HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-03-12, Page 12Bagr eld .A
The c ...r given. 'ii the tow 1 hall
;7,11 once t g{ 1 ;town l
last 7h ursday evening by
the Sun-
-day school; of `i{inity, Cleareli Was a
great sucposs, The program; WO .]o'
enjoyable that it,pliatiued Lae aucl-'
fence and the attendance ,vas „o 1'i4rgc
• that the proceeds afnounted to even'
More than the interested ones •had'
hoped for, "`• The 'school will, be great,`.
ly benofitted by ''the generous re
- elpts 'which willbe used wisely for',
its be'tternient;' •
ile = f Clinton- has,
'IMF. Chas' Wt S o ,.
rented the; store and (healing , former-
'•• ly occupied by ,the ' late Mr, John
Whiddon and will open up, a butcher:
shop. This a line of •business that
13ayfiold rias felt the need of', -for years..
espeelally .in the seamier season when
the yillage is cramful of visitors doe
housewives' find it difficult to supply
their.tables with fre.lt meat. •For:
this reason the new butcher shop will
prove a welcome addition to cur bus-
iness life. Mr. Wilt Wilter has had a long
experience in the business in Clinton.
and is as well 'courteous and obliging,
and we bespeak ro y :him nitwit success.
Mr, Wm: Sturgeon, who moved to
St. Thomas about a year ago, re-
turned to Bayfield last week.
Councillors E, Mernar and George.
Weston attended - a meeting of the
Hydro -Radial at Exeter 'Yesterday ev-
.Mr, Andrew McGregor, who has
been a resident, of the 601 con.' of
Goderich township for a great` num-
ber of years, has [roved his family
into the village and will reside here.
A meetin; of the ratepayers .and
council has been called for next Tues-
day evening at half past a ast seven -to take
'into consideration the nioviog and re-
modeling of the town hall. The rate-
payers are requested to attend fully
as the council will be largely guided
by the opinion oftheratepayers ^ at
this meeting in their fiction in .the
Mr. Cathro left -on Saturday _ for
Sudbury on. business.
The C'. O. F. held an At-HIome and
oyster supper in the i;a'l on the 00-
=ening 'ot St. Patrick's Day, the 17th
of Ireland.
Stanled Township
Mr. Melvin Talbot intends leaving
for the west this week.
• Mr. Robt. Robinson returns this
week to the west after attending the
funeral of his father, the late Ed-
ward Robinson!,
Miss Mabel McKinley, Miss Reta
Keys and Mr. Ruskin Keys spent the
week -end at their respective.homes.
Mr. Richard Robinson `of McKillop
attended the funeral of his brother,
the late Edward Robinson of the
Goshen Line, .on Sunday last.
Mr. C. Morrison of Toronto is ndtr
visiting his mother• who has been
quite ill but is now recovering speed-
IIIc, anil Mrs. William Perdue re-
tuanedon Friday last from' a
hreeuees visit with relativesat Por
Elgin, Southampton, Mir 'Forest and
other places. They had Itmost en-
joy able time add rare feeling muolv. the
better as the result of Clic Change.
getting'ready to 'leave foil Clinton on
Teesday his horse, httehed�jj o the
u started off .suddetil went
buggy, ,,Yt
down the :road at a good ace and
into the little Beek where`':31; Matted.
with the, buggy turned; upside down
and the shafts •detaphed. There,
thought. Mr, Cartelon 'to• hiuiself, is
a job :for those buggyclocters•fn
Clintom,'so he was very agreeably
surprised, to find .on uprigliting the
-vehicle that it had !not receiliRed,even
so much as a scratch.
Miss Edythe Peddles, who has been
the successf ii teacher of No. 9 sclioo.l.
l a {
tot the past three years, has resigned
and will leave at Easter. Miss Ped-
dles will be ihilsed Jnaodial-circles as
well as in the schoolroom, she hay
Mg beer, popular with the young peo-
ple of the community. t
The auction., sale on Thursday last
of the farm stock and iinglenents of`
Mrs. IIart Illcics'.was largely attend-
ed and big prices were realized, Cows
went 10010 $70 to $86, a four weeks
old calf for $16, April cattle for trent
$41 to $43 and hgr'ses corresponding-
orrespondingly high.- • .
