HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-03-05, Page 5.„. 7 - each 9lh, 1914 Clinton blews-Reedrd P114.1Ioio PU/01/0 Sebool Report or February., ' • „ • . •. .•, .F1irst 1)zeision. - • ;See. 4tlaaC.Ilass, (a) 75, p.c. teak, 480. ; • a I,t 'Holmes ' 1133 - Leeztaad . „ . 413 , .G2 Sheele}• .2), Ladd ' ' 3994-- W laraper 391- . •81> MaisTeil 1 385 • iValker 3-77 0. Raftenbizry 368 L.4 Langford 362 Watkins 360, • stilass" (b) pa p. c., max. 480, H. IVIazirang 355 G. KeUer 34 X 'Wallis 342 w , • M. bfarstiall 341 'B. Jackson ; 340 A. Pickett 340 M. More 331 H. areig , 326 •• A Arinuer 323 J. Houck . 321 3.1. Holland ,.. 308 •H. Forrester 306 L. Hearne - 305 al. Ratlezige 289 ' Subjects exansined on : Literature, Gxammar, Arithmetic, Geography. ' •-" ' ---C. D. Hauck, Principal. ,... Second Division.taieaiora-Full marks 450, , Ethel Wasmann 366 I•larry Rance 358 Ernest -Liyermore 340 Lyda Livermore • - 316 Fred Wallis" 338 ,Robbie Schreier 336 Jessie Jackson 326 Harry' Lawrence 326 33taalie Hill ' 317 Alex. Eagleson 300 raeorge Middleton 293 alary Taylor ' 28/ aareest Hall • • 283 , Edna McCaughey 9 .Juniors. • Rudi Argent a 310 a Sadie Draper , 294 Madelon Shaw 286 Merritt Nedigar 281 'Edna West 280 Asa Peeves - 269 . E'dith Jones 260 -M. E. Chidley, Teacher, • Third Division "Sr, Class. Beryl Cooper 98 percent Agnes Walker 95 ...„ Archie McKenzie 95 Dora Shoenhals 94 • Bell 90 ' Annie Lawrence „. ' 99, • , Charlie' Cole 88 • Helen Ross 87 L.eigliton Walker 87 Phamie Cree 86 Willis Cooper 82 fla MeCorvie 71 .Hattie Livermore . 76 Earl Livermore ' 72 Bert Slomoris . , Winnie Nelson . 71 " Stewart 1VIcBrietz 68 • Pew! Gould •- 67 • 'Mildred Livermore 66 Ambrose McGuire • 65, Charlie Bell CI Lawrence West • 63 -Jr, Class. George Walker • Prances Yesbec Marcus Tiernay Josephine Yegbec 93 85 77 a70 Ernst Bradshaw 70 Aana Graelis 68 -J. Wilson, Teacher. 1 Fourth Division •Sx. 3rd. Amy Hellyar 90 • Willie bfutch 85 Jabez Rands • 85 Therothy Rorke " 85 . 88etty Twyeford -81 Bessie Morrish 81 Agnes Reynolds • 81 'Harry -Ball a, 82 Fergus Reynolds. 82 , • Bessie Murphy , 81 " . Macgregor Grant •81 ' a Kenneth Carter 80 • ' Latta) Jedd 77, Cora Mhhier 76 ‘. • Gordon Hall 1 76 ' Marjorie Beaton 76 • -• • alas. Walker 76 • Blanche Nelson 76 ' John Taylor • 75 -Jr° 3rd. thia Wylie • a Stuart Taylor '• • •CIeo. Cartee ' lazed. Elliott >Eva Bottek .•Aft Bolton • Russet f3ritton • ra,-, • 64 • Ilugh Maguire ' 61 Katie Ladd •a 60 • t -L. Stevens, 'reacher. Fifth Division. ST. Class, •Gertrude Fowler ' • 96 • laleanor MeTaaeart 95 Ivy Plewes Daisy Nediger Haaold I,awsen Jean Miller )1allie Reel:ledge 'Audrey" Collyer , alelen Grigg • alisbet• Caok - Helen Rohe -atoll Margaret Cree •. • B •ither ar . • .a.my Gotild . •78 , Lacers Taylor . • 78 • ailtidaS Wiltse Marion McIntyre •" •Charlie MeGtare, , •Gladys 'Holland '74 '74 74 '• " 72 • 70 93,- 80 88 87 85 • 85, , 83 • 82 ' '• 81 -86 ' 79 "• Gorden Lawson •• •Oharl'e Fulford •• Jr, Clasg/ • nutii 'Evans ; Mitten Butt •• ', • 'Switz r Grealig 78 ' 70 • 64 61 . 9943' ' . , 93 • • 9a • PereY Livermore.' '91 „,••;: ••' asiadaar. Idefau , ••, •• , „ .••'-4". • granki:IsInteli • „,, ' ' '.11ksand,•349111911and-'•: ;7, .lejanie MelVlath ,• Ceeifl-Caelr • • ' 87 85 Herbla MM'tz,!ra.111:cra''.