The Clinton News Record, 1914-03-12, Page 16r , 4001.1WIIWIEMENNIMMZIaMPIlatIMICIMMMISH7=0:191 1 • Sprlllg3111111017 Opelling 1914. • Wednesday, March 25th and following days the millinery will be on display. You are invited to call and see the Spring Sillies 1. • Hours 8.30 a.m. 6 p.m. Caliteln "niismormrs •SEE OUR• 3 Special Windows • FOR NEXT, WEEK. SOUTH WINDOW Showing what the Improved Methods of House Cleaning Necessities will do. NORTH WINDOW Display of the articles we eat ey in Aluminum Ware. CENTRE WINDOW Dr. Hess, Stock Food, Panacea etc. Tide is the Season of the year to use for best results. Just received the celebrated National Electric Sad Iron. A good Stock of Sap Buckets and Spiles. HARLAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES. `1111111 Jackson's Shoe Store START RIGHT NOW Paget acquainted with our shoes. Come in right now and view the New Spring Stgles. It wont take you long to get an idea as to the importande of this store's values to you and your pock- etbook. You will know perfect sat- isfaction it you buy here. The Big Store. FRED. JACKSON. iGood Shoes for Everybody. ,...allim 111,4altic 1 I,tA 1,1.411e%e g ftig ' • 414 NS 752 Don't fail -to call'ort FURNI- TURE. BALL & ATKINSON when looking for anything in Furniture es we carry a complete and up-to-date stock of all kinds, comprising many beatitiftil and useful artielee to suit, you and which we are offering at most reasonable prices. Ball & Atkinson FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS. Night And, Sunday Calls. N. HALL, Phone ita J. A. A.TKINSON, Plibne 136. (linton riovfs-itecod .,• , • „. , • lootareh 19t11„ 11914 ratio . 1 • ' . „ • • This Perfectly Beautiful Design is from he Standard Fashion .Sheet for March. Don't miss its other lovely advance designs. Your copy is waking for you at our Standard Pattern Department • Free! W. D. FAIR CO. otter, the cheapest ---Always ,_the best. M ss Hamilton of Fergus has taken a position with Irwin & Co. Master Kenneth Robertoni spent the week -end with Auburn friends. Miss Sharp of St. Mary's is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wiseman, Mrs. Polland Pinner ol Winnipeg is a guest at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Fred J. -Hill. • Mrs. 0. II. David entertained a number of her lady friends on Mon- day even'ng. Miss Allison returneid to Moirishurg on Tuesday after w visit of sayeral weeks with Me, and Mrs. ij, le, Paull. Mrs. .E. McCartroy and her daughter, little Miss Leila, returned last week after a few days visit -with Stratford friends. Rev. Mr. Martin 'of London, who con- ducted the services in Willis church last Sunday, was the guest while in town of Dr. and Mrs, Gunn. Mrs. R. Hanna returned to her home at 1.1ilverion last week after a couple of weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs. S. S. Cooper. Rev. Mr. • Manning was the guest whilc in town over the week -end of Mrs. Bo'es. Many of his old friends . were glall to meet him again and to shake his hand. Mrs. Campbell and Miss May, , who have been spendingthe winter mon- ths with friends at. Moose Jaw and other points, in the west, returned home on Thursday morning test. Mr. Thos. Sheppard's old friends are ,pleased to see him able to get down town again after being con- fined to the house the greater part of the winter as the result; of a Mrs. J. L. Kyle, who has hem visit- ing at the. parental home., that of Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Lindsay,- since Christmas time, left Saturday for Toronto where she intents spending a week before leaving for her home at Wilkie, Sask. Mrs. Chapman and Miss Florence Chapman of Stratford were guests over the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs). Jas. Walkinshaw, Mrs. Cliarmiamment on to Ripley Mon- day to visit friends, Miss , Chapman returning to Stratford Tuesday, Mrs. Kay, who came over from La, peer, Mich., to visit her father, Mr, ,John Gibbings, returned home 'ea Monday. Dr, Kay was here over the week -end and accompanied his wife home. Miss Elaine, who came with her mother, made a aomentat longer visit. Mee, A. J. Tyndall • has returned from 00(161'10," where •she had been for a week or more on account of the illness of her sister, Mrs, A. Porter, who underwent a serious operation last , week. The patient is now doing very, nicely, her nta,ny Clinton friends will be •pleased to learn. