HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-03-05, Page 6DARD REIIAN.CE.
• t Year'S Earnings' ver 11. /ler
dont ggreg.teNyat: .tainiugti '
lUe the Period Eiulusg &nem -
'bey 31st,, 1103i '$351,3364,4'
In another .column Of this .paper„
iwLLsb4. seen the 04)341:1414P049.,i91
sbemeA4.14 eg.t1-11d0AkrAt3.4lice,
•didertgage Cerporation. Th.i.p, is One
of :the best, statements, lesue.cl
any financial co,ripOratiOn 'foy the
• year1913, and wati highly eoanmend-
cd, by the Isherehtildere Walk) ' were
present at the annual meeting held
• at the company's, offices-. 82-88-Iting
Street Feet, Tos;ontes •cos Monday,
'March the 2nd, •—
The net earnings amounted to
• over 1/ per cent. of the paid-up
, capital, which now amounts to the
sulastanbial sun' of $4985,104.00.:
After deducting interest on deben-
tures and deposits, antOlintillt,e• tie
•$12,69i.O0, the lialance available
for dist-rigid/ion amounted to $228,2
806.00, of Which slain $118,471.88 was
paid out in dividends'$100,000 was
• added to the reserve fund, land the
balance carried; forward to the ,ere-
dit of Loss and Gain account
• The present corporation is aXi
amalgamation ,of * the Standard
Loan Company and the' Reliance
Loan and Savings Company of On-
tario, the amalgaanation• having
taken effect on ,the ffirst Of May last.
The presid'ent, Mi.'" N. H. • Ste -
yens, staked that the net earnings
of the corporation for 1913 exceed-
ed the combined net earnings of the
two companies prior -to the amal-
gamation by over $30,000. This re-,,
cord is well ,worth noting, as show-
ing not only the efficiency secured
by the coanbination Of the two com-
• ponies under one management but
it shows also what may be accom-
plished in the way of reduction of
expenses of operation. -
It will be noted frosu a. perusal
of the statement that the total as-
sets now amount to $5,110,332:00.
The position obtained in the finan-
bind world by the Standard Reliance
Mortgage Corporation Places it
amongst the largest and most pros-
perous financial institutions in the
Dominiou. '
The conservative policy pursued
by this -corporation is an important
feature for the consideration of
those looking for substantial and
Safe investments. • The debentures
of the corporation are issued in
, sums .of $100.00 or more, and inter-
est at the rate pf five per cent. per
amnusu on these ,amounts is payable
• 'by coupon every six months.
The corporation -invites corres-
pondence with reference to the safe
investment of funds at remunera-
tive rates. All communications
should be addressed to the head
office, 82-88 Mara. East, -Toronto,
Ho*.-• Will'sWife Uttntitned
Anitt Saral,ts- .
-''AeresS ituantaista Edith
Bartlett"e„ six arspasthge,4Smanethicli
life:strike, had been ; only &' 4We
diteraifilithiserit" alilitainghsas'Yetirti.4
Aunt "Sarah::Wi1L 1-atm:Ott g.6111d:
hacrlitti•el, tlalace'ler Edith
:dearly Paid. for,:.• :and
Memories: of .:.the tr,epidation,- Sena
ieltse 'and' even, &Rare ,thet ?preceded
••herarrival:a • and fialleWecl her „dets
• . , .•
'''Yoar.ban'kplain it," .'he said.
She isn't, eish, old pi ha nireepa;
.cial Sbeiel les:telt-loin yet, every lend
'defers to' her.. You • might' fancy
that. in sense. previeue, stage of:,ex-
•isbenee she had. heerti aa Grand •Ues
gul andeliadn'egotever th.6 habit."
"Wen", h'dith finaily doelared,
„With „splinte."I'm not g•oing to wor-
aTy ;any overGreat-Aunt Sar -
eh.. When ,S.116 niVe. her
'the: best •I have, lent I'711 not going
,bis treat her diffetently froin :other
people,•and I'031-111dt giitig to let her
spoil the Vsho1.1; year:"
Inespite of her brae determine-
tioh, however; 'Edith wouid haVe
been .telatetissit o minfese how often
she had, dressed- ettrefally" foe her
pcissible 'guest, sse how Many .1.6,,es
of , cake' shehad baked" for Au*,
Sarah. Then one morning, when
her :younger sister' had mane over
to helsi .heraptit up jelly,' the blow
a terrible old lady I"" Minn
whispered, excitedly, after she had,
answered the. bell. • "She's coming
right out here; she insd,sted, and I
Oeutche't do a thing with her,"
'Edith teir,ned white; then, apron,
graptaineAl handler and all, she
advanced to 'meet her guest,
'Yu are -Walls Aunt Sarah, I
know," she said. "I am Edith; and
this is anf,sister MilaTy. If youevon't
Mind .I'm 'going -be entertain you
right in the kitchen, Aunt Sarah,
until this :jells.; 'is sion.e."
