HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-03-12, Page 4.7 .775 • Hohnesvilie 1 Godenoh Township ' lir. N, W. Trewarthe, and Mr, Gee. Gould took charge of the rvices in the Methodist aurch on. Sunday 'meriiing last in the absence of the Pastier, who was preaching at Bethel. The services or these worthy. 'apnea 'wore much appreciated by all who I heard them, many saying they would be pleased to hear them again. The anal oyster supper given by , the Chosen Friends of Holmesville 1 Ctrele on Tuesday evening was a very successful, affair and a splendid tune is reported. Ur. Samuel Gllddon, who has been ting at ,,the parental home during the winter, returned to the west on Wedrtesday,. We arc pleased to report that Mrs. G. Ladd and.1Wrs. Cr. Tebbutt, who have heen suffering from a severe attack of grippe, are, recovering. Rey. R. J. and Mrs.. hieCormiele gave an at home to the young people o2 the church on Friday evening last IF0 had as their guest a young London. The evening easantly Spent and the t was thoroughly en - and Mrs. McCormick are eking the young, pt ople e when visiting the par - Yeo has. returned from rth, where he has been en - h a surveying party for the or five years. His paronts many friends ' of the family ry glad to'see him walk - in day afternoon looking well and t earty. The people hereabouts are always pleased to see the old boys and girls returning occasionally to the scenes or their childhood. Mr.John Ladd, son of Mr. c,ao, Ladd, section foreman for the G. T. R., came home Saturday evening at - ter spending several weeks at the • °spite at Kenora but without much • pvovement. Drs. Gunn and Gandier, riben called to see him pronounced his trouble to be an abcess on the pier and ha wa,s removed to the inton hospital for treatment. We •rust that he may speedily hegira to mend. , • .. Tire News -Record is the Leader for Town and Township News. Goderich Township The Ladies' Club mat at tile home l'of Mrs. J. J. Smith on Wednesday levelling last, the gentlemen being in- vited for a social hour. Games, music, etc., filled up the evening which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The club meets for its regular meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Wm. Merrill ednesday afternoon next. Len Yeo, youngest son of Coun- Yeo, who has been in the west ecade and is now making his sit home in six years, return - week and expects to remain aide of months. He is an engin- - on the Canadian Northern and has been in charge of construction on the Brazian branch which is now about complete, Mr. W, Lobb left for the north again on Tuesday is expected back on 'Friday with a carload , of cowtivepi young °attle which he has personally selected in the townships 'of Dime, and VVallace, the Semler great on ,dairying while the latter prides it- self on its Durham cattle. Mr. Lobb thinks this ,or; of the 'best bunches lie has yet purchased and will place it on sale at his annual live stook sale to be hold on Thursday next. • The Ormagemen of No. •189 held a very successful box social in their meeting hall on Monday evening. There was a good turnout and a'Very pleasant evening was spent by -the members, their wives, sisters, sweet- hearts and friends. • A fine program was rendered, among the numbers-giV- en being : a dialogue by Mr. Goldie Newton, Miss Ticheorne and Erneat Vanderburgh, musical selections by the Misses Cook and Mr. Johnseen, vocal selections be Messrs. Bailey and Mackenzie and Dr. Smith of Bay -field, solo by Miss Clarke, violin music by the Messrs: Young, Miss Hicks accompanying them, etc. Mr. Aclam Cantelon occupied the ehair, After MT first part of the program Mr. Geo. H. Elliott was given charge of the boxes, which c,on' allied the results of the finest cullinery skilt or the ladies, • and he proceeded to auction; them oft. Whether owing o the eloquence of the auctioneer or to the generosity and gallantry of the bidders, or to both, the boxes all went well, -some bringing as, much as $1.'75. When their contents had been disposed of the meeting was again called to oder and the program finished and the, gathering broke up with the hearty rendering of the na- tional anthem.' The Orangemen real- ized -between forty and fifty dollars from the proceeds. While Mr. 