HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-03-12, Page 15POSITIVELY THE !AR EST S .y'.Fa, " f",- roust o -aa. 7.(r':re.ar,• . `.r,.: , .s". t a. rt'- Y. t:..t.',> ,Pa. NEWS -RECORD'S NEW CLOD DIN RA 1 G TES FOR 1913-14 3-141 WEE1iLI1flS, owe -Record and Mail & Emplrs - $160 Newe-Record and Globe 1.68 ews-Record and Family-Ierald and Weekly Sitar .-,.,.,1.55 •ewe,Recod-and Weekly Sun.. 1.05 :����•QQilewe-Record and Farmer's Advoeate, . 2.36. ene-Record 'anb Farm & Dairy . ,. 1.85 News -Record and Canadian 'Farm 1.85 Neave -Record and Weekly Wrings 1.85 News -Record. and Northern Messenger 1.50 News -Record and.' Free Press .. News -Record, and Advertiser •,,....,,. 5.86 Newe-Record and Saturday-Nigltt .... 3.25 News -Record and Youth's Companion 3;26 Nowe'Record and Fruit. t Grower and Farmer' ................... ........ 1.75 MONTHLIES News -Record and Canadian Sports • man •.......,.$3.25 hews-Reeord and ldppincotte Naga- . Mae, ...., .. 3.26 • •DA:ILIES. NeweRecord and World $a 55 News -Record end Globe I,,., '4.60 News -Record and Mail & Empire .4 60 News -Record and Advertiser .. ...•. 2,85 News -Record and. Morning Free Frees. 3.35 News -Record and Evening Free Press. 2.85 Newe-Record and Toronto Star........ 2.36 Newe-Record and 'Toronto News 2.36 If what you want.. is: not in trite lief: let we know about 1t. We can supply you at lase than it would cost you to send direct. In remitting please do so by-Poetofaes. Order Postal Note, Express Order or Reg. istered 'letter and address. W. J. MITCHELL, Publisher. News -Record CLINTON, ONTARIO Whooping Cough SPASMODIC CROUP ASTHMA COUGHS BRONCHITIS CATARRH COLDS ineTA1tIOHeD 1070 5.1001., Sate and eeectleo treatment for bron.; oblel troubles, avoiding drugs. VaporisedCresoleno Stops the paroxysms of Whooping Cough sed relieves Spasmodic croup ato000. !ties nooN to aulferere from A.thms, !rhash, carrying the entisepl10 000r, inspired with seers breath, makes breathing easy; soothes the anathema end stops the cough, assuring restful nights. It is Invahlabto to mother.. with young children. Send postal for descriptive booklet. ALt. DRUOGIDTs. TtBtToNaoA7T• g6O1kN2 e8tlene Irritated throat. They aro simple, Onective end anile tic. t yy 'dr,ltdlit Rr from a5, ltc.�15015050. Vapo Creeolene Co. f2 earlbult 8t., N.Y. I.eming 618ce Sanding Montreal. Cun. s is interested and should know slant tho wondered Marvel Wh'rt'ng Sprat Douche Ankyounr druggist fir It. If he cannot supply. the MARVEL aeeept no. 0tker but Boo leamp for 111u6 - pa t partialities boot -Berlet. ft gives roll particulars 5g5edireetlons Snvalasbls 10lndt5s We0.,Whirer Generat Agent. tae , Canada.. FROM MERRY--0LO ENGLAND NEWS BY ,MAIL ABOUT JOHN DULL AND IIIS PEOPLE. Occurrences In tho .Land Thal ''r vo ilA.Nli.EES ARRESTED , Prulint'nt New York Men Indicted For Grand Larceny. A despatch. from New York says'. Henry Siegel, head of department store enterprises in New York,.Bos- ton and Chicago, and `Prank E:'Vo gel, ,his Bartner, were indicted by. tiie ',Grand Jury today 'for grand larceny,wnd violations of .the bank- ing g laws in connection with-, the Management: of the Ifenry. Siegel &ti Co`:, ,fit ate litiric Three indietiuents were found against Siegel 'and Vogel jointly. Warrants were issued immediately for their arrest. One indiotm'ent Charges that they committed grand larceny, in b'orrowin'g $25,000 from the National Bank 'of OoMnierce by making false representations as to the financial ;standing of the Siegel. enterpiiees: The other two inillct= meats allege -that the Siegel bans:; accepted deposits when those in charge knew that the hank was in- solvent. ' _ Reigns Supremo In the Com. • mental World. English statilstios show that we - me, thorn of large families Eve to the gk•atest age. Fires last year eos't London £339,- 080—less