Aunt Sarah surrendered her
wraps, and a,ocented a kitchen
chair: •_Iler sharp eyes took in
everything. Edith, with hex hands
trembling, finished her jelly, end
set the table for luncheen. There
were only poached eggs,. fresh gin-
gerbread, jelly and tea, but Edith
offered it without exonse, or apol-
ogy. After luncheon she showed
Aunt Sarah the 'house and her
pretty- linen end china. .She • gave
no sign 'of embarrassment, but
when her *guest had finally depart -
rd by the aftern,oten train she-hroke
"My apron was •wtained, and the
library wasn't dusted, and she
doesn't eat gingerbread I" she sob-
bed. "Oh, why did she have to
.The next , morning, hoWever, a
note arrived froth Aunt Sarah. It
wale brief, but Satisfactory:4nd it
banished the shadow ferener.
"Dear Nephew William,
yew? wife. She has common senses
dive her any love. Yr. aff. aunt,
Sarah Williams."
' •
Missionaries always go to the
bad. Wotsay
There are no sweer weeds in
lap an coo. -
Take the conceie'onaot some men
and you've 'hardly got a grease spot
Chinese gm -mots eat baked fish
Women are fonder than men of
flaistery, yet'they believe it less.
Holland's ra,ilsva,ys kin oa the
everage only one persou a year.
The 'golden rule is a measure of
oonclect that we lay dolwo for other
, Theworld has more republieg
than monarchies.
An ounce 'of prevention usually
• m:eans a pound of useless fear for
Feed edulteration,in Germany is
a prison offense end involves se-
verer sentences, than theft: ,
The best way to serve a meal is
to eat it. • -
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
Lawyer—r`The cross-examination
did not seem to worry you. Have
ion lied any previous experience 7"
Client—•"Six children."
Suffered Seven Years, Itching and
•:Burning. Did Not Sleep Half
the Night, Cured Completely by
Cuticura Soap and Ointment. ,
esi%,,yosge St, Toronto, Ont.—"My
sister suffered for sevea years with meats,.
The trouble began on her arms and legs irt
watet blisters and slfe serateliaL ller
clothes Were rough. around.her legs and she
sufferedfrorn itching and burning and loss
of sleep; she did not sleep half tho night
e.{Ve used , end • °int
meneensi they did not seem'to do any good
• mud we get Cutleura 'soap and Ointmeet
by which the was. completely .cured.'• "
(Signed, IVEss Bessie IVIcAlanes, May 171e.
. . .
. isliSdeon, Quo.—During
'....iw�atherI Was troubled. With. ehAppod'hendo '
else, A eapiten my meatensedesy,eisee-
SI nod. loos:. ,1\iiv,haads Were -Very sonstaina •.
I.were badly *racked oPen.andff I wStit Out
Izi.tlie' celd,alo thoy..ai.Ware bied! I.cooki.'
• net dOnniregtilar Werke 1,tined eel* cod
Oreinilind ether romediesand Stitt 'Mon Were
.bettosheated. .atinsta,gaend ad*eii in° .
• ' to tri,-Pintienia.8.ono,and Ointment!, t Sent
for stlineafitt'applieti ir, to She mteetbd. Oros, ;
..ztiailqiiiiiielliathlY'hanod• relief. M$ ;WI*
arid ttere 'Oured. *kiln
•!(Signetil;Siss..70ento Fludley;:Jeat
70;9/soro than elgeaoraAMO'Gu'leata.80,sP..,
•::.and-.Outienta csintMent hAVe; atfo,rded' the
• infUffenonamicakreatnienn fer'affsedons,ot
•'the:skin and ScalO that terterre,iteb.,burti,,
•;; 04.14
•-• 41.044 Peet4e, .ard Pett,e(1).ing. &
Business 'Men' on'tl'
whiiii.'`,01"Ty is. acide4.7-te overwrk
13-*' n, Sodsn' ber":01nn
lifitaiw:tillet!t\t;h:Pastflts.cl'°Ibils'17 nfieellnihtihare44;O-1
regerVe stregthinntheineyeteniato
hear. , the , •straie ; others eVertax
'What,,Strength they haye. Ti you
find .that • you are, nervous and net
aura of yourselfe that you -Sleep
badly,, and wake up,' tired', anach-
ing, year nerves.,are ant of order.