'John Duff of Goderich was driving down the 4th con. last fall his .horde tripp'ed, 'took a turn* and bro\e its neck. Mr. Duff valued the animal dt $300 and, 'alleging that the cause of the acciden't was a de- fective culvert, lin 'asked the council to pony up or be would retain a law- yer and start a high court suit. The council did not admit hattthere lad been any neglect ori its part but as accidents will happen and munici- palities quite often get the worst of a legal fight, a compromising spirit was shown and on Monday Reeve Lobli effected a settlement for $130. Mr. Duff in thus minus the horse, the township $130 and the lawyers prospective fat high court fees. The regular vueeting of the A.Y.P. A. of St. James' church, Middleton, will' be held on Tuesday evening next, instead of Wednesday as was formerly announced. Owing to ill Health Rev. Mr. Collins .01 Exeter will be unable to be present but; Rev, J. C. Potts, rector of St. Paul's, Clinton, has kindly consented: to ad- dress the meeting and a most enjoy- able and profitable evening it' expect- ed. All are welcome to these meet- ings. Are you a News -Record Subscriber ? • Baglield flre Mettiodiste hold a comtegatibno al meeting one even'ng Keeently when reports were reed from' the different departments of the church. These re- ports proved very satisfactory and iihowed the affairs of the congrega- tion to be in excellent shape.. The report from, the Ladies' ,Aid was giv- en in detail and was a credit to that society olio are to be congratu- lated upon' • their work during the year. Alter the huMness part of the Incubi% an adjournment was made to the lecture room -where an, oyster supper was served by the ladies in honor of -the Choir. This. was a most enjoyablepart ol the pro eed nis and all 'did ample " justice to the good th'ngs provided. or-cmaim........Eumeromansmo hone 78v+ hat • IS So. We Advert 92.0.N.M. ITS very newest riga the lot A series of monthly socials have been given by the Methodist church 'since November last, object being .• to raise money, to install a new lib- rary in the Sunday school. Mr. John Garrett of near Londes- bore was in the village on Tuesday, having come down to visit his father- in-law, Mr. Jellies Wallis, who has been very ill, . Mrs. (Jethro, who has spent the past couple of -months in Toronto, returned to the village on Saturday. Mr, Robt. I:titillate left on Tuesday For Herschel', Sask„ with a carload of horses. Tho Ladies' .Aid of ' the Methodist church hold a social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wallis on the Goderich Road on Tuesday evening, a very enjoyable evening being spent. Inspector J. E. Tom of Colerich paid an official visit to Bayfield Pub- lic school on -Monday. Mr. Win. Mustard was in Detroit on business this week. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. WILL. Ferguson are happy over the birth of a little son. A !Maher from this village attend- ed the social in the Orange hall on on the 7th concession on Monday evening. Among those taking part in the program were Dr. Smith and Mesg.:s. R. Bailey and G. Mac- kenzie of Bayfield. Mrs. (Rev.) H. J. Condell met with a very painful accident oil' Thursday afternoon of last week. She had been out calling on Miss Camer- on and on returning home she slipped on some ice and in falling broke her arm. The accident will have the et - feet of laying her up- for several weeks,. Don't forget the concert in the town hall this evening (Thursday) under the auspices of the Sunday school of Triuity church. the gst ats ri a - • Va,r.xia 51 Martb 112t17., 1914 Mrs• Clarke of the village has been on -the sick list -for the , Oast few • The Misses Faster of Minneapolis are visiting at the parental Amino, •' The Wainon's MisSionery SeeietY in- tend holding their missionary tea at the home ol Mrs. III,11, Epps this uvenli10. A file time is expected., The program will consist of musical - and other selections' furnished. by toc- Mrs. A. Johns is spending a few days in' SeafOrth. • Mr. Richard, Robinson . reterned home last week from the west. • M. W. L. Keys retailed hotne on 'Monday last after spending a, few days with his son, Mr. Melvin Keys of London, and also his father, Mr. James Keys of Yale, Mich. • • Goderich Township. A pretty wedding time: place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Cox of the Oth can, yesterday afternoon when their only daughter, Miss Ade- line, became the bride of Mr. William Stewart or the Bayfield Line. Rev, R. J. McCormick of Holmesville was the officiating clergyman. The bride was daintily gowned in white silk and carried white roses, The young couple were mail:ended. At the con- clusion of the ceremony and when the newly -wedded pair had receiyed the congratulations of their friends all sat down it a suMptuouti wedding feast and afterwards several hours were happily spent in social games, music, ete. The guests numbered be- tween thirty and forty. The bridal couple were the recipients of many handsome wedding gifts. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart left the same- evening for their home on the Bayfield Line, followed by the good wishes or their Many friends for long life and happi- ness. Last Tuesday afternoon a jolly good time was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. Pearsonwhen a sleigh load of their Old friends and neigh- bours Mere over from Stanley town- ship. Summerhill ,Stanieg Township Mr. Nelson Hickey of Moosejaw, formerly of Stephen township, spent a few days visiting at the home of his cousin, Miss Sharp, •Mr. Hickey, being a bachelor from the west, proved quite an attraction among the fair sex. • Mr. Win. Shari' and daughter Mar- jory of Port Huron visited his boy- liood home on the Babylon for a few weeks. Mr, Ernest Denomy has engaged with iVIr. J. A. Manson for the sum- mer. This will be his second summer with J. A, Wo are sorry to report the illness of Mr. E. Robinson but hope for his early recovery. Mr. Henry Hayter is now on the mond. Mr. Wm. J. Howard of Drysdale is .not improving as rapidly as his friends would wish Inc. Miss Frances Sharp called on Mr. Howard Saturday last. We extend hearty congratulations to Mr. John Hohner and Miss Mar- garet Boyce, who last week were united in marriage. May their path be "strewn' with roses" is the wish of their friends. Mr. B. Lavis of Clinton was a guest at the home of Mr. John Mc- Kinley last Sunday. Mr. Adam Douglas has the contract of Supplying the wood to S.S. N. 9. A few of our fishermen along the lake are trying their luck. Some are making good hauls. Mr. T. M. Snowden bought a, val- Mr. and Mrs, II, Brunsdon of Blyth visited at Mr, W. L. Mair's on Sun- day. Mr. Chas. Clifton delivered a fine horse to Mr. C. J. Wallis tf Clinton, last week. Miss Watkin has returned home al- ter a two weeks' visit with Clinton friends. Mr. Wm. Jordon, who has been on the sick list, is visiting fr end0 around Blyth. A number of the young reopla 1)oin around here drove to the home of Mr. 0, McBrien on Friday evening last and all report having spent a very en'oyable time. Mr. aqd Mrs. W. Biggins have mov- ed to the house of Mr. A. t'lliepherd on the Uase Line, Mr. Biggins hav- ing engaged with Mr. Shepherd for •the summer. • St. Helen's Mr. and. Mrs, Dan Martin spent Sun- day at the home of the latter's par- ents. Mrs. Arch. PatterOan of Wingham, spent a few days at the home of Mr, Bohr Woods, , Mr. and 1VIrs, D. Farrier spent Sat- urday at Brussels attending the 60th wader:rig, anniversary' of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. L ott. Mrs, Wm. Wellwood is visiting her daughter Mrs. Geo. Welib at present. • Mr. Richard May lett for his home • in Coulbourg last; Monday. Seaford's.' Mrs. W. E. Southgate iS, spending a few weeks in London • Mrs, HenderSon, who lies been here for some time owing to the. illness of her mother, thsi late Mrs. Landsbor- ough, leaves this week Inc her home 'at Portage la Prairie. , Mr, James Scott arrived home last weekon a visit to'the parental home, that of Mr. John Scott 'of Roxboro. Mr. Scott has a Line homestead at Grand Prairie, Mrs. • All IVIeLean has returned from a visit With her Sister, Mrs. P. Scott Of Brussels. _ • Mr. and Mrs..Wesley Jefferston are !noting in from Hibbert township to take up residence in Seaforth. ' Mr. ' J. Collie of Lake Linden, Mich., has been visiting Mr, and Mrs. John Beattie. Mayor Ament and C01.114illOt Ste- wart represented Seaforth at the Hydro -Electric convention in London last week. Mr. John; McNamara, a former re- spected resident of Seaferth until a few years ago when he went to Hamilton to reside with. his daugh- ter, Mrs. McInnis, passed away in that city last week at the age of eighty-eight. His son, Mr. James McNamara of town, went down to attend the funeral. The funeral of the late Mr. James Pringle, sr., who died in Stratford, took place to Maitland bank cemetery on Thilreday week. Mrs. Jas. •F. Webb of Collingwood has been visiting her father, Mr. Jam- es Steele. Miss Spark of Stratford has again taken charge of Stewart Bros. millin- ery depariment. Master