• . • Perea,,PraetP. •• ' .; piveratore 7 ".'. • • C 1.4e • • '" a ' ' • • 46.. " • , Mary --Argent. ' • • - '• t. • O'cldlieribb." 71. CoOr, . •iss C4er6ucIe blunainas left • last Sixth Devision, Jr. Olass-Total marks 250, -• '• ' ' • Jack Wigginton '• 231 1 • Audrey McIntyre • •.'(• ' 223 • , Agnes Combo ,• 218 'Matti Backe); ••208 '. Bert Maguire ' 200 'George •188 ' Luella MeCtinchey • 187' •• • Jean Ford 1841 - • "a Sadie •Giblas, • 180• • 4 .Albert Carrick ••171 • ." ateleh Ladd •170 , • '_ga. class -Total, marks 250 -Ken- neth Rorke 235,, • Leo Reynolds 228, Mervin Deeves 221, • Harry Cochrane '212, Roland Walker. 207, Joe 'Carter 202, Norman MeNeil 202, _Lillian Judd 189, Douglas Ball 180, Edgar Wilts() 178, George Mennel 172, Law- rence Wheatley 170, Cecil Turner 167. Jr. 2rid-Total • marks 250 -Rosie Caruso'. 219, Marguerite Von Rohl 218, Robert Middleton 209, Barry Combo 189, Henry Sloman 171, Willie 'Vatter 136, -Olive Cooper, Teachea.- ;Seventh Division, Sts. -Total marks 300 -Ruth I-Iale '288, Grace Stang 277, Marion- Morris 275, Isabell • Glazier 274, • 'Wilfrid Grant 271, Katie Beaton 270, Myele Sweet 266, Myrtle Bell 261, John Nediger 260, Charlie Mennell • 255, Fred McTaggart 251, Charlie Shapley 252, Wilbur Nelson 249, Norman Counter 248, Fergusoa" Carter 212, Eleanor Plumsteel 241, Ernest Ford 230, Wallace Wheatley 209, Clyde Kennedy 203. Oliver Murphy -181. Juniors -Total marks 300 -Olive Schoenhals 281, Kenneth Roe (Ian 279, Norma Treleaven 273, John Liv- ermore 268, Florence .Johnston 266, Jean Simpson 2.50, • RusselPeckett 254„ Bert 1\ar4'hall-.25,1, Elmer Miller 248, Willie Argent 248, Cliftord Coop- er 218, Phyllis Tozer 147, Kathleea Taylor 216, Myrtle Carrick 244, Nel- lis McNeil 211, Cecil Ashton- 2341, Vera Cook 224, Olive Lawrence '.213, Hildegard Arndaen 211, Margaret Ball 203, Vera "Gould 200, Francis Baines 191, Luella .Glazier 190. -Ma Wiltse, Teacher. Eighth Division„ ath class-Eilleen Atkinson 216, Ray Carter 200, Robin Hunter 185, Bur- ton' Bolton 180, George Hill 178, Don- na Cochrane 177, Carol Evans 177, Oliver Rands 170, Helen Cook 166, Clarence Glazier 163. 3rd class -Hilbert Reynolds 188, Catharine McTaggart 186, Linnie Ned- iger 168, Tom Jackson 160, Lulla Cricii 157, Joseph Caruso 155, Doris Collyer 151, Howard Grdalis 154, Arthur Hessian 136, Beta. Elliott 133, Arthur Fulford 130, Violet Castle 126. 2nd elass-Fricda Sehoenhals 1410, Addle Carter 132, Clyde Wheatley 114.. ' M. L. Ker, Teacher. Seaforth. , The Womeris Canadian Club laid a very successful meeting last' week at which Miss H. I. Graham read a Pa- per On Canadian Women Poets. Miss. Jessie Gemmill is visiting a Paris friends, Misg Flossie Pierson of Clin.ton has been vistting Misa Stodclart of town. Mr. Palmer Whitely has taken a position with the G. .A. Sills Hard - 'are Co. Mrs. James Dtinford spent a few days with Brussels friends last week. Mr. Jack Pringle of Hamilton was a visitor at the holism ot his grand- mother, Mrs. J. H. BroacIfoor, for a day or so recently. Mr, James Milton of Drumbo was w guest at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Reba French last