'Other signs are 'inability to take
proper interest in your worl,r your,
appetite is fickle, your bank feeinl
weak and you are greatly depreise,
ea in spirits,. One or more °Hawse.
signs mean ,thee ssfel should, take
prompt steps, to stop pais:chief by
nourishing -the nerves with the feed
theythrive. en, namely, the rich,
red bl.00d mode by Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, These Pills have cured
thousands ef came of nervous dis-
orders, including nervous prostra-
titan, neural•gia, St. Vitus dance and
Partial paralysis, Here is' an ex-.
ample. Mr. Jas. A,. McDonald,
N.S., says: • "In the
saimmes of 1912, as the result,
think, of hard work, I was coin:
pletely run' down and found it no'
esseary to quit work. I slept poor-
ly, -and whet sleep I did get did not
eeent be rest the, ai I was constanthly
tired. My appetite, was poor and
fickle, and my nerves unstrung. I
had treatment from a doctor for
some time, but it did not seem to
help ane, and having heard a great
deal about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
I decided to try rhem, In the
course o/ a few weeks after begin-
ning the Pills I picked up wonder-
fully, and Was able to return to
work feeling like a, new man.
have not had a day's tsickness einem,
ad near/Lily am now a firm be-
liever in Dr. 'ffilliaans' Fink Pills."
De Williams' Pink Pills, will work
the same beneficial results an Any
other tired, woni-out worker if
given a fair trial. If sani cannot
obtain the Pills from your dealer
they will be eent post paid at 50
cents a box or six bexes for $2.50
by writing The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Men Who Rest on One L9g and
Mothers, ask yourself the ques-
tion: IS your baby a good baby
If not, he is n•ct well, for it is the
nature of ell babies to be good—
only the sickly baby is cross encl
herd 'to mind. .If baby is cress, and
ceies continually give him Baby's
Own Tablets and he will soon be
happy again. The Tablets ,set es a
gentle laxaeive, 'regulate the bow -
ole, sweeten the stomach and cure
all the' Minor ills of little ones..
Concerning 'them IVIes. J. P. Rich-
ard( St. -Norbert, N.S., writes: "I
have foiind Baby's Own Tablets all
that is claimed for them. My baby
suffered from his stemech and bow-
els and the Tablets cured him."
They are sold by all medicine deal-
ers or by mail. alb 25 cents a box
from, The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
• . Fight With Lions.
A - tribe of ,black giants known as
"Siengs," inhabiting a district of
the White Nile, in the, Sudan,a
thousand miles 'south of Ehartseum,
has- bee described by the, Rev. 0.
Lea -Wilson, 'the leader of a medical
• There are about 8,000 people in
the tribe and they live in ,the neigh-
borhood of the Bahr-el-Ghazel, the'
lagoon east of Lake Ohad, "They
aye among the tallest tribes in the
world," says Mr. Lea -Wilson.
"They are jet black, typical no -
groes, and do not -practise either
cannibalism or human sacrflices. I
have never seen among' theta a case
of cruelty to women or childeen.
For .some reason apparently un-
known even to ithemselve.s, all
adults have oix of their lower teeth
removed. They have a habit when
at rest of standing on one foot like
sterke.'' _
Mr. Lea -Wilson states that the
surrounding country is like a zoo-
logical garden. Elephants, giraf-
fes, rhinpceros, buffaloes, hippo-
potami, lions and leopards abound.
"Daring the last wet season eight
people were killed and eaten by
lions. The Jiengnpeople are re-
markably brave and they have kill-
ed two of these enan-eatere with
spears alene. This means that the
• first men aetacldng the animal are
Certainly. killed :before their com-
panions ean rush in a-nd' despatch
the• wounded animal." ,
Island Colony laiSpending Twieo as
•.51fibb as Canada.
Australia's defence 'estimates, for
military purposes, of October., 1913,.
amounted to, $16,2570,000, showing
an increase of•$7,600s600 over those
of the pe-evieus fineneiall year, 1912-
1913. The year 1912,13 wasegemark,,
able as being the' first, in which the
year's g•tiota of men performed their
personal eervice in the militia, ual'
der the claese of The Comanon-
wealth Defence Ajb, • relating --to
coinpulsery eraining. Up to - De-
cember 31•st, 1912, 184,328 persons
had registered their names, of these
• 73,242. Were exempted from various'
causes, 61,593 being temporarily,ex-
erapte,c1 through -segicling five 'miles
from. a training 103,752:
were liable for training anc1.105,125
actually underwent, :training. This
qnota woe trained ,as 'recruits in
a,ceeeclance \glib' Lord Kitchener's
secounisendation,' dad ie -is claimed'
• that the results are satisfactory. .
