HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-03-12, Page 14O - SCENES IN-CIII7tL1fC1L'' ?i11�ND. been Work ill Atenor lu Facrtoriea of Widnes, iii; ng1alia All the' way, from`'"Fairyland" to rrliealtown" range :the nio'lr$i$ames. Which have keep given to the town • of Widnee,- in England, by eminent visitors to =bide strange, busy little woe:Id where oheeniatiy is king.. The ,very atmaephei e, has a vivid, artificial q iality'tat Makes ib dif-, j ^ferent from other'atlllospheires The fatitisi'le,s.send Oatgz*eat volumes -of vain colored \e,molre, winch help to, make the.bralliant cheinioal•:sunsete fou which'+1ie town"'le'matedi Tlie workmen, many of them, go to theix toil attired in strapge looking costumes to protectthem teom the fumed of the gases which they must inhale - during their work. They leek like beings W, from 'another sphere or litre weird warriors armed for conflict with demons of the un- derworld. • "Wi,dn'es'-and the chemical trades• stand far each other'," All sorts` of oheinioal conipounds which are e used to perfect the products of r. other'fttcetoriee are sent out from the O town: Morealkali is sentout -from is Widnes than from anywhere 'else in e the , world; Great quantities of e soda oompounds are manufactured to be used in paper works. The e eottoti mills send to Widen—.stir. their bleaching mate hdis,"the. pot-; teras -'gel, their glazing materials f`from the Mown. Mining engineers depend on Widnes for the cyanide process which extracts the gold from its ore. • Hundreds of other substances, such as wall distempers, nitrp-glycerine and baking powder are made in Widnes, wholly or in part. The name "Helltown" was con- e ferred upon the place by.a. journal- ist who once visited it and wool -me - rt in d 3 y I k I I at ly nk ribly impressed by the chemical factories. A scientist of equal em- inence with the. journalist took the opposite ..point of view and was E'o delighted :with all :the extraordinary processes which were to. be seen in, the'sllops that he called the place "Fairyland." The town is a flour- ishing. one. The , workmen make good wages, and in some of the worst trades have short hours, but even so, their liver are shortened or by the unnatural atmosphere which ✓ they inhale. Among those who have the most. hardships to endure in connection r I. with their work are the bleaching powder packers, • who breathe through twenty-four thicknesses of flannel, wear goggles and calico clothing around which brown paper. is tightly wrapped. This is neces- sarily because, these men mast enter the chambers in which chloride gas is ltu•rned-on lime:It'aged to he a tradition that nothing green could grow within 'three miles of Witloes, ce but the inhabitants, who are very es. loyal to their unique dwelling place,. point Proudly to their large and flourishing public park, whose ver- dant foliage disproves this tracli- tion. There are 30,000 persons in the town, The men work either . in the chemical .factories or in iron or copper works. 5, 0 - is m to ?„ "I it. 'd I a - BABY'S OWN TABLETS BANISH CASTOR OIL Once a mother uses Baby's Own Tablets she will never again . use Castor oil, that barbarous purga- tive which all children' loath. The Tablets are a gentle laxative; ple'a- sant to take and are absolutely the best medicine a mother can give her little ones. Concerning them Mrs. Hector Blanchette, l,ouville, Que., writes: 'rI have need Baby's Own Tablets in place of castorr oil and am well satisfied with them.'' The Tablets are. sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents' a box from -The Dr. Williams' Medicine Go., Brockville, Ont. THE CHANNEL TUNNEL - AGAIN First Mile Was Completed, Work Then Abandoned. Thirty-two yeara ago the first mile of the English Ohannel •tunnel was completed. Travellers saw vi- sions of soon being able to dodge the rough .sea trip between Dover e and Calais. But the invasion bogey