HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-03-05, Page 7It Lasts.
The Cloth,es 'Last. ,
Its FriendsLast.
• News -Record and Mail & Empire 4180
Nows.Record and Globe , - , . • 1.60
News -Record and Fatally ieraid and
• Weekly Star . , . ...... ....„ 1.85
• News -Record and Weekly San ....-.. 1.85
• News -Record and Farmer's Advocate.. 2,35
News -Record and Farm & Dairy 1.06
'News -Record and Canadian Farm .... 1.86
Newe•Record and Weekly Witness ..- 1.85
•News -Record and Northern Messenger 1.60
• News -Record and Free Prose ........•. 1.86
News -Record and Advertiser. 1.85
News-Reeord and Saturday Night .... 545
'News -Record and Youth's CoMpanion 3.26
News -Record and Fruit Grower and
News -Record and Canadian Snorts-
" man53,25
Newe-Record and Dippincott's Maga,
zinc • . • , . 3 25
News-Itecord and World ..........,....53.35
Nove-Record and Globe ................4.50
NewaReeord and Moil & Empire 4.50
News-Reeord and Advertiser 2.85
News•Record and Morning Free Prove, 3.35
Neovs-ltecord and Evening Free Press. 2.85
Nerve -Record and Toronto Star ........ 2.35
News -Record -and Toronto News .......2.35
If what you want is not in this liet let
tin know about it, We ean supply you at
less than it would cost you to send direct
In remitting please do so la' Post-oolco
Order Postal Note, Express Order or Reg.
istered letter and address.
Publisher News -Record
Whooping Cough
A simple, Wooed effective treatment for tree.
alai troubles, avoiding drugs. VaporizertCresoleno
stops Ste paroxysms of WhoopingCollgh nod roger..
Spasmodic Croup atone,, It Is a SOON to sufferers
from Asthma, TheOle carrying theantiseptio vapor.
inspired with every breath, maims breathing ee85
soothes the sore throat and stops thecoush, assuring
restful -nights. It Is laoluableto mothers with
young' Children. Send postal for diFriptIvii.hoohlet.
TABLETS f ortheffritated
throat: They ore
.effeetive and • antiseptic,'
4/0 iPour druggist or !root
us, 000.60 stamps.. -
.Vapo Crosolene Co.
82 Cordon& St., N.Y.
Leming miles Banding
menyval, Can. 3
Even! Woman
is interested and should knoW
about the wondeefuln
Marvel II"
- One 0
Ask your druggist for
it. If im cannot supply
tbe MARVEL, accept n()..„
other, bat send stiouptf
trated book- . I °was full
narlicalars vele (alitliletIonoginveluable
PL'It cO„Windsor,
104100,V715335° SUP• canada.
General Agents foi
Canada, the Empire and the World
In .General Refore Your
Eyes. „
The Music Hall blockin Sackville,
N.B., was burned on Friday; loss
$20,000. •
A solid cardoad of malted milk,
valued at $10,000, caasa.n from Chi-
cago via C.P.R. for Toronto.
Owen Sound Council is net in fa-
vor of the Georgian Bay Canal, but
favors the deepening of the Wel-
land Canal..
Hon. W. T. White, Minister of
Finance, .stated that the Govern-
ment does not intend torecoup the
shareholders of the Farmers Bank.
Ontario field c,rope last year, ea
cording to Dr. Creelman of Guelph,
-were 62 per oe,nt. greater tha,n the
combined field crops Of the Weatern
The Government resolution de-
claring tor prohibition of the mann-
factuie, importation and sale of
white phosphorus was passed in the
Stratford ratepayers carried al-
most unanimously, on Friday, theee
industrial by-laws, providing for the
enlarging of onS factory and the
erection ref two others.
Richard George Yates, foreman
bricklayer for Schultz Bros., .Brant-
ford, died without a moment's
warning while playing an encore
with his eon At 0 eoncert.
Army Doctor Yells of Experiment
With Typhoid Vaccine.