week. Mr. Chas, Demise is home from the west,' having been called home by the illness of his mother, Mrs. An- derson, ' Mr. Stewart Scott of Brus- sels and Mr. and Mrs. Brine Scott of the West visited their grandmother, Mrs: Brine, for a, tew days last week. Miss •Mildred Johnston visited her. sister in Hamilton last week. Mr. J. Seca of Palmeraton visited Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Sills last week. Mr. Leslie •Reid has accepted a POsition as traveller for the Canada Furniture Co. • Mr. Will gfewart af St. Paul, Mama. was in town recently visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Ste- wart. •, Mr. and Mrs. Sclater celebrated the fortieth anniversary of their wedding one day last week. Mrs. Edgar Lawson of Auburn was home tor. the event and spent a few days with her patent's, , Miss 1VIamie Friel of Toronto was home for, a few days Met week, Mr: Will 'covet' of St. Mary's wa,s the ,guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr, and- Mrs, A, Stewart,' recently. Mr. A. L. Sniith, who has been ae-- countant in the Canadian Bank here for mime time, was tendered' a fare -a Well banquet before leaving to take •a Position in the Windsor branch. 'Ma. John Clark has sold his groc:: bay, busines,s in Egmeadville to Mr, Leitch who recently moved in ',from Chisellenst. ". • atr. Andrew, krchibald has twaen a position 'with a large hardware than - in Laaadon. Mrs. • Andrew Tyerman died last week at the age of nearly eighty-four. Her "husband passed away only a few weeks ago. They • were early and highly esteemed resideala ota town and vicinity, • s Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Carnochan, who have been spending some time vis- iting friends and relative's in Tacker - smith and vicinity, left Jest week 'for their home near Saslrateon• • Mrs. James 1.1. Anderson pasaed a, - way at .the home of her daughter, Ides. pristoar, • on Tuesday of last weekaat the age of eighty-thaee.a • Miss Liela Best has gone. to Sault Ste, Marie te take a position on the 'School staff, ' ' Ma. andMrs Htigh Sproat and lita Ole, on are here' from. the we -Vis- iting tad forreer's parents. Meal:08101es Munroe, a- former re:: sideut be Seatorth, was here last week renewing old •friendshipat • .He ,as. brae on the Padifie Coast for the past , twenty-three-, yeare. • week for Oklahoma -CI y. ansMici.wi voter kill:Ft Gllrrifegri_d sp! f tam at3°,,ylaa• d, Ya, • jaoasaato,spicartaQuodotaot, 'returned week • Miss Ger.truda "Davis of Mitehell. visited , her brothers in toavn laat gra, • E. Iagrain of Edniontronrand Miss Lulu. Symoads. of Meewatin, who have been • visiting friends ' ih town- and 'vicinity for same Weeks, returned last week to, their respec- tive homes in the west. , Dr, •J. C. -Hamilton ef Cornwall was a recent viaitor. in Godericli. , • Mrs. • J. B. Fotheringhain has • ar-• rived home after being a patient in ,'the. General hospital; Tort:sato, for some time. She is -much improved in health. Mr. Henry Kemp is brim:Sing an action against "tae Dominion Power and Transmissien Co., I-Iamilton, for 31,0,0.00 damages for the death et his son, tbe late Thomas. Kemp, who, died as a result, of injuries receiyed at the pTat The following