great progreSe has been made ' . horses for use at . the Company s
. , . , . , . . . ',
' within the paet' yeer. Web ave an. excellent collection of the latese. , , headquarters . One pair were medium
troducto of eome of the best fabtories of Canada,'United States, and • weights bought .froni Mr. W.,}1. Lobb
Europe Which is Sure to inteleet thoSe who studY the; World's iredus-. , old the other two were heavier pure
' ..," trial advaiieement. ; .1 • ... a . '. • ; ,' .. chesed Teem Herb Oakes- and Reuben'
, . We weuld like to meet you:Land ttesvire you that a, few trneents • I 'Grigg. When the Gene, ' Langlois
. spent in One Store will be profitable to yen. .. - .... • et
' .. se ."'' • . •: I People 'need more • horses qt. their.
s, •; •••'. • • ' • ' • -' ' '•••••••". '."' •• , . . . • , ,
• big- central they almostint
... _,_
. • '
Miss Melee Cook, daughter of Mr.
and Mire, J. Et' Cook of Albert street;
' had a birthday: paety on,Saturdayt :ate.
ternoon last, .she being seeen imes
' . . • ' " ' ' t' '
pee". on that day:. -.4.: niuMbei• of ' her,
little friende • gathered te make merry
.with her and a most met:Table tithe:
was ' sPent• - :'.
e, • ..
,-. BILI yrr ' ,fq + ' el - •
C.A.. 'I ELO; MARRIED, ..;
., . , . , . . ,.
e • ' .- ..- .;... • : .."..... ...-: .,. ...,."... ,..,.. ,•.• = .',.".....',.:,e'',. et...., ,.. ,...: '',••e• ..............e. e ;'..,
- , - 6,4;1. .- . ip 1 '; - .-.: ..;.: . ..r;;;;;;.•
41_. , iteittiar
.. . ,
ewelet atto Opikiatt r 7 ,.. ' Clint.011 :.
, •
plant ar-
"ably. have 'theft ' 'neteseet'atiYee ' at
r...,. - , , .. , „ ., .
. olinto4; ,09. the .beyirge. . . , .
. i :sT AG •,, . . -
..Me. Wesley Walker' eetertained ...at'
his fine residenee oil High street on
. Thursday evening last, • the occasion
. . . ,
'On the 2"-th 'Mt mo We W r 3 .'
(De -)1 1 ' r, ' ' I ' : ' '
,tey, - ...eetelen, .eldest 'son of Mr..
1'00 '1'."--,'.,:DZOilil •Calitii&L;'iVal'Ilii.1011f
pillacine. arrt.i.r.,„:ehie.iy., Ta-naki .on Th. teippn yg
beide was Miss Aenie .Arbell or near
Walton this', Comity. ,Mr. :and Mrs.
Cantelon have taken up hoesekeeplag
being a that is confined , to
his gentlemen friends, -
.on the. grooms hothesteadThe
neat maple
' Creek.' • . ' • ' .
, . .
Among the out guests were:
' The New on liehalf Of this
. .. . • , • • , - .
I ., . ..
J. B. Hoover, George. Richardson, A.
Watson,, E. Stewart, L. Watts, N
community extends felicitations' • to
, . „ ' • , . • - "
Mr. and itfre. . ..
5•'"' e oy a
„ .
,. -
, .. . .. .•
' - e . .. , . . .
an ; ,
. , ... , .
' -
'Macdonald, J. Knight, Ald. Genie
mall,' J. Hillis, 3. Henry, J. Sinfth,
• Guelph ; Mr. Weatherson, G. T. 11.
district rreight agent, StratIorth •
. or klaigrirm ,or th.c.1 .04., t laire were :
. .
Walter Bateman', . Toronto ; , WM,
: White, Strathroy Thos.
.Cantelon. .
• -
Word has , been received . of the
safe arrival. aet Olds, Alberta,. of Rev;
..D.TIIisl..e.i.tGLern1201anEd.arfaalitt,‘iiirley.ha.d reached.
