HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-03-12, Page 13Match 19th 1914:. Clint News -Record Garrett-Vodden' Nuptials. lite •marriage occurred at the Infuse ot the bride's father :•on the . l0th ton, of Hallett, on Wednesdaymovn- sg Of last week of Miss Eruby llIab• el, daughter of Mr. Wm, A. -irn, to Mr, Francis. Newman Car- rvtt,• also of`dTultett. The ceremony was performed , ;by x, v, J. F1. Oeterhout, pastor, of, the Methodist church, Londesboro, and was witnessed only by the immediate -friends. of the contracting parties.. Promptly at eleven o'clock, leaning en the arm 'of her father, wlto gave her away, the bride entered the 'drawing room to the strains of the wedglingmarch played by her- sister, Miss 'Grace. She was prettily gown- ed in cream pailette silk with 'pearl ;trimmings, wore the convenitional • :bridal ` veil caught up wi th ni tinge blossoms and carried a.lovely boluet ,of cream roses. She also wore the ;:corm's gift to the pianist was a dant " with diamond setting. ]'he room's gut to' the pionist was a ,pretty,pearl ring. After the ceremony all sat down in the, dining -room, which was- very aianilsomely decorated . with f irs ers and, bunting, to is sumptuous wedding feast,' The- young couple left en he aie- ncon'.train amid >a shower of rice and confetti on a trip to Brantford and .other places. The bride's going away ;costume: was a • suit of tan whipcord with hat to match. ' • Mr, and Mrs. .Garrett are Both well ;known and aro very popular with the young people of- the neighho:lmod. .They will be :at• home to their Iriends -on their return from - their .rioneyinoon at lot 32, con. 11., The News -Record joins with the many friends in good wishes and con- - gratulations, B1gth Miss Mabel Colclough has resumed her poaition'at Ethel after a vacation . of some Weeks at her home In town. Mr. Al.•E. Bradwin of'Goderich was is town last week. He has almost reenpletely recovered from his recent ,;llness; Mr. Peter. Uttley,,who has been very is now recovering nicely. Mr. John Vincent has been. supplying his place at the' electric light plant dur- ing his absence. -' e Nominations' for school trustee to ,fill the vacancy caused by the remov- " . ai from town ,• to Dr.' Charlesworth, ,will be held on Monday.' Mr. C. Johnston, who recently, dia. :posed of one hundred acres ql his ° farm in East Wawanosli to Mr. T. Bell, intends going to British Colulur -9fia if he can dispose of his remaining 'fifty acres to advantage,''• ' Mrs. Fenwick, her granddaughter and Mr. Fells, all of whom were •oe. oupying thehouse el' the time, were -almost smothered by coal gad one. morning last week. A telephone. call was sent in ,and no answer being made a neighbor was asked to investigate, and fotnd"the house lull• of gas and the three occupants unconscious. A doctor was immediately summoned a.:ad they were red:ored; It was a nartow escape, 5111w„ i Godett'.ic• l3 At special services in Victoria St. ehttgelt on'Stinclay Rev, Dr. Carman, one of Methodism's greatest men, re- ealled the time when, , 35 years ago, ne was present at the docltcation of the church, and ';congratulated the congregation' on its career of use- fulness, The day Was made an occasion of celebration. It had been announced at-somewhae of a go -to -church Sunt day and the auditorium was packed at each 'service.': Characteristic ser- mons by Dr. Carman were much en- joyed. On Monday evening the ladies of the congregation provided a -.tea anti concert, for which careful proper- - anions had been made. • The church is entirely free of fin - stole! obligation, and no appeal for fends was glade at any of tkl ser- vices. Mrs. Oakley of New York is visit - leg at her home in town. Mr. Hugh Dunlop, who has been - a resident of town"' for about fifty years