A despatch frorn Ottawa says,:
Col. Sir Win, Leishman,
K.I-I.P., professor of pathology, a-
-the Royal Army Medical College
London, England', who is generallj'
reeognized as one of the gre,ateel
Men in the raedical profession in
Great Britain; told a, Meeting of the
A'.eifticialtion• of Officer S of the Medi-,
Cal Services Of Canada here • 013
'Wednesday many Of the results of
his experiments with typhoid vac-
einea.Of Which lie has Made ar 5p5
Wal He 'claimed that the
aucce.se; of the vaccine has, been de-
monstrated in St remarkable way,
•especrially , in ' tropioal countries
where tyliihoid or enterio'fever
more' rampant than elsewhere.
Have Been An
Untold Benefit
First'Anutial Report
010.11 et Cattle, Grath', ansess.ina •Clitier
The Standard Rolianbe ' Mortgage
, , Ereduso et Naftle an. Abrams
'COrpore.tion of,' Toronto , held' its annual Torento,'ilareBb.P.63a..,-dP4tiuoffurs,10-a.t'a‘rio wheat
meerting of shareholdSrs on Monday, 'lloiire,1190 per cent„'$3.80 to 93.85, sealMard,
cMoariiiOnh,an' py, a1 tfi I 48,:i.sins. KtIrrig,6.7stcreeset-ofp• .athete; 1,1),..i.1,:owst,,,,ois.,3,:ja:14.p,,tea`i.,,r,,borio!aflto,11.5i;Lolandbiageot.04h.ea-r413,0rd,s,t,
Toronto. The folinwitig.'report was manitone..•wheot-,naY pert's, No..3: Nor-
subinifted and; approvedi..— ' ,. . them, 99 1-7.k.."and No.(2, 97 1-2e; Goderieh,•
Your Directors have Mileh. pleasure ;Pa 17a,8,,,,i1VT:0, ,Ito.63hie.g.' N°4•I'li b"'
In submitting herewith the,41r-st All-, Ontario wheat -No. 2 DA 93' Go' 962 out-
nual Report' and Statement for the side, aeeerding. to .treight, and 97 10 ,055,
Ortte--No. 2 Onterit) -Oats, traek, Toren-
30'.1-2'ta. 37.0,
New Brunswick W- oman Praises
• Dedit's Kidney Pills.
She Suffered for Four Years, and
the _Doctor Could Not Help Her,
But Dodd's Kidney Pills Gave
• ller a New Lease of Lite.
• Porton, 'Carleton Co., N.B., Mar.
2nd. (Special). "I find Dodd's
Kidney Pills the beet kidney medi-
cine I have ever used. They have
been of, untold benefit to me."
The speaker is Mrs. John S.
Dickinson of this place. She is en -
.61 -inelastic in her penises of the great
Canadian kidney remedy, and not
without reason.-
"I suffered from kidney teenble
that started in a cold," she contin-
ues, "and for four years I was ne-
Vet Tree of it. I was treated by a
doctor, but he did not seem to be
able to do -me mach good.. '
"I had rheumatism and neutal-
g,la, and my joiruis were. stiff; ,my
museles cramped, and I was alwals
tired and nervous. perspired free,
ly with the slightest exertion. Ir
was depressed and low spirited, my
limbs swelled, and I had a drag -
ting sensation tioros.s the loins.
It is understood that the eemnait-
tee to investigate the oommercial
possibilities of the 'Georgian Bay
Canal will be 'composed of FPI,-MayOT
Sandford Evans of 14innipeg,
'Chairman, awl Col. S. Meighen
and Edward Gobbler of Montreal.
- "If the Board of Control," said
-Ald. L. A. Lapointe, of Montreal,
-"attempts to hedge/ aranind with
...secrecy the investigation into the
water ,eituatien, shall invite the
people, of Montreal to come down
to the City Hall and break in the
The London Board of Education
will he asked to investigate She al-
leged whipping of pupils. Cif Talbot
Steeet School by an acting principal
until blood ran from their hands,
while a little girl went into hyster-
ics amci the te,acher of the elass
cried. •
Man Arrested in North Bay for
o Stealing Silver.