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Rtildedge left 'Tuesday morning to visit their daughter, Mrs: Shillitigton ni Wind- aor, Mr. Shillingt-on, .who repre- sents the Studebaker Mfg. Co., has been promoted to ' a responsible position in, the head elm of the Company and leaves ahnost binned-. lately for South Bend, Ind, Mrs. Rutledge will probably remain for a couple, of weeks and assist . her daughter to move. Jack Crooks; who is irt the. ,Coast Province 00 one .of his long trips for the wholesalefirm which he represents, visited Mr. George Hinchley, formerly of Clinton, .in hospital in Victoria,. 13.0., the Other day and sent 'a • message from the sick man to some of his old Clinton • friends. Mr.. Hinckley was oredered to the Coast by the physician several • weeks ago and has considerably- im- proved since going there though he is by no means well yet. IBS wife is in with him and . everything pos- Sible is being done to promote Ids recovery, His old friends .,hemabouts will regret • to h:iar of It's illness but hope his recovery may not long be. delayed. , and SATURDAY; MARCH -20th & 21st Princess' Garments. .A Complete Range of all the Newest Stylesfor 1914 Wean Friday and Saturday Mr, Aland ofthe Princess Manufacturing Co, one of the most excluive manufacturers of lad- ies suits and coats in the trade, will demonstrate in our 8tore, the very latest spring stylesin suits and spring eoats. Our object in haVing Mr. Maud demonstrate in our store is to give our patrons the benefit of a much larger range oLstyles to choose from, than is possible for us to carry in stock, we can assure you, that any order placed with Mr. Maud will not be duplicated, and entire satisfaction given. • As the -risk in carrying novelties in suits and spring coats is great, we have made arrangements whereby we can • offer our patrons Princess Garments at near manufacturers prices, because oul, selling cost is reduced, also the risk is simulated. Don't miss this opportunity of at least seeing the very latest in ladies wear • • Specials for Saturday • Selling Underpricedk Underskirts and Gloves. $5.00 underskirts $3.79. Black silk morey underskirts all sizes, deep flounce, and dust -frill, regular $5 00 nn on sale Saturdaylat 53.79 Special Black Sateen Underskirt '79c. One dozen only black sateen underskirts, good glos- ey finish all sizes,:worth in the regular way $1.00 nn sale Saturday......•.79 Linoleum 42c Four good patterns of Scotch Linoleum two yard's only, block and floral designs, heavy weigh, worth in the regular way 55e. Saturday priced at..., 42 $5,00 Silk Waists $3.79. rr One dozen in the lot only Ladies black silk waists several styles to choose from this is just a clearing line for quick selling, sizes 31 co 40, regular $5,00 on sale Sat- arday at 53.79 • Kid Glosies 89c, Ladiesjkid gloves in black and tan,rall sizes color fit and wear guaranteed, or money refunded, special price fdr Saturday.,..... 89 New Spring Goods at the Men's Store. New Spring Suitings, The new:springtsuitings are now in stock ready for your inspec- tion. worsted and tweed suitings that are sure to please the eye, browns, greys, blacks and blues, made to your measure in the very latest style your fit and our workmanship guaranteed, prices run , from $22.00 up. New Spring Hats For Men. Men and boys new spring bats in all the ne'west shapes now in stock, blacks, bloes, greys, browns, fawns • etc. If you want a hat you will be sure of getting just what yoti want here. PersonalsAT LONDESBORO. The News From Londesboro LEAPS Mr. Karl Wilkin attended a St. Patrick's Day dance at rAleknow on. Tuesday evening. Mr. C. E. Dowdlng has been, in the west for' the past ten days in the interests of the Doherty, Piano,Come pany. Mr. Mackrn tie, who came home front the Maritime Provinces ill with typhoid fever, is now doing as well as can be, expeetecl. ' Mr. John Emmerton has almost en- tirely recovered