was' stricken with paralysis while in his son's drug store the other day i;% .and is in a serious condition." Word has been received here of the Illness. of Miss Turner, who left here about three years ago for the Mission field of China, Miss Turner will pro- bably be .obliged to return home,; Miss Rose M. Cowan was married last Wednesday in Knox church to Mr. Leonard L. Walter of Carlow.. Mr. --and Mrs. Walter have since left fee Milly, Sarre., - whore they intend r Making their home. ,Miss Zella. Dyer of Blyth visited last weelk with Miss Rose Cowan, Miss Mary Wills has returned to her home at Mitchell after a visit with Miss Marjorie Aitkius ot`town. Mrs. Warnock .and 'Mr,' S. E. Hick were delegates from the Goderich Cir ole to the Supreme Circle of the order ot, Canadian Home Circles in Hamil- ton last week: • . Successful anniversary services'were held 3n Victoria street church On Sun- day lash followed 'rely an old -Fashioned 'sea meeting on Monday evening, Rev. Dr. Carmen, general superintendent of Ilse Methodist Church in Canada, was . the preacher on Sunday and also de- livered an address on Monday evening. At the age el 33 years, Mrs, Will - Sam Feagan, of Colborne Township, is; dead, at the"residence of hex .,on, John. The late Mrs. Feagan was tae of the earliest settlers in the county, coating here. three-quarters of :.a century ago, She issurvived by three sons, William, John and, .Tames, mei three daughters, Mrs. Fllsinger, ;Mrs, Captain Donnelly and Mrs. Cap- -fern ap- y in William Robinson, all. of God'er- Seaforth Mr. and Mrs: L. G. Kruse of Galt visited Mr and Mrs. W. Scalter 'last week, James'Morrison Pioneer of Hullett; Crosses Over. About 'midnight dh Friday' 'last, James Morrison, one of the few re - malt -ling of the pioneers of Ilatltct t responded to 'the great roll call. He was a native of . the 'Emerald Isle, his birthplacebeing. Ballymote, County Sligo, where he first saw. the light of day in 1828, Twenty years later, accornparied by a broth- er he sailed for Canada and after a journey of eight weeks reached Whit- by, .tens Province. Later he went to Albany', New York, where he married and remained three years. In 1852 he came to Mullett and located upon the 714, con. where he over afterwards continued to reside.. Icy April 1862 his brother; who had likewise, taken to pioneering, lost -his life while crossing the: river near their homestead during the period- "of spring freshet. Mr. Morrison was a life long and staunch Conservative. He was a man of more than ordin- ary intelligence and education and of Iris charm in conversation those who knew Irina in his prime speak in- the vary highest terms. -flu was' kindly,' considerate and of sterling irstegrity. His life 'partner, predeceased him several years, leaving three sons and three daughters as the only surviving neembe_rs of the family ; Miss Mary A. on the homesteady; Mrs. E ning, Mewassin, Alberta, Mrs. M. Quigley, Lincoln, Mich. ; Richard on the .7th con. ; Michael, 0th William, Clinton Road. . eThe funeral, which was largely at- tended by old friends and neighbors, took place Monday •forenoon, re- quiem mass being said in St. Joseph's church, Clinton, • by Rev. Father Hogan'and interment' taking place in the family plot in the R. C. cemetery on the 5th con. The pall- bearers were Richard Blake, John H. 