seized .the military authorities in England; Parliament would nob let the construction proceed, Each sucooseivo,oar that the .pro jeer was proposed alarmists arose to picture the French making wee of the'tunnel to land en army in Eng- land. Parliament regularly refused itsapproval, notwithstanding ;that the promoters devised schemes whereby :the' pressing of an electric button on- English ,'soil mould -put the tunnel out of comanission in war trine. To -day that first mile of fennel is 'all that bas been clone 'toward'bor- ing beneath the English Channel. ,But ;the project is alive and is com- ing before the :(louse of Commons again with prospects brighter than ever' refore. France and Engliand are.'ou cordial terms and the inva sicn bogey is no longer acute. Engineers say that the ±diineli•ng t]iroiigli the irtipet'raoitis:•clialk of the ebannel bed ceuld,h•e easily ace ne pliehed by a::ibosin'g;mracbine:hunt on: the :plan -:tif a huge earpenter's bit, and the tunnel afterward's lined With steel. The route is about 23 miles, which, if courpleked, ,would constitute the longest,under-winter tunnel in the world. The cost is estimated at 'about $80,000,000.• While trlavelling on 'a -"steamboat a notorious, card-harpeu', who wish - ,ed to get into the good graces of a ,c"le,cR',yitua4l who was on board, said to the reverend gentlelnan "1 .eboudcl very much like le hear one 'of yotey seemo:ni, eir." ''AVell,"re- plied. the clergyman, "you could have heard me last Sunday if ,yon haci been Where you should home been:'i ''Whe1e washat then?" r 1n the county jaiI," leas the 'an - a ai Efect :oa I eIl�al�a TlirobliifE POOH Goes Q1IiC11y A YEAS` SUFFERER ,CURED R' "NERY'1LINE!' No .person reading..tliis (meed ever again suffer long from' Illeuralgig, - .Nerviline will , quickly cure .,tile'; worst Neuralgia; and Mrs,' G Evan$; in her strong, letter written -froth B.nrs' ae.A postaofliO3, says;- 'One lo3g Yeai', »the"Iongest of my; ilte was'aiiii eu :. tir els` given up , te.treating am-saea at$aclrsog NeuralS4a 'rhe':agony "experienced dninug' tome tg; the bad'. attacks was simpl"y unn'tentionable, :To' use -remedies- by the Score without: permanentrelief was mighty die -come aging. Al. luv last I put my faith in Ner-: vfltne -I read of the wonderfulepain- subduing power it posseseed and made up bay. Mind to prove it valuable or useless. Nerviline at once ;eased the pain and cured the headache, Cora tinuous treatment with this .magic;:. ..working remedy `cured . me entirely,. and I have -ever since stayed Weil" Mrs. khan's case Is but on,e of.hun- dreds-that might be auote,a•, :Nervl- line is a speclfle for all nerve, realaelt. lar or joint pain. It gulekly cures' neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, lame back, neuritis and rheumatism. Fortyyears in use,., and to -day -the emost widely used liniment in the Domin- fon. Don't take anything but "Nei, villne "' which any dealer anywhere can supply itt Large ,60n, - 1u,}ty, size -hett:Iee, or.:1a _ •our li 26e, trial size • "MARE'S TWIN" An American Girl in •Englaad Sizes' Up Princess Mary. "A princess in her fresh young teens, with blue eyes ,and golden hair, saunde like quite a; fairy-tale soli of creature, doesn't she?" an A..enerican girl in England, who had recently had, several; opportunities to observe the royal family at close range, .wrote home the other day, "Well, Princess Mary is .sixteen, a rosy blonde, and is blessed with glorious, shining hair, which, after •the Euglish fashion for girls in their middle teens, still streams loose over her shoulders much of the tittle. "'She has, undeniably, marked points of 'beauty; but she is not beautiful, and does not even strike you as pretty, ,although -if somebody who knew how could catch her and dress her, it might be a different story. But taste in dress was not a characteristic of her grandmother, Queen Victoria, or of her mother, Queen Mary; end