are the officers elect- ed at a •recent electing 'of the Board of Trade . President, M. G. Cameron. • Vice, C. la Moore. Seeretary, James •Miteliell. Treasuaer, A G. Nisbet: • Messrs. • A.. Porter, Wm, Campbell, Dr. Macklin, 'W. I -I, Robertson and B.. C. Munnings were appointed as mem- bers • of a _deputaaion to accompany deputations front th'e, town and come ty councils to Ottawa in regard ta harbor matters. - ' Mr. P. C. Gilchrist, traveller for the American Road Machine Co., has returned from a successful trip througli the Maritime Provinces. The, students of the C. I. presented the "Private Seeaetary" ta a full house' on Monday week and acquitted themselves with ereclit, During the ovenaig Mr. Thos. Telford and Mr. Geo. Case, both est -pupils, weire pre - seated with diplomas from' the Royal Humane Society for life-saving. • Miss Grace Seeger has gone to Toronto to study music. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bishop are spending a fortnight with friends, at the American, Soo. Mr, M. W. Howell was in Montreal last week in the interesti of the Misner Manufacturing Co. Mr. Howell finds that his work in connection with this company takes so much of his time that he will have to dis- continue his hardware business, which'. he will dispose et. The funeral of the late Miss Nellie Donogh, alio spent practically all her •lite hero and was highly esteem- ed, but who died in Detroit, took place here on Wednesday afternoon of, last week. • Dungannon. Mr. Geo. Case of the Seatorth Col- legiate was home for a few days last week. Mr. Wilbur Johnston has di:razed home Irma Weyburn, Sask., 00 st , !s- ib for a few weeks. Miss Eva McBrien, of Crystal City, Man., has been visiting at the home of Mr. Robere Davidson. Rev. R. A. Robinson has been ill since returning from a •visit to Sar- nia,. Rev, C. Gomm was visiting Hol- stein friends for a few days last week. Mr. J. R. McNab was in Toronto last week attending a meeting of the Cenadran Produce Dealers' As- sociation. Mr. George Case, son of Dr. Cage of Dungannon, was presented with a medal from the Royal Humane Soc- iety, at a gathering of the Goderich Collegiate last week, in recognition of his bravery' in saving a young man Irons drowning in the xiver last June. George wasformerly a stu- dent of the Godericii 0,1. ' Births ELLIOT-In Exeter North on' Feb. 200h to Mr. aad Mrs. Elder El- liot, daeghter. MacEWAN.-1At Goderich, on • Feb. 171.11, to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. A. MacE,wati, a ..son. HONEYWELL -In a:Ingham, on Feb. • 19th, to Mr. ard Mrs. Albert Honeywell, a daughter. FIULLEY-In Seaf•orth, on Feb. 21s0, ' to Mr, and Mrs. Halley, a son. •Deaths GLAZIER -In Clinton,. on March 2n4, Rosetta Kerr, relict of the late James Cilazier, 'in her 73rd year.. COOK -In • Toledo, Ohio, on Feb. 25th, Jiales 5, Cook, K. Da of Closhczn, Ind,, eldest son. ot 'the • late Peter Cook of Goderich township, aged ID years, BISSETT-In Exeter, on Feb, 22nd, • Themes Bisseit, aged. 85 years, 10 'months, 18 days, ' MacEWAN-In Goer:rich, ori Feb. I74h, infant Ma of Mr, 'Lusa 'Mrs. J, A. MacEsvan. DON00-13-Iii Detroit, ott Feb. 23rd, Nellie L. •Donogh. DALGARNO-In East Wawanosb, t' on Feb. Zeta, George .Dalgarno, in his 87th year. BOWLER -In Gederieh, on Feb, 20111, • biro. Thomas Bowler, aged 39 years. TYREIVIANa-an Seaforth, en Feb. 24th, Mrs. Andrew 'ryretnan aged 83 yearg. ANDERSON -In Seatforth, on Feb. 241.11, Elizabeth Hawker, widow of - the late James Anderson, in her 84011 •year. , H011SE FOR SALE OR' TO RENT. .,. 