HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-03-05, Page 8'ECIALS: SATURUA' AND ALI, NGXT' WEEK. Granite \VeshJlowl ; ,.Reg .8ter for 25"'.•c .25 20 P. `' 20 .15 Dippers :?a5 ' .Jn' Basting Spoons ' Reg, ..12 Lied ',15 .08 Pie Plates Reg, .15 ,,08 .12 .07 Preserving kettles 00 .80' Alummuni Pails., 100 -.B5? Clothes Horses .125 .75 We have a good supply of San Buckets and Spites, —3 second hand sugar kettle for sale cheap— ' 1.1 HARLAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES. Our Shoes are Good Shoes Not because we say so, but because they are, You will never know this until you wear them. A good time to find out is when you need your next pair. Come, see and be con- vinced, Once wear the Dr. Reid shoes and you will know why we claim so much for them. FRED. JACKSON. Good Shoes for Everybody. $18, $20 and $2.50 Ladies' Mantles ON SALE SATURDAY FEB'Y 7th AT $9,95 Everyone this season's new stock, $8.00 and $10,C0 Mantles $4,95. $5aJ0 to $7.50 " $2.95, A few Fury, at manufacturing prices. We have a few dozen Aien's fine shirts (some with separate collars) which are slightly soiled. Regular $1.00 and $1.25 choice for06c Men's Flats at half price. • Regular $2,50 for $1.26. Also some wonderful bargains in clearing lines of clothing and boots and shoes, Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits More Business IIIII.FuRNI. 11 . sol g N° 752 TUR' Don't fail to call on BALL & ATKINSON? ' when•IOoking for anything in Furniture as we carry a complete and up-to-date stock of all kinds, comprising many beautiful and risefularticles tosuit you and which we are offering at most reasonuable prices. • Ball Sc Atkinson FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS , Night and Sunday Calls. N, BALL, Phone 110, J. A. ATKINSON, ?hone 1813. 1 Marell 5ih, 114 This Perfectly Beautiful Design is from the Standard Fashion Sheet for March. Don't miss its other lovely advance designs. ,:Your copy is waiting for you at our Standard Pattern Department Free! W. D, FAIR CO. Often the eheapest—Always the best, i111;. ,. _ _.57pi 6 _ .uI!l11,.... Miss Wiggington has accepted a posi- t:on at Springfield Miss Flossie Pearson was in' Seafort:t last week' as the guest of friends+. Bliss McClean of Mount Forest is the guest this week of Miss Elsie Ross. Miss Effie Snowden of Varna was the guest of Miss Beatrice Greene over the week -end. Miss Edith C'antelon of Brussels is visiting this week will' her cousins, the Misses Lavis. Mr, Ike. Rattenbury was in Toronto and Niagara Falls 1as3t week, re.. turning Satuiclay. Miss Grace Walker, a stud^tit at the, London (formal Scheo', was home over the Weeic-end. Mrs. Arthur Cook was. called to Tor- onto last week owing to toe ser- ious illness of her brother, Mrs. F. 'D. Atkinson and Miss Eileen were with Exeter friends lot a cou- ple) of days at the week -end. Miss Alice Johnson of Zurich is the guest this week of her uncle and aunt, Inspector and Mrs. Johnson, Aliso Clara Dayment, who has been visiting at her Monte in town for some time, left again for 13ossee vaine, elan,, last week. Mr. John A. Cooper of 'Toronto paid a flying visit to his mother last week, having come up to address the Clinton Club on Thursday ev- ening. Mr. 11. J, fluff has been somewhat under the weather during the past week owing to an attack of grippe. He is again attending to businass, however - Miss Myrtle Tiplady, who •has been attending .the millinery openings in Toronto, has taken a position with Miss Mirlo le of Exeter for tltecomf ing season. Miss Hattie Bartlett returned to her hone in Toronto last week'after a pleasant visit in town with lier uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. W. 11. Hellyar, Mrs. .3, Wiseman returned Friday .af-. ter a visit with her mother- in St. Mary's. She also spent a week with Me, and Mrs. J. B. Hoover of Guelph, formerly of Clinton. 