than the annual cost of the Fire Brigade, It is calculated that America spends £500,000 every sear in Eng- lish -made suits' kr men. The new Cunard liner Aquitasia will sail from Livedtpool on her''first voyage to New York on June 30th. The late. Mr. Charles Campion, of College Reed, Dulwich, London, left estates of the gross value, of £419,516. The.00st of -maintaining the roads of London was £076,000 a year, it Was stated lately at the London County Council. It is peeposed to alter the diame- ter of the bullseye at 050 yeards in the service rifle competitions at Birley from 18"inches to 16 inches. In England and Wales, sinee 1906, the number of outdoor paupers over 70 has declined 94 per cent.; in Scotland, sine 1909, the decrease has been 83 ,per cent. Tho .longest :-underground . thor- oughfare in Great Britain is in Cen- tral en tral Derbyshire, where you can walk seven miles upon a 'reed con- aecting several Coal mines. Mr,: James Hine, a well-known West of England architect, who de- signed Plymouth Guildhall and Municipal ` Buildings, died at Launceston, eornwall, on the 8th ult., aged 84"years. At a board meeting of the Hud- son Bay Company in London on the 37th alt, Sir Themes Skinner was appointed Governer of the Com- pany, in succession to the late Lord. Strath cone. Mr. Wn. Pasoan, of Crewe, one of the principal express drivers on the ` London and North-Western Railway, and driver of the Royal train, has retired. In all. is fifty years on the footplate he neer had a mishap. The Carnegie Library at North- field, Birmingham, was destroyed by fire on the 12th ult. Suffragettes are suspected, as at the rear of the building "paperswere found' on which was written, "To start your new library, give women the vote." The death occurred on the 9t11 ult. ab Slaugham, Sussex, of Major a General Sir Stuavt Bentson. Sir Stuart,. who was in his 60thyear, had served in Jowaki, Afghanistan, Egypt, Burma; the North-West frontier, mai South Africa, and was frequently mentioned in despatches. GEO. WESTINGHOUSE DEAD. He Was (lest Known as the Tnven tor'ot the .Air Brake. A despatch tch from New York :says i Geo. Westinghousestinghouse died s uddenl Y here Thursday afternoon. Mr. Westinghouse was 68 years old, and was perhaps best keown as the inventor of the air brake whish bears his . name . and which revolutionized railroading in this country. The air brake .which he invented is used throughout the civilized world, and in almost' every part of the globe there are great plants which he founded. Mr. Westinghouse founded many manufacturing Companies in this oountry,' Canada and abroad.. In the Westinghouse industries some 50,000 persons aro 'employed, and the many companies have a capitali- zation aggregating $200,000,000. FIRE IMPERILLED LIVES. Five Persons Carried DOw'n Lad- ders From Building. A despatoh from Fort William, Ont., says: Fire which did dam- age estimated at between $25,000' and $30,000; imperilled the Jives of, a number of persons residing in the Dykeblack' and for .a time threaten- ed to wipe out a considerable por- tion of the business section of the city shortly after 12 o'clock Thera day `morning. A confusion in the names led the :brigade a consider- able distanoe out of its waky and some five or ten minutes was lost in making the extra run. Five persons were rescued from the burning. building by ladders, bet neo one NV 0.,S hurt. The insurance en, the'"latter less is $3,000. Angry Diner : "Waiter,yon yon as o not fitto serve 't pig. `'< aite,",, am doing ray best, air." o „Forty years in use, 20 years Die standard, 'prescribed and rectum mended by physicians. For *Vo. Bran's- Ailments, Dr. Martel's Female Nibs, at your druggist. Ali' escort art aid a er- arue, ore. tar time ? By using HAIR RiG"f'ORER Your 3.Trri. .SLfZair can be re - ;Aimed Clot