'eaa2. atora frame house on cateen. St., a roang, hall upgairs and delve, good atom) cellar, aitehen• and Wo'od shed, In ,good repair, hard and soft syater, a acre of landa all. kinds. cif frilia txees.'' Hen- ' hatzse.-For, fur- • ther pd', particulars apply; to , 13:''..Lit- a aie, Albert Sta. Pintail, -35: , , , • .., 'LOST. 011 "IrE.13, 26'lat ON „ . 'Road , aelasreen ' -Clinton ease .Sea,- feetdi,, 'a achievable •red plush 'eut- ter'aille, offihe finder "ivill•Pleaa3. • inunlealle''as "leave ;With - A. J , t blear:aye Oliatoe. (. • , WAN'I'ED-a•ROOM :AND 130ARD BY absing Man ihr the- vicinity .., Olathe 'old' Eieetrie Liglicatation.-7-Adoliteas, -.234; BARRED" ROCK gookERELs 'FOE) sale.aa,10 good beavy eockerela weighing 8 to 10 lbs each, l'ricba reasonable. Also one R. C. Brown Leghorn coca for sale $1.00,- a A. Hovey. •-23-2.. WANTED, -A young man of 25 svista* es Work, not neeessarilY la Mike. Good Penman, 8/. years office ogiar- ience, Highest testimonials tram local ad other businesa mena-'Ad- dress Drawer. 13., care News -Record. • faUOTION. SALE Ole FARIVI STOOK. Messrs. A. rat J. Dale have instruct- ed -the ' undersigned to sell by public auction at C. J. Wallis' sale and exchairge staales, Clinton, on Saturday, Mar 7th, the following . . Draft gelding( rising a yeaxs, guar- anteed to be good worker, draft filly rising 3 years, broken to har- ness', agriculteral filly rising 3 yrs. broken in harness supposed to be in • foal, aglicultural Tilly rising 4 yrs. supposed . to be in .foal, driving horse ising .3 years, a good quiet driver, Durham cow 5 years, due cm March 20th ; Durham -grade cow 9 years old, due last -of March, eow due in April, cow 7 yrs old, -due in May, farrow cow, 3 years, good grasser, farrow cow, 6 years, good grasser, farrow cow 1 years, shoat • keep, 'Poll Angue cow 4 years new- ly calved, Durham cow due 10th of' March, 8 steers rising 3 years, 5' steers rising 2 years,. 10 heifers , 2 years old suitable for Beet Ring or short keeps, 7 fall calves, Yorkshire sow, 2 years old, due time of sale, Yorkshire sow, 1 year old, due May .2nd, 3 store pigs. Sale at one o'- clock sharp. Terris Cash or 6 inonths on bankable paper bearing interest at 4 percent. Au most .positively b'e sold as proprietors are over stocked. A. Ft' J. Dale, pro- prietors. 'I'. Broten, Auctioneer. " TENDERS WANTED.- TENDERS will ba received by the comea of the township of Mullett up to 5 p. tn. on Friday 27011 March, 1914, for the aging and construction of the Bowes Award DraM in the town- ' ships of laullett and Morris. Plans - and specifications can be seen at the tolveship Clerk's office, Londestoro. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily ,aceepted.