, The maenittide of Anstralia's new;
,organsz,atiors may be judged frein
the fact that the .18 field batteries
Of ttIe old 'force will become 56 in
• the Pew, and in :addition there will
• be :Six pereaspent field batteeies,
T)airing. the, lest three :Years' -sortie,
,herseee beve been purehased
der, laeld '1[5aptteiyr,ipirposep. at $125
_ each,. • „
The NaVal.•es;timates :of October,
5913; for (thee- efingtruetion an:lomat-
' dd. to $a 060 000 ands$7 000 00C) for
,,• ,
The; 'Canadian sear:Lutes -recently
laiought,,,,d6wn... provide fsr an ex:e
pen.dittirb,,of $10,-460,600, fpr military
purposes., grid as -the population...of
Australia.iS only alaout none -half of:
that ,of .th4..country; it will be Sean
'that' AuStreilio4„.expenditure for
nailitary Purposeit. alone nearly-
-four tiMes•.an. 3r 8;.6 in PrOPer .4!B•
„ .
'P IpALT'.1L1iss,,
niority ,Only
ha Fepoh 440,... rate; Oat,i9lbi'cB
eSysoines theinnVer. sAcestieding:' to
••4tileallationsp',e4tabliglied., JaY au -
44.P0,13.' kaildren fak*flat
On 0'o*. pou*kiyh.;;
nt ,iliei114.10:•!1*1.7.-fript • inteirabably
.4'04** efore tfl3e age.91 U54iir
ie•Ana.....PeleSie**0 cwa.oer The.
'graiSct, fact lreVealett fors the. ,first
tbrie'is that thernajeritY, Of French
famiIis;haire,cialY one ehilde
other-yearsthe , eolamnis ,taf
figur•es- were, headed • by 'faaniliee
having :two or three 'children.
Births diinin±siod in ''unniber !last
y'ear„, and in sonae dietrietsdid not;
suceeed in filling the gala Caused
by death; . The' particular nes S• does
intent Which has caused grave com-
ment ie the- animber, of children Per
• family, taking ineo tie -count ..also
• the profession, of the bread -winner.
• The ealoulations are .baged on the
ceniusSaf 1908 zed a supplementary
inquiry ordered in 1907, .and there-
fore are not very recent; they are
none thealess striking.
, They show that out of 11,314,917
households, 1,864,710 families.. are
without 'children, 2,966;171 have One
child, 2,661,978 two childfen, and
1,643,415 three children.
• Just under the "Millen have four
children, and just .over half a mil.,
lion fiVer,. There are fewer than at
hundred !thausstrid families -havitig
eight. children. ;
• The birth rtitte isfabill highest in
the poor regions -and lowest in the
richest. It att,ain,s its e Maximum
among the fisher folk ofs Brittany,
then among the factary wonkers; it
.is• low among reoblere and busioess
employes. As •ealary increases
among the working classee the num-
ber of children diminishes.
There are 1,350,000 'bachelors in,
Intence above ,the age of 20, and
fifty thousand mere spinekers.
Killed by Blood Poisoning
used an old razor for paring his cortA.
Foolish, beemese a 25cbottle of Putnam's
Corn Extractor will our sal the corns in
ft family' for a, yea sate, )30en2ue purely
vegetable. Ilse ,ohly Putnam'a Extractor.
35e. ,at .431 deepre.
Reciognized Rine
"I sew my boyhood chum to -day,
one thee has become a millionaire."
• "Dicl he recognize you 1"
• "1 guess so. Ile turned a corner
when he ectsv me coming."
Try Murirte Eye Remedy
If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes
ors•Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smelt
—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell
'Morino Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 500.
Murine Eye Salve ea Aseptic Tubes,
250, 50. Eye Books Free by Mail.
An Ego Yonla Good for Ali Eyes that Need Caro
Murine Wye Remedy Co.. Chicago
An Irishman fell from the roof
of a Muse where he was at work. A
passer by rushed up to lam and
• asked 'Are you hurt'l'"It's all
right," said the Irishman, "I had
to come down for nails, anyhow"
may slme "BROM° QUININE.
To get the genuine, edll fo,.loll name,
LAxaserva essosso QtliNtNE. Look
foe signAture .01 El, W. OBOVle. Cures
a Cold in One Dilr. 250.
, ' • 0 .
1Joiats Quit Aching
Father's Ultnnatum.
The father of a, large family of
children' was trying hard to reed
ehe evening paper. "What's that
terrible racket in the hall, Mar -
'One of the children just fell
clowrieletirs.'' 3 I
"Well," he ;replied, turning oyes.
another page. of the paper, ,"you
tell the children a they CE1.71't hall
downstairs quie,tly ,they'll have to
stop it." -
, , •
Liniment cures Burns, Eto.