. '
its destination 'and
Capital Authorized ' ' •:325;000,000 . ' •
Capital Paid-up ' • _ 1/,500,000
Reserve and Undivided Peefits 12,500,000 . .
- " Total Assets 175,04)0,000 '
325 Branches,' With world wide connection. Ihterest allowed
on,Debosits. General:Banking business transacted.
. , . • ,
R E. MANNING, Manager ' - Clinton Branch
, ,
. , , . . . • • • •
; iteinstrong,
Toronto ; Matt, Brown, London
' James Doer, Hamilton ; ' Wm.' Dale
' by, Toronto • Otto • Tbeiss, Londen,
• '
' The local people present included :
John Ransford, W. Jackson, efel 0e
• -Jackson, •Ine• deal]; De. Shaw, parry
Bartliff, Percy Towae, .1. A. Fent,
Ma or Combe, B. ',T, Gibbingse a A.;
Forrester • • A Je I-Iollowa • 1). • Mae-
. , • ), ;,
pherson. , '
The evening
before them the,
congregation of , the church •hael un-
loaded it, hauled the• fueniture to the
manse, unerated, placed it in - -order
d tend r 1 tl • • c V
an . a ec lent a 1 e.ep ion: on
their aerival
. . . • , ... , ' .. '
,This kindness and iorethought, it
is ,ricedlest to 'say, was 'very :nub
appreciated ley the *Rev, , and mrs.
Geaat. • ' '
t ' "
. .
was spent in progres-
sive euchre. and other games, sup-
The Grand Teenk Station is some-
.. . .
picnic/etc(' after dinner by •speeehee
'Mid illusion, making the
what of a diegraee to the , Company
to Clinton,ewhich
• -
• • • • ,
. Vie Molsons Bank
' • Incorporated 1855 . filstablished in Clinton 1870
Capital and Reset ve - $8,700,000
. --•
• ' . ,..IRCULAIL •LETTB.' .RS Or CRE.DI. ' e •
CJ T. •
' - • . TRAVELLERS CHEQUES - -' .• - - ISSUED. .
• -- .. BANE 'MONEY ORDERS- ,-, • - - ..
' .
gathering a
most enjoyable, one. throughoat ' end
Proving Mr. Walker to be, indeed, an
admirable host.
Last Friday night al St. l'aul's
church the new rector, Rev. • J. 0,
Potts, was formally inducted as rec.;
tor of the parish. .
Venerable J. B. Richa,rdson, . Ara-
deacon, of London, on Admit of the
Bishop of Huron, conducted the ser-
elec. There weree present HI addition
10"--Arelideacon Richardson, Rev. J.
11, Fotheringhani, . rector ' of St..
George's, Goderieb, and Rev. C. L.
and prides itself.
on ets neat, up -to date and turn fp
appearance, it is very mob, of an
ey sote.
Yearly for a decade at least the
Company has had thoughts of build,e,
ing but has not yet got beyond the
plans arid specifications stage.
Here's a vent for some of the
energy or the B•oard ef Trade. It
"night, perhaps,- witlioqii a eleleteettort.
from other. munieire.lities and a
special car to Montreal, so impress
the G. T. R. magnates time a ma"
tion in keeping with the importenee
of Clinton from, a trade , and gee.
graphical standpoint will be
... . -
' At all branches, Interest allowed at highest curreet.rate.
, . .
-C. E. Dowding ' - Manager - Clinton Branch. .
1 . . •
Langford, incumbent . of Holmesville.
A large congregation turned out and
participated in a most, impeessive
service. • Special music, appropriate
to the occasion, was rendered by the
erected as soon as Possible.
Wanted -An up 10 date - G. T. It.
station ie Clinton,
MRS, 0, C•RejecEsie,esK DEAD, .
. ,
Lord's Anno'nted," and was very
. m i
Cz nieeeelann , wieofi -..'