-James Campbell, Township Clerk. -23-3 EARLIER DELIVERY. WEI, THE undersigned arivera of delivery rigs an the town of Clinton do hereby agree not 06 delivery any goods Sat- urday evenings, unless the order for the same is in betore 10 o'clog p. ie. -Bert Fitzsimons, S.. Nellans, G. Hommel', W. McIntyre, J, Caok D. Kennedy, A. McLeod, W. Lock- wood, T. Shipley, 11.131. Mailman. -23 FOR SALE -ONE (Kiwi SECOND - hand windmill, Imperial Brantford; and pump. Apply to Capt. J. A. Ferguson, Bayfield, Ont. -22- MONEY WANTED -THE UNDER- • signed can place several thousand dollars on inortgages, bonds or debentures -security the 'e>y best, -Jas. Twitchell az Son. • CREAM WANTED, --I AM AGENT for the Walkerton Creamery. Any person having cream to' dispose of please write or . Phone me. -Edgar J. Trewartlia, Holmesville, P. 0. Phone 15 ea 1153. -15. For Sale in Clandeboye GOOD BRICK HOUSE, 2 a ACRES ORCHARD, STAB- . LES, AND 15 ACRES LAND.. 'CONVENIENT 'TO POST Ole- .FICE, soficto.r., AND -CHURCH - .APPLY, W. A. ••" ...JONES. 206 PERCY ST. OTTAWA. Ontario StreetIr Church Sunday School. Missionary 1D4y.- SUNDAY NEXT. JOHN MAY, AGENT, E011, THE„ DEERING PEOPLE. . Is Offering Ideal Fencing at close prices until the lath 60 • March next. 2 ,' Also offering a few, 131ick Club Bear labea belovcost. I am booking ordera now for limiest -earl Fertilizer for swing. MONEY ToLo87. .' Furids.-awaiTly '11-75:• Chit le,211-1, UNRESERVED AUCTION" aSAa,,111 of a'arm, Sto-ea Sad. Izaple- •antiernitcltt.e-LdMtrhsec'sintitlabwrtsigirileir°to":e:in- 11 • public auctiam 32,. con. 12, 1 Groderieh Toweship, at 1 o'clock P. ' in. on Thursday, March 32t11,th,e tollaaing FIoraes-1 "gemiral pur- pose' - borse aid; :heavy draft Mare Years eidasired. Bute Baron. Cattle -1 young cersa 'freshenea • .at Xmas, coW due • to treaters last of April, cow due in May, , and COW due to freshen • in August heifer 2-year-o1al 3 Angus - calves rising 1 year, • calf 1 -year, and young calf, 2 young pigs, a number ele hens. t Implelments-4'.1assey.4 •Harais binder nearly new, •Deering • mower, Noxon 13 -hoe seed drill, Hay rake, root drill, plough, 'set harrows, mutate', fanning Mill, buggy, cutter, pair bob -sleighs, gravel box, hay rack bidder truck, hay. alinife, scoop sivavel; scythe, low dosses waggon, set double ham- ness, set sir:gle harness,set whip- pletrees, neck yoke, Do Laval Sep- arator newly new, Daisy chean, cross cut saw, goat robe, 'erica shovels and other articles too num4 erous to mention. Also a quantity ot household furniture and a Gur- ney Oxford range nearly new Imam coal or wood, also wood cook stove. Terms -All stuns of $10 and under cash, over that ',amount 8 months credit will be given" on approved jcant notes or a percent per annum for cash on credit a- mounts. Mao the Farm will be offered for sale at the same place and date, Terms 10 percent or its equivalent down on the day of sale on the balance terms to suit purchaser. -All must be sold with - :set reserve, on account drthe death ot the late owner. Plenty of stabling room will be provided on day of sale on the premises and at Guy „Hicks' and It. Richarrdson's -Mrs. Hart Hicks, Proprietress, ,Geo. II. Elliott, Auctioneer. HOUSE FOR SALE, -ON RATTEN, bury St. west. Six rooms with wood shed. ,Good cement • founda- tion, good cellar well drained. Town Water and cistern. First class gar- den. -Apply at