'Medd,' Patrick 'Reynolds, Dom- inick Flynn, Owen Flynn, Patrick Quigley. Returned From Grand Lodge. Mr. Robt. McMurray of Bayfield was M town on Friday on his way from Guelph where he attended the Grand Orange. Lodge of. Ontario West,. the eighth consecutive • meeting to which ho has been a del- egate. Ile has also attended two meetings of the Supreme Lodge so that it must be conceded that. fra that- it must be conceded that .frac ternal recognitions Iiave been coming his way. With the exception of Squire John Scarlett of Leadbury, Mr. Mc- Murray has probably a greater as- quaintancc among prominent Orange- men of the western part of the pro- vince than any other member of the order in the county. Being a public spirited citizen there is no doubt that while in Guelph lig sang, whenever the -opportunity permitted, the merits of Bayfield as a slimmer resort. Aubtirn ilirs, Wm, Ruddy, who has been quite i11, is now recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Patterson have returned to their home in Albertamf- ter a two months visit at tiro for - filer's 'parental or-filer's'parental home, that 'of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Patterson. L. 0. L. No. 932 held a sucoessfui box social on -Tuesday evening of last week. It was well, 'patronized and enjoyable. Mr. and Mrs.- Win. Match have gone td take up their residence in Clinton. Auburn citizens, are sorry '1,0 lose theca from the village. Hensall Mr. T. Parimer, Sr., was in Lon- don on business last week, Some people are beginning to fear that when the frost goes out of the ground that the wall of the tee nt Bell block will fall into the street. The council has, purchased seventy- five pails to be used in ease of tire and a new chemical fire entiuguisher has 'peen ordered, so that FIcnsall- is going to• be better prepared than in the past to fight fire when it oc- enra, Mr. John McEwan, who has been absent in Minneapolis for some lit- tle time, has returned to Hensel' to finish the wank of settling up . the' affairs of his : brother, the late Geo. McEwan. A farmer by mista,sc went to _the station one .day recently and loaded and took home what he supposed was a new hay rake. On reaching home he proceeded to unpack' the ,.machine bub'found that it would not answer Iris purpose, that it was in fact a pulpitfor a church. H;e; took it back and it turned out to be the one whicli the church Officials were con- fidently awaiting to put, into ,the. Camwel church for-re,open'ng Sunday. Fortunately ib was promptly return eel and no harm was done. ` Carmel church was re -opened at a very, impressive service held on 'Sun- day week and presided over by Rev.. Dr, Shearer. The new organ was tried out and proved to .bo pleasing in tone. Dr. Shearer: also preached in. the evening and on ken -clay a recital wen given which was much enjoyed. D. D. fi. M. Rev. Mr. Aubry of Grantee paid an official visit to 7,hrr- tch Lodge one evening 'recently and atter the bt'siness 'of the lodge room all r:epairch to a restaurant and par look of a fine banquet, P. M. Rev; Mr: Doherty predfded at the banquet. Dungannon. Mr, ,Thos, 'Elliott has goneeto Tor, onto to take a' -position, The officers and members of - the Kil-Rare Klub, who have put on sev- eral very pleasant dames during the season, held a banquet at the Mal-. lough House on Monday evening of ,last week. Needless to say ''Karo' was not allowed' to mar the pleasure of the occasion, Mr. James Maize lies rented M; ss Durnin's house and will very shortly hove into .the village,; Marriages BARBER -SCOTT -In MoKihop ou Mardi 1.1111, 'Agnes Scott, second daughter of Mr. .John Scott; Tloa: bora, to Robert Barber; of 'Snow, - flake, Manitoba. COWAN-WALTER-At Goderich on March 11811, 'Leonard icorne Wal- ter, of Colborne township and Rose Mary Cowan, C,ode ich. Births PATTISON-In° Clinton on March 15111, toMr: and M•rs.' Edgai4 • Pattison of Brucefrold, a son. SPROAT-In Tuckers/reit, .n Pesach 11111, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sproat a daughter, Deaths MORRISON-In Hullett on March 14111, 'James Morrison, aged 86 years, HOLMAN-In Egmondville, on; Mar,, 10th, Jennie McCurdy, wife of George W. Holman, aged 53 years and 11 months, I'ROBINSON-In