Nervilthe Drives Soreness Away
Wonderful "Nerviline" Is the Remedy.
A marvellouspain reliever.
Not an ordinary liniinent—Just
about five times more powerful, more
penetrating,- more pain -subduing than
any thick, oily or ammonia liniment.
Nerviline fairly eats up the pain and
stiffness in chronic rheumatic jointh,
gliths quick relief to those throbbing
pains, and never burns or evenestains
„ "Rheumatism kept my halite- swol-
len and sore for ten years. My right
knee joint was often too painful to al-
low me to walk. In this crippled tor-
tured condition I found Nerviline• a
blessing. Itie warm, soothing action
brought relief I had' given up hoping
for. I rubbed on quantities of Nervi -
line and improved steadily. I also teok
Ferrozone at mealtime in order to
purify and enrich My blood. I am to-
day well and can recommend my'
treatment most conscientiously,
(Signed) C, PARKS,
. Prince Albert,
Not an ache or pain in the muscles
or joints that Nerviline won't cure. It's
wonderful for lumbago and sciatica;
for neuralgia, stilt deck, earache and
toothache. Nerviline is simply a Won-
der. Best family liniment known and
largely used for the past forty 'years.
Sold by dealers everywhere, large
family size bottle 50c., small trial size
25e Refuse a substitute, take only
Stops a Coug
N ONE 111011T
L"DiftfiNDelbkhIGERDLI8 •DisUG8.
, ,
By BpoathIna tha s461.init, Healing
• VapOr of- Catarrhozonel Ail ,Throat • •
• , ,.,,Jot4,-O4tarrhal,.TrOuble Is
guieglY. a: ,.‘ind. :.thrnitt catarrh' eao.
be toyed witil C4tar7lloib000, ltd rich
.balsainie,vapor fe carried Mong..wit1t
-the breath into the innermoet reeesses
of the, lunge, brunchial. tubes, . and
chest, making it impossible for the
germ Of any ;disease to. live. Thus
soreness, In the 'chest is at once Labe-
Vlated—phlegra IS loosened and elect-,
ed' from the, throat, old -standing
coughs are. removed.
suffered from .an Irritable, weak'
throat for three years. I had a severe
cough, pain over the eyes, constant
bad taste1n my .mbuth, and nolies In
my ere. It was chronic catarrh. NO.
thing gavq permanent relief till 1 used
Catarrhozone. in one hour It relley-
ed, and In a few weeks drove all trace
of-datarrh from my system."
"No. 6 Lopez street, Icingston, Ja."
• 'REIMEMBEIR THIS—You breathe
Catarrhozone and, it will cure any
throat, chest.er bronchial cold.. Large
size, guaranteed, costs 1.0O, *118 lasts
two months; smaller sfzes, 25c. and
50e. Beware- Of :imitations and insiet
on "CATARRHOZONE" 'only. By
mail from Catarrhozone Co., 'Buf-
falo, N. Y., and Kingston,, Ont.
This Cooker Spaniel Was 'Very
• Fond of Sugar.
Thet one dog at least net only
reasons, but has been known actu-
ally etee cheat, is the conviction of a
young: English army officer who
owes a smart cocker spaniel.
Amohg" ether tricks, the 0.ffiear hes
trained the dog te answer "letter
call," and fetch his owner's mail
to the. mess table. Pleased with the
dog's intelligence, the officer fell
into the habit of giving him a lump
of ,sugar' from the breakfast, table.
One mierning, soon alter the
trumpeter had isounded "letter
c11," the spaniel came in with nei-
ther. papers nar letters. This was
unusual, for the officer subecribe.d
to a daily paper !that invariably ar-
rived in the morning's mail, but he
thought little of it at the time.
About eleven &sneak; ;however, the
deg entered his master's quarters;
erel deposited a- muddy pep al: `upon
the floor.Ma officer did not un-
derstand the situation, but he gave
the dee a lump of sugae. Hall an
hour ler the dog -elope:axed again
with a Very mu•drly oan,d crumpled
letter in his mouth. Then the own -
015 eU,spieiegle -were lerouse•cl.
He gave ithe dog 'another' 'lump of
sugar, „aria watched ,him, He soon
found that the dog had busied the
morning's snail in the Deer of the
-officers" mess, and was digging it
up a letter at a :time, :apparently
with a view to a lump of sugar for
each piece ,of mail.
"14 is said Chat more than one
person ha•s boee killed by kissing."