.. , • .
pleasingly render.ed. '
dent cot Colituteks iadnk, a.n 0 thismt
in on, epaited life
.' READ'x.e.0•MtSeet•
' • '
• '. ' 0mA:um).
shoetenact form of evening prayer, .
whieh was read by Pee. C. L. Lang-
ford, 'preceded the 'induction, special •
psa ms and p, specia lesson being p
lereside nee .of her . daughter Mrs.
/I . . ' ,
A. Weir, Sarnia, on Friday last.
Old residents remembete the Cruick-
shank family., Mr. Cruickshank
, ,
. . .
The service •of. induction was con-
ducted by Venerable .I. B. Richard-
son. The
a dealee in shoes, his last place of
!wetness being tilt' store now oe-
cupied by Plumsteel -Bros. He died
. .
ehurchwardens, Mr. H.
Tore Rance and Mr. Thomas Murphy,
together with the new rector came
to the front and,ithe Archdeacon tl/Cre
read Use Bishop or Hurcit's mandate
_ „.
sonic twenty-two years ago ' atter a
very painful illnes,e, The family lett
here long ago and sinee Mrs. Ortuck-
shank has been living with_ members
of her family, there ben.' „
. . "
:. Nothing takes the place ,
eere ,....6.4e,„ 9
: . of the raincoat for its" Par- ,,.
. Ile" ticular .service. ' . . .-.. '
. - . . , •
.",... V .
- Uhe raincoat Is.as rnue h.
- a part of a man' $ Vardrobe.
as his dbercoat. ' .'
. ,
' •
, Uhey are cut 'quite long
. and most O f them have the .
.high buttoninilitary collar'
. ' SO , appropriate for this
style of garments. Some
,. are haltlin.ed. and others
fall lin.ed ... ' , . ' .. .
'. 2 -,' - •
of and the license of the
new clergyman. They then proceeded
to the churrh door where the Arch-
deacon haying the hand -of the IleW
elergythan upon the key, said : eBy
virtue of this mandate' 'I dor induct
you into the real, actual and corper-
al possessien or this church of • St
Paul's ' ' .
evith all the.rights, profits and
a,ppurtenances thereto bee ongiee.,, A
procession was thtn made lel the
font • the 't • . • • I-
, Pul-P1 , the piayet. dos t,
the lectern and the altar, at •each of
„hio, after a passege - of • scripture
setting forth what ,was to be done,
at each had• been aiead, the newly in-
ducted clergyman promised . to dis-
charge his .• duties in these niatters
faithfully. . • . , • '
The Rev. J, B. Fotharingham, M.
A. then preached the sermon taltine
, . • > e
as Ins text- "And He appointed
twelve. that 'they might be with Hint,
that He
• 0110 s'Il
arid four daugheers. ,
The euneral took. place to 01:noton
cerneter ' n lhe arrly 1. f h n ,
1 o a 0 t 0 1.
" - ' a. '
train on Monday, the services being
conducted by Rev. . , J . Robineon. of
Milverton who ocoupice the pulPit of
. .
Willis church on .Sunday. The pall-
beaters were ' Major Rance' 11. ,..j.
, • ', . - . !
(IO, W. I). li air, John. Cuningliame,
' John Wiseman and Dee mecoreic, , .
0 ' "e
' On Satueday morning last Mr. John ,
Armour succumbed to the grim reap- ,
er..after an illness extending ov.er two .
Years. ' '
He was a natefe of ems town, fleet ,
seeing; the light; of dey . forty-sevea ,
. . _away
years ago, . Ylllien bute.a .ehild.. toth
his parents passed away, Alia ,caie of
- • • ,.. e .
the family,. of which be te„las. en
youngest, 'devolving 'upon -1115 eldest. •e„,,,,„,.