Billy, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Greig, has been very ill with pneumonia. . Mr. Wellington Barber of Killarney, Man., is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Chesney. James Mulholland, a long time re- sident of Hullett and Tuckersmith townships, but of late years of Har- purliey, died on Tuesday week after some weeks illness of pneumonia. He was seventy-three years of age. One brother, George, survives, A rink of curlers composed of Geo. Bethune, W. E. Kerslake, Wm. Beth- une and John Beattie, skip, won the Glenn Cup in St. Thomas last week. Mrs. Keith M. McLean, president or the W. II. M. S., was presented at the last regular meeting with a life membership certificate. Mrs. Larkin read an address setting forth the ap- preciation of the auxiliary of the president's work during her term of office. Miss Agnes Anderson is visiting her sister in Hanover. Miss Ross Levis of Clinton has taken a position in Steevart Bros., millinery department. Mr. and Mrs. ,John Dodds returned last week from a visit in Toronto. Mr. E. R. Forrester has sold the farm on the Huron Road which he bought some time ago from Mr. O'- Keefe to Mr. Louis Devereaux inc fire thousand dollars, Mrs. Morrison, who has beenvis- iting at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Dodds, Inc some little titre, has gone to Toronto to visit her son, liable brood 1-nare from Mr. II. How- ard of Drysdale recently. Quite a 'surprise party assemblid at the home of Mr. Joshua Snider one evening recently and presented his daughter, Miss Ethel, with a hand- some clock and set of dishes previous to her departure for the west, Miss Lulu Snider, teacher, has Poen Having a few holidays as her school has been closed owing to an out- break of scarlet fever. Miss Beta Keyes spent the week- end at her home on the Babylon Line. Mr. Thos. Johnston, who went to New Ontario last summer for the good of his health Is expected 1•0;ne soon, we trust fully restored. Report of S. S. No, 3, Stanley for the month of February, the names in order of merit and based on general proficiency : Sr, th—Reby Taylor, Ninian Heard, Russel Taylor. Mid, 3rd,— Caroline Lawrason, 'Gar- net Taylor, 3rd,—Gertrude McGee, Wilmer Reid, Willie McGee. Sr. incl,—Fred Hess, Fern Taylor, Willie Parker, jr. 2nd ,—A reb r Pee's, CI Mord Clarke, Peter McGee. Pt. Zral,--Hubert Iless. Jr, Ist,—(a) Harold Taylor. (b) Alma Rathwell. Eva M. Stinson, Teacher, The following is the report of S. S. No. 4, North Stanley for the • Seaforth Miss" Kate Horan an tier niece, Miss Ntaticn Horan, after a pleasant visit with Kr. and Mrs. John' Hor- an or town left for their home. at Kenora, last week. Mr. fl. It, Scott was in Galt on business last week. • Miss Agnes Scott, daughter of Mr. John.. Scott of 'Bankhead Farm, Rox- boro, was married yesteeday to Mr. R. C. Barber of Snowflake, Man. Mrs, Bottoms of Detroit was the guest of Miss Mary fIalpen Inc 0 few days recently. Mrs, W. D. VanEgmOnd has return- ed from a •visit in Toronte. Mr, W. Bethune has returned .frorn a business trip to the west, Mrs. Allen of Stratford 'is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. Box. Miss Com Dodds has been visiting Hensel' friends. Mg. Chas. Clark and Mr. Brown of the Canada Furniture Co„ were in Goderich last week, serving on ;the jury. Mr. Geo. Holman was in Goderich last; week assisting in auditing the county accounts. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sproat of Bat- tleford are visiting the former's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. John Sproat of Egmondville. Dungannon Mr. W. U. Scott or Ogena, Sask., formerly of Dungannon, was married recently to Miss Margaret McKnight of Mor nub, Sask. Mr. Will Crawford was home for a couple of days last week attending the funeral of his grandmother, the late Mrs, Wm, Crawford. Mrs. Uzell and children and Mrs. - Uzell's sister, Miss S. McQuaid, and Miss Ethel Finnigan returned last week to the west after a visit with friends hereabouts. month ' of February based on purot- 1 Mr. J, Patterson of Wingliam, hav- ing rented Miss Celia Pentland's. re- sidence in the village, will shortly move his family here. The Dungannon branch of the Wo- men's Institute, ivhich was but re- cently organized, now numbers over forty members. The meetings aro held monthly, and are becoming quite popular with the ladies who enjoy the social gatherings as well as pro- frt by the mutual exchange of useful information. Mr. Joseph F. Johnston of Sand- usky, Ohio, was here last week at- tending the funeral of Mrs. Wm. Crawford, utility, regular attendance-, and gen- eral proficiency. The names are in order of merit : Sr. 4th, --Hazel Sparks, Bessie Tough. 