11ltss Anna Jerkins has returned hotne after a visit of several weeks' with her brother, Mr. E, .3. Jen- kins, Toronto. She also spent a few days with her sis ter, Mrs. Cameron or Guelph, on her way home. Miss May Ranee, A. T. C. M., was "Goddess of Poetry" in the Pirates of Penzance presented by the Ama- teur Operatic' Society in Medicine Iiat, Alberta, on Friday and Sat- urday evening last. The dances. were arranged byMiss 'Rance. Mr. 5I. Brown, who vvas aceompan- ied by , little Miss Margaret and Master Charlie, Londeseoro, had owing to a belated Toronto train, to, spend a couple of hours in town Mondayforenoon o enoon vvirilc oil their way from spend:ng the week -end 'with relatives in' London. Rev. I). K. and Mrs. Grant; Master Macgregor ,anet Miss rC.'atharine left Monday afternoon for Toronto to, spend a few days with friends he: fore going on to their new hone at Olds, Alberta. The resident minis- ters of the town and ;inaay friends went to the depot to see them oll. and wish them good fortune. Miss Ruby Cook, who has been a pa- tient in the reelation hospital,` Toronto, sullering •frolic diphtheria,' is recovering, 'Icer nephew, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross; whose };onager" son fell a victim to' the disease a few weeks ago, has now been removed to the hospital., It is hoped the little lad will re - Mr, covet, W. S. Harland' last Weee had ,a' very severe attack of blood poison ing in his hand. For a day or so it looked seeiotte enough but for- tunately was- checked in time and he is now recovering nicely. Mrs. Harland rias '' been quite i11 for some weks and t his incele hcr hu s- ' band's temporary indisposition all l the iii0rc to be regretted: 6` q :,ts This week we opened up the new Nineteen -Fourteen import goos:l.direct .to'us fresh from theOld Con t lti:this shipment Carrie, hatiile Suitings, Crepe Suitings, Dress' Goods, Art Sateens,_ Creations .Window Madras etc and soldsit.'• Your inspection. Coarse in' as often as you please we will b';'pleased to show' you through the New `Goods as`a Buyer or not. Ratine'_ suitings. New inline' suitings in stnail cheeks an -d plain colors, white, pink, ttlskin rose and cadet blue 8(1 40 and52 inches wide. Priced at. , . i' ......... ... '...60..90 Nes Cotton' Crepe Suiting. New cottati Crepe suitings plain and fauey spots, in tan, rose tnskiu new bluriotblue, and white, 52 inches wide, Priced at .25 New Dress Goods, All our new import dress goods are now in stock,they comprise fie new nineteen -hundred weaves, space will not permit a'cheeerip- Lion of the lines, most of them are in dress length, and no two alike. New Window Madras, Bungalow netts, scrims, art madras, in all the new nineteen fear- teen patterns now in stock ready for your inspection, house cleaning season will soon he here, why not look through this range now when it is complete. Specials for Saturday Selling Underpriced. Underskirts •and Gloves. $.5.O0,underskirts $3.70. Black silk morey underskirts all sizes, deep flounce, and dust frill, regular :$5.00 nn on sale Saturdaylat $3.79 [Special Black .Sateen Underskirt 79c. " . One dozen only black sateen underskirts, good glos- ey,linish all sizes, worth in the regular way $1,00 en este Saturday .79 Linoleum 42e Four good 'patterns of Scotch 'Linoleum two yards only, hiock and floral designs, heavy weigh, worth in the regular way 55c. Saturday priced at ... -42 $5,00 Silk Waists $3.79. One dozen in the lot only Ladies black silk waists several styles to choose from this is just a clearing line for quick selling, sizes 34 to 40, regular $5,00 on sale Sat - day nt $3.79 Kid'Gloves 819c, Ladies kid gloves in black and tan, all sizes color fit and wear guaranteed, or money refunded, special price for Saturday es New Spring Goods at the Men's Store. New. Spring Suitings, The new spring suitings are now in stock ready for your teepee,'' tion, worsted and tweed suitings that line sure to please the eye, browns, greys, blacks and blues, made to your measure in the very latest style your tit and our workmanship