Z' Its .N Cotpr, ;;stored �► >a rnau**NIrY aIl f9 Ygua6 eRaERITTCD t+ At elf DruR¢i,ats 500. a Bot THOUGHT IT WAS SHAM, FIGHT Police Watch Duel With Swords for Two Hours. A despatch from Rome says: Major Fabbroni, the journalist, and Signor Marvasi fought a duel with swords for two'' hours on Thursday, during which Signer Mar-va.si was slightly wounded in the cites t A number of persons, including• sev- eral policemen,' watched the duel, thinking it was a nearing picture sham fight. The police did not in- terfere untilafter the usual recon- ciliation 'was omitted, when they realized it wast the -real thing, Thee they seized' the swords and reported the matter to the public prosecutor. CHILD FATALLY BURNED. Clothes Caught Fire While Playing With Matches. a The Teapot Test Put "SALAD." TEA in a warm teapot ---pour on freshly'' boiled water --- let stand for- five minutesiO-'-and" -'you will have the 'rnost delicious cup of tea you ever tasted. HAS TiIE'FLAVORI THE FRAdiANCEl,'T E DELICIOUS ESS ose that makes Ceylon Tea he beverage of delight. In sealed lead packages ONLY. BLAC61. F•SAF,RN or seinen P'RICES 8F -FARM '•PRODUCTS REPOHTl FROM THE LERDt140' TRAI/' CENTRE? OP. magmas., Frees, of CMOs,. Grain, tittles, tine. Cibp endue, et Haute •anQ AbrgaO, Breadstuffs., , Toronto, Mason-10„-E,lour-Otritario wheat,' flours, 90 per cent;, aro , floored et, $3.82,' seaboard, and aft, 93.85 -to 53.90,. Toronto: Mamitobae-First patents, in -lute bags, • 65.60; do., soocmde,. $5.20; eteong, bakero', Manitoba way• uorte-,No. 1 Nor- thern, 99 1.75; and No. 2, 98c; Godetuoh, Loc more . No. 1 Northern, Werth Bay, $1,041.2, and No. 2, $1.03, .... Ontario wheat -Market' .e firm, No. 2 quoted at 96 to 980, outside; •according to freight, and 99o, ou tr`,aok,-Torortto. ' Owts-No 2 Ontario :oafs kuleted at 371-2 to 38c, outside, and'': at 4010 40 1.2o, on track, Tor'ottto, Western. Canada oats quoted at 41 1.2o for No. 2, and are 40o for No. 43, Bay ports. • : ' Peas -Mono offering; with prloes nom- inal at 98o to 81,ontside. • Barley -Good malting barley quoted at 67 to 590, outside, according to quality. Cern-The market is steady. New No. 3 American ie quoted at 69o, all rail, To- ronto. Canadian quoted at 66e. Rye -No. 2 is quoted at 62 to 60c ontaide. Buokwbteat-Prices purely nominal, 111 absence of offerings. Bram-Manitoba bran is firm 04 $23 to 924 a ton. in bags, Toronto height, Shorts, $26 to 526. Country Produce. A despatch from Quebec .says: The fpur-year-old : son. of Philters Morieette, of St. Evariste, Beauce County, met at horrible death at Morisette Station, near St. George, Beauce.The little fellow found a box, of matches, and was amusing hudself.withthem, when his clothes caught fire. He was terribly burn ed and died twelve Bout's later. TRAINING SHIP BURNED. Only a Few. of. 300 Boys Sustained Injuries. A despatch from London says: The training ship Wellesley, one of Gm last of England's old-time wood- en warebip's, was burned in Shields harbor. Only a few of the three hundred boys on board were in- jured. One of the lads made a dash through the smoke and rescued the Captain's baby. Perfect discipline alone prevented a terrible disaster, Sir Edward . C'at:eoii, Leader of Oppoeition to Home Tin e in Ireland.' g' A 1)IiPOSI'l' :NOW REQUIRED. Fralnfeu.ao Justice it 'fired of Beat' Caseg on Fl be ]il'ideuce. A despatch from Kingston says : In dismissing a charge made ;against a'resident of Verona of being under the influence of 1•iquor in -s local op- tion township, Justice of the Pease G.