A deepatch froin North Bay says:
David Pokki of Cobalt was arrested
by Provincial -Constable Fred Le-
febvre at North Bay on Friday.
Pokki had in his possession c,on-
eealed about his body in an inge.,ni-
ems suit of many pockets seventy-
five pounds of the finest leaf silver
ever eeen in North Bay: The pre-
liminary hearing was held before
Magistrate Weegar. Another man
is under ,arrest charged with nego-
tiation for the piirchase of the ore.
Forty years use, 20 years the
standard, prescribed and E000711••
mended by Physicians. For Wo;
anan's Ailments, Dr. Martel's
' Female Pills, at your druggist.
Pruning and • Mildness Ad.
vaneed Them r.Coo B.apidly.
• A despatch from St. Cathareines
- • eays : The TUTHS1lail WSVIS Dee,enaber,
followed by an unpreeedented spell
• of zero weather, thus killing the
pea,ch buds, will have a more die-
- aetroue effect upon, the growers
that take, the beet care of their or-
chards than upon the more care -
lees ones, aocording td Prof. Ma -
conn, horticulturist of Ottawa, who
addressed the Niagara, District
Fruit Growers' Association on
Thursday afternoon, The progres-
• , sive fruit grower prunes in the fall
for fruit development. •Hence the
• ,mild early .winter ,a,c1Vaneecl the
buds so rapidly.tha,t they were easy
prey for the zero 'weather.
Great Beitaill.
The giant White Star liner Bri-
tannic was launched at Belfast,
Ireland, on Thursday.
Sia John Tenniel, the eelebrated
British eartoonist, passed away in
Inndon Thursday.
Restores the color, strength,
beauty and softness to Gray
Hair and is not a dye,
At ell Druggists. SOv.t, a; 5305,
A. Unionist candidate was elected
in Leith Burghs to.sneeeed Sir Ron-
ald Munro -Ferguson, the Liberal
just .appoinated to be Governor-Gen-
eral of Australia.
"Should Vipa fail to justify, his
a,etion,," says the London Times,
"we shall bide our time ontil- a
Government again exists in Mexico
strong enough to bring the offend-
ees riz justice." ,
Mrs. Emmeline Pankhuret has
weitte,n to the, King ,asking him to
receive 0 deputation from the W.
S. P. U. to lay Wove him their
claim for the Parliamentary vote
and their complaint of "the medie-
val and barbarons methods of tor-
ture whereby your Majesty's 1V1inie-
tees are seeking to represe the. wo-
men's revolt against their deprive, -
tion of citizens' rights." -
. Tine boxes of Dodd's Kidney
Pills madeit new woman of me."
Are not Mrs. Dickinson's symp-
tome those of any run-down, worn-
out woman They are also the
symptoms of kidney disease.
Dodd's Kidney Pills give new life
to run-down women- by curing
their kidneys.
Railway Tracks Torn Up and Tele-
graph System Paralyzed.
paeb YearacCompenied by the Balance oh' trae,k,
Sheet to DecemOtIbidtand 39 4:Zr1,
ber 81st, 1913, show-
ing tbe result of the Company's oper- to. Western OaruLd a 0:42, 42e ter No. 2.
p, at , CT1
Ea -Jane. . : -•. mud at 40 1.20 tor 'No, 3, )3137 ports..
, , • ' Pose-isTo. 2' at 9.5c to fi/. outside.
'Phe Directors are,. pleased to submit Baefiey-Go d ;titan ., ±0i1'53 - th 5131,
the First Annual 'Report and Balance °mama according to quality,
Sheet of t'he Corporation, for the por-- 0Orn--New -No.' 3 American, 69 1-53p 0..11,
rty T(u.ntf;.
led 'ending 31st 'of December, 1910. r g 2 60 63e outside.