An diem in the .program given at
the reefnt lox social held by No. 189
which f was omitted' in the report, was
a dialogue presented by Miss Nellie
Hicks and Mr, Chas. Wise and en,
titled : "Mrs. Smiths New B ardce
r w o
It wasy well ver el given indeed and
caused no end of amusement, being
sure one of the features of the even-
Wo are pleased to report Mr, ,Fer-
guson, who makes his home with Isis
daughter,' Mrs. David Churchill, on
the 12th con. very much "improved in
Mr. Roy Langford and his mother,
Mrs. Alex. A. Langford, of Granton
arc visiting at the hone 'of Mrs. J.
D. Burns of the ,16th:
!'Missions and the British Empire"
was the subject of a very interesting.
and instructive address by Rev. J. C.
Potts of Clinton at the regular meet-
ing of the A.Y.P.A. of St. James'
church on Tuesday evening. On the
evening of April 1st Mr. H. C. Light
of Huron College; Londbn, will give
are illustrated lecture before the young
people on the sub;ect of . "Church
Camp Mission Work," the work among
the construction, lumber and mining
camps of Northern Ontario.
A box social under the auspices of
L.OtL. No. 306 will be held in Cole's
church on the evening of the 31st in-
st. to taise funds for the repairing of
the hall. ! Good program,
Good Morn'ng ! lo'a know
The` Ncws-Record is The
News -Leader. •
Clinton News-Rece,tn
March ' 19th '1914
Miss hernias took in the diamond
jubilee set a tees in the Church
� Wesley r
n Sunday 1
Clinton, est.
Sighs of spring. are now abounding,
. i
Rgbiiis • arc singing, i t g, i lovers are
screaming and some of the fanners
are already gathering, sap for tllesug-
ar kettle, May the: run ,bea'.geed
There are those, however, who Could
still'' make use of sleighing if, it' had
remained, not :;havin their.logs 'haul-
Mr. George' Ladd's` sou 'who'6ndhr-
went' an operation in the Clinton[ lies-
pital•"last • week, is now thing :;well,
the friends'of the family will be pleas-•
ed to hear.'
The R o ;Institute s
] - I stititte held: their
annual oyster supper at the home of
Mrs. Ezra Pickard on : Friday evening
last and a very successful evening' was
spent in games of various kinds, a
'moles,' contest, etc. All had a„good
The sale of fartm stook and imple-
ments of Mrs; • Hart- Hicks was , a
very successful one. The farm itself
did not change hands, we nneer11 sur l..
The egg. gatherers are again taking
up their. regular trips and Mr, Pr; --
wartha is preparing for a banner ) ear_
in the egg and poultry line.
Several cans of .crciatn are being
shipped ,from here to the Walkerton
creamery. -
Mr, G. i-1' Holland went to To' nti'o
on: Monday and on his return will
have another car of cattle for sale
`provided! -he could secure the quality
he desired,
Mr. A. T. 'C'ooper of Clinton took
the. service. in the Methodist chinch
Sunday evening and gave a most in-
teresting address on the recent tem-
perance conference in Toronto, giving
many of the expressions and Mapres-
sions of the different speakers, and
indeed so forceful were his remarks
that it gave one a feeling of regret
at not being present to hear and learn'
for oneself. Mr. Cooper is quite at
home an the temperance question• and
is most emphatic in declaring his con-
victions. He is always welcome in
Mt. Ezra Durst and Miss Rose Durst.
of Colborne and Miss Maude iiale of
Goderich spent a very enjoyable even-
ing at Mr. and Mrs. Jervis on Fri-
day evening last.
Are you a News -Record Subscriber ?
R, Beattie has just removed.
from Varna to Egmondvillu.
A dumber front here attender the
funeral of Mr, Edward Robinson on
the Goshen Linc on Sunday after-
Mr. Scott of Seaforth was here on
business recently.
Mr. Malcolm Keys had the misor-
tnne to cut his hand badly on Monday
while cutting wood.
Are you a News -Record Subscriber ?