•H. Hunter said he *as tired.df hearing oases of thi kind in whish there eves pra.ctieal'ly no evicleecel,l.f guilt: ]1e had dismissed about 20 oases of the hind in the past three months, In future he would ]require from the informant e deposit to Clever the constable's feee for ser- vice- .. ,r21 •�{ f r x e ri1/41 High Clesun Preellt.Shrietr,a mond,,, h0ortoe :afoot $500, Sl000 • 900Y3s5 .t[P114T clay het xithdrawn nee simo oftov nue year 60 re etieu, eneinwe et bock or those Boards c tab,s et . tire' +5, mid for: special " ?older and 'hill parhieulars, 1 y.M ti, p 1 NATIONAL SL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED, pale Rut men Qt4 i,Ies isuien5ti0' rOMNI 0i'0Ile A9A Butter -The market ispretty well sup- plied, with demand good for choice coati - Mee. Choice dairy. 22 to 23c; inferior, 18 to 190;. farmers' separator prints, 22 to 26c; creamery prints, 30 to 31o; solids,' 27 1e '29e;. storage prints, 27 to 29c; Bolide, 25 1.2 to 26e-' Eggs-1ioteipts are liberal, with prioee calm. Caen late of new -laid, 33 to 34o per dozen; etorage, selects, 32e, and etorage, 30 to 310 per dozen.. , Cheese -New aheeee. Anted at 15 to 15 1.40 for large, and 16 1.2a for twine. Beane -hand-picked quoted at 82.15 to $2.20 per bushel;' ,Amos •92,10 4o- 82.15. IIoney-Extracbed,sin tiro, quoted at 11 to 12o per lb• for Na. 1; combs, $3 to 8325 er dozen for No, 1, and $2.40 .to $2,60 for o. a, • ,• Poultry Fowl, 13 to 15o per lb,;:chick- ens, 17 to 19e; daeke, 16 to 170; geese, 16 to 16e; turkeys, 20 to 23e. Potatoes -The market is firm with offer- ings limited.. 0ntarioe aro .quoted at 90o Der track, cnsrlq 9, 'and Delawares at 96o, Provisions. Cured moats are quoted es follows: - Bacon, Song elver, 15 to 16o per lb., In case 1ots. Pork -Short cut, 828.00; do., mese, 824.50. ItemsMedi , 16 to. 151.2o; do., heavy, 17 to 18e; rolls, 16 to 161.20; breakfast bacon, 10 to 1901 battles. 22 40 04o. Lard -'Pierces, 14 1.4a; tabs, 14'1.2o; palm, 14 3.4c., .. NOT A MIRACLE • 'Just Plain Cause and ;Effect. There are some -qui'le remarkable' things happening every day, avhioh seem almost- miraculous, Some persons would not believe that a mean eould'suffer froom coffee drinking so severely es .to cause spells of unconsciousnese. And ,to. lied relief in changing from coffee to P•ostume is well worth recording.. Tea also contains caffeine, +the, same injuriousdru'g :Found in coffee. "I used to. be a great coffee drinker,00 much so that it was killing me by inches. M.y heart be- came so weak- I would fn•l-1 erel' lie unconscious for an hour ,b a time. "My friends, +and even the fleeter, Lolcl me ib w0a drinking coffee that cat ecl ,the trouble. , C,wottld tet believe .i4, and still Moak coffee un- til 1 could not leave hay 000111. "Then 111y doctor, who drinks Postuin him:self,. perstlad,ed ire to ,stop coffee .rind try P'osturn. After 'riuch heSi'tation I concluded to try it. Thai was night months ago... S;inee, then I have ]Lacs but few of t -,hose• spells, none for amore then. four lnoni,lls. I feel better, sleep° better, 0.'010' alp better every way. ' i now drink stothing but Pustuin endtouch'no. coffee, and as T.aln seventy years of Lige all my ft•iends think the im- p r 'eve me n t lii-pr'eveme'nt quite remarkable." Name given -by Canadian Postbus 09., ]Windsor, Ont Write for a oopy of the fantods little hook. "Phe Road to Wellville,;, Potritnn new cones in two. forms: Regular 1?'o tum — nnist be \yell boiled, 15c and 25c packal•ges. l Itstalli l°oste n -i s- a Soluble, pow- der, A teas peon ftll dissolves qurck- ly in a, cup of hot water and, with cream and sugar, 0161100 ti`,deliclious heee'ege lnstttnl:Iy. 30e arn0 :50o 11116, T11e cost per cup of both lrind,s is alert al, bu s.oTarbo.. _• Baled Hay and- Straw. Baled ley -'rhe offerings are fair, with velem steady. -No, 1 is quoted at 914 to 914.60 a ton. ou track, here; No. 2 quoted at 813 to 913.50. card mixed at 912 to $12.60. Baled straw -Oar. Iota, 68.60 to $8.75, on teeth, Toronto. Winnipeg Brain. SPiunipeg, March 17.--dare.-NO. 1 Northero, 90 1.20: No. 2, do., 58 7-00; No. 3, do., 87 1.8c; No 4, 83 1.40; No.. 5, 800; N0. 