she is said to take after both of them, with the' added draeabacic that she doesn't care about clothes anyway, and considers them just a bother. That mightn't' he a drawback, after all, if it meant that her dress- makers were allowed a free hand; but they are not. Queen Mary has decided ideas, and disapproves the present styles., and the duds the court dressmakers evolve under her direction are simply awful l Lady —, who knows, tells me that the London modistes actually hate to have the court eus,toan, instead of being proud of it, and never let their more ,stylish eu'itomers know, if they can 'help it, that they have nratde gowns for the Queen and Princess l "On horseback,—riding habits can't be easily out of taste,—canter- big gracefully beside her father in the park (for she and the I{'ing are inseparable riding companions), Princess Mary really does look both pretty and princessy enough to sat- isfy our republican ideals for, since we regard royalties as ornamental merely,- we quite naturally demand more of thein in that line than their eubjeote do. But on- formal occasions, she fails to look the part as well; she bas an air both stiff and shy; and, if it's anything out of doors, not Sairey Garnp herself could olin;g more passionately to her decrepit green unibrell' than does the Princess to her neat, cor- rect, tightly rolled, eminently pro- per, but somehow linroyal and dis- illusioning umbrella." Perhaps, with time and maturity, the little lady may acquire more of the superficial graces whose absence royalty snakes always disappoint- ingly conspicuous, Perhaps, a iso. her more than British devotion to' her umbrella may wane. At present it is so marked that as all England has Iearned with'a while, her bro- thers commonly refer to it as "Mary's twin." Does Your Mead Ache With Catarrh? HAVE YOU SORE. NOSTRILS, WA- TERY EYES, MUCOUS DROP- PINGS 1NrTHE STOMACH. • CATARRHOZONE WILL CURE•Y` OU. For the first time in the history of. medicine, a treatment for the cure of Catarrh endorsed by the medical pro- fession bas been given to the public. Hundreds of patent medicines have been advertised, but never before has the legitirnnte physician In good stand- ,ing,reconntended the free use of a Ca- tarrhal remedy, , The merit of Caaart•hozone Is so un- questioned, its cures so numerous, as ,to.entitle it to,rank as the one retnedy bY, which-Catarral disease In the head, nose s,nd throat can he reached MO cured. The eines of Catarrhozone are permanent. Even those blinding he idaches,, that , stuffed -up . feeling In the noseand forehead, are relieved h>;. (lye minutes.. Chest pains and dis- charge of nauseating matter is stop. ped. And just think of this—you stop. bawlring—you no longer snuffle or gag --beeauee ;Oatarrbozoue heals and soot'he•s away all irritation •an+4 con- gestton. , Wiry delay? By using Catttrrll.ozone to -day you start on the wayto health, ou Ca tarrhozd ne- will make and keep you free from every trace of coke, throat, ches,t, of catarrhal trouble; has, done it `for thousands, Why not for you? Large size lasts two rnouths, costs $1,00; small else, 5C'c, Alt deniers or by mail from 'the Catarrhozone Co., .Buffalo, N.Y., and :Kingston, Out. Did -we ever 'hear: of a married mttn who flattered 'his, wife, Minar• d's Liniment tersale eberynhers SIR LIONEL CARDEN, The 'British A'mbassador t'o Mexico is here shown posing for newepapar photographers oh. his arrival.' at Washington, where he conferred with Preeldent Wilson concerning the Mexicana .situation.. Sir Lionel de- clared that in hie opinion the Huerta Government was just as strong as oven When a Woman Suffers With Chronic Backache There Is Trouble Ahead.. Constantly .on their feet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting family, women often break down with nervous exhaustion. • In the stores; factories, and on, a farm are weak, ailing women, dragged down withtorturing