from a sudden at- tack of illness which caused him to collapse at his front gate when ha had to be carried indoors by neigh- bors, BOT A FINE HORSE. This week Mr. J. J. McCaughey of the Commercial 'tOnght the well- known trotting stallion "Red Frank- lin -40153" from Mr. Nate Warrener of Hensel'', Red Franklin is Anteri- can bred and a. fin piece of horse • flesh, with a ,good speed record. About fifteen members of Court Maple drove out to LontleshOro on Friday evening last to play a return game of carpet balls with the C.O.F's of that thrifty burg. The Londeaboro playors are not by any means • such champions as the Leafs, who have never yet lost a game,- but they're improving- and may yet make the Leafs loo'c to their laurels. Each court contains some enthus, iastic players who consider that day lost in which no gamo Is played, and it was hard on this occasion to get them to quit long enough to partake of the excellent lunch prepared by the hospitable Londesboro men. It was getting into the "wee, sma' 'ours.' before the Leafs reached home Saturday a. m. but they didn't be- grudge a f ow hours' sleep for 50 pleas- ant an outing. A load of members of the O. 0. F. drove out here front 0Inton on Fri- day- evening last and played a friend- ly'. game of carpet balls with the LOndesboro Court, Relreshments were served after the game and a pleasant levelling was spent. Mr. J. L. Awde len on Tuesday for London where he will start a flour and feed business. Mr. Awde recent- ly sold his business in Wingliam and he and family have been. visiting at Mrs. Awde's parental hone, that of Mr. W. McCool, Rev. J. II. Osterhout was in Blyth oh Monday evening assisting in reviv- al services in the Methodist church. Mrs. T. Roberton and' Miss Ivy of 'Clinton silent Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. Riley. Miss .Johnston of Westfield was the guest of Mrs. W111, Hiles over the Week-encl. R. 0- Smith has sold his house to Mr, Thos. Nat. The W.M.S. and the Ladies' Bible Class met in the lecture room of the Methodist antral' on Friday afternoon last, to quilt. A nice lot of work was accomplished hi ter which refreshments were served. Mr. A. Poirie loaded two ears of maple logs on Monday at this sta- tion for export to Liverpool, Eng. [Personals Mr, and Mrs, John Tort:tine:et are this week visiting friends in Toronto and Port Hope. samemamismomoser 1 • Decorate YOUR HOME WALL PAPER Now is the tine to come in and have a good look at our new. sam- ples. Send your friends in too. You be delighted with the ,icloeiworsiug tyl s.es of clesigri and 'the novel • We have Wall Papers at all prices, and the cheapest have a beauty which is far in advance of what you • usu-ally. find in low priced goods. •There iq a yery large range to choose • from, so you are sure to find just what you will like. COOPER skt CO. CLINTON, • ONTARIO. Mr. J. Hutton has .commenced saw- ing. Mr. John Weymouth of Myth 15• head • sawyer and Mr. H. Riley runs the engine. Mrs. W. G. CoOmbs of London spent a. few welled with her daughter, Win. Armstrong. Hullett Township While assisting at a sawing bee at Mr. Wm. Lawson's on Thursday last Mr. P. Quigley had the misfortune to meet with an accident which will hamper him somewhat in his work for a time. While working about; the saw his left hand came in contact with the whirling disk and in a second part of his little finger was taken off. The surgcnn dressed the wound but as only a fragment of the finger, is left Mr. Quigley will never be able to completely forget his ex- perience. Seaforth. Mr. and lqrs Robt. Barber, who, were married last week, will leave ia a week or so for. their home ati Snow- flake, Man., where the groom has been farming for some time, 1 Heavy Footwear We make a special feature of Men's heavy work shoes, with all the good points of quality fit and wear,in the well known reliable mak..' ers. Dayfoot's, • and Sterling's. One very strong point you'will find about, our heavy shoes is that they fit the feet corn- fortably. We never had a better stock than we are showing right now. We want you to see. If only to gee. ;The assortment speaks for itself, H. S. CHAPMAN PHONE 70