6, 760; .toed, 70e; No. 1 rejected seeds, 86 1.40; No. 2, do., 55o' No. 3, do,, 83 1.40; No. 1 Gough, 86 1.4c; No. 2 do., 85a; No, 3, do., 031-4e; No. 1 red Winter, 901.80; No. 2 00., 88 7.2c; No, 3, do 8 1.50:' ones -No. 2 0.W.. 36o: No. 3, do 34 1.4o; extra No. 1 rued 341.20; No. 1 feed, 34o; No. 2. do,, 33120 Bea'Jey No. 3 451.40' No.4..43.1.20; rejected, 42 12c; "feed, 42o. fi'lae 2o..1 N.- WAD., 91,36; No. 2 e.A .; $1.33; No. 3, do., $1.20, ]'here's .t T+eason ---said }it' Grocers. Ear Poeho n. THE - . TILE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH. • I1AFP"MINGS FROM ,ALL -.OVER, THE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, the'Enptro and the World In General" -Before Your Eyes. , Canada. John , Atkinson, a fernier, near Tilsonburg, was found hanging' by his wife. Guelph needs a larger collegiate institute, Seven armed mien from Washing- ton territory robbed the Royal Bank at Abbottsford,, B.C. F. T. Cromwell, a mining man from '>I'anoouver, B.C., disappeared in Sonora, Mex., last December, ea.Ceding to his wife.. Bayard Baker, aged 64, of Gil- mour, cut his throat while visiting relatives at Belleville, The Ontario Government offers $25,000 reward for the •disoovery of radium in commercial quan'ti'ty. Farmers are already out on the, land in Alberta. Many have been seen ' along the MacLeod -Calgary line of the C.P.R. working with their harrows. The Hit Cost of Living Commis- sionat the present rate of. investi- gaa le' re will take many ' months to finish its work and ;prese"nt its re - poet the Government. aetot. G n The combined ports of Port art A:r- thur and Fort William, with ship- ments of 203,328,129 bushels of grain in the navigation year of 1913, lead all ports on the continent of America In grain shipments. Great Britain. Lord Emmett at a meeting in Lon- don said there- was, no general desire- in the dominions for oloser organic union. King George presented silver me- dals to 232 officers and men of the fleet of steamers that assisted in the work of reseue when .:the Vol- turno was burned at sea. The Board of Trade presented the sailors with $3,000 in cash and gave a set of plate to each captain, Montreal Market. Montreal, March 17.--Goin-Amerioati No. 2 yellow, 72 1.2 'to 730. ' bate-Oanadian Western, No. 2, 440: do., No. 3, 43 to 43 1.20.. Bar50y-31anttoba feed,. 49 to 6601 mait,Ing, 66 to 66o, ,Flour - Manitoba Spring wheat patents, Oeste, $660; do., secoode, 9610: strongg bakers', 490; Win• ter patents. shores: 5625 to 96.50 straight ram's, $4.70 -to 94.90 do.; in bag.. 92.E to 92.30. Rolled nate-Baamele, 844 94.46: be., of 90 Jbe:, $2.05 to $2.10, Mill. feel -Bran, 923; elloit8, 826; mtddltoge, $28r moutllie, 828 to $32. Itay-No. 2, per ton, 'oar lots, 813.60 to $16. Cheese -Finest westerns, 141.4 to 14 1-2a; do., omsberns, 13 0.4 to 14e. B+itber-Olfofoeet m'eltIpery, 29 1.2 to 30o; settondg, 27 L8 to 281.20.' Eggs Fs•eolt,. 36 to 370. 1'oteloce—Per bag, Dar iota,.' 85 to 900. Dressed hogs --Abattoir•' killed, $13.76 to $14. Park-•Tleavy Canada short these, barrels, 36 to 45 pieces,. 929; Caq-ade short out back, barrels, 46 'to 65 ppieces, 9.28.60. Lard-Compnnud tierces, 378 lbs., 10 14o: do;, wood ]sails, 20 lbs. net, 10 3.4o; pure, tierces, 376 171e., 34 1.4o; do., wood parts, 20 lbs;, net, '14 1.2c. United States: Markets. Minneapolis, March ,17,--Oloec: Wheat - May, 91c; July, 92 5.8,3; No, 1l hard, 94 1.40; No. 1 Northern,- 9112 to 93 1.49; No. 2 Northern,89 1.1 to 91 14e; No, 3 wbefat, 07 to 090. orn-No. 3 yellow, 67 60 -67 1.20. fancy patents. $4.50 in wood; first clears, Oats -No. 3 white,. 36 1.2 to 36 3.4o. Flour, 93,48 in jute; second clears, $2,65 241 jilts. Dolutlt,'- March. 17.