backache and bearing down pains. -Such suffering isn't natural, but it's dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys. The dizziness, insomnia, deranged menses and other symptoms of kidney complaint can't euro tbemselves, they require the assistance of Dr, Hamil- ton's Pills which go direct to the seat of the trouble. To give vitality and power to the kidneys, to lend aid' to the bladder.' and liver, to free the blood of poisons, probably there is no remedy so suc- cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills,' i1'or all womanly irregularities their• merit is wall known. Because of their mild, soothing, and healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are safe, and are recommended for girls and women of all ages, 23 cents per box at all dealer's. Refuse any sub- stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Miut- drake and Butternut: PLANTS C'AN SEE AND AFAR. So Declares Famous French lIorti- cultilrist. M. Jean Viaud-Bivant, who is one of the most famous French hor- ticulturists, ` has just published a little book on flowers, in which he advances the theory that flowers both eee and .hear. As a young man, he says, he began to study flowers, for which' he has always had a passion, and he sought to "under stand the intimate life" of the blooms -which' he cultivated. 'Whet: be saw' the growing plant reach ottt- toward the necessary support he asked himself whether the action was the result of volition, and whe- ther the plant had eyes. M. Viaud-1}ruant is now appal,. ently convinced that flowers both hoar and 'see, There are some that are sensitive to anaesthetic sub- stances, other in »articular, which suggests the existence of a, nervoms s,ysboin, "like,that:of is nervous wo- man," oelan," And ho would even credit them with something analogous to the power of speech. ''Otto knows," he writes, ``that the perfume of flowers is a inanifes- bation of -vegetable life, a living radiation,' Perfume"is gats much ei vibration as an olfactory sensation. The perfume is the .voice of the flower; a''bollquet is a ii•oid.less re - mance. Each perfume, or rather,' ealh odorous sensation, corres- ponds with a certain note of vibra- tion ; there is -an analogy between the perceptions of sound, light and scent. The strung, scent cori,'es ponds. with the cleep'notes, while the delicate odors correspond -with the shrill dotes." Piles Cured in a to 14 Days ' Druggists refund ..money if FA,ZO OINI5rflNT' Jails to cure itchin$ 10103,or i rotruding• Pitts. •$'lest sepiloallenn g1tes relief. 60e• ", .. .Chat girl h'a.s, prettyla.air,„ marked; the yoiieg .niers '"Yee,” said the damsel he was with, "and site has Borne at ,home brat is even prettier." An Irish laboeer.'once went to Grlasgovv: As the was- walking up the l e 1 aCLoi' :: t ]alliin i c crit 111 h lack on g, e i his beak and a,,blacl tlSoaan stick the ongl1 it, a Sc063,rn110 same np to lin,i, saying, "Well; Pitt, hew diel the potatoes .gro-g. do Ir'el'and fbi its year 1", Pah looked itt him, took the pack'off ;his back, draw the blank tihorn f.rarn it, gave hire a blow on the Head,, knocicing him to the ground 'saying, "That is one orf. -the stalks .for you, and yon can judge for ,yourself the Size' of the potatoes,." Quick Cure For His. Rheumatism ROBERT J. PYLE FOUND IT IN DODID'S RIDNEY PILLS. kk'e Sintered for a Year,. but His Return to :Ifeaith was Quick and His Crlre Cemplefe. 