' '
0 .• . •
n lie May last death called to bee
long home another. old-time resident
of Clinton i . the pereoe '• f •MrsRog
er L 11 lid .1, '' -61 ' o 11 ' ' '
. Leo w es opal ed ns i e at In-.
dian 1-Ica,d; ask, ' •
Forty yems ago Mr, and •111 's L 0
e . e
INT.13:. W.entalnId. 1171:y. ravorrably known
0%1 ea'egnesd in t'lliels. .11°awrnilels:-Iiit'akiielPg 'behitutag
Almost thirty. years,, e
• ' ; ago uneY
moved tvest, loc,a,ting at Tridian Head.
A. few ;months ago Mr. Lee • . passed
, . .• ' . .. , .
aftet a long and busy life and
now hie. partner joule, hhn . in tbe
great; beyond. aged, eighty-one years,
being fol.: almoSt twelve months
. ... , .
'''..'..l..‘r'-`".`u"' '
s W C Seerle who is daueh-
- '• Le' ' ' ' '. ,a' .
ter of the now departedepaii, went
est' several Menthe '•"•`. o -tie- ' wait
Y ' , .; . ' ' . , . "ag .... ...
UPPrl.• liee. patenis Pas vi 1)
took ptace IVIonday evening between .
the bankers and stick lianalere from Questions Yet .
the Cone ittte elle custodians raf the - t b Answered
. . g e, ' . .. , , e. . , o , e.
cash winning e to 5. Coneedertag,
that both tetuns trete composed . Of To„ The ,iiiditee of 'The News -.Record :
colts, that is tvere short on hoelcey Mr ' Eddor -No ono • who . I; nowe
• • . ' " • L . - . '
experience, and , -that the me was Mr. Cottle • would say,.he started out
heavy, i,lie game wag • a, very geed ex- to make. a new apsessznent this year
hibitioe 01 this steel:tabus Canadian without 'special insteuctious from,
sport. 'rho baniters cl•on't ' doubt, some °it°, as ?Tr. Cottle knew he had
they say ; .. but that -they can been • paid for a- ,,second assessment
wilt again, and yet again; , 'Ile line: last fall from 'which the first. in,
f '. - - ' . •
up was as • elloWs t . , stallneene of taxes would be collected
Benkers- oal Johnson • Oonit Mace • ...Tu • . • . . .
' .• • g ,• . : , e , . t in June ot July of this yeat.
Gregor ;„,e,ever., Welt' ; centre., , „Pais- The advantage Qt paying taxes
fay ., • , iiI
Whip Hall "and East .1.-t" ' • '• Iwo: "nstallme tis ,Li V ' ' el' -;".•
0'1 ' et '' • • .1 : • .- '... • ' ' .. 1., . 4, • e .p _ ery ea, .. es -
. o legia es-goa -, . Neva ,. • point, pecially to the perimile •of small means,
Windsor. e covet, Beaeour'. centre> . and at, 'the: same time to ' the town
re • ' • • ' '
VIO--el, ; ,wTga, Whea-tleY. • ancl Weods. treasury 'whieh would ,be -replenished
Referee__Erme Gr b it, . : .. _
. e a a , . with ready rash and thu • save loan
' • . • " • s s
, .'. .. ' and interest.
' - ' ,
• $15:00 $18.0°.
and • might send them, 4orth
to preach ." --Mit 111 34) ..He said
. there were two ceuee to' •
tm•oiliesatdrcY' ir's' ' p ions ,of the
t that it, was a call
.rship in it •a er. and devotion
-4. Y
brother, ,George." ' •
'' Me: 'Anhwei took up .the --' trade of
vaults et In w ne 1 he was enge. ed
' ' h i ' • 1 • 1 ' : ' '
at the Weal, ' organ ' factory, sub- ,
sequently at Goderieb, then .at Wood-
eand. .ttiem
w11011 the MIA], SUMMOrle' came.
. '. • ' '
ty; s. ,t)RAISEs c ANAGrAN„ ' . .
, e , ; . .. .. . .
.,.It, iS 510,1, of ten that a Canadian and.
his wife have the. distieietion of being '
flatteringty complimented • b y 50
Prominent a . publication- as The .