The Orderan-In approving of nakeekerheate-aeo. 2 aL 75' to 760, outside:
.the merger of the Standard Loan Coaw nean-elanitobar bran, 52280 to 923 a ton,
pany and. the Reliance Loan and Sav- ia bagI% Toroirteight. Shorts, •524.50l to'
ings 'Company of Ontario was passed "5'
on the 21st day of April last, and the
actual merging took place on the first _ ., Gauntry Produce. , ....
• •
It will be noted that after paying to 200, ,..eilmeo, 5,50;,1„, 30 to 310; Egise,
Bubter--Ohoice dairy, 22 to 230; inferior,
day of May. - • 18 to 19e; fainters' eeparator printe, eg
all fixed charges ant, expenses, in- 27 to 29e• storabe prints, 2710 28o; solids,
eluding outlays consequent mpcin the 26 14 to ' 26e• •. .• ,., ..
Eggs -Cast lots of uew-iaal ' 34-10 35e per
amalgamation, the balance available
dozen; ,,storage., seieote, 33o; and 6torego,
for distribution has been sufficient to 31 to 32d per dozen. - '
allow of 3aymentofth.eusua I dl vifi- 01eseTNrvchee, 134for large, , and
erastot1esharehaidala,andaat-3eans-Iend-pie:ed• •
dition of $100,000 to the Reserve Fund, bushel; priines, 92.10 to $2.15.
which now stands at $400,000. Iloney--Extracted, 111 tans, 11 to 12,e Per
We are pleased to be able to report lh. No.
r No. 1; combs, 93 to $3.25 per dozen
. , and 92.40 to 92.50 for No. 2. •
a substantial increase in the Deben- Poultry -rows, 12 to 1.3c per 15.; chick -
tures placed by the Company, and also ens, 16 to 18e; ducks, 13 ,tot015e050; vgeereseb,ng14,
In the Savings Accounts. By reason 6,0,106:d4,rreAYAaltso .214.8_
of this our tett] A.ssets now stand- at, '
on track, and.Delawares at 00e, on track,
over $5,100,000, or an increase of over car iota.
A despatch from Paris, says;
Railrea communication between
Lisbon, Portugal, and the Spanish
frontier ihas been coinplebely stop-
ped by the acts of railway men be-
longing te tbe revolutionary section
of the. secialist party who have gone
on strike... According to paesen.gers
who arrived here from Lisbon on
Thursday after a journey of 102
hours, instead of the usual 32, the
tracks have been destroyed in many
Places., it bridge has been blown up
and telegraph and telephone oom-
municatimi has leimn interrupted al-
most throughout 'Portugal.
&rant of $250 Will Be Made to Pro -
$300,000 since the merger, and the
net earnings of the ,Corporation Provisions. are .
greater by over $30,000 than the coni- Bmen-1,0rig cloar, 13 10 16c per lb., in
bined net earnings of the two cone ones lote. Pork -Short oat, $28,60; 40., Mese,
panies prior to the arnalgamation
The shares held by the Corporation
in the Dovercourt Land, Building and
Savings Company, Limited, represent
assets consisting of real•estate having
an actual value largely In excees of
the par value at which the shares are
now standing on the books. •
To fill a vacancy in the Directorate
since the amalgamation, Dr. E. Jessop,
of St, Catharines, a large and influen-
tial shareholder in the Company, was
Since the last Annual Meeting of
the Standard Loan Company, now an
integral part of the amalgamation, the
death of one of the most distinguished
Canadians, Loki Strathcona, has taken
place. We feel sure that all our share-
holders deplore the great loss which
the Dominion of Canada has sustained
by the passing of one of the most not-
able figures in the history of our coun-
try. He was, at the time of his death.
Director of this Corporation.
We take great pleasure in bearing
testimony to the efficiency displayed
by the officials and agents of the Cor-
poration in performing their respec-
tive duties.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of
the Board.
(Signed) N. H. STEVENS,
Dated, Toronto, 13th February, 1914.
vide Gravestones.
A despatch from Goderich says:
James Richardson, secretary of the
Lakes Disaster Fund arb Toronto,
has notified Mayor Reid that a
grant of $2e0 will be made. to pro -
Vide markers or gravestones over
the graves of the five unidentified
sailors buried in Maitland game-
tery, near here, last November.