guaranteed, prices run from - $22.00up New Spring Hats For Men. Men and boys new spring hats in all the newest shapes now in stock, blacks, hives, greys, browns, fawns etc. 11 you want u hat you will be sure of getting just what want here. Personals Miss Merle Moire wile in Blyth with friends over the holiday. Miss Ethel Govier has taken a post tion 5 'Toronto for the spring Inil- 1 ivory season. Miss Ross Lavis returned from Toron- to on Friday and went to Seaforth Tuesday afternoon, Miss Jean Dayunent left last week to take a position at 'Grimsby for the millinery season. Miss Mabel Lee of Londesboro spent the week end the guest. of Mr. and Mrs. John Watkins. Mrs. G. II. David entertained a num- bar of her lady friends to tea on Thursday evening last. Mr. .iames Southcombe was in Tor- onto last week attending the big temperance con eention and visiting frirteds, Rev, Fatfelr Hogan_ was in Scafoeth Monday and Tuesday assisting Rev, Father Corcoran in Forty Hours De- votions. Mr. P. H. McKenzie, ex-M.P., Toron- to, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. R. McLennan, for a few days last week. Miss Mabel ('antelon and MIss. Smith returned yesterday from 'Toronto where they wee attending the millinery openings. Nlr. J. A. Irwin was one of the speakers at a 111111(5 missionary banquet in the Methodist church, Blyth, on Tuesday evening. When you. have visitors at your home it is a ,title courtesy you owe them to have their naives appear in The News -Record Personal Columns. Miss Wheatley, who had just return- ed from New York City and Flint, Miele, where ,she busied herself for _seve aI days absorbing new ideas for her spring dressmaking, camliaign is in Toronto this week attending a dress' demonstration. ^i . Mr. Robt, Walker, who had his right foot severely inured while engaged in hush work ten weeks ago, is still confined to thehouse and while lie is malting' steady progress the plowing season will be here before lie is himself quite again. Captain. Chas. J: Autteison, who carne over from Detroit to attend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Glee- , ler; is grand fluster of the "Ship- madters A,ssociation,;bo:ng elected at the recent, nneeting of the grand lodge held alt Wash'ngto:i, The As- sociation is exte'uili tg'1f.5 operate ns into this country, it beim; ene•in tention to ,organize at Owen Sound, Midland and -Fort William. Miss Clara Ferguson, who lies been visiting hat sisters, Mrs. W. Carter and Blrs. Osbaldeston of town, and' other friends in the vicinity since Christmas time, .leftblonclay for New York City, where she has fol- lowed the proSession of nursing for several years Miss Ferguson had not been enjoying the heft of health but it is hoped the rest and holi- day has completely restored her, Blyth Mgrs, S. Holtzman of Berlin was a visitor with her brother, Mr. 13eeee of town, one clay last week, Mr. and Mrs, Adams, Who have been residents of Loulesbo.ro for sev- eral years, have disposed of their property there and are about to take up their abode in Blyth. r Mr, Ad- ams was obliged to discontinue bus- iness 011 account of ill health. The. Misses Thonlaa of Waterloo have been visiting their brother, Mr, Thomas of the C. 1'. R. Mrs. II. A. Thomas has, been very ill for some time. Her friends are hoping that her recovery may not be long delayed Mrs. Livermore, who has been vis, iting friends in town for a couple of months, has gone to London to spend some time with friends. . Auburn Mrs. James Howatt of Colborne passed away on Tuesday of last week after an illness of a couple of nnonths. ,511e was a daugihter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Series of this village and was married to ,her now bereft husband twelve years ago. Ono sen survives, also a sister, Mrs, Evans of Auburn,.. and a brother, Norman Sarles of Neeteawa, Man. The funeral took place to Ball's, cemetery on Thursday last. Hullett Township The following is the report for S. S. NO. 5, names in