1-leine Philadel-
This bylaw has nob' been repealed
', . ! - , as far as 1 know, they why, shoUld
• ' ' the asses.sor be doing this work at
, , The Doherty Plano Coin- the present time ? , • '
. • pally recently put on an : ' Will .the town officials adease ' ex-.
'' .advertising cam p a ik rie - . . plan -? ' . - • - • ... • •
• which eesulted ine part as. • .. R el.sp e-e-GRe,
. .
" ' •. .' ,
e. We• ' ' • ••• '
guarantee our .ratn-
; COatS to do full duty, and
e - ' ' ,. • ' •
t .so you see that. as usual,
.. .
• ' . '
.:.::•';',' .. ' yoy ke no rt. suhen
yOu buy a Raincgat here.
In the sanctuary, Secondly, that it. ,
, . .
; was m call, to leadership n1. service
amongst the activities, cif every day
life; These two • conceptions were.,, of- .
ten spokn eof as be ein.opposed .to.
One another. Out Lei.••'d, .deelar. ed the
preacher combined the two but only'
ivec.Ause ' he fIrst arranged:therm m
their firue order' ' eTheftivirerve. ;were .
chosen._ first that they might be „„witli
Christ .ncl 'e a • s . • . t a • 1, •
fterwarda. h t• 'hey
,., .,,,..a • . - , - , • '
mightebe sent forth to preach.. It,,
was t'Oilty, When teen first learned Or
Chi:fit, His • will, in "-thee quiet. of the,
satietuarY, that they were able' to •and
stock, , returning le the ezome factory
to aceCnt the ,Peettfon of forenian of
the fthishing departmert. ' '
TwO yeare" ago .this ,nionth he was
obliged to give Up ', indoor . enaploye
meta arid for 'scene Months repided'et
"Calgary. Phiekily Ile fought' .t,he. dise
ease winch haelts grip upon him- and 'Ladies'
_ ,
while fair weather. continued and . he
cenld live mostly out of doors, he,
admost. lie Id :his .oven. lentil the
last he was c Jew. q an • lope a . , .. .,
I 1 I d .1 ' f l''
, 'Ha' is., stervived by . his ,w.ife, who was
Mise Margaret Walton - ot -.0 oderich, 'full
their two daughters, Maicla.
,Journal „of
Phia, but in this partteu et instance,
the Cenachan refeered to is at pees-
ent .a resident attic States. Di the
L l' ' IT ue J inii I .1 r A: el c-
ac les . el . , o la o p, t , a
cornPanied • by ' illuetrations, . , le • a
Page . aiitiele, showing what . the,
Rote ' R. J. Fleetly and, ;wife- of Wor-
ceSter, MassaehuseetS, haVe.aceom-,
Plished in reform ing the ' t.eughi boys
of that piece, and getting .thein, to
transform what was foenntely• a very
undesirable and disrePutable Part • Of ;
-the plebe into what. is now' khown as
Garden City. • The -article bight Y.
commends elle. week of this pa tol ,
• s '
and his wife and. suggests that' ..the.
same thing' /night be. accomplialled
elsewhere. Rev. Iva. Floodl ,.. Was
boin on a faun nem. Blyth, . Was ,
converted in Blyth Methoiliet .eluireb
and, eubsequenttly entered the reinistrY
in the U. S. He ia a' beother'of Mr.
'EloodY 01 : 'Toronto, .se, • . well
knewn in Clineon. ,. • e . . . ,
1.-60,000 e•enctuieies; 'he-. , • ' ' ' - "
cess tating . the ' emple .- ' Ba field . . .
• ment . of' a -big staft of . .. ' • - . '
extra clerks. to handle the . Ilayfield. le representedeon. the demi-
: - :. d • • • t tion' Phieli vent to . Ottawa .' this
,- .. cone'epon„enieee , , a , ), , . i ;b.