Mayor Reid has been urging:this for
some time past.
'United Sta t es.
Alfred Noyes, the English poet,
who is in Ale U.S,, lecturing in the
cause worM peace, has been ask-
ed to become a professor in the fac-
ulty of Prineeton University.
Employes of the American Steel
& Wire Co. in Pennsylvania where
the company has two large plants,
were notified to withdraw at onee
grcun fraternal • organizations that'
conduct elube, the tole of liquor
'impairs their usefulness.
• Two Americans ie reported
were kidnapped by Albanian bri-
' 15 0 STIER
Rat Tells Facts About Postum.
This,lay found an easy and sate
way out of the ills cense(' by coffee.
She se,ys:
"We quit eoffee and have used
Postum for the past eight years,
and drink it nearly every meal. We
never biro of it.
"For sev'eral years previous to
quitting coffee could scaveely oat
anything on account of dyspepsia,
bleating after aneade, palpitation
siek heaalache—in fa,ct TIKIS in sucal
misery and .distress I tried living
on hat Waiter Sild toast,' (Tea is
equally injurious because it con-
tains eafteine the same drug found
in coffee.)
'Hearing of Postuan I began
drinking it and .torind it delicious.
My- ailments disappeared, anCl now
1 can eat anything I want without
'My •parenie and husband had
,about the same experience. Mother
woeld often suffer aftee eating
while yet drinking coffee. My bile -
band iv:ea a great. coffe,e drinker and
anliered feem indigestion and head -
A move to abolish ,gahre rule was
checked in the German Impecial
Parliament, • - , .
The 'French Government received
it check by an adverse vote of 140
te 184 in the Senate onits, ineome
tax indirVineret, -
it statement issued by the Mex-
ican Government the United States'
is indirectly blamed for the death
of William Benton.
Newfoundland's revenue for the
last fiecal year WRS $3,920,000, leav-
ing a surplus of 3115,000. A surtax
of ten per cent. on existing customs
duties is proposed, and spacial in-
creases on liquor, tobacco, cigar-
ettes, hutterine, and the cut of him-
'b cr. ...
Balance Sheet as on December
31st, 1913....
Mortgages and Securities
against Real Estate., $4,255,220, 43
Loans • • 31,376'62
Stocks, Bonds and De-
bentures at cost 411,716 60
Real Estate, foreclosure
Office Premises
Office Furniture
Accrued Rentals
Agents' Balances
Municipal Debentures, at
Cash on Hand and in
174,560 53
5,000 00
548 84
3,367 97
33,603 91
106,785 06
36,110,332 so.
To the Public
Debentures with Accrued
Deposits with Accrued
Mortgages Assumed
Unclaimed Dividends
Accounts Payable
Dividend, No. 2, Payable
January 2,,1914
"Afte lie stopped coffee and be-
gan Postuan hut& ailments left him.
Ile will not •drink anything oleo
now, and WO "PITS it three time
day. I could write more, btit SDI
110 guiher--only state plain facts."
Ntene,e, given by Canadian Posta.m.
Co., Windsor, (ant. Write for a
copy of the famous little, book, "The
Road to Wellville."
Postum now comee in :lave forms:
*• Rogialar POSCUM must be well
boiied 15o and 25c packages.
' Instant rosin:m-4s a soluble pow-
der. A. toaepoonful dissolvee quick -
in a cup of hot water 'and, with
ancl sugar, makes 06 delicious
boY'erage instantly. 300 and 50c
'19.1e cost per eup of both kinds is
about the samT.
"There's a Itea,sori" for Postum,
• —Sold by Grocers.
Medicine for the Blood
Is Needed Now
Because the unhealthful modes of living during the
winter have made the blood impure, causing loss of
appetite. and that tired feeling, as well as the sores
and erUptions that occur at this time. •
< Be sure to take I-Iood's Sarsaparilla this spring.