Mrs. Bowe} has returned from a
tstt with her, dau iU�r] Ayr 'Jack
Gra!nget• of Seaiorth.-
The Kelly Mission Band entertained
the Lurelca Clluh of £he Presbyterian
church in fife school, room on Monday
evening -The girls put on the little
playlet, "A.'°Queer•Five O'Clock, 'Pea
Party!' about twenty girls.taking
part It wits a . , missionary , evening
and each girl' represented a different
foreigner ,wli4• 'rias 'come ,to our coun-
try, Each' one .took ;part well -and the
Program was -followed .by .lunch,
Hamilton'' Spectator :—On Febrpary,
26th •in the -St. Tliomas Church • the;
inarria :i
goof Miss' Violet Fox;' dantgh-;
ter of the late Janes ': 8oplis•
For, Burlington,' to Mr. John
1Valmsley Itattenbiiry of'Torente.
took place very i quietly.. • Rev,
L • J. E&herington; officiated'. Af-
Aer a trip 'to the : West Indies and
Panama. Mr. and 'Mrs. Rattenbury.
will reside in'Rosedale, Toronto.”
The above refers to the only son`
of Mr. and Mrs,,. Will. Rattenbury of
Erucefield. His old friends here;: join.
in the congratulations and good wish-
es. • •
Miss -Mary McDonald a of Sealorth
spent Sunday at her home here.'
Edward,' Robinson, Stanley..
Township, ,Passes Into the
Great Beyond..
Edward Robinson, another of the
old residents of Stanley township,
passed into the spirit world at his
home on the Goshen Line on Friday
age f seventy-five years.
last at the o s
l; Y
I•Iis wife and a family of seven, four
sons and three daughters, survive :
Thomas, who resides on the sante
Line; Hobert and Richard of Car-
lyle, Sask., William, who is a stu-
dent at Toronto University, Mrs.
Henry Ersatt and Mrs. Samuel Er-
rant both of this township,: and Miss
Eliza at home: His family were all
gathered about his bedside before he
Passed away.
The 'deceased was a- Methodist in
religion, being a member of the,
Goshen church, and 'wag a quiet and
obliging man, a good neighbor and
enjoyed to a large extent the respect
and esteem of the community in
which he lived.
Though he had been failing for
sonic time his last illness was only
of about a week's duration. Death
was due to a breaking up of ,the sys-
The funeral took place to Bayfield
cemetery on Sunday afternoon and
was largely attended. The services
were conducted by Rev. Mr. Sem
den, the deceased's pastor, assisted
by Rev. Mr. Johnston, pastor of the
Presbyterian church at Varna, the
pallbearers being Messrs, J. T., W.
L. and. Nelson Keys, John McKinley,
Nathen Pock and - Ed. Johnston,
London Road
Mr. and Mrs. ,John Mchnight,
visited ler daughter,e
Taslcer o1]
i-I'ullett, and other friends, in, that
township fast. week,
Mrs. Dodd of Clinton was the guest
of her daughter and son ui-law, Mr.
and Mrs G. W. Layton, test week,
Mr, (1.f 13. Hanley is ;somewhat itt
disposed just at present and is under
the -care . of -a. physician though not;
confined to the house :Tile "many ;tri
enda of,, -t11 geni li"..
'G=B."trust that.
tlq ,trou)le :hitt a
A vetry pJ'easarit,':time Was spent abr.
#lie' home of Mr. and Mrs, G. W.
Layton by the League;oh Tuesday
.weelc when the regular literary pro-
gram. was givenfollowed by refresh,,
tnents • and a sociat' hour. ,
Woodbees are the order.,'o1 the day
+• Some the.•farizees aceby. s
y with..
the sap. ;It is: Yet uncc,r•tain• whether.
the run will be a good one.
Mr. and Mrs. ,;John (r. .Crich, who
recently, •disposed, of their::,fat-in, .rnov-
ed last week to 'Stratford. Their • fri-
ends liereatouts visit thein success in
their new home.
kr..-and Mrs, John 11.' Crich., and
.dauglftcr "ha've, taken up their abode
in Stratford :. where they rosido on
Avon street. MVrr. Crich -is a ..native -
of this township, and ,the, faun ivhlch
he, recently disposed.rof°.was '.tile old
homestead where° _
lie was boon and
spent • orksnanr.el ;his .years His
new location will be much more eon-
venient for Mr: Oriel[ in following his
profession of decorator at which he is
so successful
Are you a News -Record Subscriber ?