'Yes, but isn't it great if yon live
through it
Dr. 141ors
Izadia.ri Root Pills
are lust the right medicine for the
• children. When they are constipated
• —when theirkidneys are out of order
—when over -indulgence hi some
favorite foodi gives them indigestion
• --Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills will
quickly and sure y put -them right.
Purely vegetable,they rteither sicken,
Wiiaken or gripe, like harsh pit remtives.
• Guard. your childre.n'sheafth by.
always keeping a box ef Dr. Morse's
• Indian R.00t Pidgh . the house, They
Keep t ',stares's, Weil
— •
Light on Homestio Affairs of These
Long -Dead People.
The archaeologists who are eon -
acting the German Oriental Soci-
ety's exploration, of theruins of
ancient Babylon'Nineveh, and
Ashur, 'have cleeiphered two brick
tablets that throw an interesting
light on the domegie affairs of
these long -dead people. • •
One of the tablets tells of a di-
vorce case, in which ' a.' man, who
has ma -de up his mind that he can -
net live with this wife any longer,
promises to give her what he con-
siders a saeisfaceory alimony :
"Najd Marduk, son of Shins-eh-
balat, 'will give, of his own free
Will,. Maanua, the wife, and Arad-
Bumni, her son, four quaa of food
per day, three clues of drink; per
year, fifteen animas of cloth goods,
one pi of sesame, one pi of salt,
which is $ub the 'warehouse. Najd
Marduk will nob increase it. In
case she flees to. Nergal, the flight
shall not annul in
"Done at the office of Ilushesib-
Marduk, priest of Sipper."
It •appears that twenty-five cen-
turies ago the wife could be di-
vorced isa a most summary fashion.;
but if ,she renounced her lord and
master, a hard fate was hers, for
the second tablet, reads.:
"Risme. son, of Shamichaturm has
taken as 4ife, fund spouse, Raehtuan,
the daughter of Uzibitum. Her
bridal present shall be twenty &h -
kola' of nioney, If Bashtum to Bi -
num, 13,er husba.ncl, shall say, 'Thou
arb not my husband,' they shall
strangle her and cast her into, the
river. If Rinum ta Ba,shtum, his
wife, 81113,11 say, 'Thou a•rt not my
wife,' ha shall pay ten shekels of
money a,s„ her alireony."
The alimony provided in this case
was about six (I•ollars and twenty
cents, according to Professor Else -
len, All prioes were low in those
far-off clays, and wages were &mall
aceordingly. One brick, dated 2200
B.C., records 0 .contract by which a
Men hires a sin froro. his mother,
to labor for two and a half shekels, a
year—about ono dollar and fifty-five
cente. •
• ISSUE 10—'14.
•130,co1L 4591;4
O'Id anit lffllthoils A Tread'
.• '-inent, Compared: •
It ii.t.evichant thakraeclical; ecience,
11 itdoterrnituvlIali5to-oanater dis-
ease, has.,;fennd in :rndiurti a poWet-.
lid' weaposs'. latireer,and the.
npouotho •CleVernibient :be ret,ain
'ibs radlion ;,fordo. inethe Worsts 'and
.the 'prpsil44si sif distinfgaished
,Physicietie to aid -the general Gov-
•,errithentS.In' a plan :+4. eheapen the
uniVerealiiiiits 4reat-
±4 beantifiti in the' extreme.'
Ilezsleiah;..ffing of Judah, wlen• lived
700 :YearesE:0., had a growth on
his body,,Which may ,.•tvell`heve been
a' O.Lellcer, Called in, the -recerilse
boli, It 'wee'Djvinl pciwei • that
wrought' the cone, but a material
instrument, was used in the peel-
tiCe,' the primitive rennedy. "And
Isaiah said, Take a flemp of figs.
And ehey took and laid it on the
boil, a-ncl Iso reeoveeed." (II. Kings,
xx„ 7,).
Women with Sallow Skin
Here is a Good Treatment!
You Get 'Results Quickly.
Womanly beauty is largely the out-
ward expression of health.
Every woman with pale cheeks and
poor complexion needs medicine—
needs a potent tonic to regulate her
sY8totoem.n-e stomach ----to
good digestion—to glee new life and
vitality to the whole system—where is
there a remedy like tr. Hamilton's
-Dr. Hamilton's Pills enable you to
eat what you like—they correct con-
stipation—make nourishing blood—
lust!" force and vim into a run-down
It nervous and can't sleep, your en
medy is Dr: Hamilton's Pills—they
search out the cause of your condition
and you rise in the morning refreshed,
strong, 'vigorous, ready for the day's
. We often ssay to ourselves, "I
would gladly do my duty if I knew
ishat it is." Doubtless there are
oases inswhioh it is hard to decide,
but st eumark of Goethe on the sub-
ject is well ' worth remembering.