The News -Record Office. -21. FEATHERS FOR SALE. -A QUAN- tity ot good feathers in pillows, al- so a number of Imam for sale. For particulars apply at -- Canadian, Express Office, Clinton. -18. FARM FOR SALE. -The William Proctor Farm, Lot Numter '32 and south-west part of Lot Number 33, Maitland Conausion, Goderich town- ship, 144 acres. -Apply te W. Bry- done, Clinton. • -16. FOR SALE. -HOUSE AND LOT (No, 133) on Albert street. A. Scotchmere, profrietor. Seven rooms, cellar, town waterworks. a acre garden with stable. For par - Maulers apply to -A. E. Matheson, Clinton, Ont. • -10 HOUSE, AND LOT FOR SALE ON Mary street, Five rooms, town water and cistern, good stable, quarter acre of land. -J, G. West., -16, Wanted RAW FURS „ •C 0 0 N , MINK , FOX, ;WEASEL AND SKUNK. • ' ALSO 1900 MUSffiRAT SKINS WANTED By APRIL, '2010. JAS. STEEP. Is Your Eyesight Not as Good as it Was ? q If your eyestght is not as good as it was you need glass - ,es, not a pair picked up at random but a paif-c-arefully, selected by an experienced opt I ,gt, an, q e same glasses will not suit very pail of, ayes- and the optician does not make the selection until he bac; made a scientific test -of your eye, , ig Properly fitted glasses are a coinfort to those who need glasses, 4:11 A.ffd there are people who are' troubled with headaches caused by , eyestrain who voould get relief from glasses ffttecl by us. , A. J. GRIGG , optiCian - Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. • y 1 , WOOD'33'011 'SALE -AG 11,11GT3IS • .beat beech and friable," Get pricae, at office, -+M. G. lideafora. ' pf;auframl ae fidnpal :ieetahif). tQrneesuvoile44.1iAesrtst:eteaboll.; ,rooms,, town aad water': 110115E 'FoR _SALE - $50AY'AN3 le and good sized ehickea house. For further -Particulars apply, on ' 0 PT7ritzli:lesre,P CI inrtoid0r6nts-Mrs . .. Albert 1 . - COTTAGE,' POE, ..SALE, •- rooms . cerhent cellar town water. Located in the centre of the town. a -Apply at 'rise' News -Record of- fice; ' • -1.5 CHOICE PASTURE FARM FOR Sale :-Lot 21, Conceasion 5, Stan- ley, containing 77 acres •under cul - ideation, 40 acres in pasture and • 7 acres in good bush ; coasisting ceday, hemlock, beech and maple. There is .a good frame barn and cedar log house. Those wishing to purchase a good pasture farm, ;stabil opportunity for light. agriculture will do well in interesting there - selves in this property, as • rives runs through this farm and ;woods afford excelleat shelter, and grass '15 alwaya the best. -Apply to 1. J. Richardson,' Varna. BELLEVIEW FARM DAIRY. •- From our atock of first -crass cows we are prepared to supply. you twice daily with .the best of milk and cream. We solicit a share of your patronage. -E. B., Hilt, Phone -80. THE GONER STORE ...Live and Let Live TEAS AND COFFEE s • Have you triediour bulk teaS an coffee 30c, 40c :and 50c lb. • Fruits 'Oranges, lemons, banan- grapes and apples. Fish • Fresh frozen herring, halibut, finnan haddie, cisco, cod fish and filletts, A CALL SOLICITED,. • • E. E. HUNNIFORD. LIVE AND LET LIVE G-ROC•ER, Logs Wanted. Highest cash price paid for all kinds of timber. Soft Elm in lengths of 14 feet, other kinds usual lengths... Heading Wanted. • , Basswood and Soft Maple, 40 inchea long; 54.00 par cord. STRPLETON.SAW MILL SEEra.00--• 1-1UDDART $iersi n eFaixt ititligreoSoudps: pli# Irons, Toasters, Etc. # 0 over Fred., Jackson's # store. • • $ liorga.Alt~f) Any,thing you need in 1.