' ." ",.g..e-A.,. - CoMplete „ elean.up ; Week, 19 wart upOtt the ,Getheatnen , . y1
' _ , of. eel 'the . plain's In , 1116 ' ;Reeve , Ltaqsay,,. Couneillore, . eleenelt
.. Cenipany'S .tvare-rOoms.. , , . .and Wes) 011 and ex-Iteeve Dre 8notb.
, ._ e
--.-To etipPly,' the. telex- , The Latliee'.Missionary Society 00
„ pected; ' and, ,ttepe.eeedented ; St,. Andrew's church had a very $ue"
' ", demand the- big ..factory, is ' . , .ceeeful ..quiltiegebee .on Wednesday as
now running Amite: time, . ' en!eg . of last week: . A number . ell
-- that .ie •until. twelve o'elock . quiltC ' w•ere quilted.
L • 'each nighte-lunch b et n g., • ' 'Mt.' Charles' Wiltse, moved Ms fame
served the ,ereen at 'tee , lly, ever , froth • Clinton last week and
' k . • ' ' t • t ' is - she • Beet;
p elou , expec s to epe 1 up b , p .
• ..4.--0.1inton's; piano' face week» e
i ' - 7
tory ..ii; ,tlitts buyeed aie ;•. . A dance . wee g; Yen by 1 Y ag
. lillegi3/011• the . busiest In- . people. in- the town bell . en Mend Y,
' e '-' • o • > . is unanimotee
dustey of .the kind ine .the .. overlent,. the Lep el ,
wbble Of -Canada at. the tire, that all present had , a good time,
• soht 'time.. ,, ; . • ; . For tohms-including 'Bayne:de-and
' , 5.-The.Yalite of advertis- ' totenship news .2:eat', ,T50. News- „
Record •
.• leg" once .finate demonstrate' -..ItTews-Leader, .
ed. : . - , e. , • More Bavfield hews ettee 4.
.. .,
Big -range
. . of ,,iBoys ,
. ,
,, 'Sweaters
Now, is the time to leave yottforder
. ./'
,., you . <want it for. Easter. -
• •
Big range
of Boys
,..; '
Caps . ,.
be or:Service to thete fellows'. , He 'Aileen,
asked the cengregation to reserve for
'their Minister Inc hours of. prayer; •
and.. to pray with him. so that.. ,hic
eidnietey. a,m °eget them sholtler - be
,frAitful'in good. aworks, ' In conclusion
• •
One sister, Miss • Nellie .• At
moue, Toronto, and . . one brother,.
George of Oaegary. . . . . . .
The' fuheree toole place monday aft,
ternoon, the servMes beitig conducted,
by Rev., - J, (1, Potts, rector. of St,
' '
Mr Itotheringharn made --a, Mhdly
Paul's . church • with which ' the de-
, .
' '
' ' '
' -
. , ' '
' '
. ,
- '. '
,• ',
. ig
, •
• .. ,
' , '.
, , .
' . ,
. ,
• ..
; ,
g •
• 1 i: f • ti a to Mr. Potts 1 om
pea sone, .e, cep, ,e „ .. . , w 1 .
hs had known for several yeare. .rio
assuted - them ot. hie. deyotion to ,
trait mid eaid that • Ma -efriendeltip
Would, be worth the gaining., . •
• 'The sermon Was .,an... able hml 0101
•enent effort' eritl*WaSelialiened to- with
....aPti-atitentiOnst' "After ;the •sieging be
„the,' anthem, .Arcluleacein Rtcharctson 1
...the Service' ' A
, , .
ceased was identified The pallbearers
were : Majoe Ranee, Supt. Chant, II,
B. Itlerre J,• Taylor, P,rineip.al Betide
and A. McGarva. ' ,
• • •
Among those ftom. out. of toWn who
attended the obsequies' were : Miss
Nellie‘Arinetle; Mr. .R. Tyndall, To1-.
onto ;, Mr. perey . Welter), Miss Lena
Walton,. Dr, blayhee and Mr n,. Mace 'Ecl.
. closed :Pith prayer:. 'ray, Godericb. .. .. . ' ,