HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-03-12, Page 8!Ft, Cliiitoa New& -Record EE Of CeIa. e. ► monsannece ateh 12th, Windou� FOR NEXT WEEK. SOUTH WINDOW Showing what the Impt'oved Methods of Clouse Gleaning Necessities will do. NORTH WINDOW Display of the articled we carry in Aluminum Ware, CENTRE WINDOW Dr. Hess, Stock Food, Panacea etc. This is the Season of the year to use for best resulte. Just received the celebrated National Electric Sad Iron, A good Stock of Sap Buckets and Spiles. HARLAND BROS. ne teet/ our STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES. Our Sboesare; GoodShoes Not because we say so, but because they are. You will never know this until you wear them, A good time to find out is when you need your next pair. Come, see and be con- vinced, Once wear the Dr, Reid shoes and you will know why we claim so much for them. FRED. JACKSON. Good Shoes for Everybody.1 Our $18, $20, $22.50 LADIES' S' MAN T L Sale Still Continues Everyone this seasoI1's new stock, $8,00 and $10,00 ,Mantles $4,95. $5.60 to $7.50 " $2.95. A sew Fun at manufacturing prices. ..u.�rr We- have a few dozen Men's fine shirts (some with separate collars) which are slightly soiled. Regular $1.00 and $1.25 choice for 65e Men's Hats at ball price. Regular $2,50 for $1.25. Also some Wonderful bargains in clearing lines of• clothing •dad- boots and shoes, Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits More Business Don't fa l:to call on BALL & A.TItINSON when locking for anything in Furnitw-ees we carry a complete and up, to -date, stock of all kinds, 'comprising many beautiful and ueeful articles to suit you and which we are offering • at most reasogtable prices: Ball & Atkinson FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS Night and Sunday Calls. Phone 1t0. J. A. ATKINSON, • Phone 18t1. N, BALL, This Perfectly Beautiful Design is from the Standard Fashion Sheet for March. Don't miss its other lovely advance designs. Your copy is waiting for you at our Standard Pattern Department Free! W. D. FAIR CO. Often the cheapeet—Always the best. IICIatinWOuN luunulalna,. � dh If lh1, Airs. Worthington is visiting Toronto friends. Dr. Gunn was in Toronto the latter pare of last week. Mrs. H. W. Cook returned from Tor- onto Tuesday evening. Miles Tc sic Crooks has taken a pos- ition at Paris for the millinery season. Mrs. Annie Beacons has been laid up' for the past week but her friends hope she may soon be restored. Miss Edith Rothwell of Stanley township, who is a patient in the hospital, Is now recovering nicely. Miss Florence Cuninghame returned last week after a fortnight's visit with Miss Hattie Baker of Fuller ton. Mr, Fred. (tellies of the firm of Pax - man & Gillies has just returned from a business trip to Oshawa anti Tor - of a - g 1i to g e S r. d 1 e • t c n s e e c 1 onto. itis• snarl Mrs. Edgar Pattison Brucefield have been spending va ation with friends in town durin that past week, Mr, Frank Evans was in Toronto o Thursday conferring with the fir whose product he will handle alon the concessions ari'1 sidelines. Mr. Clifford Amirews was hom from Limina last week, con ing up to attend the,funeral of hi grandmother, the late Mrs. Glazie Mrs, Arthur Cook returned on Salus day from Toronto where she wa called by the il'ness, which prove fatal, of her brother, Mr, Willian Me.a01{. rD. Cantelon is at the (capita this week having accompanied a de putation from Goeerich to ask th Goyernment for still further aid fo harbor improvements. Mr. Win. East, who has been in th hospital for five weeks following a accident by which he broke hi arns, has so far recovered that h was able to return home on. Tues day, Mr. C, O. Dickson of Bi:antford, solo alto player of the Dragoons' Regi- mental band, has secured a positioti on the line-up of the Clir;ton Kit ties and with his family will local in this town. Mrs. Catharine Kerr and dher da',igh ter, Miss Leo, Toronto, and Mrs, Alex, Alderson, WWJingham, who wer, guests of the Andrews and. Glazier families returned to their respective Homes 'Utile week. Miss Bessie Davis, who had the mis- fortune to break her waist by a fad at the rink one evening about a fortnight ago, and who has had con- siderable trouble with it since, is now recovering. Capt. Martin, attached to the'Ter{L•i- torial Headquarters of the, Salva- tion Army at Toronto, was in the town this week on business con- nected s with, the `financial depart- ment of the movenient. Mr. 