Stanley Township on March 13th, Edward Robinson, in his 75th, year. QUIGLEY-Suddenly in Sarnia on March lith, Theis, Quigley, aged' 55 years, - PROUT-In Exeter, on Mar. llth,'W. Prout, in his 69th year.. FEAGAN-In Colborne, on Mar. 10th, Isabella Feagan,' in her 92nd year, DI\L' - T, R R In• Goderich, on March 9811,., Mary Ellen Turnbell, wife of Mr, Joseph Driver. FIAMLEN-On•• March 10th, at Code, - rich, John Handal, aged 91 years and nine months. . CANTIIILON-At ":.Saskatoon, Saska on March 11th Guy, son of Mr. Harry Cantelon formerly of Clin- ton,- aged 25 years. , GONE ASTRAY. PICKED 'UP BY mistake in Clinton station on Sat- %day evening, March 7th. a Snap- shot Album. Will finder please leave at News -Record office anti obl gr - PRIVATE SALE OF FARM 1MPLE- ments,horse and cow at lot 54, Maitland eon., Goderich. township: Lasts until 1st of April.- John Ward. • -25 TEACHER WANTED. -FOR S. s, No. 5, Stanley, 1st or ltd '-.class certificate duties to commence alter Easier, - Salary $600. -Apply stat- ing experience and qualifications to Wm, Pollock, Sec. -Treasurer, R. R. 1, Varna, • -25-1, PRIVATE SALE, OF HOUSEHOLD, Furn;itare.-Consisting of parlor furniture, G -octave Dolierty organ, rockers, 'Gables, chairs, 2 bedroom suits, toiletsets, conunode, hall rack, clocks, lamps, sideboard, glass. cupboard, vacuum cleaner, coal range, Souvenir heater, gasoline stove, kitchen utensils, step ladder•, long ladder, 100 ft ', inch, pipe. Articles may be seen. any afternoon from 2 to 8 o'clock unlit March 26th at my residence, Queen street. Albert Turner, Proprietor. -25 Get Bumper Crops This Year by using the proper fertilizer- one containing from 6°fo to 10% of POTASH. Plants are like human beings ; you must feed them properly if you want them to thrive and pro- duce maximum yields. You must feed them abalanced ration, -that is, with the proper proportions of Nitrogen, Phos. phoria' Acid and POTASH. Home Mix Your Goods -and know whatyyou are feeding your crops. V(re will tell you how to mix and what to use. Our stock of Nitrate of Soda, Acid Phosphate, Basic Slag. and POTASH is.,ample for your requirements. Ilaviiig purchased these goods right, we can save you money on all your fertilizer material. ' :Call in and let us quote you. Frank W. Evans, Clinton. Phone- 192, 01191, Accept Claims Here's •a Guarantee Don't take chances on Roofing, for you can now have.roofing insurance. J -M Regal Roofing is absolutely guar- anteed against leaks due to defects in the tooling. And that guarantee is as good as a government bond, for it's signed by the makers, a-$3,000,000.00 company. JM Regal Roofing entirely in the Regale' is' made est h peopl s own mills. They knowthe quality of every square inch of it. That's why Grey can guarantee it, , l'hey rgake :the wool felt -know that it is the best quality, long-flbrec3 wool. They refine and process ;their own asphalt -get it direct from Lake Trini- dad. No man hasyet found anything else half as good fer waterproofing. So here is a roofing that is proof; against the broiling nun, against snow enc,, aa,, freezing and thawing the. oxygen in the air and the other things` which so soon ruin other wool felt roof. inge. J -M REGAL ROOFING is also highly fi +e-rm. Slimpleesrats r,g.rc ,free; niso an interesting book on roofing. , BYAM 81 SUITTER Sanitary; Plumbers Phone 7. FARM'TOR SAh1. -I illi: E vECTJ- tor of the Soutlrconl„a estate ,of- fers for sale 50 acres, being; east half of lot 28, .con. (1, Ilitllett,..'Pluis is a first class farm, well watered amt. - improved with good buildings. and orchard, also seven'' acres of bush land; -Apply to. E. J. South- combe, Ciiuton- P: O. -24 • 'EA0FiER WANTED 1st OR 2nd class ; teacher with Normal training by No; 9 Godenieb• town. - Duties to- co1nmence after Laster. State' salary and qualifi- cations. Applications received up to April" lst by -Guy flicks, See- retary,' R. R. No. 3, Clinton, • -24-3. SEED .