It combines:the great curative principles ,cof roots,
• barks and herbs, so as to raise them to their highest
efficiency in the treatment of all blood humors, blood
diseases and run-down conditions.
• Get liood's Sarsaparilla today. • All druggist&
United States Markets,
Minneapolis; March 3. -Wheat -May,
• 92 1-20; 'July, 932-40 to 93 Me bid; No. l
hard, 95 1-2 Ito 96e; No. Northern, 93 to
-95e; Die, 2 Northern, 91 to 93e; No. 3 wheat,
88 1-2 to 90 1.2a. No. 3 yellow corn,- 67 to
07_1-4e. 'Date -No. 3 white, 37 1-4 to 37 1-20,
Flaps* 'unchanged. Bran, 92280,
' Duluth, March 3, ---Linseed, 91.56 3-4; MPS,
$1.67 3-4; July, 91.59 3-4. ()lose ;-Wheat---.
Ne, 1 hard, 94 3-4a; No, 1 Northern, 93 3-4c;
No, 2 Northern, 92 1-40; Montana No. 2
hard, 90 3-4; May, 93 3-4 to 93 7-8c; Oslo',
94 6.8c. •
Live Stock Markets.
Toronto, March 3.-Cattle-Chotee but-
cherr, 58 to 81.30; good $7 60 to 97.76; meth -
um, 96.7510 97; common, 05.76 to $6; choice
coows.35 , 6096.2:mote) 9°70; mgo,u)og,),5541.47625totm96 9; 673,15 d; lai.„(ma.„
tens and canners, 03.18 to 93,75; choice
bulls, 87 to 97.76; good, 96 to $6.75; corn-.
Mon, 84.25 to' $5 50. Stackers and feeders-
Steer43, choice, 97 to 98.25; good, $6,35; lig,lit.
$3.50 to $5.10; springers to $82; milkers,
985. Crilves-fitood veal, $8.65 to 11; com-
mon, 51.60 to $5.. Sheep and lambs -Light
owes, 95.50 ;to 67; heavy, 53 to 93.60; Spring .
lambe, 59 to 910; bucks, 93 to $3.60, with
75o off. Hogs -Fed and watered, to 99,25;
$24.50. Hams-Me,dlum2e
, 18 to 18 1., 0., f'° b" tip 85'90' °07 e213, •
heavy, 17 to 18e;. rolls, 15 to 16 1-20; break- Montreal, Mareh 3.-Cheice steers and
heifers sold at Kea good at $8 to KM,
18:st3.04bacon, 18 to 19e; backs, 22 to 24e. f at 5710 97.50 and she lower grades at
Lard -Tierces, 14 1-4e; tuba, 14 1-20; palls, 96 to $6.75 per cwt. Butohens' vows brought
• from $4 to $6, and bulls from $4 to $7.60
Farmers get the following prices
sike, No. 1, 58.50 to 99; do., No, 2, 97.50 to
$83 do., No. 3, 56 to $7; Timothy. No. I,
$2.75 to 35.25; do., No. 2, 52 to 532.52; red
clover, lo, 1, 58.25 to 95.75; do., No. 2.
$7.60 to $7.75.
Baled Hay and StraW.
Baled hay -No. 1 at 914 to $14.50 a ton,
on trock here; No. 2 quoted at, 913 to
513.50, and mixed at $12 to 512.50.
Baled straw -Oar lots, 9055 to 58.75, on
track, Toronto.
$2,119,989 05
512,877 58
13,195 63
'1,T 62
03,225 01
82,711,195 28
To the Shareholders
Capital Stock Subscribed 2,070,810 00
Less Unpaid thereon 85;705 12
51,985,104 28
Winn ip eg Oraln.