'Ensile Townshend returnee to Ottawa Saturday to resume his studies in core ection with the Holiness Workers' Training School after a visit of some- weeks with friends in Clinton and vicinity. Mr.' Robert King of Hamilton was a week -end, guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mts. Walter King. Mr. Xing, who is liead of a come mercial school, is doing well in. the Ambitious. ` City, being one mote Clinton boy who.hasmacle , good. Postmaster Scott, who has been con - feted to his hone for -several weeks, is now so far recovered thathe is able to walk out on fine days. His many friends will be pleased to sect lshw resume his accustomed round of duties as soon as hip health permits. Mr, and Mrs, 0-. W. Pinner of Van- couver arrived Saturday on a visit to the lady's parental hone,, that of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I3artliff. They came by Way. of the South- ern States, stopping MI at several places era route,and had a most pleasant jo,tirncy. NIr, Pinner's stay will be a comparatively shdrt one but Mrs. Pinner will probably rennain a couple of montlis. This week we opened up the new Nineteen -Fourteen im.pbrt glosd direct to us fresh from the;,Old Country,' In this shipment Came, Ratine Suitings, Crepe Suitings, Dress Goods, Art Sateens, Creator's, Window Madras etc and solosit, Your inspection. Cone in as often as you please we will be pleased to show you through the New Goods as a Buyer or not. Ptatthe' Suitings. New retiree' settings in small checks- and platin colors, white, pink, tuskin,,'rose and cadet blue, 30, 40and;52 inches wide.' • Priced at.... .. ......... .60 .90 $1.00 Ne y Cotton Crepe Suiting.. Pl.' New cotton Crepe sailings plain and' fancy spots, in tan, rose tuskin new biu,iot blue, and white, 52inchce wide. Priced at 28 New, Dress Goods, All our riew import dress goods are now in stock, they comprise the new nineteen -hundred .weaves, space will not permit a descrip- tion of the lines, most of there are in dress length, and no two alike. New Window Madras, - Bungalow netts, scrims, are madras, in all the new nineteen four, teen patterns now in stock ready for your inspection, house cleaning season will soon be here, why not look through this range now when it is complete. Specials dor Saturday Selling Underpriced. Underskirts and Gloves. 111,5.00 underskirts $3.70. Black silk morey underskirts all sizes, deep flounce, and dust frill, regular $5.00 on on saleSaturdaytat • 53.79 IL Special Black Sateen Underskirt 79c. ow Ono dozen only black sateen underskirts, good glos- ey finish all sizes,:worth in the regular way 81.00 on sale Saturday .79 Linoleum 42e Four good patterns of Scotch Linoleum two yards only, Klock and floral designs, heavy weigh, worth fn the regular way 550. Saturday priced at.... 42 $5,00 Silk 'Waists, $3.79. Otoin choose Ladiesk waists styles to froe lot tluis /just clk earing fine. for quick selling, sizes 34 to 40, regular $5,00 on sale Sat- arday'at 53.79 Kid_Gloves S9c, Ladieslkid gloves in black and tan, all sizes color fit and wear guaranteed, or money refunded, special price for Saturday 89 New Spring Goods at the Men's Store. New Spring Suitings, The newespring suit.ings are now in stock ready for your inspec- tion, worsted and tweed suitings that are sure toplease the eye, browns, greys, blacks and blues, made to your measure in Ilse very latest "style your IPt and