4th,—Clifford 'S'eotehmer, John Watson, Jr. 4th'Edna Scot - chiller, Alice Stinson, Susie West- lake, Bertha Westfake, Walter Westiatli, Martha, Melifivatin, Jr. 3rd, — Elva Dewar,. Harold Scot - Milner, Russel Sparks, Mag- gie Tough. Sr, Ind,—Roy Scotch - mer, SamMcllwain. Jr, and,—Bes- sie Watson,nAnnie Dewar, ' •Part 1st —Charlie Seotehmer. ti ,'"1—Mory MacDougall, Teacher., ,McKillop Township The friends, or William Johnston of Sea'orth and formerly of McKillop will regret to learn that he has been badly injured by falling down the cel- lar stairs. • The ,suit of Nicholson vs. Campbell was tried at Goderich last week and resulted in a verdict for the defendant, Mrs. McKay, who went to the Lon, don hospital owing to the continued illness, died there one day lately. Mr. and Mrs, Brown, who have been visiting here all winter, have left • for their' home in SaskatcheWan. Brucefield. The menial "At Home," or the Brucefield Oddrellows, which was held on Friday evening, was a decided suc- cess. About eighty guests were pre- sent. The early part of the evening was spent in progressive eucher in the lodgeroom. About 10 o'clock the guests adjourned to the Walker House where an oyster suppor was served, after which a dance was held in the town hall. The dancing continued un - till the early hours of morning' Wingham Miss Violet M. Sherk, daughter or Mr. U. Sheik of- Wingham, was mar- ried in Toronto recently to Mr. Robt. D. Jordan, also formerly of this • town. ' There passed away on Thursday list, Catharine Lee, relict of the late Wm. Ransom.' Mrs. Ransom's husband predeneased Inc eight years ago. She leave0 te •mourn her loss four chil- dren, three girls, Una, Ethel . and Winnte, and one Son, Gordon. De- ceased was a -loving kind-hearted mother, and will be sorely missed by her family and residente of the neigh- borhood. She was in religion a mem- ber of the Methodist church. • McKILLGP TP. The McCutcheon family, being fa- ther, Mother and. three daughters, left for 'Regina, on Tuesday of this week, where "-^ they intend to make their home in future. Brucefiled Sawinill SEAFOrtrett, Mise •Cole ot Catecileti • lias been visiting bliss S. Daley, otas most nhcesenry Co Wilt s - 'the best crops of Fruit, Vegetables,. Roots, Grain, may, eto 15 not only pays by deobilei the yield, but 4sajston_os, q ua i ty—mallos fleattW*0 4it astetatslos reenter cor. Potash, Nitrate oiS Soda, Anii Phosphate, Beek gni 154d ai lowest prime, i Let tie show yes ktilf Se 65 your own imahrarke, Frank W. Evans, Clinton. The place to sell All Kinds of Logs The place to buy M Kinds of I,uinber Canada Cement Lehigh Valley Coal 13uffalo Brand Fertilizers Your Buffalo Brand Fertiliz- ers have arrived and are now „ stored here in my sheds. • Name • A, P.A. P, p'c Farmers Choice 1 8 5 $28 Ideal w heat & corn 2 9 5 31 Potato & bean s'p'I 2 8 10 35 Garden Truck 4 8 7 40 Special finnouncementi Having purchased the R. Adams Emporium we wish to announce to the public that the store will be closed for repairs until Thursday, March 12th, when we will open up with a new stock of general rnerchaa- dide. Our stock will be brand new. Everything will be right up-to-date in style and quality. Our • aim will be not cheap goods but good goods cheap. We invite you to inspect our stack and we _teal satisfied that our goods will meet with your approval. • Pair dealings. Our motto : Lowest prices. Dan. Geddes; Londeshoto, Ontaflo. • ONE RAY OF SAVING MONEY. Wins its favor thru' its flavor Come early and avoid the rush John 13. Mustard Phone 11 on 145. Paid -in -advance subscribers to The News - Record, who wish also to take a city dail can effect a considerable saving by takin advantage ()four clubbing rate as follo*s : Daily Mail and Empire Daily Globe - - Toronto Star - Toronto News - Morning Free Press Evening Free Press - Advertiser - $2.60 • 2.60 - 1.35 - 1.35 - 2.35 - 1.85 - 1.85 The usual discount is given on the weeklies. Remit by postal order or note, express_order or registered letter nd address W. J. Mitchell NEWS -RECORD, CLIN 11 Will Pa To buy your furni from us because stock is cornple • every departrne our prices are Nowhere in the can you get be niture sati -than in our you have rko Ing With trial. • The Store • of Quality, Phone 28