13orug Louis, Que., March (Special). —'ldow quickly ' Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure Automatism andother forma of Kidney Disease when taken in, the early stages is shown in the ease of Mr. Eobt. Jt Pyle, a well-knottn farmer living near here. In an interview Pier. Pyle says: "Working in cold, wet weather was the chine of my trouble, and for about a year I 'had occasional cramps in the muselee and stiffness in,th,e joints.:1 wasoften dizzy and felt:,depress•ed and lour spirited. I was nervous and my skinitched and 'burned at night "When Iiheumatia'nz was finally added to my ills I decided to try. Dodd's Kidney Pills, .,.One hex cured hue completely, and I have had no return of my ±rouble. r, Dodd's Kidney Pilis cured' Mr. ,Pyles; Rheumatism because it was oaueed by sick- Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure sick Kid- neys, If you have any ,two of Mr. Pyle's symptoms," you; have sick 'Kidneys and' you need Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. SIIACIILETON HAS THE FUNDS Sir Iriiest Refuses to Discuss Ails. trian Explorer's Priority Claim.. A cable from London eays : Sir Ernest Shaoklcton has now eeoured $250,000 which was needed to carry out his exploring trip across' the Antarctic, continent in the south, He wants 550,000 more to have a margin for the supporting parties. The government has given $50,000, while anonymous persons have of- fered 5100,000 as a free gift; an. - other person offered $175,000 for the cinematograph rights, but the ex- plorer said this remains to be de- cided, Sir Ernest Shackleton is working fifteen hours a day at the prepara- tions, and he is obliged to postpone his intended trips to America and Norway owing to .the demand made upon him. He declines todiscuss any fur- ther the Austrian explorer Koenig's claim to priority of the Was in. fix- ing Weddel Sea, as a base, insisting that he mentioned this intention soon after his last return from the Antarctic, whereas Koenig claims, to have published his plan only last' May. Whether the Austrians go there or nob, Sir Ernest Shackleton say's, is a clatter of indifference to him. Minard's Liniment 00., Limited. Have mod 'MINAIID's LTNN1.9,1E1PT or Croup; found nothing equal to h; Sate our*. • CHAS. 19, SILAIZP. liswlrebww. N.B... Sept. let, 1905. ,. Cheek. Old Riclileigh-''So you want to marry my daughter. What are your prospects, may I ask " Suitor—"Excellent, sir, if I get her, I know you'll do the handsome thing for us." Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes. or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart —Soothes Eye Fain. Drugg'gists, Sell Morino Stye Remedy, Liquid'', 25c, 50e. Morino Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50a. Eye Books Pres by Mail. An are Tonisased for ANNM.the N..d Cork Murimo Eye . -Remedy Co., Chicago chore are some good husbands, but most of them are dead.' Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.. "tints to 'Debtors. "H'as Owens ever paid back that 510 you loaned hien a year ago '1" "Ole, yes; he borrowed 525 more' off me last week, and only took 515." tow ;Colonist Reams to Pacific 'Coast Vie. :Chic:ago&'North•'Western ily., iTas'ch 16th to April 16th Prom ' points' - in Canada to Salt /rake City, Ogden, Les Angeles,. San Francfeoo, Portland Tacoma,Se Seattle, Victoria; Vancouver. 'Kootenay District. and Canadian Northwestuointe. Through. Tonriet sleepers and free re• (lining chair ears from Chicago. Variable routes.. Liberal etapovers.' For' full in- formation as to rates,.a•outa and114era- Inre. write or 'call on. IL -72,. Bennott, tieneral Ageut, 46 Yonge Street: Toronto. It's:e.asier to borrow trouble than it is to give it away. Minard's Liniment Cares Dandruff., Wilnted--An Oeaupetion. The'e are two •reasons why some people don't mind their own busi- ness. One- is that they haven't any mind, tlhe o'the,r that they haven't an,y burliness. Regu,larit,' �.