our workmanship guaranteed- prices run from $22.00up New Spring Hats For Men. Men and boys new spring hats in all the newest shapes now in stock, blacks, blues, greys, browns, fawns etc. [f you want a hat you will he sore of getting just what want here. PIMP Personals air. II. S. Chapman was in St Thomas for a couple of days las week, itIr, and Mrs. Jos, Rhcinhardt spent Sunday with Mr. and airs. Tate Quigley of Hullett, Mrs. W. ('oo'.c of Princess street slipped on some ice the other day all( spiral her wrist. Mr, A. Owen o New pork, vice- president of the Clinton Knitting Company, is in town this week. Mr.W. N. Manning of London, form- erly of Clinton, is en'oying a month's recreation at Atiaatic City. Mr, Wilfrid McAllister of New West- minster, B.C., ,was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. leekntier during that past week, Mrs. John Stephenson has not been at all well for some weeks but her friends hope to hear of het .early ilrwprovemen t. Itirs. Thos, Kyle and Master Emmet - son of 'Cippen were the guests of the lady's mother, Mrs, J, Mitchell of Albert (Meet, last week. Mrs. Doig, who he with her. husbtnrl visiting friends in 'Toronto; has not been at all well lately, 'her Clinton friends will regret •et toheal' 6R Misses E.- Lyon and P. McCartimy, students at the Clinton Business College spent the .week -end at the hontc of the Reimer at Londesboro. Rev, J. E. Ford of Goderich was ir, town yesterday, having tonne down to preside at the congregational meeting in - Ontario d,ireet _ church yesterday evening, Councillor Wiltse was in Hamilton couple of: days this week represent- ' ing Clinton Home Circle at Grand Lodge.During his absence his bus- iness was in charge of Mr. T. Britton. Mr, ,lolin Hawkins has arrived from St. Thomas to engage in business with liis brother, Mr,'Thos. Haw-- flans. Ta'w- ficins. With this expert assistiance. our citizen will he able to attend to the wants of Itis, patrons evens more expeditiously than heretofore. Mr. Isreal Taylor, London, was in town a couple of days this ` week and last evening addressed the con- gyregationaf meeting: in Ontario St, church.- Mr. Taylor is a fluent easy speaker, has his matter well in hand and is always listened to with notch pleasure, Mr. Ramsay of the Princess Thclatre lett tot: 'Toronto Weclhcsday . after noon to make arrangerentst for an even better series of pictures than he has been giving.' Mr.' Ramsay believes in giving the patrons of the Princess the best possible set: - vice and as the consequence' le be- ing well', patronized: i13 Londesboro. rs. Richard Adams, regretting the • limitatione preventing her, personally t saying "Good 13ye" to all friends, de- sires through these columns to ex- preSs ill the name of Mr. Adapts anti herself, deep thanks for the untiring devotion shown theta when a friend- ly hand was needed to relieve the long ]lours of last summer's watches —when the family, exhausted and worn with worry, always round ready encouragement quickly at hand, Life was made sweeter and more worth living by tine honest grip of strong right hands, This is meant, also, 'to cover a broader field,—to in a frank, business Pike manner, say to those patrons so long staunch supporters of the Adams Emporium—"We thank you." I Fortunately we are not, all so far removed as to prevent us occasional- ly sitting together, to "crack -a -wee bit aboot aritd tithes." Hullett Township Miss Wise. of Godcricii is spending a few days With icer friend, Miss Hel- en Taylor of Constanpe, Mr. Earl and Miss Myrtle Lawsoe are visiting friends in Colborne, Hallett Township A very enjoyable evening was spent by the members and friends of C. C: 1'. No. 1 o 57 last Friday y night The early part of the evening was spent In games, followed by a spelling match and dancing. We understand that Mr. Wilson Sun- dercoclr Kao rented a farm and house in Metclllop. We can guess the tush, Mrs, R. Ile. Stephenson slipped an The News From Londesboro At, the home of Mr, Wm, Fodden on ii'ednesda.y at eleven o'clock was sol- emnized the marriage of his eldest daughter, Mabel. E., to Mr. Newman F'. Garrett. The happy couple ]eft on the three o'clock train from Clinton for Toronto and Aurora and on their return will take up their, residence on the groont(s farm west of the village. Congratulations. Mr, Franc Trickett of London at tended the Garrett-Vodctwi wedding on iVednescl.'