••••=insmommaimaimums Hularraisclozartisaissmientrepamalmaillaml' CREAM WANTED, -WE IUD Pla • quipped an. upaeradate-eaeainery-haret • , 'find we are ready to Reels% a We solicit your patroziage, "W0 7v6' pay you highest -palace en. yrifse cream twice moetla• also asay , 'express *barges arid attruish •Yatta ' with" cans, Those hi 1bevicildta "00 • " • Kiaburis may. leave ,'theit crefl with Ur, Hall and he will del44irl ' • it „ , Write at once for can/ • , • end give tus a trIaL-The Sesta*: 'Creamery pe. Box 480, Seatortia •••••••••••e•••••••••• • Ityou were to ask for the loan of our little hatchet, .• 14 we wculd be compelled to ; ' a tell you "It is Lent121 and • wehave a ftili assortment 44. „s of fish as follow': O • • ..• Fresh Herring • • • • Fresh Halibut , •• Red Salmon • :White Fish •• - • Iladdock ▪ rinnan Haddie ; • . • • and Fillets. • • • • • • ▪ W. T. O'NEIL • • • • "The Hub as ocery." • •••••••••• ••• ••••••••• For Artificial Hatching and Raising Chickens we have Prairie -State Incubators and Universal !lovers - a great saving on the old)vay of hatching with hens. Call and see our, display. --four different SIZES of In- cubators, For the laying hens we have Oyster Shell, Crystal Grit, Beef Scrap -'etc. Fathen5, wanted. 12c live over 5 lb lOc live over 4 lb. A full line of grain, flour and feed always on hand. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up=to=date Firm 'CLINTON. N. W. Trewartba, Wm. Jenkins, "Call and -see the Tinware that wra aremaking,' and the quality of the, tin we use. Do , not buy factokyl• gotids when you can get handnozsdat_ • 1 I, for -very little more moneY, SAP BUCKETS AND' PANS. A, SPECIALITY. , ORDER NOW. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. PLUMBING AND JEIEATINC44 Sewing Machines and Supplies. If you need a new •Sewina alas- hine let me know about it for 10 • Can' supply you with any make you desire, I also keep on haea a fu 11. stock of supplies, needier& oil, etc. If the machine you have eeeds repairing bring. it to ale mid t will put •ilato righta. A. general Insurance business also ....carried on, • ,• A HOOPER • ' Store Next Wiltse's Grocera, •SAP PANS • - AND PAILS. a•-teet Call and see our, stock. BYAN1 & suITTER• ,s„,dtan,flumbers •Pliont,14 The News -Record is the Leader for Towo isnd Townsbi News, • COLLEGE AT HO 111 E , Thousands of ambitious young people anefast preparing, in their own homes tooboupy lucrative positions as steneg• raphers, bookkeepett, • telegraphere, civil servants, in fact, Iwory sphere. of Bunincss Actirities.' You may liniskat • college if you so wish. Positions guar- anteed. Enter cellege any ease mazy, ' • Muni .instruction. Expert teaoherra. •Thirty years' experience. Largest train , erste Canada. Seven col!etiee. Special ' course for teitehers.• - Affiliated with Commerbial• reten torstAssoolation of Panetta, Suminer School at famous Seotten Buse:loss, CLINTON BUSINESS COLL#CE, (4E0. SKVITON B. F. wain:, 6 President,'• Panelled, ' t.