Winnipe.•', March 3. -Wheat -No, 1 North.
ern, 910; No. 2 Northern. 89 343e; No. 3
Northern, 87 3-4a; No. 4, Mc; No. 6, 76 1-2e;
No, 6, 71 1-2e; feed, 65a; No, 1 rojeated
seeds, 86 3-4o; DM. 2 rejected seeds, 043-40;
No, 3 trejected seeds, 83 1.2e r No. 1 smutty,
86 3-40; No 2 smutty. 84 3-4c; No, 3 .stnutty,
83 1-2a; No. 1 red Winter, 91e; No. 2 red
Winter, 893-00; No. 3 red Winter, 87 3.4e,
Oats -No. 2 0.W., 35e; No. 3 C.W,, 34 1•40;
extra No. 1 feed, 34 1-40; No. 1 feed, 33 Me;
No. 5 feed, 33 1-53. Barley -No, 3, 44 1-7,o;
No. 4, 443 1-2e; rejeoted, 43 1-2e; feed, 41e.
Flax -No. 1 N.W.C., 91.33 1.2; No. 2 OW.,
$1,30 1-2; No. 3 C.W., $1.17 1,2,
Reserve Fund
Balance at Credit, Loss
and Gain
400,000 00
14,085 25
Montreal Markets.
Montreal,'March 3.--Oorn, American, No.
2 yellow, 72 to 72 1-20. Oslo, Oanadian
Western, No. 2, 44e; do., No. 3, 43 to 43 1 20:
extra DTo. 1 feed, 43 1-2eBarley, Man [-
Jobe, feed, 48 to 50e; malting, 65 to 465.
Bueltwheitt, No. 2, 56 to 57. Flour, Man.
Spring wheat patents, firsts, 56.40; do,
seconds, 94.90; do., strong bakers', 94.70;
Winter patents, choice, 8610 $5.25; straight
rollers, 8450 to $4.75; do., bags, 92.10 to
2.15. Rollect oats, barrels, 54.25 to 94.35;
bags, 90 lbs., $2 to $2.05. Bran, 523. Shorts,
926. Middlings, 028. Mouille, 520 ;to 532.
Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, 13 1-2 to 15e.
Cheese, finest westerns, 14 to 14 1-4e; fin-
est easterns, 13 3-4c. Butter, choicest
creamery, 27 1-2 to 28; setonds, 26 1-2 to
27c. Eggs, free'', 35 to 36a; selected, 32 to
33e; No, 1 stock, 30 to 31c, Potatoes, Per
bag, tar lets, 20 to 90c.
$5,110,332 81
Interest on Debentures
and Deposits $122,521 14
Dividends Nos. 1 and 2 118,471 88
Transferred to Reserve
Fund 100,000 00
13alance Carried Forward 14,035 25
5355,028 27
Balances, Dee. 31., 1912 $ 3,651 72
Net earnings after de-
duction ef expenses of
management and pro-
vision tor all known
Losses . . • 361,336 55
$355,028 27
• Managing Director.
• We have audited the aecounts of the,
Standard Reliance Mortgage Corpor-
ation for the year ending 31st Decem-
ber, 1918. We have seen the
cipal Debentures, received certificates
from the Corporation's bankers as to
the bank balances, verified the cash
on hand, obtained a cerliflcate from
the Corporation's officiate as to the
value of the Stocks, bonde, debentures
and looms, and we certify that the
above Balance Sheet is in accordance
with the books of theeCorporation.
A. Cl0inNtr.2t.eFrFea FAcacjkonntants,
Toronto, 12511 February, 1914,
After adopting the report, the share-
holders elected the following directors
for the ensuing year: Lord Hyde,
W. S, Dinnick, Herbert Waddington,
Hugh S. Brennen, E. F. B. Johnaton,
K.O., Sohn Firstbrook, Nathan H, Stev-
ens, 355. Jeseop; M.D„ J. A McnvoY,
David Rats, JameS Gunn, David Kemp,
19.'0. McNally W. L. Morton, Rev, 0• ,
1. Taylor, M.A'o R. 14. 01'00120,
Head Office: 84-88 King St. 1.1, Toronto
per cwt.. Re to quality. Lambs vold at
$8,25 to $8.50, and sheep at 55.50 to $6 per
owt. Chace ranged from 53 to $12 each
as 10 iv,e aud qua.lity. Selected lots of
hogs sold at $10.16 to 910.25 per cwt.,
weighed <;fil ears.