!y, :Miss 11'hite, who has been visiting her cousin, Miss E. Millar, returned to her home in Drayton oil Monday, 1Ir. James Elsley of the 13th is suffering from an attack of tonsilitis, Mrs. N. Campbell of Westfield is visiting her sisters, Mrs. J. W. Tamb icn and Mrs. Janes Llsley, this week, Mr. Thos, Lawson of Stratford vis- ited in the village• for a few claye. this may. Mr. Samuel Lee has moved to tile_ Cole farm. Mr. John Caltc ri t has leased the Temperance House and will cater. to the wants of the travelling public, Ile will, wo understand, also take up some line of trade such as Flour and feed as a Temperance house with- out some side line can hardly pay in a place the size of f,andcsboro, Mr. Wni. Manning left Tuesday for Pilot Mound, Man., after visiting sev- eral weeks with friends in the vicini- ty, Mr. A. R'eymtoeth is attending the Home Circle convention in Hamilton this week and will' visit Termite Sri- ends before rcturn'ng home. 11liss Mary Townsend was called to Toronto this week owing to sickness,. i4Ir. Richard Young left Tuesday for Stoughton, Sask., after spending sic months with his brother, Mr. Robert Young of Londesboro. Word was received here on Monday of the death of Mrs. A. C'adeo, a• former' resident of this vicinity but lately of Buffalo, the funeral to take place Thursday. Deceased was a sis- ter of Mrs. G. Hamilton. The social giben under the auspices of the Epworth League on Friday ev- ening last was a very pleasant affair. A good program was rendered by members of the League after tvlsich lunch was served. The pro- ceeds amounted to over eleven .dollars- 0 Mrs. R. Carter atter and Mrs. Jos.r- (A ter spent Wednesday visiting the foe- litet's daughter, Mrs: I•Ierb, Oaks, Miss Rost and Mr. Charlie S4'ol'- moutlt .gave an oyster supper to their friends on ,'Thursday evening last when. a very pleasant time was spent by a11' present. tate tee last it and broke a small •'mT," bone in her ankle. We hope to sec her out 80011, We are pleased to report that Mrs. Geo. Scales has nearly recovered from the effects of her fall. Constance A quiet' wedding took phare at the Methodist parsonage, Londesboro, on Wednesday of last week when Miss Charlotte Milson and Mr, Peter Lind- say were, united. in marriage by Rev, J, II. Osterhoub. Cosgratulattons are, extended. Miss Bella Mann spent. a few days last week as the guest of Mrs. T. Pollard. While coming in from the Warn to. the house one day last week 'Mrs. 13, 13. Stephenson 'stepped into a holeand twisting .her' foot broke a small bone. in her ankle. The accident will have alto effect of laying her tip for some tune. Miss Stella Clarke and Maggie Love and Mr. til, Britton spent a few days least week as the guests of Miss Love's parents, 'Mr, and Mrs. Love of Walton, A number of ilie young people 01 the community assembled at the hoose of Mr David Milson one evening re- contly and presented his sister, Miss C'arlotte, With a shower of kitchen utensils .and other useful household articles. 'A very pleasant evening was spent by the young people, 1 NEW SPRI� FOOTWEAR D0 you like to wear the best and most .stylish shoes obtainable at reasonable cost ?' Do you want the latest and most approved styles, If so, you will be interested in our 3R e W stock of Spring Shoes The satisfaction you get in buying here, lies in -the knowing that wo are more interested;in the wear and comfort you get than in pocketing tate money you pay for them. Ss CHAPM Al® �N. PHONE 79