St. Helen's
Mr. Geo. Nilson of Guelph is spend-
ing a few days visiting at the home
of •his uncle, Mr. Wm. Humphrey.
Mr. Jas. Irwin spent a couple of
days at the home of Mr. Wm. Woods
last week.
Quite a number from around here
attended the school concert on the
9th con. and report having a good
Miss Fanny Joynt and her mother
have become residents of the village.
Mr. James Joynt leaves for the
west some time this week, He intendd
to locate at Lacombe, Alta., and
teach school. "
Mr.. Mat. Woods fas sold his farm
to Mr. James Agar.
Miss Emma M'odds has returned
from visiting her sister in Kinloss:
Miss Chrissy Miller of Wingham
High school spent the week -end at
her home here.
Are you a News -Record Subscriber ?
Miss Edith Jamieson of Clinton was
a week -end visitor, at the homnq • of
Thus was laid to rest ' another of Mrs. Thos. Siinpson,
Stanley's pioneers. Aro you a News -Record Subscriber ? ,14tU111010=1116111M®�IPM1000
:New ��riug longs
dt' Special Prices.
We have just received o a lirstshi shipment of New Rugs
and while •
they nre'wondorful values still ‘17-6 are
going to o
ffer some hxtra Spec.
[itPrices during the next two week in to iuduee
earaq buying.
e Tapestry Rugs, Velvets and Wilton Burs arid all ,pec
Lill priced for the next two L f specks,
' S.i.E OUR, SPECIAL $10.00 I;UUS,
Also some big1 alacs in Linoleums andI, 1 n
ace Ctxtar ..
worue ';
Spt ing time m.eans Shoe t
mora most families lies an„d
re here
with the goods" to.supply ,thosewants and a; big savt no pike to you
Don't miss seeing our stock when looking for your
nextpair. "lit will pay you well".
Plurnsteel Bros.
Small Profits'
More Business
It Will Pay You
TO buy your furniture
from us because our
stock is complete in
every department and
our prices a r e right.
Nowhere in the county
can you get better Fur-
niture satisfaction
than in our store. If
you have riot been deal-
ing with ,us give us a
The Store
of Quality,
Phone 28
W. Waiker
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker
Dry Goods
House FLirnishings.
for 1 1 !
E believe we have reason for making favorable con,mentis upon our present display of high class millinery, tailor made suits, coats, skirts, dresses, blouses, dress goods, etc. All who like to get the first
pick of the season's choicest styles will find here the newest ideas in the latest creations at a reasonable price.
Novelty Black and White Suitings. Are
We have now on diepl ay a beautiful range of high grade dress goods in the new honey
comb weave in black and white,- Some of these ale exclusive suit lengths. Prices range
from 60c to $2.50 per yd.
New Box and Diagonal Black and White
These are very new also very smart styles for: sults or combination snits with plain checks
in a variety of sizes, prices -from 85c to $2,50 per yard,
This Store for Novelty Dress Goods.
This Store for
Novelty Dress
New Wash Fabrics, Strong Variety
The showing this season in the wash goods section by far excels any previous showing. A
very extensive sale of wash dress fabrics has been predicted in the forecasts for summed bust.
ness from all quarters. We have one of the finest and most extensive assorttnents to choose
See our magnificent display of beautiful rugs and floor
The largest collection ever displayed at this store,
2nd floor,
Have You
Seen ur
Spring Coats
Choose Vour Easter Suit Early
We have a large assortment of
spring snits id all the newest "styles .and.
shades. Amongst the lot • are the new
Short coats which are going. to- be so
much worn, also the -tunic "and peg -top[
skirts. Don''t decide on your new spring
suit before seeing our large range.
First Showing of Spring'
Wednesday March 25th and following
We invite you to visit tour millinery"parlor and inspect
our beautiful collection of high class millinery. •
• -,';.:..'.; ,w..:.itt At.
We present the pick, of the best manufac-
turers in the new coat creations for spring
- 1914, One of the' chief attractlons_of Qur etook
is completeness, not alone fr4iti"the point oil
style but also as regards materials, colors, trim-
m;ngs and sixes They Corsi 14 "three-quarter
and 40 inch lengths. and come in cohdlt of tan,
.navy,:black, •fawn, terracotta? copen, cerise