- of the bowels is an absolute necee- sits for good health:. Unless the waste matter from the food which ' there r ' collects o e Is of rid' at /east t. once a day, 1C decays y and poisons the whole body, caieingbiliousness, indi gestion and sick headaches. Salts and other harsh mineral purgatives. irritate the delicate lining of the'. bowels. Dr, -Morse's Iridian. Root Pills—entire( vegetable—regulate' the bowels effectively without weak- ening,sickening oor griping. Use Dr. Morse's BO III2cl a>f] Poot ,Pints I$SUI 11--''1.1.,.1 fl Wi111S!III'S TO 11713L. COME' E1NC;; French Military and Naval Demon stridiot! A11'aits,„Uit lll,ajt sty: A . squadron of French warships will act as an escort to the .British royal ,yacht which brings Kiirg G,eorge.and- (been Mary across, the channel next Morrth, and thele will be an imposing 'military and naval' demonstration in their honor,, when they reach French ,soil Every pia- 1. caution, will betaken to see that the i. Visit of therm lilajestios is unmarred by 15 is_nglo Unpleasant incident. While there is nothing to inrllcat ' any activity on the -part of the a:n- aschi„ts, every known member of rho sleds will: he kop't undet close' surveillance until the royal visitors have returned home. The 'militant suffragette gette colony in Paris is regarded' as more a' source of danger than the alma-,. ohists. Word has, reached : the po- 'Hee- that ' the Pankhurstites are planning a demonstration ,but they will have a e.ma11 chance of a.ccom- plishing anything. The French po- • Tice ane not eo tender in dealing, with such mattems as the ,English. On the principal that an ounce' of prevention is worth a pound 01 cure, they do not wait for an overt act before theytake' a hand,.. 4 R• DON'T HAVE RHEUMATISM CE' OIN PILLS NOW. and be tree of pain all winter. Mr. rte iort }Vdlaon. of Hardlield, N,P., says: "It elfards ere gresob pleasure to convey not only to you but also to ail sufferers from Backache and Ithcumatiom, the great relief I have obtained from the use 0f Gin Pills. I feel thankful to. you. 1 recommend GIN PILLS tp wnyono-sulfer- iiig as I did." .600. a Box, 6.far $2,50, Sample Free if you write National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Poroato., Danger of Contagion. When Bobby's motherreturned from her chapping, ohe found her small son in a fine rage, and the pretty nursemaid in tears. "Wheat is the matter now?" ask- ed the mother. "Sure, ma'am, he's remain' be- cause I wouldn't leave. him go to play with the Burton'' children," said Nora. "And it wasil',t that I wanted to deny him, but Aire. Bur. - ton .called ur=ton-called across they was having charades, and I didn't know, ma'am, whether Bobby had ever had them of not!" Brit Re Didn't Go, Even Tlien. "I wish I coact read your thoughts,'' lie calci, "So ,clo I," ,she replied, with a h alf stiflled yawn. "It's so un- pleasant eometime's'fto have to say what one Itrhinks," It sometimes lrappeats that a girl who has narrowly escaped matri- mony is to bo congratulated. Only One "8160190 QVIMSME" To getthe genuine, call for .- t'u11 name, LAXATIVE B1110500 Q11I14CN10. Look for signature of 11.- W, GLOVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. 26c. 'True 'love is never' too good to be true. Minard's LinimentN Cures Burns, Eli, WISE AND OTHERWISE,. The big fish in the sca can't he caught on small hooks. - All bets are on sure things, but some' are sure to lose. Few leen can remain cool when they encounter afrost. It is perfectly ,safe to trust the devil to collect what is due him. Girls make up their complexions before trying to make up quarrels. Each inmate of a lunatic asylum firmly believes that all the other in- mates aro crazy, . If wishes wore automobiles walk- ing would not merely be unsafe --it would be impossible; Bright future prospects :sometime so dazzle the eyes that present ad- vantages cannot be seen. Some people have the faculty of being disappointed ab not getting something they never expected. The dollar that you diel not ex- pect is larger than the'ten dollars that, you knew you 'would .get. Ignorance may be bliss, but the fellow in a ;position to enjoy its ase - vantages does not know enon.gh to know The man wh,aclairee everything in, sight is in trouble when the ar't'icle under diem:ashen is stolen peeper -by. The- results,iseeun_iso show 'that many ,men take more care in 'train- ing