--Clcee: No. 1 hard- wheat, •930; No: 1 Northern,92o; No. -2 Northern, 90c•. Monbana, No. 2. hard, 9.to; May, 920; . July,; 93e. Oaose--Lineeecl, $1,56 1.20;. May, $1,591-2; July, 91.61 1.4, ROBBERS AND POLICE BATTLE One. Officer Killed and Another Fatally Wounded. 1 hi Fight With;:Outia'ws ,A. despatch lrom Montreal"we`t's All elaborate raid carried out, for a few pounds of ameyt and: a few cents in cash, ;sp'on"a butcher store -in' St. Laurent, an isolated suburb of the city, during the early hours of Thursday morning, developed into a revolver battle between the four robbers, who were being driven in a :sleigh and three constables, who on foot had ibttempted their ceps. tore.. As aa. result, Constable Hon- ore Bourdon, 30, married, is ;dead, and Constable August Guyon, 22, single, is dying. The third officer, ]3rizard, was ducky to dodge ' the fusileele. ; The robbers, although they were sighted by a turnpike man and others and alt n htl gh they abandoned their blood -bespattered sleigh on one of the, main et'reets of t.he'city, 'gob clear away, The robbers were surprised iu'the store by a ISb. Laurent policeman, and as they drove rapidly away in their rod sleigh along the country. road towards. Cote des Neiges the: station at the latter place was noti Live, Stock Markets. Texoato, ,]Earth 17: --Cradle. -choice hut•oh- eivc, 57.76 to 88.25; good, $7.: 5* 97.00: ned4- am, 96.60. 20 $7.60; .common, $5.45 to 86.79: o119iee sows 96,50 to 87 -goad,,., 5575. to 9680;. common, 96,76 to 56,20.; Dattaa'B and oatitlere,. $351, of 93.60 ell*kte belle,- 96,76 to 87,26;, good, 95,60 to $6.50; common, 94.15 to $6.40. Snookers and feeders--Sto,t,f,. ehoict, 07 to $8.00; good, 86.45 to 96.36: liekit, 93.50 to 86; - springers, to 882.00; milkers,. to Calvtle'Good real, 165.65 10'511.60; um, $7.. to 99. :Sheep: and lambs --Light ewes, 45,60 to 97: heave, $3 10 83,50; Spring iambs, 59. be.. Thugs -940.90, f.o.b.; 99.25, fed: and wetter• ed oft oars,*9.65, dune art -d Lsveck sold 4 - steers, 1,050 polt,e.do, $7.60; 1 lnllke.h 967: 3 00150, 620 011214, 84.26; 2 hulls, 1,430 pounds, 97; 4 hoteliers steels, 870 pomades,. 98.65; 1 bull, 1,820 pounds 97.40; 1 hall. 1,360 pouud0, $6,76; 2 terra. 1,1.95 a untie, 96,76; 1 hatcher &l-eor, 790. eerie's, $736. Maul: real, tlaroh 17, - Sales of. choice steeps were mans] at 97.75 to $8.25; .good stock at 96,50 to -$7,10, and oontm.on at from 94.60 t0. $5,50 per ':cwt..' Themarket for mitt,h caws Wise'weaker on aoeount. of the tuereaeod offerings- and; purees have -de. &dined $10 per head w,83, sales of choice milks]} at $90, to 8500, good st 970 to 980, nn a rtstele rot, 950 to 960 .,sell. Sheep anti ]ambit --68.50 to 59 for lambs, mud 'at $6 to 96.50 Pur sheep per owl,, 101,0 demand- foe ealvee VAG good 11,1,0 as 61,5 offerings were 'larger than they ilea, been lately, at more active th•ade was done at, 3 1 2; -to 7 12c per pound There was tto cha.rtge le the condition of 1,11, n11r'Int, for Naga, .for ahmh.td eat 1vuo a good clomal,d teems pa"kers, an+I. sales 0f soleeted lots of bly. isle °J 1 angrier' ;au piece.' 0,a,s'ios were made nt 950 . -and Manitobon United States. fled by ,telephone. The three :men at the Cute des, Neigera station: hid jri ambush at ;the 'side ,of .the '•711a1it road. , •As 't}ie• sleigh' came daabing up Brizard hailed the driver -and grabbed the horse's'' rein, while. Bordon and Guyon, his compan- ions, appeared on either side of the sleigh. Theoccupants, hidden un- der rugs, 'eammenced firing rapidly at the constables who, hardly anti- cipating the 'onslaught, were hang- ing en to the sleigh. Bourdon was armed, but he had not time to pull his revolver before he fell, with three shots through his body. Seeing this, Guyon madly hurled .. bifnseif into the sleigh and seized one of tale murderers by the neck,' only to be shot himself at paint - bleak range, The. 