"How can we know. ourselves1
Never by reflection, but by notion.
Do your duty and you will find oue
the sort of anan you are. 'Bet what
is my dats.V. What 6P -day asks of
you." Do not •consider too far,boo
deeply, boo seeionely, Do the plain,
present task, a,n.d do it'vell. It is
amazing how pleasant you /eel when
it is, done—and it is not wholly un-
pleasant even in the doing.
Zawn-Buk Does—Cure Piles
Mrs. , C. Hanson, wife of the proo
prietor of the Commercial Hotel,
Poplar,. B.C., suffered from piles for
years. Went to doctor after doctor in
vain. Finally went to Spokane and
had an operation _ Twelve months
afterwards she was.,as bad again. She
says, "One day I read about Earn-
:Buk and thought 1 would try it. The.
first„one or two boxes gave me more
ease than anything else I had tried, so
I went on with the treatment. In a
short time I began to feel altogether
different and better, and I saw that
Zam-Buk was going to cure me. Well,
1 went e0 using it, and by the time I
had used six boxes I was delighted to
find myself entirely cured."
If you, suffer from this painful ain
mead, or from' eczema, ulcers or any
skim disease, don't waste time. Try'
Kam-Buk. 50e. 8,U druggists and stores.
An Important Invention.
Any person who has followed the
sea for any length of time will have
experienced, eeplicially in rough
weather, the annoyance which is
caused bythe incessant working
ancl banging of doors, due to the
polling. andpitelling of the vessel.
To ensure quietness the door of a
stateroom, for instance, must be
shut, To place it on she hook would
mean the rattle 81 the door, which
is intolerable, even the those who
spend the major portion of their
lives on the briny. Many idea's have
been put forward, and many inven-
tions formulated, with tho objects of
obviating this nuisance, but none
have been successful so far. A new
device, whieh is expected to be on
the market at, an early date, is the
invention of Mr. 13reig.an, one of
Liverpool's foreniost Scotch engi-
neers. His patent is simplicity it-
• self, and adapts itself to any pre-
sent class of cabin or saloon door.
It, is noiseless, eakcs up no room
spa -co, and presents no obsteue
In the Air.
"So he praised her .singing, disl
he 7" "Ye.s ; said it was :heavenly."
"Did, he .really say tha,b 1" "Well,
not exactly; but he probably meant
that. He ,said it was uneeethly."
Dr. Hamilton asks every weak and
debilitated person to use biseMandrake
and Butternut Pills. They make old
fare feel, young, and weak folks feel
strong. Their effects upon insomnia
and langour is marvellous. Hundreds
declare they soothe and quiet the
nervoe' se thato.,,good night's rest al -
Ways follow their use. .
To look well, to feel:well, to keep
wen, use tr. Hamilton's Pills. They are
mild, cleansing, streegtheuing—good
Lor the young or old. Sold by an
dealers in 25c. boxes.
He Stakes Him.
'Yes indeed', times halm greakly
changed in the past few years,"
• "1 snppose so. 11"T.inet,a,nce q"
"Well, Pr instance. A once ells
tocratic plember up in 'my neigh-
borhood •eow goes to the haughty
buisther round. the corner be borrow
money to keep hie business alive,"
Minartre Liniment Clo., Limited.
Geritlernen,—IVEy 'daughter, 18 yeaes
was thrown from a sleigh and injured her
elbow so badly it rem.aincel stiff and verY
painful for .throe years. Four bottles of
KINARD'S LINIKEN,T completely cured
her, and she has not been troubled for
two Years.
• Yours truly,
. J. 13, LIVESQ,EE.
St, Joseph, P.O., Oth Aug., 1900.
An old iSeetch body avito had _en-
tered is first-olass eomparement in
a train, with an unwieldy basket on
her erre, was asked very frigidly be
one of the ocelipa,ets .of the carriage.
if she did not Observe that ±4 was
fir5ll'elnce. "AY, eY," was OA re-
tort ; "but the Rhea. parriages is all
fui so I'll iust has to pit up wi' ony
accommodation I can geb1"
Mina'i'd's Liniment Curse Dandruff.