• GRAIN ' FOR SALE, -No, 21 Q. A. C. improved Manchuria, Barley and Siberian Oats, -John W. Yeo, I3o1"nc�sville P, 0,, Cut Line Gdder- ich .Township, Phone 7 on 183, ' -29-3 CREAM WANTED, -I' AM .AGENT for the Walkerton Creamery. Any person having cream to dispose of please - write or phone' me Edgar, J. Trewarthat, Holmesvillb,. P. 0. Phone 15 on -1i53. -15. TENDERS WAN'PI9D;- TENDERS will tie received . by the .corned of •the township of Hullett 41p• to 5 p. m. on Friday 27th March, 1914, for. the digging and construction of the Bowes Award Drain in the town- ships of Hullett and Morris. Plans and specifications can be scan at the township :Clerk's office, I;oadesioro. The lowest or any tender not nee*. sadly accepted: James Campbell,' Township Clerk. -23-3 HOUSE FOR SALE STORY AND a hall frame, house on Queen street, 10 rooms, town, and soft water.. „ acre of land ' with a number- of apple, plum and pear trees. A stab- le and good sized chicken house. For further particulars apply on premises or address -Mrs.: Albert Turner, Clinton, Ont. -11 WOOD FOR SALE -ALL LENGTHS o best beech and- maple. Get prices at office. M. G. Ran§ford. - -17. BOY I have a permanent position for a bright, ener- getic boy.. The right boy cam make from 500 to 82.00 or more a week, without interfering with' hisother duties. Apply to COOPER & 00, CLINTON, ONTARIO Change of Business Having taken over the business of Mr. A. E. Matheson's flour and. feed store we will be glad to meet all his. old customers at the old stand, opposite the flour mill, with a full line of Flour. Feed and Seeds of all - kinds kept in stock. Just received a con- signment of damaged wheatfor feed. Frank W. Evans Clinton, Phone 192. ]3ruc efield Sawmill The place to sell All:Kinds of Logs. The place to buy All Kinds of Lulnl.1er Canada Cement Lehigh Valley Coal Baffalo Brand Fertilizers NOTICE- ' Your Buffalo Brand Fertiliz- ers have arrived and are now. stored here in my sheds, Name .A, P.A. P, p'c Fanners Choice 1 8 5 $28 Tdeal wheat & corn -2 9. 5 31 Potato di bean s'p'l 2' S 10 35 Garden Truck 4 8 7 40 Wins its favor three its flavor Come early and avoid the rush John B. Mustard Phone 11 on 145. tIOUSIi: Fog SALE', OR 10 RENT. -2 Story frame house on (tauten St 0 rooms, hall upstairs and down, good ,stone cellar, kitchen and wood stied, in good repair, hard and soft water, a acre of land, all kinds of fruit • trees. Hen House. -For fur- ther ,pdrticulars ur-ther,paiticulars apply to J. B. Lit- tle,' Albert St., Clinton. -23, MONEY TO LOAN, PRIVATE funds. --Apply to Box 173,• Clinton, IS 0. ^21 MONEY WANTED -THE UNI1ER- signed can place several thousand dollars on mortgages, bonds or debentures -security tbei .cry best, -Jas, Twitchell Son. HOUSE FOR SALE,, -ON BATTEN, bury St. west. Six rooms with wood...shed. Good cement foundaa ticn, 'good cellar well drained' ,Town Water and cistern. First, class gar- den. --Apply at The News -Record office. -21. FEATHERS FOR SALE. -A QUAN tity- of..good feathers in pillows, til - so a number of lamps; 'foe sale. For particulars• apply at -- Canadian Express Office, Clinton. -18. FARM FOR. SALE. -The William Proctor Farm, Lot Number 32 and south-west part of Lot Number 33, Maitland Concession, Goderich town- ship, 144 acres. Apply to W. Bry- done,'Clinton. -10. COTTAGE FOR SALE, - SIX rooms, cement cellar, town water. Located in the centre of the town. -Apply ' at The News -Record of- fice. -15 The 'Junior Garden' by ONTARIO ST. JUNIOR LEAGUE Thursday, Mar. 19th. Wanted ' 'RAW FURS 000N, MINIS; FOX, WEASEL AND SKUNK. ALSO 1000 M U S (II R A T SKINS WANTED BY APRIL 20th. (� ��y' - JAS. STEEP. JOHN MAY, AGENT FOR THE DEERING. PEOPLE, Is offering fencing at low prices. Al- so a good powder for sickly hogs. Orders taken now for Homestead Fertilizer, For Sale in Clandeboye GOOD BRIOK HOUSE, 2 ACRES ORCHARD, STAB- LES, AND 15 ACRES LAND, CONVENIENT TO POST OF- FICE, S C H 0,0 L AND CHURCH APPLY W, A•,, JONES. 