or•der of merit : Sr. Ith,--'Florence Voclden, Mary Jamieson. Jr. 4 LIh,-Fred McCool, Marjory McCoo], Sr. 3rd,,— Annie Weymouth, Allice Vodden, Flossie Gibbings, Grace Vodden. Jr. 3rd,- Albert Gorieutt, Tony Appleby. Sr, 2nd,—Rase Oorbutt, Arthur Way - mouth, Reimer Snell, Percy Gill- bings, Jr.' 2nd,—(a) Wellington Mc - Coo. ,(h)—Dora Vodden, . Rosalie Crawforci, Pt. 2nd, (a) -Margaret Brown; Jenny Gorbutt. (b)=Harold Snell, P'ritner,—Edith Gorbott. The best spellers during the moutie were as follows , Sr. 4tbi,-F. Vodden: Jr, 4th,-F..McCoi71. Sr. 3rd,—A, Wey- mouth. Jr. lrcl,=A. Gorbeitt. Sr,; 2nd -R. GorbtrLt. Jr, 2nd (a)—W, Me- Cool. (b)—Dora Vodden. pt, 2nd,— 111, Brown. Report of S. re. No.. 2, II,ullett, for February, nabrts'in'order of'merit :'' Sr. lth,—Norman Tyndall, Fergus VanEginond. Jr, 411e—Clifford Tyn- dall, Gracie Gliddon, Bernard Rey- nolds, Dorothy Marquis, lost ;jetst three .. exams. Jr. 31d, Elma Johnston, Milton Johns toll, °Violet Glidden, •equal, Myrtle Renter, Gertie Bayley, Chested' Gliddon,' James, East Stanlcie Hale, Alma Bale, Loulte Hale' Sr. 2nd, -.Maggie Johnston, Harold Glew, Mal orie Glew, Annie Shoerook Jr, 2nd Willis Vanhgmon I, Eddie Dale, Bessie Leetweed Bella East. -- 0. H. Holland, Teacher, The News From Londesboro We understand that Dr. Allison has purchased the practise of Dr, Charles- worth of Blyth. Mr. D. Geddes moved to the village on 'Tuesday and is now in possession of the R. Adams Emporium. On Saturday evening last at the reg- ular weekly practice the members of the Methodist church ehoir presented their leader, Mr. J. W. Tamblyn, with a handsome leather covered rocking chair accompanied by the fol- lowing address : "Dear 5Ir. 'I'annblyn, —It becomes our duty in behalf of the members of the choir to remind you that we are not forgetful of your faithful services Amongst us. In the varied walks of life, of neighbourly and social intercourse, you have con- tributed abundantly toward tusking life pleasant in the circle in which we have moved. We do not forget that duringour meetings together your happy presence adds pleasure to the scene. Recalling the pleasant years made agreeable through your ac- qaaintance and the years of your faithful labor amongst us, your fri- ends herewith present 'to you this rocking chair and desire your accept- ance of the same, Wei trust that you may be spared to spend many more years witdh us. Signed on behalf of the choir : Josie B. I'Isley, W. 51. Lyon, Delle B. McCool, Mrs. E. Ad- ams." Bir. M, Hooper of Woodham sp•tnr. Sunday with friends on, the 13t1i. Mrs. d,. Brown of 131yth visited at: the home 'of Mrs. Geo. Brogden ;.n Friday of last week. Miss Campbell of Constance was ;{ sisitor at the manse this week. Mr. Reuben Gibbs is visiting ire. ends at Detroit. Mrs. J. McVittie left last week o: a visit to Toronto • friends and else with her 8011, Mr. A. McVittie of Ayl- mer. Mrs. E. Adams read the address and. the presentation was made by Airs. W. 11. Lyon and Mra. Geo. Moon. Although taken completely by sur- prise Mr. Tamblyn .made a fitting re- ply thanking the met -Cabers for their kind words and thoughtful' gift. Af- terwards a social half hour was spent during which time homenmade candy was served by the ladies. The League of the Methodist churolt intend holding a conundrum social ccee Friday evening of this week. Every- body welcome and a good time aster-, cid, Tuckersmith Township Mr. Roy Hearn, who has• been lianas tram the vicinity of Wilkie Sa.sk., on a visit of several' weeks, le..ol: again.Ior.the west on Saturday. I NEW SPRINt FOOT1EAR D° you like to' wear the best and most stylish shoes obtainable at reasonable cost ? Do you want the latest and most approved styles, If so,y ou will be interested in our n e w stock of Spring Shoes The satisfaction you get in , buying dere, lies in the knowing that we are more interested in the wear and comfort you get than in pocketing the money you pay for them. H. S. CHAPMAN I'FIONE 70