He—` Tor Heaven's eke, woman,
stop that perpetual nagging. If yeu
keep on much longer I'll shoot snY-
self." Sao --"Yoe do, you 3vretch.1
You dare fire off a revolvein this
house! You'll wake the baby I"
Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days
Druggists refund money if PAZO
OINTAITINT fails to e,ure itching, Blind,
or PretrUcling loirst application
gives relief. 500
"Dithyou have a bed tootheabe1"
"I think so; but if yeu know of any
other kind of eoothache, perhaps it
ti k d I lied
1 r.ead7P4ka.
tg %nicety; whole,
Mealy and full
ii`,"v°rd• Ilea -log' -
only is neeesinirj,.'
nem FOR t AL. le
ff. w, uftwSON, Ninety 001boriss Street.
Toronto, ,
Fruit, Stook, Grain, or Dairy Perm.
write E. W. Damien. Brampton, or 99
Colborne St, Toronto.
H W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronta.
t.71 fully orminned with or without stock.
Write owner, OS Wilton, Toronto,
,A0:EnNt,,,,110.T6WANT YOE. wann
_AA Dirtainion Shade. Adiuster Wind.
We will pay you $120.00
to distribute religkine literature in your
community. Sixty days' work, EXPellen00
not required. Ken or women. Onnor.
turdty for promotion, Snare time may be
used. International Bible Press CompanY.
182 Spadina, Toronto.
• bOD \V DKLY 120 amen TOWN IN
'ADC 'York County. Stationery and Book
Business in connection, Price only
84,000. . Terms liberal. Wilson Publish-
ing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street,
Varieties. Free Catalog. McConnell
& Bon, Grovesend, Ontario.
CANGER, 1,01.1.01/8, 01.19,11,8, Mee
internal and external, curet) with,
ont pain by oar home treatment Write
ne before too late Dr. Dellman Mediae!
Go., Limited. Collingwood, Ont
Canadian Hair Restorer
Before and After Using.
R stores Grey Hair to original color. Two might
fthe rctIr 1,5,embdotgaolgerr ocfoireEiberyeswielrl:clis4
Youth. Stens Falling Heir, irDa:druk Itching.
Cures all Scalp Diseases, Produces Nc,y Growth,
Satisfaction guaranteed or money back.
Price 75 cents or two for One Dollar (nestage nail)
Canadian Hair soRoksiintorelo
00., 15159500. 010.
of 'farmers
and horsemen
have saved
money by using
Kendall's Spa-
vin Cure for Spavins, Curb, Ringbone.
Splint, Bony Growths and Teruneness
from Many other caeses. It keeps
horses Working. A 81 bottle may
save a horse for you. Get a bottle the
next time you are in town. Sold by
druggists everywhere, $1 a bottle, 6
for 85, also ask fora copy of our book
"ATreatiseon the Horse"—orwrite to•
Dr. W.I. tiENDALL cocaPANY
Eriesburg Palls, Vermeng 81
Cranston Cylinder press,
fast machine for six column,
four page newepaper, used
verylittle, in perfect Condi-
tion, low price. Wilson Pub-
lishing Company, 73 West
Adelaide Street, Toronto.
Cloarke came run-
ning hurriedly into her busbancl's
orate one morning, "013, Dick "
she cried a,s she gaspe,d for breat,h,
"I damped my <Heinen(' ring off my
finger, and I can'e find it any-
where." "It's all •righli, Bess," re-
plied &Ir. Clarke. came across
, in my troesers pocket,"
• Probably nothing could have a
more powerful effect upon s.,ociel,
domestic - and individual welfare
than the 'widespread diffusion of
the snisie of truthfulness. It under-
lies all lkoneet and faithful werk, all
eight fulfilment of relations, all in-
dependence and ee1f-respeoP1 Ir he
who is in this high .sense faithful to
the truth will be faithful to himself
end to others,
Mineed's Liniment Reheves Neuralgia.
.0.0e-Anseacro.0.0vreirsts../... Lvor...1:16.raird.1.180..e30•=409ex0000,
Arnctsr—o.m000, Nv...,,,012SVACVM
For any injury to the skin—eu s braises, ihsect bites,
"etc.—Carbolated 'Vaseline' ' is soothing and Cleansing.
It helps to prevent infection. Esptcially useful for the
children's little hurts and scratches. Other "Vaseline'
preparations for other daily Valuablebooklet,
finely illustrated,' free on request.
• (Consolidated)
1550 Chabot Avenue . WicaliVe0,1
se• -301.0=x -A.1.1
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FOR 's
est kidney remedy, Sold by all drugeista and harnote
rfen on the tempo, ete ,for br
oodAN:aeletstRa°nAdT it.1011ot,0110e:11.0'
Ceres the siek anti fa as preventative for, Othees, Liquid
'toupee. Dietelbutors —ALL WHOLESALE, DRUGGISTS. •
SPORN. MEDICAL GO., Chemists Goshen Md. U. E.