Boston Women's Association °Would
Aid- Single Women.
A desPartah from Boston, Mass.,
says: The Women's Homestead As -
sedation sent .an appeal on Friday
to King George of England ta aid
the single women of that country to
migrate to Western Canada to he-
roine, the wives of 'settlers. Resolu-
adopted by the association express-
ed the belief that if the movem.ent
were "carried out seriously" the
militant women of England would
cease their warfare on Parliament.
"Discontent generally reigns 'where
there is a surplus female popula-
tion " .said the resolution.
Parish Church of Village of 711ite-
kirk, Scotland, Destroyed.
A despatch .from Dunbar, Solt -
land, says: An "ars,on squad" of
militant Suffragettes on Thursday
burned to the ground' the historio
parish chrirch of the Village of
Whitekirk, near here,. A large
quantity of suffrage literature wast
left strewn about the scene. The
church was erected in 1297, and
contained many relics of the battle
in which the Soots were routed by
Oliver Crerawell's forces in 1650.
In the vizinity is the famous battle-
ground a Dunbar, Where the Eng-
lish 'totally defeated the Scots in
1296 and caused ,Johm Ballial to give
up the crown of Scotland. Many
of the pribeless Scriptural relies and
curios from the Holy Land were de-
stroyed,by the fire. The inc,endiar-
ies apparently had sprayed the in-
terior of the church with inflasnma-
ble oils. They, also used explosives,
as several massive slabs of stone
were shattered.
Women Need Gin Pills
Miss Ethel Balcombe, of Port Duffer!;;,
N.S., writes: "I was troubled -with Kidney
diseaSe for several years. My back was
weak. X had terrible Ilmulaches and Was
so reetless that I could not sleep at night.
At loot a, friend told lan . about DIN
PILLS. I at ones got a box, and atter
taking them, I felt bebter-after taking
Ibsen boxes I was cured." 60e. a Box, 6
for 92.55. Sample free rif you write Na-
tional Drug a': Chemical Co. of Canada,
L/imited, Toronto.
Mayor Trudel of Cobalt has been
unseated because he held a contract
with the Cobalt Lake Mining Com-
pany under an agreement between
the town and the company.
„1 EST E
High Class Profit -Sharing Bonds. 97erlas-$100, $500, $1000
INVESTMENT may be 'withdrawn any timo after one year
on 60 daye' notice. Realness at back of these Bonds °stab.
• Belied 20 years. Send for special folder 'and full particulars.
ASSETS as at 31st December, 1913
Increase over 1912
CASH INCOME from Premiums, Interest, Rents, etc., in 1913
Increase over 1912
PROFITS DISTRIBUTED to policyholders during 1913
ADDED TO SURPLUS during 1913
TOTAcaLpitSaUIRPLUS 31st December, 1.913, over all liabilities and
DEAMCLAIMS, Matured Endowments, Profits, etc., during
PAYMENTS to policyholders since organization
PREMIUMS RECEIVED since organization .... ....... .
PAYMENTS to policyhorders since organization and assets now
held for their benefit .... . . . .... . . ...... ....... .....
NEW BUSINESS (paid for in cash) during 1913 ..
Increase over 1912
• 706,424.1.9
• 3,476,507.15
ASSURANCES IN FORCE 310 December, 1913 202,363,996.00
Increase' over 1912
• The SUN LIFE OF CANADA holds the premier position among Canadian Life
Assurance Companies.
The Company's Growth.
• .... . .
1903 ...
1900970. Assets, (-18°InAs,--aolL........":16"°3
$ 48,210.93 $ 96,461,05 , 9 1,064,35800
274,86580 736,940,10 8779,966.00
0,c4040,11 \ 4,001,776,90 27,799,757,00
3,656139.58 15,506,776,48 75,681.189.00
13,994,401.64 55,726,347.32 202,363,996.09
fiend Office
IVIanaglfig Director and rsooretary•