'robbers hurled him out of the sleigh and drove ori wbilst the third eonstable, who had been olin'ging to the maddened horse's head, emptied his revolver after the party, one of whom, ibi believed, was hit, Guyon was shot through the left lung, close to•the heart. - DRIGAI) DS SACK AND BURN Norwegian Missionary Killed` and Several Others Injured A despatch from Pekin says : Brigands: sacked . and burned the City of Lao Ho-Kow, killed Dr. T. Froyland, allorwegfan imissionerY, and wounded several others includ- ing Rev. 0. M. Sama-, another Nor- wegian. A force of from 400 to 500 of the brigands obtained entrance, to the city by means of treachery from Tho brigand's then plied torah and sword all round. They hurried down the Asiatic Petroleum and the Singer buildings and looted the g g British and American Tobacoo Com- pany's premises, Afterward they proceeded to the arsenal;` where they secured 700 rifles, several field guns and much asunlimitio'n. Two thousand coolies were forced by the brigands .to carry off their loot, Lao Ho-Kow, which is It river The proposed amendment to the conetitu'tion, which would give wo- men the right to vote, passed the Massaehnseitts Stake Senate by a vote of 32 to 2. The New York Appeal Court has upheld the claim of the late Rev. H. B. Goodwin for royalties from the Eastman Kodak 0o., as ' being 111e inventor of photographic films,, General. A million dollar fire is reported at Cuba, Honduras. Pierre Delbet, of the surgical clinic of the University of Paris, has communicated to the Academy of Medicine a report on his discovery of the feasibility of grafting india rubber on living ti•esue. 3'— MOROCCO SWEPT BY GALE. Steamers 'Porti -Front Moort4 rf and Wrecked. A despatch from Melilla, ]yfuroc- •co, -says: A hurricane of unparal- leled violencedid eno34noue dttillage to the Port of Melilla and shipping. The Italian ,steamer I_-eonardo was torn away from firer inoorings:and dashed' against the Mole,. end now lies in swill a eritica•l position that it is feared she will be a total loss. A. tug caught by It terrific wave wee also hurled against the Mole- and 0Lnash00 tohieces, while i7 fishing boated other craft in the harbor and were sunk. Theke was Ito loss of. life. The Spanish cruiser Infanta Isa- bella, which was in port, escaped probable serious damage by putting hurriedly to . sea, Record. Size of Cole. port on the Flan -Kiang, is en im- portant mission station in the. Pro- vines of Hu-Peh. Three missionary societies• hove representatives there. One of then; is the Norwegian Lutheran China Mission Association, with head- quarters in Norway, which bats a , staff of three 'Wren, two of thein with their wives, and: three other women, Dr. T. Froyland, who was killed by the 'brigands and Beev. {).'M. Sama, who was wounded; were missioner- ies of this society.' Another society is the China In= land Mission whose headq uartere are 1n London, Eng., and which has a staff in Lao-Ilo-Itow 4,f one mis- sionary and his wife, with three other women. The third society is also Bli ish— Christian missions in many lands -- which has a staff in Lao Ho-Kow of two nlissional'iee with then' wives. MATCHES IN THE ''MAILS. Government Will Prosecute :I'ltose Who Disregard Warnings. A despatch flo.m. Ottawa says: A bulletin issued by the Post -office I>epartlnent states that : "Notwithstanding the urgent and repeated warnings of the Post-ofboo Department against the sending of mathces and other inflammable arta- otos through the mails, the practice still continues, and the department is now referring such cases to the criminal authorities for prosecu- tion. Under the Post -office Act, section ]22, the Winding of inflam- mable or explosive articles in the mails is an indictable offence, and renders the offender liable to ins- pri?onment for five years.” BRITISH AVIATORS BILLED. Double Aerial