206 PERCY ST. OTTAWA. CII01016 PASTl1RE I+'AItM FOIE Sale: -Toot 21, Conces ion 5, Stan- ley, containing 77 acres girder :cul- tivation, 40 acres in pasture and 7 i,aeres in good bush ; consisting of cedar-, hemlock, 'beech and maple. 'There is a good frame barn and cedar log house, Those wishing to purchase a good pasture farm - with opportunity for light 'agriculture will do well in interesting theme selves in this property, as river runs through this farm and woods afford excellent shelter, and - -grass is always: the best, -Apply to : J, J; Richardson, Varna, BELLEVIEW I' A R 131 DAIRY. - From our stock of first-class cows we are . prepared to supply you twice daily with the hest of milk and cream. We solicit a sir e of your patronage, -E. B. I�".; Phone THE CilfINEHTOBE Live_and Let Live Id Jote Every once fn a while you pick tip a newspaper, with ,the old jo1'e in somewhere about the boarders who never . get anything to eat but prunes. - Well, we just wish we could give the writer of those prune stories a saucer filled with the fat, juicy, luscious prunes from our store. We'll guaran- tee that man would never do anything but praise prunes thenceforward. It's the same with all ` our dried fruits, peaches, 'apricots, etc. °. All are carefully selected, kept . clean and neat ,and free from everything not wholly dweet and appetizing. It's our store policy. You'll notice it in drop in 7 everything we sell. Won't you A CALL SOLICITED. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Is Your Egesight as Not as Go it Was ?. If your eyesight is not as good as it was you need glass- es, riot a pair picked up at random, but a pair carefully selected by an experienced' optician. The same glasses will not suit every pail of eyes and the optician does -not make the selection until he has made a scientific test of your eye3, Properly fitted glasses ar a comfort to those who need glasses, And there are people who are troubled with headaches caused by eyestrain who would get relief from glasses fitted by -us. A. J. GRIGG • Olaticlan Jewe'er and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. "BEAUTiFUL HAIR" makes every woman beaut- iful, and all who desire„to make the most of their ap- pearance have the oppor- tuniiy of paying a visit to Prof. DOREN WEND` OF TORONTO who will -be at the RATTENBURY HOUSE Clinton, on 'Wednesday, April 1st,, with an immense stock of the'Latest Fasbions:in Flair Goods, A Style to Suit Evety Individual e.s a "Ladies' with Thin. Hair" See and have a demonstration of VIEDORENWEND T1i,ANSFORMATION They will give a charm and ettractiveness,to an otherwise plain' face and,will assist any women to keep her youthful appearance' They areanperior to all others in efrects pheytprdouce when adjusted, in gautity of hair and efficoney of workmanship, -' c �";-4 `•A FREE DEMONSTRATION•.18 OFFERED TO;ALL" Wigs Teanstormatins, Pompad ours, Ban gs, Fronts, Way es, ,Switcbs,Braids,Etc "Gentlemen If You are Bald" call and see The Doren wend Sanitary P. tent Toupee, which isa perfect protection to the head. For natural effect, r,trengl ls, durabitity, hygonic qualities, they are un-. equalled. Besidesthis they will make any" man appear years younger: This Teepee is �ry protected in all countries and may only be purchased from ns. C•o. Do not fail to call and see them, and reulemher date. THE DORENWEND COY. OF TORONTO, LTD, (The Rouse of Quality Hair Goods) 103-105 YOUNG STREET TORONTO 4