their i;. mill- ing'•their monstaohee thandirdct- ing: their children. No man knows the value of a dol- lar who has not earned one, but he may' know tile_ value of what the dollar will buy. The: question as to the coonparative cost and worth of being dead or alive might be settled if an inter view could he had with at fellow who had tried both. All ready bated to a nicety; whole' y mealy. and full flavored, Heating only to necessary. ro PARM9 .0012 SALH. - ASIC. IMi'11AVI9D . PARIg 640 ACRES, 1.7.7 under -crop, fully equipped. Waite owner, Percy Love, Rotl'tw, Alberta, H, mr, DAWSON,' liloety Colborne Streak reroute.. a YOU WANT TO BUY On SELL A A Fruit, Stock, Grain, or Dalry Farm write 11. W. Dawson,; Brampton: or 91. Colborne • 61., Toronto. ,H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St„ Toronto.: WA SITE 0. A GENTS WPi WANT TOO. 4PRIVJ9 Dominion Shade AdJnster Oe.. Wind. Fur Or motto.. - We -*ill pay you $t2o.00 'to dir,tridnito religious literature in gout community. Sixty days' work. Experience not reduired. Men or women. Oppor- tunity for promotion. Snore time may bo used. 'Internntional Bible Press Company. 189 Spading, Toronto.. . NEW$PAPERS 0013 SALE, /'y 00D WEDICLY IN talus TOWN IN 'A 'Ydrk County. Stationery 'and Boole Business in connection. Prise only, 94,000, Terms. liberal- 'Wilson Publish- ing .Company, 73 West Adelaide Street.' Toronto. NURSERY STOCK. CCP31AwnEsaIES;.ltAsPBP.I615IES, FIFTY l Varletlee, Erse Catalog. McGann & Son, Grovesend.. Ontario: 8I8CELLAN60UL f / ANCEI, TII310,S, LUMPS, ET0., 'kJ .Internal and external, mored • with. 001 pain by our home treatment. Writs ue before too late, Dr, Bellman Medics': Co.. Limited, Cellingwood. Ont, Peu't tnke log ,e n l,anree rlrh eparlo.1 epanc, mob, /tog hoes, //.,y gn,niks, eaeIDn�•a Mot or lnmene,r. Len theuidrel/aMa,remodr i N ALL'S Sliavkt Cure It has been used by 'Mime/nen, vetert-. varictus and farm- ers 1 ,r 35 yeare- anct it hos proved its -worth in hundreds of thousands el cases. Iiicl;erdike, Alta Jan. 510, 1010. "2 have hem, using Irendeli a Spnein CLINT. for a good many veers with good results. Ia fact, I am never without 11," II, Nrmor.p. $I, a bottle -fifer $5, et druggists -or write For copy or our book "'treatise on the Horse" free.. tSr. B..1. KENDALL COMPANY Enoshurg F'aila, Vermont, U.S.A. al L. One rainy day Aunt Sue was ex- plaining the meaning of 10110555, words to her young nephew Tommy. "Now, an heirloom, my dear, means something that has been 'handed down from father to son," she said. "Well," replied idle boy thought- fully, "that's' a queer name for -my pan•ts.,, felatisAleatirdidell One thorough application of ,'i'an'6e 73uk at night will bring ertac by moi'r . ZaneBakstops the smarting, heals the cracks and makes the hands smooth. Mrs. A, I+', Phillips, of A ees 01111 Que, says:-- "] suiierecl. terribly from chapped hands. Sometimes a-. %almost cries' with the pain and smarting, (ant -Buie Was recommended anti it gave rue ease almost as soon as applied. Nove rely hasid are quite smooth.' sae use Zarts-Burr for all skip eruptions, ulcers, pi/ea, cut, borne sed all akin injuries, 50c.„11011 elldrogg ate end stores. To expo] :stomach ansa tutcatinalworms from . lolls, as roll ns older bonen, use a remedy .that. will not "I,lrysic them to death," but will act; ea' a tonic. In thin respect SP,OIIN'9.10 unequaled. 55'rrll instructions in booklet with every bottle, An drueliats. •SPORN , MEDICAL CO3, Goshen, tad., Li. S. A. TRADE 5151555 For piles and all sorereso and irritation of � the - Vaseline" is the best safest at d skin Relieves chd ctl hands, he and quickest remedy, tical quick] ,Pp Ips` Data and sore lel ices to x . Illustrated booklet 'all about the different "Vaseline" preparations free on request.: Needed in every tonne. Write today. C}IESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY -(Consoitdatpd) 9850 Chabot Ave no.. Monis Aur