Tragedy Over Sails - bury Plain. A despatch from Salisbury, Eng., says: Two more officers of the Bri- tish army flying corps were killed here when their aeroplane col- lapsed. Capt. C. It. W. ,Allen; of the Welsh Regiment and Lieut, J. E. G. Burroughs, of the Wiltshire Regiment, while flying over the military aerodrome on Salisbury Plain, were hurled to the ground frons a highaltileare owing :to 1110 collapse of their aeroplane. The cause of theraccident was tate breaking of the rudder bar of sr, Government -built biplane piloted by Capt. Allen, who was carrying Lieut. Burroughs as a passenger: We have spoken of small coins, but what of large ones 7 The .record both for size and value must 'surely he held by one described by Roger- /keels/leo ogerA eham. It was specially madeas a gift, from the inhabitants of'. -Tyrol lo, ,the Ifo 1per'or 1llaximil'iaXl; aal'd was of the ei7I 01 a "greats Suffolk choeeo' .and airs heavy as -two "nen' could bear. Over , 6,000 gildens. (about $6,000) had gone to the mak ing of it, ,and it wan duly stamped with the :arms of the Ernperer, • and to the- ..]]brae' side' with his wife's face "meet lively Tainted." This, however, weea freak. The ]argent mill ever isl eireulaboon was probe, - at $9.76 to 89:85 .per tel,, weighed off rams. ]3efore nit American 'heiress who anarries a foreign nobleman 31]ai;oeh him on exhihikiee, she removes the price mark. 'Gtlsbnmer—"fs this bread to- dap's7" Raker—"Ves'm," -Cus- totnel'—"Tho 000,801 n .:1 ask is be- cause the breed I got. here y=ester+ clay wasn't." WATER POLLUTION IN LAKES Sewage and Vessel Refuse the Chief Causes of the Impure Conditions A despatch from Detroit says: The International Joint Commission. in session diene officially received end signed the report of sanitary ex- pe;'ts who mute bacteriological ex- aniineuticns of 30,000 samples of wa- ter taken from as teeny places along. the 2,000 miles of waterways oom prising the Great: Lakes and can- liectiog rivers, The report shows the Detroit River is the most pol- luted stream in the entire drain; "According to the report signed by the ebmmission to -day, we found the pollution ,starts ea far back as Rainy :River," said Chairman Taw- nay to -night. "The waters of St. Mary's River, St. Clair ]liver, Lake 5t. Clair, Detroit River, Niagara Meer, both ends of Lake Ontrgo and the St. Lawrence River are badly polluted, while the pollution, extends its far es ten and fifteen miles out in the lakes, "This report," he con'tinu'ed, ''Fie but the first halfof the work -of the commission in regard to the posses tion of wasters of the Greet Lakes. The second half will be to find a remedy for it and the meeting of the commission to be held inWash' ington April 7, will be for the pea pose of formulating a plan of act. tion.'' Sewage ants steamboatrefuse are given as the principal eauecs of poi- lution. The WoncleTiful Spring Tonic If you have had a hard winter, Thus the great objection to Cod > 1 h gl 1 u- o Tasteless Pr ars son of .one Na -Dr Cep 1 Liver Ons removed Query 1 Cod Liver 053 will help you to Who is run down or suffering from recuperate quickly and avoid: the coughs and coldsso prevalent during the changeable spring weather. In this preparation the nutritive and curative properties of the best Norwegian ..God, Liver' Oil rare combined with Hypopl'i'osphltes, Cherry' Sark and Malt Extract in a form that is really pleasant to take en4 easily -digested even by the most doileete, throat or lung troubles can take advantage of lie unique medicinal and strengthening qualities. Add to this the Tonic Hypophos- hikes the healingCherry Barle.and p Y the Invigorating it4ali Extract, and you have probably the finest food - Maio known, Get a 50o. or 81:00 bottle from 014 your Druggist. A'1'0O1,OAL-..090570) AND CHEMICAL CO. n11 :CANADA, LIMITED.